Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX CANADIAN STATUBUAN. BOWMA<VniLE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1930 B. B. S. NOTES On Wednesciay, October l5th, Bow- manville and Wbitby girls' basketball teams played here. Susie Adams o! Wltby, and Annie Wilklns o! B. H. S. eacli brougbt in a home mun. Score was 18-7, i favor o! B. H. S. Bowmanville played at Whltby Tues- day evening and won in a score o! 18-13. Trinity Churcb League entertain- ed the Fourth, Fifth and Senior Commercial Forms and Staff on Monday evening, october 2th. Students o! these foins gave a musi- cal and llterary prograis and Princi- pal L. W. Dippeil gave an interesting talk on his experiences i Russa. After the Leagueis entertained us with gaines and lunch. AUCTION SALES Monday, October 27th.-Wm. Hos- kins, Lot 1, Con. 10, Darlington, about 5 miles west o! Pontypool, wlfl seil bis horses, cows, belfers, feedlng steers, calves, and some implements. Sale at 1.30 p. m. See bila. Geo. Jackson & Son, auctioneers; Ed. Youngrnan, clerk. Wednesday, October 29th. - John Sandercock, Town Line, Clarke, lot 35, con. 6, wbo bas îented bis faim,j wil sel bis boises, 40 hens, and1 some fuiniture. Sale at 1.30 p. m.1 Theo. M. Slemon, auctioneer. 1* Tuesday, November 4th.-Mr. Jas.( Mountjoy. Enniskillen, wi11 seIl oni the premises, buggy, ligbt wagon,i barness, plows. hairows, etc., also Singer sewing machine, case of stuf- ed birds, washing machine, and other articles. Sale at 1.30 p. m. Theo i M. Slemon, auctioneer.9 Tuesday, November 4th.-Wm. P.r Hariis, lot 23, con. 2, Clarke, 1/ miles east o! Newcastle, haing sold bis faim, will sel aIl bis stock, un- plements, etc. Sec bis. Sale at1 1.30 P. M. Wm. Maw, auctioneer.c F. O. Mason, clerk. 43-21 WOOD SALE Wednesday, November 5th.-John Sepsics wll selI on lot 34, con. 9, Darllngton, 1/-mile west o! Enfield, about 10 acres o! standing mixed tiniber i 1/4-acre lots, more and less. Purchasers to bave to April 1, 1932, ta remove timber. Sale at 1 p. m. See bUils. Theo. M. Slemon, auct- loneer. Drug Store Shopping Made Easy PHONE 78 for your baby's needs, emergency needs, items for the bridge or party, in f act, all o! your drug store needs; and when phoning your regular wants don't overlook these SPECIALS 50e Brillantine Lavendei, 25e Comb, ladies' or gent's 50C 25e Linen Pa4 5 15e Envelopes25 35e Duska Talc. 25e Powder Puf 39c 39e Milk of Magnesia Tooth 25e Tooth Brush (Paste39c 50e Klenzo Shaving Cream 35e Gent's Talcum 50C 50c Symphonie Face Powder 25e Van Cream50 Jury & Loveil T"HEIEALLSTORE When we test oyes It in done propear1y. J ENNISniLLEN Mi. and Mis. D. Burginaster ape 1Sunday week i Cobourg. Mi. Jas. A. Werry bas purchase the fine brick residence on the cl Presbyterian churcli lot from, Mr.:1 Buigmaster. Mi. and Mrs. J. A. McClellan, Mr, Thos. Brown, Miss Viola Brown, Bow manville, Mi. and Mis. C. Peters -an Fiankie, Toronto, were rec.ent giest o! Mi. and Mrs. D. Burgmaster. Congratulations to Miss Daltci oui continuation teacher, on paslin lier second year Frencih i Toront University. Mi. and Mms. A. Page and Mis Alma Page. Mr. and Mis. Aifre Page, Toronto, vlslted Mia. F. Page Mi. and Mis. Saul Hancock, Roch ester, Miss Myrtle Brunt and Mi Frank McGill, Toronto, visited M and Mms. Levi Bmunt. Mr. and Mis. O. E. Jeffrey ani family spent Sunday with Mr. ai Mis. W. Marks, Scugog. Mi. and Mis. F. J. Jack and Mis Gladys Jack, Mis. E. A. Scott o! T( ronto, were weekend guests o! Di Ferguson. Miss L. Stevens, Oshawa, Mi.C Bryant, Pickering, visited at Mi. H Stevens'. Mi. G. Lacey, Toronto, gave a ver inteîesting talk Sunday moining or the Passion Play wbicb he bad th( pleasure o! attending at Oberammer. gau, Geimany, this year. This pis3 is nearly 300 years old and is giver eveîy ten yeaîs. Tbe cast was coin- posed o! 350 characters, and it be- gins at 8 a. m. until noon, and fror 2 p. m. until 6 p. m.. The music ww wonderful along with the Play, and very inspiiing ail tbrough. We aiE gicatly indebted to Mi. Lacey for ti grand talk. Mi. H. W. Pointen rend- ered a cornet solo wbich was very much appîeciated. League meeting on Wednesday, October lSth, opened with bymn, and prayer by Rev. Mi. Whyte. BiblE lesson was read by Edgar Wright; devotional lesson was taken by Mise Reva McGilI. The icat o! the meet- ing was in charge 0f the 3id vicE president, Howard Oke. Rev. Mr, Whyte and Miss Reva McGill weîE appointed to take charge of an emeic iency conteat; a reading by Norma, Carrington; and a piano solo by An- nie Oke; topic was David Sinipkim and was very inteîesting; ieading Fred Stannard. Meeting closed witl benediction. Mi. and Mis. Josephi Stîong anc son Rss Manchester, visited at Mr J.H. Freeborn's. Mr.MGarland Lacey, Miss.Lacey and Mi. H. W. Pointen, Torontc were Sunday guests o! Tbos. McGil The scbool is busy pîactising for musical festival to be beld some tin in November. Mis. F. Heddon and son Kennet: and daugliter Lois, Columbus, spen Sunday with the foimei's parent, Mi. and Mis. J. Orchard. Mi. and Mis. Uorne Griffin visite bis brother, Mi. Russell Griffln, o Sunday. Mi. and Mis. S. Pethick, Oswal and Lloyd, vislted friends li Newton ville on Sunday. Miss Helen Branton, OsbawE Misses Gertie and Wlnnifred Oki Bowmanville, spent Sunday at Mi Wesley Oke's. Mi. and Mis. E. C. Asbton ai June, Miss M. Dalton and Mi. Orvi]l Ashton, visited at Mi. Stewart Rot man's, Sucgog, on Sunday. Mi. and Mis. H. Slemon, Toronto Mis. C. W. Siemon, Bowmanville Mi. and Mia. Hugh Annis, weîe Surý day visitors o! Mi. and Mis.3 Slemon. Cream-Better returns i the Ioni mun by seing to Citizens Dairy Ltd. phone 52, Wbitby. 424 Sale of Cedar Trees Darlington <'ouncil i ll offer foi saiE a n umber of Cedar Trees on road aing lots 11 and 12, con. 9, on Thursday. Oct 30th, at 2 p. m. THOS. RICHARDS, 43-IRoad Supt CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1930, Municipality of Darlington, County of Durham Notice is hereby given that I have comidied with Section M0 of The Voters' Lists Act ani that 1 hav.ý postced ut> a niy offie.' at Hampton on the 14th da: of Octoi>er, 193(). 1h> list of al iersens entltled to vote in 1h>. sald Municipality r Members of Pniiiami-nt and at Mua- icpai Elections, and that such ist re- mains there for inspe-ction. AndI ih>iehy cal] upon ail votera to takp lmmedIaîce proccedings 10 have any errais or omissions corrécte<i accordiai to iaw, the laat lay for appeal heing the 411> fay of Novemher, 1110. Ou;ted this 131h day of Octoher, 1930. J . .HOGARTH, 43-1 (élerk of Darllngton Twp) Ir~ - BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE Delays are often costly, particularly if you don't have your furnace inspected, overhauled or re- paired before the real cold weather sets in. No- thing is gained by putting off having our men make the annual inspection of your heating system. Maybe you'll need a new furnace. In that case it should be attended to at once. We have made a lot of friends warm, or warm friends, by installing a McClary Sunshine Furnace or a Hart Oil Burner in their homes. An estimate places you under no obligation. Len Elliott, The Plumber Phono 348 Bowmanville PAGE SIX phone 52, Whitby. 42-2 Daîcli, Oscar Conlin. Si. Pr.-Lily Cowllng, Irene Cowl- FARMERS' ATTENTION! lng, George Conlin. I have on hand a good supply o! Beg.-Margaret Foster, Jelîva New- Chestnut and Furnace Coal and man. plenty o! Domestic Coke. Send hi H-Honora; F-Failure. your order at once to lys Gilbank, teacher. a. H. Collacott, Cieam-Better return i the long Tyrone Station C.N.R. mn by selng to Citizens Dairy LI.,g Phone 518. 41-tf 1 Phone 52, Whltby. 42-2 j MAPLE GROVE SOLINA HAYDON Mt Mrs. Jas. Hardy, Uxbrldge, Is visit- Mr. Norman Hall and Trenton, lng ber sons here. Oshawa, Mr. John Graham and sons, ;ed Remember the Annlversary next Oshawa, vlslted at Mr. D. Graham's. Id Sunday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Willllamson, Mr. T. D. Mr. Harry Phlllps, Ruth and Her- Hill, Pontypool, vlsited at Mr. J. bert, Toronto, vislted at Mr. John Wrlght's. rs. Baker's. Mrs. E. Bradley Sundayed wlth her W- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Miller and mother, Mrs. Edgerton, Pontypool. ad family, Sunderland, vlslted at Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bird and ts H. E. Tink's. children, Mount Hamilton, Sundayed Mrs. WinI Westlake lias returned at Mr. Theron Mountjoy's. )n. home after spending a week wth Mr. and Mrs. Elgin MountJOY and ng Toronto friends. familY vlsited her mother, Mrs. ito Mrs. Norman 'Yellowlees and Miss Sharpe, Ennisklllen. Jessie Cation spent the weekend wth Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Adams and Er- iss Brampton friends. nie, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Head, Osh- ed Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White vlslted awa, Mr. Wm. Hansford, Toronto, e. Toronto friends. Mr. White also Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hansford and h- visited friends at Owen Sound. family, Bradford, visited at Mr. C. r. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Luke, Mr. and Avery's. r. Mrs. Schofield Irwln and baby, Oshi- Wedding belis are ringng. awa, visited at Mr. Thos. Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton vlslted ad Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cameron and frlends li Mflbrook. id Miss F. Ca.meron, Corbett's Point, Mr. Thomas MountJoy is slck. visited Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hobbs. Preparations are going ahead for ss Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Hogarth and our usual Thanksgiving concert. 0- Miss Dorotby, Harmony, visited with Misses Rilda and Vera Siemon re- T. Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pas- cently visited at Mr. Charlie Brlggs, coe. Toronto. C. The community was saddened on Our synxpathy is extended to Mr. H. Saturday last by the sudden death of D. Graham i the loss of lis brother Mr. John Pascoe in Bowmanville. Robert of Oshawa. ry Oui sympathy goes out to the ber- Cream-Better returns in the long )n eaved family. run by seIllng to Citizens Dairy Ltd., ie Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor and phone 52, Whitby. 42-2 rMiss Lena, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest_____ *y Larmer, visited Mr. George Taylor, CUTC nl Pontypool, and Mi. and Mrs. Robert___ i-Raîney, Orono. Mi. and Mis. Harry Grooms and B_ Mr. and Mrs. Russel Wright, Ty Miss Mary, Toronto, and Mr. & Mis. in rone, Mr. W. Gilbank, Misses Ber- Ed. Werry, Solina, were Sunday vis- s nîce and Iva, Miss« Limle Weatheîîlt, itors at Mr. Jack Short's. id Shaws, Miss Irene Clark, Sarnia, vis- Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Annis and Miss re ited at Mr. W. T. Taylor's. Ada, Mr. Frank Walter, Miss Birdie S A Hailowe'en Masciuerade under Failis, Oshawa, and Mi. and Mrs. A. 1- auspices of the C. G. I .T. is to be j. Gay motored to Fenelon Falls and *Y held on Saturday, November lst, i attended the anniveîsary services the Sons of Temperance Hall, Solina. there on Sunday and were guests of Y, Admission 10c if not i costume. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washington. id Mr. Ed. Law, Mr. Alan White, Mr. Mrs. Annis and Mr. Walter sang at le and Mrs. Jos. White, Toronto, Mr. both services, morning and eveniing. tand Mrs. Beit White and John, Ag- Mi. and Mrs. W. G. Rundie, Miss ss incouit, Mr. and Mis. Joe Smith, Olive Hoag, and Mr. Poltini, of Toi- -Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Charlton onto, Miss Aura Rundie, Bowmanville ,e McBride and son Burton, Peterboro, Hospital, and Miss Aura Osborne, r. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and were Sunday guests at Mrs. Sam re Kathleen, Salem, visited with Mr. Rundle's. and Mrs. Geo. White. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Hancock, Roch- n About 80 fîiends and neiglibors of ester, and Mrs. Levi Brunt, Enni-i Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson gath- killen, visited Mr. and Mrs. Horace is ered at the home of the biide's Hancock and Mis. Ellen Hancock re- g, mother, Mis. William Montgomery, cently. th on Friday evening to extend congrat- Messrs. J. L. Parsons, Cedric Par- ulations and best wisbes to the bride sons, Blake Courtice, and R. E. Os- d andl groom. When ail weîe assemb- borne, Bownxanville, motored to r. led Mr. Eliner Wilbur asked the bride Stratford and took in the Provincial and groom to take chairs at the front pîoughing match held there and also ', of the îoom, and Miss Margaret Scott visited relatives in Exeter and Mit- LO, in a nicely woîded address explained chell and report a fine time. i. the reason of the gatbering and at Mis. A. F. Rundie and Miss Ami a the proper time Misses Evelyn MiIl- Hoît motoîed to Cleveland, 0hio, last ne son and Fanny Smales and Mr. week where they are spending a few Raipli Wilbuî presented Mr. and Mrs. days with Mis. Rundle's sister, Mrs. Lbh Ferguson with a mantel dlock and Horsburgh. nt matching candlesticks, and silver sait Miss Mavis Kenney. Consecon, was ýts and pepper shakers. The bride and a weekend visitor of Rev. and Mrs. groom replied tbanking them for Hl. C. Woifîaim. ed their gfts, and short speeches were Mis. S. S. Brooks spent a few days on made by others present. The re- i Toronto last week. mainder of the evening was spent in The Young people had a successful Id a social way after which îefîesh- meeting on Thursday evening witb ,n- ments weîe served. the president, Mr. Jas. Hancock, in the chair. Miss Norma Wade read 'a, TYRONE 1tbe bible lesson, and the topic whicb Le, was missionary was ably dealt witb r. Mrs. Barraball and Mr. Lorne Bar- by Miss Laird, teacher of No. 4 irabail, Mrs. Neil Smith, Miss Mary scixool. A piano. duet was nlcely adand Mr. M.\ac- Smith, Orono, Mr. played by Misses Hazel Rundle and ne Archie McDonald, Bowmanville, viSit- Sadie Muir, and afterwards a char- d-ed Mrs. Viola Smith .. Mr. J. Hath- ade was put on by Miss Velma Gay's erly, Peterboro, is visiting with Mr. R. group, the word being guessed by Mr. O.Hatherly .. Mr. arid Mrs. N. J. Wood- Hopkins, teacher of No. 8. Some e, iey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. games were enjoyed and the meet- ri Lorne McCoy, Brooklin .... Miss Grace ing closed. 3. MacKay spent the weekend at ber Mi. and Mrs. A. H. Keane and home at Beaverton .. .. Mrs. J. Lilli- sons of Orono were Sunday visitors 1g crapp has returned home after spend- of Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Wolfrainx. 1-igtwo weeks with her daughtcr, Mrs. Cream-Better returnis i the long 2 .L. Byam .... .Mr. and Mrs. Lorne run by seing to Citizens D:airy Ltd., -Redpath and Sheldon, Mr. Frank phone 52, Whitby. 42-2 Hatherly, Dixie, spent the weekend ai _______ Mr. Richard Hatherlys..Mrs. Em-SAE e merson Davis and family, Cookstown, 19 Miss Edith Taylor, Keswick, are visit- Sorry to report Mrs. L. Richards is ing their sister, Mrs. W. F. Park.... suffering from an attack of grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace 'Miller have re- The Sunday afternoon service was t. turned home after a very pleasant mo- conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. R. -toi trip over the Ferguson Highway Trumpour. Taccompanied by ex-warden McKinley Mr. Milton J. Werry, Oshawa, was and M.irs. McKinila3' of Bass Lake. a Saturday visitor wlth Mr. and Mrs. )fThey visited many points o f interest F. L. Squair. at North Bay also going thîough the 1Mr. and Mis. G. Cornish motored gold mines at Cobalt, which proved to Janetvllle and vislted their daugh- very interesting. Mi. and Mrs. Thomas ter, Mrs. Fitze. 'l'enn ant, Orillia, îeturncd home with Gîad to note that Miss Marlon t Mir. and Mis. Miller and visited friends Honey bas suffciently recovered from ýy hiere...On Friday cvening Orono Mis- ber recent iliness to return to scbool. y inBn ebr r xetd1 Messrs. Jack and Grant Moffat, visit Tyrone. The program will be Orono, spent the weekend wlth their -given by the visitcrs. The nmeeting is grandparents, Mi. and Mis. F. L. tu bc held ini the hall at 8 p.m. Hope Squaiî. to1 see a good turn-out ... . League Mr. Heatherly, North Monigan, y' Thuîsday evening in charge of 3rd uncle of Mrs. Cornisb, Mr. and Mrs. v.ice pres., Miss Irene Cameron. Topic Newsom and son and daughter, Osb- which was read by Miss Edna Cam- awa, were visitors wlth Mr. and Mis. eron was on 'Japan Facing the Cornish last week. World; Piano solo,, Miss Olive Mill- aySlmfkwodnteih son; Reading, Mfiss Ruby Virtue,a grief tbe deatb announacement lI 'a "True Great Heart.' At the close week's issue of Mrs. Stutt -of Orono. cveyoc eijyeda_-ogaÇ: mtc she being a bighly respected resident h M ___ rn October Selling of Youthful Coats for the Miss and more conservative st yl1esa fo r Mother; aîl of a high quality broadcloth, in the season's newest colors of black, brown, green, n.avy,, etc.; large coîlars and cuifs of black caracul, brown muskrat, ombre lapin, grey squirrel, etc. Every coat represents exceptional value. COATS AT» $25*O0 Some are samples, others are coats from our f ull stock specially priced. Developed in smooth pure wool coat hrl interlined and Iined with brocaded satin and fiat crepes. WOMEN'S CHILDREN'S 80 x 100 RAYON FLAT CUFF KNITTED BLOOMERS BEDSPREADS BLOOERS aîlweigt boomes fr ehld-SALE $2.95 Knit ciosely of soft brushed ion, sizes 4 to 14 years, in navy Think of buying first quality cotton yarns that wiil givo lots RynBdpedi ag of warmth and ca b wr and sand, fleece lined, elastic e aon ledspl lreas, nargehi undor silk bloomer at waist and knoe, low price. very special at C Q Regular $3.95 goods. feeling, per pairC per pair ....' atuday erîc Walker ýSt&es Limited YOUR FAVORITEPhn 164 PAY CASH AND SHOPPING CENTRE BOWMANVILLE BUY FOR LESS FUR TRJMMED -sAl $32e50 4 1 Mr. Wm. Webster, Cambray, is vis- itlng bis niece, Mms. J. D. Stevens. GIad tsi see Mi. Stephen Jeffery out again a! ter bis serlous slcknesa. Mis. Ray Snowden and daughter Helen, Toronto, iecently vislted wltb ber parents. Mi. and Mis. L. C. Snowden spent Sunday wth Mi. and Mrs. J. B. Rey- nolds, Port Hope. Sonry to report Mis. Wm. Brown is under the doctoi'a care. AUl wish ber a speedy recovery. Mis. John Curtis, Town, Miss Hilda Curtis, Toronto, spent th, ekn with Mi. and Mis. Joe Bell. Misa Mildred Hunt, Toronto Uni- versity, spent the weekend with beri parents, Mr. and Mia. Frank Vice. Mr. and Mis. Herbent Pascon and son, Toronto, spent the weekend wlth their cousins, Mn. and Mis. Roy Met- cal!. Sonry ta lose Mi. and Mis. Mark Blackburn and famlly froin oui com- munity. We wish them auccesa i tbeiî new home.1 1 Mi. and Mis. Fred Stevens and f amily, Mr. and Mis. Chaîlie White and daughtei Gertrude, visited wlth Mi. and Mms. John Hoppa, Town, on Sunday. Mi. and Mis. Steve Munday and f amily, Courtwright, spent the week- end with tbe !oimei's parents, Mi. and Mis. M. Munday Si., and otber relatives. The many !iiends o! Mis. Feiguson Abernethy are pleased to know tbat she lias sufflciently recoveîed !rom her sickness to be able to return to ber home. League lias opened for the winter term with the foilowing new officeis: Hon. Pres.-Rev. H. C. Wolfiaim; President-John Cator; Vice Pies.- Wm. Laird; lat Vice-Greta Mun- day; 2nd Vice-Edna Swallow; 3rd Vice-jack Brown; 4th Vice-Dora Eames; Secretary-Lavonne Trimble; Asst. Sec.-Iva Foley; Cor. Sec.- Winnie Lancaster; Treas.-Marjoie Stevens; Pianist - Elleen Hockin; Asst. Planit-Ellen Ginxblett; Sec.- Treas. o!fP. M. M.-Ruby Aldswoith and Ted Foley; Social Com.-Etelka Trinible, Marion Snowden, Allan Clarke. We Struck Luck The Christie Biscuit traveller called on us Monday just as we were getting our advt. * ready for The States- man and offered us tredandy specials I in their hjgh quality products which will j be here fresh from the factory Thursday morning. Here they are: Chriatie's Fancy Peaks, marshmallow with a chocolate base, special this week, per lb..23c~ I Christie's Fig Bars, these are always po~p-.5 ular, special for week-end, per lb .......5 Christie's Robena Puif Cakes, chocolate 2 coated marshmallow, 3 days' special, lb ...26 SAVE MONEY-BUY PEAS BY THE CASE Aylmer Choice No. 4 Peas, case of 2 doz. tins $2.20 Bunford Standard Peas, case of 2 doz. tins .... $1.80 Broken Orange Pekoe Tea, per lb ............50c B. C. Salmon, "Sea Horse" brand, IL tin ....20c Castile Soap, regular price, 10 bars ...........25c And Don't Forget We'1I Have Fresh Fish Friday IIARRY ALLIN, Grocer PHONE I« DOWMAN VILLE

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