Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1930, p. 8

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PAGE mo~rr TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMEER 20, 1930 Our Bacon Trade With En gland ORONO ORONO NEWSj _______________(Prom The News of November 6tb.) (FrYom The News of Oct. 3th.) Mrs. Wm. Yeo, Toronto, is visitlflg Mrs. A. E. Powers, Toronto, visited PAINS By Thomas Olsen, Manager, First Co-operative PaCkerS at Mr. W. E. Davey's. wohsfed Thotim. e imu of Ontario, Limited, of Barrie, and a Prominent been visiting wth her cousin, Mr. H. Mr. and Mrs. John Leishman, 01armMr of DC.lBngton hTswnshipnedto her son's, Winnipeg, are visiting at her fath- lbut um S eY This question has recelved consld- is entirely in the hands of private or- Mrs. Ervan Rainey visited in Pet- Brown, London, spent thse weekend èmwm M idof. erable attention of late, but uni or- ganizations, whose alm and purpose erboro, her brother George under- with Mrs. Qeorgia Cobbledick. * - d Mw.amsi*w tunately, it is another case of lock- is inaking profits for theinselves and golng an operation at the hospital Miss Dunkin, London, and Mrs. k* afa - fr ing the door af ter the horse is stol- their shareholders. This question is there for appendicitis. Thomas Boles, Toronto, are guests orè t* w"en. As our export bacon business of too much importance to leave en- Mis daSttreundhm of Mrs. Fairbairn at Kumrite Inn. mm b. today amounts to nil, we have had tirely in thse bands of private organ- f rom a visit with ber sister, Mrs. Dr. E. G. Rersiake attended the ff eliM& .MMBox several explanations as to the reason izations for selfisis gains, as it in Demaray, Detroit.metn ofheOaroVeiay or our fallure of getting at least a volves the f uture of our entire hog DndoMrs. G eorgeaGilMissan, or-metia oingtinthentaro erh.r __ fair share of England's bacon busi- industry and a possible $200,000,000 Bowxnanville, were recent visitors at Miss Agatha Staples Is home from ness. Our packers and producers expert business wlth England is at Mr. John J. Gilfillan's. New York City for a few weeks' holi- have suggestions galore, but the only stake, which represents some seven Mr. Charles Brown is moving back day at her father's, Mr. Wm. Staples. _______________________solution of increasing our hog pro- million bogs. This problem must be to Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Seymour and duction is making it profitable te solved for thse protection of thin-~ Douglas' Egyptian Liniment should! two children, Toronto, spent the feed hogs. When this is done the dividual producer and the hog indus- be in every isousehold. Stops bleed- weekend at bis father's, Mr. Geo. -problem will rapidly right ltself. try in general. ing at once, cauterizes wounds and Seymnour. The reason Ontario farnsers have England will buy Canadian bacon, prevents blood poisoning. Keeps Mr. Victor Hancock and bride have ..*areduced their hog production is simn- but only on the condition that she away inflammation and proud flesis. returned from their wedding tour ply due to the fact that hog ralsing receives equal measure of quality and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hall. Mrs. Jas. and are occupying the W. H. Barrett Shas been unprofltable business, value witb tise rest o! the world's Dlckson and Mr. 0. A. Gamsby at- new residence. Cotan o arotcs shire bacon to England is due te the tis respect, we are in a favorable John TruIl, son of the late Jesse owned and worked the late Andrew Ciontin N Nar tics fact that our hog lndustry is econ- position, especlly when comparing Trull, a pioneer family of South Dar- Sharpe farm at Renwick's corner, d.paa =.m.aa.m =eat~ omically unsound. By this, I mean, our cost of producing hogs witb Den- lington, on November 3rd. Inter- bas moved to Toronto. itliaf ±j= 0 WMw "t there is not sufficient financlal re- mark, Sweden and Holland, where ment took place at TulBra isHzlWnewohsbe mnd ifclla edwa" M turns to the actual producer of tise land values are treble, taxes are Ground, Base Line. undergoing treatment for some ge~a~.,oenaca .. hogs to permit him carrying on the double and cost o! feeds at least Tise play, "It Pays to Advertise" months, is showing marked recovery raising o! hogs after drovers, market three-quarter cents per pound higis- presented by Clarke Agricultural being able to walk about. Northrop & Lyman Co., Ltd. organizations, commission men, buy- er, tisan our Ontario grain values. Dramatic Society at Miflbrook re- Mr. Fred J. Lorriman, who bas DutL L W., Toronto M8 ers and paekers have taken their This economic advantage o! being in cently drew a large isouse and was been assistant master at Essex St. _____________________ share out of it, and unless we are a position te produce a 200-pound well recelved.I scisool, Toronto, has been transferred ________________________prepared te eliminate the element live hog at from four to six dollars Mr. Ormn Gamsby received an in- to Wilkinson scisool, Toronto. now figuring as playing a part in our per head less than it can be produced vitation to tise openxng ceremonies Master Freddie Junker underwent isog business, tise Englisis bacon mar- in Denmark, we are throwing te tise o! tise Trenton-Wooler Higisway, an operation last week in tise Ortiso- ket can be o! no advantage to tise winds or in other words, tise hog and tise turning on of tise Hydro pedic Hospital, Toronto; and tise lit- Canadian farmers, for tise simple producing farmer may dlaim tiat we Electric Power. tle daugister o! Mr. Lew Wood was reason tisat we cannot compete witis have taken away f rom us tise econ- Anniversary and fowl supper on operated on at Oshsawa Hospital. Demnark. due to their Co-operative omnic advantage that we have by be- Sunday and Wednesday at Pontypool Botis are making satisfactory recov- Packing Plants. igcmeldt a iefloigCisurcis was a fine success. ey During tise year 1929, Denmark ex- items: longfritiauscotr John Robinson, Newcastle, met W.M S.oPakSreCuci ported to England 600,000,000 pounds buying expense, market f ees, com- witis a painful accident on November beld their autumn Tisank-offering o! Wiltshire bacon-sixty-five per mission fees, shrinkage and brisn 3rd wisile operating a tracter, wisen service on Tuesday, Nov. 4tis, at 2.30 cent o! England's importation fro sg det neesayhn h is foot caugist under it. p. m. in tise scisool room. Mrs. J. U. I wici they received $150,000,000.00 lnadls u o ests Mr. and Mrs. Callenda r c Robins, Bowmanville, tise president -an average o! twenty-five cents packers' profits. It is only by ex- cupying a part o! tise late Ralpi o! tise Oshawa Presbyterial, gave an pePound, and yet, Danisis bacon ercising tise most rigid economies not Stutt residence.1 address. sold at approxinsately tise same price 1 only in breedlng and feeding o! bogs, Orono Horticultural Society have; "Lest Ye Forget"-A meeting was quoted for Canadian, on tisis trans- but aiso manufacturing o!fisogs in engaged a landscape gardener te de- held on Tisursday night, October 23, action tise Danisis farmeuks realized Itise actual finished products and bi- sign and plant tise town hall plot 1 o! Great War Veterans o! Orono and practically flfteen cents per pound on products, and tise advantage o! tis with sisrubs and flowers, and also district, wisen a good number were their live isogs, or $30.00 for every saving returned to tise iog producers build and plant a rockery and fiower present to discuss tise annual mem- 200-pound isog. At tise same time, tisat expert trade as far as Wiltshire bed at tise cemetery corner, adding orial service. Rev. Mr. Sterling of this same Englisis market proved un- bacon is concernied, will ever be o! muci to tise beautification o! the Park Street United Cisurcis was a favorable to our Canadian Packing any importance to tise Canadian village. very welcome visitor. A tasty lunch Plants, and exporting to England farmers. There were few cases to corne be- was served wiich was kindly prepar- was discontinued, as our home mar- ls t ne reasonable toe exect that, fr i oo ug 'onra ed by tise wives o! tise veterans. If bcib ho S et proed mor profiable, yt the ith qulitDivisionc bCourtquonNivvemberourtons.oPersiant. Balmanisaan truetr elixirir ! liC a~etageprove mre pritadbleOytartise wtibul ty and'spbc bsineual ' e case o! tise Canadian Bank o! youti. Refreshes and rejuvenates. ___ pcers a 1 .e ald b t ar2 o. tise ul kgo!te Cngad. s tba conou iessCommerce vs Fitchette was postpon- Adds a youtisul carm ta tie com- - pfer s w0 a $1136, orequaleto $2er7 producdoton, Car n a A s t ec oomiced to January Court at Newcastle. plexion. Softens and beautifles tie C 0 L210-pouhnde irso of$7.28 essbperproction wreinalumsot favr- A striking picture o! Mrs. Roy akin. Makes hands fiawlessly whsite. C U Led Consequently, tise Danes land, unlinsited in quantity, we can daugister o! Mr. Wallace. Maas, who preciates subtle distinction. Dlgt CYin the night. Colid No cause are feeling hsappy, tisey are increas- produce pig f eeds at least 50 per spent bis boybood days in No. 9 sec- ful to use. Delicately f ragraxit. A fralarm if Castoria is handy. ing tiseir isog production, and ail set. cent cheaper tisan tise countries tisat tion. bis father for some years being Soothes dry and irritated skin. Cor- This pure vegetable preparation bins9f or anotiser profitable isog year, wiile are now supplying England witisjmle tLchr' iapae iircsadpeevs iwestie quik omor, ndca nye hrm 1i we are getting nowisere, and losing bacon. And it looks to me, tisat tise Tuesday's Toronto Telegram. requisite for every discernlng wm is the sensible thing when children are jour bacon trade witis England, a solution o! building up our hog in- ail*ng. Whether it s the stomnach, or j Persian Bains. Cool and refresis- an. A true aid to beauty. the 1itebwl;cîc rcntjaîn marke t wicis ias been favorable and dustry is f ollowlng tise Danisi s ys-ing. Sooting and protective. The Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bowen, united or diarrhea. When tmy tongules are siould have returned a satisfactory tein o! Co-operative packing Plants. perfect aid ta beauty. Unrlvalleci in in marriage October 27tis, 1880, on coated, or the breath 'S bd henevripiet iehgpoueso n iiioevercnobeacmls-I its softening and beautl!ying effect Monday last reacised tiseir golden there's need o! gentie regulation. Chil- tario, provlding our isogs isad been ed by anyone else but tise farmers or on tise skln. Imparts a fresis and wedding anniversary. Many f riends dren love the taste of Castoria, and its slaugistered and manufactured into isog producers tisemselves. 1 fragrant cisarm to tise loveliest com- took advantage o! tise occasion te mfldness makes it sale for frequent us. bacon under a sound and economical plexion. Banisises roughness caused caîl at tiseir splendid farma home Catrasystem. ts aii amr'IfA C n ~ I by weatiser conditions. Sa! eguards Sunday and Monday ta offer con- %and amoeleralos o! me secret o!101dIU LracLeu Linif s tiese kinand keeps It sinootis, soft gratulations. Mr. Bowen was tise is alsttmdcn er f g o chfrnsuccess as bog producers, is due teei o Sa nd fiawless. Use It f or tise bands only son o! tise late Mr. and Mrs. thant usre. mdcneman1n frtise fact tisat tise>' have eliminatedI "A T aduit use.tise non-essential elements s0etat Jointa d Tinu and face. Always results in tise Hiram Bowen; Mrs. Bowen daugis- tie ul aretvaue lssa ta o- bgiest expression o! beauty. ter o! tise late Mr. and Mrs. Enocis erating expense is returned ta tise Many people have become de-o tnestriectn. nScth aiil isog producers. The !ollowing state- pondent because tise>'bave been DECCo! tse diwstrct.aay tth £ £ meantual repor !oeo! tie rom tise te believe tisat tisere is no remedy D E home bf er daugister, Mrs Atise à nnàlrpot f n o teslxty-two toeiselp their condition. DEPRESSIO NI Townley, Fenelon Falls, Sunda>' u i Co-operative bacon factorles, gives a Sufferers sisould asic for a small mornlng, 26tis. Deceased was a clear picture o! tiseir efflciency, and bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil at any frequent visiter wltb ber niece here, ____________________Iyet, labor is !ully as isigis as tisat good druggist's. It sof tens tise car- 'l'm a difforent woman tu Mrs. A. A. Rolpis. Before her mar- paid to Canadian Packing House tilage, takes tise soreness out of tise nage to Rev. Mr. Cowles, a one-time Iwork". The average wage pald te ligaments and tendons, and eases Two vears ago I began to get teaciser at Cowanvllle scisool, sise was tise workers in tins particular plant tise pain. Tise first application, depressed, mad everything was h(o Catisarine Potts of Clarkce. She was J amounted ta $19.00 per week. Tisere- gives instant relief and com!ort. mu<îî trouble for me..' 1wws a misery in ber 88tb year. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. fore, we are in competition with a Tisousands have reduced large, ugly tii mvseif and everyone around me. Rolpis and brotiser, Mr. Milton Walk- country tisat enjoys fui]>' as igis a varicose velus and ulcers by simply 1 wLs adýjsed te take Glauber Saits er. and Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rolpis standard o! living as ourselves, tise aPplysng Moone's Emerald Oîl as di- b>' my friends who sàiid i a s, n>c motored to Fenelon Falls, Sunda>'. only difference being, tisey bave no rected. Ail good druggists have it. saine cs Kl{ruselwn but it did me tic) Interment took place at Orono Cein- country buyers, no live-stock market good, so at last mv hushand got me etery, Tuesday. Members o!fiser Iorganization, commission men nor a bottle of KruLsehcin ad no one wouid famnil>' present were ber son, Inspec- Jprivate packing isouses ta maintain, I m realise the different woJnan 1 &un. 1 tor J. Cowles, Toronto, and bis son an cne enl, he reinapoi have been tkn Kruscîien o John of New York; Mr .George Jtion to slaugister and manufacture G si t m c constantly for two years. Mvdatighter Cowles; daugisters of deceased; and hogs inta bacon, ready for sipnt aiso wuld not bc without it. Ibav many old friends !rom near and dis- teEgan tth ae otpent L y y * ot my neighbour to take Krusehten tant parts. to1gada iesm otpre as wel ad she has found ts wnrth Sudaylat wsanvraySu as we pa>' te deliver our lîve isogs toe lasre Mnf1vtSunay as was niuversary un orpackers. isd '11 the KIL«LJ as shefeePsaakiStreent onited dy at Par Pro AnualStaemnt ! Horrng-(.Mrs. G. A. K.> In tise morning Rev. J. U. Robins, Co-operative Packlng Plant, 1929 h omna as !dpeio Bowmanville. occupled tise pulpit. Thousana o! Caes o! PartiFalur P onstipation--an insidi<,us and in tise evening Rev. P. L. Jull, Total Expenses per Hog Are usd bf aeI et on, e omlaware o! it. tens her Arnsuranceb Aand taxesstio,8copnt aw e th ens here Brooklin. Botis sermons were o! a Postrage a1.axs4 Says Medical Wrlter gadua]accumulatjno!h<'igi standard and were iseard witis W e k ferTeehoe n Cbls......-. which dull the mind, damp the spirits, marked interest b>' large congrega- - elphnean Cbls . Gas pressure from sour, acld, upset sap the nervous atrength and îower tions. Members o! tise Woman's Printing 1.5 stamacis is not only nauseating and the whole vitalit>'. Association occupied tise choir lof t, Ope atin i Advertising 1.4 isigisl> uncomfortable but some day Kruschen Saits make constipation Mrs. M. H. Staples organist. They DiecosidAdior .7l ma>' prove fatal! =possible. Therefore, if you keep to were asssted in tie song service in l u er wa after an op. Salaries.. 17. When Your meals are foilowed by Kruscben you need neDer iow the tise morning by tise orchestra, a well eradon. My nerves weve so bad - bloating, a feeling of f ullness or easgof melanchol>'; naver feel relsdered duet by Mrs. Sterling and 1 would sk dcown and cry and Total Administration 24.9 pressure, sisortness o! breatis and nry or depreuaed. Miss Vera Sllton, Toronto, and a hxmbmn WUI nt o ut Wages n eas 68- pains around tise ieart, you may be vocal solo by Mrs. O. W. Rolpis; in my hSa ol o oot Repairs adRneas2.sure tisat tise acid condition o! your Gthof1eGind7 is eatice Sois cotribedainan andI leave mac aLone. Now my Packages 12.2 stomacis is producmng a QAS tisat Is tise eveningned Miss Beatrice Cacot in nd 1 eruare much better, gJanks j Coal, power and ligist 5. pusing upwards and crowding your Pounds In 27 Days With rendered solos. On Tuesday a goose to a bockLct that wus left Salt, saltpetre and materlals 14. heart. Tbat's tise reason for tise CY , supper was served and again tise 'indes' the dloor. Lydia E. Interest on capital 12.5 sisortness o! breatis and sharp, shoot- ladies excelled, many pronounclng it hum% VegputmkC ompofu.nd Whetiser young or old, tise pres- £ A connection wltis Park Street Cisurcis. have te o dese.I M1TtlEpne e o 1. ne !saai a stu elu Theo rarm wislis followe.d, give.n Tou eam b. Comf-outhat its quali maver van«e "1SALADA" TEA Each package marked Chinaware contains a piece of fine English ware, old ivory tint, new irregular QUAKIER OATS,0 r are quickly and comfortably reached via Canadian National and connections. Choice of interesing routes. Costs are reasonable. Add zest to the California trip by going or returning the Canadian route via Vanouver and VIctorda. A& mw Aum o f Canaiam National Raffioffs for fug infoemadon, bookletanad re*«rvasiaa lo;q - 111M-, ar-dro 4. e SAFE For H EADACH ES Prompt relief From COLDS. .. . . . . SORE THROAT RHEUMATISM.a LUMBAGO.aa NEURITIS .. .. . ACHES and PAINS Does flot harm thee heort ASPIRIN TrRAOE-MARI< REG. Accepi oni>' Aspitin" aae which contains provan directions. Handy "Aspirin" boxes of 12 ta=es Also hottles o! 24-and 100-Ail druggists. PINKY WRITES A LETTER fmELLOW'1ý 5MPRT ENOUGH To LOVE WrrHOLM, WORKIN' FOI-Kl5O1GHT "OTTO CALL H'IMA LOAFER. THAr FEL.&W35 A GENV5ý!# f W~flf FIMSX Terry Gilkison 9 PAGE MORT THE CANADIAN ISTATROBLAN, BOVVILANVILLIC, TRUP.SDAY, NOVENBER 20, 1930

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