Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIOHT TEE CANADIAN 8TATESW~.N, BOWMAIqVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMEER Otb, 1930 MODERNIZE THE C01UNTRY FAIR DeBA y W. A. Edwards in The Fmriera' Jt * O C O M A S'Ath at n e 0et on * Atbough I've mnterviewed everY C) Lpossible atoiyo h us i AÊJâPF'RJIAFELAN O' SIMdate I have bopelessly failed ta AILMENTS 0F MAN AND BEve.r who namned this country Ligm i r ON HAND. AS A MORE SER- display of vegetableS, domestic dm VICAB E.P stock, horse races and BONFOR D. UE Asciencye, le ASH RAYS NPAIR.ER ecutive floor. The other a queer lit- 80 L E - CAYNDT -pomdly-"HEFint" _____tie dump two floors below. 1 took TH OT l £ODYADWomteraitc lwon hr Years ago I lied an appointment the Uittie office. It will be perfectly W H IEWEN YOu is little "f air" about A. with a corporation president. The ail right until 1 show that I need ILEI.I t *th rgna da o!h scetaries, door men, and general somethirng better. I have enough country f air was a sort. o display O factotums in the great man's outer problerns at the beginnlng without *O *the prociucts of that particula.r coin- office made it clear that their boss the additionai handicap of a luxur- taoîè 0munity with the hope of obtaîfiflg was Borne Pumfpkis and that I was tous office."1 ______________________a prize for the best or near best ex- assuxing a great deal in asking to An office ma~nager who bas watch- hibit in afly or nany entiei see hlm. ed men corne and go in a big corpor- was the aimi and intention in order tbrough the last of themn and stood just about how long a new man wil TWICE BENM TM toencourage tlW counitryside to pro- in the presldent's private office, I .aSt. «'If bis first requisitian is for E Y duce, tramn and ézxibit a better grade saw in the corner a red-faced, bald- a lead pendi and a blotter and sorne ofhorseS. headed rnan seated at a plain wooden ink, I Put hlm down as permanent. DY SA E REMAnd so in ail Uines, ria f ault can be desk. His coat was off and bis But wben a man sends me an initial BY SA E Mf ound with the good intentions Of sîeeves were rolld up to revee.l a pair requisitioni for an ash tray and an ___________nche the country o! solid, bairy armns. electrlc buzzer I notice hie neyer stays R n sf airs, but as in s0 mafiy other cases "Ah, Mr. Barton," bie sald, "would over a year." Recommendsthe wbole arangemnent has become SO you mind standing on guard beside Napoleon was quite a trial to bis Lydia E. Pinkharn a commnercialized that the unbiased that door? My tailor has .iust sent courtiers because he did flot pay Vegeabl qC0112)Cnlld visitor must conclude he is attendlng me over a pair of cooler pants, and I more attention to the trappings of V etbea money-grabbing tournamnent rath- want to put themn on." bis office. When Bourrienne was Ser than a countryside exhibition O! So I staod guard while lie stepped teiling hlm that hie must do so and so Comr, nti,-Ya q wm the products o! the farmn. out of one pair of pants and into or the older relgning familles in Eur- 1 had a sick father and a nuraung baby True, in these tunes o! high ten- another, chatting sociably ail the ope would not recognize hlm, lie had ta cmr for, 1 Eot sion sport and excitement it is time. the sure answer of a man who knows ail r1n 3 w and migbty difficuit to entice f olks out toi I was reminded o!ftIs incident by bis strength. 1 tOOk LJdiis, look at !ancy work and cabbage and the remark of a frlend who was re- "If it cames to that I will destray ihdmm>. Ve&O- baby beef and home-made bread. cently transferred f rom the branch them al." lhe exclalmed. "Then Il tabe C0(EffotiN No one expects it. We've moved office to the New York headquarters shaîl be the oldest sovereign arnong to get u4 tofacranbsns.te. do my ~ ~along, maybe, past these exhibits as o eti uies hr. do mhe bg inucemAent Folks must Some of the men in the organiza- Generally speaking, those wba like - Chae Li Mme av ciemt of some kind or tion were jealous of bis promotion, lots of f uss are light welghts. The id err other, and the country fair bas got and be bas carefuily watched bis surer a man is of bis own capacity b'adlere bend- 1 r~ita hand it ta tbemn in one !orm or step. "The president gave me rny the less he cares for externals-in- lil the time1. îc another. We ail admit that, but is choice o! two offices." he told me, cluding ail fancy trappings and the 1~h botle o!that what bas taken the a-irot "One was a grand room on the ex- criticisin of tbe u.inforrned. V.gt&le of aur country fair? Maybe it was a Comnpound and fet like a Sew wSnft. puncture but not the blow-out. I meomrnend it ta any mnWho ia The country f air sbould be rejuv- FREE FREIGHT POLICY SLEEP ON RIGHT SIDE, athea~ when she needb bucmgzmpY enated; in other words, a bouse- '44RS.V.E. S.îmâE&NR4@CobSU& cleaning is badly needed. Some new Major the Honourable Robert Weir, BEST FOR YOUR HEART ideas, new methods must be put into Federal Minister of Agriculture, has If you toss in bed ail night and action. in somne places this bas ai- announced a new free freigbt policy can't sleep on right side, try simple ready been manifested, but there's a whereby beifers suitable for breeding glycerin, saline, etc. (Adierika). Just q lot to yet be done. stock bought by bonae.fide farmers ONE dose relie ves stomach GAS When You Feet Do you know there is some f ancy and cattlemen at stockyards west of pressing on heart so you sleep sound A CoId Coniing On! work in West Middlesex that bas Fort William will be returned ta the ail nlght. Unlike other medicine, Sto utatonc bytaungZLJOO been on exhibition for twenty-eight buyer's farm or ranch frelght free. Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and Stopit a one bytakng ZTOO years? Really that stuiffbas travel- Application sbould be made to the lower bowel, removing poisons you TABLETS. Remnember that Grippe and led the country more and met more nearest stockyard for the benefits of never knew were there. Relieves con- Pne4Jmonia begin *th a canmman coId folks than the Prince o! Wale3 hum- the policy. The concession extends stipation in 2 hours! Let Adlerika These tablets stop the pain and feveu' self. And there are others, siriar to carloads of not less than twenty cleanse your stornacb and bowels and knmditey, ndasie naur i ~ exhibits, made by no one can re- heifers ta be used for breeding pur- see how good you feel! Jury & knneiaelan asit aur i tro- member wbom and carted around at poses only, ta be s0 far as possible, Lovell, drugglsts. 45-tf igoff the cold. Taken in the beg"n- ail the f airs as the needle-craft o! of the same type and breed and ta be ning, the cold s o! ten stopped Mrs. So-an'-so; and the said lady not more than twenty-four months EV ake ovenigt. couldn't make a work shirt or a pair1 old. Free !reight is obtained on the Eczema a ihs n7 V 4Y ~~7I~ÏTI1 No, hn again there are the fakers! yards Representative o! th~e Domin- aso M nx B c hï No notthe rnidway cbaps; I don't ion Live Stock Branch a point of__ mean them. I mean the fake ex- purchase. It entitles the shipper to hibitors. Every fair bas them, for bave bis car o! breedlng stock biiled Mighty Powerful Antlseptlc Prescrip- attending fairs is their business. to bis borne station f ree o! freight tien Stops Itching Instantly, and You'Ul meet them everywbere, every charges. The railway company as- By lits Use Ulcers, Bouls and year parading the saine aId roosters sumes 25 per cent o! the freight and Abcesses That Discharge and hens, apples and pears, sbeep the Dominion Live Stock Branch the Are Qulckly Healed and pigs, raklng in the dollars and balance. dines and as interested in farming j______ Now that tens o! thousands know 0. 1~and the advancement o! agriculture that Moane's Emerald 011 belps ta as the man in the moon. ."1n're'.e euduce ugly, dangerous varicose There are individuals in every S ipl RJ yvens, we want them ta know that community who make a business o!f 1 CL tIl wonderfullly effective agent wil f aking exhibits. For weeks prior ta For Bad i.omacii dry up eczerna eruptions in a few the f airs tbey run around among the f ~ * days and cause the scales ta, drap off real farmers collecting the best ta be Ljiv uicI<R li and disappear. begged in that particular line of their Reif It acts the sarne way ithaysn f ancy, and it is these camouflaged No Need of Strong Medicines or Diet. disease, such as barbers' itcb, sait exhibits and exhibitors who generaily Sale and Simple'Home Recipe Keeps rheum, redness and inflamimaTox y carry off the big money witb their Stomaeh in Fine Condition skin troubles. coilected array while the real breed- So powerful and penetrating is er or producer is neyer heard of. If you are a victimi of Stornach Moone's Emerald 0W that abscesses, That is taking a lot o! prestige out Troubles - Gas, Sourness, Pain or bouls, ulcers and open sores are beal- o! the country f air, because everyone Bloating-yau may have quick and ed in a f ew days. Moone's Ernerald in the countryside knows that usual- certain relief by foilowlng this simple Qi s not a patent medicine, but lsaa ly these very fellows are the poorest advice. surgeon's prescription that for years, sampie 0f Canadien farmers. And Don't take strong miedicInes, artU bas been successfufly used. Jury & their presence at the fair is flot to fIcial digestants or pull down your Lovell and ail leacllng drugglsts dis- or hbelp agriculture but ta merely walk system wltb starvation' diets. For pense Moonels Emnerald ail. 45-1 away with the money that bas been within reason most f olks may eat _____ *raised ta stage a good fair and pro- wbat they like if tbey will keep their A rui CH .LD vide hanest competition. stomach f ree f rom sou.ring acids that MR-. WHEATLEY IS We have got ta bave fun at the hinder or paralyze the work o! di- LIKE A NEW WOMAN E can neyer be sure just what fair, and we must have excitement gestion. WI makes a chid restless, but the and entertainunent. But wby de- And the best and easiest way to do "Frfu esmyaptews remedy can always be the sanie. Good pen d on importation? Confine theti afi l st ma b "Frfu earsnyapptie asd aid Castoriai There's comfort in every racing ta the townships having the three or four tablets of Blsurated poor, my whole systr a oi n drop of ibis pure vegetabie preparation, fair, likewise the exhibits. There Magnesia-a pleasant, barmless, in- I was iu sucb a rundown condition and not. the slightest harm in ts frequent are a few old nags around yet that. expensive, and handy tablet f orniof and so dizzy at times I was almost use. As often as your child bas a are capable o! stirring up a lot o! Magnesia that promptly neutralises fret'fui speli, isfeverish, or cries and can't dust and fun. If not, give vistors1 acldlty ansd keeps yaur stomacb îlet Castoria soothe and quiet him. somte form of auto speeding or slow sweet and dlean. Sonietirnes it's a touch o! coiic. Somne- gaing; something novel and new is A week's trial o! Bisurated Mag- , time(s constipation. Or diarrhea - a ail the people desire for a change, nesia tablets, which any good drug- cOndition that should always be cherked for I belleve tbey are literally fed up gist can supply at trifling coat, %xithout deiay. Just keep Castoria handy on seeing the saine old thing in the shouid quickly convince yau that 90 and give it prom ptly. Relief wiii foiiow samie oîd way aIl their lives. per cent a! ordlnary stomach dis- very promptly; if it doesn't you sbould Relay races, the 100-yard dash and tresis absolutely unnecessary. Be cal i a physician.aitatilneegowod itte sure ta get Blsurated Magnesia Tab- ail hatwillnevr grw od wih te - public wba have always loved and lets! 45- *lauded manly sparts and exhibitions . o! strengtb and skill.__________________ And so, if the country fair is going & £ '~~~ta be truly representative of the con- Wan AiP st 0 muniy inwhicb it exists, itmust W rsA at4 become mare truly representative o! the age in whicb it seeks ta carry on. to Heed These Sio'ns Obsolete metbads must be discarded, W O)DS PHOSPHO DlINE' ancient custoins laid aside and a The Great English Preparatiai clearer conception establisbed o! If you are troubled wlth burnlng Tones anîd inv.gortes the whole wbat means community and agi- Irritations, Kldniey or Bladder Weak-________ rlperyous iystem. mkes new Bood cultural progress. ness. scanty eliminati on,. frequent Mr. John Ruthledge, Toranto, spent the weekend wltb relatives. Mrs. John Reynolds is vlsiting wltb I f riends and relatives ini the village. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Taylor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor. Miss Gladys Dodsley spent the weekend witb ber parents on Scugog. We are pleased ta know that Miss Chrissie Deacon, wbo suffered re- cently !rom a stroke, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McLaugblin and family, Enniskillen, spent Sun- bday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bail- ey. Mrs. Wm. VanCamp, Mrs. Levi McGill, Mrs. Howard Bailey, and Miss Florrie Parr, were In Lindsay Irecently. IWe are glad ta welcome home Mrs. iS. Jeffrey from Toronto and ta know that she is gradually belng restored ta bealtb and strength. Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright and f amily, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Balley and Ross, spent Sunday witb rela- tives in Mland. Misses Qivenietb Marlow and Hel- en VanCamp spent the weekend at the home o! the former's grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Heaslip, Jan- etlille. Regular monthly meeting o! the Victorian Wamen's Institute was beld ai the home o! the president, Mrs. Leslie Graham, November 5tb. The meeting was in charge o! group [6 wltb Mrs. J. Strong as convener. October meeting a! the W.M.S. o! , the United Cburch was held at Misses Annie and Effle Wright's, witb a splendid attendance. The meeting opened witb devotianal exercises fol- lowed by a business session which consisted chiefly o! arrangements for the annual bazaar on December 5th. The program was in charge o! the ings by Mrs. Cecil Hill, Mrs. H. Hooey, Mrs. C. Marlow, and Miss M. El! ord. Meeting closed with the serving a! lunch. EARLY DIAGNOSIS Health Service o! the Canadian Medical Association Remarkable progress bas been made in the campaign against tub- erculosis. In spite o! the fact that no speciflc means o! preventing or curing this disease bas been discov- ered, nevertheless, year by year, its ravages are being lessened. This progress is encouraging and shouid serve to stimulate us ta even great- er efforts ta overcome a disease whicb still remains one o! tbe most powerful foes against which we have to contend. We sbauld neyer lose sight o! the f act that tuberculosis is preventable and curable. The majority o! per- sans become infected with the germs o! tuberculosis early in life, but not all o! them develop the disease. In most cases, the germns lie dormant because the individual's powers o! resistance are maintained at a suffic- iently high level ta bald the germs in check. It is when our resistance bas been broken down tbat the dormant germs become active and tuberculosis de- velaps. The disease is always due to the action o! the germns whlch get their opportunity wben, through bad' living conditions, worry, over-fatigue, or some debilitating disease, the sre- sistance o! the body is weakened. If the disease does develop. the question o! cure naturally becornes the most important consideration. Whetber or nat the disease wiliIbe cured, and the length o! time re- qulred for cure, depend chlefly upon the early diagnosis o! the disease. When the disease is diagnosed early, there is every chance of itsi responding ta proper treatment. The1 longer the interval between the on- set o! the disease and the beginln o! treatment, the less chance there is for cure, and the time requlred fort treatrnent s proportionately increas- ed. A practucal cansideration is that it is in the group o! persans wbo bave been exposed to tuberculosis that nev/ cases rnost frequently de- velop. The more intimate and pro- langed the exposure, especilly if during childhood, the greater the likelibcod a! tuberculosis. Any person who bas been exposed ta tuberculasis. and this generally [means anyone who bas lived in a home wbere there bas been an active case, should be regularly examlned in order that the disease, if it does accur, may be detected in Its earliest stages. Sucb a person should, o! course, avoud those conditions which we have mentianed as being likely ta predispose ta the development o! the disease by lowering resistance. The person wha, for any reason,I suspects that be may bave tubercul- asis should seek an examination withaut delay. If there is notblngi wrang, then the mind is set at rest; if disease is prescrnt, the sooner this is known, the better. Early dlag- nosis us the key which unlocks the' doar and admits the hope a! cure. Mrs. Gushing: "My daughter bas wonderful musical talent. Wbere would yau suggest sending ber for valce culture?" Mrs. Gnashlng (new neigbbor across the hall, speakung very qulck- ly: "Oh, by ahl means. send ber abraad!" Deliltous Saladea 811 la u n xpensiveuxr "SALADA" TEA &Vrmh ftrm thre gaa4s' Don't Worry About Vitamin9 0f course, you need vitamils - and you can get them ail in this breakfast: A glass of orange juice for Vitamin C - then a bowl of Shredded Wheat with whole miJk for Vitamins A, B, D and E. A delicious breakfast, easily and quickly prepared and costs but a few cents. If you like a bot dish, pour hot milk over the biscuits. SHREDDED FREQUENT PAINS ?rLà NEyER let a throbbing head interrupt your shopping! Or other pain that Aspirin ends so quickly. These harrniess tablets are an antidote for the most acute pain. Relief is alrnost instantaneous. Taken in time, they will break up a cold and head off discornfort. They'lI relieve your suffering frorn neuralgia, neuritis, or the like, at any trne. Thousands of wornen depend upon Aspirin tablets every month to spare thern from those pains peculiar to wornen. These tables do flot depres the heart; they may be used as frequently as there is need of their quick cornfort. So, it's folly ta endure any pain that Aspirin tablets could relieve $0, prornptly. Get the genuine, which is always to be bad at any drugstore. "v ,APIR N FAIR ENOUGH Terry GiIkison THE CANADIAN STATZOZUN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1930 PAGE MORT !UqNuv 0 c D IN "

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