Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1930, p. 5

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M1E OANADIAIN STÂVT9SMJN, IBO)WMAN VILLE, 1'HUR«DAY, MARICH 6th, f1980 TMN1TY YOUNG PEOPLE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE ENFIELD Trinity Young Pec.ple's Society ils your subecription paid? Mremm Fred Quick, Beileville, hms Mr. Albert Niddery, Toronto, vivit- nmting In Monday evenin< wO. o nser inn o Ftir been visiting Mrm Wen. Quick. ed at Mr. J. Hopburn'a recenty.... charge of the Follo'wahip Dept., and oadha Iidgi o ah at Trinity S. S. Roo<m Monday even- Mrm Norman S. B. Jaimes in &pend- Mr. 0. Hotie, Wiek, andi Mr. J. fun n« wee wih be sitersin or-Alexander, Osbawa, Visited et (Mr. L.i wsud telesdership of 'Mm G. ing-two and one-half hmeawel wt brmaea aTo-C. Pamcoe s.. .. Mr,. and lira. Everett1 A. Prtdéard. Program consisted of«for2 5c.feteo. O<>istonBowmavffle, visited at1 a well chosen talk 'on the words,,-If Mr. AIex Lockhart, Toronto, speft M.W .<oit.' . r n ye continue i n y word, then are ye Physîcal Culture classes held in St. Sunday with bis brother, Alderman Mir. W.L. tiso-n O ......Mr.ad at niy disciples, indeed, and ye saUJona Parish Hall every Thursday T. H. Locka-t. Ilrs. J. Stnsons. . .M iasthia age kno'w the trutii, and the truth &hafll .adies' ceam at 2.30 p. m.; schoo M .Sisna..Me lr ae make you free," by lir. G. L Wagar, girls' 4 to 5 p. nm.; evening class at 8 Mr. A. J. Trebilctock, Toronto, Purpît 1RM, vioited Mrs. S. Page..( M. A.; recitationa by Helen Pritch.ard P. m. Anyone interested mnay vis pent Sunday with his inother, -Mm. lra. A. Or-niston lias been visiting1 andi Mr. W. J. Berry; scripture les- th e classes, P. C. Tiebikock Mn. Thos. Hoar, Bovrmanville .. son by Miss V. Symons; Mlrs. T. W. Bownianville Shieks, intermedijate Miss Edna Reynoldjt, Hanip"n, Mir. Edwin Ormiston lied a very sue-i Çawker and Charlie rendered a ~e eawmnnn nthe ,las guest of Mlr. andi Mr. J'ohn Chai- cessful sale last Wednsda.... Mr-. splendid piano duet; a so1o by Mir. hocky tounment at Port Pei-r lsoe ,h ekn.Go.Mccewstae oteh. A. Mathews was inuch enjcyed by ail; las week being defeated in finals by Miss Allie L. Bragg, Newcastle, pital last week with bardening of the dialogue liy Helen Pritchard, Doris Estons of Toronto 3-2. Each play- spent the weekend with bier niother, arteries. Dudley, Harold and Jack Bennett, or received a new Parker. fountain Mrs. J. T. Bragg, Carlisle Ave. Meeting was brought to a close by!p. Misa Helen licQuarrie and Mr. COURTICE9 Rev. J. U. Robins, alter which MissiI Dan Atkinson, Toronto, were guestst Poardon took charge of the recreation1 A complimentary dance was tend- ofa Mr. and Mrs. Geo .Webster, Elgin Mns. S. J. Courtice, Leasigton period.; ered the staff of the Boys' Training 1 Street, on Sunday. viie tbrîrte',M.Go F. Peopl ar Mi-ch thrp, "Fixiang Shool-h av a vrou igbe iîen go Mrs. (Dr.) Adam, Great Barring- Annis, and attended the birthday ifor Father." Caine and enjoy a gnrul n rcosyetran ton, Mass., is visiting her niother, celèbration of ber mother, 'Mrs. Levi real good evening. ed by Dr. G. E. Reainan and bis as- r.PC.Teiok AnsatM.GF.ni'on o- rstants. The neW Assouîbly Hall Mr. andi Mr. C. H. Papineau and s dy . M **m. Jas. Shortt 8pent t.het USE THIS CLUBBING LIST was very artistically decorated wjth twa sons, Oshawa, spent the w.eekend weekend in Toronto with ber sister,t panels displaying Ohinese chai-acters, with hber father, Mr. H. Lathroipe. Mrs. Jack Hicks, wbo is quite iii. The Canaclian Statesman will be mountain scenery andi Chinese lan- Mr. W. R. Strike was electesi te Mr. and Mmrs R. E. Osborne, Misa lubbed with any of the olwn os ui a u- sedb ntteeuieo h nai Louise, Mr. Nelson and Mm. Jas.t publications for 1930 at thetolw Oshawa orchestra. tion Union whicb Iseis its annuel Courtice. Bowimanville, were Sunday in rices: meet~.jingi Toro<nto 1-Àt wek visitors of Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Os- eu .... ........ .51 Nmeetass f h ngl Wrborne...Thursday evening the Mal& Empire ............... $6.501 ha phase of the WrobradcWar Mr. andi Mr. C. H. Haddy and son Young Peoiple had an interesting Jack,.M...nd..$8.J.0Bhave beene, teetin.bThvardeous branchesa Toronto Daily Star ...........$6.50 of the fighting forces but the Rotar- J1kMrss and Mn. J.aB.es otoles, 'mg. htrdraine thtprgr Parier's Ativocate...........$3.(oO iats at their weekly luncheon at anaiMs aoh aeTrno a Mc Primn. NewOuloo............4.00 Balmoral Hotel on Friday heard an spotSna ihrltvsbr . On Wednesday ovening of lasitl Christian Herad.........4.5 0 extremely novel anti interesting adi- Miss Millsap andi Miss Brown, Tor- week about eigWnY Young peoplei Delineaitor..................$4.00 dress on how the anti-submarine de- onta, were Sunday guestas of Miss C. gathereti at the boue of Mr. and Mrs.t Ladies' Home Journal......... 3.()() tection was carried on in the English I. Ogden, B. .at the home of Mr. A. Muir when the boys organizeti aa Saturday Evening Post ...$5.00 Channel by the British admiralty. and Mrs. H. W. Jewell, Liberty Place. Junior Farinera' Club and the girls a i Family Herald & Weekly Star $3.00 The -speaker was Capt. Jack Manson I Girls' Institute. Mr. Clare Allun,? Weekly Witness.......4O nierwt h tnadUdr Rev. H. B. Neal, a former assist- Bowmnanville, address-ed the boys'N Ganadian Home Journal ..33.00 ground Cable Go. of Tomanto, a wir-janpatroBomnieMhost etng Afterwards a social tume Farm & Dairy.......3.0ls xer1h uigtewrsr Church, has been elected President1 was s1pent in dancing and candy and F'rmr' u...............33.50 less exa pecial capaingthe wi h arev- 1 ofthe Horticultural Society at apples were served to the gutats. MacLea's Magazine .........3$4.00 in l9cating enemy submarines and Woe.Mi ai eema opt Ganadian Countryman....... $3.001 invente-d several instruments on Mis- Belle Allen, formnerly of the able in their home. Canadian Poultry Review ..3.001 which the British government is now Big 20 Bookstore, bas returne<l to Thursday afternoon tht Ladies' Canadiau Magazine ..........3$3.00 paying him a handsome royalty. tawn after a verY enjoyable ten 1Berean Class met in the homne of Mr. weeks' visit with friends in Cleve- and Mrs. Gea. Penberthy. The meet- landi, Ohio. ing was in charge of Mrs. Pen- berthy's group. The President, Mns. The $100,000 Bowmanville High Blake Oke, presideti andi the meeting School debentures at 5 % % maturing opened with singing, and prayer of- in 30 instalments which sold fer fereti by Mms W. R. Courtice. Mns. H ERF S SW EE O N E102.08 ta H. R. ýBain & Ca. will cost Chas Found read tht bible lesson and the toxvn about 5.32 per cent. I aftîi repart fromn the treasurer, Mrs. -IIdiNU ,f ~F. A. McDiarmid, a well-known Alber't Rundle, and the buisness part N EIL O N 'Slawyer, tuidan March 3rd at Van- of meeting, the following progra.m ceuver, B. C. He was born in Osh- was prtsented: Readiing "Give our E 1 ~ C L'awa 58 years ago and practiceti in best" b5' Miss Aura Osborne; music N U T ~, U~I K * Fenelon Falls andi Lindsay before go- on accordian by Mm. Cecil Founti; N TG A EC U T Ring West. Mrs. H. F. Osborne gave a vory fine paper on "Friends.hip"; andi Mr. Pen- Mrs. John Smith, BobeaygeDn, i berthy thon tuned iniinomie very sweet 25c.lb.staying with ber sister, Mis. G. . music on the radio. Refreshaienta 2 c.lb urdy, Church St., te be near Mr-. were served by Mr!z e. brh' IN P UN OX SSmith wha is recoverng frein a sue rou ad a pleasant social hour on- IN P UND OXEScessful operation in Bowmanville joyeti. Mr. andi Mn. Ptniberthy were _________________Hospital. most gracions host and bostess in Rev. S. C. Moore and Mr. antiMd their hwone. J. J. Ormiston, Oshawa, andi Rev. M. Friday etvt-ning tht C. G. 1. T. gave L. Hinton, Bobcaygeion, visited Ti . a banquet te the Tuxis boys anti The ow m nvile B kerJ. Smithi in the Hospital, anti al" leaders. At 6.30 p. m. about sev- PH E Bo m a vile BOWaery cald on Mns. J. Smith anti ira G. eflty guests met in the Suntiay School PHON 97 OWMAVIF. Purtiy, Church St. roon wiieme a guniltuous dinner a __________________________________________________served by the girls. Tht tables anti Mes. Mina Colwell, 'Carlisle Ave., the raoin vere madie pretty with suit- is visiting friends at Betton. She able decomations. About 8 p. ni. ________________________________ s also attendlng the Sth anniversa.ry when dinner was througb toasts were icelebration of St. Paul's AnglicanAtostaheKn s i ~~~~~Church at Beeton which cburch sheprapostii oatt htKn a ALLIN'S CORNER GROCERY Mr.ten as.dAor obernsonM. P.,ioa nhm Msd Ai p- _________________________________________ Godericb, vas gucat of Mr. andi Mn. poseti a toasf ta the Churcb, te whicb W. J. Bragg -on Monday. Ht aise our pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, i-e- callet on bis, odti fiend,, M,. F.,O.*spondeti. A toast t e Mcllveen, Manager Bank of Mon- aur Country by Misa Louise Courtice, treal, anti Mn. Mcâlveen. andi Mr. Carelnce Penfounti replieti. Always Something Fresh MmW . C a rtrM the:guests antiMi-. Alec Sa::sn re hme rom, W. J. lea bas rtd s etlh Gay rap ommti aty obt We are always trying to anticipate the needs boer brother andi aiein-lav, Mr. and wspendet. evwtera oasitysoand of our custoiners in the hine of good dependabl. W. aylr oatdbronito. MT@uwalter. Then the tables were cer- ceries of the better qualityand W gv sts nnece, Mrs. W. C. »Molr«er and eti anti gaines enjoyeti for a couple grocee ftebai baiyan ogv ais r.Wlh Lkve.o oums anti the evening closeti with faction as to price and service. lr.Wlb .Je».the singing of "Aulti Lang Synt." For those observing Lent we have a special acovninf the Onai - i lasdt av ur Pso ihu uneof rocrie d ih n statwil apealto ou. Hardware Association in Hamiltoni alter having twa veeks' holitisys in lineof rocriesandFis tha wil apealto ou. last week anti reports avory fine turne Toronto. He preached an excellent Hein Cram f Tniao Supwith many excellent anti practical sermon in tht m'arning on "Wbat Heiz Ceamof omao Supadtiresses pertaining ta the changing think ye of Christ?" anti in the even- Medium tins 2 for 29c; Small tins 2 for 1 9c conditions of retail merchandising. ing gave an interesting illustrateti Whie S.anSef-Rsin Pncae Fou, 1c pg.Mayor M. J. Elliott, Reeve W. H. lecture 'on "Olti King Colt." The Carruthers, Alderman T. A. Garton Suntiay Scubool session was well at- Whie S an elfRisng ancke lou, 1c pg. anti Roati Superintendent AI. Bick- tended in the aitemnoon anti during Black Tea, our own blend, 52c lb. or' 2 Ibs. $1.00) tii attendeti the Ontario Good Roais -tht session a solo was sung by Mns. Association Convention at the Royali G. F. Annia. Choic-, Fresh Chocolates ..................... 27c lb-. arltostitere, proitale daen-,ing viiib et nraeeign I tht S. S. rooni. Everyone in the Marinalade, very fine, 40 oz. jar .............30c jojyable timo. co.mmunity is invitedte t come to su-p- 1Mrs .May Webster Weeks for five 1 per at 6.30 anti spenti tht evening Marigolds ..................................... 50C doz. years in the early 8(Ys the assstant when reports ai tht different depai-t-' edites-of he Sateman bu Whomens o chrch orkwil begiven. Dafodis...................Gc dz. for several yoars bas liveti in Sani Monday evening the Tuxis Boys Daffdil ......................................... 0c oz. Diego bas recently taken resitience at 1 ere entertaineti in tht home of Mr. Freh Vgetble an Frit rom Suny Suth190 West Adiams Street, Las Angel- anti Mn. Cecil Worden. The boysi Freh egeabes ndFrut romSuny ouhos, Califamnia, te be nearer ber chilti- helti their meeting in which Mi.J.C Forbet rsuts ee Fu-OPepPoltr Fedren. She bas recently visitoti Cata- Young ai Osfhawa gave a nast inter-' For estresltsfee Fu]0-Pp Pulty Fed. lina Island and thin]cs it a lovelY osting atitress ta the boys. Alter- _____ ________place. It is owneti by ýGeo. Wrigley, varda progressive Let Heir was tht Gum Man. 1 playeti, Mr. Douglas C'ourtice winner IlA R R VL , r c rA number oi members of Florence ai fint prize. Mis. W&-dt *n sre H R Y A L I , G o e Nightingale Lotige, I.O.O.F. were in rtfreshments and the evening vas Cobaurg an Feb. 2ist, attending the thorougbly enjoyeti by ail. Mr. anti PHONE 186 DOWMANVILLE presentatian ai 25-year jewta »Mm. Worllen, Byron anti Siti werel faurmicehersof Cbour Lotge.thoughtfiiI ai their guests. _________________________________________________four__ Menibers ofthis lotieure ick sUNWEAT rra dited -Vitamifl "Ask Jour Doctor" They are growing more populai' and in greater demand every day. OnIy 25c a package. AMOS 'n' ANDY RECOMMEND Using tooth paste twice a day. We offer just as; good advice when we say "Eat Corbett's Wholesome Bread at Every Meal" W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville ing about $1,200. Mr. Douglas Moore andi Mm. Bort Golwell weiro among those frorn this town who as- sisted in the toasta. Having receivoti two inquiries froSr a Bidefortl, Devon, frient fýor the weliare of our mutual anti voner- able iienti, Mr. John Buckley, wc matie inquiry anti leamn thet lho is in bis 95thý year, is in faim health, tata anti sleeps well, is happy anti content- eti altho blinti. Bis mind is por- foctly cItai-, but has to ho icti, cani- not walk alone, sits up a few hours daily; he enjoys having any oIt irionti caîl feor a chat about aId tumes. His heaing is perfect Ht lives with ant isl careti for by bis daughtem, Mns. Harvey Curtis,, South Main St., Orono, anti Mm. Curtis. A Louisville, Kentucky, paper -re- ports the death on Januamy llth, South Second Street, tht esult ai being struck by an automobile driven by a negro. -Mr. Hamnbly vas bei-n lin Bowqnanville 72 years ago andi was a son ai the late Mr. anti Mn. Peter iHambly of Port Bawmanville. Hie wss a chair-inaker anti worktd for several yeers in the Upper Canada Furniture factory here. -Ht vas ont ai a large family anti is surviveti by ont brother, Mr. W!m. Haimbly, of Tht Mail & Emipi.re staff, Toronto, anti thr-e sistera, lira. Bei-t Brock and Mm. John Smith, Toronto, anti I lra. J. L P oy., Okotoks, Alta.. 3lrs. Lawrence Kerr, Toronto, vis- itet ber brother, Mr. Roy Webber, this week. WE DO IT When we fit you with glass We fit your oye. W. fit your face. W. fit your purge. This m eans- Comfortable Vision at the price you can psy. Kerslake's THE DEPENDABLE DRUO STORE Plba. 49 CULTIVATE HABIT 0F SEt4DING IN NEWS One of tht things that ought to be- c&ie a fixed habit in ervery bouse- hol in anti aroundBownanville la that of sending The Stateeman the news itemas that you imay knoow, of; tell us of youm neva anti any neigh- borhood or otiher items t.bat will be of interest to yourself, your neigh- bor or your friends. Every lotige, church, botiy pr soc- ial organization shoult have some representative who vill look proxnptly anti carefully aiter its news reprt- ing, if you think some organization lias botter newa service than yo.uT ewn, it ia pmobably because that or- ganization looks aiter such matters botter. Write your items anti senti thera in wiert passible. Or telephont thein, but please tion't ask. that long lists of naines lie taken over tele- phono, as it net only requires niuch time, but usually errons occur in lists thus given. Above aIl, be early. Nover wait ill tht last minute to, senti an item that can be sent in eamly. COATS AND SUITS MAKING Mm. Delniage vishes to informi the ladies oai Bowpianville anti guiround- ing country that she wiii be pleaseti 1.0 mnale or rmiotel coats anti suite anti ail kintis of dresaxnaking at lad- ies' -homes or at tht residence <>f Mm. F. J. Cole, Ontario St., Bovinan- ville. Pihone 339. 10-31 BIRTHS RIDER-At the Oshawa Generai Hos- pitli. February 21sýt, 19301, to Mr. andl<IMrs. C, F. Rider <nee Leola M.%cMann) a daughter. JEFFERY-At Bowmanville Hospital, on March let, 1930. to '.%r. and Nfrs. Stephen jeffery, a îiaughtr, Ruth Isabel. (stiliborn). MINOMA N-At Hampton, on Saturday, February 22nd, 1930, ta Mr. and ',Ir. Charles Leonard Hindman (nec Ethel Wood), a son, Orville Wood. DEATHS PRINGLE-In Whitby, March 3rd, 1930, William Briggs Pringle, in his 89th year. MACKIE In Oshawa, March îrd, 1930, William George Mackie, In his 5Sth year. STAPLETON-At Port Hope, March 2, 1930, Thomas C. T. Stapleton, aged 100 years. TRULL-In Itowm-anvillo. on Thurs- day, February 27th, 1930, John H. Truli, In bis 77tb year. CARLISLE-Suddenly id Miami., 1lor- ida, on Feb. 26th, 1930. Kathrine Cook, beloved teife of C. H. Carlisle of 1 Sehol- field Ave., Toronto. GLIENl!EV-At the residence of bis daugbter, Mrs. Wm. flannerman, 56 Rtose Ave., Toronto, on Wednesday February 26th. 130, Anitrew James Glenney agefi ninety-three. Interment in Nestleton Cemetery, Cartwright Township. IN MEMORIAM ASHTON-In loving memomy o! aur dean son and brother, Carlyle Ashton, who <eparted this lite so suddenly (me- sui o! accident) on March 6th, 1929. He wvalks witb me, and He taiks wilh me, And He telis me 1 am bis own:; For the jay we share as we tarry there, None other bas ever known. Gone troin us, 'but Ieaving memories Deatb can neyer tako away, Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay. Sadly missed by Mother, Father. Sister and Brothers. In loving memnomy of Mrs. John AId- wortb, wba di el Manch 7tb. 1929. Gene is the face we loved Bo dear; Silent la the-volce we laved ta hear; Sleeping so peacefully, mather at lest, AIl warldly sarrow andi troubles are past. -L'ver rerrembcred by Huaband and Famlly. WOTTEN-ln loving memory o! a dear husband and father, Herinan R. Wotten, who paissed away at Ebene-zer, Feb. 28th, 1928. It's now two years, how swift lime flies. L-oves sweetesit memory neyer (lies; We miss bis belp, bis cheery ways, Witbhlmive spent our bappy days; We miss hlm when we need a friend, On hlmi we always could depend; He cbcered our lîfe and soothed aur pain, God grant some day we'Il meet again. Sa'fliymis by Wlfe and daughter W i m a . ..1 « Article8 For Sale FOR SALE-5 Leicester Ewes. Ap- plyla . I. Rbbins, Hampton. Phone 1648-42 Oshawa. 10-2- FOR SALE-%Vell bred Durham beifer Caw, 1 year oid. W. T. Perrett, Hamp- tan. Phone 376-4.9-2 COW FOR SALE-Ayrshire Cow, due to freBhen March 6tb. Apply ta Archie Thompson, R. R. 5,.liownianville.. Phone 139-2. 9-1 FOR SALE-A quantity o! Wbite Blas- J. WV. .leciaster, Ilamîtton. Phone: Oshawa 1648r22. 10-2 MORSES FOR SALE-Two three-year aId heavy draft tMle., .ne regisîered, brokeýn la harness. Arthuîr Welsh, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Pitun, 139-31. 10-3- FOR SALE-Sevelai freeh Jerseys, about to renew. îture-bre<i and grade; also anc good work horse. Apply H. M. Poster, Bowmianville. Phone 205J 10-1 FOR SALE-Electric Slave, Quebec lientur, Wicker Settecc and Rocking ChIair, Ilitntis, Oileloth, Couch and fi- frigrator. Pion, 638, liowmanville. 10-1 ENGINE FOR SALE-Massey-Harris gasoline engin. 8 ILP., aimont au good as new, willi talc. one-third of original pries for quick saIe. Corbett Motor. Sales. Bowmanvllle. 61-tf FO.R SALE-A 6 - 13r, Balkite ElimIn- ator, on easy terms. This wil l ake the ILic,' of both A andI B Batteries and mak, your set work like an nl l eetric. P. J. Mitchell, Bowi manvile. 9-2m BUILDING FOR SALE-A trame bîîîld- ing, lOGO et, l1 Rtorles high. This building las sntnd and contains a lot of siendid material. For parlicî,lars ap- piy to George Jatnieson, Newc.astle, Ont. 9-2 SEEO GRAIN FOR SALE-Hlome grawn 1929 White tIilossoni Sweet Claver Seed for Fiale: seed dcii verci ; ai so gond see<i 0.1atS. Appiy la W. J. Lcask. ltyland Mim, Taunton P. O. Phone 163r13 Oshawa. 10-1' FOR SALE-A quantity of hay, tîrn- athy, mîxed bay or aI1ýafa. ail high cîas hay; also a sinaîl quantity of sugar, mangels. Apply J. Lawrence Cryder- man, R. R. 4, 114 miles eat of Bowman,- ville, on provincial highway, or pho.. Illr6. 10-3-1 Waatd To Lot BOARD AND ROOM 87 A WEEK-All I OUSE FOR SALE OR RENT--4 room conveniences. Apply Mrs. George A. and bath. Ontario St. Apply 1Mr. M Gibeon, Teonperance St., Bowmanville. asat Duke St., Bowman'vifle. Phon 8-.01563. - WANTED-A horme for delivery wagon, weighing about 1200 lbo. Apply ta Wm. MeReynolde, Seugog St., Bowxnanville. Phone 223. 8-1.6 SMALL FARM WANTED>-Foer rent, about 20 to 75 acres, close to Bowman- ville; possession desired about April lot. Apply to R. BottrelI, Plontypool. 10-1* LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED for BowmanvIlle and District, for th 01ld Reliable Fonthili Nurserles." A splendid openlng. with exclusive terri tory right. Send for circular matter an full Information. Stone & Wellington, Toronto 2. 7- Lost or Found MON EV LOST-On Salurday lafternoan a $20 bill between Holgates9 andt A & P Store. Rewarci for return ta StatesmanI Office, ltowmanville. Io-il Real Estate For Sale MOUSE FOR SALE-On Church Street, six rooms, 114 acre lot, water, electrie llghts. Apply* W. Blake Pollard, on premises, Bowman',ille. 9-3w MOUSE FOR SALE-Six-roomed houa. with gond garden and shed, situated on north aide o! Second Street; prIce reas- onable for quick sale; proPerty of the late William Quîck. Apply to the executors of est.ate, W. F. Quick, A. McGregor, Bowmanvtlle. 7-tf, MOUSES FOR SALE-Nice 6-rooamed bouse with ail modern conveniences, ane block from C. P. R. staLtion. will be sold for $1500, 1e8 than cost ta build; alo an beofgood brick houses in dilTer- ent parts of the town. Easy terms. Apply to Wm. ltrock. Queen St., Bow- nianvilie. Phone 114. . 10-6' FARM FOR SALE-Part of Lot 5, Con. 2, containing 77 acres; aiso part Lot 4, ("on. 3, cantaining 25 acres, Township of Darlington. On 77 acres Is 7-roomned frame bouse, bank barn 34 x 104, gond stabling, drive shedi, chicken bouse and pig pen; land ail workable. On 25 acres is about haîf timber. balance pasture; wiil selI separately or together; reason- able terme; Immediate possession. Par- ticulars write Oea. E. Keys, owner, 84 Merrick St., Toronto. 7-tf For Sale or To Rent FOR SALE OR RENT.-7-roomed house w1th garage on Wellington St., ail con- venilences, wired for electrie stove, new- ly decorated, Iminediate possession. Ap- ply to J. L. Metoeif, R. R. 2, Bowman- ville. Phone 183-5. 2-tf Eggs For Hiatching AND Baby Chicks For Sale Buy your Baby Chicks ani Hatchingi Eggs fr<sm our S. C. WVhite Leghorns and Barred Rocks; high egg record. W have extra fine matings. Rc okr els ail pedigreed birds from highe7 cgg- producing stock. Prices right. Phone 38W or Write W. H. Carruthers, Bow- manville. 10-tf BABY CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS -Bred-to-lay S. C. White Leghorns; stock aIl rigidly culled by and purchased fram Russ. Sulley, Courtice. Special Price an 500 cbtcks. Gea. Reynoslds, FOR SALE-A limited quaintity of White Leghorn Eggs for settlng. Our diock la froin bigh production stock. Prîce and diates for delivery upon en- quiry. Also Northern Spy and other varietiee o! apples. Phone 246. P. 0. rBox 423. George B. Bickle & Sons, Bowmanvilie. 10-20 A. M.0. S. JEUCHRE and DANCE Squame and Round BALMORAL HOTEL FRIDAY NIGHT MARCH l4th. 8.15 P. iM. TICKETS 35c Buffet Lunch 10-2w TWO APARTMENTS TO RENT - ft Eowmanvt modem ommiaoe. ADpIy to W. Y. WIr& arj t Bowmanvlfle. Phono i . HO USE TO RENT-8even reDos. vat. erworku, bath, uleotilo ltgh.lo0*.'éý King & Ontarto St,,avail - -rJi-ith. A-PTp A. A COIW, 4Ne'wcaate. *51-ff FARM TO RENTr-North hait of Lot %, Concession 8, Darlington, known as tihe John Tape tarin, conhlsting of 120 acreS more or less; Possession April lot. Poe further prticulers apply ta D. B. Parreil, Tyrone, R. R. 1. Phone 194-14 Bow- manville. 8-3 The world is full of Subatitutes fer Quality - But - There Ihas neyer been inv'ented a real substitute for satigtaction. PURETEST HOUSEHOLD DRUGS Give Satisfaction and Quality is the ream.n Price is secondai-y when it comes ta pure drugs with tht majority ai people. Quality is what they want. andi vhat tbey got whon they buy lParietest. Solti ouly at Jury & Lovel Wlien We Test Eyes It la Don. Properly. W. Deliver SATURDAY is the FINAL CLOSE OUT SALE FOOT WEAR and CLOTHING ROVAN'S 5110E STORE 's- k BIC SPECIAL VALUES THIS WEEK END MEN'S BATH ROBES 3 only Men's wool Iderdown Bath Robes, shades, of grey and red,,blue and red, Worth $8.50, To Clear for $4.95 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS AT $1.95 Separate collars, also collars attached, ail shades and sMes, values to $3.50, To Clear $1.95 MEN'S BIB OVERALLS AT $1.23 A union made Overail, plain blue and blue and whi'e stripe, heavy quality, worth $2.00, To Clear $1.23 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT 79c Heavy quality Cotton Tweed, shades of fawn and grey, Worth $1.00, To Ciear 79c each FINAL CLEARING MEN'S OVERCOATS Regular $22.50 for $14.75 Regular $25.00 for $15.95 Regulan $30.00 for $19.75 Regular $35.00 for $24.75 T. Bè GILCHRIST Dir..tly Opposite Bankt of Montresi Phone el, Bowmanvlle --- *8 ~1'~ PAGE TivUl Phone 3 ý 1

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