Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1930, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. JUNE l2th. 1930 PAGE NINE Ç Bighten Ul) the hom - inside and out 4ith Wall Papeî' and Paint. 41 We can supply you with Sunwor-thy Paper and Glidden's Paints, Var- nishes, etc. WeIl do the work, too, if you wish. Geo. Pritchard Decorator PHONE 489 BOWMANVILLE J UST rich, pure country rmillcin handy form. Impro'ves your cooking. For free reci pe book rte The Borden Co., Liruted, 140 St. Paui W., Nontreai FPREE * ýWKIW.EJ3 Uh-llke good golf-ik made sup of many littie tling a cd ooe of which helpa the scoree Better digetion-ateadier net've-dearer brain, are al factor, that couat and are gained froca the Bathing Beauty's -Complexion Secret " hare flou't ised Krischen S alis for a oi finie, adthink il isvonderlul. Erer'îone tells init reluudtI look and t.hat a eattiflskii,Iha- 1 tel hem <Jat il s thaidke fa uour i ondelrfufi grusehien SalIs. 1 haro 3u5vt o a second! pri:. in a bathing beaidy conmptitiop o' a ledinu nnewsPaper. 1I ali ise il alivays. and tell all mu Piends Io do the saine.- - (3Mis) A. If. - Oritl .iletta îer o l L psti. This s beauty's tirot secret-a good coin- plex ion cones front wtlUn. No tia-d for mrains or lotions-puit the colour on frontinIside'. Reep vour biood ptre and healtlîy wth the 9alyàoseftKruseenandt wauty's reward ËUlb e yur0 cea kin, bright sparkling eye-the abondinjoiY of, good tealth. dKxuaecn Salta la obtainable at drug and =eatnnt stores I Canada at 75c. a bottie. A otecontaina enough to laat for 4 or 6 montba-good bWath fo bAU.a.ent a day. >WDIOS PHOSPHODINE!, The Great Engfish Preparation Tonszaidi rsgorates the ahole nervous systemn. rakes new Blod * in old Veins. Used for Neri'ous IDebility. Mental and Brain WorrY blponde.ncy, Lou o Eserrv. Palpitation c Iho Hearf, Failiutg Memory. Price $2 ber box. 3p for 15 *Sold by ail druggists, or ruailed in plain pliE. on rec.esp of prive. New' p4uiphwt mas <cd ,ook's Regulating Compound 0 A safà, raUabl. e go#uWo db= wrl, midicsne. Sold in three de. of s 2i trngthN.1 1 ý Bold a1ilduqa.oren .re .amplet Adea: THE COCK MEDICINECO.« t012NT0,ONT. fCormdzlWidu- e iars. The yearhy instainient o! bath )rincipal and interest i each and ,ery year ainountlng ta $5,577T.08. Yearly instalments on debenture lbt to be pald f rom revenue o! Elc- xic System. BY-LAW NO 12-13 A By-Law of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville to provide for the submission of certain By- Laws for the assent of the qualified electors o! the Town of Bowmanville. and to appoint a day on which to take a vote Lh-ereon. and to r.--,;o t - u2 places -" vru ne votes are to .. taken. an n L appoint Deputy Re- turmng Officers to take the vote at every such place. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of ýBowmanvilIe deem it advisable to ýsubmit to the vote o! the electors of the Corporation qualifled to vote on, money by-laws, a proposeci by-law which is entitled "A By-Law to au- thorize the purchase of the electrical distribution system in the Town of Bowmanville, and to provide for thel borrowing of the sum of Seventy Ont rhousand Dollars <$71,000.00) for that purpose"'; AND WHEREAS The Municipal .ouncil of the Corporation of tht said Town o! Bowmranvjlle deem it advisable to submit to the vote of the eiectors of the Corporation qualifled to vote on money By-Laws, a quest- ion as to whether the said electors are in favor of securing a supply of electrical power or energy f rom tht I EHydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario. AND WHIEREAS the Municipal ..ouncil of the Corporation of the said Town of Bowmanville deem it advisable to submit to the vote of the electors of the Corporation o! the Town of Bowmanville, a question as, to whether the said electors are in! favor of entrusting the control, ad- ministration and management of the eiectrical distribution system in the Town of Bowmanville to a commis- sion to be knovn as "The Hydro Electric Commission of! the Town of Bowmanville'" NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Bowmanville enacts as f ollows: - 1. There shall be submitted to the electors of the Corporation, qualifled to vote on money By-Laws, the pro- posed By-Law entitled 'A By-Law to authorize the purchase 0f the Elec- trical Distribution System in the Town 0f Bowmanville, and to provide for the borrowing of the sum of 5ev- enty One Thousand Dollars ($71,- 000,00> for that purpose," a copy of, which proposed By-Law is hereto at- tached and marked as Exhibit "A" and forms part thereof;. 2. That the following questions be submitted to tht electors o! the C.orporation quaified to vote on, rnoney by-laws. that is to say: Are vou in favor of securing a supply o! electrical power or energy from The Elydro Electrical Power Commission of Ontario?. 3. That the following question be submitted to the electors o! the Cor- poration. that is to say: Are you in favor of entrusting the control, ad - ninistration and management o! the Electrical Distribution System in tht Town o! Bowmanville to a Commis- sion to be known as "The Hydro Electric Commission of the Town o! 3owmanville"? 4. That the votes o! the said Electors shail be taken on the said Question at tht foilowmng tines and places and by the Deputy Returning )fflcer and Poil Cîerks. hereinafter Lamed. that is to, say; Tht voting hall take place on Monday, tht 23rd Lay of June, 1930. from 9 a. m. i the forenoon until 5 p. m. in the a!- ternoon. "~A" Polling Sub-Divisions 1 and 2West Ward at the Coundil Room i the Municipal Building, and John Lyle shaîl be Deputy Returning Offi- er and Anne Lyle shaîl be Poil Clerk.1 "B" Polling Sub-Divisions 1 and 2North Ward. at the Pump House in the Nol-th side o! Church Street ind between Temperance and Divis- on Streets, and A. H. Bounsaîl shaîl je Deputy Returning Officer and flesley Perey shaîl be Poil Clerk. 'C' Polling Sub-Divisions i and South Ward in the Public School )n Victoria Street between Ontario ind Duke Streets. and James Nokes zaîl be Deputy Returning Officer ind Roger Bird shahl be Poil Clerk. 5. A True copy this By-Law ;all be pubiished in the Statesman iewspaper as follows: June Sth, 12th. ind l9th. 1930. 6. On the 2lst day of June at his lice in the Council Chamber on emperance Street, in the Town o! owmanvilie. at il o'clock in the 'renoon. the Mayor will in writing gned by him, appoint twvo persons :attend the final suniming up of ,e votes by the cierk of this Corpor- Lion, and one person to attend each )olling place on behaif of the per- )ns interested in and desirous o!f ie answering o! the said question in îe affirmative, andi a like number 1. That tht purchase by tht Cor- poration o! tht Town o! Bowmanville o! tht said electrical distribution sys- term and business known as "Tht Bowmanville Electric Systeml" on tht terms and conditions set forth in tht said proposed agreement is bereby authonized. 2. That tht Mayor and Clerk o! tht Corporation o! tht Town o! Bow- manville are hereby authorized, em-1 Powered and required to execute tht said agreement on behal.! o! tht said Corporation and tht Clerk is hereby authorized and required to attach tht Corporate Seah to tht said agreement. 3. Ail necessary by-laws, acts, matters and things ntcessary for tht Performance o! tht said agreement on tht part o! tht said Corporation are hereby authorized. 4. That for tht purpose aforesaid there shahl be borrowed on tht credit o! tht Corporation at large tht suni o! Seventy-One Thousand Dollars and debentures shail be issued there- for in denominations o! not less than $100.00 each. bearing interest at tht rate o!fPour and three-quarters per cent per annum, semi-annually, and having coupons attached thereto for thtpayment o! tht inte rest. 5. Tht debentures shaîl ail be bated as o! thteFirst day o! Septem- ber, 1930. and shaîl be payable in twenty annuai instahnitnts on tht lst day o! March and September in each o! tht years 1931 to 1950 in- clusive, and tht respective amounts o! principal and interest payable in each o! such years shaîl be as set forth in Scheduîe '"B" hereto annex- ed. 6. Tht debenture as to both prin- cipal and interest shahl be payable in hawfuî money o! Canada at tht principal office o! tht Bank o! Mon- treai in tht City o! Toronto or at tht Office o! tht Municipal Treasurer in tht Town o! Bowmianvilîe, at holder's option. 7. Tht Mayor o! tht Corporation shail sign and issue tht debentures and tht samne shaîl also be signed by tht Treasurer o! tht Corporation, and tht debentures shail be sealed with tht seai o! tht Corporation. Tht coupons shalh be signed by tht Treasurer and bis signature thereto may be written, stamped, lithograph- ed or engraved. 8. Durlng twenty years, tht cur- rency o! tht debentures, tht respect-1 ive sums sptcilid in columin 2 o! Scheduie 'B" bereto. shahl be raisdtd annualiy for tht payment o! tht debtt and tht interest thereon and shail be payabhe ont o! tht revenues o! tht sald Bowmanvilit Electric System, af ter deducting operatlng chargesf and other necessary expenses there-1 from, and should tht said revenuet in any ont year not be sufficlent to meet tht said annual payments as set out in said Scheduhe "B", then aE special rate sufficlent theref or shal be îevied over and above alî other rates on ail tht rateabhe property in tht municipall 'ty at tht sanie time and in tht same manner as other rates. 9. Tht debentures may contain any clause providing for tht regis- tration therto! autborized by any Statute relating ta Municipal deben- bures in force at tht time o! tht is- sue thereof. 10. This By-Law shail take effect on the day o! the final passlng thereof. READ a first and second tinie this 26tb day o! May, 1930. READ a third time and finalhy passed in Council this day of 1930. I, John Lyle, Clerk o! tht Corpora- tion of tht Town o! Bowmanville, hereby certif y that tht foregoing typtwrltten paper is a truecopy o! By-Law No. 1214 whlch passed its first and second reading at a meet- ing of tht Council o! tht Corpora- tion of the Town of Bowmanvllle beld on tht 26th day o! May 1930. John Lyle, Chtrk. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE BY-Law Number 1214 A tY-Law to provide for borrowing $71,000 upon de- b enture to purchase the je-,trico1 distr'bution sys- tem and business known as "The Bowmanville Electric SYstemn" and to authorize a certain agreement for the purchase of the said elect- rical distribution system and business. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville in the County of Durham desires to purchase the electrical distribution system in the said Town of Bowmanville. i the' said County of Durham, and also the business of the distribution of elec- tricity in connection therewith. lherein referred to as "The System") on the terms and conditions set forth ia certain proposed agreementobe- tween the said Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Cor- poration, a copy of which proposed agreement is hereto aninexed and marked as Schedule "A": HAMPTON Women's insitute met at home o! Mrs. A. Peters on Thursday after- noon, June 5th, tht President. Mrs. H. E. Rundt, i tht chair. Afttr tht business session Mrs. J. R. Bick, convener o! standing committet on education, took charge o! tht pro- gram. întroducing tht subject in a splendid taik on Education. A read- ing "Why I Teach" was given by I Mrs. Armour; reading, "Tht Eternal Seventeen" Miss J..Knox; vocal dluet "0O Canada", Mrs. H. Peters and Miss Mary Peters; Miss Nora Horn, dele- gate to Ontario Educational Conven- tion, held in Toronto in April. gave an excelent and instructive report, which was much appreciated. At tht chose o! tht program a good con- test was presented by Mrs. J. R. Bick. Re!reshments were served by central igroup. Attetpdance 32. Wt ere glad to have two old !riends fromn Bowmanville with us at this meeting. Mrs. R. H. Warder and Mrs. T. Wil- cox. Next meeting at tht "Bunga- how". JuIy 3rd.. Grandlnothers' Day. Program in charge o! Mrs. A. Peters and committet on "Historical Rt- search and Current Events." AIh adies wiIî be welcome in tht base- ment o! tht church on tht a!ternoon o! Juîy 26th. Tht speaker, sent !rom tht department o! Agriculture, wil be Mrs. E. A. Wright o! Odessa. «"MY CASE UNUSUAL TEST FOR SARGON" "My case was an unusual test for Sargon. for 1 had tried different medicines and treatments for three years for my troubles without lasting i JAMES DUNSIRE benefit. My liver \;as out of order. I couldn't get an elination without taking a cathartic. 1 was subject t3 terrible headaches anîd an eruption would break out on My skin at tinies that hurt so bad I couldri't sleep. Three botties of Sargon put me in fine condition. The breaking out on my skin is gone. I have a fine appe- tite, nothing disagrees with nie any more, I sleep good and have more strength. energy and vitality than I ever thought I'd have again. "Sargon Pulis reconitioned My liv- er and completcly overcamne My con- stipation."--Jamnes DunsJrie. 531 Col- lege St.. Toronto. Sargon may be obtained in Bow- manville from Jury & Loveil. 75% of TOTAL to CANADA ADVANCED BRITISHERS in Canada may now bring forward t hoir Famniios, Relatives and Fria ce Easy Trnna. Par fuu deiLi apply:- J. D. CAMERON ea" P"die Fallway. Tom BRITISH RNR-UNION ASSOCIATION NESTLETON WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Eleet New Officers With MUrs. M. Emerson as Presideni The June meeting of Nestheton Women's Institute was hchd on 'i u'l~ * 1,.u i'th, t th-' home o! IMrs. R. Dickey. The llew hY elected officers foi 1930-31 were iflstalhed as follows: Pi'esident-Mî's. M. Emerson. Ist Vice-Mrs. O. Edwards. 2nd Vice-Miss J. Gordon. Secretary-Mrs. W. Jackson. Asst. Secretary-Mrs. P. Philp. District Direc'tor-Mrs. L. Joblin. Directors-Mrs. W. Jonc- and Mrs. C. Carlaw. RePresentative to District Meet- ing-Mrs. R. Suggitt. Auditors--Mrs. W. Jones and Mrs. S. McLaughlin. The roll caîl was answered with 'A humorous story," somte of which were very amusing. The meeting was in charge 0f Group 1, under Miss J. Gordon. Plans were made for tht District An- nual Meeting to be held at Nestleton. Tuesday, June 17th. Group 5. watii Mrs. C. Carlaw as leader. %vas given charge of the programn for the day. A crate 0f eggs was filled for the Vic- tor Mission. Arrangements were made to have a Girls' Judging Cîass at Nestheton this summer. Miss J. Gordon gave an excellent reading and the meeting closed with the National Anthemn. Refreshments were served and a vote o! thanks tendered to Group 1 and to Mrs. Dickey for the use o! her home. NOW is the Time ta talk about your HEATING P ROBLEMS for the coming wlnter, Have your old furnace overhauled or a new one installed that wlll heat your home comfortably. Don't walt tili cold weather cornes. R. E. LOGAN Plumblng, Heattng & Tinasithing 264 - Phono. - 453 BOWMÀNVILLE, ONT. ORONO (From The News o! June 5th' Miss Agatha Staples. New York, is visiting ber father, Mr. William Staphes. 1 Mviss Jennie McNeiI. Tcronto. is ivisitîng her sister. Mrs. ',h-- Sta 'Iý - ton. and Ctfi' rrelatives. Mrs. Wahlace Jamieson and Lwo children, o! Timmins. are visiting bier! mother. Mrs. Armstr'ong. Mrs. D. F. Walsh, who has been in v'ery poor health for some weeks past, is still conflned to her bed. Miss A. A. Curtain, M. D., and Miss Frankie Gerry, of Toronto. were re- cent guests o! Mr. Orm Gamsby. A Pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, and it is excellent for driving worms f rom the system. The basebaUl game played at Wes- ieYvie iewth Newtonville on June 3, resulted in a Win for the former by the score o! 8-6. Dr. and Mrs. McClellan and family o! Toronto, and bis parents f rom Calgary, Alta.'i were Sunday visitors at her father', Mr. Robert Foster. The trustees o! S. S. No. 5. Brown's School, have engaged Miss Vera Power, teacher, Maphe Grove, for the fourth year at an advanced saiary. Mrs. Henry Junker underwent an operation Friday, May 30th, in St. John's Hospital, Toronto f rom wbich she is making satisfactory recovery. Douglas' EgYPtian Liniment la es- peciafly recommended for spider, or infection 0f cow's teat. Invaluable also, in cases o! spavins, curbs and splints. Mr. George Armstrong and Miss V. Donohue, Cheveland, Ohio, and Miss Earline Grady, Hamilton, visited bis mother, Mrs. C. G. Armstrong, over tht ueekend. Miss Loreen Lorriman spent tht weekend with friencis in Montreal, 1from Where she was a guest with a motor party to Quebec City and St. Aline de Beaupre. 7 Tht Police Trustees have Placed tht bell tower onq tht fire hall wbere tht fire alarm bell is now installed. This bell for bal! a century swung in tht Bowmanvihle south ward bell tower. Orono bas now only ont butcher shop, Mr. Albert West having taken over tht S. E. Allen butcher business which he bas merged with bis own, and carrying on I the former Allen shop, east side Main Street. Mr- Fred Hughes o! Los Angeles, Cal.. who came to Toronto to attend tht Shriners' convention, spent the weekend at his sister's, Mrs. Adolph Henry; also Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hughes of Dundas were visitors here and with their father, General John Hughes, Bowmanville. Mr. George Wannan died May 13 at tht home o! bis daughter, Mrs. Lillie Callander. Ht was a resident' o! Hartney for many years. Mr. Waninan had been in ilI heahth and confined to bed for nearhy two years, bis death directly resulting !rom an attack oif pneumonia. Tht funeral took Place at Hartney. Mr. and Mrs. William Dumble o! Vancouver are spending a few days with their cousin. Mr. O. Scott, en- route to Ottawa. A granclfather o! Mr. Dumble was ont o! Orono's tarli- est business men, conducting a dry goods store and tailor shop in the earhy fl!ties about where tht Riddeil barber shop is now hocated. Mr. George W. Price, agent here since the opening o! tht C. N. R., died suddenly on Monday hast. Tht funeral took place f rom St. Saviour's Anglican Church. Wednesday. ta Bethany, bis boyhood home. Mr. Neil Smith, a life-hong resident o! Clarke Union section and Orono. passed away Saturday preVious. Persian Balmn the creator and pre- server o! beautifui complexions. Tonlci effect and wonderfully stim- uiatlng. Safeguards and beauti5les the Mnost delicately-textured skins. Cools and relleves ail akins flushed or irritated ,by weather conditions. Magical in results. A ilttle gentie rubbing and a youthful frealiness and daintiness is jristantly created. In- valuable for softenig tht bands and making them fiawlessly white. Truly the perfect toilet requisite for the 'nOman who cares. Mr. Edward Cowan, !orineriy of Kendal, who le!t that district somte forty years ago, died at bis home at Carberry, Man., on Tutsday, June 3rd, accordlng to information receiv- ed by bis brother, Mr. Geo. Cowan o! this town.: His wif e. Margaret Johnston. daughter o! ont o! the first ireeves o! Clarke township, prede- ceased him about 15 Years ago. Sur- viving are three sons and one daugh- ter. Hîs sons have been svorking bis iarm. some 1300 acres in ahi, for ý,one yesrs past. Edward Cowan and George Wannan. whose death is îre- ,)oited fî'om Hartney, Man., in this issue, gi'ew up together and wvtre chool ch' unis at the old Sixth line '-hoX 1< sc!lro I mates and BECAUSE of their extra strength and stamina, Firestone Gum- Dipped Tires hold ail world's records for mileage and endurance. Gum-Dipping is an exclusive Firestone process and the oniy known method of compietely insuiating every fibre of tht tire against internai friction--the greatest enemy ta tire life. This extra process, comnbined with a rugged safety tread, produces the greatest strength, stamina and safety that is passible ta, build into a tire. M~ade in Canada by FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY mbiOsT .MIES IPIER I~ELLAIŽ We Recommend and Seli FIRESTONE TIRES - WEST END GARAGE foin thle il ih coNs[CIJTuyo yI.1Nd E H. D. Clemens King St. W.. Bowmanvi1If~ M Many people, two hours after eating. Buffer indigestion as they cail it. It is usualiy exeess aeid. Correct it with an aîkali. Tht best way, the quiek, harm- less and efficient way, la Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It lias remained for 60 years the standard with physicians. One spoonful in wattr neutralizes many times its volume iu atomach acide, and at once. The symptoms disappear ln five minutes. tions-any drugstar~. You will neer use crude methoda when you know this better metbod. And you will neer sufer from excess ciii when you prove out this easy relief. Phease do that-for your own sakt- now. Be sure to get the genuine Phillipa' Mik of Magnesia precribed by physi- cans for 50 years in orrecting exceas acids. Each battit contains full dizeati DON'T WAIT TILL THI Get your auto ifflure<l to-day and c bejrotected. ThS cost is smaïll compared with the retuirna in case oif ire, theft, accident or -publie liability. J. Je MASON & S'ON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phonoe50 King St. E. Bowmanville BUY FIRESTONE TIRES from JAMIESON BROS. Auto Tires Vulcanizing Batteries Statesman Block- Bowma.nville 300 MI M IN DIANAPOLIS SPEIEDWAY AL-hl-RACE AND WHEREA5 for tht purpose o! purchasing tht said Hydro System st is necessary to borrow tht sum o! Seventy-One Thousand Dolhars on tht credit o! tht Corporation at large and to issue debentures therefor, bearing interest at tht rate o!fPour and three-quarters per cent per an- num, which is tht amount o! the debt intended to be created by this By-law; AND WHEREAS tht amount o! tht whole rateable property o! tht Municipality, accordig to tht last revised assessment rohl is, $2.290,855. AND WHEREAS the amount o! tht existing debenture debt o! tht Corporation (exclusive o! local utn- provement debts secured by speciàl rates or assessmtnts) la $334,978.19 and no part o! tht principal or inter- est is in arrear, NOW THEREFORE tht Municipal Council o! tht Corporation o! the Town o! Bowmanvillîe ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JTJNE 12th. 1930 PAGE NINE A ti n a c a t H. D. Clemens Bowmanvillo King St. W. AcID

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