Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 27th, 1930 Meho ok$ 20 gearS gounuVr1 '1 have taken Kruschen SaIs for 7 yas and enclose my phto a t t ask your pno cf my reCýord hýavýe neimarr týl 130 yaa bave~~ 3ss,2.a,19: alto '2 rand,.ons, 6 and 20 ncthts. I put clown nif youîhflI appeamace to Kruschen Saits takien eaeb tnornlnit. 1 sliold never think of sarting the day wthout taking thera. . 1 an 5ft. 5S. in heizlht. weight 119 poîinds I eDaureui you my husband Is vt'ryý pr.eud et me."Mm. A. R. Origineltte? mfifile fo., P-ctoa youpr r vefiîtOîetthfl charm yaa mist 9tresere fou, /ieaWih. Charm and bea u ar mninhi a matter o healh, so are Vitalili, a d rigî,ur. .411 o-id beyiour.v if you pin Ytir fijah i. thee 11lideed&Wy dineful." Sart to-0cTa. in elo tr-ti fi eu ers l/aunger befare you arreori 11a8aoier. Knigchen -,ats Is obtabnable aI drng sund departinent stores inada at 75c. a bolie. A btî otains enough to last for 4 or a "otu-odbath forLe-alîU.a.eaP6adaY. FREE TRIAL OFFER I o ae e tr idKruc..i er- l no nta r et e f a e disr b u t c-d a g ret ranv 'iecial - ~,I packages vlâcht make it eâasy for y.oi te lrolir our claini for ycuro.e.f. Ank yoar drtîggast for tir ne-" GIÂIST '7bc. Palkacer 11hi09 Simista of our recîlar 7.k. bottir togther ,vit Il a seParate trial Iýte- truîillî-ent for about one erk. Open lh.,trial boUle it. týput it ta theo test. and tho-n. it nuientirrie eeîvnmce-d thug Kriusehen dot,, everything wr dJaim lite odo, the regular bottin i.- cclI a da.- new. Takr il *artYm ir dtt'ees. i.athorn-d to ruturn votîr 75c. immedîîelty and wthtit quetàon. 'ou have tuied Jstivtrnf r. a our expeuse. Wbat rould be fairr 9 Mnitacured by FLnrifitd.Hu , Manheser , ei (Piab.175).MWvrailuy' Bwm. Lsd, Toron,3 USES PINKHAM Praises Vegetable Comnpound, Blood Medicine and Uiver PuRh Efrehtown, Quebe-"I live 13 =dlu from town on a farm, iUiMaul My homne ----------- du"oeamdohum»- ing te attend te. At the Change of Lif e, I became ner- vous and rua- table Comp und - dtableThe Vege- helned My whoe Mr s.H. Rà e;aIse sevaral anusing contasts. Lunch was served. Ev- erybody pronounced il a very enjoy- able evening. The Many-Purpose Oi.-Both in tne heuse and stable there are scores of uses for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oji. lUse il fo, cuts, bruisses, burns, scalds, the pains of rheumatism and sciatica, sot-e tht-est and cbest. Herses are liable very largely te similar ailments and nihbàps as afflict niankind, and are equally amenable te the healing influence of this fine old rensedy whiich bas made thousands of fit-m friends during the past fifty years. systerLMynrvesOBITUARY are better, my ap- peùt.e la good and J. H. Medd, Exeter, Formerly of 1 arn able te do Cartwright Township my work. 1 have also takan the M. J. H. Niedd, Exeter, wbo wrete Blood Medicine and the Luver Puis and tho story ef bis school days &orne they helped me. 1 wll aiuwer letters nmenths ago for this paper, passed te from women asking about your medi- re.* on Mat-ch 8th, in bis 85th year. cunes."--MR.q. -RîcuA »Câ£BTOIrog A few weeks before bis death bis; Birchtown, Qiseber. heart begen te trouble hum and bis feer-i and legs te, sweîl. The doctor sairi that while there was ne immed-1 .atec (langer be should s;tay in bed se, BURN 5- a-. to let.sen the strain on the hat SCRATCH ES- He suffered ne pain and was always SC ~ D -brigh: a--nd cheerful. His doctori SCALDS-5ý«id t.%os-, not lke calling on a pat- S.KeED REUEF FROM TM lent bu-, ike a pleasant vissir. wih a MrNU~oN6 PIN OFnSM sAND frienîl. He sýeemed -se well on the SCALDS O8TAINED BYUS day ho passed awav. Several friands Dr. Thomas -called duringz the afternoon and ha E C L TI C chatted and j ked wit b the.< yThen nOM5 TftirY TO Tff ?A ~iES :ke falbinzaolefp.' e PRDT O FroiC early yeuI- he w.7ainember ABRA1SIOFHESMiisuIof andl c-aime<t worker in the Metho- es<~ hîs* eh-areh andîd (botbte hlm meant DJTe. tIITU I L T o. 9lnçr î bihs ctenaI home. .rîs rvice ws bcl<lat his home in Exc--' with -eletives and intimate fi-:ettd. . Ho was buricd in the ecer- e __ j c-r, f biselti horme village cf Kin- burn, and theo cl<lfric-nde antineigb G uve it Fair P a b- <ta trated for the service there. Z- Why ntdecide NOW t10 W . W eurvived hv h;;.- ife, fourI ZTOO Tablets, the remedy se general- 45 .GeorgeMl('-d, M.L.A., Ex- ]y ased for headache, a fair and sq tare ter; John (,f Lc-îhbridge.Aa; trial .n -an .S;eafon'h; and Ja.e-i E . If there la any doubt in yoîîr nind nioar I Intoii ,neliughtcn, Nlrs. G. mta the worth of these tablets or of thitr w . E. xetecr: andî on ': 1er harmlessneu, try thern and KN OW the M..îît Xît.v S.Jsp' truth. t Johl n A;.t',v q.-J.ýp Don't sacrifice your coinfort on ac- Unt.ý within a few mths cf hi-. courit of prejitiice or skepticism. Try t he n4.wsvy cierakga tablets and know. 25c at dealers or by fine uwbea-. v oacie, aking a mnailpopaid. B.N obason &C.ie-v N-u-ir. lie tock an active inter- E.eg'd.Ce.aticoek, Quebec. e-, it. n n world nc-ws, the religieus. * o.. :î 1 pou 'mil quos'tno- if the tl hdi i a in<leiful nicimîry U t o l ý.0i )0.1t og tNracts fnom juo ,t>andi tuth,,rs. _____________________________________ lt a rît -uthe h ýýtîry ouf his n :chtol 11 oestomah ouble. "ta n t shng," tlonew tburn, an shClie mgcxth «Fruit..tivs".< 11*c iedce flOErnigL Nerveshea 6,.i10flecesî once.~~~~~~~" Remts le w.Copeonclears ~&c. O: "rul.aties" hou druggusî *day. M-l, Atu!lySei ohem Var t' o n~d-iqttck byS 'C n;ste the _ook's Regulating Con the eat, ilng e et,. rt-. t 'r. u om wPHOSPHEOO ýn o e n : - n r ifew tlays - wihouii'any as Ilis- fanîiýy mis-. hlm very ho entored izoalt'atheir lihf4. 'Try Magnesia for Indigestion EPeople wbo sufer f rom indigestion t wulyhv re esn hrol ish drugs and various digestive aida and ýOthfl- got little more than slight ten-porary m îîry ,relief-sonsetimea not cxcii that. dyspepisia, jusr. try the effcct of a lit- dle Bisurated Magnesî-not the or- dinary commercial carbonate, citrate, fplPOUli- or inilk, but pure Bsurat-d Niagnt-si.9 i, '.,a"nO which you can ojbtaîn frro practical-i p y any druggist in cýither pcwder ir t,,, tforro. TakL a toýasponful of 'h oAcd(ir1 ()r four tablets wir.b a E:ttle nari e5 rî - after your ncxt meal, and sec what i a difference th;.- makesý. It %il] i1n-i - - t.antly neutralize the dangeittuF,; harinful acid in thic stomach wbîcb DIE~ now causes vour food te fermpnt, i -Preparaeîcn and -our, making gas, wind, latul-1 ~ he hole ence, hearthurn and the bloated or nL lte II a,d for Nevo b eavy, lumpy feeling that 3eems to lain irsfollow most averytbing you '!at. You iptto ffor atornacb purpoees. It la Uzed by thoumanda of people who enjo!, hlait maiel their meals with no more fear oyf in- ItONTO.OBft digioîn. Parsian BamIns l inevitably chosen by discerning women. Delightful to use. Subtîy fragrant. Cooling and refreshing. Impat-ts a rare youtbful chatrn to the complexion. Invaluable for softening and rnaking hands flaw- lessîy white. Tonea and stianulates the skin. Useful for the family aise. Protects, the tender skin of the child and ta excellent for the father as a hair fixative and coîing shaving lo- tion. iBrandhas oeen thene iauirg baby food since 1857. PUE HAB BOOKS Write The Borden Co., Limnited, Montreal. Dept. B 46, for Bahy Welf are Books. EAGLEB3RAND CONDEN5ED I4ILK 6 i î...i'e i risc o'upper 00tlt on Mon- day. Marcb l7th, under auspices of the Wonîen's Instibute, wvas -,plendid- ly attended. Follewing the supper, a program wvas given by local talent, assisted by Miss; K. Fray cf We.ston. Proceeds were $39 ...The funeral of the late Aileen Werry, aged 8 years and 2 montbs. 'zook, place from ber parents' home, Mr. and Mrs. Rup- er Weni-y, on Wednesdey afternoon. Many floral tributes sho-%ed the love and ie-pc in wbich little Aileen was held. OROoNO CHOIR MEMBERS ENTERTAINED Soaks ight InBURKETO (F'rom The News of March 20th.)I Stewards and Their Wives of New- Mis Ver L. emile1 wo hs Mr.Kf Capia lis ee cn- castle United Church Express Ap- A 1 w 4es T~ben in Bowmnville Hospital Since; Mr A-f Capenha b"ncO-1preciation of Musicians' Services And LiAAAJ I Jan. 28th, is verY 1luWIY improving fndto bis rooea the uast week. 1 By Giving an "«At Home." - it from her very seriou% ilines. Mýr. Mr .H.Breit iMWton____ _ L 4 IJames H. Demnille and Mrs. O. Hub- ,nd otbers are having theiTr rsiden- T Seadsoth ewate[i[f q>br tîe ih r n r.Atu 1ereUAt oe " hrcwt their mbes, fRogers expeet- to go to Bownanle Mr. and -Mm E. R. Rainey and Mr. the Senior and Junior Choirs. accom- ____ John N. Powers pent the weekend panied by the "better halves" of Nowadays people dont have ta H reopial ery ope torhac trsi- witth friends in Peterboro. those who hed them, in the S. S. tormented with inflamned, s-wolleniremvey F. W oi o uc e Mayor J. B. Moat and wife of Osk- Room on Friday evening. creky joints. ville spent a few dayiý this week at Rev. W. P. Rogers was chairman If you want your bad acting jointsENEL her brotber's, Mr. R. Z . Hall. .1 the occasion. A program of1 to limber up and work ,vih smooth -________ Mr. Charles Wood bas moved fr<sm unique contesta, which tested habits, ness t.he sensible thing to do is to .%r. and Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brook- the farm to, the former H. Dai po of observation as well as brain and get something that is made for just lin: recently visited at Mr. L. C. Pas- H.vocal power, vres efficiently conducted that purpose. o'....M.AbrNidyT- perty, now owned by Mr. M. 9 by Mrs. W. P. Rogers and Mr. H. R. It's up to you-just ask for a tube cee ... ... t .Ir. AJertNiery Trn- Staples. Pearce, and prizes distributed to the of Joint-Ease and give your troubl- 1 Mrs. J. Hepburn is stili improving. nhe many friends here f 7.lcygop. A eorhymthsaine joint agood rubbing to-night Mr, and Mr,, Olive r MecCu]loch re- (Rev.) J. W. Rae, Toronto, will re- concluded the program, but owing to When you rub this magical yet ktyvsîdo oot....r n gret to learn that she is in a verytenarssoth midnight heur. scientifi e erollient on yoiir sore, 1rs'S. Bray celebrated the fortieth poorsiae o helth th winer illneyr b knwn. painful, stiff joint it bas the unenny1 anniversary of their wedding day re- Messrs. Lyle and Harrwell Low A midnight repast of potato salad, power of penetration-it soaks right centlvy...We regret that Mr. and ery E.J.HarmGeoge oron nJgarnished with lettuce, chee-se and in and away it goes thru skin andi Mrs. Fdgar Prescott and small family eRy .a}h %mu i ttneo r-MonandOr jeîîy, coffee, apple and pumpkin Pie flesh right down to the ligaments are leaving our neigbborhood. Thevl age LogeOnao t at B rvnca r-k- ith whipped cream, and fancy cakes, and tendons of the joint - right intend moving to Oshawa. One ev- ville.LdeOtroFs tBok was served in ample quantities by where the trouble starts. ening last week the me.rnbers of the' ville. four ofth stewards, Reeve W. F. Out cornes the inflammation and Ladi es' Aid. with their husbands, met Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crease of Rickard, Dr. J. A. Butler, NMe-ssr. down goos the swelling-a bard job 1 at their home and presented Mr. and Toronto, acconpanied by bis father, Herb. Hancock and J. H. Jose, %vhile is well and swiftly done-your joint Mrs. Prescott with a well worde«d ad- Mr. Crease of Amnherst, N. S., spent the other four present, Rev. W. P. ls limber again-it works ,moothly dress and an electric toaster. A very Sunday at bier fatber's. Mr. Fred Rogers, Messrs. Thes. Couch, Howell -you aetakfl enjoyahle evening was spent. Cowan. Rowland and H. R. Pearce, were dele on-ae itbakful. o Cnd Worrms cause fretfulness and rob gated -,o the dish-wasbing staff.* and every good drugstore in the Do- BAKTC Following thi- abundant fea--t. the minion salIs lots of it, .%Make a note BAKTC the infant cf sleep, the great nourish- gnîthering entered heartily into a gen- of this also-for lumbago and lame er. Mother Graves' Worm Exter- era1 sing-song, conducted by Mr. W. aching back one good ruhbing is us Rev. F. W. Newell, B.B. D., minatnr will clear the stomach and1 F. Rick'ard. wvi, h Mrs. L. M. Fisher at ually enough-60 cents for a geêner- spoke on the subjeet, "The Parable intestines and restore healthfulness. the piano, eus tube and it's guaranteed-you of the Publican and Sinner" on Sun- No Rest With Asthma. Asthma Choiri cader w. .1. S. Riekard mec- must get results or rooney hack. day.Y. P. S. of the United Church uulyatkse ihteoetnee.adPresidentW.H ok sec- held tlic wcckly meeting on Wednca- when t-est, is needed most. Hence ondud. a hearty vote of thanks oethe dyngt fe il tdtk the loas of strength. the net-vous de- I..~ ad m their wives for theiren by Miss- Margaret Swain, on the biit, helosof flesb and other evils h itlvxard the choir. whichi International Sunday School Lesson. biyw h e o m s b expected unle&sa relief w :î-. aec*-pted hvy Mr. H. E. Hanc ck ) Miss Kemp tok ch-irge of the pro- is secureî'. Fortunately relief î is and Rev. W. P. Rogers. itaml..t Miss Olve anc ronp'o s. Possible. Dr. J. D. Kelloggs Astbma ce ~ iss Rth Mar loive Torna 'o.....n Remedy has proved izS menit throuth Miss.Ru.h(orrîll. Nipissino,, Ont.. E. V Goril. Npising On., sksthe weekend witlî hei mother in years -f service. A trial will surely . Will eut -chool systein eroduce lead- Blackstock . Mr. ý. Oakley Carley, convince you. ers?- and* n a thougb:"ful 1ý4 col- Toranto, viîed et Miss Margaret The ennual Irish entertainment by umos karticle expresses his doubt. in1 Swin's.-...Gladti t hear t.hat EttrI the Wome.n's Institute was greeted la.st Farnier's Advocae. Mr. Gor- 1 Grey, who ha-. bcen mit of school for with a fuIl bouse on .Monday evening, rill thinks boys and girls of 30 te 40 Just place a tlîree nîonths on arrounit of sickness, Match 17th. A splendid program years-, are rceived b.tter traini»ngý glass o rcu P is back te schoo! again ... Rev. F. W. eonj.<sted of numbers by the Rowe than thev get nmv. Men and womcn I oer the open- Nevell. B .A., B. D.. as.,isi-ed Rev. J. Orchestra, Miss Helen Powers, Mrs. of to)doy wcvre at :chool then manv 1 ed ti. and the contents M. Why:ýe. Enniskilecn, at some spec- Hon~elMr. . . Rlp, ndcf'hm.wUll keep perfectly. Eagle ial meetings in Burkcton la.-t vek Many Durhami orchards that need No surgical operation is neceaa pruning badly are berng neglected ini rernoving corna if Holloway'a Cons still. Removeni be used. 0 Children say great You can eut Shredded Wheat Biscuit right out of the package with milk or cream-but it tastes better if you crisp the biscuits in the oven and pour bot milk over them. The flavory shreds of baked wheat are so crisp and delicious-children always ask for more and it is so good for them. Contains everything their growing bodies need. Delicious with fruits. SHREDDED SHREPED H EAT 1 1 1 yIý-WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHQLE WHEAT THIE CANADIAJN 8HREDDED WIMJEATCOMPANY. LTD& THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 27th, 1930 PAGE SIX

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