Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CAN~ADIAN S9TATESMý. BOWMANVILL, THURSDAY, SEPTMBMER il, 1930 9th Sani-Bilt Week Special .,.dallë %@ £N e0A AT OUR STORE SEPTEMBER l3th to 2Oth AT $ 199 SAVES YOU$51000 COME IN AND SEE THIS RARE VALUE! Here's the best buy we've ever been able to offer you in a Sani-Bilt guaranteed moth- jproof suite, with a WPJTTEN Replacement contract. In it is off ered a rare combination of high VALUE, distinctly superior appearance,' ad- vanced constructional features for long ser- vice and-a LOW price. Look this suite over before Saturday night, September 2th-and save $51.0O. ONk:S'ALE AT Fe F. MORRIS CO. Home Furnishers - Furniture Phone 10 Bowmanville SpecWalHosïery AT J. E. MILLER'S Our entire stock of rnen's, women's and children's Hose specilly prlced for our Hosiery Week: Ladies' Full Fashioned Hose, ail shades and sizes 79c Pr'. Ladies' Silk Hose, ail shades and sizes35c Pr. -, Chldren's Ribbed Cottoni Hose, ail Ssizes, in sand and black 1se Pr. Men's Cotton sox, in fancy Patterns, 7c Pr. iMens Work Sox, ail wool1 17e Pr. Mens sîlk and Lisle Sox, f ancy pat- terns 27e Pr'. We have inany other varieties of Hose at sPeciallY reduceti prices for the hosiery week. John E. Miller I ,I~I r4~I Next to W. J. Berry's Store Phone 170 Bowmanville, -ALL ROAD S LEAD TO ,. BOOAYr RM N FEN[y wlOniALLB LINDSAY CENTRAL FAIR September 17 - 18 - 19 -209 1930 The GREAT BOYD & SUWVAN MWAY The PREMIER EXPOSITION of Uàvestock Aricultural and Maufacturera' Producta even kflowfl. Letters recelved f'rom tbousands wbo have tried it f orrn a testimonial wbicb leaves na roorn for daubt that bere is a real remedy. Get it to-day from your dealer. 1 Q u ÀLoiry Made of pute r inmdenunlit factoes. Noepnespared ta have k dleau, wholezoi and fuId flavored. WRIGLEY3S lawapdand sealed ta keep It as goodas hen it leaves the factory. WRxcn.rs la bound ta be the best that men and machines and rnoney cau make. The delicious peppermint flavor freshens the mouth and aidaestin jeM~eýLNJOYED BY MILLIONS f ormer's sister, Mrs. G. Barron....1 Mx'. andi Mrs. Frise, Toronto, spent several days witb Mr'. F. J. Groat.. Several frorn this village attendeti the f uneral in Orono o! the late Mr.I Johin Buckley on Satux'day Mr' anti Mrs. W. W. Horn anti Wallace visited in Peterboro on Sunday. Mi'. W. T. Perrett, Toronto, spent Suniday at bis home here , Mr. and Mx's. Lorne Robbins and daughtex' Pauline visited ber sister, Mrs. W. J. Virtue . Miss Marjorie Martyn, Base Line, spent Sunday at ber borne here Several villagers attended the Oshawa Pair this week .M r. and Mrs. F. Wilson and ber mother spent Sunday witb Mi'. and Mrs. S. Kersey Mr'. W. H. Ruse is visiting 1 Toronto f rientis, . The sympathy o! the comrnunity is extended ta the family o! the late Simon Taylor wbo passed to rest on Wednesday, August 26th, in bis 90tb year. The f uneral on Friday was largely attendeti. Ser- ice was conducted by Rev. J. R. Bick and Rev. W. W. Jones, Mill- brook. Floral tributes were many,l and were borne by Messrs. RZ. C. Scott, A. Peters, W. W. Horn, James Hogarth and F. G. Kerslake. The bearers were Messrs. Henry Wilcox,l Jno. Wakely, H. Tink. H. Clayton,j Chas. Stonhouse and Ed. Haggith. Hampton Women's Institute met et the Bungalow on Tbursday, Sept, 4th. the president in the chair. Meeting opened witb Institute Ode. l'ollowed by Lord's Prayer. Cam-;i mittees were appointed for Scbool Fair work and other business. Pro- gram on 'Canadian Industries" was in charge of Miss Mary Katerson's group. A readlng "Wool and its Manufacture" by Mrs. Barron; "Lin- en". Mrs. G. Adcock; "Cotton." Mrs. J. Clatworthy; "Canadian Manufac- tux'ers and Inventors." Mrs. L. D. Sykes; samples were shawn o! waol- cns, linens and cattans; mnusic by phonograph. Roll caîl. Canadian Industries and wbere lacated, was responded ta by several a! tbe mem- bers. Meeting closeti with National Anthem. Attendance 30. Next rIý nee'ting et the home o! Mrs. Sykes.1 Stibject: -Cornmunity Activities", M4rs. L. Trull, convenez'. Refresh- inents by East Group. The darker the day, The clearer the caîl for you ta shine.j FARMRS'CLUB Providence Farmers' Club will i meet at the home a! Mr'. andi Mrs. I W. S. Bragg n Tuestay, Sept. 16th, I at 8 p. m. Speaker, Mr. Tbompson, Toronto. 0R. Bragg, B. E. Osborne, President. Sec'y.-Tx'eas.' 'J 'J *-the lo[da leadlng in. Ifant food. q The Borden Co.,m i40 lst. P&ulW,N, Metel * Patsoe, spizS Baby &Ob, ............ ................... Iiocks or Ful 'Pj ii~ $9*95 $15,95 WALKER STORES Limnited YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Phone 164 BOWMANVILLE PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS MAPLE GROVE ENFIELD COUwRICE SALEM The many friends of Mrs. Fergus- Mr'. and Mrs. John omstn Osb- Mr. Bigham Hall, Toronto, recent- Be sure to corne to League Sunday 7 on Abernethy are sorry to bear that awa, bas been visiting at M. j. Or- ly vlsited bis sister, Mrs. S. S. Brooks. a! ternoon. A good prograrn is being I A T D she bas had another operation, but rniston's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Rundile prepared. Mr. and Mrs. C. Warren, is doing as well as can be expected Page, Toronto, visited at Mr'. S. spent a week in Toronto wlth thefr Wbitby, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Re- aititue of writing.. Mr. and Mrs. Page's.. Mr. L. T. Pascoe, Harnp- son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer gina, visited witb Mr. and Mrs. W. J. J. D.Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Truman ton, recently vlsited at Mr. L. Pas- Rundie, and took ini the Exhibition. Canin on Sunday Mr. Robert 20Ue Poe ttended the Dlarnond Jubllee coe's Miss Helen Pascoe bas re- Mr. R. C. Short f Tory Hil cail- Palmer, Detroit, is holldaying with of Kendal Cburch on Sunday and suxned ber duties at Wick school.. ed on his mother, Mrs. Susan Short, his cousin, Mrs. E. J. Doidge_ Mrs. WATERMAN PENS! vlsitedMr. and Mrs. Elliott.. Miss A number frorn here attended the on bis way horne frorn Toronto, . C. Pollard bsrtre on fe Queenie Jeyes, Oshawa, recently vis- C. N. Exhibition. a eundhm fe ited Mrs. Fred Stevens. Mr. and ____ Mr. Wesley Cbapman, Ottawa, visit- visiting ber fatber and sister in Tor- Hlere's an opportunity to get rid Mrs. Cbarlie White and daughter ed at Mr. Geo. Penberthy's last week. onto and attending the Exhibition. o! your Waterrnan Pen-and we Gertrude, Miss Jean Stevens visited ENNISKILLEN Pe dMs cîla Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsh atteided tbe former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. family were Sunday vislto»'s at the Mandbowr last lweek tte orne of pa yu orit George Wbite, Solina, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wiliams and Parsonage, guests of Re' d M. and Mrs. tighow Tyrone, w dd hnt HERE'S THE IDEA Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Munday and son daughter Elva, Scugog IslandMr. H. Wolrarn. Lst 'Thursday a-thes Tyne cornmunlt e did oorto Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. oley, and Mrs. Dave Cherry and daughters terun<n the monthy meeting of Miss May Brhbwe ll g th bridce-o- suppose you own a $2.50 Water- Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden, Miss Mary and Viola, Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey, W. M. S. was beîd in the hornet~ e b edn okpaeo man Pen. The barrel is broken Hilda Foley, and Miss Florence Foley Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. BI'uItits- rs eî FudwthMs Ofa~ Saturday. Many Salemo friends Join o orpnnesohrrpiig spent Sunday with the former's ited at Mr. O. E. Jeffrey's . . Mr. Hancock's group in charge. Thei etwse oM.adMs rn. o orpnnesohrrpllg cousins at Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Levi BrUnt spent Suinday at presiderlt Ms . so. a Mrs. Albert Cator and babe, To- we allow One Half its original M c Milia , B ave ton re- Mr. Her ert Pas oe', Zi n.. Mrs 'n the cha r and .aF .er thOds torn a l ronto, are visiting M r. and M rs. F. value or in this case $1.25 on your Morris eillan Catoro, e- Mr.eberandce'sMrs.... E. inJ. cairoadidge oe evodoalWaterrnan ndMr. E Pen on od atthe Pn p te r-r cently visited their cousins, Mr. and Wmn. Oke and Annie visited at Mr. period and business part of meet- and cousin. Mr. R. Palrner, Detroit, Mrs. J. D. Stevens.. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hockaday's, Solina.. Dr. C. ing, a very interesting prograrn was spent Sunday witb Mr'. and Mrs. C. hsofaynwp. Fred Stevens and two children re- Dorland of Harper Hospital, Detroit, presented. Sorne pretty verses were Bih ng ono.. Ver oryto chs 0f ay n ofe--e cently visited Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Who bas been visiting his parents, read by Mrs. Kennetb Courtice; a learn that Mrs. Irwin and Margaret Ti saslni fe-e Warder and Miss Marion Warder, lias retui'ned borne where he is con- piano solo by Miss Florence Court-haebn fr fomsm r out your old Waterrnan Pen and Town. Mr. R. H. Armstrong spent tmlfgbscus nsui'gery.. . ice; reading on "Winter is Coming flu. Glad to report Miss Gllbank take advantage of oui' Hall a few days at the Ex. and visited his League meeting on Sept. 3rd, opened Again" by Mrs. Cecil Pound; a vocal bas eordfomerecniles BugtPaonnyewW e- daughter Ruth and other friends with devotional exercises. Bible solo by Mrs. G. F. Annis; and the rd eore fornbecen llOess BoughtPan o n ewWtr Sunday School and Cburch services i'eading by Muriel Moore; devotional fourtb chapter*.o! the Study Book aond bito re-oen sr mchto l Ouis an n atuulhurs on Sunday.. .Public lesson, Edgar Wrigbt; MissVera was presented in a very înterestin coMrnnty re.WGret ver mchrom u 105eJ.&L Lapoo e Scbool on Monday, Miss Limle Saceon, lst Vice President, took manner by Miss Hattie Osborne. neigbborhood. Mr. Giffler bas been for ladies or gents, reg. $1.50, Penfound. Mrs. Clement and Miss charge; Piano solo, Annie Oke; read- Lunch was served by Mrs. Hancock's our worthy station agent for many Onîy 98c Clement, Toronto, visited with the ig by Clara Page; solo, Mrs. Lloyd group and a most enjoyable boui' years. We learn he bas been rnov- forner's cousin. Ms. Roy VanCamp. Ashton; opic, Rev. J. M. Whyte, on spent. Mrs. Found in ber usual ____ Mr. and Mrs. Bregal, Toronto, Future Lu e. Meeting closed with genial way made every one feel at ed to Starkville. spent the weekend witb Mrs. Roy the beniediction., Mr. Elliott and home, Sunday our Pastor, Rev. H. VanCamp Mi'. Roy VanCamp vis- daugbter Florence and Miss Florence C. Wolfraim, was borne after bis bol- awa. on Sunday. Abernetby and two daughters, Mr. A very fair attendance was present Canada was not the birtbpîace o!f u y & L v i ande Mrs. George Abernethy and at the morning service when our Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, tbe STORE thre ons Ttteha, sen Suda pato pracedan excellent sermon home of that famous compound. THE REXALL T:R TYRONE witb Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin on "The Supreme Test." It was in- Frorn bere its good narne was spread Du Mr'. Thomas Hall, Brooklin, visited deed a treat to tbose wbo were pres- to Central and South Aix'erica, the When We Trest ysI sD Mr. and Mrs. Howard Findley and Mr. Wmn. Griln on Sunday . Mrs. ent after not having services for aij West Indies. Australia and New Zea- Trest ysIts Dean. Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevens, Hampton, Miss L. Stev- few weeks on account o! the sickness land. That is far afield enough to Charles Richards. Mr. Lawson Rich- ens, Oshawa, Mr'. B. Bryant, Picker-, in the community and around about. attest its excellence, for in all tbese ards, Miss Jean Macdonald. Oshawa, ing, visited at Mr. H. Stevens'.... The evening service was not quite 50 countries it is on sale and in demand. visited at Mr. Thomas Richard's 1, Sorry to report Mrs. Wm. Stainton well attended. Services will be held __________________________________ 1Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Robinson and and Mrs. A. Tamblyn confined to bed again next Sunday and we hope to j Berniece. Lansing, spent a few days. at the former's homne. Mrs. G. have Sunday School as well, Mr.! with ber siter, Mrs. F. L. Byam, re- Preston 's in attendance Mr'. and S. S. Brooks bas iniproved appear- cently Mrs. Hugb McRoberts, Mrs. S. Petbick, Oswald and Clifford, ances at bis home by havi ng bis Oshawa. visited at Mr. Simon Mc- visited Newtonville friends Mr'. bouse, garage and barn painted, and iCoy's. and called on several Tyrone and Mrs. Freeborn and Mrs. W. Mi'. J as. Short's bouse is painted also f riends Mi'. and Mrs. John H.j Sweetman spent Sunday at Mr'., wicb lends a good appearance o very pleasant visit with friends in the E. C. Ashton, Mi'. and Mrs. J. Brd Hydro is making its way on a num-RMME Western Provinces Miss F. Virtue1 ley visited Mi'. I. Rodman, Port Per- ber o! roads in this commmiity and and Mrin. Stapfles visited Dr. and rY,~ on Sunday Mr'. Charlie Stain- we n'ow have it installed in Ebenezer___________ Mr.C. W. Slemon, Bowmanville. ton bad bis tonsils removed in Bow- Cburcb, taking the place o! the! M.Levi Annis. Toronto, spent the manville Hospital on Monday...Dr. Delco ligbting we bave bad for some: weekend at home .Mr'. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ferguson visited friends at time past. Several homes are en-;tGo iki uefoda t et u David Hooper, Orono, visited at Mi'. Uxbridge on Sunday. Allan and aoying tbe electricity in the commun- ther areM anki nduesfo mtit Milk may John H. Mutton's Congratulations Donald returned with them after a ity. teeaemn id fml. Ml a to Mi'. and Mrs. Howard Brent (nee week's holiday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. be1,ucdude h1vls Miss Mary Brigbtwell) on their re- Reid are busy painting and papering b rdcdudrtevls conditions cent marriage A miscellaneous their bouse in the village before anIe a perpefcl la n sbower was given Miss Biightwell on moving in . Mrs. Win. Lake, New- THIN SICKLY CHILDan ye myap ar efety ea ad Thursday evening previous to ber castle, Mr'. and Mrs. H. Skinner and 1uet h osmr u utmr r wedding on Saturday. Sympathy babe, Mi'. and Mrs. Levi Skinner, Tly..' BACKWARI> IN SCHOOL Puetth cosmr Oucst esae is extended to Mrs. Horatio Hilîs and rone, visited Mi'. Wmn. Herring, favored wýýith miik derived from weIl-bred ~Mrs. Harvey Curtis, Orono, in the Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore and Elsie, Help the pale, puny, delicate healthy cows, raised under the cleanest death o! their father, Mr'. John Mi'. Jas. Stainton visited the latter 's. yaugster wohs' nuhee' Bucley wh pasedawa onThus-daugbter, Mi'. and Mrs. Fred Smith.1 gy to go out and play lie other conditions. Our' dairy is equipped with day at bis daugbter's home in Orono. Miss Elva Griffin spent last week cbildren. Imdm mciey etrn aiain Women's Institute and Ladies' with friends in Rochester.,Itoisryour solernn duty, mother, milk is Aid wil hold September meeting att ie your bosan dugirls the eh. f u thehom ofMrs NomanWooleyto iveyou bos ad grlsthefleh- f ourse, u iks pasteurized and we tnhedeay ho e po!M . orma Wood30 HAMPTONI addlng, energy-creating, strengtb- deliver to your door at a convenient hour. on . Wednedy. Sept. l7tb, an 2.0 ____ Ibuilding benefit o! McCoy's Cod Liv- p. e. RA oodl rga m hes ise ndi' Mi'. and Mrs. H. T. Peters and son er Extract Tablets-you can't start terpare Roîl cal: Ceesedies and Keitb, and Mi'. and Mx's. Harold Sal- too' soon. invited to attend Mr'. Edgar ter are bolidaying at Coldwater... Children love these sugar coated Cooper, Toronto, visited at Mr'. Elias Mrs. Jos. ClatwortbY and Miss Ruby tablets and You youi'sell won't be G .I Strutt's. Clatwortby are visiting at Cameron. able to praise tbern enough once your rK fl 1 ' * ** Mr'. R. H. Sirnmonds and son kiddies gx'ow weil and strong again G LEU8.i IJJIR Yt Colesadasneo etadJack o! Brantfox'd, visited at Mr'. W. -once tbey start ta, add good solid R..STVN aSO Coones ndabene ! ea atiW. HOMnS Mi'. and Mrs. Jno. Col- flesb-nervousness disaPPears-thex.R. STEVENSfSON baste indicate fine qualities. A gen- will, Jr., are visiting friends in OwenI happy laughter, sunny disposition Phone 468 o swfl tls erenmakeo ne. ad sa-Sound...Mrs. A. B. Ferguson visit- andi healthy llttle bodies Win Warin way sree.-rnrsn.ed ber sister, Mrs. F. Tamblyn, or- Your beart. 60 tablets, 60 cents at Asthma Overcome. The triumph ono, last week ... Mx's. C. W. Souch any drugstore. - over asthnxa bas assuredly corne. ssednawekiTont. .1 Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy Mrs. John Wilhis, Toronto, visited ber basproed he os poitie bessngparents, Mr. and Mx's. Jno. Colwil bas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S . ..M s pr v d t e r Ot p stv lsil <' J. pawcett andi M is o y th e victim o ! asth m atic attack s b as P w n t ' ' r , + . .4.4 , is ... y _ i: and

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