Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1930, p. 6

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~A<~ ~i1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARGE 131~i, 1930 Rosy Cheeks for indoor days Crisp cold air brings a touch of color to every one, but it soon passes urlless good health keeps it there. Shredded Wheat is an ideal indoor-weather food. It contains the minerai saits that make healthy red blood and the bran that promotes regular habit even though exercîse is restricted. Plenty of nourishment-and easily digested too, Bat Shredded Wheat every mornine--a biscuit or two with hot milk for a duliejous, vital- izing breakfast. on Cou qhs& Colds MsLAmf1wash a- A SauSoi We End i 1Minute i nc'burn, tch and pain of pes Z nai tnue witii Soctha-Saiaa e T. Sents. Bkeding topped.Pie I ,..n isied. Avoided operat on j. ý itant resuits "day.Aldri.avsta.i J. . erflg'sAyk thM.. betndy flc counpton.baviestiontudit ra work of relief ulfn a frn cnte oceain irFerr t- wndefulval ue. t Kelouz's, thefoemtan Nos ofaasthnia emed ies taD. uistoncta dreeptonfonoed ith haldrn eara f huand ohave nown5 o ok'a hegulatin Compoundea work o relefuntl abt.,egu lin nceanto o efods we. einru Vde ue. Nellgg'S . t 3,85 pnot band býest of lpastor reeiet of rd- ree pmphlt. Adr', lue ( Reruatng ComPpund meod Vin. U,d i Le "e flflity. ent a,..l e ,tl for 159SoI b l] gisîs.,'r oraiel pkg o r~eil f rie ne...r phifleI TH.T OO pnCipiK foXoQNi"' Trouble Signs For Those Past 40 Bladder Weakness, Nervousnes, Heada.che, Frequent, Painful, Scmty Urination, Gettina- up-N4ights The enibarrassittg annoyance aud genuisie misery -of Bladder Weaknesa, often brings "discontforts -of oidage" te those who ree.lll'y ougbt o be iu the very prime of .ife. ,Countlees thousands, Pex*IaPs s-en out of ten, of foflks near uiddle hf e are pitiful victirs of Hea.daches, Ner- vousnes's, Pains in back and down tbrough groinis, fréquent but scaity sud painf.ul urinatien--Gettiri-tP- nights. W'hile serlous, if neglected-it is ordiuarily a simple matter Vo relieve these troihulea bytse pleasant home use of Dr. Southworth's URATABS, whicb bave been victorieus in thous- ands of cases, after other treatuinents have failed. No utatter ho'w serlous or of how ong standing youxr condition may be, yen can quickly prove tse vaiue of URATABS without risk cf cot-for any good druggist will supply yeu ou an absoluts guai-antes cof satisfaction or money back. If URATABS bring you quick and certain comnfort, you will be greatly plea.sed. If Vey dû ne)t fully sýatisfy, their use will cost you nthing. Try URATABS today, iind se what a differerice they Tnake. READ 0F A CASE UKE HEROWN Decided to t.ake Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Moneton, New Brunswik-"Be fore my laut bahy wus born I was very weak, nervous and disi- Corgd 1aa an md.vrîer îent in the pal aout a wonian wiho had b eem likê e ieo 1 hougiht a bunI îleof ham's Xegetalle. <Jempotind. I teck three botiles anîd t carried ica- ly tlirotigiik lî:tî bave t h 10e ri drven Io eare for and 1 fer] m-ilI and îîrcng. 1I have tlii two ethrr s îii iiboiif 'vcir niediviiîî "- s A i \î î A( 1, is>-)Alb ri ztr4ut, MIoix t c, N isvItr rt mk What Are You Doing For9 That Stf Swollen Joint Did you ever stop to Vink that cents and when JOINT-EASE gets in many tmes the inexpensive remediees joint agony and other aches and are best'? pains get eut! Many a man has lost a week's Give your ailing, pain-tortured wageas with a slow-acting remnedy joint a joyful treat to-night---give it when one or two good rubbings with a good rubbing with JOINT-EA.SE sWiftly penetrating JOINT - EASE and to-niorr>w morning if you don't would bave kept hlm on bis job. say that the 60 centa you paid isn't New just hur la mind. that a gen- the greatest inve8timent you ever erous tube of JOINT-EA.SE made made, get your money back frem naY rleht bere in Canada coats but 60 druggist in Canada. OB1'TUARY Mrc. S. S. ChattuernMDBighton The sudden death of Mrs. S. S. Chatterson, occurred at ber home la Brighton township, on Tuesdaiy, Feb. 25th, 1930. Apparently in good health on Monday, élis was suddenly stricken and passed away. De.ceass.d wa born in Crainahe township on Jan. l9th, 1863, and was aiarried te S. S. Chatterson, at Cairnipellford, on Jan. 19, 1886. ghe lias been a life long resident of Cra- mahe and lfrighton tow:aebip, and was widely and favoralbly known o a large circle of friends, al of whosn wiIl sadly miss hear. Besidee her husband, there are left te mourn the loss of a lomvng wife and mother, one son, Roscoe Chatter- son, Cranahe, and tiwo daughtes, 1 .Mrs. Harold Coulter, Bowmanville,' and Mrs. Maurice Cheer, Brighiton. There are also five grandcibildren. One sister, Mrs. J. W. Pettibone, Muskegon, Micb., predeceased ber in Deceaiber, 1928, leaving one daugb- ter, Mrs. B. C. Whittua. SYlveter Potter, Detroit ýSy1vester Potter, who threw the switcb, tihat put Detroit's first ele- tric street car in motion, died March 9th, at bis h'oqne in Detroit, Micb., after an iliness that began four years ago. He was 71 years old. Born in Newcastle, Ont., Mr. Potter be- came a pioneer in the electric rail- way industry 'when be begann bs 1emresr with the newly organized Hamilton Street Railway Conipgny in 1891. Two years later hié be- came an engineer in the Canadian General Electirie0oempany, and in 1895 and 1896 was engineer of the power plant ol ths Detroit United I Railway, whicb was just beginningI opera iens. Laer Mr. Potter wasî eînploy4< as Censral Superintendent and Electrical Engineer of tfibe Lon-1 dàon Street Railsway, and as Obsef Eleotrical Engineer of the Torontoj Street P.ailwây, and still later vasI Superintendent -of Motor Po'wer of he Aurora, Elgin and Chigo Electric Rail'way. Mr. Potter is dzur- vived by his widow, Sarah'b, lù oter; a daughter, Mrs. Herman Gray, Hain- ilton; and twe sisters, Mrs. George H. Jolil, Newcastlé, and Mrs. W. G. Rundîs, Betbesda. Mrs. Leonard Gamaby, Orono Mary Aberta Adamis, beloved wile of Leonard Gamsby, passed quietyi away at bier home February 24tb, after an ilîness of one week. She appeared te be in her usual bealth until laVe Saturday evening, Feb. 15, when she was stricken wi'tih apoplsxy, froni whicb she neyer fully regained conscieusuess. Mrs. Gamsby was a daughter of the late William Adams of Bowmaneville, and it was in that fown that s pas.s- ed ber early years. -In 1894 she was united in inarriage with Leonard Gamsby and from that ime re-aided in the fa.nily beome in Orono. She con inued te each musie for a nuni- ber of ysars after her marniage un- il tihe cares of a young famïiy de- mandsd her full attention. For twenty-flve years as presided at hs organ in the Centre Street Cburch until failing hcalth compelled ber Vo relinquish this loved task six years age. Her services, until then, were in great deniand locally and were always freely voluntesrcd to forward any entertainnient in the interesta eof church or co>mmunîty. She was a proficient amusician te Vhe Last il-11 ness and often deligbted betr friends witlb their favorite melodies executed in ber inimiltaible manner. On Feib. 26tb, a private service was con iucted at ths home by ber paster, Rev. Geo. Nlason, after which the cortege procseded o Centre Street Church iwhere very beautiful services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Maeoîî, assisted by Rev. Wm. Sterling of Park St. Church, and Rev. Dr. Fletch- er of t.he Chbristian C2hurch, Oshawa. Tihe crowded pews and the heautiful floral trbiutef, wsre an expression of the high esteeni in wlich hs depart- ed was held tbroughout hs district. 1,hterment took place in the fanmily 1 plot in Orono Cemnetery. Left o tmourn are ber hushand, hree sons and four daugbtors: El- bert cf lHamilten, Kenneth, Garnet. Hilda and Oda, cf Oshaw.a, Doris, (MNrs. G. M. Linton) and PRosaline of1 Orouo', aise one sister, Mifs, W. Â. D6%vning, Toi'onto; and enle brother,ý W. Adamis cf Brooklin.-Nemws. Many mothers can tsstify te Vhs virtue cf Mother Graves' Wormn Ex- eminator, be4cause Vey kniew frein experience how useful it is. For Scalds or Burns.-Dr. Trhomas' ner of cuVa, bruise-s and sprains, as well as fer relieving tIhe pains arising f rom inflammation cf variou'i kinds. A boule in the bouse and stable saves many a doctor's and veterinary's fes. Teils Dyspeptics' WhatTo Eat Strict Aiets are ofteu unnecessary in strmacn trouble. Wbile sente fooda do produce excessive acidity and many s.ouachs (le generate "tee much acid" causing gas, souns, bloating and afte.r-eating painl7s, Vh trouble may he safely and quickly corrected by ths use nýf a good alka- linp. Bisurated Maneia-poýwder or taWets -is ideal for this purpose. Just a littls after meals neutmalizes, abl -.he exce-is acid, prevents seuring, breaks top gas and ends indigestion. Favorite f-onda ne longer upset stoin- acb and digestion is easy and pain- 1less. It will de ail this for you or mou ey back. Druggists everywhere1 ssII Bisurated Maguesia witb this, guarantee. ORONO1 (Pýrom The News March 6th.) Mie Vioe G<ifillan, Toronto,4 fplnt tbhe weekengb witb bier parents, Mri. and Mrm J. J. Gilfillan. Miséem Muriel and Marguerite MiU- son, Toronto, spent Sunday witih their inother, Q!ra. H. 'MilIqon. Mr. John B. Morris, manager of the Orono Tokphone Ce. was taken ilU wjihb heart trouble and lastfll con- fined tV blMsrooTn. No need to sulYer witb cernis, or Vo rua the rlmk of paring th-sa.Re- move theun surely and painlesslY with Hoi-loway's Corn Reinover. Mr. J. Carscadden, Kendal, accoTm-t panied ihy Messrs. F. Brinacomibe,1 Kirby, A. Chapman and J. Eagleaôii, methre,M VoToronto Wednesday te attend the Sur Harry Lauder concert. Mr. Melvilile H. Staiples bas besa appoiinted assistant secretary Vo Mr. W. H. Moore, chairmnan of ths Do- minion Tariff Board, bis irus being fully taken up ini bis duties at QV- < tawa.i Mr. George Wannan and family1 bave muved te Toronto. Mr. Chas. S. Woo.d will occupy the residence1 vacated by Mr. Wannan (the formi- er H. Davis property) hee baving tak-s su the position of fereman on the1 M. H. Staiples farxn. The Men's services at Piýxk St. Gburcb, Orono, were beld Sunday. In the moraine Rev. W. Sterling de- livered a special sermon o men, and in thet evening William Irvine, M. P.,C frein Aberta, was the speaker. OnS Mmo,day a banquet was beld in the Armouries. jMr. Arthgir Allen h4~ r_ ,u',row es- caps Tuesdy flomIinÈ troni possiblet fatal injurie whLie St work cutt.n î lunilber in ihis saw milI, by a slab whidih was caught um iby hs teetb èoS the revolving saw and burled with terrifiçfPorce, striking him lu",ths stoniach and knocking bum down. On Sunday, Fre<l Pearson of 23 Foxley Street, Toron o, a veteran of the 39th Battalion, (lied iu Christie Street HospitVal fromBright's disease and. the effeicts -of gas. He was born ifi 1-jull, England, 32 ysars ago, and camne Vo Oronve àV he a.ge of ten jyears. He enlisted çwhen only seven- t een, and leaves a wife and eightj chil.dren. !Mr. and NMrs. Frank Pear- son, bais parents, attended the funeral in Toronto on Tues-day. The indications of worms are rest- lessuesa, grinding of the teeth, pick- inge the Vhos, extresue peevishuess, often convulsions. Under these conditions the best remedy that can be got is Miller's Worm Powders. Tbey wîl'l attack the worms as soon as administsred and wi]l grind tibem j Vo aVeins that pass away in hs evacu- aions. The littîs sufferer will be iniaediaitsly eass.d and a return ef he attack will net bc likely. The second program lin a series of~ sociaIl entertainnients, arranged for Park St. Cburch, was presented Fri- day, February 2lst, under leader- ship ef Mrs. IL. J. Taniblyn and Mlr% E. J. Hammi, wben a numiber oit the igroup, as Comical Cousin-s, put on a minstrel show, rnuch Vie the enjoý- ment of hs large -audience who greeted lir perfýormance. l'le principal parts were: Aunt Ophelia (director), Mrs. M. J. "uiln Ma'y Jinnie, wbo just b.ad an acil- dent witl o' -mule MaudI, 'M-o-.d," Mrs. E. J. Hammn; and bier ]i pick- aninny, Beatrice Hammi; Sis Hopkins, fend of ber 300-1-'b. beau, Jno. D. Brtown; Mollie. wbo ecal plan' aud orgian, 'Mrs. M. H. St&ples; Sukcey, froni Sidec'omb 'Cornet, Mma A. Blewet; Mrn.'P. Laing and Mrs. W. S. Coibbledick, fanions coruical twins, wbo act alike and look alike aud couldn'V tellIoesfront t'otber; The Uni ha-ha Family, Mrs. M. J. Tamb- lyn, Mr. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hammn, Mrs. Newton Corbbledick, Mr. Jno Tamblyn, Mr. Will Cobbledick, Mrs. E. White and . F. Tarnblyr, with a e~od supporting celoî-ed bald and singer:. Fine mnusical nurnbers wero given hly Messrs. Taniblyn Bros. trumiypets; Dr. E. Ker.eake, violin; Ham-m Brûzý. and Miss Enid and Jack Cobledick, mout.h-orgnns; and vocal quartettesby Messrs. Fred, John and Milton Tamblyn and Dr. Kera-lake; ani a song by hree littIe pickanin- nies, Mighty Lak a Rose. A nice lunelh of sandwiches, cake, tarts and coffes was served. Proceeds taken Rat the do-er by two 4)f the colore. eusins, .Mr.s. S. Cuttell and Mr. A. K. Rlph, were over $5 1.00. N vER wxait te see if a hiila-,1Ch 'sil '. c îr off." \Vhy -uiffu-r when tîteres :lways Aspiri ? 'l lic millions of nen and womnien ho use il in iiîcrcasirlg quantities every yt.ir frove ihît it dees relieve suicl pain. l'he rucdical profession prn- nouinces it \\i'lieut effect 0on ilIc hcart, se use it as often as it can spare you anv pain. Every dIrilgis;t alwavs bas genuine Aýpirin tablets fer the prompt relief of a headache, colds, neuralgîn, lumb)ago, etc. Fa- itiliarize your5clf with the preveut directions n e ,ery package. *ASP1R1N Airpirin la a Trudeas$95tefterd IDCatad DOLLAR-A-YEAR ORONO CLUB SET3 PAGE FOR CITY COUSINS Checers, Cardsand Reading ian'Win. ter and II.rseshoe Pitching in Suinmoe Amuse Memb.vs of Un- ique Associ*i with 174 Mam- ber&--Ma& $400 ini Bank and No Debti. (From TorontVo Star) Orono, Ont., March 5th.-Weui sometody decided to form a club at Orono everyone élse laughed. 'it was a village of 700 population~ set down in the midst ot a farming cotmmunity, where no one had tinie for fol-de-roIs. People weren't used to city ways. 6 They didn't want ltounging roozs and card roomrs and billiard r(ois. Tbey had lheir own homes. "You'll neyer make it go," Oron- ians told the enthusiasts. Years have passed. Orone bas its club. 'Moreover, it bas woqi into membersbip 174 of those who sc'offed, or at any rate were mildly scornful; it has a club house complete even to lace eturtains at the windows; it bas $400 in 'the banlc, and each member pays only $1 a year dues and fees. Ail this was recalled by the annual social evQning in Clarke township hall recently, when Lou 1Hoskin cd Kendaîll mon the old-time fiddlers' contest, with Charles Cowun of Starkville and Arthur Allin of Oronô close second and third. The old waltz tune-s brought dowrn the bouse, carrying peaiple lback t>o the stîfl- sweet days before there were such thns as cfubs in saal toWris. Conservative and sus*picions of change as the averae small Ontario town, Oron-0 had, five years, ago, Vhe advaitAge of leadenihîp. Men there wete who had visited Toronto and there crossed the piortals of clubs wbere an air of seclusion wrapped peacetfully around the habitues, and otber clubs where there was a de- ligbttdul spirit of camaraderie. They went back to Orono witb the thought that w4hat was sauce for the city goose would be sauce'for thbe country gander. Tbey would combine the two kinds of club into one. To-day it is, the proud boast of the Orono club that it gives greatest val- ue for $1 a year niW~ubership fee of any organization ini Canada. Recognizing, like Kiwanis and Rot.ary and Liovns, that there miust be an ides behiind evpn a purely friendsbip soeiety, the sponsors of Orono'a club tlecided to build their association around betternient of the town and district-and the fledge- ling comYÉiinnity family was christen- ed "Orono Publicity Association." Its idoal was to bring people Vo Or- onu,.aami make contented those who Culsin Toronto 'Whbte managers co4nplain of Lack ;of paltonage, laivk of rrimbers and lack of money, r.iight well take a course in 4,ccn- 4sniuc froni tihis in-4.iijbution. lIcAused in a six-3mos dwelling in the centre of the business district, the Orono club paysý on'ly $6 a nvontb rent. The rooms are weU heated by frýie-ndly stoves. £Confortable couches and chairs invite ease-they were aIl donated by memrbers who rummaged through their attics -and celiars for sixperfluc>us; furniture. Menibers of tbis uniique club do not lack amusement. In winter thQre are facilities, for playing carda, checkers and dominos. There are magazines and newspapers Vo read. In summer, pegs are driven int-o the main -stripet and borseslboe pitching is enrjoyed rigbt in front of the club bouse, 'while a well-worn path to the concrete swianming .poo-1 in the near- by Park te.5tifiez to the more robust exerci.-e of the members. Bring in Farmera As it improves the club bouse, the as,4ociation bs'oadens out its ideal. Weare now contemplating enlarg- ing our public welfars work," a men-- ber told The Star, "by helping land owners in Clarke township to, selI oDr rent land without cost to eitfier buy- er or reller.", To 4be abjection tihat this might Iead to trouble through rnixing the club ir, real saVate transactiýons. the me«sber re-plied: "NoV at aIl. Usual- Iy when a farmrer gets bis farn equip- psd with ail the labor-saving machin- ery that he thinks rwill ibring g%"d price.s at an auction sale, he is about> re.ady to nmove into Orono. The last straw seexns to be w'hen be discards the walking plorw and getsan two- whbiýled iron cart to ride on belhind 1the harrowv. "The Orono Publicity Association is keenly interested in gettine new farmers to Vake the retired farmnera' places, and when thcy, in turn, re- tire, Nve will try ýto get others." "D'ýo you like retired fariners to settle in your tio,%n?" Tbe Star ask- e, F.- .Arnistrontr, a laigcitizen. ZUTOO TABL[IS Says they are Iiarmiess lIrs. (Dr.) ShurtlefY, of Coaticook, amy. "I iuit have taken 1000 Zutoo Tabi, in. Aite ri very retard7 wlthin reaeh, K dîsca-rded Jth cru ailfour yemxm mgo for tZUTOO, whjch 1 have "aen ever inca. 1 fiud thectabletiabartuleasnder<tj redrfor &Haiknds of hmadie." PS cents per bour--at -RU dealema «IBabies FRET There are times when a baby ie too fretful or feverisb te be sung te sleep. There are sanie pains a mother cannot pat away. But theres ne time wben any baby can't bave the quick comfort of Castoria! A few drops, and yeur littie oe is soon at ease-back te sleep almost before you can slip away. Remember this harmless. pure vegetable preparation wben chil- dren are ailing. Don't stop its use wbeu Baby bas been brougbt safely through the age of colic, diarrhea, and other infantile ilis. Gîve good old Castoria untul your children are in their teens 1 Whenever coated tongues tell of constipation:; whenevcr there's any sign of sluggishness that needs ne stronger niedicines to relieve. Casionsa is pleasant-tast- ing; cbildren love te take it. Buy the genuine-with Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on wrapper. Are You in a QuandaryI About What You Need In Building Material Lumber, Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail times and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are also prepared to take care of your order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Call and see us and get our prices before yotz buy. McCielIan & Co. LIII. Office Phone 15; House Phones 228,274, 218 King St. E. Bowmanville IiLUPS g 10IOSTOM> Wlîat most people salI indigestion la lisually ,xcess seuul lu ths stomacb. The food lias ocuredl. The' instant remedy la an alkali wlîielî neutralizesaeaidm. But doi't uise trude lîelps. Use what your <loîtor would alsise. 'The Ijest help le Phillips' Milk cf Magnesia. For thîe 50 years since ita invention iV haremained atandard with phymiciana. You will find nothing cime o quick in ite effect, s0 harmless, go eSfcient. à 4 00 'Immediate Relief! r. Que ta,î,.Iîss si,)infiîl in wuter nen- tralii'ss nv iîîu i îîe ils scliorain aeid. The ut' rîI o- ee w. l.ti.\itli nobad aftreff.î- iiiOn.- a ,1r11tiis fmt, Yoiu %ilîl IirI. sii*~5avid in thle viite G,. as Il.- l iow-why this methol i' 'Il îreme~. lBe sur e ogvel it- i. ie tP1hillîpae M 11k of M agritsa i .r-su-ribetîl'by phymi Cians for 50 yeurS m icorrecting exclU acida. Each hottiee onains fufl dirUs- tionm-my drugstore. tB 0 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, XÀRS 13tlh,,1930 PAR six Ëi ý*r wieCW2e.d

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