Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1930 THE EDITOR TALKS that. Anather wil grow its branches Wh tii r-i 17 A LEGAL M. G. V. GOUID. B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan on Farm and Townl property. Royal Bank~ Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, solicitor. Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan. Phone 91 Bowmaflville. Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, solicitar, Notary Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, KiÇng Street, Bawmaflville, Ontario. Phones: office 102, House 409- L. C. MASON, B. A Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Loans - InvestmefltS Bowmaflvfie - Next ta Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; House 553. DENTAL Dit. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in DenistrY, Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. office: King st., Bawmnafville. office phane 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Equipmeflt in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Oraduate af Royal Dental CoUlege, Toronto. Office: King Street East, Bowmanfville. office hours 9 a. mn. ta 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. phone go. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipmeflt in Office. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Taronto. Office and residence: Dr. Beith's former residence, Wellington Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. J. CLARK BELL 0. ., Ch. B., F. R. C. S. <EdIn.), D. P. H. (Successor ta Dr. A. S. Tilley) Hans. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow ai the Royal College ai Surgeons, Ednburgh., Office and residence: Queen Street, Bowmaflvlle. Phone 89. OMfce HouI's: 2 ta 4 p. mn., 6 te 8.30 P. m. OHIROpRACTIC AND DRUGLES THFEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate af Toronto Coflege of Chiropractics will be in the Baw- manville office Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenlngs, phone 141J. Reidential calîs made during foare- faon. FUNERAL DIRECTORS FF. MORRIS CO. Ah Complete Motor or 119fflHorse Equipmeflt. Al call promptly attended ta. Private Ambulance Bowmanville Phone: 10 and 34. Branch Stores: 17 Orano & Newcastle. Embalmer and Funeral Directar. Caflh given prompt and persanal at- tention. No extra charge f or dis- tance. Motor Ambulance at your orvice. Phone 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf AUCTIONEERS THRO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Parm and Bouse sales a Speclalty. Ternis moderate. Ennisklllen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf VETERINARY IL G. KERBLAKE, V.S., B.V.Sc. Orano Honor Graduate ai the Unversity oi Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Office: Dr. Mclroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. TREASURER!S SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES Town of Dowmanville T i County of Durham By virtue of a warrant Issued by the Mayor of the Town of BowmanvilUe bear- lng the date of the l8th day of August. uale of lands In arrears of taxes In the Town of Bowmanville wilI be held at nw office at the heur of two o'clock in thse aiternoon on the sixth day of fleoernber, 1930, unless the taxes and costs are .ooner pald. Notioe la hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arreaxe o taxes la being published I the Ontario Gazette on the 23rd day of August a.nd as-la Treasuror. Wth It you can easilyand quickly rnake delicous- TIE IBOR EN CO., LEMITEO 140 St. Paul . Montreal Send mcine FreeSi. Charles Recipe Jkk NMEF.............................. ADDRE'IS........................ 13 dane rnany times by bath amateur and professional pruners. It asni the hast year or twa that 1I hýave be- gun ta study Pruning from the stand- point o! the individual tree and a jrecord ni ita pat performances. Proceeding Mr. Reber in this very practical and interesting way tells us that a tree which has borne a heavy crop ai fruit this Year bias poured out its strength ta mature thut crop and has not put much. strength into twig grawth. Obviaus- ly it should have a very light going over, conflned ta branches which cross or rub each other. and broken branches injured while picking. The tree may be likened ta a horse which lias done a heuvy day'a wark. It shauld not be whipped into furtheri efforts. The next tree in the row may have made a wanderful branch and twig growth but bore f ew if any fruits. Perhaps it needs corrective measures through heavy pruning, 50 it wilh set and mature fris instead ai pouring out sa mnuch. strength into twig growth. Here is a new tbaught wbich came ta me this year but which I shaîl put inta practice. My McIntosh trees have had an amazing quantity o!i bloom for the past three yeara but set not over a dozen apples ta the tree. I have laid this ta varions 7causes, cald weather, rain, lack of croas-pollinatian, etc., but have work- ed out another theory which I r>ass along. The tree wishes ta beur aI f ull crap but it puts out altagether too many blossoma. The tree lias fia power ai selectian which mnight cause it ta drap certain blossoms and set others so it tries ta set every biossom and îa unable ta do s0 be- cause o! their great number. ConsecquentIy it drapa ail or neanhy ahl, and sets no crop at all. My thearY is that the tree needs a beavY prun- ing. nat big limba you understand, but branches and twigs, sa that it will have juat enaugh bearing surface ta produce the number ai blassoma which it is strong enough ta set inta fruits. I shall try that out this Winter when pruning operations be- gin. The thought which I am trying to convey is that the non-bearing tree needs comparatively beavy prun- ing, while the tree whlch bore a gaod crop this year should have very light pruning. That is why picking time is a fine time ta plan for future pruning operatiatis. My theory la conflrmed by the ex- penience ai one old farmer in this section. He waa a confirmed optim- ist wba alwaya had a cbeery word but this time he waa feeling mast a little blue wben an orchard specialiat called ta aee bim. Upon incauiry, the man told a tale a! setting out a large dwarf pear orchard with the thought that it would produce enough ta briug bim an income for declining years. That dwarf pear orchard had acted exacthy as manY others ai wbich I knew the history for years back. It grew well and blassameti full but set so iew pears thut it was a failure. He waa advis- ed ta prune severely ta reduce bear- ing surface, not eut off so miany big limba but remave fruit apura teaa minimum. He f ollowed that advice and bas had a big crop ai pears on that orchard ever since. Mr. Reber madestly continues ta emphasize this important point by ayn:Now this bears out my theory regarding Mclntosh trees, which bear thousands ai blassoms but few if any apples. Evýidcntly the tree is trying ta do too> much and inust have its bearing surface reduced ta the point which mrakes the troc have enatigh rcservc ztiength ta set and matture fruits froin the îcmnaining blassomas. It is just p.sible that this la the cause ai ofnoi)-beariiw wîth MeIntosh rither -t han lack of cross-pollination. Possibly wse lhave Ijeen on the wrong track aIl this; time, anyway 1 shahl pivce the, theory a tharough trial. Another reasoni for- înaking pîrtin- i ., an ind,iial affair instoad ofa ma.ss projcct la that <itierent vani- eties vary in the î,rowth hiabits. Onei will endeavar ta graw stiaight up-' ward, the Spy being an example af a very splendid talk on "The Child in the Home," stressing parents studying with the children at home ta give them inspiration, instilling respect for authority and thaught af others, and lastly the real need of religian in the home. Ail those hearing hlm cauld nat help carrying away many good ideas for training their children. The Club is always glad to, have Mr. Wagar with them. A hearty vote of thanks, moved by Mrs. Richards, was extended to al taking part in the program. Meeting closed wîth Mizpah bene- diction. Refreshments were served and a social haîf-hour spent. Redecorate For Winter Wlnter is a long, cold, drab time of the year. and lt's ýa time when pou s"Y in the house more. Make your home brlght and eheery wth new decoratlng so pour Win- ter wilI be enjoyable. Any wall paver we have on hand is golng drt cheap. Get your share and save a lot of money. Geo. Pritchard Painter and Decorator (Over Statesman Office) DOIT NOW BEFORE THE RUSH Make sure of solld comfort the camling wlnter by having the Hecla Furnace installed naw. It saves 1 ton ai coal in 7. Estimatea gladly f ur- nished without obligatlng yourself. R. E. LOGAN Plumblng, leating & Tlnsmlthlng 264 - Phones - 453 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. There was a yellow foyer epidemic Ie omnil ulcSbo.a raging in the Southern States. This f mnilePbi was a frequent occurrence in the lasti speakers. century, but the improved sanitation The public was warned against and advanced methlcal discov re i îning papers without reading them asepsis thut camne at the opening o! careful1ly. as several farmers had the new century eutirely wiped out been mulcted ai variaus amounts as this scourge in all parts o! the world. a result of signing notes under the Yau may think the Soviet and impression that they were buying Cammuniat ideas peculiar ta this Faim Rights for a patent gate. It goneration, but a news item in thia is supposed that the blank page ediionoftheStaesianstaesthat' sîgned hud a f aise heading which editan ! te Satesan tats Iwhen removed left room for a note. aCommuniat organization la said tai hv enfarmed lu Quebec. 1 It coat severul as much as $300 each. There must have been protesta in The Port Hope Weekly Guide had every age againat extravagant dresa- juat been changed ta a daily issued ing, judging by the !ollowing para- under h nameaiTeDmno graph: "Lady Carririgtan, one of the Daily Guide. richeat brides of the year in Eng- The Cangregutionul Church build- land, started on her wedding tour lu ing bad juat been removed ta the a simple print gawu. Think ai it, i'ear ai the lot and renovated to bc yaung ladies!" used while the new edifice wa build- Street fights were reported break- ing on the front twa thirds. THE TOWEL Health Service'of 'the Canadian Medical Association Most people reahize that because aur handa came into contact with so many objecta. they become soihed andi cantaminated with bacteria or germa. Many af the germa which aur bands pick up are harmleSs, but sanie 0f theni belong ta the disease produc- ing group. If the diseuse germas present on aur handa are ta cause trouble, they must gain entrance into the body. Footd or drink may be contaminated by the handa. and Sa the germa are tak- en mnto the mouth ahong with fod or drink. Hancha may be carried tc the face, and the soiled fingers touch the lips or nase. In this way, dis- euse germa are transi erred ta the inteniar a! the body. It la f or these reasons we teach that the handa shouid be kept away !rom the face aud that they sbould ulwaya be thoroughly wasbed befont food is toucbed. There ta no doubi that dlean banda aff ord one a! tht most practical safeguards againsi diseuse which we passeas. When the hancha are thoroughly washed, we get rid a! the grass dirt and a large percentage af the gerniî lying on the akin. The banda are not aterilized by washing. By thal we mean that ahi germas on the akin are flot destroyed as tbey are when, fon example. we bail abjects in water. Practicaîly, this means that wher the banda are wiped on tbe towel, some living germa are leit an the 1towel. If the toweh is frequently used, an if it is kept in use for some daya. the number ai living germa or À the toweh increasea. if the same tawehla used by more than one persan. then eaah user nol only leaves sanie o! the germa aff his banda on the toweh, but alsa, as he uses tbe toweh, be pieks up on his banda some of the germa whlcb other usera ai the towel bave le! t on it. It bas been proved that this la wbat actually happens. Our reasor for bringing it ta the attentian ai aur readers is that it bas a practica] meaning for eacb one in bis daihy life. It is obviana that the commoii toweh, whether in the home or else- where. muy be reapansible for tht spread o! diseuse germa. This means tbat we should have aur own towel and never tise one belanging toaun- other persan. Above ahi. we shoulti shun the public toweh just us we avoid the camman drlnking cup. Ideahly. a towei should be used but once. In uny case. tawels should bn firctiirntly cbanged because tbey do become heavily laden with bacter- lia. Truc. most of these buctenia are relativcly harmîess, but we never know when there muy be some dis- easf, pradîteers among them. (ALLINCG ANYWHERE -1wanftot talk ta Finiland." i Sounds unicasonable. daasnt it? But it is onhy one of nineîcen Eu- ropean <ountnies naw uvailable by telephonop. as; wehl as moal, of the Amendcas. Universal tehephony la .nearer than many think. Lii e is noa Brief candle" for me. it is a sort o! splendid torch whichI have hold o! for the moment; and I wunt to make it burn as brightly as possible, before handing it on ta f ut- ure generations. - George Bernard Shaw. It ha become a matter of won- sder that there sbould ever have ex- îsted thase wha thaught it admira~ble, ta enjay withaut warklng, at tue ex-1 r !Pense o! thase athers who warkedi f1without enjaying-Herbert Spencer.1 Life Assurance the Besi 'Lç ýt Investment 1 almiost at right angles and thus make W at vvas JNews 52 I cars Ago We are flot an orchardist. But!1 a spreading. well-rounded tree. have often xished we were. We do M'ir. Reber says: I find my Mcn-' know considerable abaut farmiflg in tosh doing juat that, also the Stay- 1 ImnsTknFo TeCnda ttsa general and stock-raising in partic- iman Winesap. Baldwin endeavors Cm et ae rmTeCnda ttsa ular. r1his part o! Durham County ta grow taîl, while Ben Davis apreada of September 6th, 1878 is known as one o! Ontaria's finest out. King David makes a spreadig apple growing districts and ta aur trce for me, as daes Deliciaus. but great delight we have passed through Twenty Ounce tends to grow taîl be-, Papular Music 10 cents a copy! ing out frequently in Kingston the chbsan section three times re- !ore spreading. Obviously each var- 1 These are the sangs that Thos. Yel- among the yaunger element of the cently in late afternoon when Old Sol iety should have its own pruning I lowlees was advertisiflg in August, Protestant and Cathalic Associations was shining brightly on the heavily plan instead af treating all alike. 1 1878, in The Statesmian: Drifting during election excitement. laden trees o! red apples-a lovely do nat believe in topping young ap- with the Tide, The Poor Old Tramlp, F. Masan's Harness Shop was do- sight ta behold and one we have pie trees, but I must admit that a Keep Pretty Flawers on My Grave, ing a thrivmng business under the taken pride in showing somne city neighbor who topped his brought My Home on the Old Ohio, Will You management o! Thas. Humphrey. f rienda who have visited us and them inta bearing much ahead of Remember Me. He alsa featured Peter Werry, Tyrane, was offering words have failed them ta express mine. the following booksa just out": Thrift îfarm far sale or ta rent. their admiration and appreciatian o!f by Smiles; Ouidas novel 'Friend- 1Toa oradJh .Rc the grandeur af the archard scenery. Dwarf trees af any variety must ship"; Creed of Christendam OGuyI btopped and pruned quite severely Earlscaurt's Wif e Phantam Wed- had .iust returned f rom a trip ta the But aur abject in publishing this ta keep them dawn. I have not done ding; Buelah and Picnic Speeches.' great exhibition held at Paris, France Talk by an experienced orchardist- that with my dwanf apples. and now This proves that they read novels that year. This was the same Thas. Mr. L. B. Reber-in a recent number I cannot tell which are dwarf and and attended picnics in the goad old Haar wha, many times in later years of The Rural New Yorker-is ta give which standard except as I rememn- days, and even made speeches at pic-' made frequent excursions ta other ou amrapegoessm eyber ,,,ere fhav ,,,ro set. T I shlnies.h, parts af the world and develaped the vau arer i pneormanenruitsomeey hs waf h rnigo nteBuiesDrctr etegracious habit of writing regularly ai vauabin formaujetion on fr wuit treegie sths Wrnste p rn a nth uins Drctoywretehis travels and experiences ta the pruing a ubjct ot aa ellun-I hei das tis intr. a fr teycarda ai J. Fielding, M. D.; Alex Statesman, where his intelligent and derstoad by many ai them. Mr. have not borne a crop althaugh 10 Beith, M. D.; J. W. McLaughlin, interestiiig commenta were tharough- Rebers apening paragraph read: years aId f rom setting but watch me M. B.: The Dominion Bank, J. A. ly enjoyed by aur readers. Hia School la open again sa the clasa' carve themn this time. Cadd, agent; Chas. Harnden L.D.S dahaat wnyyar g a inpunn wl les crefarward I Remember. lae ta uh fdahasou henaskiled aspeedyw in prunigh illplae ae eaasri o newoti s hoywt e, rthatimuch fromJ.M. Brimacombe, L.D.S.; A. W.sdea w kldbyapey altough thisbotacher subflot. onewo athîsathory wîtd h stîn fromCrawf ord, coal and woad; J . Higgin- jinterurban electric car when on one know ahabat te abiet. ao c~ustinin mm whch skawhybatham, chemiat and druggist; H. a! his visita ta California. early ta prune? Yes, you are right, certain trees and certain varieties act O'Hara, broker and general inaur- Ohr h iie h ai x but it la not too early ta plan for the way they do. It is obvions though ance agent. Ohr h iie h ai x pruning. I know no better timne ta that a Maiden Blush and a Spy K Gbt e a d iiinfrm ti iiiywr plan future pruning than when the shauld have separate pruning plans, J.. albrai. baistrs, wsad* hbTinfrmts intyw trees still bear their load af fruit. although bath are apple trees. vertisin Money ta Loan, the funda Thomas and Gearge Miller, Newcas- ________ofa the Freehold Loan & Savinga Co. tle, Mr. and Mra. H. C. Russel, Port Hope, Thomas Carrol and John Gîll- Now, suppose we ask some ques- HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB F. T. Hoakin and F. Gearge Haskmn, bard. Cobourg, and Mr. and Mrs. R. tions. Here is a tree which has a tinamitha, announced the dissolutian H. Jamiesan and Jahn A. McGilli- fine crap o! applea; there is one Home and School Club met on o! their business partnership as Hos- r ay, Whitby. which did nat bear this year . Shauld Wedneaday. October 8th, in Central kin & Son. The Daminion Organ Campany they be pruned juat alike, and if sa, Public Schaal with a very good at-j Annauncement af the Provincial publiahed a copy o! the record show- why? Here ia a Mclntosh and there tendance. The president, Mra. F. 'Exhibition o! the Agricultural and ing the pointa and specificatians on is a Spy. shauld they be pruned alike, Jackman, occupied the chair. Meet-j Arts Associatian of Ontario ta be which their instruments wan the and if sa, why? They have verv, ing opened with community singingi held at Taronta. Septemnber 23 to 28, wrîtthCeenilEpsio different habita oi growth, as every' fallowed by "O Canada." Misa L. L. with athammath prize lixtoamount orchardist knows. Here is a Damnson Bragg at the piano. ing ta the astounding sum aof $18.0001hl tPiaelhai 86 plum: the next tree is a Burbank, Mrs. W. J. Richards toak charge in prerniuma. This was the fore-j The Sons ai Temperance had a should they be pruned alike? They, ai the programn which wa as fallows: runner ai the Canadian National Ex- beautiful day for their picnic lat tao. have very different habita of Mule quartette by Messrs. S. Glan - hibitio heansbcoewr d iail sem e tacyemselve growth. vle ttIrg, .Reig n .famaus. ataleir ertontent 'without the I ask these questians sirnply be- Albert Cale. which Waa very much 1NwMlieyetbihetMs oterhatscnet"ihu h cause it la a cammon custom ta prune enoe yal ot ra oo'iad of wine." aIl apple trees alike regardîess ai var- Master Chas. Richards: piano solo. Donnelly annauniced a goad assart- iety or previaus craps. I have danc Misa Gertrude DeweIl; recitation by imentdat law prices at her new store The anniversary of Long Sault f,1 pr hie veof and seen itMr-s..W. Adams was greatly apprec- one caor wea fArnBclr abt colwsannaunced for 1 qfrp 1Sept. 8th and 9th. with Rev. J. C. S UN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADAI HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL ai AxUTOMOBILE C 44),. AN EXPERT SERVICE FOR MOTORISTS Wheri it cornes ta lubrication, we're experts at saving you rnoney. Nat on]y an the cost of a high grade greasing job, but on the cost of keeping your car in flrst rate mechanical shape. Avail yourself of our modemn greasing facilities. Drive in and let us grease your car with the right lubricant for autumn driving. Speedy service while 3ou wait. CLEMENS' West End GARAGE King St. West Bowmanville THE FRIENDLY SERVICE Millions of miles o! wire crisscrass the country ta carry yaur voice w.herevcr you w'anita go. Present ay tolephone re :rnunication is e- markably ýxwift a~ sure. Thé, tele- phon2 habt for keeping in touch wihou- - nf riends is grawing ,The Luitest Roeer* s j 98 CO PEE$2 AU On Sale Tomorrow! N 0 NED nowte huy anaie- leas "stencil" radio to save a few dollars. ilere is a new model of the fanious Rogers... Seven tubes, four of the new Perfected Screen-Grid type ... Ail tubes fully guaranteed by Rogers ... llighly developed selctivity ... Five gang condenser . . Rogers "Tone Control" ... Genuine Eleetro- Dynamic Speaker. .. Handiome, distincetive bîtri ivalnut cahinet .. Sixth yar of proven performance *.. Easiest terns of payvmet .. Conplete with tubes, orîly $198 delivcrd and insalled ta votîr aerial. You can pay $200 more for a radio, but you cannot güt more performance!1 W. J. BAGNEL 1King Street efc will stop a head- ache in twenty min. u u tes, break up a cold ove> EPîý.fýý .Z.ighl, and relieve the n*.onttdy pains of wornen. Used by thoLm. and&. m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1930 PAGE TWO AMAN cao create an estate for Ahimself of $ 1,000, $2,500, $ 5,00, $ 1,000, or more--ail dependent upon is position, incomie and prospects. rhrouegh Sun Life assurance he can be sure of reachin gthîs objective =ihi a specigfed time, with saeyand witbout loss or im- parment of principal. if death should intervene, Life Assurance will do wbat no other investmnent cao guarantee-it will mnake the full intended principal available t once for is family and will carr through the pro- gramme thathe bad planned for them. The Sun Life of Canada bas a policv to cover everY need. Sée one qof is Representatives. Bowmanville 1 Phone 489 Bowmanville

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