Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1930, p. 1

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eaua ibtan ~tate~mrn~ With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, PublisherL BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY l5th, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 20 ISTYLE ORIGIlNALITY I IS IN EVIDENCE IN These SMART COATS Values extrarodin- ary ! And every style is new, unus- ual, smarit. Another Pshi Pment has just' aved and you'll li be delighted with thie selection. Clev- erly designed in Tweed eff eets, pl1a in Tricotines a n d Broadcloths, with flare and straight line coats, some with capes. Ladies' and Misses' Coats 0 $12 to $35 Children's Coats V From $4.50 0f course you'11 need new Gloves and Hosiery to match the new Coat. ALL THAT'S NEW IN MILLINERY The grace afid charm of the Spring mlode has been captured in our delightful showing of the season's smartest hats. PANAMALQUE AND BALLIBUNTL HATS FOR THE TAILORED TYPE Have moulded crowns, clev- erly designed brims and odd droops to side and back which give the most strikingr effect. - HOSIERY 1 HOSIERY 1 Specially good line of Silk Hose at ...........75C Orient, Mercury & Allan A Ilose from 75c to $2.00 RAYON, CELANESE AND PURE SILKS Printed Rayon Silks and Celanese, 50c to $1 .35 yd. Pure Silk Materials from .......$2.00 to $2.50 yd. NEW SPRING SUIT ~ $39.50 Y ~Here are Spring suit val- -. ~ man who wants fine qual- \ .-.\ity and fit at a sensible *price. Fabrics of com- fortable weight and re- 4i~' .«~j ~markable wearing quali. -~ ~ ties. . . worsteds, cassi- mares and twist weaves in Sthe latest patterns and '~' shades . . . correct single and doule-breasted ~S'4 styles in sizes and propor- tions to fit ail figures ~ perfectly. See this beau- tiful new Spring assort- ment and select your suit ~ ~ at a decided saving. MEN'S TOP COATS $12-50 to $27.50 Boys' Windsor Suite Made toaineasure are greatly admired and seli- ing front Yeu cannet flnd botter clothing values . . . se. thom and b. j convinced. HOUSE 0F HOBBERLIN MAN WILL BE HERE MONDAY, MAY l9ffh. Couch, Joh nston & Cryderman pHfotE 104 LIMITED DOWIMANVILLE LOCAL AN~D OTHERWISE Miss Nettie. Coles, Toronto, has been visiting old friends herm Miss F. Irving, Raerny, N.J. is 'visiting her sister, [Mrs. C. W. Tait. Mr. Kenneth WeMr, Pet.erboro Normal, spent the weekend at home. TPhe fine bed of tulips now in bloom at the C. P. R. Station is great- ly admired by pas-sersby. Miss E.1ean-or iBlanche Crydermain,. daughter of Mr. A. B. Crydermax, Hampton, is one of a graduating c]ass of sixteen nurses at Belleville (kner- al Hospital. Mr. Percy Cowling since graduat- ing f rom Ontario Pharmacy Golege bas accepted a position with Mr. F. R. Kerslake with wh<om he served his aopprenbioeship. Mr. W. H. Yeo is representing the Bownianville Foundry Co., at the Anierican Foundrymen's Convention being held in 'Cleveland, Ohio, this week. Ms-s. Yeo [s accom-npanying him. Rey. Dr. Semple, Smith's Falls, who co ndu.cted Trinity Sunday Sehool Au- Iniversary services was guest of Dr. and Mirs. J. C. Devitt while in town. Rev. J. U. Robins took Dr. Sexple's work at Smith Falls. Mr-. andMrs. &. T. Lurnb of Tam- pa, Florida, axnounce the -engage- ment of their daughter, May Estelle, Vo William James Leask, only son of James Leask, Rylaind Parm, Oshawa, 1. the marriage to take place in June. Mrs. Joihn Bird, Tenvperance St., was winner of the 'Congoleum Rugi guessing contest conduoted by Nel- son's Store od Bigger and Better, Values. Heir guess was 587 and the correct number was 581. As a re- suit Mrs. Bird received a handsome Gold Seal Congoiewin R'ug. COI'ING EVENTS Annual Self Denial is now taking place. Please help this worthy cause. Tag Day in connection with Self Deniai will be Saturday, May 17. Reserve Tuesday, Maiy 20th, for the excellent play "Grunipy" put on 'by the Little Theatre Guiid of Osh- awa in Opera House, Bowmanviile, under auspices of St. John's Church. White Shield Club will ceiebraîte Canadian Nigh't on Tuesday evening, Maiy 2th, at the home of Mrs W. Hall, Brown Street, south of King St. Everybody bring refreshments. Ail members are coidially invLted Vo attend. CONCERT Auspices Order af Eastern Star Direction of Miss Edith Peardon il OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY, May 16 8.15 p. ni. Drills - Dances Short Play& - Reading Music by Ladies' Quartette and Mr. Henry J. Knight Physicai Training by H. S. Boys under direction of -Ms-. L. W. Dippeli, B. A. TICKETS: Aduita 25c; Children 15c. L. Hartt, teaches-. South Ward Rooni1-s- f-Cha-lie Some-r- sCules, Leon Connes-s, Dosothy Nick- asson, Jack ColviIle. Sr-. I-Baroid Woodward, Cias-ice Aides-, Isaibel Bickehl, Dos-othy'Bickell, Ges-ald Blrd. Jr. I-ics-once Calves-, Elsie Ly- mes- and Jean Rico equal, Kennetis Davies. Miss Marjorie Collacott, teacses-. Roo'm 2--Jr. t.-Hazei Aides-, Joan fButtonshaw, Joan Woodwa;d, Norma Halliday. Sr-. Pr.-Robes-t West, Kathleen Luxbon, Giadys Dunlop, Winnffr-d Wood. Jr. Prý.-Kenneth Niekerson, Allan Mason, -Masian Stephenls, L)orothy Sellers. Miss Margaret McG-e,90r, teacher. CARD 0F THANKS Ms-. C. Rehdar and fansily desire te thank this mainy friendsa and neiglsbos-s for thse kind expressions cf &yrnpathy extended te them dus-ing tIse ilîbssa nd death of Ms-s. Rehder and for itIse beautiful floral tributes. Mrs. and Mms. C. M. Murdof deaire te thank tIsais- Eany friands for thse munies-oua expressions off kindneas, gifts off fiowas-s, etc., shown their daughter Boreai dus-mg lier ilinesa li tIse Hospital and since lier reVus-n home. TWO OUTSTAN[ING SUCCESSES AT ROYAL THEATRE John Barrymore is bis fis-at talking picture, "General Crack",,playing tIse Royal, Tisus-day, Friday aind Satur- day, 'May 15-16-17, [s an entes-tain- mpnt event cf outstanisdng iTnsýoct- ance. "Geiseral Crack" ls filmnad froi the novedI byGeorge [Pready and is oise off tIsa sost romsantie aand col- orful aVries of ail tusse. Richard Basthelsess in the Rex Beach novai "(Son of tise Goda" play- ing Monday, Tuediaiy aind Wadnee- day, May 19-20-21, 'will brlssg tise star of "Brok'en Bloasonsa",Many new admires-s. A drarnuatic treat YOu WlU long remembes-. Botl i pctures are ail talking witis scanes in nats-ail colos- and are un- Isestatngl Treolnmrnnded by thse maInfem , ROTARY CLUB OFFICERS E. H. Brown Eiected President Tise newly elected directessof Bowmanvjlle Rotas-y Club who takce office on Juiy lst next met aftes- the weekly luncheon on Fs-idaiy at the Balmoral Hotel and. alected these of- f icers: Preasident-E. H. Brown. Vice President-D. R. Morrisen. Secretary-Alan Campbell. Tseasuser-C. H. Mason. Sergeant-at..Armas-T. B. Gilchxist. Drectos-s-i. C. Vanstone, F. A. Cryderman, E. H. Br-own, A. Camp- bell, Dr. J. C. 'Devitt, T. A. Ross, W. R. Strike. Standing 1Comissttee-s will Ïbe chos- en by the dis-ectors at a later meeting. A numbes- of the Roitarians and their wives w-HI attend tise 27th Di&- trict Roai Convention ait the Clif- on Hoe, i -IaF"ls, Ontario, on May 19-20.,air a TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS HounsList Room 1-Pupila ame not graded at this time. Thse Test Papes-s will be ws-itten on about June lst. The s-e- suita of this test will -be. forwarded te Depas-toent. Room 2-Jr. 1V - Doris Dudley, Selnsa Bas-tlett, Ada Clark, Clara Belimnsr, Nellie. Mutton, Fred Wood, Mas-jorie Jomes, Bob 'Clark, Grace Rundie, Lawrence Rehdoer. Robt. MeLeod, iteacher. R.oem 3-Jr. IV-Ian Bell, Mar- ion Jeweil, Lucy Hearl and Dorothy Richards equal, Elaine Reaman, Audr-ey Eiliott, îHelen Guni, Har-y Taylor, Frances Dillick, Clarence Witheridge. Minnie M. Jennings, taecher. Room 4-Sr. lIKI-Madge Moses, Bert Johnston, Gwsace Chiids, D-orothy Gwoode and Nancy Shs-ubb equ4l, Fs-ank Tlgise, Fred Neal and Edwa-d Nickerson equal, Florence Hoope-, Joe Wightman. 'Helen G. Morris, teache-. Room 5-Jr. IJI--iHelen Mos-den, Donald Cames-on, Kathleen Robinson, Florence Shotter, Donald Sanders, Elsie Flint, James -Fowiet-, lane Purdiy, Thelna Harsris, Ross Hem- ,.nings. G. M . W ickett, teacher. Rooni 6-Jr. III - John Welsh, John Westnuitt, Clarence Toniuinson and Jack Mutton equai, Ruths Hem- nink, Albert Westmutt, Mary Iile. V. H1. Bunner, teacher. Room 7-Jr. IlI-Ma-ion Sco tt, Omrsy Mitchell, Ruth Ives, Dos-ethy~ Bariton, 'Gertrude 'Wagar, Mas-ion Hammi and Relen Foster equal, Betty Pingle, Doro'Vhy Bmed-t and Ma1rgaretI Wood oqual, Donald Mitchell, Lenaj Kella-. LeVa L. Bragg, teecher.! Room 8-Sr. 11-Leonard Semer- scalos, Beinny Rose, Kathleen .Blunt and Jack Undes-hili equal, Lawxence Conners, Jack 11ashe and Lionel Parker equaI, Helen Cotton, Dorothy Harnden, Olive Ward. Jr. II-By-j s-on Cravwford, Jzan Logan, Edna E. Jeweli, teaciser. Room 9-Se. II - Russel Short, Mas-ion Das"ies, LeRoy Short, Donis Dean, Ford Jacleman, 'Patricia Wil- son, Milford McDomald, June Ds-ew. Jr. I 1-Keits Yeo, AGeos-gina Lam- bs-os, Mabml Harsris, Ronald Hooper. Ms. Mus-iel Symons, teecher. Room 10-Jr. Il-iAlan Tanvblyn, Lillian Koren. Sr. liA-No-ma Sear-le, Marlon McDonald, Riuth ,Purdy, Leslie Darch. Sr-. IB-Vera Cl-app, Jeanne A XI Haywa-d Meody, Ruths Vis-tu'( êiBellman. Flrance E. 'Moore, teacher. Boom 1 i-S-. I-Donalda -Creas- ses-, Jimmie Knox, Bihl ToRnhinsn, Geraldine Coulter, Kenneth Bammi. Jr. I--i-Mariom Dudi-ey, Ruths James, Jimnie Clas-ke, Allan Brooking, Fr-ank Foley. Sr. Pr.-S5cott Dem- sem, Ethel Donaghue, Mavis Garton, Luther- Welgh, (Frances Crook. 'Miss B. M. Sas-gent, teacher. Rooni l2-Prim'y A-Peggy Moses, Douglas Jackman, Mark Lambourne, Patsy Dustan, R'usseil lBaldwin, Bar- bara Rehder, Flor-ence Sheairdown, Lacs-a Wilson. 'Ps-mas-y B--Jack Hfato-ly, Milds-ed Bennett, Ada Dusen- bus-y, Herber-t Cole, Jean Ts-imsble, Isabelle Týhompen, fHor-ace Moses, Gilbert MeIlve-en, Wesley Mar-tin" Bobbia Mitchell. Prima-y C-Ber- nice KTrmble, Albert Dasch, Kathleen Robes. "ipeu,-oeng aiia upoIb ' thfe TOWN COUNCIL i pres'ident, expressed tise appreciationt 1 of tise Scbool and tisa Board for thea New Ford Truck Purchased for beautiful picture and voiced tise hope Waterworks Dept. Visait tise future graduating chases wouid follow tIse worthy esampie of Less thain a dozen citizens attend- the class of 1930. ad oise rcgulars monVhly meeting of Ms-. Dippeil aise spoke off bis pride Town Councili ield May 5tis. Mayor in tise Lites-ary Society wIsich hiaid M. J. Elliott presidad, witis mem1bers put -on such .5phendid prograns during ahi ps-sent exceptimg Deputy-Reecwe the year. jC. E. Rehdes- and Councillor W. R. - Strike. Minutes o'f regulas- and speciai CELEBRATES 91st BIRTHDAY muetings as s-ead hby Assistant Clerk Alec Lyle were apps-oved. Ms-. W. B. Coucis, Senior membos- John Milles-,'President, aind Gus_ of thse well known fis-nsoff touch, Bounsall, Secretas-y, on behaif of Johnston & Cryderman, Limited, cel- B'ewnanville Beach AUbletic Associa- ehs-eted Isis 9lst ibirthday on Monday, tien, sent oin this aannual appeal for May 12'th. Tise occasion was observedk a grant of $160. Reeve Carruthers by' this woirthiy citizen by "(business *:ogtthat ail sucb appeais for as usual" in tisait he was down Vo his grents sbould ha s-efas-s-d te tIsa Fln- store arouesd tise stroke of 8 o'clock anca Committee for consideaation and cars-ied on -tili f16.30 p.'m.. Ms-. and ai -recommendation bsougbt in ('ouch enjoys r'emarkably good healtis laites-. Tises tise tendency of falling stili takes thse odd day off Vo go a victin te tise pleadings and bigli fishimg -and moows his owis lawn for pressure sahesnainsiiof tisa appli- exercise. and stili refuses te consides- cants, ratepayers 2is electers would 1 hoeing tise gardon as Isard work. His ha seducad te a mvinimuns.. The ides, hosts c'f Iriends wish 'himi coitimued met with popular favos-, se thee civie good isealtis and many years of use- improvemnent psogram ait tise beach fulmess. includinç repairing of t.he "board- walk" for tIse bathing beauties and MINISTERS AND CHURCHES mosonligbt strivîlers wiii be Isald up iii June meeting. TsinityUnited Cisurch-4Rev. J. U. Hlid Car-penties- asked tisaitlus Robins, Paistos-. Ssxnday services ait poil ax fer 1929 be returned as hile1 a. nu. and 7 p. ns. &zndaySciool claimnud exemption -on accouant cf ait 2.30 ep. ni. militas-y ses-vice is tise local reginsent. St. Peul's Ciurch-Rev. D. W. Council tIsought ha was tee late in bis Best, D).D., Milister. il a. m.- irequest but thse (Fnance Consmittee Mornissg Worsip-"Wisen tise LÀght avilI seea iat tIse Municipal Act lhsCoesa Out"; 7.30 ýp. m.-Evening te saiy about suais cases. Worslip-"Conc.erning 'Poil"; 2.30 Mmfs-. Ps-camais eitoed f p. m.-Sumday ScIsool. cernent sidewelk on Washingten St Andrew's Presbyftes-lais 'hurdis, Place as street could oeIy boast o cornes- Ternpes-ense ansd Chas-eh Ste. path at sesent. Roada & Streete M<ssning wooshýp il a. m.; Evenimg Cern. wil report. odi7.0»m.Suay chl F. F. Morris, Preaident, and -C. H. worisp2.30 p. . . amdySho Mason, Sacretary, Hospital Board, addressed tIse Couiscl i eey in rse- St. Johus's (Anglican) Chusch- ifes-ance ite usual grant of $1000 to Rev. R. J. Siiss, Rectos-. Fous-ti -ho&pital.Btiaekereprsdth Suftdaly af tes- Eaister, May iStIs, 1980: us-gentne !fiaisilassac 8 a. m.--Holy COenmusnion; 11 ai. m. te thisewos-h ud'oulrpllcI- MorsissePrayer and Lbtausyt 2.30 p. m.-Susday Scisool; 7 p. mn-Ev- (Continued on page 10) enlssg Prayaur. *EARTHQUAKE AT BURMA Rev. and Mss. Gordon S. Jury of Bowmanviile Are Safe With caâble despatches in the pap- ers last week about a severe eairth- quake in Rangoonu, Bus-ma, in which conside-alble damage Vo poeesty and loas of 'Ife was repos-ted, anany un town were ainxio'us as Vbo the safety of Rev. and Mrs. Gos-don S. Jury at Judson ICollege, whose two sons are attend ing school here. Ms-. J. H-. RL Jury was gs-eatly relieved to receive the following copy of a radio mes- sage sent to 'thie American ïBatia Forseign MissionSocietiy at New YoTk which reads: "Ps-operty ait Rangoon suffered little damsage fs-ce an earthquake which occurred last night. 'Propor- ty at Koisîne no damage suatained. AIl missionaries are saf e. Commun- ications are entirely cut off outaide. Wdll telegraph lates- info-mtion." This message was signed by Mise Olive Hastings, Bus-ma Mission Treas- ureir. jTRINITY S. S. ANNIVERSARY Rev. Dr. James Semple, Smnith& Failsa Delivered Inupiring Àddsesses Trinity Sunday ýSchooi were highly favored in having ideal weather for 1 the Anxsiversary and Mother'a Day services en Sunday. Everything contributed Vo the succesof thse event. Morning and evening ses- cvices were conducted by Rev. Dr. Jarnet 'Sempie, pastor of the United Chus-ch at Smitéh's flalis. His mornsng theme was bas-ed on the words: "Thewe shall yet oid men and old women dweli in the streets cif Jes-us- aleni and eve-y inan 'with bis staff in bis hand for very age. And the streets of the city shah bhe fuil of boys and girls piaying in the streets thereof". Zech. 8:4-5. The speaker sa-id theai wihile, this prophecy re-ferrs-d to the new Jerus- aleni ihe was more conceSrned about the Jer-usaleni of the present day. He referred to tIse Old Age Pension and other measu-es adopted by the gov- ernment to provide for the unfos-t- unate old, and Vo the social activities of fthe churches te 'make their iast days pleasant. fie also outlined the 'provision miade If or the boys'and gis in playgrounds and parka in tihe cities and vax-ious methods along education- ai limes to promote and sustain. theis- interest in useful lines of work, noV forgetting the religions training they were receiving. From the wonderful adivantaiges provided it wvas expected that the-young and rising genos-ation should do gtreater thinga and be 'bet- tes- men and women than thei- pair- -enta. The music iby the chois- and the solo hy Ms-. W. R. Strike was in keeping with Mother's Day and was very suitable and erijoyabl. In tihe afternoon over 400 members of the school with a number of vis- [tors essembled in the ohurch for the Methtr's Day service. The program used was the one ipsovid-ed by (the O0. R.E.C.. Dr. J. C. Dervitt, superinten- dent, presided and led these chool [n thse responsive reading. The 'Orches- traunder the direction of Mr. Francis Subtton with. Miss Helen Mos-ris ait the organ, led thle school in the hymma, and previoxis to and duriing the gath- ering of the collection, by the, young nsen's css, rende-ad effective se- lections. The Seripture, reading %vas taken by Ms-. W. R. Strike, assistant superintendent. Miss Helen Mason toid the s.ox-y "The Sea-ci for ithe Beautiful" in a very clear and pieasing ianner. Thse Roll Cali was conducted by Ms-. C. H. Mason, 'Sees-etary, and while many of the classesl deses-ve credit- able mention to iMs-s. Fîrank Jack- man's cîsass«oes the Star -of Homo- 'by eves-y boy being in his place. * Rev. -Dr. Semple told n ves-y inter- esting story to the young people on "What are you going Vo he?'? This held thse attention ef young and old. Ms-s. C. H. Dudley sang a very sweet solo "F-on Day to Day" which was greatiy apps-eciasted. 'The benediction *by tihý school ciosed a ves-y interesting session. In thse evening Rev. Dr. Semple aMain took charge givim-g a vvery ex- cellent adds-ess Vo parents and guard- ians on tids duty toward the chiid- s-en. Both discouss were highiy ap- preciated and contained not oniy much information, but practical ideas for thse training and education of the young. Thse chois- rendered a fine anthein, Ms-. A. E. Zirck singing the solo and Miss Margaret Allin con- t;ribýuting anothes- solo in ber plees- ing mannes-. The offes-ing for -the day was over $425. THURS., FR1. and SAT. MAY 18 - 16.-17 The screen's gs-eatest acter John Barrymore in bis fis-st alking picture "GENERAL CRACK" You'li exiperience the bh.riil of a lifetime when you see and hear him in bis greatest romantic roIe. Scenos in technicolor. MON., TUES. and WIED. MAY 19 - 20 - 21 Hear the supreme romance off thse century! Richard Barthelmess in "SON 0F THE GODS" U From thse stos-y by Rex Beach. At last 1 A Barfflem moxe brilli- ant tIsai Barthelmsess of lWéa>ry River." A story more thr.obbing than "Brokens Biossomz."1 A drama tIsat comaes oesly once in a century -and stay8 un your sheairt orevet! Eveaings at 8 and 10 p. m. Matin.. Monday at 4 p. M. Tnosd&y a dWednhisday at 3 p. m. Daylight 'Saving Time Kentucky Belle by Columbus Ladies presented in HAMPTON CHURCH on Friday, May l6th ait 8 P. M. Under auspices of the Younga Meons Bible Class. Admission 25c and 15c 19-2w B. H. S. LITERARY SOCIETY Gsaduating Clans Presents Picture ta School to Start an Art Gallesy Thse High Sohool Literary Society held tIse final meeting of the year on Monday aftes-noon, when a claves- and highly divertimg ps-egaa was ps-- sented by Formn 2A. Tise preaident, Pisyllis Clemence, ps'esented on 'hehaîf of tise Lites-as-y Society a 'bouquet of flowers Vo Mr. W. B., Coucs, veneSrable chais-main of I the Board, it being hla 9lst ibirthtday Ion May 1,2th. Tesecretary, Muriel Moore, îread iduring the past year of tise Lit&erary iSociety whicis las proved itself to be a s-eau live es-ganization. 'Tise "Stein Son.g" was adapted to tho requirements of B. fi. S. and rendered witis vu - and spis-it by Fenn 2A. tA piano solo hy Phyllis Chala, wiso also acted as accompailt for Fos-m 2A, vocal solo by Elimos- Sykes, a rousng and cleverly execute ail or Song and Dance by Elsie Cas-- rutisors, Hilda Brorwn, Margaret Coi- ville, Mesion Siemon, Yvonne Tighe and (Madelina Veale, and a recitation "Lavinsky at the Weddimg" b>y Hazel WaItLer, were ail thoroughly apprec- iated and enjoyed. A short and bumos-ous play, "Pait's Matrimonial Venture," consprisad tise following chas-actes-s: Pat M<cGinnis (patron of a matrimonial bureau)- Helen MoDonald; Ms. Helen 'Field- ing (wiso &dvartised for a iis-d mans) -Yfvonne Tighe; Molly (Malome (Msa. Fielding's mid)-.-ELsie Carruthers.' Through Pait's coming to the wrong bouse and aceordingly ibeing &nistakem for the expected hired main, mny ludicrous situations arise, as ha' at- tempts to cous-t the wido'w whom ho, helieves te hava applied for a hus- band. Tise climax of tihe aftes-moon was reacbed with the, presantation of a picture "'Tha Angel-us," a copy 0f Michael Amgelo's masterpiece, Vo the scisool 'by Fif Vis Fomsm, tIse graiduating claies of 1930. This aas tise resu 1V of ai suggestion muade by Inspecter Rogers et tise opening of the new school isn(Febs-uary, tisait each jgradu-o atimg class contsibute a copy oif ai famous painting taward an art gal- les-y un tise Assensbiy Hall. Chais-- main W. 'B. Couoh, Principal L. W.1 Dippeli, Ms-. G. L. Wagar and Ms-. C. H. Maison, secretary-treasu-es-of the Board, occupied 'honorasy positions on thIe p1atform. sJaick Minore, on 'beaaioff Fos-m V, spoke a few fitting and weil cibosen wos-ds, whila Wallace Horn presented the pickure. Ms-. CoucIs and Ms-. EXAMINATION RESULTS Miss Helen MeGregor, Downsan- ville and Mr-. Eugene Beech, (Haydtm, o'btained their B. A. degrees ait Quen's Univer-sity, Kingston. Students from this district 'wlho were successful in passing the second year examinations eit the Ontario College of Pharmnacy are: Percy R& Cowling, Noe-xnan E. Elliotit and Alex. Mceil. 1Students f rom l>Eurham *County have ail been sucecçssful in their ex- arimnations ait Ontario Agriculturel College, Guelph: Ist year-Elgin R. Munday, Bowmanville, and Frank Hastings, Hampton; 2nd year- Nos-mn Hogg, Orono, and RIarry I. Seymsour, Cawvan. The -latter was awas-ded the Fowles- Schoiaip -for General Proficiency ini live stock judging in the ifirst two years. WOMEN'S HOP2TAL AUXILIARY Hold Successfui Progressive Party Tlhe ladies of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary are to 'be congratulated on the success oif their Annuai Bridge and Five Hundred. It 'was held on Friday nigh~t in the new High School Assembily Room, thanks te thsege- erosity of Mr. Jury. There were f orty-four tablesi in ail, piaeed in rows of six. Ea hro<w progrossed sepas-ateby, nuxrng thse crowd satu- factorily and yet preventing con[fua- ion. Aiftea-wards, refreMinents were served and enjoyed, and thse prizes awarded. Th Bridge prizes were won fby Mrs. Wilbert J. Dudley aind Mr. Alan Campbsell, and thse Five Hundred by Mms. Arthur Edger and Mr. Her'bert Goddard. TIse donations oif refreshanent, prizes, Assemibly Room, etc., lower- ed the expensea to suich an extent that thse amount received (about' two hundred dollars) is almost clear pro- fit. Thse ladies feel very gmaWiul Mrs. J. [H. Werry is visiting her daughter, Mm. C. H. 'Rowan, Beth- amy. Ms-s. Richard Peoley, Kenniore, N. Y., bas been spending a week 'with her daughiter, Mms. Frank Andeinon. Ms-. and Mms. T. S. Jardine and non Fred and Misa L Tyerinan, Toronlo, were recent guests of tihe former's aunit, Mrs. 'C. E. Byamn. RIOYVAL- -1 - 1

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