Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDÂY, jANUARY 28rd, 1980du LC THE EDITOR TALKS AN EDITOR'S BIRTHDAY 0WD YEAR WAS I"ROSPEROUS your Royal Highness! The London M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D.11 THE NEW HOLDS PROMISE Daily News: "In ordered progress ta Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 1 There are very few mothers who (Frein The Toronto Goe) a new statua and a new relationship, tinyte toan on Farna and Townu have 'net prayed for their children. Editor M. A. James of the Bow By Frank Yeigh Canada has always been the path- Property. Royal Bank Building,, It ila anatural thing for them ta do. navll1aada taenancl- Cnie ro at ek imdr" e nntaks "ancaa Bowmanville. Phone 351. It la a testing-time in their livesB. brated on Jan. l4th bis eighty-secofld 1 (otne rmls ek Tmso odnrmr Cnd Here is a "1~ her's 'rye n birthday, and this veteran journal- .wF opîis the Land of Opportunity"l and W. R. STRIKE Spring" that makes an appeal in a ist's friends wiil be pleased ta learn o N ome adsrm oes Wnstakecil hassi Cn W. istR. SctrIKE prs om:Tow attaught that lhe continues in excellent health More3,00m 1929 eetakn u-aa192e8ra ierdo Epr. Solicitor for Bank af Montreal the smaiiest bird to buiid a perfect M-Jae a ltyilinbohiy haov ,000is n 199ican as 19m2ansRRger Babson deciares that "Canada Kfoney ta Lean. Phone911 little nest, grant that my plea rnay He takes bis daily walk ta the office more land tilled, more grain grown, tody osesath pprunte Inow be heard; 1, too, wouid fashion when weatber permits, neYer f ails t more food produced, more. monetary wic the United States had fifty Bo~wn&nYlle Ontrl ; for the best. 'Tis nesting time. and rt bscltu T edor Talks," returns. It xneans much that aboutymarks:ag"h RasayMalconalre-o W. F. WARD, B. A. !I cln see with what perfection Thy and stili findsa great deal cf tinte for a million acres af virgin land, in mrs:"Tthendrulconrbo Britsolicitor, Noary 1 birds build. Tben helip me with MY reading and the writing af letters ta west chiefly, la thus being cultivated , oundless opportiinity" sund Stanley Barstr od orSl..msny that Thy great parpose be relatives and friends. He bas bad anal.Ee e nyasalpr Baldwin tells us that tme is ail on Moffes toBLalY ick fuutre, nfilied. My tiny featbered sister: a long and honorable career in the centage af the availabie area is as u* *de Bowm.aiiyle, Oat.ario. Phoes:-,knows by instinct what she ought to pubîishiug business, and al his work yet under cuitivation and this single V/bat of 1930? Office 102; House 409- do. Iu her smaii beart ricb wisdom bas borne the stamp oi sincerity and iact affords ground for the prophecy Saeniuch for the brieiest of brief _________________-grows-b er mothercraft la sure and ' abiity. The cuitured and thought.- that nlot far hence there will beartopetaiteOd er. W t _______________ trule. 'Tis nesting-time. .t, fu ind ils evident ini his writing. billion bushel crop of wheat wheu the o h e n? Wa steot Ioud make cur home a saf e and love- An example of this will be found lu average is regained. Once again, ften oeIWa steot DENTAL llace. Then teacb me how,fob1cmet aren a cnthewre aenwaîvs e look? And what the prospects? DR. G. . BONNCASTLE Thine awn sake. ta build 'witFh trutb eerued with the lufe of a man who, fiscal year of 1928-29, by a few thou- Sri tl o xgeaint a ilfonar graduate in Dentistry, TorontO) and by lnve's grace. BesTo ytbough lef t an orphan iu bis child- sand, than lu the previous period. prhmst.the comin o ays are rigtith Universiti'. Graduate of the Ro)yal'hand,;.with bauqehoid ways: hel,) me hood, made a succefl 01ai 1e: *anpoms. hee snorme a atici-f College of Dental Surgeons ci On te plan and build ariLht. Teach us. Drg a ln ie n hex- W. dovehopment, as in the past and otherr t janeo. Office. King StL, Bowmaivile. i lilce birds, ta sing Thy praise wthi clln pportunities for observation a decrease lu quantity, the crop rais- elopntainheagadohr Office phone 40. flouse phone 22. this house frani dawn tillnigh clett for aver sixty years as sehoolmaster ed bas igraded higlier than for many previaus years. An increased acreage X-R&a' Equipientinl Office. Amen. ***udeioehaeen'bysdyarpast and prices bave been well 's beiug sown ta wheat and other me ihnwhs etlkingdoni maintained. More flour was ground greins; mad lu teriniugr rensal Asisat. Jr.. E . IssoInn a ras~ames seritaus nestcanthere reposed dormant faculties aud froni mare wbeat in the crap year oabingmd ntemnn el ,duatet r.yl E.W nta C llege, -a irecfe cu roust ta ti si-latent powers whlch, if expressed, 1928-29 than ever before, and more scores of industrial plants have plan- wauld bave eabied titen ta hava li- oxported, or 12 million out of 20 mil- ued extensions, big undertakings are ()rot ffce: King St. East,l.iect. Sie asked a fripnrd. Wîth whomn ed faT *wjder, broader, faller lives. lion barrels, which radiated ta over udrwyalars h ourgv Toot . OfaiycepSund 9a. iku1 he w uc trime a41 nd natince j y!nthe rer d a e b av o10cutre n ahepdt edernmentally, municipally and by pri- Bowm.a1vfltO. Office hohae ron 0 c. ni. sand sbpewpe tcfnv, raenent pris; everrmoif's Te tt m daly xcet succe 1ksa ho muh nme nd millions ue ai n tehuman lietufrnsar showse 'eincroeaseud inttrade, sowrevenues'tade 90. flus pon 23. talkps ta of)these tlbines besides tel h vre usa a ithehe 'be iionspofct u t ateetrrs;evr ot' e IPhe9. osl ph onei for.Iv ai endeavor it wliibc auud on invesi- w land enlargements; every proviceba X-Ray Equipmeit la Office. iln ,s.qwnrlc fo a aiasu o unfa ntate e~dof their beings. isporn fepnin I chiMren?" ~ives tbey were called uponta assum~xe ** .. * DR R E INIWLL 1Well. ta lie personal fOr ust a me- certain responsibiities, undertaice More Actirity People Are Cheerful dt nr dutemb aiofToralnto Uner- ofment, T do. Anvone wba -wites, sane nnaccustarned task as this man Moe uts aned thleir imperinus The cauntry as a whole laceef ~t udmebe I oa Cleg iabout chldren irom theorv alane eau did, snd iound that they had witbin waY over a gratrndlag t an in tmst.Mo h i. Dental Surgeons. Liceuaed ta not bporin ta nnderstand the difficuit- the'm the power, capability and qual- auY previaus year, or a car for every an aev pmlti. Mr 1wel ~ruct« * Ontario and the Dominion. ,îes of tirne alane that canfrant a ifications for the loerfarmauce ai the nine of the population, and an y car lare whirriug lu mare manufacturing g ec~power 15 beiur generated, mare rail-. fiee: King St., Bowmanvllle, opposite mentian streneth. A waman 'has th nerve ta say, 'IT au and 1 wili," that the peak ia far irorniheing ec-wytak ad oerligsok Bank of Montreal. Phonie 301. just soeuuch sreneth-and n more. aud thon face the thiiug manfully. ed. Iu the samne way more tele- wytak ad oerligsok - Adayba jut 0 mnvhours. I Sc piaopyg Pfar ta ex- phonies--over a million-served theladded ta the main supply, mare sky- !îact. as qomeone Dut if-T think it plain the succeis that bas been at- Public, whereas the first oee(ates1 eaestwrigsyadadmr MEIA a Anl eutt"O aLietie Eio aesdru1i back, lu Brantford, ta the relatively lelevators raising their tea-caddyî c.W.SEMNM DC. M. or T-wentv-iour fours a Dav" 15 long association witb the pres and near 1874, and judging by the way,1 C. W. SLEMON, M. D. autk a charp ta work out. Se. T there wlli bc general hope that for the Bell company is spending millions1 rcialevyctyo dsi Grauae o Tinty edea Coleounderstand the routine of fArnilv life' ymr yash Ihl continue te an extensions and equipment. the a- Patclyeeyct-n os Teronto, fornierly ai Enniskillen sd}o"wrsdi ai~srwedbsfcl e.ready big total bids fair ta clmb still n1 yo.a eceton-darems tal Ofic sdResidence: Dr. Beit' and havu e kandav lun h a cc u- _________is __facile_________igher. Mare telegranis and cables,imaking headway. Teriremr LOffrc e a d ence on Churcb Street gzetin 1 'a e a w ysu h ak- b i e ad wireîess, were sent on live stock ou the iarms than ever lie-' Pforeer59. 44-t gronud of mny uind a consqciouen-r~s i voran mrwfrrems 1Dowmanvihe. Ponof5. 4 thetrii ifclii ne hc usech aiyteh antheir mysterlous jaurney lu 1929, sud r, admr u asae raising: 1 f hetrrfi ificlie udr hihments i peh fut etpo more airplanes boomed through the mo re animais for tbat industry. Mare J. CLARK BELL nianv women are bringing up their posture sud visual defects were lie- ehrt ate a onsl hs transatlautic liners are sailiug froni .,. Ch. fi., F. R. C. S-, <Edin.>, o. p. H-. childreu. * *tweeu the ages ai four and aeveii,le Ct ate aypit nti anadian ports, east sud west, thani (Sucesof o D. A S.Til.~) Bu a itte tinku~ iirevalthe towing the resmonsibility azain on big country, stoppiug only witb ocean ever in the past, sud that spelis more nheoAr-erred and distrc.edtchets.m c.ttravel and more tonnage, sud this; ffons. Graduxate lu Medicinei Aber- were adv-be s in rcach taeecandren mother ea University; Fellow ai the Royal wirb brines resuts wl4ich are tume-,tt Teewr avn urau S aples tatte n a d ra geith ellege of Surgeonis, Edinburgh. sav-lne and energv-saviue in the eud. i ere is some pracical and oud other than big or littie business or in Saa tat, te yind jarig, the BOfceanv i : ue Stehoneeauq89if muelraîte fifin f av le ut owmany arent were mare e future with higli hopes, feeling Bowanile. hoe 9.vanu revent malt n tobls YIpn tinprcish.¶e roalymoechurches 'ouilt incotidntthat 1930 wil treat us as Onc Hurs 2tot 4 p. m., 6 tO 830 p. m gon mauac'emneut. sud bed.timp fuýa ratis, 1929 than lu 1929. and that is au-, ela 99dd n edw s COce Hours: '<Tu.10 view ai this, parents sbould 'other significent fact that the Tizhc-rj l a« 99di. Aded s W. H. BIRKS, M. D. 17LYn« nu tartrumsansd aUner <stuih- have tbeir cildren examined every!Things are net beiug dire«arddmore. __ iuq l'ann'iine'--vou eveutnlly save sxmnh, vre r rw. !h oa iilso l h hrhs Office Heurs: 1 ta 4 aud 7 to 8.30. a lot Af vour time sud eneroev. sxmuh, vre r rw Tettlgvnr ia1tecuce Telephone 108. For exaniple. ta use a rather gen- "e freitv i bs ock atbnto e ho darecord total h1gh up lu the j.Acids in Stoniach office & Resideuce: Dr. Hazlewoad'5 eal circunistauce, it takes time sud the here yo i sokta Omillions. More schocls. large audý human being," stated Dr. Brown. 1lamaI!. we.re built lu 1929 ta meet thei former reaideuce, Wellington Street, enerrv ta answer yaur children 's ',<f we are ta improve aur inheri-f ever-incrensingr demands on the parti CauseIn ieto BoDwmnanille. ,iuest1aus. But if yau do it you çret tnew-eqiecrfu eetofa young Canada for education. Ev-, ____ to k,-uaw, theni better aud vou make T advisae every nian sud wornau be-j erv university bad a record enrol-l eia uhrtessaeta er CHIOPACICANDDRGLSSthatrn umore amrv yo can eni le fore niarniaee ta inquire into echi ment, sud many a municiplitv re- lMedîcal athsortieaes otateta a CHRORCTCAD RGLSStatwlp mc5.ar .o cnmaeother 's istory. porttht more shoansd yet moreinnetthaihecssf tmc THEROPY sunstipes! ta heirrea5o.peig "aisnwcnlebogi ptrouble, indigestion, aaurness, humn- DURINE.STEKLY iany bphflv1<Vrdifficulties that "aisnwcnb ruh pare needed. iggas, bloating, nausea, etc., are lieI . TCKE with littie or no disability aside fronim**ig boo rdaeo aate College be Wh ." Itwa tt constitutions1 deîects, as far as nutri-1 Education AAv,,nces due ta an excesai hydrochloric acid q1 Chiropractic will bli thuraday titrne.- ubo da't uuderaqtqnd their t'on ta concerned." aaid the speaker.,rCaaa sau<neiyn ar.u1 ni he stom aTedie sn id- ianville Office TuesdaypTu.da d hssol see first of ail that:behind in eîc~c. Niroln<"-aclnigiirttdiesonsd- sudSaurayevuiga pone 141J1. childrAn. or who expect blind ab- _Mothes 1l }epoe aiutitet-ieivtesdmr ciivlayed and food saurs, causing the dis- and Saurday veforg, phlence fmcm theni. thieir children zeftbe oo fac- ttha n e e wtremelu orethtiv agreenhle symnptcms which every * * via*es- - 1-r"a stomacli sufferer knows se well. ion;tors. Lack of these will u'roducel sacial service .md bol-tb h 'NAtfciidgstnsae t eee aonT1';ý Uhniui-fuI mma4ber gave an-; riiildgset r Unee _____________ otlr eampe t il1"tr" br brnerickets wý%hich la a preventabie dis- iped Cross work, sud niedicai re- . uhcses aud may do real barm. dfficîî'H". e id I-tr 1" brdoetaes"e. Tt should lie a éisrace ifor Isoicb. Pri"an mforu, 1" tota Ue fre(. inuc or clliA. She Faimg Tti"c ue . irearf,în- avingitaitee atiugsth is sandt FUNErut oirhmuý-wor +o el-l * is'ead get froni auy druggist some F.F.MORS O.o coa u b"ortr-t ro!!" VUed", lie said. h P oa 'nnd~r fa vr'Bisurated Maguesia sud take s tes- Copet otr or clit'ir th;c:0 baventr oublae. au**N ten-tiluepe-wctvun"p F . F . M O R R IS*CO .adav -v eo ca v eiehu rnedt nas nuela i th w te c a5 . N i n e d îdt w -v n n - u i sp o o fu l of p ow d er o r fo u r tab lets lu HoseEqipen e ipld O"ýton r l-meie o lvrolb rda ne.o he1rui eeae .tlrou"h the N 1a a e ih fe aig hsset Ailcala pam tly ta or sbn, '"f"ii"ta tb(, heot meana ai prcvidînz vitamines i eerf <nmadnrvc iefeus -the staniscli. prevents the forma- atteuded t.ta.1 ri.eedo na'c1e i f otut Of the dýet. Tt preveutdnetioe- îrrt". titb tan-ilb!" rpsut alrearlv tio ieca dsdteeisu b i nr i5eav ai -"ý' lI ocal ha olsournesa. gas cr pain. Bisurated \U IPrivate Ambulance. bii tdsxng"~1~" Btpcîlyha od.aftaiued or in -e«ombt that nav ardd O -Mgusa1i pwero tbetfr \~ / Bowmanvlle phone: 1 (10 il W;,<la ~u~ ~if -ije--p"e "Yaur graudmothers wre not semai nthflostate nons! -necsia in d r k a bileas o Bradi tors- e"rcti" ad cnshntl mefln ir th bos sd ofaicodl'Ildoue, sud th- autirinated rust-resi.'t- i la the most efficient formaifniagnesia Orono & Newcastle. !z'- Van'a mi,-in a kl< va'r liver ail lu the aprnzn. ring variety alan 57111.for tomacli purposes. Tt is used n& A aîSrf Ue 4 "wm"'ta bald a Dr. Brown warned woueunif te, b t t *sofpoleWo no ALAN M. WILLIAMS fnOaýll nît ,e !b'ri,,r ln'~,i un. Or darozers cf bavine tuberculoia"is Al- Canada a f' tol a ad'-,d 0 bel'thousanda ihpe oe fwhof n- E mbaler and F unera rirhtort f Vr-'u (In th u çeb T oro nto is fîee oi the disease. ln w anld dinlom acy, lu 1929, w ith d etir oen. w t e m o e f ar o u Calîs given prompt and persoual at- voul' h s io-rr a workahlbli advised every mother mwho'e cbild Un" 1rerî-. 0f aR mh'" 'Tal tention. Na extra charge for diz- - d" -m nlii Vnuî c'ilil Aýnd!w,,s cavirthe' cv ta spe that pas- sud thie rai"'d statu.qAfaitUe ar-" tance. Motor Ambulance at you'ý+1, 'ifacr-a .#-1inh the loau tur dmilk would lie pravided. irpure,r-ntmtivc, at Parig, alcng vU.ii service. Phone 58 or 159, Bo,,s- run. "T-wo vears aero in a hosuital il Ue Wa'binrzýon renrpsent-ativo. ('r aianville, 0n. -fFdhnhurzb 1 saw mare cases of bovine; ada -A.F. 7n'arr'r. 'anre.i.ovtA . r-'T+ r- Ari'o b l f p "tuherculosis inonue moruinq than T at <""nova and th Une aue o rnr"""' ncvr""' w 1,<1rpiand auhdl mv lufe beicre lu treatiug As9errhlv. Cnu'tcil sud "ro"wcr AUCTI'ONEERS n-a r l-,n-r' iildrcn lu this citv. Thnre is n lier voice w-a" npver sa uotent. THEOM. SEMON~ -r.-r.r' v,, ,.~:pasteurizatiannif mlk lu Edinburgli."ttt r t t.S *ONCannno <'h-rt F,,tur Auctitoneer ~~ ~mnr01ni. - Tbi-ý Very affectiug stnry ila on edi- Caaai ncmi'av'e "s! Fan sund House Sales a Specialtv. ~, orr~ uoaf -b" Ias' Ch'ristian Her- kindlIx' exrc"ýsrone framni n'm.vitarý Ternis moderate. Ennikillen P. O. T-, - r ~,~idurdor 'f-c aptir: "A Ltme <hilAdobrvr ueclexesina [Phoue 197r3. 1-tf Shil ILrad." Isu't it a beautzful "v. c-li - ho ' r-r- ., -- r-*'~~ -~ ~ 'n avalley fr ho'inluScotlandjr daNsrcfn poiu'mt1 VETERINARY rl" '-<-z ,,, . -: ýtt---,tf-r-e N QSailA ttrOlm ar-t nl~ -l,' a'laccr"'-tor'1,. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc, --r ~rr-rr 'r~',<mA l-uhrre anrorous rnOsý lob at if ra ir'l t r.rr-, O rono -r ' ml,'- --n' 'r""d r--- b r izlnt acr-i5:' tbe c r or aof i tc~ * U e A in r vm a t' n r ~ Eouor GraduateofaiUniversity of T --rr' Iop.-..-o-~r . rrO- t i, a 1'I.'VU"tr--- i r tahbed yau bercmc!" WCo!rEhS and careful atteu:.ion. Office-. t rrr-,r'f il -r-rîr-h,'r. !' r in)1- 0r i;. f"Oif itixere; McEl y~sformr ofice. Phons: A- c'" rtr--r.f-r-fl~ " rrrrr 'r'u rrt fr hofaor'r"of a gratta <r' j Clake 921 Oona18-. -~" ~ r-r'- '-r 1"-r'- 'i~ -<' v.-ar-r'bi -ra~ ta'cfar 1(BUSKLEY'S1 miTURE %P li- ~d aud led hi no'ni't; p.p0r5a ne'ver-pndir caentgefa" Phoning 520 Henry Lathri Liberty St. 710,000 o Our increase in sales in 1929 over 1928 shows that there were over seven hundred and ten thousand additional S AL A DA users last year. "SALADA5 TEA 'Freti from the gardens' -'K -r S OUND busicssý principles and a poicy of graduaI expansion liai marked the steady growth of this Bznk fcr sixtjycars. To cy r ci the largest and strongest banks in the w(rld, serves every phase of business and pri'ze 3 ar-n-cand is taking a leading part in the expansion f trac in foreign markets. G '120 Thnrkoyal Banik 1426 STOBIE FORLONG & CO. STOCS BONDS GRAIN HeaOffice: Reford Building Bay ai Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. VERSON, Local Manager Priv"te Wire System Il King StreeCast, Oshawa-Abové C. P. R. Office hones 143 and 144 n e Calle At Our Expenae AVE Men's Rw' rs To Clear .15c Women's F bers To Clear 39c Special line o1omen's Shot To Clear i1.98 Women's High Grade Pumps, Straps, etc. To Clear at $2.9' Women's Overiioes Reg. $3.50 tu $4.00 Special $ .3~8 Reg. $2.50 to $3.50 Special $1.49 Reg. $2.00 to $2.50 Special 98c ROVAN'S SIDE STORE THE NEW SHOP4G CENTRE NEXT TO NELSON'S >POSITE THE BOWMAN HOUSE L *é- Poultry at Fair Prices Phon es! Bowmanville: 501. Toronto: Trinity .1949J ACdreas: 274 August.a Ave., Toranto. 871. ; 1

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