Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1930, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, 50 WMAN VILL,, TIIURSDAY, MAY 15tlh, 1930 PAGE SE YEN I.'-, WHY FOLKS COME BACK FOR MORE People have wondered what makes our bakery good different . . . why they taste so much more like those home-baked delicacies of childhood memories. We think we know the reason. Our bakery foods are really "home-baked." Every care your mother used in choosine ingredients, in mixdng, kneading, baking is duphicated here. SATURDAY WE WILL FEATURE Pure Friuit and Jelly Cakes .........40c each Pineappie and Jelly Tarts ...........25c doz. Be sure to see our windows on Saturday- The Bowmanville Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMAN VILLE -~ I FREE IR costs nothing to joiti the "BIG 20" LendingLibrary You ntay enlist without charge and have your pick of over 200 books Çtbe latest fiction) at a renal ofonly 3c taofD ay Tbis offeis en opporunity to îoad the newest books at little cost. GIFTS FOR THE BRIDE If you are invited to a "ehowr" for the bride you will find many gift suggestions in oui store. Be sure te see our new display of COLORED CUT GLASS If you are going to neced Wal Paper see oui stock. J. W. Jewell Big 20 Bookstore Bowmanville An Early Sprin g Clearance 0f All Women' s Apparel Included in This Selling Are FROCKS COATS ENSEMBLES In the Newest Spring Manner These are not old styles- every one is a new 1,930 mode, as smart as anything you've seen. We're simPly cieaing our stocks to pre- pare for a new month's mer- chandise. Here are gay prints, trim littie tweed, cheviot or cov- ert coats, print ensembles and dozens of other styles aIl off ered at end of the month prices. We rarely have an opportuflîty to pre- sent such drastie savings and we advise every woman to take immediate advantage of the values here. CLARENCE NEXT TO F. F. MORRIS Co- S. MASON BOWMAN VILIE KERSLAKE 'S THIE DEPENDABLE'DRUC STORR Phono 49 SFoT pei4fect picturea use I Gevaert Filme LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. and -Mrs. Clem Parnell, Nw castle, spent Sunday at Mr. Jack Bird's. Little Joyce Richards is visiting1 with her cousin, Mrs. bon. Richards, Salem. Mr. Fred Douglas, Oshawa spent1 Sunday with bis cousins, Mr. and .Mca. J. E. Elliott. Mca. J. H. Morris is visiting her niece, Mrs. W. B. Young, Toronto, and other relatives thece. 'Miss Allie b. Bragg, Ne'wcastl* spenrt Sunday with her sister, Mca. P. E. Greenfield, Carlisle Ave. M. Howard McClellan, Buffalo, jN.Y., is holidaying with his parents, M.and Mrs. J. A MeClellan. Mr. Ross Pooley and friend, Ken- more, N. Y., motored to Bowmanville last Saturday, and his mother retui-n- ed with hlm. Mr. and Mca. E. R. Freenuan and Mr. H. Boyle, St. Catharines, spent the weekend with the former's irnotb- er, Mca. H. S. Freeman. Mc. Norman Elliott who bas just gceduated froîn the Ontacio School of Pharmacy bas accepted a position in Jury & Lovell's Simcoe St. Store, Oshawa. Mc. John Noble of Windsor is ipending a few weeks borte ater 61 years' absence and will be glad to mcet some of our older citizens îvho will perbaps cecaîl hini .Mr. Noble was born ila Bowmanville nom' the site of the old MeIDougell Mill now kno wn as the old electric pond near Jacmans flats. Mr. No&ble I eft here when a boy of 14 and :recalîs i manly of the former citizens who bave long passed to their reward. Tis is only the second tume he has been here since ho left. Ho la at present st.aying et Mrs. E. Bellman's, Centre ..uuc nd Rea l e il j LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. T. G. Marson, Toronto, was in town Monday calling on friends. Misa J. E. Martin, RXN, boa An- geles, California, is visiting Mr4. D. Davis, Beecb Ave. Miss borna Taylor, Burketon, ce- cently visited ber miother, who bas been iII, at beaskdale. Mca. Fred Crydermnan and Ruthi bave returned from a pleasant visit with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. L. R. Bilkey and ber son, Mr. Arthur Bilkey, Toronto, were in town Satu.rday calling -on Mis. McCready and Mia. Fleming. Mis.- Bernice Werry, Kedron, who was spending tbe weekend witub friends in Peterboco, called on ber uncle, Mi. M. A. James, on Sunday. Mca. Catherine McGill, Misses Eva and Kathleen McGill, and Dr. G. W. McGilI, Toronto, 'were weekend ouests of Mc. Rob Roy's, '"Braebank Farm," Bethesda. Mc. and Mis. W. C. Ashton, Sbaws, will coleibrate their twenty- fiftb wedding annivecsacy on Satur- day, May 24tb, and will be At Home to their frienda froîn 3 to 6 p. nm. (standard time). 20-2 Mc. and ýMrs. Chas. Tamblyn, Woodbridge, Mc. and Mca. Fred Tamblyn and Miss Mary, Orono, Mc. and Mrs. Miltn Tamblyn and Mc. and Mca. J. D. Brown, Orono, re- cently visited their inother, Mrs. A. Tamblyn, Enniakillen. Mis. Jean McGîegoî, Mi. Alex. Me- Gregor, Miss Helen Carrutheca and .Mr. Jas. 'D. Cacruthers were in Kingston on Wednesday atending the Convocation at Queen s u ntvecs- ity, when Miss Helen MeGregor grad- uated in Arts obtaining ihec B. A. degree. Mca. E. Belimnan received word Iast week of the deatb of ber daugbtec, Mca. Chas. Cressw.ell, (nee Susie Belliman) at Foxwax-ien, Mati. She bas been an invalid foc sorne yeaîs and bas borne bier sevece affliction with wondecful patience. We hope to give _a more ext.ended notice next week. Mr. and Mrs. Markus P.enigk Vancouver, B. C., nuade shorýt v9iit this week ivith bis father Mrc. Jule Roenigk, and Mi. and Mms T. H. Knight. Mr. Roenigk is on a business trip ea.st being sent to Montreal to select intericr decocations and feat- uies f or the handsome new building the Royal Bati l erecting in ithe sun- set city on the Pacifie coast. Mc. C. S. Halîman, proprieutoî of Bowmajnvilie Glove and Mitt Co., leaves to-day for Vancouver, B. C., wbece bis parents '.cI. and Mca. B. S. Halîman, ýfocmerly of Kitohen4-r, Ontacio, will cedebraile their 50th wedding anniversaiy on May 25th. This venerable couple who are both 75 years old ivill have thtir six cbild- ion with tbem from the various parts of Canada and United States to cel- obrate with them their golden jub- ilee. Bowmanville and Oshawa Music Study Clubs visited the FPort Hope Music Club on Tuesday afternoon, May 6th, and assisted in the mnusical prograîn of the annuel "At Home" of the ilatter organization. The prograin included the following numnbers by Bouwmnville artiste- Vocal soo, Mis. C. H. Dudley; vocal duet, "A Night in Venice," iy Mms C. A. Cawker and Mir. C. S. <aiban; piano duet, "Il Trovatore-," Misses Gladys and Doris Jamieson. The prograin was follo'wed by a reception and lunciheon whicb. were thoîorughly enjoyed and appreciated by the guests. BIRTHS REVNOLDS-lIn Bewmanvîfle Hospital, on Alay th, 1930, to0Air. and Mrs. John W. Rteynolds, Solina, a son. SCOTT-In Oshawa llosî,ital, on May 6th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Rt. Scott, AI nîîrir, a daughter (Joanr Rheta). DEAT}IS McLAUGH LIN-At Whitbs', on Friday, Mîty 2tid, 1930t, \Villiain .'.icbughlin, 131ackstock, in his 79th year. HAWKINS-In Hope township, on May l2tb, 1930, William John Hiawkins, belov- eîi husband of Minilie Alict. )as'man, in 1bis 50th year. ROBERTS-Suddenly at h,,r lat,, resi- iienc'e, Cobourg, on Friday, May' tb, 1930, Ada Rloberts, dfaughter of tbe late Rev. EdIv.ar'd andl Jane Robtýrts. WHITE-In Brooklin, on Tbursday, May Sth, 1930, Ainanda Wilbur, beloNvet wife of Jon Wh'ite, gt 70 years. In- terreti in Groveside Cemetery. PORTER-In Pontypool, on Saturday, May 1th, 1930, Frank Porter, beloveti 'iuslyenî of Alica Eaklns, agetI 75 years. Interreti in Pontypool Comietry. 'CRAWFORD-At Nestleton, on Sunday, M.ay 111h, 1930, Mary .1. <Chapîman, belov- cil wife of Sa mu cI Cran forîl, and loving mother of Fred, Helen anti Grace. RAE-On Saturday, May 101h, 1930, at her late residence. %3 111gh Park Boule- vard, Toronto, Agae. lbeloved wife of R. ,v. James W. Rae, formîerîs of Orono. Intrr,. d Park Lawn (' met, ry. IN4 MEMORIAM In lî,ving nmemory of Fr.îl, r!ck D,.nse.î Sr. * nho deî,arte.d Ibis 1fe May i7th, 3927. 'tltuiorîi,s aln ays wandî.r \Vben tnilight shaîlows falI, lSaek 10 days of bappine ss, Days beyond recail; Anidtbe r,. always coins;5 a ionging, If yi}u onîs' cculd com(- bome; Tho,.e wbo have a father, Cherieb himi with cire, For youneyevr know Ille vaille Till you sec bis vacant chair. * sons andi Datglbters. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. Jsse Arnot, Zion. was guest of Mrs. C. A. Wight on Siinday. The Annual Sabbath School Con- vention of Darlington and Bowman- ville will be held at Maple, Grove Chuirch on Friday, May 23rd, after- noon and evening. The special ispeaker will ibe Rev. W. îP. Fletcheir, D. D., Oshawa, who hms been one of the mnoat successful leaders in Sunday School Convention work. Citizens interested are cordially invited. Friends of Roi'. R. A. and Mrs. Delve of Lyn (formerly of South Darlington circuit) will be pleased to knotw that their son, Wni. T. R., re- ceived his Bachelor of Arts degree at the ýrec2n.t Convocation of Queen's University, Kingston. He also pass- ed bis second year in Thc-ology with honora, winning the RLankine No. 2 Scholarsihip. He la spendiiig the suminer as Student Missionan'y near Fort Churchill on (the Hudson's Bay. Marcelling done at Mrs. W. Adamis, King St. W., Bowmanville, on Wed- nesdaya and Saturdays-35c. Phone 275 for appointmnent. On holiday week Tuesday and Thursday. -19-4 TOWN SOFTBALL1 LEAGUE When nobody would take the lead in getting the To'wn Softball League oganized W. J. (Casey) Martyn of- fered his services and called a meet- ing et bhis bowling alley Tuesday night. Cu'bs entering, the leogue are: Goodyear, Wbla, Foundry, Mot- tors, High School, Pife & Drum Bajid, Front Street. Schedule starts May l9th and games will bei playetf at Public Sohool groundae Mondsay, Tues- day, Thursday and lFriday nighta starting et 7 o'cloclc. caseys big- gest worry now is t.o get an umpitre to handie the gaines. $10 per gaine wvill be paid te a "pelifect referee." HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Norman H1eddon and Mr. Merlyta Heddon, bos Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. George Steivenson, Mrs. Norman Thickson and Miss Kay Thickaion, Messrs. Frank and Ross Trenouth, Oshawa, Mr. and Mms Roy Metcalq aind family, Mépk9 Grove, spent Sunday at Mr. A. Tureouth's. Your Mangel Seed ca.nbe secured at Horn's store at a surprisingly low piice. To Let ROOMS TO LET-Appîs' Mrs. R. Hobbs, Liberty St., Bowmautville. Phone 561. 16-tf HOUSE TO RENT - Contalnlng 6 rooms; garden; possession Mas' tb. Ap- pIs' to Mrs. Jas. Jebson, Hampton. 18-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooras, wat- erworks, bath, electric lights, located King & Ontario St., Bowmanviile. Ap- pis' A. A. Colwilll, Newcastle. 61-tf HOUSE TO RENT-6-roomed house on Elgin St., opposite public school, modemi convenlences, possession June lti. Ap- pis' F. Sutton, Elgin St., Bowms.nville. 19-tf Articles For Sale Lens than $100 will bus' Willams Grand Piano. Appîs' to Box 352, Bowmanville. 19-20 COWS FOR SALE-3 good milking cows. Apply to Y. Ai..ay, Hampton, Ont. 20-3- FOR SALE-A modernî ben bouse, 32 x 16, locat..d on Scugog St. & Middle Road. For particulars phone *-19.1. 20- FOR SALE--.Quetvc Heate'r with wateri front, and Congoleunii Rug, both practi- cally new. Phone 646, Bowmanville. 20-1* FOR SALE-Refrigerator ln good con-I dition, medium size, a real bargain at $10. George C. Wright, Ntewcastle, Ont. 20-2 HORSE FOR SALE-ýGood aize, Clyde horse, 7 years olti. Apply to W. G. Werry. R. R. 6, Bownianville. Phone l60r3. 18-tf BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE-Late model, in good condition, bargaîn for cjuick sale. Appîs' to Drawer Z, Bow- manville, or phone 606. 19-1e AUTO FOR SALE-Studebaker Coach, in first class condition. A bargain for quick sale. Appis' to Mrs. F. J. Horne. Church St., Bowmanville. 18-tf CAR FOR SALE-Chevrolet Landau Sedlan, laie 1926, in good mechanicai con- dtition and appearanc(: wiil seli reason- abile. W. H. Brown, R. R. 3 <Maple Grove) flowmanvilie. Phone 476r22. 20-2w FOR SALE--Quantity of used lumber. as good as new; one 5-f t. standard bath tub; one laundry stove; one 1927 Chev- rolet truck ln Ai condition. F . Foley, corner Church and Brown Sta., Bowman- ville. 17-tf FOR SALE-Cedar posta and a number of large nine-foot anchor poste; aiso timber suitable for sleepers and other building purposes. Twenty colonies of Bees at a bargain. T. J. Cole, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone 203r4. 13-10- FOR SALE-A Nortiheimer apartment size, full scale Piano, in good condition. At $150 this Instrument should give pleasure to some one wishing to study piano music. Terme will be easy. Fred J. Mitchell, Bowmanvilie, Ont. Phone 105. %. 18-tf For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT-Two- storey brick veneer, 6 rooms and bath, al conveniences, 1 acre lanti, aIl kinds of fruit, garage. Apply Mrs. E. Passant, King St. East, i3owmanville. 20-3 FOR SALE OR RENT-A 5-roomn fur- nished cottage at Armstrovngs Point, Lake Scugog, for sale or rent. Also lots for summer cottages for sale. Appîs' to W. E. Armstrong, Bowmanviile, Ont. Phone 321J. 19-tf Baby Chicks For Sale BABY CHICKS FOR SALZ-Froni bigh producing stock, 225 eggs up. Anyone requiring May hatched chicks kindîs' phone 252J. F. W. Battie, Middle Road. 38-tf BABY CHICKS-Leghorn Chlckens for the end of May, 17c each; first week of June, 15e each. Phone 38W. W. H. Carruthers, R. R. 1, Bowmanvllle. 10-tf Wanted REPRESENTATIVE WANTED-Vaiu- able pa.t-time Agenes' ls now available for Bowmanvllle and vicinits', witb one of Canada's ieading Life Insuratice Com- panles. Good character essential1. For particulars write -L. M." Drawer B., Bowmnville. 17-4 Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE--On Dulce Street, in good condltioz, U acre land, property of the late Richard Haînlyn. Apply to Fred Downey, George St., Bowmanville. 14-tf FOR SALE-7-roomed brick bouse, wlred for stove and light, 84 acre of land, next to Canning factory. Âpply on the premnises to E. G. Mitchell, Hunt St., Bowmanviile. 17-1* FIRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST -SCIENTIST OSHAWA, ONTARIO Announces FREE P",LECTURE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE by Richard J. Davis, C. S., of Chicago, 111. Meniber of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The Fis'st Church of Christ Scientiat, in Boston, Mass. REGENT THEATRE, OSHAWA SUNDAY AFTERNOON, MAY i8th. 1930, at 3.15 o'clock. T he Public is Cordiaily Invited to Attend SPECIALS FOR THJSF WEEK-END MEN'S FINE SHIRTS 2 FOR $3.00 5 dozen Men's fine . Shirts, mostiy the - popular Dixie Blues, also broadcloths and percales, ail sizes, sorne with 2 collars, while others are with ...I.. . .olr -ta he ,v l cols tta$.9cheval- this week-end, $1 .69 Each 2 for $30 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT 98c Shades of light and dark blue, also khaki and fancy checks, heavy quality, -a large roomy shirt, On Sale at only 98c each MEN'S WORK PANTS AT $1.75 Heavy qualitypant, stripe pattern effeet, dark grey shad*e, belit ioopS, cuif boVtom, and 5 pockets, Special at $1.75 MEN'S RUBBER RAIN COAT AT $5.75 A special purchase, heavy quaiity black rubber Raincoat, slip-on model, guaranteed absolutely rainproof. Extra Special this week at $575 MEN'S Two Pant Suits at $24.%50 THIS WEEK-END S inge and double breasted models; heav qality ail wool navy blue Serge Suits, with two pair pants, Special This Week Only $2450 T. B. GILCHRIST DietyOpposite Bank of àMontresi Phne 61, Bowmauvle The first fly is warning enough . . . you must see to your sereens . . . It will pay you to use wire screening that will last for several sea- sons. We are now featuring wire screen at very special values . . . ail guaranteed to give you long, dependable service. Window Screens 40e up . . . Sereen Doors complete $2.40 up . . . Sereen Wire Cioth, black, galvanized, or bronze, 18" to 48" at 15e yd. up . . . Lawn Mowers $8.40 up... Paint as low as 80e qt. . . . Oil Stoves, Hot Plates, Coleman Gas Stoves. Dustan's Cash Hardware FOR SALE-Brick residence wlth 7 mrnem, bardwood floors, and ail modemn conveniences; nietal garage:;wçell plant- ed grounds; centrally located. Phone 358, Bowrnanvllle. 18-tf HOUSES FOR SALE-S or 8 rooîned rug brick bouses. with aIl modern con- veniences; garage and garden. Easy terme. Appîs' to J. E. Flett, George St., Bowmanviile. Phone 884. 15-tf FOR SALE-Nice brick cottage on cor- ner of Liberty and Wellington Streets; brick bouse, corner Ontario and Wel- lington Streets; aiso a number of good brick bouses ln different parts of the r own. Easy terme. Appîs' to Wm Brock, Queen Street, Bownignville. Phone 114. 16-6w* APPLICATIONS For Clerk and Treasurer For Township of Darlington Sealeti applications for Clerk and Treasurer fur Township of Darlington ivili he receiveti up to May' 26th, 1930, at 12 o'clock noon andti 1 appear la person at 8.30 P. m. on the same c-Venn at tbe Town Hail., Hampton. Duties 10 oT nience on or about the INrst day of June. SILAS WILLIAMS, Reeve. Htampton, Mfay 8, 1930. 20-2 AUTO 1STS BE WARE I11 Whatever niake of car y«ou drive consider theepointa of protection Public Liability Property Damage Collision Fire and Transit Theft A f ew dollars paid on an Insmw- ance Policy now inay save you thousands later. Consuit us to-day. OFFICE CLOSED IDucing Suimner nionths my office Iwill 'be closed ALL DAY Wednes- day. Id ri 1 'il - - L - -w "We Serve You Well" Bowmanville ý 1 1 ý -«qw

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