Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1930, p. 6

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PAGE EIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAIq, BOWWdivILLE~ THURSDAY, JULY 3lst, 1930 HEADACHES Ncedless pains like headaches are immediately relieved by Aspirin tab- lets as millions of people know. And no matter how suddenly a headache may came, anc can at ail times be prepared. Carry the packet tin of Aspirin tablets with yau. Keep the larger sîze at home. Read the proven directions for headaches, neuralgia, summer colds, pain, etc. Nh 0£ Wliat mnost people eall indigestion la usually exceso acid in the stomach. The food has eoured. The instant remedy js an alkali which neutralises acide. But don't use crude helpo. Use w4at your doctor would advise. The best help le Phillipe' Milk of Ms=eî. For the 50 years £Ince ita inveto t bus remainsd standard with physicians. Yoeu wiil md nothing else no quick la ita offet, so harmleua, op «Soiient. ELEVEN YEARS CONSTIPATION GLYCERIN MIX ENDS IT "For il years 1 tried to get rid a! constipation," says Chas. E. Blair. 'Then at last tUe simple mixture, Adîcrika, made mie regular." TUe simple mixture a! glyccrin, buckthorn bark, saline, etc., (Adler- ika) acts on BOTH upper and lower bawcl, relieving constipation lni 2 hours- Brings out poisons you neyer thought werc ini your systcm. Let Adîcrika give your stomach and bow- els a REAL cleanung and sec how gaod you feel. Jury & Loveil, Drugs. Immediate Relief ! One tasteless spoonful in watsr neu- tralizes many times its volume in acid. The results are immediate, with no ba.d after-sffectg. Once you Iearn this fact, you will never deal with excesa.cid ln the crude ways. Go learn-now-wby tkus method is supreme. Be sure to get the genuine Phillipe' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phyi- clans for 50 years in correctin exeuq solda. Bach battle containa fi)dhwe tlo.s--py drugstore. Free Flowing Fertilizers T ILMS have changedlI No more wait- inig for fertilizer deliveryl For your Fali Wheat we will carry C. I. L. Mized Fertilizers in stock! Corne in... get the facta about these improved, Free F)owing Fertilizers that can't clog in the cdrll F. C. VANSTONE BOWMANVILLE, ONT. C. GOODE & SONS, Burketon and Nestieton, Ont. Se h en âantlng musical production "An Evý- nifl in Hawaii.s Their pragram was a widely varied anc. providing muste ta suit every taste, including old familiar tunes, the la test popular Song bits and a number o! real Hiawakam melodies, THE CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAMS iDELIGHTFUL AND INSTRUCTIVE (Continued f romn page 2) though tyrannical, egoistic and the- atrical, bas won the complete adora- tion and implicit obedience o! his people. Is political machmnery is running so smoothiy that shoul< Mussolini be assassinated te-day, the Fascisti would continue te rule efmce lently. From the vlewpoint o! a democrat- lc nation, Mr. Skeybill declared thai representative governinent such asi Canada and Australla have, is pre- ferable and advisable, yct in the case o! Italy, a dictator such as Mussolini was "a necessary evil." He advlsed bis audience to exercise their power to vote, te vote for the best men and the best measures, lIn spite of traditional Party leanhngs; ta educate their cildren along national Uines. If Canadians fafi to do this, as the Itaians !ailed, tbey also wtfl lose their power ta vote, te conduct theli own government affairs and a dicta- tor will be nccessary. The whole lecture was f ull o! tbnill- ing episodes and sparkling humor yet constltuted a penctrating analy- sis o! the great Italian dictator, wbo ranks in personallty and power wltli Napoleon Bonaparte and Juliusi JCaesar. Unique Presentation o! Marionettes In the big Cbautauqua tenrt, Tues- day afternoon was given over toaa most charming and interesting en- tertainrnent for the children. Sue Biastings' Marionettes, introduced by Jerry, the puppet announcer, teok the children-a large number o! them somewbat advanced in years, but youthful in spirit-into a vert- table fairyland o! tailking, singing,l dancing dolîs and even a talking Iwilow tree! Widc-eycd, the kiddies strained their ears and tbrilled witb pleasure at the 3-act play about Pet- er Rabbit and bis adventures ini Mr. MacGregar's garden, the "Marionette Follies" including a pickaninny "dancie-singie", a comical skit "A Bicycle Buiît for Two," a little Rus- sian drama, "The Gooseberry Man- darin", and a pretty clown dance and song "Side by Side." The Marion- ettes were a new !orm o! entertaun- ment for mast Bowmanville children and one wbicb was highly attractive ta old as well as young. "PoUlyanna" Delights Large Audience On Tuesday evening the Martin- Erwin players scored another triumph in the presentation o! the delightful 4-act drama "Poily-1 anna," bascd on the stery o! that1 sunny. optimistic litle girl wbo shines1 thraugh the pages of Eleanor Port- er's "Glad Book."1 The story o! Pollyanna, a characteri o! fiction who wiil be forever cherish-1 ed in the heurts o! ail book-lovers,t has been trans!erred ta the stage by Catherine Chisholin Cushing, and inii this presentation was aptly andt cbarmungly interpreted by Janett Marditb, who seemed te, possess nat-i urally the art o! winning others byN her gladness and bringing cheer inte the lives o! ail who are heartsick, morbid and unhappy. Through ber inimitable <dieerfulness and the un- quenchable courage o! ber convict- ions, John Pendleon, grouchy and morose, bating everyonc since PoUly-1 anna's mother whom Uc loved as a girl liad been torn from bis arms as tbey eloped and later marrled te, an- other man, learned that sUe bad lov- ed him to ber death, and became reconciled te his !ate. For PoUly- anna's sake, Uc adopted Jimmy Bean, an orphan, who afterwards marries Pollyanna. Through Pollyanna also, Uer aunt, Miss PoUly Harrington, and Dr. Chilten, who had not spoken te eacb other !or twenty years, were brougbt tegether again. A very de- Uight!ul and cbarming character in tUe play was Nancy, Miss Poily's rog- isish Irish maid. Two other import- ant figures were Sodom and Gomor- rab, Pollyanna's pet cat and dog. Throughout the play is a spirit o! gay romance, and a breatb o! pure, fresh sweetness and naturalncss, which is so, o!ten lacking ini modemn sophisticated plays. FoIlowing is tbe cast o! charac- cers: Mr. Carroil, the minister, "Mr. L~adies' Aider"-Donald Sommers; Miss Harringten-Pcggy Gearish, 'o;Iyanna-Janet Mardith; John Pendleten--Joe Carral; Docter Cb.il- ton-Charles Gearish; Jimmy Bean William Atffë; Nancy-Elizabeth Charles; Bleecker, Mr. Pendleten's butlcr-Donald Somniers. Noted Scientlst Demonstrated Liquid Air A unaiqite feature o! the Cbautau- qua program this year was the inter- esting and unusual lecture-demon- stration on "Liquid Air" lW Mr. El- ames conducted a number o! sur- prisung experinients wbich seemed al- iast to savor of magic, and explain- i the praperties of this pecullar sub- Lane ko - asl4q-dair4in4anc- a q *i rý"ir runs the RE-DD Iel4N Ti Li Fagle flight when you climb the sky wund swiftness when you take the road ... the miles drap smoothly be. hind you on the Red Indian Trail! Red Indian MIctor Oul and cither Cyclo Gac (NoKnock) Motor Fuel or Mara, Banîsh fuel and ail %vorrics when you set out to drive! Let the Rzd Itîdian point the way to bctter, blrisk(r per- formance! Make it easy for your car to yield maximum driving pleasure! Enjoying Canada.%vidc popularity, McColl-Frontenac products are to be .o "-rb"aoin gv Le n zs had in your own neighborhËood. -Red to your motor . . zoorft you o; er lih. Indian stations are everywhere. As ways and loo> you around trout'k>. ... you drive 'cross the country (or fly with the cae of a flyer wingcd ivth 'cross the sky) you're alwavs on the the power of CycL e Aroplan' Gi.. Red 1nu'an Trail! ~43 M4cOL1. IRONTENAC CAiL CCUMt', L.' 1 t rendered artisticafly as only Hawaii- WEDDING E ans themselves can play and smng them. blason-Pickford The stage and lighting effects were veybeiuW , portrayia moonliti Te mrrigSERVMssICEy Te ýthe Mountains silhouetted against~ and Mrs. Pickford, te, the Reverend Is the blue night sky, a sinouldering Frank Hubert Mason, M. A., Rector C>D<CO CD<O>> d volcano at the summnit, and by the o! St. George's Church, Newcastle, ýshore a solitary lighthouse whose tin was solemnized in St. Paul's Church, "Service" was a *ligbt steadily winked and blinied; Brighton, on Wednesday, July 23rd, o swr on the waves gently roffing, reflecting in at 12 o'clock.ofu e br. I -their deptbs a myriad o! colors; and The bride was given ini marriage by b the far-famed dreamy Hawauian her brother, Mr. Basil Pickford. She and societies, andv sMoon sheddung its mellow light over wore a gown o! bridaI crepe and car- *ail. Outlined against the sky, was ried a bouquet o! roses and lily-o!- always used its poi ethe luxurious, tropical foliage, while the-valley. Her veil was of French à the.stage itself represented the beach, tulle with a coronet of orange blos- phone your wants tA d with stately old buildings at the soms surmhouted with a veil o! ex- * sides, and the group of figures ini the clulsitely embroidered Brussels net, thie m atter in the 2 oreground wove about the whole formerly worn by the mother of Miss f scene, with their baunting melodies Mabel Cartwright, Principal o! St. or heating line. C eand harmonious voices, a fascinatung Hilda's College. ;atmosphere o! romance and allure. Tbe attendants were Mrs. j. j. help you. e Ini addition te the ensemble num- Robbins as matron o! honor, with ebers by the whole company of!sixflowered coral chiffon wlth shoes and If you are buildir reach member presented individual bat ta match, and the brlde's sister, selections such as piano, steel guitar Miss Margaret Winifred Pickford, as perts at installing s Hawailan guitar, ukelele and vocal bridesmad, who wore a period frock - solos. The enjoyment o! the pro- o! eaude-Nile taffeta wlth close fit- heating, but we doi gra Wa enancd b th whle hn bodice, short puffed sleeves and the expert. Help us *hearted enthuilasm af the artists for glonmohui krtwithb at of thlng 3their work, and their evident desire gren' mhi iboebiio ul 1 to please, whicb inspired a spirit of~ witb satin streamers. DCOD 5understanding and !riendliness be- The g5~rromsman wa Mr. Charles tween entertainer and audience. Swase o rom e byThe Reeremn ye iiig~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a trvltlbogtt hpt ege oised by the Reverend TP.lio i 5 Mrs. Albert Vierra, in an interest- H. Cosgrave. Provost o! Trinity Col- L n E lo t tention of ber hearers, a number o! O'Conno r-Fenton, o! Norwood. and 1!ul islands, o! wbich a great deal is Brighton. The service was !ully Iheard and stung, but about whicb lit- choral, Mr. Walter Mason, brother o! tle is really known by most people. the groom, presiding at the organ. Far !rom being the primitive and Tbe cburcb was beautifuily decorat- wild natives wbicb many still believe ed for tbe occasion by members o! the Hawaiianis ta be, tbey are ex- the congregation, witb a Profusion o!f ceedingly well educated and civilized. fiowers.l Schools were built in Hawaii before A reception and wedding breakfast thcy were ini Califarnia, and the Eng- was held at the Old Rectory, the lish language bas been spoken so residence o! Mrs. Pickford, wbo re- long that very f!ew o! tbe natives ceivcd the guests wearing acaecn know their own language. semble o! back silk witb ermine Mrs. Vierra conducted an imagin- stole. ary tour o! the islands and as she The toast to the bride was dligt- 1 I;A described the beautiful old customs f uily proposed by Provost Cosgravc, o! heapung fiower leis upon tbem as a! ter whicb "Met' Agona". the sang C K tbey departed, wbich werc later cast o! Trinity, was sung by numerous Chestnut $15.00 per ton from the sbip's rail and waftcd back1 mem bers o! the college present. The Pea .... $12.50 per ton to shore, a tiny steamer glowing with groom replied in an able manner. Coke ..311.50 per ton ligbts passed slowly across the back Rev. T. J. O'Connor-Fenton gave the A discount o! 50c a ton will drop curtain. As she told o! the toastto tbe bridesmaid and matron cash w strange and majestic beauty o! a o! bonor, wbich was responded to by volcano in action. dreadcd by tour- Mr. Skase. The Rcv. T. Stannage ists, but lovcd by the islandcrs, the Boyle, D. D., D. C. L., Rector o! Ca- H N Y L miniature crater in the background' bourg, then proposed the healtb o! Phone HENY0 fiamed and fiared very realistically. the bride's mother, which was r e-i The reluctance with whicb visitors plied ta by Mr. Basil Pickford, who leave the Islands is a genuine tribute also acted as toastmaster. The re- ta tbeir cnchantment and the de- ception cancluded with a toast to thei light!ul bospitality off the natives, as King. Mrs. A. F. Pickford, Bey. and Mrs. Mrs. Vierra declared, but it can be no The bride and groom left on a tour A. Briarly Brown, Rev. and Mrs. J. J. greater than the feeling of regret of Qucbec, the Maritime provinces1 RobbunS, Mrs. Skace, Mrs. George which Chautauqua patrons exper-1 and Maine, tbe bride's travelling Graver, Mr. Irwin Grover, Rev. T. J. ienced as the final curtain dropped dress being o! navy blue georgette and Mrs. O'Connor-Fenton, the Miss- upon the last act af an almost con- witb baku bat, es Jubb, Mrs. Charles Clarke, Miss tinuous. 5-day program, in wbicb 1Tbe ushers were Messrs. A. G. P. Stella Proctor, Mr. Northrup, Mrs. G. was included a wcalth of interesting Pickford o! Toronto, Robert Nesbitt, J. L. Jones, Mrs. Arthur Lansing, information, first class dramatic en- John and Gardon Proctor o! Bright- Bey. and Mrs. Robert Jones, Mrs. tertainment, and a profusion o! an. Bugas, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Thom- beautiful music which will ring on The aut o! town guests included son, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomson, indefinltely In the memories o! ail Reverend Provost and Mrs. Cosgrove, 1 Miss Rita ColUp, Miss Edna Izzard who heard It. Bey. Stannage Boyle and Mrs. Boyle,I and Miss Benore. 'HAT COUNTS Lmotto used before any [t is instilled in our clubs we in our business have wer to the full. You to, us, no matter what is plumbing, tinsmithing Our men are trained to ing a house, we are ex- sanitary pllumbing and )n't charge the price of is by letting us help you. The Plumber Bowmanville P>H(NE 520 FAMOUS READING SEMET -SOLVAY Stove $15.50 per ton Egg $15.00 per ton Ibe ailowed off these prices for with order. IATHROPE, Bowmanville Worms ini children work havoc. These pests attack the tender lining o! the intestines and, if lef t to, pur- sue their ravages undisturbed, wi]i ultimately perforate the wall, because 3these worms are o! the hook variety that dling to and feed upon interior surfaces. Miller's Worm PoWders will not only exterminate these worms, of wbatever variety, but wl serve to repair the injury ffièy have done. F111 tthe Coal Bmn With D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL The Standard Anthracite Let your empty coal bin work for you and save money. Fi it now with high grade coal offered at low summer prices-and put the savings in your bank. Prices on ail grades are now at roc k bottom. Take advantage of this opportunity to put in your wnc'sSUPIYI%. Untîl furthei' notice ouri, )rices for (eoa1, and co)ke will be as foliows: Stcve ....................15.50 per ton Egg & Chestnut .........$15.00 per ton Pea ............................12.50 per ton Buckwheat ................ $ 9.50 per ton Coke .................$11.0 per ton A discounkt of 5.eper ton wiIl be made for cash order. McCllan & Co., Limited Phone 15 Bowmanville st'.-, 0 PAGE EIX THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, JULY 31st, 1930

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