Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1930, p. 1

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~br tan c~ With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXX VI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13th. 1930 S2.00 a Year in Advance 5e a Cnnv -- - --r.: Ni~ ~ QUALITY AT IT'S HIGHEST , anid Prices Lowest IThey Have Been il in Years LADIES' WOOLLEN DRESSES Another brand new shipment in tweed effects, in one-piece tailored Sstyle, or in 3-piece suits, popular- ~jly priced at $15-00. NEW GEOR G E TT E AND) LACE COMBINATION DRESSES NOW BEING SHOWN BEAUTIFULLY FUJR TRIM- MED LADIES' COATS Every week new Coats are being placed on display fort your sel- ection, newest materials, shades and styles, ail beautifully fir- trimmed, sizes 14 to 48, priced from $ 15.00 to $65.00. REMNANTS 0F DRESS GOODS AND CURTAIN NETS Ail cleaing while they last at about Half Price. New Curtain Nets 25c and Up. and fine range of New Draperies for side curtains. HERE'S A COUPLE BARGAINS Table Napkins, a special purchase, worth $4.50 dozen, for only ...............................$37 Bath Towels, limited quantity, worth 75e for 50c LADIES' 4 SILK UNDERWEAR We've had a wonderful /V j demand for this special line of Silk Underwear which are exceptional values at 'I...'.59c Garment $1.(o0 per Suit YOU WILL NEED NEW BLANKETS EngIiah, Scotch and Canadian Blanket Display Prepaine now for eold weather and buy blankets while selections are at their best: Celebrated Kenwood Blankets, ail colors .. . .$9.00 Madawaska Colored Wooi Blankets .......$6.50 Other lines of Blankets, good values, $4.50 & $550 S Men's Strong Tweed Suits, Up to $22.50 for ..........$16.50 Youths' Coloxred Cheviot Suits, 2 pants, reg. $25. for.... .$18.50 Men's Sweater Coats from $1.50 Boys' Brown Real Leather Coats and Windbreakers . .. .$6.95 up Pull line of Boys' Aviation Caps from .................75c up Men's Light Faîl Overcoats, up to $25.00, now .......$18.50 Winter Overcoats, $15. to $37.50 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 104 LIMITE!) BOWMALNVILLE HA31PTONj NATIVE 0F BOWMANVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Werd, Mis. T.I R. Tenmant andi Bruce, Mis. J.T, Tiewin, Toronto, at Mis. P. G. Kers- lake's on Sunday .Mi. andi Mis. T. L. Salter, Mimico, vîsited tils bro- ther, Mi. Thea Salter Mi. andi Mis. R. Meteal! e andi family, Maple Grave, Messrs. Frank and Ross 're- nauti, Oshawa, at Mi. A. Tienouti's. Mis. Mary Johins and Doris andi Mi. Malcolm Martin visiteci Mi. and Mis. L. Tiull. Mi. andi Mis. T. Harrison, Oshawa, spent a few deys witli Mi. andi Mis. T. Wray .,Mi. and Mis. Gea. Arînaur andi femily spent Sunday end Mondey wlth Osh- awa friencis Sonry ta hear Mi. Wilbeît Creig lost a horse resulting f rom lock-jaw, Hydro power was turneci on lest week and meny homesI in oui village are enjoying electîic liglits. Several ladies f ram Hamp- ton W. M. S. attendeci the meeting in Tinity Sunday School îoom on Tiursday Mi. andi Mis. P. Wilson and Mis. Bond, Toronto. visiteci with Mi. andi Mis. S. Kersey, . Mrs. L. Hindman andi son have returneci fram e visit in Bleckwater andi ather HAROLD GULLY Points noîtli Messrs. Tom Sykes, Vice-Piesiclent o! Silverwood's Limi- Fred Billett and Albert Allin, Toron- ted. Toronto, wlia will be the speaker ta, Mi. Wallace Homn, Kingston, and a t Rotary Club Luncheon on Piiday. Prankt Hastings, Guelphi spent Thanksgiving et their homes liere Miss Maîjorie Akister visited lier GREAT LAKES WATERWAYS cousin, Miss Reta Billett ,Mi. end Mis. G. Wilkinson andi son, Toronto, Canadien Clubs of Bowmanvllie ta visited Hampton fiiends Mi. Isaac Heai Address o# Important Toii Johiston, Toronto, is with uis aunt, b>' Weil Known Authorit>' Mis. T. Rowe Miss M. Miller spent the holiday et lier home in Mi. G. H. Sodgewick, K. C., of Toronto Those wlia were pîivileg- Montreal, is caming ta Bowmanville eci ta attend the concert on Monday next Manday, Nov. l7th, thiaugli evenmng enjoyeci a raie treet . '.the efforts o! the association of Cen- Mis. H. Thompson andi son, Toron- adian Clubs ta address the Women's to, visiteci Mi. andi Mis. A. Hogarth. Canadien Club et 3.30 o'clock in Toronto, visitcd Mi. P. J. Groat., St. Paul's Lecture Room. In the Miss Aberta Gîaat with lier evening et Bowmen Hause et 7.15 granciparents, Mi. andi Mis. Prise, a'clock he will be the speaker et the Mi. Ivan Stephens, Toronto, visiteci Men's Canadian Club. 'rie subject bis home here Misses Mildîed and on boti occasions will be the St. Lillian Phillips holidayed with their Lawrence - Great Lakes Watciweys. sister, Mis, W. Craig .Mi. Chale This address is one of 120 arîanged Burraws, Oshaewa, et Mis. M . Oood- by the abôve association covering ev- man's . Miss Mariorie Martyn is ery Canadien Club i Canada. spending a few weeks with Mr. andi The eddress will describe the pies- Mis, W. Ranton, Trenton- Messrs. cnt waterway andi the goveinnent Haiiy and Percy Cowling, Toronto, proposais ta deepen the waterwey ta visited et Mi. andi Mis. J. Cowlig's. 27 feet. Sldes will be used by tic S Mr. and Mis. J. B Horn endi lecturer to meke the different sec- !amily. Peterboro, visited witl i is tions of the wateiwey cleer to the mother, Mis C. Harn The shoot- audience. ing match et Mr. A. E. Bîllett's on The principal contents o! the ad- Manday was largely attended anidiess will be the enelysis o! tic twenty-twa fine geese weîe given as economic importance o! the wateî- prizes Mr. Joe Ciapman lias re- way as worked outý~by tic Dominion turneci taoOui village a! ter is ex- gavcinment engAer and otier tended stay in Alberta. . Misses authorities. The speaker willl sketch Sadie and Leura Virtue calleci onthie Canadien ecanomie structure friencis on Sunday. Mi. and Mis. showing the importance o! the effic- Geo. Baîron and Austin spent tic lent transportation, and electrîcal holiday witi Toronto fîlends Miss power developments, i the develap- Nancy Joins, Toronta, spent the ment o! Canadien trade. The im- weekend et lier home ,-Mi. andi partance o! Canade's expoît trade Mis. Albert Cole, Bowmanvillc, spent wiU hae deait with. Sunday wti Mi. and Mis, c. w.' Tic address includes a statement Souci. Mis. Cale assisted in utic a! the costs o! the improvement o! S. School servie .,Mi. and Mis, tic weterway as worked out by tic N. Dolage, Oshawa, vîsiteci Mi. and Dominion governient engineers and Mrs. G. Adcock -,Mi and Mis. A. o! tic annuel charges o! maintai- Peteis and Miss Mary Peters vlsited Ilng tic weterwey if It is deepened. f riendsaet Midland.. Mrs. Maria Tic estimate o! tic annuel charges Clemens, Bowmenvillc, et Mi. Alvin will ha campared i wtl various annuel Clemens' .Mi. and Mis. J. Newson benefits whici vaîlous econamlsts andi Miss Llzzle Doicige, Oshawa, vis- have worked out. ited MrIs. J. Buis... Mi. andi Mis. Thc Canadien Club itieieiyis nat W. J. Ranton and deugitei witi lier an argument for gr agaist tic sister, Mis. W. J Virtue. Miss Mc- wateiwey. It la an -Informative ad- Kartney, Toronto, is visîtîng lier sis-! dress designcd toaessist tic Canadian ter, Mis J. R. Bick ,Mi. endi Mis. public ta undeistanci tic projcct C. Jebson andi deugliter holidayed et1 wiici tic government lias annaunc- Mis. J. .ebson's. .Mi andi Mis. W.- cd will be procecded with. J. Short, Bowmanville, spent e few deys witli Mis. Bessie Robbins. MýiSOAB RMID Rev. J. R. Bick was fevoreci with a rSINi FO NI visit f rom bis two brothers o! Bob- ADDRESSES TRINIY W. M. S. caygeon. .Mi. Henry Wilcox lias~ retuineci from a pleasant visît witî Dr. Margaret MoKeller Who Spent 40 ils deugiter i Rdfoird, Midi, jYears lu ludia Relaes Mais> Hampton Women's Institute held * Inter'etig Experiences and the November meeting at the home of Impressions Mis. J. R. Knox. Mrs. W. W. Horn, lst vice, presiding. Meeting opened W. M. S. o! Trinity Unitedi Churcli by singing "The Little Brown Chuich helti a short earnest prayer service In the Vale," followed by the Institut, led by Mis. L. A. Tale, previous ta creed. $5.00 was donated to Institute thir Thank-Offering service on for the blinrd; they wilI buy a swing Thursday aftcinoon. A nunihar toak owned by Mis. Pettit for the park.i part and the Inspiration received The program was in charge of Mrs, wes carricd into tic reguler tliank- A. Clemens, subject Agriculture. Aiotcn erliviseitais pisnt f rotc Sang "Coming Through the Rye" was tne ihvstr rsn o h Sung; a reading "A Story of Agricul- sse societies itown andi tic sur-1 ture," by Miss Knox; very interesting rouniding country. Tic woishlp ser-1 debate "Resolved that country lif e i vice includeci tic Cal ta Woiship,t preferable ta city ii e, Mrs Rundie tic singing o! the Doxology, the In-1 takngthea imativeadMS. o vocation, singing and rcading o! ting tc affirmaTve adrs. Cwl- Psalm 103. Mis. C. A. Bartlett tien inn thvenagative. The decisionnwas in favor of thc former. This debate av asTanksving pe ancins much enjoyed by ail the mnembers. A Mraso nt is adgrle sang "Peck AIl Your Troubles I npry. Your Old Kit Bag" was sung, also a Thc speaker for tic day wes Dr. reading b>' Mis. Adamson; "Song of Margaret McKelîci wia spent 40 the lzy famer,"years i medical work ln Indea. Sic tugeslaons farner,"ila, "megave a short spirituel message, p&c-_ sugestonsforChrstms,"was res- lng grcat empiasis on tic tentiha-el ponded ta-b>' several of the ladies. ing tic Lord's, flot ours ta do as wc Meeting closed by singing "God Save like witli. Sic statcd that tic the King" after which lunch was ser- United Churci was respansîble for ved and a social -time was enjoyed. 3,000,000 people I Central Indue. Next meeting at the home of Mrs. Sic peiti great tribute ta tic work Jebson, pragram "Report of the con- donc by Britain wio. sic stated, hadk vention at Toronto." RoIl cati; "what prepareti thc wey af tic Lord i impressed me most in the report." Re- Indie. Sic quoteti tic waids of fresiments by West group. Roosevelt wlici steted that if Brit- 1 Bean Supper ROTARY CLUB TO BUILD OPEN AIR RINK AT SCHOOL Board of Education Gives Permission ta Build Skating Rlnk on School Grounds Dr. J. C. Dcvit andi Deputy Reeve C. E. Reicici, representetives of tic Rotary Club, walted on tic Public Scliaol Board on Frida>' evenlng as- king permission ta erect an open air skating rlnk on the Central Sahool pleay grounds for the free use o! tic chidren i towa. Thc requcat was willingly complledwltit tbelng un- dei stooci that the Rotery' club is ta beer tic capital expense of building, equiping andi meintalning tic pro- ject. There wlll be an ice surface l20x7o feet cncloscd b>' a f ence for hockey gemes in tic centre a! tic rik sud autside a! tuis wiil be a 15 ft. wide enclosure aiaund ticelhockey rink for tic kiddies wio wisi ta skate. James Kennedy, Supt. a! Town Waterworks, wi lies lied cansider- able expcnicncc ln laoking efter skat- ing rinka lies kindi>' affereti lis ser- vice. The maIe teaciers o! tic sciool have alsa consentedti t be oversecîs o! tic rink andi supervise tic play. This is e very commendeble move on tic part o! tic Rotary Club anti otiers who have se generously off or- cd ticir services i making aveilable tuis papular wintcr spart for tic children o! tic town. The Ladies of ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH are ervlng a Bera Supper itic SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOMS on Friday, Nov. Zlst From 5 te '7 a'clock. TICKETS 25c. Corne and brlnt a f riend. A MUSICAL TRAVELOGUE MINISTER 0F PUBLIC WELFARE ADDRESSES ROTARY CLUB Tapie of Unique Program Presented at Music Study Club When 19 Hon. W. G. Martin Guest Speaker on Countries Were Vîsited Wlth De- Program Arranged by Veteran Uightful Musical Numbers. Soldiers of Club iReguIar meeting of the Music The program presenteci at the IStudy Club was helci in St. Paul's Rotary Club luncheon on Friday was Lecture Room on Wednesday, Nov. in charge a! the ex-service men o! 5th. A short business meeting, pre- thc club who haci served inh the sideci over by Mis. C. H. Dudley, World war. wlio put on a most lm- presîdent, precedeci the program. pressive Armistice Day program. The topic "A Travelague" was ably After the regular business had been dealt with by Mrs. C. A. Wight, Whio transacteci President Hermie Brown deserves a great deal of credit in the turneci the meeting over to Rotarian preparation andi presentation of lier Ted Flaxman, chairman o! the Vet- subject. An imaginery trip covereci crans' Committee. nineteen counitrles, eech country be- The officers of the Bowmenville ing representeci in costume. Pro- brandi of the Canadien Legion, who grain was as follows: were guests a! the Club, andi other The Arctic-Eskimo Song given as military men present were welcomed a musical monologue by Mrs. W. Ad- by the Cheirman and Introduceci to ams, assisteci by Mrs. A. W. Pickerd. the Club. This number was full o! humor andi A real military etmosphere was was well acted. given the occasion by the prestnce a! American Indian - Indian Love three veterans in unifoxms who acteci Caîl f rom Rose Marie was beautifully as a color perty whlle R. M. Cotton, sung by Mrs. Gea. Hall. president of Canadien Leglon,*was Cenae-Ms. O J.Chamerswioasl<ed ta propose that most sacreci of Canaa-Ms. D J.Chamerswhotoasts ta Our Fellen Comrades." In. portrayeci aur own beautiful landi, doing sa) Mr. Cotton asked the Han. sang with splendid voice the verses W. G. Martin, Minister of Public o! "The Maple Leef," the audience We* rt eît I lnes swelling the chorus. Fieldis." A two-ininuwe silence in Unitedi States - Deep River and memory a! the f allein was observcd, Swing Low Sweet Chariot were rend- followed by the sounding o!f "The ereci by Mrs. A. Colville. whose lovely Lest Post" andi "Reveille" by Sergt. contralto voice is always so pleesing. Wm. Darrowdale, and the drooping Englanci-Mrs. J. H. Bateman pas- of the calais by C. W. Tait, J. Y-looci- ed as Britannia. while Miss Jane ail andi A. E. Fewster in uniform. Mason sang that stirring number, andi Rotarian C. T. Ross who held Land of Hope and Glory. Britannia the Stars and Stripes out o! respect wes surraundeci by the colonies Can- ta an American visitor being present. ada, Irelanci, Scotlend and India oc- The guest speaker of th,'ý day, Han. cupied the centre o! the stage. W. G. Martin, was introduceci by Scotland-Ye Banks andi Braes o' Rotarian Eluiore Reaman who con- Bannie Doon-vocal duet by Mrs. C. gratulated Premier Ferguson on bis H. Dudley andi Mrs. H. M. Poster. i admirable selection o! Mr. Martin for Jean jMinister o! Public Welfare. wliom lie I reland-Miss ArJmlna gWe rsEen Ramsay wiof l was the riglit man in the riglit loakeci very cliarming in tlie raIe of lac iue npae3 the Irisli colleen. Cniudopae3 Narway-A piano duet "Margen- stimmung" by Ecivard Grieg, Opus CANADIAN LEGION PRESENTED 46, was given by Mrs. Elma Ander- WITH ACTIVE SERVICE FLAG son andi Miss Helen Argue in their usuel goaci style. Lrg Attendance at Montlîly Meet. Sweden-A Clep Dance by four ing-Twelv. Applications Received girls: Ailette Maynaîd, Joyce Lux- ton, Doris Dudley andi Dorothy There was a large attendence et NichaIs, was veîy attractive. the Canadian Legion meeting held inl Russia-was represented by Mrs. S.O.E. Hall, Frîday evening, Navember Harold Clemens wlio playeci Kam- 7th. An ettendance a! 56 out o! a ennai 'Ostrow, a Rubenstein com- total membership o! 66 shows an ac- position. tive healthy interest. Poland-Mrs. Clemens also affereci Scharwelika in E Plat Minai. Bath A flag whlch hed been used lu ser- numbers were Weil received. vice in France was presenteci by Turkey-The Slave Sang 'Asie" Comrede John H. Mohun and was ac- was sung with greet diematic effect cepteci by the President, R. M. Cotton, by Miss Jane Masan. on behalf a! the Branch. Oermeny-Tliet beautiful nuniber A repart of the Poppy and Memor- o! Schubert's 'Ave Marie' was sweet- lai Funci was presenteci by the Chair- îy rendereci by Mis. G. E. Reaman. man of the Cormmlttee, Comiade F. wha was accampenled i violin ob- Moody. lîgeto by Miss Elaine Reaiuen. A veîy hearty vote o! thanks was Italy - Mis. Smith Ferguson in passed ta, Dr. G. E. Reaman a! thc typîcel Italien peasant costume Play- Boys' Training School for his per- ed thet very populer .,olo, "In a mission and intereat le havlng the Manastery Garden." poppy boxes made for the Branch. Spain-This country was repre- Comrade Abernethy painteci the poppy senteci by anather Polk Dance by the boxes and received the thanks of the ebave mentloneci girls, who sliowed Branci. cereful treinig under Miss Edti Twelve applications were receiveci Peardon. Fiance-(a) Le Basier by 'rims, for membershlp, these were passeci ta (b) Thou, O Lord, Art My Protector, thc Membership Conunittee sud If fram Aretario "The Heevens De- approved will In la ne for Initiation claie" by C. Saint Seens, wcre feult- on December 5th. lessly sung by Mis. C. H. Dudley. Following tic business meeting on Indea - Miss Jane Mason egaln December 5th the balance of thc ev- fevored wlth the "Kshinilri Love ening wlll be of a social nature. Sang" by Wood!orde-Findoei. Poppy Day recelpts for Bowman- Chine-Mis. J. A. Cale eppeareci in ville and district will be sliglitly over the native costume of this Oriental $200. Thie Leglon is giateful for this country andi playeci with great skillniount, but it is fer below wliat was "Rush Hour in Hong-Kong" by A. expecteci. A nuniber of workers i Chasins. town falled to put i an eppearance Jepan-Mis. C. A. Cewker, Mrs on Satuîdey to tag the citizens as D. W. Best end Mis. Gea. Annis were promniseci. Sa a number of good aid veiy cliarming i "Thiee Little Malis f aithful veterens took on the Job in f rom Sciool"ý-Mikado. This nuni- the afternoon and evening and re- ber was very attractive, the voices celveci a faiily generous response. blendlng beautlfully. As tuis money wlll be used for relie! The eccompenlsts of the evening wark among soldiers' femiles the werc b9rs. M. A. Neal, Mis. J. A. Cale, Legion requests any wlio failed ta, Mis. Ruby Daniels, Miss Helen Moi- contribute ta this f und may still do ris and Mis. C. H. Dudley. so by sending their donation ta Com- The convener, Mis. H. M. Poster, rades Fred Moody or Fred Cryder- wishes ta thank everyone who assist- man. ed on tic program, and elso speclal- tienks ta Mis. J. Clark Bell end Mis. ______________ H. D. Wgtman wo helpeci wth tic costumes, and ta Mis. Prenk wil- liams wha was responsîble for the fl(~ LOCAL AND) OTHE1IWISE Mrs. L. W. Dippeil recently visited friencis at Renfrew. Mr. andi Mrs. Norman Byers and family, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Joe Byers'. Mr. and Mrs. George Biekie have been vlsiting their daughter, Mis. C. Upper, Kitchener. Mr. A. S. Baker was in London on November 6th, attending the f uneral of his aunt, Mrs. R. Cory. Mrs. W. C. Washington and Mms. B. M. Warnica spent the weekend with relatives ini Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weekes and Miss Edith Weekes spent Thanks- giving with friends at London. Mr. C. C. Patten, Travelling Pass- enger Agent, C. P. R., was in town Tuesday and gave the editor of The Statesman a friendly caU. Mr. and Mrs Sid. G. Chartran and daughters Florence and Doris, spent the weekend with the f ormer's mother, Mrs. Wood, Prescott. Mr. and Mis. E. R. Freeman, St. Catharines, Mi. and Mis. H. G. Fiee- man and f amily, Maple Grove, spent Thanksglving Day wlth the f urmer's mother, Mrs. H. S. Freeman. Mrs. W. E. Tilley has returned from a pleasant visit wlth Mr. and Mis. A. N. Mitchell and Mr. and Mis. W. N. Tilley, Toronto The latter are leaving for a trip to England and Germany on November 2lst. Mr. W. J. Marrison, B. A., former principal of Bowmanville. High Schaol, and now Inspector of Schools at Brantford, was recently elected Honorary President of City of Brant- forci Teachers' Institute. Friday evenig, November 'lth, Trmlity choir helci its usuel practice when a goodly number attended. At 8.45 p. m. Mr. Francis Sutton, F.C.C.O., choir leader, and Mrs. Sut- ton, entertaineci the members to a theatre Party at the Royal Theatre where they ail enjoyei hearing John McCormack in "Song 0' My Heart." About 20 members of the First Bowmanvllle Troop of Boy Scouts in charge of Troop Leader Ned Rehder en.joyed a real hike and outing Thanksglving Day. They went by bus ta East Whitby-Darlington town- ship line where they were jolned by 3rd Oshawa Troop under Scout- master Terry. Prom there they hiked ta Tad's Hoilaw where the day was spent In games. stunts and cookig their own meals. A few frlends of Mis. John Souch gathereci at the home of lier daugli- ter, Mis. S. O'Brien, Queen Street, on November llth ta celebrete wlth lier on the occasion of ber eighty- eighth birthday. Mis. Souch Is en- joylng good health and has lived In Bowmanville ail ber 11f e. She bas seen many changerhinlier home town durig lier lifetime. One of the pleasing features of the day was the presentation of a two-storey birth- day cake with eighty-eight cendies by an aid friend of the family. COMING EVENTS Boys, Trainin&gSOchool Christmas concert, Friday, December 5th. xeep inmid November 27th and 28th-High Sehool Commencement. Reserve Friday evenlng, Nov. 2M.h for Supper and Sale of Home-made cooklng under auspices of St. Peul'a W. A. The women of St. John's Church GuUld will hold a sale of articles arxI home-made cooking andi wil alao serve alternoon te in the Parlah Hall on Saturday November lSth. 45-2w A Home-made Cookig Sale and Afternoon Tee, under auspices of Bowmanvlle Women's Institute, Wlf be held in Harry Alfln's skyscraper, King St. on Saturday. Nov. 22nd. et 3 p. m. Watch for particulars. R(D)VALU WED. - THURS. - FEL. NOVEMER 12 - 13 - 14 The Smile-a-Minute Taikie 1 LOVE IN THE ROUGH Song lits gelore, pep, laugbs, love -it's a wlnnerl With Robert Montgomery, Dora- thy Jordan, Bemry Rubin, J. C. Nugent. BAT. - MON.- TUES. NOVEMEUlà.1 - 18 Forward Marchi fllow the m"y of laugli-lovers ta Buster Keaton'il grad comedy of the wurl He gets ropedito the ig Pight, and stumbles from ane howllng situa- .11 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a CODV No. 46 Aw-àzýAm

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