Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1930, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, 'BO WMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 131h, 1930PAEFE R.teayeu. were evidently satis.- fmid ith looeI impro'vesnent coui- struction work carried on i>y towni *'omeil het ywr as only two citizens appured betoee Court of Revisiéo3i on Maréh 6th and thty only appear- ed i omnch of inf.ormation. As C. P. &. intimated it wished to p"~ its aham cg~ work on O'DeU atreet Clerk wi}l forweard neceaaary papers. Court cf Revision la co<nposed of Ma"ywr M. J. Ea1iott, Reeive W. H. Carmrnto, Counoil],ar Alan Camp- beEland T. E.Lockhart. A PATRIOTIC i EntertainmentI I-ARRY ALLIN'S CORNER STORE FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY Be sure to see our specially decorated window in honor of St. Patrick. You find a very attract- ive display of Daffodils, Sweet Peas, Potted Flowers. Sword Ferns, No. 1 quality... $LWO and $1.50 ea. St. Patrick Chocolates, a real treat for "her" 27c lb. 10 Bars Comfort Soap .............- 6 Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers .... 9 c Purity Rolled Oats with China ................36C Fresh Meaty Prunes,........20c lb. and 2 lbs. 35c 2 Tins Peas, 1 Toniatoes, 1 Corn, ail for ......54c 1 Tin Clover Leaf Salmon and 2 tins of Cross Fih or Millionaire Sardines, No. 1 quaiity for................................................ 84C FREE SCHOOL SCRIBBLER Given *ith each 5 lb. pail of Beehive Syrup at ...............................38c Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Fish For Lent Experts on Flower Designs for ail occasions. We ship Flowers everywhere. [ARRY ALUIN, Orocer PHONE M8 BO WNAN VILLE LOCAL AN4D OTHERWISE Is your subscription paid? Ladies' lined gle've found. Enquire at the Statesman office. Mies Roee Somerscales, Hastings, recently visited ber homne here. Miss Pearl Whitton, B.A., opent thse weekend' wth ber brother i Toromto. MLss Helen Robinson, Torontoa, recently visited her cousin Misa Marie Ames. Mr. Bei-t.Ayres on the staff of thse lcal A&P Stores bias been trans- ferred to Trenton. Mr. Ernest Andrus, eldest son of Mrs. Burton Andrus, is seriously iii i the General Hospital at Toronto. Mia. J. E. Allin and sons Samrndm Alfred spent the weekend rwith Mr. and Mm., W. J. Trenou-th, Napanee. Mrs. E. J. Dopp and son Paul, Tor-- anto, on Tuesday visited her mother, Mia. Thos. Bottrell wbo la quite pear- lT. Mrs. Muriel 5'yumons, Miss Vivlan Bunner and Miss C. 1. Ogden, B. A., spent Sunday with relatives at Belle- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Rogen Fisb-leigh, Toi- onto, Dr. and Mis. 'B. Bowanan, Ham- ilton, spent Sunday witb Mrs. John Grigg. Miss Elsie 'M. and Miss I. Irene Bragg, Toronto, ipent the 'weekend witb their parents, Mr. and Mes. 'W. J. Bragg. Mns. C. J. Srnale, &cugog St., was hostess to a bouse party of ladies from ber old home at Providence on Wedneeday. All had a very pleas- ant tifnie. 31r. and Mrs. J. E. AllUn and Miss Nettie Ormiston attended the 40th wedding anniversary ceebratian of Mr. and Mms W. Hepburn, Kedron, on Wednesday, March 12th. -Mr. and Mis. W. H. Losee, Ottawa, who have been attending the Canad- 'an Institute lof Mining Engineers at Toronto, wene guesis of his sis- ter, .Mrs. H. D. Wightian, on Friday. The many friends of Mrs. Isaac Tabb wfl-1 be sorry to learn that she fell and broke her thigh last week. She is now in 'Bowmanville Hospit.al anrd is doing as well as can be ex- pected. Dr. anrd Mrs. F. C. Trebilcock, Mrs. H. F. Hutchison, Toronto, Mr-. and Mrs. Narman Hiamley and Jean, Miss Scott and littie Mies Florence Treb- ilcock, Peterboro, spent Sunday with their mother, Mes. P. C. Trebilcock. will be given in ST. PAUL'S S. S. ROOM under auspices of Junior Missionary Society on MONDAY, MARCH 17th at 8 P. M. GOOD PROGRAM and REFRESHMENTS Admision 25c. A. M.0. S. EUCHRE and DANCE Square and Round BALMORAL HOTEL FRIDAY NIGHT MARCH I4th. 8.15 P. m. TICKETS 35c Buffet Lunch jIN MEMORIAM In loving memory o! my dear grpnd- fat' cr, Thomas Stapieton, Newtonville. Who pasaed away Mlarch l4th. 1929. Just a thought, dear Grandpa, Just a mernary, fond and true, Just a token o! affection, Thal 1 still remember you. Clane Stapleton. In memory of Alexander Taylor, who died on MJarch lst, 1921. Th ie rolling streams of hife pesa on, But still the vacant chair .Recalls the smnle, the love, the voice 0f one who once est there. Three little words, farget-me-not, They dont eeem much, but meiai a lot; jJust a memory, fond and true. jTc show, dear husband and dad, we think of 701. -Wife and Family. SEYMOUR-In loving memory of aur loving daughter, Lena Gertrude Luxton S3ymnour, who departed this life Mardi 12th, 1925. AIl le sad within our memory, Lonely are aur hearts to-day, For onc we loved eo dearly Has forever passed away. 'rime may heal a broken heart, Tîme may make the wound less sore. But time will neyer stop the longing For you. dear, who bas gone before. -Sailly miesed by Mather, Father Sisters and Brothers. In loving memory of Thomas Stapleton, Newtonviile who departed this life March 14th, 1929. One ycan bas passed srince that a" day, God called the one we loved away; Forget hlm, no. we nover will, As years roll on we love hlm still. Sleep on dear father, thy work Is o0cr, Thy wilîing hands wlli work no more; Iwaas Godes will. we'i.i not complain, But hope some day ta meet again. Shart and suddcn was the cali 0f one 50 dearly lovod by ail; The blow was great, the shack severe, We little thougbt hie death eo negr.' Gad knows bow nuch we mies hlm, He counte the teare we ehed, And whisîwrs, -Husb, ho only sîceps Your loved anc le not dead.' Som, time, same day. aur cyca shall sec The face we loved s0 well,i Some time, some day, aur bandesiailt clasp Ta nover say farewell. -Sadly miseed by Wife, Son and Daughtere. REMARKABLE SALE 0F NEW SPRING DRESSES WERE PRICED AS HIGH AS $18.95 CLEARING AT $1O.95 New Sping styles and shades, in sizes frorn 16 to 40 in the lot. Picked frorn our regular stock that sold for $12.95, $16.95, $i7.95*and $18.95. Now is the tume to add another dress to your Spxing wardrobe, as these are certainiy good values. Don't take our word, just corne in and see for yourself. They are in Canton Crepes, Celenese, Crepes, Satin-faced Crepes and Georgettes. These dresses should be picked up quickly at $10.95. THE SMART SHOP GEO. R. MASON, Manager. PEARSON-At Christie Strpet 1lospital Toronto, on Sunday. 'March 2nd, Fred Pearson son of Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Pearson, Orano, aged I3 years. GIBSO N-Suddeniy at Toronto. Wed- nesday, March 5th, 1930. Robent W. Gib- son, beloved hustYand of Olga Atkinson. and son of Mrs. Gibeon and the lato T. M. Gibson. Newcastle. Intenred ln St. Georges Cemetery, Newcastle. Lost or Found LOST-Dunnage Bag, containing hock- ey outt. balot aomewhere between Bow- manville and Oshawa. FInder pisease n- form Jamieson & Jamieson, Dominion Tire Depot, Bowmanville. Phone 193. Rewand offered. il-tf To Let HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT-6 roorn and bath, Ontaria St. Apply Mr. E Passant, Duke St., Bowmanville. Phon 563. 8-t TWO APARTMENTS TO RENT - In Eowzanvi3e. Modern oonveniences. Âpply to'W. lF War Barriater, e Bown=avife. Ptfoae 162. 44%f IIOUSE TO RENT-BSeven roomi, wat- erworks, bath, eltectric Ulghts.10îted King & Ontario Bt., avalle Jan ý.2th. Appiy A. A. Oolwil. Newoatl. 51-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-High Clasa Exhibition Dahlia Bulbe. Write for price lust. Thos. Bottrell & Son, Bowmanvllle, Ont. Box 174. Phone 2. 11-6- HOUSE FOR SALE-On Church Street, six roams, 114 acre lot, water, electric lîglits. Apply W. Blake Pollard, on premises, Bownianville. 9-3w FOR SALE-H5 acres, being part of Lot 4, Con. 3 Darlington. about ane-bal pasture, balance bush. Apply ta Gea. Reys, 84 Merrick St., Toranto. FOR SALE - 7-roomed solid brick house for sale on Queen St. Garage, poultry bouse, %~ acre garden, lots fruit, furnace, water, lights. Bangain for quicl< sale. Cash or paymnests. Apply H.L.C. Drawer B., Bowmanville. 11-2 HOUSE FOR SALE--Six-roomned house with good garden and shed. situated oni narth aide of Second Street; price res- onable for qulck sale; properiti of the late WiiUamn Quick. Apply ta the executonsi of estate, W. F. Quick, A . MeGregon, Bowmanville. 74tf HOUSES FOR SALE-Nice 6-roomed house witb ail madern canveniences, one block from C. P. R. Station, wlll take $1500 lesa than it cost ta bulld; aiea a number of gaod brick boussesln diffen- ent parts of the town. Easy terme. Apply ta Wm. Bnock, Quee~n St., Bow-1 manville. Phone 114. 10-6' FARM FOR SALE-Part of Lot 5, Con. 2, containlng 77 acres; aa part Lot 4, Con. 3, cantaining 25 acres. Township of Iliarlington. On 77 acres la 7-roomed Intime bouse, bank barn 14 x 104, good stahling, drive shed, chicken bouse and plg Pen; land aIl workable. On 25 acres is about baîf timber, balance pasture. will sel] separately or toget'ber; reaeon- able terme; Immedlate possession . Par-i ticulars write Geo. E. Keys, awner, 84 Merrick St., Toronto. 7-tf, Eggs For Hatehing AND Baby Chieks For Sale Buy your Baby Chicks and Itatchlngi Eggs from aur S. C. White Leghorns and llarred Rocks; higli egg record. wc have extra fine matînge. Rock cocker- e ail pedigreed blrcli3 from high egg- producing stock.* Prices right. Phone 38W or write W. H. Carruthers, Bow- manville. 10-tf BABY CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS -rredtlo-la, S. C. White Leghoarns; stock aU rigidly culled by and purciased .ronm Rus. Suiley. Courtîco. Special ince on 500 chicks. Oco. Reynolds, Courtice, Ont. 10-I HATCHING EGGS-Fnom large type production S. C. White Leghorns, Dr. Roc's University of Brtish Columbia etraîn, blood lînes fnom 200 ta 303 eggs. $1,50 per 15: $8.00 per 100. Thos. Bot- treil & Son Bowmanville, Ont. Box 174. Phone 2. 11-6* FOR SALE-A llnltel quantitîy of WbitA Leghorn Eggs for setting. Our flock is from bigh prodluction stock. PnIce antd dates for delivery upon en- quiny. ea Nortborn i Sy and other varities of appica. Phono 246. P. 0. Box 423. George B. llickie & Sons, Bowmanviiîe. 10-2' COATS AND SUITS MAKING Mrs. Delmage wishes ta iniorm thse ladies of ýBowmnanville and surround- ing country that elh, will be pleased to make or remodel coati; and suite and ail kinda a01dreswniaking at lad- s' -hme or at the residence of Mrs. F. J. Cale, Ontario St., Bowman- ville. Phone 339. 1- Physical Culture classes held in St. Jobn's PaiSh Hall eVery ThUrsday Ladies' ca" at 2.30 P. rm.; oehoo girls' 4 to 5 p. m.; evening claa at p. M. Anyone interested may vii 1the classe., LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHS Mrs.Ed . Wekes Toont, ~ JONES--In BowmanvilcHospital, en Mrs.Edý . Wekes Toonto WU Mardi 6tb, 1930, to Mr. anrd Mrs. Gilbert gnest efi Mns. C. H. Osborne uDt Jones, a son. week. MT. and Mm .Jdin Mcntyre hawe 9MAE been spending a few days with rela- AR GE tives in Toronto. SOULE& - BROOKS - At St. Joins Capt. A. B. Blounsanlina on bis an- Obuncli, Norway, Toronto, by Rev. Canon1 Bayna Reed, on Monday, March 1Oth, nuel rounds of making tise aE&es& a- n.h, .Bokdagtro r ment of the Ioeal muni'ipality. and Mra. S. S. Brooks, Cour'tice, to Misa Gclam. . Lonoberry, Bright,,, Marshall S. Saules Toronto. visited at the home cd ber brother in Bowmns'ilie aven the weekend. DEATHS Dr. G. E. Reaman, Snperintendent Boys' Traini.ng Sobool, addîressed SMITH-In Toronto Generai Hospital, on Monday, March 10, 1910, J. J. Smith, Napanee Rota-y Club on Mardi SFth. Enniskillen, aged 67 yeare. J. J. Maser & Son are agents for Funenal to-day (Thursday> from the The Filt utooble Acidntfamliy residence, Lot 22, Con. 7, Dan-1 Thsernce o. LutomobSe A ccidpaent.lington, at 2 p. m. to Bowmanviile Cern- Insuanc Co Lt. Se adt. agý 7.etery. Mi- Clines Px'c oftheBan of HORNE-In Bowmanville, on Tuesda>y. Mr. lemes Pecy 1 thBan ofMrchi ltii, 1930, Nathan Horne, aged Commnerce, King'ton, spent the week- 83 yeare. end with bis parents, 'Mr. and Mr&. Funenal from bIs late residence, Chunch Johin Perey. Street on Saturday, M"i-h it, at 2.30 p. m. to Bowmanville Cemeteny. Mem- Mr. andi Mrs. H. Coulter iwore in bers of Florence Nightingale Lodge, No. Brilitn ateningtis fuer oc 66. 1 . . F ., will please meet at the Brigtonaktedin thefunral ladge roorn at 2 p. mn. ta attend tic Iun- Mrs. Coulter's nother, Mes. S. S. eral o! thein deceased brother. Chatterson. HARRIS-In Clarke, on Saturday,« Meibex af Palestine Chaipter, Marci Sti, 1930, Solomnan Harris, agcd 80 yeane. R. A. M., beld a dance ini the Bal-McMAHON-On Marci 9th, 1930, in moral Hoteil Friday evening when Toronto, Charles Frederlck McMahon, about 80 guests were present. 1 son of the late Mr. and Mns. John Me- Mahon, Port Hope. S. A. Burgess informs us tiiat bis POTTER-In Detroit. on Saturday, auctioni sale of stock on Mardb l ltb Mfanch ti, Sylvester Potter, fonmenly of was a splendid success. He «m- Darlingion Township. mented particularly on the satisfac-j KENNY-At Whitby, Manch 9th, 1930. Amy Carke bcloved wlfe of James M. tory and widespreeadvertising gri Kenny, aged 63 ycars. en the sale thr'ougb The Statesman. TYERMAN-At 447 Euclid Ave., Ton- The popularity of Bowmanville onto, on Frida.L', Mardi 71h. 191n. David Hopiallis ee vryfponunedinTycnman, aged 95 years. Hosita ba ben eryfprnoucedin PROUTT-At Blackstock, Mardi 7th, recent weeks. It bas been nceessary 1930, Jane H. Pnoutt, in hon 70th year. to convert the reception rom into a 7nterned ln St. Johns Ccmolery. semi-private ward te acconimodate BROWN-At Port Hope, on Thursday, the ýptients. Marci 6th, 1930, Bertha Louise Chisholmý widow o! the late Dr. F. J. Brown. Mr. James Courtice celebrated ber RUTHERFORD-In Oshawa, Saturday,E 82nd bintbday on Monday, Mai-ch 10 March Stb, 1920, Alice A. Rutherford, and was entertained ait tbe hoeneidow af the ltate James Rutherford, m--. Coihorne, in ber 84th yecsr. This year!f-let Your Spring Suit be a 10aLJnti To men who are conternplating the purchase of a new suit or topcoat this spring, we suggest 'Royal York' clothes, tailored to measure at $27.50., Fit and style built in by master taiors-designing by one of the highest salaried craftsmen in America-fine woollens from the best British mills-made and absolutely guaranteed by W. R. johnston and Co. Limited-it is no wonder that 'Royal York' clothes, introduced only last year, already are the favorites of thousands of Canadian men. Corne in today and see the îtew 'Royal York' samples for spring and summer! Every one repre- sents value you have neyer dreamned was possible at $2 7.50, tailored to measure. When you see theni you wil understand why Ieevery Royal York customer is a Permanent customer.59 T. B. GJL CHRIST Opposite Bank off Montreal BownîaVW. ~RAJ<$TON&CO4mitedTOROTO WANTED-Trojjt ilahizig privilege. on stream prefers.bly wlth pond. Write -E. E.' clo Statesman Office, Bowrnan- ville. 11-8 HOUSE TO L.ET-.On George St., mod- ern conveniencea, possession April lot. Apply to F. Foley, corner Church and Brown St., Býowmanville. il-tf WANTED-An oid stle parlor suite, wood carving preferred. Bookcaese with deek combined. Aloo rmefodian. ' p- piy H. O., Drawer B.. Bowmianvîiie. 11-2 TOURISTS' HOM"S AND CAMPS WANTED-Partieg wrishing ta rent room- Ing accommodations to the Touriste for the season 1930 on or near Provincial or County Hlighways can earn good money ln their own home, meale optional. For partiaulars write now ta this address: Associate Tourist Service, Ltd., 162 Win- chester Street, Troronto, Ontario. 11-1* ArtclesFor Sale FOR SALE-5 Leicester Ewee. Ap- ply ta W. R. Rabbins, Hamipton. Phone 1648-32 Oshawa. 10-2* EWES FOR SALE-15 Leicester EweB. Apply ta H. E. Rundle, R. R. 6, Bowman- ville. Phone 237-14. 11-3 FOR SALE-Miller Incubator, 150 egs, coal brooder for 400 chicks. also teum wagon, ail in good condition. Phone l5Or5. 11-1* FOR SALE-A quantity of White Bics- sam Sweet Claver; price $3.00 per bushel. J. W. MtMaster, Hampton. Phone: Oshawa 164gr22. 10-2 HORSES FOR SALE-Two three-year old heavy draft file,one registered, broken to harness. Arthur Welsh, R. R. 4, Bowrnanville. Phone 139-31. 10-31 FOR SALE--Gerliard Heintzman Vic- trola and records; also ane set bed springs in excellent condition. A bar- gain for quick sale. Phone 205J. 11-1 ENGINE FOR SALE-Maieey-Harris gasollne engine, 8 H. P., almoet an good ai new, wIfl take one-third of ori.gini prie for qnick sale. Corbett 9to-r Sales, Bowmanville. 6-tf FOR SALE-A 6 - 135 Baikite Blimin- ator, on easy terme. This will take the place of bath A and B Batteries and mnako_ your set work like an ail electric. F. 3. Mitchell, Bawnîanville. 9-2mn BUILDING FOR SALE-A frarne build- ing, 3Ox60 feet, 1%/.Ž tonies higli. This building Is sound and contains a lot of splendid rnaterial. For particulars ap- ply to George Jamieson, Newcastle, Ont. 9-2 FOR SALE-A quantity of hay, tim- othy, mixed hay or altjalfa, ail high clas hay; also a stnall quantity of sugar mnangels. Apply J. Lawrence Cryder- man, R. R. 4, 1%~ miles east of ]Bowinan- ville, on provincial hlghway, or phone illr6. 10-3- CARTING ANID TRUCKING AUl kian e ofCarting ,Trucking an Movng . BOM lARDR Phone "0 @utn et, ownanvle1 ut ner aroanher, Mvr. T. n. averson, Oshawa. Mrs. Courtice is remarkably active and brig'ht for a woman of ber yea ns. T. .B. Gilchrilt extendr, a special invitation te radio fang ta listen in to the Royal York Honi- <Suits Tail- ored to ineasure at $27.50) over CKNC every Tbnrsday, 7 to 8 p. m. He broadcasts another important message in bis ad'vt on page 5. Mr. Mort Murdoif, manager ci Dominion Stores, Lindsay, w«hobe oven the weekend -on account of bis daugliter Boisa nndergoing an op- eratiori for appeudicitis in .BowMma- ville Hospital on Moniday meorning. Latest reports of Berea's condition are none too enceuraging. HERE'S GOOD* NEWS FROM EDMONDSTONE'S PURE FOOD STORE The special values we are offering this week are like a bonus in every one of our customers' pay envelopes. Look them over and Bhop ear1y: Libby's Pork & Beans, tin .......................... e Pink Salmon, 2 large tins for ................3& Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs for .................25c Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs for ............................25c Honey in comb, 2 combs for ................25c Finest Creamery Butter, 2 Ibs for .............83c Marmalade, lar e a....... ......30e C rab Apple Jeliy, large j-ar. .. ** ... -............I& Sour Pickles, large bottle ......................35c Sweet Pickles, large bottle ...................39c Smith's Tomato Ketchup, per bottle ...........17c Kipper Snacks, 4 tins for .....................25c FISH FOR LENT G.A. EDMONDSTONE MEAT MARKET Phone 21 Bowmanville HIOT CROSS BRUNS TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND FRIDAYS DURING LENT On Sale at Store or fromn Wagon. The Bowmanville Bakery PIIONE 97 BOWMAP4VILL 1 PAGE -FIVE

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