Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN -- wwV- Each man has an aptitude wtb him, to do easily some f ea possible to any other. Do worK. -m DO IT NON BEFORE THE RUSH Make sure o! solid coin the comiflg winter by baV the Hiecla Furnace insta: now. It saves 1 ton of! in 7. Estimaates gladlyf nished witbout obligal yourself. R. E. LOG/ plumbing, Heating & Tlnsm 264 - Phones - 453 BOWMANVILLE, ONTI FBOM BAKEB - oqMyouw heu BREAI Every loaf is made of Can cannot be put lmto any bre priee, loaf, 8. OlftflO FAICY CREAMER CHEME NEI DIRECT FROM PLANTATIO oturOwtiNq ASSAM & INDIA.. ENDIA CEYLON ... (MANGE PEKOE... AYLMER GREEN LABEL j'Am sWra' AYLMER NO. 4 SIEVE CHOI PEAS VICTORY BRAND QUEEN NEW LOW REGULAR1 DEL MONTE DRI-PAR 'O. 21 PRUNES PKG. FANCY ROYAL CTY PEA SIEVE T STANDARD QUALITY CORN2 TP DEL MONTE RIPE OLIVESBSi SIIIRIFS ORANGE MVALRMA-ADý17TN MONARCII PA'STE 31',-LB. BAC 7-!-B. BAG .. 24-LB. BAC .... iFaIgH FRESHI-L XLHTiI (.1, a- -io n BY THE STEAKS, lb., 25( FRES* 11 .%T[,%4NTIC SEA Hee'ring i i'.i.! II.DD CK EXCEPTiONAL VALUE A RÙ FiNEsT Portiwhous, 111J'E X Rîb ]Roast 4 Fineat Sl-'14 FR»Stil CU"S Y> -,i R 0A Pork Loins Rtoastlig Hd YOUMI Legs lb.1 Front'1 Fo FRES1i SMOKED Weh WEINERS DAVIES OLTI) i S HAJN HAMS 1F HAMS I L BACON SI nI BAéCON FRUIT, Fieslitfruits and seg c )Mîletc histof ail - a attracisve THiE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BoWMANVILLE, THIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 BOWMANILL Dl %Jt -&L--i --- Sboru OBITUARYTh i. oyour Tom Bowdefl Brooks, Australia i iersofl. From "The Advertiser," Adelaide, ing whcb wil)1be o! interest to bis many relatives in this district:didNWATEHG SHOLFLD AYBTUR IMr. Tom Bowdefl Brooks, wo idNWATEHG COLFLD A BIUR at Seaview-road. Grange, on Sux'day, residents o! the Meadows district. Jack spent the week-end in Toronto. observe Friday a!ternoon, OctoberNecsl Bor onNovembr , 145,at id- Monday was a grand day for the 3rd as Field Day for* wbich the StaffNwas !ordDonsebr , 18ng anBe n Newcastle and South Clarke School and students are arranging a good Ah ogrsdn !teNw to Canada althte age o! 10 years fair that wasn't. program o! sports. Rev. W. P. Rog- castle and Base Line neighborhoods withhisparnts esiingal Curtce, Mr. nd rs.T. R Taloranders will personally conduct the atb- died early last Saturday morning iný Dait biTparnrsid g oric.I 87 e he, r.oandes.T.rtayor anitd etic tests to determifle the winner the person o! Miss Catherine, ringrtdto Touthfls ai nd7e-M.daubtrYvJnfHe, ToronO. istdo! the silver cup be is donatiflg. A Thompson in ber 86tb year. Deceased mabiraed ao SoutbAu strliaeandes- r n r.J .Gb . speciai attraction wili be a gamne o! was the eider daughter o! tbe laite tbinsseda gerawstre wkeeaner- Douglas Wright is attending Tech- softbaii between two teamas o! bigb Leonard Thompson and grand- busnwrenhess t eaOW e.e wssanfar- nical Scbool, Toronto, taking a scbool girls. The public is cordially daughter o! Asa E. Walbridge and dentl wcokerind tbe hintrests of cour se in art and draugbtsniansbip. ivied ister ofthe late Asa Thompson wbo, theocsoolboard wsilaelbarmapn- Mr. Raymond Rogers le! t on Sun- j______ f armed !or many years on the Base the scbol bod, was lael espaon- dyatrno o e Yr ér-Line on the !arm now owned and oc- sie or in du o c g t ba e wEduci l ag u e uiedayasft ernO n ! r e rk E et o B Wre-R S cupied by M r. M ilton G ra am , A memnorial to bis work bas been Cbemistry at Columnbia University. uepatmet t erct ne buldilg.sumebisdutes s lctuer n Eect o lOWINGie sadigLt heI Ter retng rmfamigdMr placed in tbe scbool bail. Interested C. R. Carvetb and A. W. Glenney Foîwn s h tnin fte Tmpson and sstrs . arndMiss A ini civic 111e, be was !or mnany years were guests o! the Perufla people al six rinks at the end of last week in aelSwm oe in beMidsWAn- chairman o! the Kondoparinga Dis- tbeir feed dealers' convention and the bowling competition for the John bridge home east o! the village. be-i trict Council. He was also a promn- banquet althte Royal York Hotel, Douglas Cup: cueathed ta them by Asa Fobes Wal- trent member o! tbe Meadows Metb- Toronto, last Monday week. Won Lost To bridgeB.A, odist Cburcb. A son (Mr. George Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cowan attended Play I fat V. Brooks) .is Director o! Education I tbe f uneral of the late Rooger Ruth- J. E. W. Philp's rink 6 2 2 I Rev. W. P. Rogers, pastor of de Lfot in Tasmaflia. He leaves a widow, erford, brotber o! the late David W. Crowtber's rink 5 3 2 Iceased conducted tbe !uneral ser-1 vig two sons, and four daugbters. Tbey Rutherford of Newcastle at Port Geo. Jamieson's rink 6 4 vice at the more tban century aid ,ed are Messrs. Tom Brooks (Clarendon) Granby on Tuesday a ternoon. H. Brereton's rink 3 5 21 home on Monday afternoon, standing COal and G. V. Brooks (Tasmnia), Mes- Miss Margaret Overend entertaîi- P. Hare's rink 2 6 21 in the wide spacious entrance balEL tig Dunfi <Asbburne), W. J. Edmonds and tber f rtends at a corn roast at In explanation of tbe standing o! grandf ather dlock with the figuresj Victor Harbour. and Miss E. Brooks the beach on Friday evening before Walton's rink it is but !air to state 1825, the year probably o! itsin o (Grng).levig orToono n atrdy. tbat one member. Mr. J, W. Bradley, stallation in the bome, written across j ing Mr rok wsa rthrofteits face. Intewetfo wt t (Grange). ~~ itedg fr oront o Stua. . îo-as been poorly ail summner and I bewofro it t N a eM r . Br os ' was a bro ftbe ro tbe rs Uniated Cburch- e t. W. P. Rog-physica ly una leto play, w~hile M r. arched alcove, where Rev. Anson u and the late J. F. Brooks CÇourtice. erPWa.~nay et 8b llîon. the skip. was in hospital un- Green, saddle bag preacher, preach- 1a. m .-Morning WosblP; 2.30 P. hi.degnga prto adisny ed some a! the flrst Methodistser tliIig I baven't got to make over the uni SudycboadRaDyPr- now convalescent. By the rules mnintilocaiity and whicb for verse; I nyhv od n w grain, everyone invited; 7 p. m.- agreed upon at the beginning each j arm etinwa doubtless terg-sr smali job, and to look up ofterP alt nigSrvc.rlnk %was to play 10 games and al a meig place o! the eariy New-r the trees, and tbe bilîs. and the sky, Mr. James Broad and sister, Miss games were to be played by Sept. 20. castle Metbodists, reposed tbe cas-IrEL and be f riendly witb ail men. Hattie Broad, Rossinore, came up on Circuinstalices seem to bave prevent- ket containing the remains.. tof --David Graysofl Sunday on receivlng word of the ed this but Geo. Jamieson's rink bas Roessoeo h aiyo hch' deatb o! Miss Hannah Tbompsoii completed ils schedule and lived up deceased wvas a member, a family L an aldo r.S. and Mr. and to the rules. who were among the eariiest settiers andH.caosedo. n Mrs. eky in titis viinity and a family noted __________ IN_ SUNLIGHTC arkand_étherrelatives for religious fervor and zeai and ac- il MrST.e HrGEC.N.RGagnt tive Christian experience. Deceas- 1 aith-m8 hn BATHED IN S nIGHT Mr.vesne P er ae, C.n. R.aent, T GOGESCHURCII ed tbrougbout ber comparatively q~ A & P E Chi e 11M e vaceaedlave ti kn a two wim M r . ek long life ad striven to live Up to iJ FUL an JNORacon tr ith bimgMrs.arels, unday. September 2lst. being the tbe cherisbed traditions of ber an- i 2UL-an ak natn oNigr Fls Harvest Festival o! St. Georges, the cestors and now had gone ta join ber' ) 24OZ. Albany, New York and Washingtonl. churcb was beautifully decorated i Christ and tbe great comnyo ,ndaLOr wmt ad eTbey hr al ave a fr eve d tipseso with grain. vegetabies and flowers. saints beyond the river. Rev. Geo. i radiano battrwhate pri ... an Abt &r oP ilra.lJoadSfortt h eur nd fp. rom .G inslso nteMason, Bowmanville, a former pas-, ,ad nomater battheprie . A &P M. Jhn cat ba reurnd frommorning. and the Rector. Rev.. F. H., tor. offered prayer. Among those in a visit with bis brotber in Montreal, Mason. in the evefing. Botb ser- attendance at the service was Mr. W. _________________________ spending most a! the time at the vices were well attended The solo i B. Coucb, Bowmanville's nonagenar- J. H. Jase, seco 'torr latter's country summer home about in the anthem. which was rendered ian merchant and an ad friend of Philp, Gordon t C RI S50 miles nortb of the city, where the by Mr. Robt. Crowther. of Bowvmafl- the famiiy. The pall bearers were'Holmes, W. H. :RY CHEESE Scott !amily, wben John was a youth, ville, an aid Newcastle boy. d1elightedî first settled a! ter coming from Eng- ail who beard hîrn. Old M. 31 ad Rev. and Mrs. Frank -1H. Mason e 'W .....Ib lc 1 Foiiowing a visit bere of Dr. Sut- ceived for the first time since their ___ 1 ton. District Healtb Officer, last :marria:7e on Wednesday. Septemberl N TO YOU-AT ONE PROFIT ONLY 10.i week. the Jr. Room a! the public l7th, al the Rectory. Mrs. Mason, ectr Bena T A1 school re-opened on Monday morn- who wore ber wedding dress, was as- ýecta Bleds TE ingby authority o! Dr. J. A. Butler, sisted in receiving by bier mother, lb. 55cB EN E local medical health offilcer. The Mrs. Edgar W. Pickford o! Brighton. .Ab. 65e BLEND- --oom had been lased for a week as Mrs. Scott-Howard and Mrs. D. J. V~ lbaI ~ precautionary mneasure. Galbraith presided over the tealet .A 71c IN D I " 3 7 oe " iie of u kneo C Freofunnon riindesroedtalewbchwa pettlydeorte mî . . Hncckf rm nrt wstthe dining room were Misses B. S. ~~bevry TAR of Newtonviile, on Sunday nigbt. MltsNoiHrok.Ade OIEQAIYWith the barn were consurned tbe Hor rocks, Nora Gibsoli. Cora Butler.HA IEQATYwboie o! the season's crop and a and Mrs. W. H. Gibson. aise Mrs. J. T A NS 2& arenmbro implements, J.er Robbins o! Markham. and MissesWeae trtn th FaiSa TINS ~~o them quite new. Tbis was a fine I orothy Bonnycastle and Jane Mas- eaesrtnthFl Ss large, bigb barn and stood on the on a! Bowmanville. ta vr ecngv o 40-OZ. same side o! the road as Mr. George JAR 37 Stapletons barn tbat was burned I tbree weeks ago. oBITUARY you want to pay. We enuil 20-OZ. JAR, 19 Mr. and Mrs. P. ONeil received PRICES IF.WEMER-IiONEY SAVED IS word Saturday o! tbe deatb o! ber John Buckley, Orono ings offered for this week-enq CIE Y E. 11! sister, Mrs. George Vincent o! Madoc, Onofteldsad s r-pcisntavrie. 33cCII~F'1 and motored 200 miles on Sunday tao neo h letadms e pcasfo detsd Ct~eese 3 PGs. attend the f uneral in the Anglican spected pioneersoClreT nsp 18c RE6VLAR R PIMENTU qCburcb there, wbich took place at 2 passed away an September 4th, 1930, ___________________ Np.' m. The body was interred in in tbe persan o! Mr. John Buckley, - c ~ 2c IC.Foxhoro Cemetery. Rev. Beck o! in bis 95th year. Deceased was barn NS C R L K S 9TedadRv tno o! Madac in Cornwall, Engiand. in 1835, being 7FET CLA'RK'S CHICKEN were in attendance.' She leaves ta the son of John Buckley and Grace Flannelette Blankets Z. 1 7c miourfi ber lass ber husband, three Courtis. Witb bis parents be emi- 3QTJ U P ..... Tin 16C daughters and one son. Mr. and grated ta Canada ini 1853, settling in 0 ar nyi ht ihbu ri'51C KONTEWRDOE Mrs. O'Neil returned home Moniday Darlington township, a! terwards ne- 100pikr only in whiteit abld K~'OW TF VOLDO'ERmorning. moving ta Chalk Lake in Reach or0 n odralwie n ,RV p r ]L3 0 Bars 490 the United Church beld the !irst ally coming ta Clarke in 1870, pur- rywt iko lebres meeting o! tbe Autumn seasan an chasing the Robinson and Montgom- full double bed size; not more than 16c iNVAX\fS' DELIGHT Manday evening witb President John ery farins nean tbe village o! Orano. 29c SOAP . 3 CAKES 20c Ashton in the chair. Af ter devotion-' His first wif e was Miss Flora Mat-t tWo pair to eaeh eus- $ 9 ai exercises, pnagram in charge o! land a! Darlingtoni. Four daughters tomer, per pair ........$1 9 89C s.0. O IPA 4th vice president, Florence Ashton survive this union, viz: Mrs. J. Haut- .. CLEANSE 14c was given as follows: vocal solo, Min- ly, Braoklîn; Mrs. R. H. Wood, On- ,ECLEFANSER'MU nie Pearce, topic, "Young Peoples ana; Mrs. H. HiUs, Tyrone; and Mrs. E CrF lS F4MUSReain Crle-Lillian Clemence; J. W. Glenney. Newcastle. In 1869 Irnported Scissors b. 20 aC~Ofi 2 G 10 ReadingCJohn Ashton: piano solo- lie mari-ied Miss Elizabeth liockin o ~~w~i~î Bernice Giibank. The memrbers pre- Brooklin who predeceased him rn igos n m ore1eisrs1o c. .l PGET sent were civided into two graups 1915. Frorni this miarriage are icft 1go1 yipre csos o STAXI)ARD BARTI.ETT for contesta. under the leadlersbip o!fixfle children. viz: Mrs. H. S. Gien- genleral tise; also a limited quant- ,b. 12e PEARS T IN 23c Howard Crydermafi and Marjore ney, Nuwastle; Mrs. H. Curtis, Or- ity of manicure scissoî's; values to (IIOICE KEF PITTED Clemence. The two sides will competa na; Mrs. ýRQv.) R. A. Doetead pair, b.2o CHERRIES TN. 2 gram was hl a lengthy businessi and Wm. N. Buckley, Newcastle. 4 Your Choice ............... 9e session was beld during which plans The funeral service was held oni %&P QUALIiTY were made for the Halloween Mas-i Sept. 7th, at the home o! Mrs. Cur -_ querade on October 3lst, and for vis- tis in the village o! Oron-o. andl wasB x dP p tie )AIST IBEEJF ~~iting Port Hope Young People on conducted by the Rev. Win. Sterlîng, oe aere October 6th. The C. G. I . T. and Tux- pa.stor of United Cburch, wbo a WjHDE is Square wîll be invited ta join in splendid tribute ta the ninory of \eofî i aushr.-W se Roast WITHI)FFP lb 32e l the visit. the dcparted. Miss Beatrice Souch i W ofe bgvaushr.- e I ______________________-sang -Jesus Laver o! My Soul- xery have just put into stock over 300 Best M 22 Boneless . tendenly. A very large gatheriiilgo!foe agn n r i h a iKb U &C aRoed Ipeople f rom the district was prcscnbxet. ig nprc alth a from C)5 . 4 -.-aemayote Here's a Big Underwear Saving Boys' or girls' imported knit Com- binations in open or elosed styles, at a fraction of their real value. Just the thing for your boys and girls for the colder weather which is at hand. Sizes 24 to 34. A regular 98e value, per pair....................... 59c RAINBOW 3ii.K STOCKINGS FIRST QUALITY SHEER F ON FriZFC.-CLEAR SHIIMERINt; SILKC 'ROM TOP TO TOE AT $1.15 a pair ( lut mît ..aJ siIk le extreme top with intihIsbe remiomenîts ii fvt ml' ( 5 rt:m l ItItt' u;t, j' m\', wea.ui. renli liii. s. An unusu.i vilue .iî this i ,4 SSTORE e C pries. Offie ]RUTE:Whilce the biain Js keen, and the jou WALK. A BLOCK 00uIiA iEi l~@ WEDNESDAY eacb week is strong, iofahp u1 LIMITE9.30 a. in. ta 9.30 P. m- And the heart is f!ull fahpfl AND SAVE A LOT BOW? 0FoCAADAoIOffice: soIig, uhu hog LMTIO AAA . 2143 Danforth Ave. You stili are af the Youhu rog ýi v CTCRPHP-ONE 83 ------_________ And years cannot Maleyot a 1 mé m m EN ". m7j FA Mffl 1 *nd cousin, J. E. W. Fanning o! Peterboro. Deceased is nMartin, Wallace survived by ber sister, Miss Sarah Gibson, and James Thompsofl, and Miss Annabel Swim. RE COMING ion with Bigger and Better Values the merchandise You want at Prices nerate just a few of the many sav- - - - -1 1 tas a summer o/'neg/ect IcIètyOUr rn coarse, jour contour ?'e/axed? AZABETH ARDEN suggests that you begin at once soothe, nourish and firm the abused tissues of ir beauty. A littie Self Treatment each moom- ,»and night wiIl soon restore the clarity and tone your skin, and revive the elastic firmness of ir facial contour. Elizabeth Arden's scientific -atment is based on three fundamental stcps, eansing, Toning and Nourishing. Folloxv this me method at home, using Venetian C/eansing an, i-dena Skin Tonic and Orange Skinz Food fill every important î,eed of the skin. LIZABETH ARDE N 5 len eiian Toi/et Preparatirns are on sale at IRY & LOVELL s THE REXALL STORE id selling. c mr y lm Y &TnirPrNnF NT ýl il FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS MANVILLE

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