Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1930, p. 3

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PAGE THRE THE CANADIAN STATEEWAN, DOWMdANVILLE, THURSDAY, MALRCH iBtlh, 1930 MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BT VIRTUE of the POW- ers contained in a certain rnortgage whleh wilU b. produced at the Urne of sale, there wll le offered for Bale by public auction on Thursday, the Twentl- eth day of Mch, at the hour of two oclock la the atternoon, at the Bamnoral IlMoel in the Town of Bowmanville, by Nora Sheehey, auctboneer, the follow- ing property, namnely: Lot Number Twenty-nlne (29) in the Nlnth Conces- Sion of the Township of Clarke, ln the Ceunty of Durhamn, upon which property are said to bc erected a dwelllng bouse, barn and usual farin outbulldlnge. TERMS: 10% of the purchase monty t0 be pald down att hie lime of sale, the balance to bc pald wthin twenty days thereafter. 'The property wlU be sold subject to a reserved bld. For further partîculars and conditions ot sale apply to McLaughlbn. Fulton, Stinson & Anderson, Solicitors, Lindsay, Ontario. DATED at Lndsay this Twenty-second day of February, A. D. 1930. 9.3 EAIN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Anibitlous, reliable men wanted ah once. Part time pay while training for Aviation Mechanics, Garage Work, Drîvlng, Battery, Electric Acttlyne Weldlng, House Wlring, Industrial Electricity, Machinbet, Bricklaylng, Plastering, Drafling, Barbering and Hairdressing. Aot qulck, gel vour application ln now. Write or caul for information. DOMINION TRADE SOHOOLS. LTD. Eastern Headquarters, 163 KlIng St. Wj Toronto. Eniployment servce-coast ho coast. SAN1TARY PLUMBING HOT WATER HEATING STEÂM FITTING No job too big. No job too amail. Trial will convince. Phone 45 BILL CLARKE Liberty Street BOWMANVILLE When jeu heat your home with Faîneus READING Anthracite, yeu know the fire will held. You know you can depend upc» t to maintain uniform heat throughout the house, even thaugh yen leave it for heurs at a tinie. Tisi COAL is sod in aIl sizes. We aIse seil Semet Solvay Coke exclusively. HENRY LATHROPE PHONE 520 BRIGHTEN THE HOME WITH PUBLIC SCHOOL BOAID Special M.tias Called To Diacuus New Heating Systeun The Publie c&hcWo Boardi met at the Centrai &hbool on Frnday even- ing, 'with Chairman Chas. F. Rice presiding and iueebera*11Jip resent. The. ainutes weoee rudan sd adopted. Seretary C. H. Dudl.ey rerported. a balance cf $1l,090. Principal J. H. Joituston reported the enrolmnent, atteudance, etc., of the sdhool as f olows: Enrolmet- 305 boys, 282 girls; average attend- ance-527; total day loet in FeRru- ary-l,220, 928 through sickuess andi 126 thr'ough negiect of parents; 85 lates; 46 corporal punishmen ts; about thirty percent cf the pupils contributed Vo the Penny Bank, wiich la aomewhat 'belxw te average of the Ontarjo scitools. It was decided o hoRd a special meeting on Friday evening ùo discuss plans for a new heaing systeim, as the old one, whiclh has been in use for 40 years, is consideresi unequal Vo te neesis of the school. The citairman of the Public Property Com3ittee, ýSid Little, declaresi that new heating equipment n'as badly Ineeded but advsed that the mat.ter he given a thorough consideratioi Ibef.eena.king definite plans, 'The inspector froon the inýsurance company roported the boilers in sat-I isfactory repair. The Lamont Company offered Vo cauflk the two public sechools for $267. Reports of the attendance officer and public healtit nurse were read ý and filed. I1 New W ailpaper The 1930 Spring santples are non on display and hey are very attractive andi beautiful. They are Sunworthy, of course. Geo. Pritchard pHOIdE 489 BOWMAN VILLE. HAMPTON UNION CEMETERY Statement of Hampton (Northt) Union Cemetery frogn April 1927 toi Dec. 3l1st, 1929, is as follotvs. Receupts Casli ôn itand .............$11046 Gene.rsl itprovement fund and, annual care......... 509.25 Plots aod ................609.50 Headstoue bases and ouarkers 52.40 Grave work for burials .... 97.50 $1,3 79.11l Paysnents X.sbor on surface and plot Car................... $345.49 Blue prnts. nen' books, andc piruntiug ............... 60.40 Caretaker'es alary ............5-25 Grave diggiing and fiuling . 8 , 1.00 Pertilizer, seesis, shrubs and flowers................. 123.00 Investesi with public trustee. 660.(0 Miscelbanecus................16.17 $1,332.30 Boaaice in Bank........... $ 46.81 The. foregoing la a condensed st.atc.- ment of finances of te Hampton (N)1 Cemetery Board, andi those who have1 also observes te improvernents to the. grounds will readily see that1 ee goosi nonktVo date has beeau done. The. Board feels titat muchq more worik must be donc te make tei grounds ucat and attractive in e'very way, se that ail interested tuay feel a pride in the. appearance of thte plae witexe titeir deasi are resting. 'Phe Board bauve in mind a prograsun of furtiier imyproveanents, inctluding trecs, shrubs and flon'ersan sd new fencing. It is urged that ail who have net paisi their sitar. on 1927 genera l iuiroven.ment f und, aIse an- nual plot care fees, sitould do so; as it is on tihese incoues thus fax thiat we depensi largely t.o pay for li- provements. AIl lots now arc sold on pernament upkcep basis, a.nd inducetueuts are offered o other lot itolders to geV <old lots on same basis. Tiis mouey is placed as it cornes with the "Public. Trustee", Os9goode Hall, Toroutto, and te earning-, on investmnttspent o care for th.esc lots for &IIlinc. Any gift nioncys, unleas otherwrise orderesi apent, will be investèsi as above. T-be Board electes iofr 1930 are: Rev. J. R. ick, Chairman: W. W. BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS More to New Offices I Fo-llowing a montit of feverish I construction, te nen' administration offices were formally openesi Thurs- d.ay afternoon. The ladies were I hosta, to the entire staff at afternoon tea in the Superintendent's office Vo celebrate te occasion. The sitif t was made from te Darch bouse to te Scihool Building where new offices had been equipped for Dr. Reaman, Mr. Hill, Mr. Bradt, Miss Beat and Miss Caverly. Besides bringing the Administration Offices over Vo the centre of activity, this move relieves the overcrowded condition of the Da.rch lius acitelor Quartera. Hockey Season Ended The curtain was rung down on our biggest league to date in any sport last week when -%ve satisfactorily completed our hockey scheduleý after some hectic juggling. By "itectic~ juggiling" we mean trying to out- guesa the weaï,herman. We won by playing the last fen' gantes at 8 a. m. beforo Vite sun rose high en-oagh te soften the ice. Twelve teants in two sections played titrougit a forty- i game schedule. The first and sec- ond place teants in cach section play- esi off for te section chanipionship. Then the section champions met in the finals. Harold Lee's Canadiens, chamýpions of section "B" were c'o.wned League Champions when they dcfeated Jint McGlone's Grey H-ounds, chamipions of section "A" by 4 to 2. Here is the line-up of bite winning tea.m: Les Canadiens: Stringer and Jack Gusick; Wiugs, HaoldRLphePande;Ofencabrtfrd Centre, Raflph CoUlina; Suhs., Jint SrneArthur Jarvis. Gymnatium andi Swimmings Pool The nen' Rotary Gyrnnasiurn and Swi'mming Pool itas rapidly become the noost popular spoit on the entire promises. During sehool hours al boys in their regular classes have two periods in the gyutnasiuim and a like number of swimming periods each week. Then there are te various sor-galiatjiofls out of schood1 hours, such as tihe Scouts, ýBàffinig Club, Leaders' Corps, to witich titis hand- some newbuilding is a veritable God- Hovrn,O Se'y-Tr as.-; F.J. Grat, C. sendi. The staff aiso makes go-os W. Soucit (te" elected sy Chumci use of thia building after itours, witit Trustees) ; and Tom Wray andi John four regulai' classes eacit week; two Cohvill Jr., eected at te lot o'a'for te mon andi two for te ladies. public meeting iteld in Jauuary. Stanip Club Flourishing rl Tite Stamp Club has devellopesi in- to a flourisiting organîzatulon onder fi COLONL EDW WHIT titi capable direction of Mr. 1'. E. COLNE EDir WHTEBeckett. DTe 26 ittembers itave C AT MIIAPI1, FLORIDA taken very. keenly Vo titis interesting and profitable hobby of collecting V Writes An Intereatina Letter te The stamrps of rmro(us foreign Cotin- Managing Editer r is. J Boxing Final& Marcit 28th. J, Dear George:-Mr. RL.S. McLaugh- Yes, indeecd. we wil ho very pleas- lin of Oshtawa, Ontario, with a yacht, ed to tell you te dates of oui' E iug psrty, is reported in Miamti Her- Citampionship Teaurnantent titis year. aid today, Feb . 26t, as having col- Prei«iminary bouts n'ill 13e boxesi on lidesi wit a ses monster of 10 tons, Marcit 24,th, senti-finals on Marcit more or lesa, in Baitanan waters witit 26tit, and finals on ýMarcit 28ti. Tite a charteresi Yacht, "The Sitadon' K." boys have ronte throug'i a mosV suc- Other members of te party on te cessful season of hard andi-patient r Sitadon' K. were: 'Mrs. McLaugitmin, training, and are fit andi rcady. A Victor Ross, vice presideut of te witole 'host of officiaIs front ite On- t Intipeial Oji Company, Toronto; tario Boxins Ccnmissioit andite Mms. Ross; Mr. andi Mrs. Alfred Rog- Ontario Atitîtie Commission 'will be crs, Mr. and Mrs. Alfredi E. Beck, on itansi ro assist in lte running of Torouto; Stephien L. Jones and Mrm' tii tournanient andi the motion pic- Gordon Conant, Oshawa. ture people wilîî h iere to phto- Titis experience ta te thrd a group grapi thie entîre proceedings. As of Miami visitotrs have bcd wtit a it otiter years, te public is invitesi ituge fiait witin two weeks. free of charge toho our gue.sts at te Col. Edtwy Wiite conttinhling says: finals on Frida-y, Marcit 254h, at 8 1 amn on a business triP wiicit takes p. in. me doçwn te West Coast of Florida ansi back by tite East Cosat. D'rove B.T.S. Bowling Team on Top front Port Mycr-, today o Miami-a Drop in at thie bowling alfleys soute dstance of 150 miles by te Tanti- of titesefie veig ani aka aeni Trail. It is one of thle tnost squint at te standing of te "Big interesting drives 1 have ever takeit. Six" league. 'louî may ho quite Titis trail, as you m-iy kuon', is surprise IVo -sec te Training Scitool rigitt acro-es tthe Evergiades witlit a teant percites nrettily oit top efte great Cypre.s sn'amp on eititer ide. iteap. DTe bandicappers wete gen- Running aîong besîde te Hîghn'ay erous andi it acttially is so. is a drainage canal n'iichi l literally fuU of fiait, snd, 1 may say, tbat Luncheon Club water snakesl are also very 1letiful1 General Draper, Chief of Toron-to Titere are tons of titousansis of ber-IPoieFrasreeiVteLnh oua, cranes aud flamingoes, duclcs, eon Club Tuesday evening. 1 tn'as itawks, and, of course, that grand ols possbly te outstanding meeting of scavenger, tite huzzard. tite year wit Ciief Draper's asidress I gan' an alligator 9 feet long andi climaiing a notable evening. anetiter 5 feet long. 'Phe rossi itself ________________ ina adresa-Vte kinsi motoriste dreeïim about ansi love. breezes at nigttt. DTe Sharkey-Scott prize figitt takes . lThere la ýa great change un Miani place to-morrown igit; but you inay inte I usesi Vo cone itere t-wenty welknow Viiet 1 am not here fer Years ago. Then iV nus a amail thiat purpose. The. owu la cholces to'wn of 5,000; non' it is a City l witit people and the botoela crowded. ize withl 100,000 inliabitants. JThe. days are fine-like Jaly weatheoe Kinsi regards t» My Bowrnanvii-le j n Bc'wnanvilC, wth déliciously cool Rotary frionds ansi others 1- kuon'. SALEM Report 01 Saklem School -for Feb- auary. Sr. 1-V--Lorne Poster 68, Winni- fresi Dunseith 64,' Bert Fast -er 61. Jr. IV-Beatrice Cator 70, Audrey, Con'iing 65. Sr. I11-Marie Collact 79 (H), Villie Darci 7, Lela W-elah 71. Jr-. Iu-Citarlie Poster 75('11Y, ehu Fýostx-r f 71 Viola Francis 65, John Kent 44(F). Sr. ll--Beryl Thompsott 82(H)>, Bert Franc]£ 67, Hilda Richards 51 (F). Jr. 1l-1dargaret lrwiu 800-1). HIarley Cowling (ait.), Alex Dunseîth (ab). Sr. I-Oscar Conilin (in order of menit.) Jr. I-Bretton Darcit, Bvron Fos- ter. Sr. Pr.-Hilda Thampeon, Elva Wright, Frank Conlin. Jr. Pr.-Nina Darcit, Lily Cowling, Rhida Wrighît, Gladys T-hontpson, I rene Cowling, Kathleen Cowling, George (Xynin, Mildred Dunseitit. lys Gilbank, toacher. PREMIER XING'S FIRM STAND (Fiiim Orillia Packet-Tiînea) Premier Williami Lyon Mackenzie King will gain in the estimation of many peopole by the firmness te itas shown in insisting against te wishes appareiitl-y of sonie of Ihis cabinet, and of not a fen'v mentbers of bis party, to -pass legisiation enabling te Govern-ment Vo refuse clearances to liquor destined fer te United State-s. Tite situation -aleng te border, to w'hic thVie Canadian Gov- ern-ment itas been forced Vo bc, a party, itas been feît, Voi13e a deep disgrace for a self respectiung nation; and litas besides been fraugit nitlt possibilities of international inci- dents of a dangerous citaracter. Canada may 'have faIt impellesi Vo go into te liquor business as a govcrn- ment enterprise, but te people of te Dominion 'have toc mucit con- science Vo want Vo be parties to 1breaking the laws of a neighbouring 1country, IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL LkTE ENGUASH NEWS Many of our readers n'il13e inte-r- miss ýMargaret M. Treleven, Strat- lested in tite folkSwug letter frotm ton, Cornwaill, Englandi, n'ho visitesi Mrs. P. T. Servos, St. Catitarinesliter brother Robert -iu Biowmauville R. R. 4. wto n'as formerly MeEffa 25 years ago titis winter, sensis the Phillips-Cletuens of Hampton: Senior Editor budgets of Englisit Dear Six: Enclosed find reneWal newrsapers quite often and theGe f-or te 'home' paper. Sorry I arn items are gleanesi front Bude sud late, but we have been so worried Stratton post of Fsib. 8th: over te serions accident my son met witit-on te 3rd December taît ail Mr. Chas. Yeo, agesi 77, diesi Jan. else seemed of little accounit. He 31st, at Stratt-on. Before machinery was five weeks in the itospital andi was introduced l fourisiing t.rsdes witen 'lie cane itire was carriesi in. were carriesi on and a large number For another month he did noV put osf men emiployed in tite hand-sewn his foot on thte floor. He is now bcotmakitig industry, to n'hicit Mr. walking arounsi but cannot do any- Yeo, as a y.oath, served his tinte nitit thing outaide vet. The Dr. says it the late Nicholas Saunders, Stratton. may ibe a year before it isal itealed. We, still have 'Mr. James Peardon of He n'as eout shootiing "Jack Rabits"' Stratton, andi Mr. Davidi Davis, Bon'- when he tripped andi fecU, te gun menville, Ont., both of advanced discharged in his rigitt leg tearing it age, Vo remind us of those n'ito in f ront the knee t ite ankle. IV seets te long ago couli, loni special occas- strange after being Vo te World ions, beat te leatiter on their laip- War for five years handling all kinds atones Vo te ritytftlfic ineasure, of fire armna enmunition, -bomiba§, know~n as the "Lapstone Jig." etc., that a silly littIe shoot shoulsid ls osoth ulcmre endi like this. His neigihors have Atls -soth ulemre been wonderful Vo itim. Titey came Kivel and Sons n'ere favouresi with in Vwo groupa last week and balesi an entry of 50 aiteep, 3-4 cows sud over thirty tons of hay in te tw-o calves and 148 fat and store cattle. days and have shown hlm every kinsi- Excellent attendance -of bu-yera pres- ness and attention wh'ile in hospital ent resulting in a very f irm trade and since coming honte. Thianking ttrougitout and i al lots solsi at ad- you for forwarding te paper as 1 vancesi prices. Quotations: -Hogs, dontlîke ntissing onue i ssu e. M y 55s Vo 60s; wetitors Vo 75s; owan mother <Mrs. H. T. Phillip- s eal calves, £23 lOs Vo £35; fat heîfers wdll this winter and enjoyts ail te £23 lOs Vo £30 2s 6d; fat steers home news. £25 15% Vo £34; store cattle, £17 10s to £23 7s 6d. 4 ___________________ Beef -0(l Vo lu 3d per Ib.; mutton 6 d Vo 1lad; lamit 1ss Vo 1l8d.; pork 1la MAAOUE 10 INTENIN PrCaSWI I WtM RENNECumrTu>. 51.0 A h4NTPCA VNoUV fat 2d; linsesi cake 16s 6d per cnt. Eggs la 6d per dozen; butter ls l10d per lb.; ;Pohatoes 8 lb. for 6d; broccoli 4d Vo 6d each; ritubarb 3d Vo 4d per bundle; carrots 2d per lb.; urnipa Id eacit;ounions 2d par lb.; esctalots 4d; apples 3d Vo 6d; pears ,5 for la; tomatoca 8d per lb. LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kînds Or lalindrY work don. Prompt- y. satisfgctcrly and at reasonablo prieu Write Poot Ornee Box 12. or CRUlIra. w. marjorain. Kint St. M. EownVIUO. PI'one 41W. POULTRY WANTED 1 want ail kinds of Poultry and arn paying' hig~ rie. Phone Witby S81 and ireverSe charges I. STEIN WHIBY dainty femininity. Impaxts a frag- rant chaxm tcthe coimplecion. Ton.. ulp the. skirt and mukes it' vlvety aoft n texture. Coollur, refrehinq, it lu dehgl*ful tào use. Neer l1eas vestige of stiekiness. Invaluable for hand, face, sud as a hair fixatie. rWonderfully soothing ad proictise. Epecaly reccmmen&dd sn cases of rouhness or cha.fing caused. by 'weather conditions. If you cannot nurse hhm turn to Buge Brandi, the 1eadng infanit foodaice FRE mC .IiU/ EAGLE ~MILK t e COMMCUP4TY WELFARE WORK D. R. Momace EIed Pueident oi Conumittee lBowmuvme Commuuity WedéSr Coimifttee was re'ooganized on Thureday eveniing, March 7tIi, with a goo.d represeatation -of menibers of te local churches, societies end ser- vice clubs present at the meeting in the Councl ChamRer. Mayor M. J. Elliott presided. Rev. R. J. Sbires, secetary-treas- urer, gave a full report 'of the work done Iby the cotmrittee since tihe last meeting three years ago. During te f irst winter the comnmittee. help- cd eleven families with nvoney and clething. Since thon they bail hel.- ed more as they had had more sup- port. Mr. Sires advised that a sat- isf ied workînig relationship be estab- ished between the Town Cotinci] and the Community Welfare Com- mittee, and that a clearly defined policy of action be decided upon. Ho, expresscd his disapproval of the dole system. of feeding thçse with- .ut work, but advised that, in so far as possible, work be supplicd them. He suggested that thec unfortunate tramps wito corne to town be sup- plied with a meal ticket cacit so that they night secure a square meal 1e- for,- leàving towfl, The following officers were eleet- ed: Chairman-D. R. Morriseu; Vice Chairman-A. L. Nicholle; Secretary -Rev. R. J. Shres; Trensurer-H. Swindells. Mrs. A. L. Nicbofls and Mrs. E. R. Bounsail were appointed members of the Executive. Sub- committees wZI lbe appoin ted laVer out of the representatives front the churcites, lodges and otiier organiza- tions. -M 1 . le 1

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