Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1930, p. 3

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ME CANADIAN STATESOMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, SEPTEME 4, 1930 PG HE UUmtinm WALKER tSTORES LIMITEE mmmummmmmm WALKER STORES LIMITE! E) UU~UUUUUUU SUEDE FABRIC GLOVES 29c An assortiment of Suede Fabric Gloves, wth fancy embroidered turned cufs wth plain aud scaliop- ed edges. In clors of grey, mode, rosewod, beaver, etc. Sizes 6 to 8. Gloves that are usuaily sold at about 50c. DURING THRIEE BIG2c DAYS, per pair ... 9 LINEN GLASS TOWELS, 17c Size 16 x 32 inches. Pure linen Glass Towels, measuring about 16 x 32 Inches, narrow combination coiered borders in brlght coloring, goid- green, rose-blue, etc.; also a f ew one-color border effects. Hemmed ready for use, wth looped tape hanger. A good dryer aud an exceptionaliy serviceabie towei, Reg. 25c. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, i7 Each ... .ý. . . . 7 RAG MATS ONLY 35c Splendid dlean Bag Mats, size 24 x 48 inches, in either colored banded borders or with stencilled band; f ringed ends. Large variety of hit-and-mLss patterns. 35 DURING 3 BIG DAYS, each .... 5 DUR THREE BIG DAYS' SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4-5-6 BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS 69c Boys' colar attached shirt waists, made from broadcioth and fanoy percales; ail guarsnteed f ast colors. In medium colored patteras, tan aud blue stripes predominating. Suze 10% te 14%, for boys from 6 te 14 years of age. Regular $1. value. f DUJRING 3 BIG DAYS, each . 69 BOYS' TWEED CAPS 59C Boys' Caps, Ught and medium col- ored tweeds ln shades of fawn, gre3 and mixture effects; several attract- ive patteras f rom whlch you may choose. Sizes 6% te 7. Exceptionai value at 75c. Secure these uow for boys' school wear. DTJRIG 5 THREE BIG DAYS, each ..59C SCRIBBLERS - EXERCISE BOOKS - LEAD PENCILS Schooi time is here-Secume 2 books or 2 pendis fer the usual price of eue. GB983-A GOOD QUALITY ENGLISH PENCIL ef hexagen shape, lu sev- eral differeut colorings. HB black lead; brass tip with red rubber. A good 5c pencil. DURING THREE BIG DAYS .. ...... 2 for 5 GB984-SCHOOL SCRIBBLERS AND EXERCISE BOOKS-your choice et either. The Scribblers contain 144 pages et goed quality plan heavy newspriut Ipaper. The Exercise Book centains 52 pages of high-grade White weve peu or pencil paper. Ruled faint Uines, ulth margin. Either book sold regularly at 5c. Lay lu your supply. DURING THREE BIG DAYS.......... ........ 2 for 5c~ ATTRACTIVE KNITTED WOOL JACKETS FOR INFANTS, 79c The wee tot will need them now. Note our 10w price. JB977-Dalnty pure wool knltted Jackets for the Baby. Wlth art silk thread and trimmings; tled rlbbou fronts; some with turned-style col- lar and others with plain ofllar. Your chelce of white with sky, white wlth pink, sky wlth white, or plnk wlth white. For babies six months te one year. Would be exceptional value at $1.00. DUPUNG THREE BIG 79 DAYS, each . ...... 9 LINEN CRASH TOWELLING 16 te 17 luches wide. An ultra-superior Linen Crash Towel- ling, mnade of dlean flax; heavy Scotch weave, with attractive colored combination borders. A splendid dryer and gool Wear. Regular 35c quality. Be sure and sec this. DUEING THREE BIG DAYS 22 Per Yard ... . . .. . ... . 2 ATTRACTIVE CURTAIN NET 23C Curtain Net, 36 luches wlde, of stroug, square mesh, wlth dainty lace edge. Sel- *ected variety of smail flgured desîgus fromu which you zmay choose. This splendid cUr- tain materlal would be excellent value If offered at M0. Note our Prim *23C DURING 3 BIG DAYS, Per Yard..3 WOOL TRAVEL RUGS $2.79 LINEN TEA CLOTH $1.39 MESPR-OLW R OK AHSA O 5 Size 45 x 45 luches pure wooi mug, with fringed ends. Suitable for MNSPR OLW R OK AHSA O 5 Pure Florentine Linen Tes Cloth, size 45 x 45 luches, auto, couch or bed cover. Size 60 x 72; weight about A geod serviceable early Fail weight, wide ribbed Don't ferget te secure your share of this pepular with two-iuch hemstltched border. Allover Plain color- 31'2 lbs. Several plaid designs lu predominating colors style; grey and white random-knit mixture with whte soap. Regular 10c cake. Net more than five cakes te ing lu pastel shades of bine, rose, goId sud green. We ofblefangren re, lak ndcoordmituesrtpeenn te.Spenidvauei obeedaausomr.Oasled'fo cshre u muuacurr'mscxtceurdeasth.sv Thesesalysel t$usuatpliylan oc Slseliale sofeat usomr.O slefo0haedinamaufctrrmoi c, ndCasth sv at 35c. DURING 3 BIG DAYS, per pair27 DURING THREE BIG DAYS ...... 5 2Cito uyuSlni au t$.0 DURING THREE BIG DAYS, each ........$27lDRNG nTBEEu plBIdalue at $..... $1.39 PLEATED SKIRTS FOR SCHOOL GIRLS, LOW PRICED AT 98c LADIES' SWEATERS 10 only girls' and misses' $2.75 te $4M5 Pull- over Sweaters, in several styles and colers. Be here early for best choie. Eacb . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 1 0 SMART NEW MILLINERY You wiii find at this store an exceedlngly large range of new hats fer fali. Featured are trimmed fets and velvets. Plain felts 41~t I l are much in demand., .$ 95t$4 5 FELTOL MATS 15c Feltol Mats in colors of rose, blue aud green, with stenciiled designs. Sizes 18 x 3U. For kitchens and bathrooms ....... o GIRLS' SILK BLOOlMERS A fine even knit sUlk bloomer for girls 6 te 14 years ef age, lu Pink, bine, peach, Pink 39 and white, per pair....................39 MEN'S "BIG 3" WORK SHIRTS Made et streng duck and chambray lu bine and klakl, weil sewn and mode large and 8 rooy; ize14 to17...........98 HOOVER DRESSES 98c Attractive Hoover Dresses, mode ef broadoloth sud Iunenes, lu sU white or plain colors, suoh as rose, green, bine, etc; soute with white coflars. Mode with sbort sleeves, lu smail, medium aud large sizes. Rlegular $1.50 value.98 On Sale .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SWAMI SILK FOUNDATION GARMENTS Fashloned te fit the new silhouette. See these iu the store. Mode te sel lu the regular 19 way for $3.50, aU sizes. 3 BIG DAYS ..$19 HERE'S THE POPULAR SCHOOL GIRL MIDDY SPECIAL AT 98c lil 7 Save on these needed Fali garments. MB979 - Pleated Skirts for school girls, madle from geod- quailty, long wearing navy serge. A splendid weight, with f ull vide sweep, in pleated style. Macle with white cotton separate waist top. Regular $1.75 value. DURING 3 BIG DAYS, Your OPPOr- 98 tunity, each98 WALKER STORES LIMITED 'PHONE 164 YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS MB978 - The popular style school girls' Mlddy, ruade et good quallty white mlddy twill, trlm- med wlth uavy flaunel collar and cuits, wlth three rows et white braid; laced at ueck; eue pocket. Fer girls aged from 7 te 14 Year. Regular $1.50 value. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, 8 each ... .... . 98 M«EMO4RIES 0F THE LONG PAST Wrtten Specialy for Statesmian leaders by a Native of Darlington When, as a boy. I used to go eut te Bewmanville 1I ïas a close observ- er of the varieus sign-boards, and I notlced somae of themn had been re- palnted, and as time wore on, the more recent painting and re-letter- hzg wore away. and the original let- ters re-appeared and could be read aiost as clearly as those more re- centiy placed there. Se it seema te be with our mnemory. The original ~upressions xnay become covered ~qth the business and cares ef pass- -ing years, but they re-uppear t a later date, and may !urnish us with raany happy niemeries. The home. the day school, the church and Sunday achool, were the centres o! interest in those early tinies. No bicycles, teleplienes, mter cars, radios or fiying machines engaged our thought. Even, ini reading the book of Nahumi, chapter 2 and verse 4, we could have scarce- ly gnticipated what we now see and hear. But the frat impressions abide, and gratitude demanda I should pay a tribute te Christian parents and te a home wheme min- isters f requentiy came and tarried, where the Church and Sunday Schoel services were everything te us, and it was under these influences I early decided my lite work. Nearly 56 years ugo I went te mny first circuit. I had five superin- tendents-ail fine men. We became much attached, an attachment which increased until their dying day. On my fields of labor I had a measure e! success. I loved the work- preaching, pastoral and revival ser- vices. On each circuit, for ov'er 40 yeams, I held ftrom twe te six weeks o! revival services, each year, te specially promote the spiritual lif e. I dcl net belong te any organizatien or society save the Methodist Church. To that I cheer!ully gave my constant and unbreken rervice. Atter 45 years of "active" service, like a much used bicycle, I became re-tired, and i this relation I stil "'carry on." It la getting pretty well inte the afternnon with me new, but I have been se engaged that I have seldem lffted my eyes te sce how 10w the sun la gettung, but I realize that I arn nearmng the close of the day. I humbly adept the worcis of theJ Psalmlst, "Net unto us. O Lord, flot1 unto us, but unto thy name be the, glory,'" for any good accompllshed.j I referred abeve te the early pus- tors at home-who were they? Some ef the readers ef this sketch will re- cail them: Edwin Clement and James Hannen; Oeo. Cochran and Samuel J. Hunter; RichardWhitung and George Leech; Alfred McCarm and R. Williams; Thomas A. Fergu- son, T. H. Patcheil and James F. Metcalf e. In those eurly days I was f avored i hearung that prince of erators, whose praise was in ail the churches, Dr. Wm. Morley Punahon, also the intellectually streng and fervid Drs. Wellngten Jeffers and Edward H. Dewart (for over 30 years editors ef the Christian Guardian). Ini later years I listened to Dr. John Ptts--the man of the musical volce beoause of the musical heurt within; the maJestic and plous George Doug- las, whose eloquence was as brillant as the sunsets of a tropical clime; the sagacious and devout Dr. John A. Williamns, whose hand was placed on my head ut ordination; and the affable, scholarly and unlversaily be- loved Drs. Hugh Johnston, Ezra A. Stafford and James Henderson. il knew them weil. They henored un- worthy me with their friendship and inspired me by their example. Shades e! the departed-they are enthron- ed on hlgh and wear the amaranth of "Well done" forever. "Happy la he that heareth The signal o! his release, The belis ef the Holy CitY The chimes e! eternul peace." D. Rogers. St. Thomas, September 1930 SOHOOL FAIRS IN DURHAM Fleetwood, Wednesday, Sept. 3rd. Pontypool, Thursday, Sept. 4th. Ida, Friday, Sept. 5th. Miilbrook, Monday, Sept. 8th. Orone, Tuesday, Sept. gth. Blackstock, Thursday, Sept. llth. Garden Hill, Monday, Sept. lSth. Welcome, Tuesday, Sept. l6th. Muple Grove, Wednesclay, Sept. l7th. Hampton, Thursday, Sept. lath. Enniskillien, Friduy, Sept. lgth. Newcastle, Monday, Sept. 22nd. MAPLE GROVE Congratulations te Miss Neilie Snowden on securing a acheol at Lakehurst. Mm. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn and f amily visited the former's brother, Mm. Fred Blackburn, Oreno, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, Mr. H. R. Foley, Florence and Louise, and Mrs. Walter Feley visited relatives on Sunday ut Harmony. Glad te, report Mr. Wilbur and Miss Bessie Blackburnn oing nicely after having their tonsils removed i Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Freeman, Thel- mu and Marlon, have returned home atter huving spent a pleasunt holiday with the fermer's brother, Mr. 2. R. Freeman, St. Catharines. Dr. and Mms. J. B. ReYnolds and son Walter, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker, Solina, spent Sunduy with the latter'a daughter, Mrs. Leslie Snow- den. Halt the failures hIlite, arise !rom pullung i one's horse as ho ls leap- ing.-J. C. Hare. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Bradley, Messra. Harold Skinner, Tyrone, Port Perry, announce the engage- P. B. Glaspefl and Alf. Ayre, Hamp- ment ef their daughter, Marion Nor- ton, prominent sheep raisera ef this een, to Mr. John Ross Harencourt, district, were succesaful i wnning Oshawa, the marriage te take place several prizea in their respective on September lth. classes i sheep at the C. N. E. CHOCOLATE SPECIAL 25c. lb and up inl pound lots. Take home a package for the week-end. Treat the f amily to some of our tempting and deliejous baking. BOWMAN VILLE BAKEv.RY A. W. Jacobs, Proprietor FULL FASHIONED SERVICE CHIFFON HOSE Every pair first quality - all the new f ail shades, full range of sizes. Women who appreciate value will buy several pair. Al of the finest pure thread silk, silk to the narrow hem, colors sun- tan, mirage, allure, evenglow, white, gunmetal, flesh, etc. pr...98c ICHILD'S SLEEPERS, WITH FLEECED LINING, 79c This sleeper is madle ef fine knit cioth, with soft heavy fleeced lining, in naturai mottird color. Buttoned at back and has drop seat. Seams are aIl outsewn. In sizes for children frem 1 to 9 years. ExceptionalI value at 95c. A big saving for you.79 DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per suit.............79 CHILDRE.N'S FLEECED WAISTS ONLY 37c Reinferced with stay-tape; buttoned front sud buttons for bloomers. A weil made garment in ail sizes for childreu fromn two to nine years. Usua i soid at about 50c.37 DUEING THBEE BIG DAYS, esch.................. 7 M E M i E E PAGE TEUM

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