Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1930, p. 12

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PAGE TWEL.VE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JULY l7th, 1930 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH NEWCASTLE YOUNG PEOPLE NEWCATLE ;he NEW A jEnjoyed Picnic and Camp Fire at Sit-! r.he an.nual garden party was held ver Creek Farm on the reetory grouis, Wednestiay, Neca1l July 9tb, and %vasd a great success, ecateYoiung Pepleos Society trom both social and financial ý. iew- held ti s x.:.L: sfiil and enjoyable T point. Gross receipta xere over $100. pienle and' canîprire meeting la the Tables were laid on the lawn anti the flats off Silver Creek Farmi, the home NEWCASTLE tea serveti out off doors in spite of the of Mr. anti Mrs. H. R. Pearce, on ehowers. After aIl guests bad been M-%onday exening. Mr. Jack Higbee, Montreal, is vis-; efficiently ser' ed by the ladies in at- Headed by Rex. W. P. Rogers, the iting his parents, Mr. Chas. andi Dr. tendance the people were taken into more actively inclined young people Annie Carveth Higbee. the Parisb House and enjoyed a real indulget inl a li'.ely gamne ut softball. Master Mac Dudiley, Toronto, is musical treat furnisheti by Orono after which aIl gathered la a sheltereti summering with bis grantiparents, Regimental B3and, which hlati pievious- sp.,t and enjoyed a delectable supper Major and Mrs. H. W. Dudley. 1 ly telighteti those present at the tea. off salad anti sandwiches, tarts andi Miss Muriel Pollarti has a position, The Wolf Cubs, under the able lead- cakes, lemonade, etc. The boys playet i for the summer as saleslady at El- ership ofMr Elston were x eryý useful baIl again while thp girls exploreti the liott's booth. east of Newtonville. during the entertainmient anti closei surrounding country, until the shaties Mr. anti Mrs. Mauntier anti son,l the exvening wih iheir fanions howl." off evening fell, when the happy group Oshawa, were Sunday guests off their On Sunday nîorning Rev. John Boa- gathereti arounti the camptire anti cousins, Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Pollarti. athan gave a splendid atidress which joiti heartily la the singing of olti Mr. and Mrs. Horace Walker andi was nxuch appreciateti by bis olti fax ourite soilgs, led by the liresitient, daughter Hazel, Welcome, spent Sun-I frientis off St. George's who were out John Ashton. day with Mr. anti Mrs. W. H. B. in gooti nunîbers, as well as the sum- M-Nar-shiallowvs were broughit forth Chaplin anti Mary.' mer congregation. Owing to the ill- anti toasteti anti when the îast luse- Mr. Fred Greenflelc., C. N. R. ag- ness off is fellow curate, Mir. Bona- bus nmorsel had disappeareti, Rev. feti, sPeotthenioeekaniwîth r. than bas been obligeti to return sooner Thos. Wallace, off Newtonvilke, was aiMs. Ct hs. A Cokvn. i r than he bac! expecteti to -Montieal. '(-(ied ul)i( to add<ress the unique adMs ECeaor Anderon hm Annual Sunday school pienie wilI gatliering, who were put in a i ecep- fisrom Winor Anhershe ishe bie belti on Friday, Jilly 18, at Creami tive nxooti hy the singing of "Gotis rmWnsrwe h a bn Loveis s Hgh s te Haves." staying with ber grantimother, Mrs. of Barley Camp. Vehicles will be pro- Lorrett, anti attnasingecollegiate vlded to convey the chiltiren anti their1 Beneath the rustling bouglis of BRrev.Jon Botnatn, oteal teachers and frientis to the groundis. stately elmis to the music of the Hp- who is visiting bis parents, Mr. anti On Suntiay morning, July 20, Rev. lling creek near by, xhile the camp- Mrs. S. C. Bonathan, preacheti-in St. Dr. Hanini will coaduet a serx. eutfire cast its glow (ixer the faces of bis George's Cburch on Sunday morning. thanksgiving for the completion of the ardent listeners, Mr. Wallace talketi Mr. Morley Hancock, Port Hope. restoration off the steeple lately des- intimately anti earnestly fromn the anti a stutient of Queen's University, troy by liglîtning.1 words of Soloaxon's -Remeînher Thyingston, is summering witb bis A meeting off 'The Parochial Com- Cc.4eator in the Days off Thy Youth,"; brotber-in-law anti sister, Mr. andi mitee'" was helt inl the Parish House as Jesus migbt have to is beloveti Mrs. Clarence Allin. on Tuestiay wben it was deciieti to1 disciples gathereti about Iiiii. Mr. Ed. Quinlan anti four sons, To- holti a bazaar In the Community Hall 1 The caniupire meeting wilI long he ronto. calleti on the Misses Breen, In August. 1 remembereti by the young people off c a niMs ni eelk President Mrs. D. J. Galbraith wishes Newcastle Unitedi Cburch ant inl order Mr. ant the at is rneeny ,Mr to gratefully acknowletige the dona-, that its benefits iniglit be enjoyetiJ Quinlan going down to Cobourg on tion off I15 frnii the A.Y.P.A. towards 1 again, another sncb meeting will bel business. the Rectory Funti. Painters are now arrangeti foi- August llth, wheix the Mr. A. A. Colwill, xvho bas been busy beautifying the exterior off tle'CG.I.T. anti Tuxis Square will he in- poorly for some montbs past, untier- rectory. t ed to attend. went an operation la Bowmaaville The rector. Mr. Mason, is taking a! bospital last Tuestiay f or nose troub- vacation of tbree weeks, beginning on The Misses Lake, Toronto, are lioli- le. Dr. Cecil Rae, son of Rev. J. W. July 23rd, being the occasion Off a 1ii"5t daying with relatives here. Rae, one time pastor of the Newcastle auspicions ex ent off w hichi nior«e anon.: Misses Patricia ant IMargaret Puarcu Pruabyterian Churcb, performeti the ture x siting tlîeir cousin, Miss Marlon operation. Miss Nllie Pattinson, Toronto. i5J Fishier. Bellexville. Mr. anti Mis. Archie McDonalti visiting ber parents. Mr. Haroldi Toms, Riclhmonti, Que, anti son John A., Oshawa. Stiayed1 ____________________________ 'tentiet the- funeî'al xx . . Bag witb Mr. anti Mrs. W. H. Pearce.i __and_______a_______________________ a eJohnA. assisteti the Uniteti Church' ant spnta dy vsiînglusfahur Ichoir at the sunday mocning service %r Jos. 'rois, andiothur rulatixves. i St. George's Churcb-Ruv. F.H.j anti sent a wave off tender feeling1 Mason, Rectoi<. Suntiay, July 20th ' over the congregation with bis solo, 1 9.4.5 ain-Sunday School. il a.m -j The gates off men ji"e narrow. but Cmu ion.the gtrst ee fftha e Shore Mforning Prayer anti Holy Cmmnin. The gtestof eenfthare i hoe e 6.:o 1.iio. - niiug Pi-ayer. -s Scbool have engageti Miss Hiltia Unitedi Clurch-Rev. W. P. Rogui's;Rowlandi as teachur for next year. Pastor, sun(lay, July ?th. il a.m.- 'Miss Rowland bas successfully passeti Glasses. to the man '.,-hin o r'I 1" VsliP and SunIday Sehool. ber Normal School examinations anti neetis tbemn. serve in at least 7 p.ni.Exening service, thîrd off a been granteti an iaterim last ciasa thuse three wnys: Tbey pro- suries off 20 minute taîke hy itie pas- ceîtificate. In the meantime sbe is mote pursonal efficincy by tor o4n John tbe Baptist. taking tbe summer course lapyi elimnatîng the errors causuti '.Miss Van Fleet, Hamiltoni, was a cal culture la Toronto andt]hsaii by defectivu vision: tbey are week-end guust off'Mr. and Mrs. J-! ing to ber qualifications. 10w prîceti insurance for one j H. Gibson. Mr. Gibsoiî andi son-mi- Newcastle-on-the-Lake now boasts off your pricele. lis. .sessos- law, M.T. R. Taylor-, Toronto. went a fiag pole that compares favorably Your eyesîgbt: tbey afford a on their annual trout fishing exiiedi- 1 witb the splendid pole up town, pre- wealth off comfort anti bappi- tion to a îîorth Daîlingtoa creelk,0< eteatotevilged r.J E t ress to the man xvbo is suf- brought back a fixe dozea speekletikisno h oot tr r ffering from tireti aching eyes l>eai(iies. kinson ofean f the Toronto ta. oM.e anti all of the other physical Tue tieachers, fficers, pupils and l Frehd teve olthe Troe nto lob disco'inforts wxl'.cb iit lie friicîds off the Unitedi Clurch Sunday lis sureîy a crudit tu the genlus anti traced ta defective vision. School spent a jolly timie picnickingf abîlity off Mr. Fr'ank Gibson who1 la the 'Misses Thonîpsons groxe last splcedth te spars anti put the mast; Tuiestiay affernouin. Rex. XW. P. Rog-: up in nautical fashion. Mr. Gibson ers, Suplt. Thos. A. Rotiger anti Mrs.i was also the erector off Mr. Geo. J. C, Hancock conductedt hue prograin'Bulî's lofty pole, nearer the lake. RflQ l~II ut .I"'ilSand itributed plri,.es to I Regular meeting 0f Unitedi Cburcb iii.~ VJ5I~8 tb winersla fue arios uefli. A W. M. S. was helti in S. S. Room special fuaturu was a soft bail gamei Thursday, July 3rd. President Mrs. OPTOMETRISTI between the local C.S.E.T. tuami antiW. P. Rogers in the chair. Mfter St Paul's, Bownianvillu, in w hich thle Office Over Flood'à Store isitor on this occasion uasiîy out- conclusion of regular business. devo- viasietheors ses. HR..tional program, la charge off Mrs. J. PotHoech-edte ouetrIV.RP Cobbledick's group, was given, con- Port ope 1sisting off bible ruading hy Mrs. Thos. Office Hours: BASEBALL TOURNAMENT Rotiger, prayer by Mrs. N. L. Rick- WEDNESDAY each week Necsl aealCu ilhl!arti, beautifully rendereti solo byl 9.30 a. m. to 9.30 p. M. INwcsl Bsb: lb vl oc Mrs. H. Hurlbert. Two chapters off Toronto Office: thir annual Basebaîl Tournamutit on:r Study Book wei'u revieweti by Mrs. 2143 Danforth Ave. Cixic Holiday, Angnst Ith. OrnN. . Rickard anti Mrs. J. C. Han- Kuatial. Newtonvillu anti Newcastecok anti enjoyeti by aîl. Meeting iii pî for, a new cnp. 29-2, closeti with byma anti beniediction. Now--- These Charming iFROCKtS_ R-educed FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 3 You i ll llove this collection of lat -( L, Sunimer fîrocks, just right foi' waîm>, ;"' Jul 'v days andI evenings. Theî'e are dozens of styles for shopping, fori' I -idgc- and tea, and fou' formailxvear',.~ ~ in cool pastel shacles. -Be sure ' . SKnitted 3 Piece SUITS Just arriveci - Specially j (tS LL4 THE SMART S""HOP Cowan Block GEO. R. MASON, Manager p5~-~~~~~ LSTLE INDEPENDENT rHURSDAY, JULY l7th, 1930 Miss Gertrude Bonathan has been Miss Jean Rickard has been holi- spending the week with Miss Gladys daying with Miss Marjorie Lycett at Matchett at the lake. the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. D. Wheeler and children, Alf. Lycett at Lake Scugog. Diana and Alden. Toronto, are visit- Miss Minnie E. Pearce returned on ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Sunday f rom a week's visit with her Galbraith. cousins. Mr. and Mrs. James Spicer, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wynn and son TVoronto who motored down to spend Arthur. Brantford, have leased Mr. the day with the latter's parents Mr. Mark Matthews' new cottatge at the and Mrs. Amos McMullen and sister lake for the summier ant i wll be oc- Mrs. L. J. Harris at their summer cupying it f rom JulY l8th.hoena ndl Weekend visitors at Councillor andhoenaKnd. iMrs. J. H. Gibson's were: Mr. andi BUCKLEY'S 3MILL Mrs. T. R. Taylor and daughter ____ Yvonne, andi Mr. Lonnie Gibson. To- Barley 50c bus; Oats 60e bus; good ronto. and Dir. and Mrs. Herb. Snel- Wheat $1.00 bus; Laying Mash. Roll- grove. Peterboro. ed Qats and ail kind- of Chop on Mr. W. F. Riekard. Misses Dorothy hand. Phone: Clarke 3714. andi Eveiyn, and Mr. John motored __ to Tweed last weekend to visit Rev. CLEMENCE FAMILY ICNIC and Mrs. E. B. Cooke and Miss Eu -____ een. Misses Dorothy and Evelyn The Clemence Famîly Pienie will remaineti for a week's visit. bo helti at Cream of Barley Camp, Mrs. Geo. Hancock. Newtonville, Bowmanviîîe, on Wednesday. July dieti on Suxnday at the home of ber 23rd, at 1.30 p. m. <standard time). daughter, Mrs. Peter Laing, 4th Line, <Relatives please accept this invitation where she was brought after taking to join this family re-union. ill on the Tuesday previous. The ____ funeral took place on Tuesday of this MARLOWE PINI week f rom her home in Newtonville, ____ with her pastor. Rex'. Thos. Wallace, The Marlowe Re-union will be helti in chàrge. Mrs. Clarence Allia is a at Hampton Park. August 6th. 1930. grand-tiaughter of deceaseti. Bring your baskets and stay ail day. Mr. Richard Cowaii. who has been Ail members please consider this as attentiing the Uriited Cburcb Col- an invitation. President-G. M. lege at Moose Jaw, Sask.. the past Marlowe Jr-.; Secretary-Mrs. R. W. year. returneti homne last Tuesday Marlowe. wehavin~ motoreti down with his' cousn, r. harles Warren. wbo is a1 teacher of science at the -samne col- 1 Messrs. F. C. Petbick and Richard lege. Mr. Warren Will spead much Scobeil and Mrs. Harry Humphries of his vacation with bhis grand- were in Toronto Tuesday attending mother, Mrs. Win. Bonathan, Beaver the f uneral of Herbert Thomson.1 Street. half brother of Mr. Pethick. SIVAVE OIY I n TYRONE Mr. Wesley Little, Walkerville, 15 bolidaying with bis grantimother, Mrs. Wmn. Little Mr. Allan Linti- say, Lakefield, is vlsiting at Mca. Jas. Storie's Mr. anti Mrs. Brown. Miss Helen Brown, Mi. Charles Brown, Peterboro. Mrs. J. Morrison, Miss C. Mackenzie, Mrs. Girx'in, Toronto, Mr. anti Mrs. Win. MacDonald anti Kath- arine, Cobourg, recently visiteti at Mr. Wîllîs Stewart's Mc. Herbert Cameron with bis sister, Mca. Charles Stainton, Blackxvatur, anti brother, Mr. James Cameron, Zion. with other frientis enjoyeti a motor trip to Lon- 7don. Stratford. Chatham, St. Mary's anti Blenheim. anti visitti f rientis in the varlous places. Miss Flora Mc- Roberts, Osbawa. visiteti Miss Lev- crnc Burgess Congratulations to Mc. anti Mrs. Albert Hills on the ar- rival of a fine baby boy Mrs. J. Lillicrapp anti Miss Velma Campbell, Cannington, are visîting the former's daugbter. Mrs. F. L. Byam Quite a numbur from bere attendeti the orange Walk at Lindisay on Satur- day Cburch service next Sunday at 10.30 a. m. Mrs. E. A. Butler, Mr. anti Mrs. R. J. Chuc anti Miss Glenna Cburcb, Mrs. Harry Nettle- ton anti baby Reba, Toronto, anti Mca. Charles Cowelî. Ingersoîl. visit- ed at Mr. L. J. Goodmnan's. Miss Wilma Wotten. Haytion, is holiday- ing witb bier unclu anti aunt, Mc. anti Mrs. Elias Strutt. Ebenezer Dramatie Club will pre- sent their play 'Gypsy Rover' in Ty- rone Community Hall on Thursday, July 17tb, at 8 p. m., untier the aus- pices of the Women's Missionary Society. A basebaîl game will be playeti earlier ta the evenmng between Providence anti Tyrone, commencing at 7 p. m. Mrs. Win. Robinson anti son Percy, Pontypool, recently visitecl frientis here. i E VRy T A &6-, Pà E~UNiWY iL ) Pasteuized Camcry AYLMEF linD NO. 3 S!EVE LEGS 3 U.m.,bmgu y«ou sonpe.lal aes are always great at A & P. . ....!f th v'urc2"! -. t ftyou bvyat A& p you uave on your ent ire food order? For e-.e.-kîi'-i 4O là at a Iow prie.. Your savings are greater at À & P beeause A & P initiates Iow prices by at once passin4 0ou tô y«u ail sâvinge ln Iowae,.d ets. CHOICE MEA TS SMOKED PICNIC HAMS am!evi"lb. 5e LAMB w lb- . I 4 8UGAR-CURED SMOKED BREAKFAST BACON SLICZD lb. 29l LEAN, BONELESS ROLLED iot Roast lb 18 ,,.NT.. Cor ned BeefA 6-lb. Tin $1j.29 SI0ed lb 25e rýoAsT oFBEEF lb. 25e '-L "M l NIE b 1 Zi e hickens, b-9o STEAK Bf:ST SIRLOIN lbà. 32,e êAUSAGE PM lb. 217c FILEsII R111N aeef Dolognasillo.d lb.22 hitefish ib. 18Se TO .:ATOES] N. 2 AYLMER CHOICE Watermelons Each 6'70 LARGI ,RIPE TINS 4ALUIER IRA.D N. COXOF. ?XIA.i TINS RICE FANCY BLUE ROSE Ziba. 13~ RAIbiNâ THODMPSO ---;2 lbs..Zi SPECIA'L ud ]BROODIS~NO. 5 STRI,,'EG 21 ALLSORTS LCORICE 27 LARGe RIPE CALIFOItNIA Cantaloupes 2 tor 25f DANANAS LftGF 3 îma..210 CARDAGE ,.AR- Z2 " IL3c LEMONS Dos.31c Potatoos N,%A 7im- 25c APPLES ,vgm. 2 Ibm.23c CARROTS? ý&trs3 lau* 10r Extra Speelal ChoieYoung LAMUi FRONTS 0 lb.À5 lb 2ge i p.) STry a BAKERY Dessert TO- DAY How about a dozen flaky doughnuts, a lusclous pie, just over-running wlth juice, or a delicious, buttery cake that'Il just meit in your mouth? We have a dozen tasty desserts that wil add just the right fiavor or prove ideal for that picnic basket. A. W. JACOBS, Proprietor Bowmanville Bakéry GR »O CERES ANWLOW FRt 'E-Tq¶E (OFFEE SU7~M SILVERBM0OOK CLIUMRY 5 !'~u.57, LOIN ROAST ib. l bc LOIN CHOPS ih n rivi 1 G.IlT ATIANirtC&Pc~'r? 0 BOWMAN VILLE STORE: PHONE 83 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVU.LE, THUPLSDAY, JULY 17th, 1930 PAGE TWELVE

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