Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1930, p. 12

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- .N . . .T .Y..iT1uTnzs Ay. "OC BR 23rd, 1930 PAGE TWECLVE SVNDAY AT LOCAL CHURES LOCAL COUPLE CELEBRATE 1 GOLDEN WEDDING St. Andrew's Presbyteriafl Church1 Rev. W. J. Todd, Minister. 1 (Contiflued from page 1) il a. rn.-Morlin1g Worship; 7 p. m. Dear Mother and Father: -Evenlflg Worship; 2.30 P. m.- You have assembled with you to- Sunday School. Strangers Fespecially Insght your chilidren and grandchiidrefl welcome. on the eve of the 5th anniversary of TrlntY nlte chreh your marriage. Triniy Unied To us ail you have been a wonder- Rev. j. U. Robins, Pastor. fui mother and father and as years Sunday services at il a. m.-PreaCh- go oni and we ail get older the more er, Rev. W. Stirlinlg, Orono. 2.30 we understand andi realize the triais p. m.-Suflday School. 7 p. m.- and adversities which with God's The pastor will preach. heip and grace you have passed Chnch through ever making sacrifices for St. John' Anglican Cuc your chiidrefl and tonight we want Sunday, October 26th, 1930, Nine- you to aecept this littie gif t as a teenth Sunday after TrinitY: il a. smali token of the love we ail bear m.ýMorflmg Prayer; 2.30 P. nm.- for you. Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Evefling Mr. Bottreil made a suitabie replyl Prayer. and Rev. Father Butler added words of congratulation and appreciation. St. Pauils United Chureh The members of the famlly preseat Rev. D. W. Best, D.Dt., M[inister were Mr. Leonard Bottreli, Mr. and Ariniversary Services: il a. Mi-- Mrs. Normani Bottr'eli, Miss Edna Morniflg Worship, 7 p. m.-Evenimg Bottreii, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dopp, Worship, condticted by the Rev. and Eugene, Teresa, Mary and Paul; James R. Fraser, M. A., D. D. 2.30 Msr. Basil Tueker. Toronto; Miss Mae p.m-uda ol. BtrlMr. and Mrs. Frank Bot- m.-unay ehol.Botil Mr.Ernst ottreil, Mr. and' i John E. Miler's Dry Goods and Fur Store where satisfaction is guaranteed and prices are best Muskrat Coats, first eut....$115 Hudson Seai, with squirrel trim ......................$2..$ 10 Persian Lamb, sable trima ... $100 and repairing. Ail our work is guaranteed PAULS CHRCH OTES Mrs. Gilbert Jones, Helen and Bobble, ST. ULSCUC NOE Bowmaflvilie; Messrs. Bernard and On ednsda evnig te CG.IT.Vincent and Miss Nora Tueker, Osh- Tuxiedn s Sqarenin ith . teirawa. groups and TxsSur îhte Oa Monday a public reception was leaders went on a hike, returning to heid when over two hundred friends the lecture room with a keen appetite ln and out of town cailed to offer for e<rshmelts Som ga esan congratulations to the worthy couple. social hour comnpleted a very plasn Little Miss Teresa DoPP opened the evening for about thirty bright young oofrthgeS. Misses Mae and folk. Edna Bottreil and the four sons re- OnSaurayafternoon the junior ceived with their parents in the liv- Missionary Society heid a successful îro , loveiy yded eiiw um audth sale and afternoon tea. Whîle tea broses fedlnga adb eytoite was being served at the smail and anbriotfcsooma.iaigth rd tastefuily decorated tables a couple of Theand groom wsas a trc snsby Mrs. Alexander Colville, te spteablemwas iso nrdw piano numbers by Miss B. Murdof tv pt alebigenrdwt and Miss Elsie Carruthers and a the threestorey weddisig cake and violin selection by Chester Jury added prettily decorated with yellow butter- to the pleasure of the afternoon. fiy roses and yellow canioes. Mrs. John Grigg, cousin o! the groomi, The Wornen's Missionary Society poured tea and lier assistants were hceld their autumîs thank-offeflflg at Mrs. Norman Bottreil, Mgrs. Herman Evening Worship on Sunday last when Westaway, Miss Carnie Gallagher, an able address descriptive of the vani- Mrs. E. J. Dopp and Mrs. Gilbert ous phases of tise work of the United Jones. Mrs. Frank Bottreli was in~ Church in Korea was given by 'Miss charge of the registel' where over twc Louise McCully xvho is honse on Iserhudegutswr recorded as hav- third furlough, having spent thirty jing offered congratulations. years in Korea. A vers' gratifying 'Ansong the many, messages received offering was made. A large n umber xas a cablegrani from His Holiness were presenit and the music provided 1Pope Pius XI whieh was as follows5 by a full choir of ladies voices was Canada ainlTlga much enjoyed. aia1atonltiel ai- 53RC15 cable mo Cittae ai cano, 18 Oct. 7435 P. BLACKSTOCK Bishop O'Connor, Crea-Beter etufl. in he ong Peterboro, Ont. Crea -Beter rturs inthe ong Holy Fathel cordialiy grants Wýess_ run by selling to Citizenis Dalry Ltd., ing, Golden Weddiflg, Mr., Mus. 3Ot- phone 52, WThitby. 42-2 treil. Crdnltehi 2.50 P.M. frf Telegrams were also received f4 MI. J. O'Brien, Coadjutator Archblsho. o! Kingston; Father V. G. McFadùpn, Trout Creek; Father J. B. Ferguqs 11 Warkworth- Father J. J. Garvey terboro ater Fian, Peterboro, 1 ther J. J. O'Brien, Peterboro; Father T. F. Scanion, Grafton; Father Cos- tello, Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Chasý NOOnan and famiiy, Rochester, NY.; Mr. and Mus. W. Dorsey and family Rochester, N.Y.; Miss Lily Burns Windsor. Many beautiful glfts were receivec Whatever the cooklng you in addition to those already mention requre or he eeryday ed, including a bronze statue o! th( requre or he eeryday Sacred Heart o! Jesus !rom Arci meais or special occasions, you bishop M. J. O'Brien, o! Kingston, ais( wli fld or eper baers gold pi-es and floweus from man, willfIndourexpet baers frienda in town, Toronto, Rochester equal to your requireenits. Downeyville, Kiamount, Port HOPE We ae peasllg ther ~d Cobourg, Kingston, Oshawa and For can also ait you. Among those present at the WeË ding fity years ago and also presen on this occasion were: Mr. Anthon Mitchell, Bowmianville, groomnsman BREAD DROPS TO Mr. Fred Barrett, Fort William; i Harry McCaffery, Toronto, and Mri 9c LOAF DELIVERED Johni Grigg, Bowmanvlle. Out o! town visitors inciuded. M: and Mrs. H. Baskeeville, Miss Hild Theseare imeswhen every Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Weekes, M TheseW. Woods, Mr. Clive Woods, Miss( effort should be made to pat, Audrey and Geraldifle Woods, M. ronize local merchants as well O'Neill, Mr. and Mes. Water Wall! as buy bread made in Bow- sley, Mr. and Mes. Harry MeCaffer manville. miss Carnie Gallaghee, Mr. Basil Tue er, Me. Leonard Bottreli. Miss Edr Bottreil, Me. and Mes. Nortsl J. Bottre1, Me. and Me- i ~ 1 J E.J. Dopp, and family, Toronto; C I1nWmanvllLe chas. McCullough, Hamilton; Me. -~ Marsh ail, Auroea; Rev. O. J. GillolI Kinmount; Rev. P. J. Galvin, DownE vIlle; Rev. P. P. Butler, Cobour B akery Rev. JJ. Guiry, Port Hope; Mr. i Ms rdBaerett, Fort William;b A. W. Jacoba, Propr*&itor i Grigg. Oshawa;* Master VinCe Tueker. Miss Nora Tueker, OshawaS BUY YOUR FU R CO AT S NOW AT The NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENTts THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1930 NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCU SIXTY-ONE MEN REGISTERED Mrs. Thomi, Toronto, spent the Rev. W. P. Rogers, B.A., pastor, (Continued from page 1) weekend with Mrs. W. T. Lockhart. Sunday, Oct 26. 'necessary tis faîl to spend $1.00 of Mrs. John Scott has returned home il15.m.-Moriig Worship.I the town's money for relief purposes. f rom two weeks' visit with f rienda in 2.*30 *;.n.-Stinday SchoolCae have been investigated by hinm Port Hope. 7 p.m.-Evciif Service. Iesnlybtlefudcniin Mrs. L. Parnell and son Charles, junior choir at both church services. such that help was flot deservîflg ori spent Thursday week vislting f riends On Thursday evcning, Oct. 23, Mr. C. actually needed. I i Peerbro.the Boys' Work Board, wiii be pres- l! e Committee adopt the recommen- Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pearce, Clare- ent at the Tuxis Square meeting and dations which other municipalities mont, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vam- discuss plans for the holding of a are observing in handling the unem- plew and sons, Toronto, visited Mr._three day Boys' Conference here -.mre ploymeiit, whlch are: and Mes. W. H. Pearce on Sunday. urne this fail. lst-That steps be taken to cancel The United Chuech Maie Quartet, This is Education Weck as prociaimi- liquor permits and home-brew per- W. J. S. Rlckaed, Howard Alun, Mark ed by the Ontario governosent through mits of applicants for relief; Alin and Harold Alin, sang at the the Departient of Education, and in 2nd-That no relief be given any Clarke anniveesaey services Sunday. order to fittingiy initiate its observance person who ovns an automobile; Me. and Mrs. James Armstrong, Rev. W. P. Rogers accepted the sug- 3rd-That the head of any family ,Mr. Russel Armstronig, and Miss gestion of Principal Coyne of the rmklng application for relief, who Thelma Coulter, Janetvifle, were High Schooi to preach a sermon on is empioyed at the time of applica- guests of Mr. and Mes. Louis Parneil education in tihe United Church on the tion, shall be prosecuted for non- on Sunday. first day of thc wveek. Mr. Rogers support. preached on the subjet on Sunday Mr. Lockhart requested tis paper M. Mark Blackburnl, who is mov- morning taking for his text, Matt. to make known the fact that those ing soon with his f amily to the for- 13.9 "He who hath eaes to hear let who still wish to register may do so mer Andy Sharpe farm, Renwick's himn hear"l-Christ's conciuding ad- at bis home, H-igh St., f rom 9 a. m. Corner, spent Sunday with his fath- monition in regard to the parable of to 12 noosi or by phoning 516, but er, Mr. W. C. Blackburnl. the sower, after showing hov. the please do flot cail in the afternoons. . St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. word Education is dcrîved from tihe A few people have come in feom ad- Mason, M. A., Rector. Sundcay, Oct. latin verb, Educo, 1 lead out, describ- joining townships who should make :26th: 8 a. m.-HolY Communion; ing its functions and quoting defini- application to their own township 10.15 a. m.-Bible Study Class; il tions by learned scholars, hec vent on counicils. .a. m.-Mornlflg rayer; 7 p. m.- to show that education of tihe mind There are many ways in wich .Evenig Frayer. alone, tise drawsng out, developing and citizens could, if they only would, 1 r.Frank Branton, Who has not training of the intellect is a dangerous help the unemployed. Many people been well for the past twomot, the moral and spiritual education of making as much money as they ever went to Toronto last week for an in- 1dIdae lse s ,~finitp the student. di, while others aecasda defnit sty ithlie site' Mrý.J. The ereat cities ansd enmpires of the peole of means; If these geoups tnnsnak. and. and change o! environmeflt may ce- striking msonuments to a svstcni of cleaning and putting up storm win- store her health. Miss Helen Tuif, education nîsercin the intelie'cual out- dows, rakiflg leaves, digging gardens, Toronto, meanwhile is keepiflg bouse ran the moral and spiritual ; a systesss looking after fuenaces, taking out f oe her uncle. f education inded where there wvas ashes, etc., it would go a lng way no place for tise latter. Those onsce to tide over these uni ortunate men. SILVR WEDINGprou(l cities and empires weîît te their Just phone Mr. Lockhart and tel SILVR WEDINGinevitable destruction. In closing, the him you want a man and he will see Mr. aund Mr&. A. Cowan 25 Years preacher, witls il te carnestness of that the jobs ae fairy distributed MarredLan old testamnsst puophet, sai(i that among those wbo bave registered. Marid.our goverrninits of to-(iay wudd oeil to hced tise lsasdiriting on thse .\r. and Mrs. Alonzo Cowan on Sat- wall and take a larger respensiblt urday evening, October l8tls, at tlisir for the moral and spiritual trainng home eonN oîrths St., <eund thenmselve s 1 s d irs s eu p quite unexpectedly lsost ansd hostess hig sheoy n is i . ubi te about seventy-five of tiseir relatives Orprsn.adpsstutarisar \Viti, ne inkling of tiseir msotive M r. cation isas otstruss hv <au tîseir moa andl Mu\s. Cowan had accepted ass in- andl spiritual; whiie man sîmore per- vitatie n rons Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose sonss by theiu elucated' buaiiîs, lut -cousins, Harry and Louise-to spenil lacking any (ievelopistent oftîseiri tise day wits tiseii. Tisen aftcr tea, moral and spiritual natures, arc at 1 This week you can buy f or 50c M,ýfr. and ,Mrs. Jose and Mus. S. Jose, large in society wiscn thecy ouglit te Aunt Ella, drove them ishome, as wçasI be in the care of some institution. 1 bottie Day Dream Perfume 60c quite iatural, in their car. Arrivcd at 1_bx________Fac_____r50 the Iseuse they found it lighted up1boDaDemFceodr c <cons front door te oodshed; heard CANADIAN CLUB FOUNDER Regular value $1.0 tehuns and buzz of many riendly . iocs and discovered that ail tise msains (Continued from page 1) For one week we seIl you the roems had beconse a bee hive of He remarked that Canadian Clubs ohfo O humanity. were dolng very good work, but had Bt o 0 Tise consnsiittee eesponsill attendeul a hard fight to make the Clubs what to tise seating of Mr. and MrMn Coivan they were to-day because o! 50 many 1 To try it ia to like it. an d be side tieni the groomslsaiS andl other o ganizatiots. He spoke o! I lridcsmiaid ?f 25 ycars ago-M r Merk- Canada becomning one o! the greatest icy andl Miss Hattie Broad-the lat- countries o! the world. tee a cousin and tise former now a He had thought it would be nice to cousin-ii-law of the bride. hod a Canadian Club Convention in Mr.Jos Coiso, NrthSt.neih-London, Englafld. but it turned out E S AS Me. Jos Coue ilsos North t.nigfsto be a Party o! about 45 persons .iter ocasinound himsel fwch air a feom Canadian Clubs feom coast to torhe cas iant d ier a oen exln- Coast. He then sketcbed bis trip THE DEPENDAUILE DRUC STORE toMry.rensars in oed iasn Bic- to the British Isles. .tober nuptial item rom the Nwcastle IgreaS.aweence. ste onthof )Independent of 1905, chronicling the the atS. arenuee Cty d itedf marriage of Mr. AIonzo Cowan and the bodat tlQeesCo!the a iso! M .\iss _Melissa Taft, both of Newcasle. Abhe l a.then eoeededPdownsthe by Rev. J. C. Wilson of the Methodist Arhm hnpoedddw h tChurch. M. Coulson (Bil) then went rver and out into the vast spaclous R e d fo on t red a adressof ongatua-cean. Wrhen they sighted the faint tonted an ddlsees 0 ongreatla- outline o! Ieeland's great massive e d o t ofrtien s and od ill signtcdombeht- bills it gave hlm. a wonderful feelingi y f t-reltvs and eend yC thecolimi-to catch the flrst gllmpse o! the C L Patrick Couisen and John Henry Jose. botl- (201.1)the wa Joeprsntdth ria pi wt the course of this addeess Mr. They landed li Belfast and 'vere W cJos sendth le r l and isses a and ureoulreceoved b.y the Lr E T E ? cbsiet oClrk, nMaroiesBradand vMsytedand Prime Minister. They M.Bsin lr Àroie re- adviie Dublin and other chties, and CAULKING a inePearce favoeed each of the e were taken thraugh the Parliament M Bunited bridai party with flowers, a buildings and saw the great cathed- jmi ýs large bouquet of yellow roses and cal. It was a marvelous sight to WEATHEB8TR1PING r.mums te Mes. Cowan, a bouquet te behold. They vislted the beautifuli a-Miss Broad and a eose each for the English Lakes, also Glasgow, Scotch Before the severe weather sets , lapel of his coat te Mr. Cowan and M. aks ndEnbgh eyad in, have your house equlpped with EClark. Me. Jose produced a pile of onderful reception there. They ulng etbrtpinoert letes ro dstntfriends, offeeighdtepesr !ging thog keep out drafts. Experiefice f r o in d i st n t l t h e P eea c h e s t h a t a h o u s e P r o P e r lY n congeatulations and expeessing eeget1 the great castle on the bil. 3that they weee unable te be peesent. He then narrated the storY o! caulked and fitted wth the right Mi.- owa spoke the thanks and ap- May ue ! ct.a olyrood kindof weatherstrlp can be kept J. reciation of Mes. Cowan andimef who was beheaded, more o! whic h i a k wit ao 20% esa fel. y, and being possessed of the silverwae, wil be told in another Issue. m estagodnetmit ýY- said te the assembied compariy "The On downm through England to Lon- Kindly let us quote you prices ; bouse is youe5."' don wbere at the great war mnem-~ on this wack, as It viii put you id The opened cabinet disclosed a orial and the unkcnown soldler's grave under no obligation. e.- dozen each of knives, orks andi spoons they placed wceaths, maple leaves AB R TH BR S ntadabte afe f rom Canada and a Union Jack. I à'JLE NE H R S Me. F.butW. BowenMP. ev. W. P. He closed bis narrative by thank- P'hones 431 »d 417r21 SRoes BA.; Reeve W. F. Riekard; ing the Club for the pleasure it has BOWNANVILLE e~ouncilo .H ee has. M. given hlm to come to BowmanvilleI Eddy sec-teas. of Brown's Schoi; once again and address their club. ________________ Merkýley Cl1ark,' former chairman of Mes. Mason, on behalf o! the clu b _______________ ýBoard of Education and others in brief mnembers, vecy graciously thanked speche xeesu heretens fer Col. Mccullough foc his address. Me. and Mes. Cewan and their two Next meeting o! the club an ad- attractive daughters, Misses Bertha dress wlll be given by Mr. Sedgwick. and Ruby, and voiced their pleasure K. C.. on the St. Lawrencie and Deep in having numbered among their Waterways project. fiends. The ladies present tok ne part un John Moffatt and Geoge Moffatt, EESH RT G the specclimaking progeans. but listen- mngn h hw'Sniae P I cd ell îhugh wei ad ioke wel.thresblng outflt, threshed on Monday How wonderful it is that the They aise cooked well as %as amplY for M . Thos. Clemeilce 900 bushels ee h u h ol n nh i evidenced sone tinse later whess re- o! western oats in four boucs. 500 eyethough eonly tson nch In freshments of coffee, sandwiches, tarts, bushels o! tis heavY ceop being aength, devel os its ownpius cake and fruit made their appearance turned eut in two and a quarter dite and ec ives isobjiticous andl shortiy their disappearaisce. houes. -without approaching or movlng Before dispeesing the conspany sang wyad ito cnggth Geci Save the King, led by W. J. aaS.dvtou bngn h Ri_______United___________________r angle o! the ead or the object. Ricard UntedChrchchorîsastr.Newca.stle Sucb delicate co-oedinatiofl is a In addition te those pescrnt rosi YugPol' La rclss beritage that should be this neighbîrseoil, friesds wer es onPe PeC5 egue priesvdaaycot eîst froms Toronto, Oshawa, \Valkee- arhodn hranul perv taycs. ville, Oeono, Belleville, Ressssere, Coii- aehligterana Only those pool- unfortunates seo adote oints. 91 1 who baving once enJoyed gooc - -- -- ~ 1a1owevision and tbrough neglect, disease secen ssul tîseren or înjury, bave îost it, can trily . . - 1appreciate just bow precious it 15 CREAM Masquerade BETTER RETURNS IN FDAonTBR3 THE LONG RUN, BY FIAYOT8pm 3 SELLING TO in tihe basemefit o! tihe COMMUNITY HALL Prizes for best costumes. CitiensDaiy ýOrono Orchestra to f uenish music. LIMITED AMISSION: IPhone 52 Whitby Aduits 25c; Children 10e. -I ie >s OPTOMETRIST Office Over Flood's Store Port Hope Offce Hours: WEDNESDAT eueh week 9.30 a. M. to 930 P. sM. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. ýp e. a- tr Y,, s, an- Le ly r, >e, )rt Bd ni an; [r. rs. ses n 'o1 Mr i.e a. Miss Olive Thorne, Toronto, spent lie weekend with her aunt, Mrs. t). Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cryderman, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with La and Mrs. J. H. Jose. Galbraith. Mr. Jerry Breen and Mr. and Mrs. Newtonville Women's Institute met Lt the home of Mrs. John Robinson, Manvers et., on WednesdaY, Oct. 16, with eighteen members present. I Geo. Wise and chlldren, Toronto, spent the weekend with the Misses Breen, Pierview. The RED & WHITE Stores FOR OCTOBER 23, 24 and 25-WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, large can .......... 9.Jc STUARTS BLACK CURRANT JAM, 40 oz. jar............. 37e CROWN BRAND TABLE SYRUP, 2 lb. tin...............4e Falcon Brand SWEET MIXED PICKLES, family size ....43e LUX or RINSO, small package ..............lOc GRIFFIN BRAND SEEDED RAISINS, pkg. ..>..... 14e 00WD MEDAL CASTIILE SOAP,............ cakes SUi 00WD MEDAL NORWEGIAN SARDINES ......... 8e SHREDDED WHEAT, <Cash and Carry) ...... .. 2 for 23e TENDER JELL ORANGE SUICES ............. 23e CHOICE QUALITY PUMPKIN. large tin ................ 14 FALCON BRAND WORCESTER SAUCE .........13e STANDARD QUAIT= PEAS, No. 2 tin, per tin ......9e FRY'S COCOA, 1/2-1b. tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23e FRESH DATES . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . 2 Ib. 2j OXO CUBES .......... Large size 28c; smali size -9 EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK, tin.........19e SERV-IJS ASPARAGUS TIPS, pienie size .........25o JEWEL SHORTENING .............. 2 1-1b. pkgm. 33e Red & White ORANGE PEKOE TEA, lb ................. 57 '/ 2 - l b . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 9 e POST BRAN or RICE CRISPIES 2....for......2 5, GOOD QUALITY SOAP FLAKES. ............... 2 Ibo. 25e AYLMER SOUPS, any kind except Chlcken,...... 2 for 21c FRESH- MILLEt) ROLLED OATS................. 6 Ibs. 23e 3 CAKES CALAY SOAP. and 1 cake FREE .............. 25 SERV-US SOCKEYE SALMON, '/2-ib. tin................ 23 LIFEBUOY SOAP .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .3 for 22e MACIS COOKIES, a real treat, dozen ............14 We Seli and Recommend MAGIC BAKING POWDER COMBINATION OFFER LPKG. or CAKE BON AMI....... V INS BABBITTS CLEANSER Fresh Oysters- Scaided Cream - Fresh Poultry Choice Selection of Fresh Fruits and Vegetablew F. W. NELLES PHONE 599 WE DELIVER BOWMDANV1LLE BeautifuI Coats and Dresses Expensive You wiii reflect ail the distinction of the un- usual 1931 mode in these iuxurious fur~ trim- med coats. There are all the newest fabries- chongo, lido ecio t hs, n pile sheen broadcloth, Blin& Blin broadcioth, novelty wooiens - with ail approved furs formn- ing great, flattering col- lars and generous cuif s. You must see these coats to realize their beauty. So reasonably priced, too, from. $15,000 $75.OO ' SHOWING 0F new DRESSES They are frocks that go to dinner as graciously as they play bridge at home or re- ceive guests of an eveniig. They are lusejous in fabric ... many of silk laces, many of satin and velvet, and theyr are designed to give that ex- quisitely long limbed look that is the ideal figure. Nol expensive eithen~ -I -- - - ý --Ahammý 1 TIM CANADIAN OTATHM THE SMART SHOP COWAN BLOCK GO R. MASON, Manage r

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