Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1930, p. 6

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f Ready for COLD WEATHER CAULKING and WEATHERSTRIPPING Before the severe weatheri in, have yaur house equlpPed1 caulk.lng weatherstrip ti orde, keep out drafts. Expert teaches that a house prop caulked and fltted wth ther kind of weatherstrlp cari be1 warm with about 20 % les This makes It a gaod lnvestn Kindly let us quote yau pr an this work, as it wil put under no obligation. ABERNETHY BROS Phones 431 and 477r2l BOWMALNVJILLE IColds « Yes, lots of them! But you flot need to let yours lay yout Just take LAXACOLD (tablets) and be rid of it in a few hout Laxacold is 25e a box at KERSLAKE '.S THE DEPENDABLE DRUO STOF J' yoUi ever Stop -that any one of our many tasty, "'home-baked" bakery specials wiUl help you save time in servng wel lround- ed out" meals. Try our crisp, flaky breakfast mols -white, rye and whole wheat breads - or our splendid assortmeut of cakes and cookles for every need. Bowmanville Bakery A. W. Jacob&, Proprietor DO IT NOW BEFORE THE RUSH Make sure of solid comfort the comlng winter by havlng the H-ecla Furnace instalied now. It saves 1 ton af coal in 7. Estimates gladly fur- nlshed wtbaut obligatlng yourself. R. E. LOGAN Plumning, Heating & Tlnamltblng 284 - Phones - 453 BOWMALNVKLLE, ONT. ALEGROVE TYRONE DARLINOTON SLN Rev. Faulkner, Coborne, wifloc- Mr. and Mns. Jas. Bail anad tam- Report of S. S. No. 3, Darhington, Mr. Moase, PortLINA viieda cupy the pulpit on Sunday. ily, Leskard, visited at Mr. Wm. Vir- for September: Mr. J. T. Rundle's. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Snowden spent tue's. Sr. IV-Aloysius Kush 73, Annie Mr. and Mns. Chas. H-owsama vislted a few days with friends at Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Souch, Town, Kush 62, tHarold Forsythe 58, tW l.port peryfriends Mrs. Thas. Baker, Solina, spent were Sunday guesta af Mr. Abert bur Blackburn 56. M Yrs.is.Haitn vste theweeendwih br duglte, Ms. awky.Jr. IV---Grace TrU 72. Mr. N. C. Yellowlees. L. C. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson and Jr. IfI-Hazel Truil 74, Berniece Mr. and Mns. Mervin Hobbs visit- so alce iie Mr. and Mn. . H. uda n Glynri. Oshawa, visiteci Mrs Roberts 68, Helen Rundie 64, Lole d with Oshawa friends. Clayson, allace , viotd M. nd Mr . Lar Hicks.Foley 64, Maurice Morphy 62, tSarn- Mr. and Mrs. Ueo. White vlulted Clayon.Hampanon unda M < ~ d M* Gi ~MY Van Camp 53, f Vera Gibson 53, Peterboro frlends on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. T.» Skinner ad Ms i.Crn andMisf dy Hazel Roberts 45.Mr.Ts.Bkrvltd tM. daughter Dorothy, Toronto, Misses Carin. Salemn, were guests of Mr. Sr. fl-Eddie Forsythe 65, frthi . TSawes, ale rve t. Eliza Kirkton, Myrtie" Green, Town, Luther Hooper. Fansythe 52. trh R em . nember the iisio eetn. r Mr. and Mrs. Milfard Wilkins, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwaod Rundie Sr. I--Jean Metcalf 66, fPeggy the S. S. room Frlday evenlng. ses Theodore Wilkins, Oshawa, vlsited at and f amlly. Mr. N. Rundle, Bawman- F'lnr.gan 55. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake and wih Mr. E. W. Faley's on Sunday. ville, vislted Mrs. E. Wight. Sr. Pr.-Eveline Gibson, *Marie family vlsited at Mr. C. Avery's, ,e o Mr. W. N. Murdaf and Miss Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Curtis, Or- Roberts, *Vala Roberts and *Gordon Haydon. le t< Callurn. Toranto, and Miss Ruth ana, are vislting lier sister, Mrs. Truil (equal>. Miss Laura Hands, Toronto, spenti Lenoe Armstrong, Grace Hospital, Toronto, Horatia Hills, and ather friends. Jr. Pr_-Madellne Metcalf, *Glenn the weekend with Miss Mrae c rgt were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday School Rally next Siinday Metcalf, *Louise Farsythe, *Mlke Kessock. Mrae c rlght R. H. Armstronlg. at 10.30 a. m., when Mrs. W. Adams Baiik.toa Mr. and Mrs. W. Trick, Oshawa, ktfuel of Bawnanviile will be the speaker. *-Hoflours; f-Failure ontoa Miss May, Harmany, vislted at Mr.i nent: SALEM Mr. and Mrs. David Hooper, Mns. (below 60%); Figures stand for %. A. J. Balson's. )rcsCharles Awde, Orano, Mr. and Mns. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. Sunday School an Sundae t23 lice Sorry ta report Mrs. F. L. Squair Ed. Doidge, Salem, vislted Mrs. Jas. ______P. M. an accaunt of Quarterly ser- ou and Miss Marion Haney sick. Storie. vice at Zian at il a. m. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cari attendedMranMs.JeRnodadM. Markham Fair an Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lame McCay, ENFIIELD Wir.a and mil oeynolTarand vMrte S. Mr Sidey Ecombeis bck i ourBrooklin, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McRob- ilnadfmyTrtovste neighborhood employed with Mr. F. erts and Stewart, Oshawa, vislted at Mr. and Mns. Charlie Moore, Mt. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reynolds. L. Sqair.Mm. Siman McCoy's. Forest, vislted at Mr. Al!. Prescatt's. Messrs. Frank and Chas. Short- Mr n r.L. S avuaindr.ld Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCuiloch and ridge and Misses Vera and Phoebe r n d Mrs. vL. Svery aeknd chlld- daughter, Oshawa, Miss Reva McGiII, Mr. and Mrs. ElImer Gibsan, Oshawa, spent Sunday wlth Braoklin frlends. oswtbepaet.Enniskillen, Mr. m oneTr iie tM.Jh ulc'. Miss Nora Werry and Mr. Ernest orsswith hem parn nts. . E aonto, visited at Mr. N. J. Woodley's. Mr. and Mns. Parteous and famn- Werry. Enniskillen. Mr. L. T. Pascoe - Ms lard y ots an nd Mrhe w artn MMi. and Mrs. George F. Amnis and ily, Toronto, Miss Helen Pascoe, and Miss Edith, Hampton, visited at - t Palarroo.spe n thoes wek.d iss Ada Amis, Ebenezer, Mr. Levi Wick, visited at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's. Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. at her rspctveoms.Annis, Toronto, Rev. P. L. Jui, Mrs. Hamer Hurîbut, Owen Sound, Dr. and Mrs. M. W. Pascoe o! Las Mr. and Mrs. G. Richards and Braokiin, visited at Mr. A. W. An- and Mr. and Ms li ace Angeles, Calif., visited their bra- baby Joan, Toronto, spent the week- nis, moiivsie tMr. El. O Ps- thers and sisters here on their way end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Fred BlacrbuGn. Or- tnss home af ter a tour o! Europe and the f Sevral aurSale f 01 attnd-an, Mrs. Wm. Jennings, Newcastle, Mr. Gea. Cochrane attended sev- BiihIls ed anniversary services at Tyrone onl Misses Reta and Ina Carr and Miss eral fair at week with bis horses Oryugpol aeacpe visna. n eottw peddsr Elva Virtue, Bowmanvllle, visited at and was among the red mbbon class, an invitation to give their play viS Mrs. Laura Virtuels. as usual. ,Marrying Anne" at the fawl sup- MA.Wilkýi oInsadM.Nlo The Women's Institute and Lad- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rabbins, Mr. pra hmtnsCresti Woiikms n oyied a arinp ta et- o les' Aid willi meet at Mrs. Luther J. and Mrs. Fank Adams and san Thursday nlght. do eror ndav tdfind hr 1 Goadman's on Wednesday, Oct. 15th, Floyd, MT. and Mrs. Wm. Adamns and Mr. and Mrs. Narval Watten and Su M. nd r at 2.30 p. m.. Pmagram is ta be giv- son Gordon, Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Master Francis and Mrs. Arnott UP. Mr and MS. C. H. Rawan and lit- en by members o! Solina Institute. Adams and childmen, Rbeta and Ken-sptSudywbOhaa!lns tic dagte rn, ehan. M. d Mrs.Roll call ta be answered by "Inex- netb, Rochester, Mr. Everett Ormis- Mr. Ben Powell accampanled them Wn rP . Moffa, mo on Sitedath. Pensive Xmas Gi! ts."1 ton, Bowmanviile, visited at Mr. W. home for a visit. adMrs. . . Sair o suas y. it Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wight, Mr. and J. Ormlston's. Mr. W. J. Bragg, Bowmanville. Mr. Mrs C M.Caruter ha to lt.Mrs. Fred Wight and Dorothy, Miss Mr. Lloyd Fergusan and Miss Ger- and Mrs Irwin Bragg and family, tIe nieces a! Coiborne viisting bier, Mary Wight, Bawmanville, Miss Ivy tic Montgomery were marmied at Providence. Misses Elsie and Irene fand one littie girl had the misfartune Park, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. John Oshawa by Rev. E. Harston, On Sat- Bragg, Toronto, spent Sunday wlth to have an attack o! asthma, but Hoidge and Miss Mamiorie Holdge, urday, Sept. 27th. They spent their Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. irs. glad ta repart bier ecavery ta usual Toronto, Mrs. Jabez Moore, Ennis- wedding trip at Torontoand an Glad ta report that Mrs. W. T. he at a M.ndn . killen. were Sunday guests at Mr. extended trip througb Western On- Taylor was weli enaugh ta spend a OnStudy r adMr.Car- Harry Colacutt's. tario. They will reside on the farm few days with bier daughter, Mrs. ruthers, Mr. A. Rutherford f rom the Yon epesLau pndo ofh atrM.Bt rgo, Ernest Larmer, Blackstock. Miss West, and the llttle Misses Ruther- hrdyeeigwt go t eo il. Lena Taylor accompanied bier. fard of Coîborne, matored ta attend tundac.y ievegwlt agdet- sts !E ll.League meeting Monday evenlng a bîrthday party ti hanour o! Mns. tendnce.irst Viokcehresofidet MSSro___ was weIl attended and was in charge Rutherford, Sr., at Caîborne. They gram.y V irt.tokcharea!stEdpro-oa the lst Vice President, Miss Ruth > returned an Sunday evening. gam. Roeiihon byMissldna Ib HAMPTON McKessock. Devatianal perlod was On Friday evening a number o!fCMers on, Reigbars"oandMsle by .i chargMa! MisrevernyTlnksplan Salem and nearby iinsganmdMisL cRcadhadMsariegm adMs Geoy Ohwd e y Miss Eu nie] B k ianom RE finsgtee Thompson; topic "The Four Pillars viie ihM.adMs t isMre ae n r at the home a! Mn. L. Coambs and o! the Abundant Life." was preparcdvite wthM.adMs C. W. George Werry; tbe first part a! the bis bride and presented the young by Miss Clama Woodley and read by Soucb. N.,1 r oad "Tshehis taenbyeRev .R. couple with twa fibre chairs. r.Miss Edna Cryderman, R. N tpi o " T e Chitak a! the evemy R W. ery mdea vryeffcint Mm.M. Douglas Conboy; piano sala by Belleville, is spend.ing a few days at Bick, vocal sala, Mm. Harold Shuttle- m a nd a!ter the copayhard is a leticaeg M.G r e home. warth; Miss fleen Balson then taok beencaled o od coMpF L anyha don Brent, "lLite and Its Deeds." Mn. Morley Hastings and daugh- the second part o! the tapie. Meet- b een alled tapprarer M. F L.sqad ________________ ter Mildrcd are visltlmg Mr, and Mrs. lng closed with League benediction. Mm. S. Buttery made the presenta- M.rW. atinadsnsrh.a EETO EPNE tion. after whlch Mn. Coombes made g g' To rti pnt andasonwithurso.LCTO XPN a very fitting reply a! thanks on be- T r abbispnts. aywthM Sumayo lcio x sso bal! a! himself and bride, and bid-- Bessie Rbis umr fEeto xesso ding the company enjoy the bospital- W A L LjjjjMr. and Mrs. Henry and famiiy, M. J. Holman ltY o! their home for the rest o! the Toronto, vislted hiem sister, Mrs. F. Personal Expenses . $222.00 evening. Short speeches o! apprec- Rogers, an Sunday. Hire o! Premises ..... 124.00 îation and gaod wishes fmom severai l'1 DMm. Fred BilUett, Toronto, Mr. Services 256.50 wren ardoeutadatty lnch aen j, ~j~Wallace Horn, Kingston, spent the Travelling Expenses ..157.00 pereent oldrtlowdat whchgaes A P E Rweekend at their homes. Advertising 207.95 with an abundance o! ice ceam was Messrs. Frank and Ross Trenoutb, Petty Clainis650 semved, and a little later the guests Oshawa, spent Sunday with their Goods Suppi652.00 toak their departure after expressing parents. Mr. and Mils. A. Tenouth. p____....... _2._ al god wishes for the future hap-M and Mrs. Rmer Trible, Mrn- piness a! the Young couple.S AEadMs leTrmeBw n-$069 ville, visited at Mns. S. G. Niddery's Slgned ENNISKILLEN an Sunday.W.JM.Gdy M. and Mrs. Ceve Clemence and Official Agent.i Little Jean Werry bas whooping - daughter Mildred, Oshawa, Mm. and cough. Mrs. M. F. Emmerson and family,a Our teacher, Miss Dalton, bas had Nestîcton, pn udya r .H cumsy. put Coîe's. Wni abnDrigad Mm. and Mrs. Wm. GriffIn spent Miss F a li Fbbn, arinfod Sunday at Mm. Aiyinem Beech's. P Man., (fommerly o fHmpond s isan Mm. and Mrs. Hugli Annis vlsited iting bier many finsi n lier arent, Mr.and Ms. J.Slemo. U P around Hampton. She also spent a l F hM preM. and Mrs. J.lton eobnn a couple o! weeks wltbh lem brother Kendal, sPent Sunday at J. H. Free-. John, i Ottawa. born's. ~BAKMIHOE Mm. and Mms. R. Price vislted the bridge. fa th er, M r . L . A sh to n , U x - R O M L O SM m . ic ox. H a m Po N a p Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick and fam- RenedSMr b. is blacksmitho, anIsnow- ily spent Sunday with friends in include 10 ols of paper and redy forbucsie ss. 41d-1 Newtonville. 20 yards border fnom rayfrbsns.4- Miss L. Moore, Raglan, and Mr. ROY Webbem, Newcastle, visited at0 a otCUTCI Mr. H. W. Po'nton, whc spent t~e 5 Ce and Svrl o er tene h suriimer at Leslie, Sask., visited at Harvest Hfom seric e nTnde an Mr. Thos. Iu.cGill's. HretHm evcsi yoeo Mrs. Henry Avery and daughter Corne early as this paper wlll Sunday. i£U'.h, recently visited the s'ormer's certaînly go fast at such a Mms. A. F. Rundle and Miss Annie sister, Mrs. Wm. Oke. ridlcuiously low price. Na Hoît spent the weekend in Toronto , Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Rahm and excuse for not doing that witb Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Webster. Betty, Oshawa, visited the latter's papeing naw.j Missianary meeting in charge a! nioterMrs G. reson.Miss Louise Osbamne's group wiil be nMthr n . M . G reston at held at the home o! Mrs. Frank wrigh, spet Sunay w'h theform-Wanden on Thursday at 2.30 p. m. rig rht, Mr.nt R.unday ithth f 1m j. Wy e el Young Peoples Society held its Mm. and Mrs. W. Abbott, Mr. and Bg2 Bookstore Bowmanville !irst meeting a! ter the summer bhl- Mrs.H. oor, Feelo Pa -9days on Friday cvening. Theme was Mms.H. oome FeelonFals, visited ago atnanead nîteet at Mm. L. Lamb's an Sunday. _____________ ~a oddrteancenda n iv n b' eC.e. - The Play "And Mary Did" which hm- desw ie yRv .3 was givcn heme last week by Hampton _______________ rg.Kn t Church, Oshawa. pepewstoogI noe A good pmogram was also presented Mr. and Mr. J..-radley visited Mm - fill the place. First Vire President. 1 King St. *Id, Bowmanville 1childmen andthe Primary Class, un- ,.Miss Reva McC4ll, taok charge. i, dem the leadership of Miss Hattie CaaPage gave a reading; Annie j SaeSwng Obbmne and Miss Sadie Muir, sang TE S Oke favomed with a solo; Lloyd, Sl Now in Fulli ng a vemy oetty selectIon. In the cv-1 Pethick and Fred Wright also gave'1 enlng. Rev. J. R. Truinpour, TYrone,1 r eadings: topie on "UAfe" was gîven Big Crowds Comning Daily iPrcached, as aur pastor, 11ev. H. C. COWAN BLOCK by Rev. J. M. Whyte and was ver>' Wltraim, was preaching at Narvest înteresting. 1________________ Home service In Tyrone. Lay In Your Winter Supply 0f Vegetables A lot of our customers are having us fill their order now for their winter suply of vegetables. Not a bad idea, either! 'Why not order ypurs to-day? Potatoes, smooth, dlean, mealy ....$1 .25 bag Carrots, a healthy vegetable ......75c bushel Onions, give flavor to, any meal, 35c peck or $1 .25 bushel Hubbard Squash, lots of them, 10c to, 25c ea Pie Pumpkins, dandy specimens, 10c each and 2 for 25c Cranberries, "Eatmor" brand, and well named ..................................25c lb. THAT 2 TONS 0F HONEY DISAPPEARINO Seems like a lot of honey for one littie store to seli, but we're down to the last 500 lbs. 110W. There's a reason - try a 5 lb. pail and see. Amber ....45c pail. Clover ....50c pail. FRESH FISH FOR FRIDAY HARRY ALLIN, Oirocer PHONE M 0BOWIIAN VILLE f Makes Corbett's Whole- some Bread Populcir with Old and Young Contains best ingredients - made in Bowmaville by Bowmanville workmnen. rocks Parade and Color utumn Mode olor, more Iuscious ýthe most dazzling S.ISim fitted hip longer tunic efl'ects, rrangements . . . so iave been deftly in- nart frocks that we 1them. exactly what wear. Ladies' New Fur rrived To-day. $1Oe95 $25000 IMART SHOP GEO. R. MASON, Manager. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER gth, 1930 PAGE six à 9 0 tc>

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