Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1930, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN 5TATESMAN, BOWMàANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1930 PG I CovLgvaatioew0 toit~~*.i BIDKs$s&UIRS Io mi1W ite Ljoxi to ItII fRei ïtosTQ, 'ROSE TIR 101 0f Course .au.. you can serve it hot Most people want a hot breakfast dish for a cold day. Shredded Wbeat is de. 9 liciously warming when eaten with bot milk. Crisp the biscuits in the oven and #p~our bot milk over them. The flavory shreds retain enough crispness to en- courage thorougli chewing-that's one reason its 80 good for children. Delicious for any meal with fresh or stewed fruits. SHREDDED TWELFTH ]INSTALLMENT ing up, her hands covering lier face, weeks-this was a woman whom he lier childish body swaymng to and fr0 liad neyer seen before, with cold eyes What Has Gone Before as if in great pain or terror, while that accused hini harshly even before Gils Cittnha sts ut o mkethe wailing repetition of his name she spoke. Gils Cittnha sts ut o mkecame f rom lier lips monotonously "Sadie is no better. The doctor Jule arow ov hmlntndngtoagain and again. lias just corne. Would you like to go throw lier over in revenge f or the It was like a scene in a dream- to lier now?" Juiie ofhad castf.he suces, wbuthtle ring of hall frlglitened women- Giles fiushed scarlet. It was such Jlies hat le las ofalHen udserat and the strange figure of the man an unexpected challenge. find tht h ha falendeseraelyChryer as lie rose slowly to his feet, a "Wrhy should I go to her? What in love witli ler liumself. Then lie sliocked, awakened look in lis som- do you mean?" lie asked rouglily. discovers tliat it was flot this Julile nolent eyes. Then Mrs. Ardron be- They were the last words lie meant Farrow, but lier cousin of the same gan to cry liysterically, and tlie to say and yet for the lif e of hlmlie name, wio liad driven lis brother to whilmpering -sound seemed to break could flot have controlled tlieir ut- deatli. But Giles is married, to an tlie spell which was upon every one. terance. American girl named Sadie Barrow, Qiles took a quick stride forward: Julie shrugged lier shoulders. lontime. Sahe uasnxt iedyftr a "Sadie! " "I only thouglit . .. in tlie circuin- long tim. Sadie nexpec le urs' She turned swiftly at tlie sound of stances ... up in London, at a party at G li er name. lier liands outstretclied He covered the ground between mother's house, but botli keep silent and when lie took tliem in lis. she them in a stride and caugit lier by Jbutlle isillusioneetr it clung to hlm, sobbing and sliaklng the shoulders. Jidil11e f ond nesito thet like a friglitened child. "Julie ... have you forgotten last wil niht ifeof ondn t tr to He kept protecting arms round lis niglit? How can you speak to me drown lier anguisl. Lawrence Scho- wtt e's slin figure as lie glared round like this? How can you look at me field wants to marry lier. Lombard, the toom witli furious eyes. in sucli a way?" wbo had first introduced lier to Chit- 1 His motlier, Doris and hall a doz- He f elt lier slim body stiffen lie- tenham, demands money from Giles en other women whom lie knew neatli lis grasp, and lier eyes met wi tlite tlireat that if lie is not paid slightly and . .. Julie! lis unflinchingly. lie will tell Scliofield tliat Chitten- liam and Julle spent the niglt to- gether on the St. Bernard Pass. Later Julie confesses to Chttenliam that she loves hlm. Now Go On With the Story The two men made no attempt at a greeting. Chttenham merely said: "You're in rather a liurry, aren't you? However, you've saved me tlie trouble of sending it to you. You can have your two liundred." Lombard smiled - an unpleasant smile. "I want five liundred." "You agreed for two." "The price lias gone up since last niglit." There was an eloquent silence, and Lombard said calxnly: "Five liundred is not a higli price to pay, surely-I cannot imagine that Scliofield would crap at it in return for the favour you received last niglit." He slirugged lits shoulders A plercing scream rang through the silence of the room, a scream in the as lie saw the passionate rage in frightened voice of a vioman, and then the cry of his ov nmre: Chittenliam's face. "Giles! Giles!" "It was you outside Miss Farrow's fiat last niglit?" Julie was standing up. very stiff 'How long have you known Sadie? "I waited tliree liours-very pa- and straiglit, looking at hlmn acraSa Why <dshe call out to you and run tiently, you will admnit." the room, a pitiful. wondering ques-I to you àlike that? Wliat is she to Witli an effort Chittenliam con- tion in lier pretty eyes. lier face quite you?" trolled huisel. colourless, lier hands gripping a chair There was an agonised question in "I give you just five seconds to 1 back. I ler voice thougli she tried desperate- get out of lere," lie said. And then for a moment nobody ly to keep it unconcerned. "Very well. You know wliat 1 in- moved or spoke. but Chittenliam's She moved back a step when lie tend to do. 1 shall tell Scliofield arins f ell f rom lis wif e and lie took would have touched lier and both wliat liappened in Switzerland and an involuntary step away from lier. their f aces were white. again last niglt-" "Tlere's no need to pretend any "Tell hlm, and I'11 break every She looked up. lier face white and longer," she said witli a liarsli breatli. bone in your body." distorted. "Julie.-" Chtttenham broke out Lombard went on evenly, not heed- I Giles!. and then before any again desperately then stopped as ing the violent outburst. one could move to lielp lier she felI the door opened beneatli lis mother's "And I shaîl tell Miss Farrow that f ainting at lis feet . agitated hand. the woman she lias been making lier Chittenliam was verY pale and lis "Giles-they want you at once- friend is your wife." voice was rougli and uneven as kind the doctor sent me for you--oh. Chittenliarn was white to the lips.! lands carried Sadie f rom the room. Giles!' she cauglit lis arm with in- but lie lauglied. HIe was conscious of lmpending effectuaIl ands. "I don't under- "You can spare yourself the troub- disaster. stand! I feel as if I am going mad, le. I have already told lier myselt." "We've sent for a doctor." lis or as if every one else ls-what do For a moment the two men glared mother said. "Julie is staylng witli tley ail mean? And if it's the trutli at one another, and it took ail Chit- lier." why dicln't you tell me? Sadie is tenham's will-power to maintain his "It's only an ordinary f aint."l Doris saying awful things. too-slie must self-control, then Lombard said said contemptuouslY. 111m surpris- be llght-headed! She says she's. your hoarsely: ed at Sadie belng sudh a f oal." wif e? How can she be your wif e '11 make you sorry for this before The others liad ail gone and Chit- vihen you are not marrled?" I've done! " tenham stood wth an elbow on the Giles turned on lis heel and strode "Get out, or I'11 make you sorry mantel-shelf starlng down at the out of the room. Mrs. Ardron turn- for it 10w." grate whldli was filled wtli flowers ed ta Julie, bath wihite, useless hands The door closed between theni. and ferra. He could thlnk of no- outstretched. For some moments af ter Lombard thlng but that pitiful. wonderlng 11s It true?" she appealed heipless- lad gone, Chttenhamn stood staring question in Julle's eyes. ly. She torgot lier disllke for Julie. at the closed door. What was she tliinklng? What had In hler present distress she would He would see Julie at once and tell she guessed? have turned ta lier worst enemy for againt hle w ene r th.Bt atles it hat a f ool lie had been not to consolation. "You heard what I sald. oniynsto find tHea t ladgoe la tel liher the truth last nigît; she Sache declareS she is my son's wife. onlyto ind hatshehad oneoutwould have understood and forgiven How can she be wlien lie is not mar- ta lunch. He vient ta, several rs-hlm then. Woùld she understand or rled? He neyer liked women-ie lias taurants where lie thougît she forgive hlm novi? sald so scores of tumes." miglit be but could not fInd lier. It seemed an eternity until the ,i thlnk lt's quite true," Julile an- There was nothing for it but ta, wait door opened behlnd hlm and Julie swered wth stiff lips. She took Mrs. till the afternoon wlien tley would came in. Ardron's hands and lield tlem. liard- meet at lis motlier's house. Chiehamtured. He made a ly reallslng vihat aie was dolng. He purposely arrlved rather late. swifft movement toviaris lier as if ta "I'm quite sure lt's true that Sadie is Mrs. Ardron. vilo was near the door. take lier in lits anms. then stopped. lis wlt e," sIc sald again gently. crept to hMm and wlispered that lie This was not the woman vile lad SIc vias unutterably grateful wlien must be very quiet.. cîung ta him last niglit and wils- just as she felt she could bear na "It's Sa viondertul!" she breathed. pered h0w mudli she loved huim-this more. the doctor came into the room. she squeezed bis hand excltedly. was not even the wild, broken Julie Mrs. Ardron at once turned lier at- Giles stood beside lier. angry and vilo lad hurt hlmvitI lier utter tention to hlm and Julie sliPPed slNowlewsmreacsoe. recklessness during the past unhapPY away. Skie took lier coat from a the darkness lie could see that there -_______________ ado te ladl ad entau were about a dozen people h in henta tistreie room sltting in a ring, and apparent- YOUNG WIFE, AFRAID "Sleys my e -"b h ol od ly holding liands. Thene vias a queerTeysmdtabteon vnd aromatlc scent in the air. and a cur- TO EAT,,LIVES ON SOUP that would take form and flnd utter- lous feeling of nervous tension. ance In lier brain- He savi nov tliat the ligît f nom "Mfrald of stomadli gas. I Uived on For Chlttenham sIe lad sent Lawi- the sliaded lamp vas falltng on the saup for 5 months. Then I trled Ad- rence Sdliofleld away. For Chitten- face and figure o! a man vhomlie lerika and nov I eat Most anytlinfg liam sIc lad dellberately dashed supposed must lie the great Cthryer. wtîout any gas."1-Mrs. A. Connon Sdlofield's lappiness to the ground. A strange-loaking man wltli a pale Adierika relleves stomadli gas inI "I have changed my mind. I can't ascetlc f ace and long dark hair. wîo TEN minutes! Acta on BOTH upperI marry you. 1 don't care for you lay back i the chair, lis eyes clos- and lower bovel. removing old pois- enougli." She lad told Lawirence' ed and lis lands clasped against h fis nOusvaste you neyer knew vias, that only this morntng. And xow breast. there. Dont foal vitî Medicine once more the brie! dream ia end- Presntl lebegn t spak n a'WhCI îca --ol- PARo! baviealo. ed--or-wa-n't it? After all. nothlngl the silence o! tlie room, a scream in ri v ;uiýt the righenedvoie ofa woanly away and then a moment later the and tIen the cry of lis ovii name: - 7. shuttig o! the f ront door. But It 11Olles! Giles.. ". * was a long time before Julie moved Tt seemed an eternlty until lis ' A LOTrFOR or stlrred. The roam was quite dark fingers came into contact wtl the A NICKEL save for thc yeioloiUght from the svitch. and still tlat cry went on: AOb tetlm uadadtcftu "ailes iels" e h nw.adrahi lad scttlcd inta aa steady down- when at last the room was floode _____wlndow. wtîh iglit le saw that she vias stand- Continucd Next Week Life Assurance a form of Property T IE asurnceis as mach I fj~ avigs ccontwith these I. lI ~(1) Its present and future values are guaranteed. (2) It constantly apprediates in value. iUI~,(3) Its values are always - available in liquid form. (4) It 13 proZerry purchased 0 .o a strictly one- pnce- to-ail basis. Talk over your assurance problems with a San Làue Man. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL Delicious-Refreshing- Bouillon la a Second FEELI M EAN? Don't be heipless when you suddealyget a headache. ec in oupoket o mediate relief. If you haven't any Aspirin with you, get some at the first drugstore you corne to. Take a tablet or two and be rid of the pain. Take promptly. Nothing is gained by waiting to see if the pain wiii leave of its ownî accord. It may gravi worsel Why postpone relief? There are many times when Aspirin tables will "save the day." They will always ease a throbbing head. Quiet a grum- bling tooth. Relieve nagging pains of neuralgia or neuritis. Or check a sudden cold. Even rheumatism has lost its terrors for those who have learned to depend on these tables. Gargie with Aspirin tablets at the final suspicion of sore throat, and reduoe the infection. Look for Aspirin on the box- and the word Genuine in red. Genuine Aspirin tables do flot depress the heart. QASPI RIN CORDIAL la 6 oz. or 16 oz. Bottles Do'tLook for Mercy from Fr NO HOME 13 IMMUNE Its visit may take you by surprise, and when its flaming fingers have reduced your home and possessions to pathetic ruina you will realize that full protection is the only sane policy. TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE But do more ... see that you are fully cov- eèred against loss. Let us give you full par- ticuars on insurance that will protect you. J. je MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokens Phonoe50 King St. E. Bowumnvli. FILL YOUR COAL BIN -~ WITH LEIIIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 7U. Coal ne~t SzCEZ1ea These prices are effective from Nov. lat: Stove Coal .................$16-50 Egg ............................ 16.00 Chestnut....................... 16.00 Pea.............................. 13.50 Buckwheat ....................il1.50 Coke............................ 13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash will be allowed from above prices. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Buildez',' Supplies and Fuel Phono 153 or 202 Bownuanville 1 PAGU NM 400 %ýo - ommunmume

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