Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1930, p. 6

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PAGESIXTHE CANADIAN OTATESMAN. BOWMANVIE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1930 Prevention Better far to prevent sickness than to try to cure it. COD LIVER OIL is recognlsed as a most effect- ive strengthener, building up strong constitutions, which colds, coughs and their allies faal to attack. Buy the vitamine tested and standardized oul for sure re- sults. 16 oz. Bottle $1.00 at KERSLA KES-' THE DEPENDA BLE DRUG STORE COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. Otis Worden, Toron- to, were with Mrs. Jno. Worden and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundie over the holiday.. Miss Aura Brooks is visit- lng in Toronto, guest of her sister, Mrs. Marshall Saules Mr-. and Mrs. Bert Haines, Toronto, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichols Master Jack Saules, Toronto, spent the holidays wth his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S.' S* Brooks Miss Amelia Lear, Osh- awa, was a Sunday visitor of Mrs. A. J. Gay 1. Mr. Ronald Courtice, Toronto, was home over the week- end and Thanksgiving Mr. Rae Brooks and his mother, Mrs. S. S. Brooks, were with Mrs. Marshal Saules, Toronto, Thanksgivig Day., Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Short. Tory Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Short, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Jack Short's, Rev. and Mrs. H. C.' Wolfraim, Miss Helen and Master Harry, spent a few days in Wilfrid. Miss Hazel Walter, who has been in Pickering for a few weeks. was! home for Thanksgiving Mr.* and' Mrs. Ross Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Courtice, and Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Stainton of Pickering attendedi the supper at Kirby Monday even- ing. Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. Stainton were among the entertainers in the concert given in the evening Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, was home over the holiday, and her mother, Mrs. Ehi Osborne, returned with her ta Toronto where she Is visiting relatives for a week or s0 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stacord, Osh-j awa, were guests of Mr. Cameron Truli Tlianksglving day . On Fri- day afternoon of last week the beau- tiful home of Mrs. S. S. Brooks was the scene of a tea put on by the W. M. S. Small tables were set in the living roomn and dlning r m each table bearing a bouquet of small yellow munis. Tea was served f rom 3.30 p. mi. until 7.30 and was carried out in a unique manner. Mrs. Brooks received the guests, several of whom came f romn Oshawa and Bow- manville. Proceeds $20 in favor of W. M. S. f unds-. Sunday was Thank-Offering day and in the mornlng a request was made for $500. Our pastor, Rev. H. C. Wol- fralrn, preached a very fine Thanks- giving sermon f rom "My cup runneth over," and two selections were given by the choir and a solo "Dear to the heart of God" by Mrs. W. R. Court- ice. In the evening aur pastor1 preached a splendid Armistice ser-! mon. An anthemn was given by the! choir and a pretty duet and chorus, Mrs. Ross Pearce and Mrs. Kenneth Courtice slnging the duet. The of- fering for the day amounted ta $488, but there are several dollars yet tai come in which will make the totali offering over the $500, for which we, are thankful Next Sunday even- ing the service will be in charge of the W. M. S. Mrs. C. R. Carscallen, Whitby, will address the meeting. Special music. Everybody welcome. Do not forget aur W. M. S. meet- ing at Mrs. Will Bickle's. Thursday at 2.30 p. ni. when the officers wil be elected for the coming year. A gaod attendance is requested. Reserve Wednesday, Nov. 26th, for Chiclcen Pie Supper at Hampton. FARMERS' CLUB Providence Farniers' Club wil meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loi-ne Cobbledick, Newcastle, Tues- day, November 18th, at 8 p. m. Topic of this session-Resolutions for the Convention. Refreshments. 0. R. Bragg, H. E. Osborne, President. Sec.-Treas. AUCTION SALES Thursday, November l3th. - The executors of the estate of the late John Pascoe will sell on the prem- ises. Lot 23, Con. 6, Darlington, east of Sauina, the following: Horse, im- t. 5, ~1 5! t 'i PAGE SIX ta Tottenham last week. On tue home ward trip the snow %vas seve n ten in- ches deep in places ..Mrs. J. G. MAar- low is visiting frîends at Omeinee .... Messrs. John Hailton and Geo. Crawv-1 ford have rebuiît the towerc of tht 1 ,'.iglican Church ..Mr. and Nlrs.I Russell Wilian and family spent Sun- day with Mrs. Wilian's parents, NIr. iand Mns. Wmi. Steele . ... Mn. .and Mrs. I JamiesNixon, Nfaster H-enrv Nixon anîdNMrs. Wnm N ixon spcnt Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stinson... Mrs. R. Mahood spent Sunday with M\r. aînd Mrs. M. t'. Smith. . .. Mr. W. Montgomiery, Lindsay, spent Thanks- giving ai Nîr. A. eeM. and Mrs . .'lrezii, Toronto, and Mrs. Sweetinan, Enniskilien, called on 'Mr. and Ž,l s. Frank Stinson, Sunîls ... MNrs. Eliza .\cAdoo, who lias hecii visiting lier nicce, Mrs. T. Il. Stinson and l tiemrlatives lias rcturîicd te ...... îvilî Sorry to report that Miss t.lîistina I eaciîn is stili confiiîcd tii bed. .1 li Victorian Worîîcn's ln. stitute niet t the lhonmeuof M rs. Lecs- tlie Grahani Iast Wediiesda vx. The meeting 'svas in charge of gr<'up <) wili M rs. Jaine, Strong as leaîder. eReadîîîgs were given by Miss Estlier Strong ailnd irs. Mervyn MNi îîlitjî>v andl a ýjlcîidid adilress bv Mrs. Coope;îr, Orono, District l'resicleut. \ticuiîance à about (À)... iss Margaret Swain and IMr. Oakiey Carley spent Sunday ivitli the miîr' ist< r. Ifrs. Clarence M rl , . Iinkiiigvi-sii(,rs Miss sFlorenc e Mcl..tiugiîiîî, Kingston, Miss liorotlis Pri t, Peterborouigh, M iss Mi ibel A rgu e, i 'c i. rie r ugli M iss IVer i Iýr îler, ' ii Mr. Nortc n iic.împ, I*îîîir i Niîss Olive \în - c.nîp. MI r ii r resliitivi MissDorlivStri<siPeter- Miai'r. W i<a NIirî,s. NIr. lirri Vii ii lli,'l J siu \lî (titi. r t M îî \r. . '<I sîîîlhs. MIr. îu iiiil.I \Ver Tormnto Vît Mir.A. W Mr \ anid t miîi ..'lhîlie Baz r ,à finle succss I i g l'mî ceeds , ve-r $2(X0 'j ini l !j'tt îîj 4 I\ Nirinî.îi Greeni, NrM r [civ irrîn -1 Mjessr s. Lei.çj Ph.lI l i llijji lî:îsj;i.(l k Jaîck Vanc tmpGordlon 'fro.... M r. Noriaiii Nfc(uriiy andl ofMr Oliver Smith attended the funeral U ofthe late HlarrY F. ,i ,egart, Air Mailt! P'ilot. O)ther Special Prices on Individual Coats $45.00 $52.50 INDIVIDUAL MODELS $39.50 Exclusive Coats in very fine quality Ripplesheen Broadcloth, elaborately trimmed with real wolf and sable fur. New belted models, with fiares. in brown and black. Sizes 16 ta 42. These are aU individual coats. Special Buy Now Sale $39.50 RICHLY FURRED COATS $29.50 Youthful versions of the mode, fashioned of fine cuality French Broadcloths. Large collar and cuifs of wolf, muskrat, opossum, mole and French beaver. Lovely flai-es. Princessa unes and belted models in aIl new f ail shades. Ail sizes. Buy Now Sale SZ9.50 SNAPPY NEW COATS $23.50 Exceptional value, popular price Coats, in tweeds. ripplesheen broadcloth, elaborately fur trimmed with French beaver. wolf, op- ossum and caracul. New fiai-es. Princess uines and belted styles. Every Coat new and well tailored. Buy Now Sale 1,23.50 REMARKABLY LOW PRICED COATS $16.50 Ladies' and Misses' Coats. fine quality; aIl woal Broadcloth and Tweeds; plain lines an dpopular flares in a splendid range of colors to choose f rom: large collai- and cuifs of F'rench beaver and opos- sumn fur. BuY Now Sale $16.50 TYBONE MAPLE GROVE HAYDON SOLINA Mi-. and Mrs. Levi Skinner spent Mr. and Mrs. Edward Montgomery, Visitors: M essrs Nornman Hiall anîd lThanksgiving visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Thanksgiving holidays with their Peterboro, spent the week end with Walter Starr, Oshawa, at Mr. D. Gi-a-1 A. Whitnell, June and Loi-aine, Mr. daughter, Mrs. Loi-e McCoy, Brook- her cousins, Mrs. E. W. Foley, anid1 ham's; Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy1 and Mrs. Jim Reynolds, Mrs. Fred lin Misses Eisie and Irene Bragg, Mrs. J. H. Munday .... Miss Vera, and Miss Lot tie Cottrel, Toronto, Mr.l Gilette, Miss Grace and Messrs. Gor- Toronto, Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Power, spent the week end svth Mrs. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton, Cartwright,, (Ion, Graham and Allan Willan, Tor- Bownianville. spent Thanksgiving Chai-lie Smith, Cavan.... .Mr. and Mrs. at Mr. Leslie Graham's; Mr. and Mrs.i onto, Mrs. Halfacre, Hamipton, at Mr. withMr.andMrs Howrd ouc . . R.Foly, r. avidFoly, t. ert Jones, Tononto, at Mr. Theron! W. J. Reynolds; Mrs. Thos. Pascoe Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid Catharines, spent the week end sith ono's MradMs.W M.nd is agreHmta r. will meet in the vestry of the church the formner's sster, Mrs. J. D. Stevens. Henry and family, Lindsay, Messrs. R. J. McKessock; Mr. and M. N.E on Wednesday, Nov. 19th, at 2 p. m .... Miss Greta Munday visited hier H McComb and B. jolînson. Toronto,' Wright, Miss Marquerite and Masters Ladies of Bowmanville Branch will cousin, Mrs. Ray Snowden, Toronto. at Mr. E. Mountjoy's; Mns. C. Johns, Herbent and Arthur, St. Catharines, furnish the prograni, it being Grand- ... .Mrs. Morley Burgess, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wili White. Hamîpton, with fiends; Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Tink mothers' Day. Grandmothei-s wilMnr. anti Mrs. Geo. Soucli, Townx, Mn. Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, Mn. n1 at Mi-. Will Warner's, Hastings; M'.\r appear in costume. Roll caîl to be anti Mrs. Stuart Morton. two children, Mrs. Russell Gilbert and Velua. ;En- and Mrs. Menvin Habbs with hier answered by something grandmnother Nornia anud jack, Cobourg, Mr. and niskilien, at Mi-. Milton Sienîon's Mr.arents in Lindsay; Mn. and Mrs. Samn said ai- did Women's Missionary M.\rs. W. McCartney, Toronto, were CCopradM.Eariprr -BrosadfiysavaMran Society held the annual thank-offer- holiday visitars at Mr. T. Powers.. onto, at Mn. C. Avrvs; Mr. Arhu rs. Harry Groomis and fanîiiy, Tor- ing servce un Sunday morning, when Mr. and(i\Irs. E. R. Freemnan, St. Cath- Beech and Miss Ada Bech, visiied at onto, at Mr. S. E. Werry's; Messrs. Mrs. (Rev.) Gea. Mason of Bowman- arines, s'isitemi the forniers brother. Nlr. Everett Beeclîs, Pont Hope; Mr. Frank and Chai-lie and Misses Vers ville gave an excellent address. Mrs. Mn. H. G. Freeman, over the holiday. lanttd Mrs. Theron Mouîîtjoy vsted at and Phoebe Shortridge, with Starkville A. W. Annis gave the secietarys i-e- .... Mn. and Mns. R. R. Stevens, Mi'ss M.W.ChliBwmjîiaeM.find snRayat Mr. DoudgasMc- port and the choir rendered Thanks- es Marjonie and Dorothy Stevens, and Mrs. Stanley Wooiings -and famiiy, adsn Ry tM- oga c giving music. Church service next spent the week end with the former's1 and Miss Helen Westbuny, Toronto, Laughiin's, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Sunday at 7 p. m. League meet- daughter. Mrs. Ras' Snowden, Toronto.i at Mr-. H. Ashton's; Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Raiph and Lois, Black- ing an Thursday evening was inl..Miss Vera ýTrimbie, Peterboro i Austin Lanmer, Bunketoti, Sundayedi stock, visited hier miother, Mrs. W. charge af lst Vice President, Miss Nornmal, spent the week end at home, a t Mr. A. Beech's; Mn. and Mns. TT. T Taylor, who, we are soi-ny ta re- RubyVirue.Proramas ollws:'*» Mis Nlli Snwde, Lke urs, 1Brow'n, Newcastle, at Mn. A. McNeil's;I pont is veny iii; Mr. and Mrs. John Ruby Vuxtuies. Program as olandws: ... Miss Ne the Snwek edHu NrtMr. and Mrs. Wilbert Ridge, Margaret Larnien, Biackstock, at Mr-. A. L. Pas- Leverne Burgess; vocal solo by Mrs. Elgin MuRy ... uih ~a idge and Mi-. Dobinson, Toronto, atj coe's... League mnecting Monday even- Theodore Downs; tapie was splendid- honme over the holiday... Mi-. and Mrs. Mr. J. Wright's; Miss Edith Aunger, 1 ng wvas well attended and was in hy given by Mi-. A. W. Annîs an "Pen- E. W. Foley, Misses Louise and Hilda Stettier, Alta., called on frends here charge of the missionany vice-pres, tecost and Persanality." Mi-. and Foiey, Mi-. Edsvand Foiey, Mrs. WalIter Sunday ..Congratulations to Mr. and Miss Helen Baker. Devotional period *Mi-s. A. Hicks, Harriston. ai-e holi- Folev, recetis visited the ater Mrs. Lorerîza Mountjov on their i-e- svas in charge of Mrs.' Chas. Howsam, daying with her brother. Mi-. N. J. dughter, Mns. Mark Blackburn cent marriage. Priai- to lier wedding piano solo bv Miss May \Vestlake, *Waodley Mi-. and Mrs. Loi-ne Newcastle. ... Misses Evelyn Gav, at she was the recipient of a- miscell.an tapic <'Social conditions in'Japan" was Phare, Glidden, Sask., ai- ire eeon a ancrc JhsoOîîw.vstdh eous shower given her by friends and well taken by Mrs. A. J. Laison; vocal motor trip visiting her parents, M.Mi-. drîîem'saunt, MshawV.J. snod te n eighbours.... .Our annual Thanksgiv- duet, Mrs. John Baker and Miss Mur- -and Mrs. A. H. Brent; his mother. ng concert xvas held Mondas' evening. iil e'ding by Miss Famînv Siae; 1 Mrs. G. Phare, and other friends onituna ..nd d ,Grders. ChntieMucli credit is due to those xxho help-1 Piano soit by Mn. George Wenry, after' e. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawvkey have the week end with his parents, Mr. ed ta make oui- concert a success. Pro- which meeting svas closeci with LÉeague returned frian spending a f ew days and Mrs. Geo. White, Sauina."Rev. cccds nearly $22.00. Betiediction ... Mn. Frank Hooev of at Mr-. Robent Jewell's, Oshawa ad'r.H .Flv ebMs Reserve Wednesday, Nov. 26th. for Oshawa, whio spent his boyhood days 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Guhley, Toronto. . . oes tl ,Ms.Cicken Pie Supper at Hampton. in Solina, visited Mr. and Mrs. ..L. e Sundayed at Mr-. N. J. W o ltO. NIMrk Gardimner, Garcden Hill, itcl______ Pascot on Sunday ... Thanksgiviuîg Mr. and Mrs. William Little. Jr, Miss the forniers sister, Mrs. J. D. StevespormfloedttrglrSna Edith Sanders. Oshawa, Mr. Wesley Foca..Ms . Ssxalow. spetit ENNISKILLEN Slolpro nSna feîon sLittle, Walkervilhe. spent the holiday the w cck emnd ssith friends in Toronto. The story of tht first Thanksgiving with the boys' grandmothen, Ms Mrs. Wreford Souch, Montreal, Mn. and Mns. S. Petick, Flovd andi sas told by Mrs. Alan McKessock.... William Little Mr. and Mrs. Tal- . ns Finier Ccx, Town. visited tht Cliffond, spent Sunday with friends in bei-t Findley, Oua and Bei-t. Thonn- anrniers sister. 'Mns. Ross Stevenîs ou Newtonvilc.... Mn. anti Mrs N. AI- hill. and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue Tuesday. dread, Toronto, spent Sunday with visited Mn. Edward Vutue Misses 'lrs. W.' Sweelman..Miss S. Stev- Knox, Orono, retunned honme with Sadie and Laura Vutue. Toronto. -Mr. ens, Oshawa, spent the week end with theni ta spend tht holiday .... Mn. and t Mns. C. N. Tamblyn, Woodbridge, Boyd Siemon, Town, Sundayed E.t ENFIELD lier parents, Mn. and Mrs. H. Stevens.vstdatM. nîSanosadM. 1Mi-. William Staples' Miss Grace . .. . Mr. and Mns. Ferguson and sa is Llod Ashr n tton's onSn a.A gao Mackay spent the weekend at lier Alian and Donald spent Sundav withmuia fetvl ashdhreo home a t Beaverton Mr. and Mrs. Visitors: Mr. and lUrs. J. Deive, fricnds at Mt. Albert and Uxbridge... Tusa o.6hwe i col William McDonald and Kathenine. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Niddery Mrs. C. Ushen, Tononto, spent tht holi- Tusa o.ôhwe i cai CoougMn ad rs J Mrrso.and famuly at Mr. J. Hepburn's; Mr. day at Mn. W. H. Moores... Mn. and taak part in the competition fon sing- .Mr. and Mns. Arthur Barber, Torntfd Mrs. J. Smith, Miss Ventrus, Bob. Mrs. J. A. Stainton and Clifford, Tor- ing. Tht judge, Mn. Francis Sutan, r anto, spent the holiday at Mr. Wiîîis caygeon, Mis's F. McFadden and Miss onto, spent the week enci here bring- Mus. ,eac., F.C.C.O. Bosvmanvile, had I Sewrts ndMn.Roal Sot's Grahami at Mi-. Arthur Onmiston's;igMs y om îtrsedn quite. a lime deciding, tht schools Stewrt' an Mr RoaldScot's. ý ng rs.Pyehom afer peningail did weii. Great credit is given ta iMaster Billy Dudley is spending a Mr. and Mrs. G. Leask, Taunton, at. two weeks in Toronto.... .A goad con-;IMs .Ocad uia sprio Mi-. weeks with his grandpai-ents Mr. Frank Gilbert's; Mi-s. Weim and gregalion wsou1i dMeenn issaI.tht chool sic n.and Mnrvs De 1 M.and Mrs. W. J. Turner. Green childi-en, Listawel, Mr. G. Bowman, and heard Rev. Mn. Butiner af Bow- Brnatr r.Lv ritset1 .River Mr. and Mrs. Howard Find- Brussels, at Mn. T. Bownian's; Miss manvilie. Miss Helen Knoxv ofHap BugasnMsLvBrnspt 1ley and Dean, Unionville, visited her Helen Pascot is home on accaunt of ton sang a solo which Nsas muHaen- Thanksgiving with fiends in Buffalon 1parents, Mi-. and Mrs. Thomas Rich- the schoal being closed at Wlck; Mr. joyed. Mi- J. Grahai. O has en-:j and Rochester ...Misses Elsie Oke,1 ai-s r.Casa TylrDiie N. Stinson has been vlsiting at Ponty- sired Dr. Fenguson's iotuse and in- Tk, oronto, isse Gndrti and inired 1spentth ekn with his sister, pool; Ladies' Aid liad their annual At tends doing sevenal boumses imi tht vil-OkBvmniendM.adMs Mrs. W. F. Park .Mi-. Levi Annis. oea h oec r nhrOm lg ed o h iht. naî'Albent Oke and familyr spent the houi Toronto, spent the weekend at home. iston when a veny enjoyable evening Mrs. E. J. Fallis, Toromnt. wsere seek dy W ih 1h t Lai eîs , Mn. nd tMons. Mr. Frank Hatherly, Dixie, spent was spent. ... Dr. W. G. McCulloch end guests af Mr. and Mns. J. Bnad-! W. me.ing LadieAd ed heonth- the weekend with his parents, Mi-. and Mrs. McCulloch, Orono, Rev. D. l...... .\Mn. and Mrs. A. Herring and aly nkseling miWedesa-, Nov Sth and Mrs. R. Hatherly. Soi-iy ta Monroe and Mrs. Monroe visited at, son Bobbie, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. and taksgivig program wheasgnao hase Mr. and Mrs. Yates and Narman Mn. J. McCulloch's... Rtc. Wmn. Sterl- \Vm. Wotten and fanîilx' spent Sundav aaro e.4h M.adMs f f-rm oui- village. They ai-e movlng ing will preacli here next Sunday with thein parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. W. M. Henry and childrnem, Lindsay,p jto Toronto Congratulations ta Mi-. when the annual thank offeing wili ern ...Orana hnsiig r n r.DvdKy ess .i and Mrs. Floyd Dudley on the ai-rival be taken. . .. Mi-. Normant Stinson and s-eriesg.Oun anld n uaiTayNksgvg . adMs ai aMsr.H of a fine baby boy, Mrs. Clara By- Mrs. H. Stinson had a very narrow l6th wben Rev. Wm. Sterling of Orono Mns.C. Sandens ohn n. Wi oondtMisst am. Bowmanville, visited her soi-, eseape froni heing killed last week on wili speak at 7.15 p.m..Miss Maud Saral, Bvers, Bunketon, Mr. and Mns. J Mi-. F. L. Byam, and lier daughtei-, theur way fromn Oshawa when a truck Ashton, Toronto, Mn. Ira Travail, Osh-_ >Mi-s. Luther H-ooper Mrs. James struck their car on the side turning Iasva, visited the former's panent;, Mn. Elgin Mauntjoy and sons, Haydon,a Stonie spent a few days at Mr. David It vertwîce and makîng It almost and Mrs. E. C. Ashton. . .. Mrs. H. J,. en Sunday at Mn, Adam Sharpes. Hoe',Orona Mrs. LuaHcsa caniplete wreck. Tht occupants1 Werry and Mn. Gardon Werry spent Reserve Wednesday. Nov. 26th, ton celebrated her 87th birthday on Sat- escaped wlthout being serlously hurt. Fniday with friends in Orono, Mrs. A. Chicken Pie Supper at Hlanpton. urday A number of the schooh childi-en attended the Musical Festi- --- val held at Enniskillen on Thursday. brînging home some of the prizes. filmj4 4 44 44 4 Reserve Wednesday, Nov. 26th. for Chicken Pie Supper at Hanipton. tieBLACKSTOCK g Wh ItIOp o un Great gloom was cast over the en- h t I O poun tecammunity when it was ieanned that Master Donald Graham had h d IE rtiL LtL W R V L E bis eye knocked out on bis cheek whien I PRIC SW R N V RL W RV L E t an auto drivemi i)V iLîni, Gray~ and a horst and buggy driven by Gilbert - Maniow coiided last W'ednesday afi ternoan. Donald was rushed ta St. Michati's Hospital, Toronto, whereiSt l h YC o t for a titne it xvas feaned hie Il-)UId not live, but at time of writing 'htc is d .'AT ing as weli as can be expecled. The Provinîcial Police are imvestigatn h accident.... Nfessrs. Norman M.\cCurdý- SALEM Mrs. F. S. Squair and Mr. Kyle motared ta Part Hope on Sunday. Mrs. Squair remalning until Tuesday te attend the funeral of her cousin, Miss Milligan .... Miss Ella Callacott, Osh- awa, Miss Gladys Cann, Toronto, Mi-. Kenneth Werry, Antioch, and Mn. Ewart Pollard, Toronto, spent Thanks- giving liolidays at their respective homes .... Mr. and Mrs. Heard, Mn. and Mrs. C. Cornish, Mrs. T. A. Hall, Oshawa, were Thanksgiving visitons witli Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Crnih.... Mr. W. G. Werry vlsited his u.ncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Nanman Davis af South Woodslee over tht holidaY.... Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Werry, Ebenezer, were Sunday visitons af Mn. and Mrs. W. G. We...... Sari-y ta report Mrs. G. Cornish le qulte ill. m~mmuummmmuum~ To Buy Now W/ERE NE VER GREATER The Smart Hat Is Impertinent $1.69 It lias a come-hither look that's mare fetcli- ing than anything we've seen un years. And every hat in this gi-oup us well qualified ta take you smartly anywhere. They'vc swanky little fuathers, and ftinny 'litile buttons. and soft, alluring bows . *. . but every hat is. above ah tIlse. full of smart i:mpertinience i WALKER STORES LIMITED YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 164 m m BOWMANVILLE PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS , M g n urn:u~muum~ uu~4m:rnu:uu±*±±22ttm2 - ~~vwvvww 1- -____ _m____m__1..1a PREPARE NOW FOR WINTER AT THESE LOW PRICES Tomatats, liand picked. 10e tin or Sl.15 doz. Canned Pumpkin, choice quality. 10c fin or $1.10 doz. Cliaice Pitted Cherries, lieavy syrup. 18e tin or 3 for 50e Onions, the winten keepmng kind 90e bus. Carnots, good firm quality 75e bus. Cliaice Pink Saumon, real goad quality. 1 M. tin .20e Naw's the tume ta make money fi-rn hens when pnice af eggs us higli. Feed 'ern Ful-O-Pep Egg Masli. Oyster SheIl. Gnit. llarry Aluin, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE y - 1 . à -m-1 l 0" 'I v T'he pupils of Bnadley's schooi faveur- ed with a chonus and Miss Mturiel B~aker gave a Thanksgiving reading.. Renîenber tht Women's Inisltiute meeting on Tuesday aflernoon. Nov. L8th, at 2 p.m. in the Sunday Scîmool raam. Good pnogranî in charge of group 1. Everyone svelconîe... A open meeting af the Sons of Temper- ance was held in the Sunday Scbool roomn Thursday evening. Mr-. Ernest Twist, W.P., was in the chair. Mr. A<. L. Pascot intnoduced the speaker of the evening, Mi-. S. D. Janvis of Tansley, G.W.P. of tht Sans of Tem- penance of Ontario, ssiio gave a v'erv nîeresting talk on '*Econoiinic candi- tions contnolled by the use of liquar." M4usical nunîbers xsene given by Mrs. John Baken and Messrs. Allan Balson and Harold Shuttleworth and short speeches xvere given by Messrs. John Baker and B. G. Stevens. p MW--m 7hT

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