Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWOTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVèMANVILLE. THLRSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1930 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD. B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to lban on Farm and Toi; property. Royal Bank Buildfl Dowmanville. Phone 351. W. B. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone Bowmanvllle, Ontario. W. F. WABD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money te Loan. Bonds for Sal Cofceu: Bleakley Block, King Stre, Bowmanvile, Ontario. phones: office 102, Bouse 409. L. C. MASON. B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Loans - investments Bowmaflville - Next ta Royal Thea Phones: Office 688; Bouse 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Bonor graduate in Denistry, Toren Un1ity. Graduate of the Roy OoUflgeof Dental Surgeons of 0 tbÈo. office: King St., Bowxnanvil Office phone 40; lieuse phione 22. X-Ray Equpment inx Offtce. DB. J. C. DEVITT Asistant Dr. E. W. Slson Graduate cf Royal Dental Collem Tarante. Office: King Street Ew Eowman ville. Office heurs 9 a.1 to 6 P. m . dafly except Sunda Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equlpment in Office. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M.»)., C.M. Graduate ef Trinlty Medical Collci Toronto. Offce and residence: Dr. Beth former residence, Wellngton Stree Bowmanvllle. Phene 259. J. CLARK BELL M. 0., Ch. B., F. R. C. S. (EdIn.>, D. P. F (Successor 10 Dr. A. S. TiUley) Bions. Graduate in Medicine, Aber dmen University; Fellew of the Reya Cellege ef Surgeons, Edinburgt Office and residence: Queen Stree Eowmanvllle. Phone 89. Offce Hours: 2 ta 4 p. m.. 6 to 8.30 p. r CIIIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESE TIIEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY Bonor graduate of Toronto Colleg of Chifrpractics will be in the Bow. manville office Tuesday, Thursda3 and Saturday evenings, phone 141J) Residential calis made during fore- Doon. FUNERAL DIBECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. àà Cemplete Metor or Fn-()7 Horse Equipment. AUl calls premptly attended ta. Private Ambulance Bowmanvflle phone: 10 and 34. Brandi toes Orone & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAÀMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Cails given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Motor Ambulance at your sevice. Phone 58 er 159, Bowmsn- le, ont. 3-tf AUCTIONZEEB STHO M.BLEMON Auctionoer Puzmand Bouse Sles a Speciaity. Terma moderate. lennIikillon F. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf VrETEB1NARY 0. . KIKSLAKE, V.B., D.V.Se. Oromo monor Oraduate cf tie University of Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and et iii attention. Office: Dr. MlroY'a former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. TRF.ASURER'S SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES Town of Bowmnaale Couamh of Durhama Teo w1t: -By vitue f a warrant luaed by th. eiii wllknown ph-ysician brlngs you the swlf t comfert it lias breught tei others, you surely wll be thanirful and very weil pleased. If It does net satis! y, the druggist that supplied yeu is authorized te returu Your mnoney on the flrst box purchased. At aU good drug stores. 45-1 THE EDITOR TALKS noises under rny coat. where it cer-! ELECTION PROCLAMATION tainly was hiding. We have taken part ef a chapter' * 9 1 Boys' Parliarnent Election in WVest t rom a very excellent bok fer a re- With the coating ef lather still on Durharn, Saturday, Dec. 6th. view this week. Here's an officiai rny face. I tok the coat dlown andi wfl notice ef this book which is one of explained the instrument. The men BOY voters ef the constituency of ng. the best dollars wortli in a book listened like children as I switclied West Durham are hereby netitled known te us. Send for a copy and the current on and~ off. explaiued the that election et a member te repre- you wil l e delighted with it. 'Ad- dry cell battery. the ear piece and sent them at the Older Beys' Paria ventures iu Silence" by Herbert W. the receiver. I let them try it at ment will taire place Saturday. Dec.' Collingwood. This is the flrst ser- the ear until they were satisfied-all 6th. Pelling beeths and veting ious attempt te, interpret the peculiar but the Irishman. He looked at the heurs will be advertised later. Can- 91 and adventureus life et the hard-of- machine fer a moment and then didates i this election are: hearing. Beautitully bound in clth, glanced at me and raised lis veice: Albert E. Wood, Tyrene 288 pages. Price $1.00, postpaid.- *. John M. H. Jury. Bewmanville. The Rural New-Yorker, 333 West Thoe eiil ovt r os1 30th Street, New York City. "Ye poor thing; ye dont hear yasoreagbde e voer 2 eas,1 nethin', do ye?" Wyeareor over and uder 21qyars, e.* 'Net much. I have the advantagewharmebsetTisSue, Be, Here's a very goed story told us by et you. fer you must listen te every- i rail Ranger Camps, or Registered a deat editer in New York City- body. I dont have te. I am sure member sce h clauss signed by the Herbert Cellingweed, whese interest- you have heard things today you leadersad laei the hassi nds tet ing book r trm which it is taken, "Ad- were serry te hear."ledradpadintehdso ventures in Silence" le sent us as a "Aint that right new? But don't the Returniug Officer autornatically present a little whule betere le died. anybod.y ever corne and bawl ye eut"" registers the class as well as placing 1This is a part only et one chapter. "Ne: net even my wite. fer, you the names on the veters' list. li, er tîreat would give out betore Voters' list will be clesed Saturday, ýtie'se Nov. 29th. Teachers and leaders et IOnce I spent the night at a coun- my ears weuld give in. Bawling eut by laetk oe try os where, lngatter hneta earnman is no .ioke for the bawl- The election date fer West Dur- - people should have been abed, a cr! "hmlabenm edoeewekt rornpan tousrn m e doutgallew the candidates te present their I fom ewnte ernad th yong "Weil, it's good te be delivercd platferms te the electers at the New- jlady daugliter. I slept througl it trern tlie woen; they have tongues castle Conclave. Nov. 29th. liail, trom "Stars ef the Sunimer like a fsl-heok, 'tis true. But dou't (Signed) yal Night" te "Good Nigît. Ladies!" ye hear ne goed music?" Alex. MeGregor, n- The tather et the sercnaded eue "No; I have not licard natural Returning Officer. was a very eutspeken business man, music for years; tlie little tliat cornes le. whose word carried f ar, and lie as- te me seerns te have some ti-pan ODRBY'PRIMN surcd me that I was te be envied. for drumming i it." ODRBYPRIMN the "quartette et calves" kcpt hlm #îteetineecintete9îe awake for heurs. He wanted some- Btsy.mitrdn' y ea e o s ariameent is againheblg eue te give them more repe. "Why," Bt amsednty ern os alaeti gi en ge, said this critical parent. "you sheuld goed music in your drearns? I asir aroused in West Durharn. This year wt' avehear thse sfthads ingye that now-as man te, man. Have there are two candidates in the field: 't 'have lCan1ar tle etheds 5h1 y osnging drearns?" Albert Wood et Tyrene, and John in. tedtmartemudrtdtît "Yes. that is the strangest part et Jury et Bowmanville. Both are good Iy ceuld let tliem leave me without lt. While I am asleep rnusic ot ten men and West Durham is assured etf turnig a ai.cornes te me, sudh music as. 1 arn good representation in Parliament turinga air isure, mortal rarely hears. It seerns tuis year. Han ogas euat te iuot me like music far beyond this Parliarnent will meet during Hadogn eet h id w rld." Christmnas weeir in Teronte. Ap- German bands blewing wid, wan- "Ah, den't ye hate te wake up and proxirnately oee undred beys tram dering minstrels et ail kinds, may leave that mnusic behind ye? Den't ail parts efthile province will lue pres- start waves et more or less harmen- ye hate te cerne bacir te lite, where ent and this group will constitute the ge bus sound afleat, se tlat my sensi- ye hear ne sound? Ai't it terrible Tenth Ontario Older Beys' Parlia- tive friends go about with flugers to thinir Qed has tersairen ye by ment. These boys wiil be Tuxis Istheir ears, while I have the pleasure shutting eut music? Would't ye members or junior leaders chosen by eto imagining that it is angel music. rather be dead when ye miglit sleep their tellews te represent them in But at the end et ahl this sgtistactory terever with music in your ears?" Parliament. reasening I shrug my sheulders and . The gatlering is by ne means a H.begin te figure what I would give it "Ne; tor Qed has net torsairen me. meci parliarnt. the beys being con- H. could go bacli threugh the years te oecre ihpolm tbylt n oeeoe the eld "sings" in rny uncle's I have my worir ode in the worldcre ihpolmofbyiean r iitchen. Hlow I slould lire te bring and I mnust do it. I will net ru legislating, tîrough the Trail Rang- ,lback the night wleu the strauger away trom a thing like this. I will er and Tuxis erganizatien, i the in- alfrom Boston sang "Jesus, Lever et rise above It. You sec, I have triends. terest et bey weltare in Ontario. h. iYeu are interested. and I iruow you Melville Jack, present premier et My Seul" to that beautitul air trom teOtreBy'primn.l "Norma." wuold hclp me if I uecded help." M.* "Would I net. new? Just put that message te the yeuthful veters says: tail-picce te your ear." "Our Parliarnent provides the best However. if I could have my cloice I hesitated for a moment, but hie means I irnew et. fer grewrth in -toniglit et sîl the music I have ever repeated, sternly: Christian Persouahity, aud fer ex- heard, I slouhd go back te that loue- "Put that tail-piece te yeur ear pression et the samne. Have you ly tarmhouse beside the marsh. The an.d let on tic juice again righ-t courage te stand fer election? Are neighbors have came over the hli away." you man eneugi te, vote fer the best for a Sunday night "sing." No lamps ** candidate? The cause is worthy et are uceded. fer there is a fine blaze With the cohd lather stiîî on My you sud et yeur best. Let's werk re in the fireplace. There is snow out- face, I put up the ear picce and turu- together lu thc interest et the beys 1- side, sud creepy, crackilg 5ounfds cd on the current. Then a beautitul et Ontario. 6Y trom the trest are in the timbers; thmng happened. My Irish tricnd r, the moonligît sparirles over ahl. One took off lis hat. put his meuti close when the angels' song was heard byI ofe the girls sits at thle uttle meledeen. te rny receiver, and began te siug. men. I'd give-wehl, wiat can a man give He had a beautitul tenon voice, and e -tgestfar dtnhe WelyBke it came te me sweet and dlean, whie' Yeu wihl smile at tle extravagant sin Rstfe te eay»the barber and the ethens gathered language et a dca! man wlo las ne I can sec him uow sitting ln tle big te listen.etrmuifrcopion YtI rocin-chirbythewidew Hw Kathleen mavourneen, thc gray thinir you neyer heard anything like I his bshd head and lis whte whiskcrs dawu is breakring.11.N-oboulv ituda shie n le ooiihi!Hi ecs Tic horn et the hunter is leard the opera or at dhurch while somes are shut. lis spectacles have been on thc hilI. geldcn-voiced singer peuned eutA puslcd te tle taop et lis head. He The ark trem 1er gray wing the marveleus melody. Ai, it ceuid net neckrs and rocks, smnging: bright dew 15 shaking- cmaewî h o .tne oc 'Onti ohersie t Jrdn. Oh, Kathleen mavourec,-wiat? whicl came te my duli cars in tiatA In the sweet fields et Eden, liugcrlng still?di-gtdbaerso. orts WlincUictre t Lteisbhomig, Oh. hast thou forgotten. this day man eut et the troubles of lis ewu I Thene s rcst fer you.' we must sever, life put ail thc sorrow. ail tic yearn- And here wc ail ceme in on the 01. hast lIeu torgotten, tîls day ing. ail tic tender lopelessness et chorus: we must part?" aniaiaiercFieisntv 'Thee isnes ferlicwean, *sengs. And with this came the glow There is rest f or the weany. Be sang il lhroug-tlc sad, hope- et feeling that he was deiug a kndiy - There is rest for the wPJSI7. less leuging ef a weary heart. "I decd for an uni ortunrate person. A Thcre is rest fer you!" rnay be for years, and il may be fer- * oêi MY reasen fer cioosIng this above ever." I glanccd at the barber, and As le sang I saw it ail; thc suri- ail ether music s that Ilese peoplei saw hlm stUll with tic open razor shie splntcrlng on the white cliffs, 1their duil, liard lite werc rcally and tic brush inluis hands, wie tic tic sparirle of the lttle strcamns, the wcsry, and they rcally f ound rest inx etiers stoed about witli hcads bowed grassy mesdows, tie heavcnly blue this seng. as tliey llstcued. And at tic cnd of sky over ail. And thcre wss tic 0 0 e tic sang rny frlend startcd anotier: îcavy, muttcrig cean. with tic glit- Same years ago I went fer a slave "Corne bacir te Erin mavourneen, ter et tic sun ou Its face. I thouglit int a barber siep of a New Englandi mavaurneen, et tic îhousauds wio lad bravcly City. I was te ddliver an address, Corne bacir, aroon, tote cilad of passed over Il seefx a distant and semehow I have feund nothlng thy birti. home, but loyal lu their hearts te thc more sothlng te, the nerves tian te Cerne witl tic siamirucks Of ohd green hila.V sinir down ite a clair while the springtlune. mavetirneen, "Corne bacir te Erin, mavourneen, barber nubs inx thc lather and tien And its Kllarncy shaff ring wti mavourneen!" scrapes It off. Ail this, ef course, tly mirti!"e is conditioned upon the siarpucss of0 We were darricd bacr,- and for tic tIc razer and rny inability te licar I have etten theugilt that te an- moment ail the troubles and afflict- fI the barbcr's questions. I have etten other deaf man wc would have pre- ions were fergetten. r saw tcars inIl wendercd If imaginative barbers ever sented a Mnost ridiculeus spectacle, thc cyes of the barber. Thce tiers te t ed a desire te seize the victim by By this time I liad dlsdovcred that siufflcd their feet, asud one found it N thc tireat sud use the razor lire a mny musical ficnd was by ne means necessary te bhow lis nose. And tien carving-lcnife. a proiitlenist; the breath whlch --the sang cndcd, and I was bacir on e. **carled tic swcet saund had a flaveri earth witi enly the old duil roaning zm Several of tiemn have ookcd at me ail lits own. He lad becu tarrylng ix n y cars, aud a mas of' tier ou ta as theugi tlicy would eujey doing wth otier spirits besîdes thecoce- my face. I thougit thec Irisîrnan TJ this, and tic tieugit has actualhy lection under rny overcoat. I. silil turneci sadly away. si diven me te a safety raser. But, at wtli the thicir srnar et ather, dii- 6 0 & tc any rate, slortly betere this speech Igcuthy held the "tail-plece" te my "I cannet tell you, mxy' fricnd. 10w in was duc I wcnt lu fer rny shave. At car; tic barber was scowlig te bide muci that meaus ta me. It seerns te ir thttime I carnlcd an electnic instru- lis emotion, sud with tic open raser me the most beautiful hmnran rnusic Imeut. a sont o pesenal telepione, le hooired like a pirate. Yet 1 Ilinir 1 ever icard. What cari I do te ne- fi whii c nabhed me te hean at lcast tîcre has neyer been sudh music pay you?"'st part et cenversations. It contained since tic glorlous nigit long âgo "Notiig-lt was only a nelghbarîy ai a small battery, a souud magnifier deed, whist any man should do with te sud an car piece. I liung tîls on a ________________ils poor gift. Yeu cairnot PSY me. ci nail, thrcw rny overcoal aud hat over 'Tis onhy f rom love of tic music sud ae 1t, sud-At dew -forrny havewlic 'T1..J ID TrqLJ t 1 elin tht- di .:. - acousticon or1-f'!Octric hearing de- I--- -_ -s-î- -- vice jute ils case withoui ahuitting off speaker sio xvas te hldticstg the ehectrie current. It was reaIly ai 11A util I came iad alrcady repeated rn sma , tehene, nd manier thl1:. E. O G A N part et lis speech thre firEes. The, ersent isou in a rond mantii catibarber fIisicd siavlng me, sud Ii orsm tiou sin a srsof %and îsrows weut rny way: but I shah ahwaysse-; 11c eu ina ~eres ! wistîr'.'Pimbing, Rleating & Tinamltblng member my Irish singer sud ils' groaningsanad roaring' ,Tie, Iri sh- Plouc: 264W Shep; 264J Heuse ! philesepîs'. man and lis trieuds lad finialis' ho- BOWMANVILLE "A man lu trouble must etierl caled tle '"spirit" ernttiug ihese-__________________ laugi or die." 1 AnACKNOWLEDGMENT and an INVITATION THiE Bnkof m.n trea now in à ii4thi year, regardsi as a co-opra dover 80 long apeiod in the development of Cana- d&M businm The Batk bhm kept pc with the grwdfi of Canada and in each of " bmdre of communitim where it ila epoated k busbeet nm iportnfactS minlocal progrea. If we bafe had the peivilege of serving yau m the pat we am gLa, and if wehae not had that opportunity we cordially place ouzr facilities at yooe disposa-at whichever of our offices la most convenien t t you. BANK 0F «crMONTREAL Established 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS 0F $8oo0,oooO Bowmanville Branch: F. O. MCJLVEEN, Manager. TEMPUS FTJGIT I thouglit of little tragrant Springs And summers long since dead, But neyer dreamed that with them youtli From me had shyly fled. Until one evenlng, fer a dance I donned my gayest cleties, Some jewels and a repe cf pearls A levely crimson rose. I was s0 listless and se dul Altieugli it was net late- 'Unless the time-plece lied, I knew [t was but lialf-past eigtli. rhen walking te the mîrrer F"or one last dloser vicw Isaw where many a silver hair Ameng the gold crept througi, And then, ah then, dear youth It was that I missed you. By Laura Bedill When Your Stowach Groans With Gas When Sournesa, Pain zai Bloating FolIow Every MeaI Make This Simple TeSt If you really want stomach cern- fort--quick, certain and lasting re- Me from the usual annoyance ef af- ter-eatlng distress make this simple 'lEVER FAILING TEST today! At triffing cost, get frern the near- est drug store some Bisurated Mag- nessa-ceither tablets or powder-and taire a little after yeur next meal. T'his is a simple, pleasant, ineipen-' sive test tiat can be depende, "Pon to prove is value i less than fhve minutes. In mrost cases, relief cornes istantly. Bisurated Magnesia is a good old- fashioned recipe that lias =een stralghtenlng eut disordered mrn achs for rnany years. Notling bet-I ter has ever been found fer soothing, Ileansing and sweetenlng the stom ach and neutralizing the dangerous stomach acids that cause dyspepsia and Indigestion. If yeu have neyer tried it. you do net know what storn- acli comfort means. 47-1 Ready for COLD WEATHER? CAULKING and WEATHEIRSTRPPI[NG Befere tlie severe weather acta In, have yeur heuse equipped witi caulklng weaticrstrip i order te, keep eut drafts. Experlence teacies tiat a lieuse preperly caulkcd and fltted with thc right kind of weatierstrip can be kept warm witi about 20% less fuel. This maires It a goedivestment. Klndly let us quete yeu prices on this work. as lt wlU put yeu under ne ebligatien. ABERNETHY BROS. Phones 431 and 477r21 BOWMANVILLE 1. One Standard Quality AT PRICES BELOW STANDARD If you look for quallty ln building mnterlais you vii be attracted liere. And If you look for eoonomy you will b. doubly attracted. W. suppiy aul type of construction matcrlia-from materiais for minor alterationsansd repaIrs 10 complote bouse.. Gel acquainted with our low prices. We know we msa save you money on every klnd of construction work. Estimates cheerfully furnlshed. McCLELLAN & CO. Phone 15 DOWMaaVhl M ~ 0 45~ s#I New patter QUAKCER OATS COOKS i 2% MINUTS AIETER THE WATER BOILS mas' A PREMIUM COAL at the redular price-that's our Reading Anthracite. Phone Henry Lathrope Phone 520 Bowmanville THAT BETFER PENNSYLVANIA lIARD COAL PAGE TWO

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