Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE GANÂDIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JÂNUARY 9th, 1930 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMAN VILLE January 2nd, 1929, to December 15th, 1929 (Gontinued frona last week) MoClUan and Go., lumber George Iqie, Fnxerien's pay Ebmydro Eleet. Coen., llghiing July WaterWorks Dept., water rate. . .. . . . Mason and Dale, strapr,-. J. Ratey, ag.......... Anguet Hydro Elect. Gem., lighting Geodyear Tire Co., su.ppliea George Lyle expenzes con- vention ............ U. Multon, labor......... J. IMantle, labor ........ G. Bartîon, laber........ E. Itibe, labor.......... W. TAM-bet, labor ........ S.ptoeber G. H. IBckel, teaming .. J. Hately, supplies ... Goodyear Tre Co., hse .. *.451 311.25 7.42 8.03 3.00 15.00 8.75 7.90 10.50 16.80 15.75 15.00 41,96 1"0.0() OetuIxa George Lyle, Pirem'en's pay 311.25 Hydiro Elect. Gem. lighting 7.75 WateffWorks Dept., water rates................2.25 J. Hsteily, supplies ... 8.27 November N. E. Needs, insuTance .. 75.00 J. Haley, gas and ou ... 11.10 F. William.g, repam .... 8.70 Decexnber .Aydro Eleet. Cem., lig'hting 6.77 George Lyle,' Firerxon's pay 311.25 hy"rints............ 3480.0' MoGlellan and Co., fuel ... 15.25 PUBLIC PROPERTY Jamuary Hydro Eleet. Coc., lig't .$ Water WcSks Dept, water rates . . . . . . February Hlydro Eleet. Gem., ligrt. Mie. Cartwrigiht, dlean hall Pedlaoe People, galvanized iroîn .. . . . . . . T. Burns, Ilabor ........ W. L. Elliott, repeirs .... Homgate and Son., cai .. Mis. A. Tait, supplies .. March Hydro Elect. Com., light.. Mclellan and Ca., coal.. HaIkate wud Smc, coal .... T. Burna, Ialer ........ M. G. V. Gould, rent flats. 307.16 2.25 343.20 15.00o 102.66 5.00 1.55 50.60 4.50 308.16 66.6 32.55 5.00 7.001 Affer t'a t,anties of tsffr,qi-aftrrsr ependn mn, lolary on o'er wrdi,. .. ,-th, .$ ,n,,gave 'riisrIe,,a triai. 2,OW1,11trn rat the PiflU - . 1amn jutr t 0f a kw , ordl (-f praise in ithicfi thre %woleriltl v.ay bwr K rttoýelit, Sais hav e rîellenI me. AMay 1.av 1 lia, co e,, trr- illat territte hackaelies iîht aini day for fiis last lai rontls. ami lae ar pent ratny dollar,.;on advurtisniI retiis ihn esait, and decidcd a fw w'ksazte t '.e KriisecliilSas, a trial and 1 aun trizakfil 1toay i arnfeeling better ana butter .u er oiie 1 bave taken tIern -I take liroseken on rising In a cup of tea, and if only people knew they rrorld flot speýnd the rnnney tbey do on other mapriais atten they cot it rve such benelt trnm Kruschen n6alti. Wiring your irin vcrr. Nîcess." 3Mr. . V. P. f.g.iitt,,ni , rIteinettm5 Erusehen Saits is oltiainaln t drug and department stores ]nt Caniadua t 75t. a be-ttie. A bottle contantis neijtn l to 1. for 4 or 5 months-good ieaitti for hait-a-cent a day M OST people rely on Aspirin ta make short work af their headaches, but did you know it's just as effective in the worse pains from neuralgia or neuritis? Rheu- matic pains, tao. Don't sufer whcn Aspirin can bring such compîvîr comfort without delay, and without harna; it does nat affect the heart. In every package of Aspirin you will find proven directions with which everyone should be familiar, for they can spare much needis suffering. eASPIRIN AsOpiran la a Tuasmar k aitu din Canad April T. BurnZ 131»r ........ A. Tait, suipplies ........ Uiited Typelvniter Go., rilibon .. .. . H. Cîsyton, cartage.. ?&&. Cartwi gbt, cdean hall ice and Co., supplies .. Water Woeks Dept.,wte rates . . . . . . May McCleilan and Go., eoal and Wood ...... Hokate an4 Son, coal .... W. T. Allen Estate, supplies Hydro Eleet. Com., kight- W. L. Elliott, supplies .... Mmn. Cartwright, dlean hall T. Burns, labor ........ June Mdlelan sud Go., fuel Dom. Organ and Piano Go., tuning piano ........ Cotrolier Revenue., hall âcease ..... JU!Y Hydre Elect. 0eci, light F. Bateunmn, labor........ Mis. Gautwright, clean hag . Y. Fleury, inspezbin s"au. Water -Woeks Dept., wuter rates .. . . . . . A. S. Baker, laibor.. Hydre Elect. Cmc., llght- Thos. Sheehan, Iber .. Augnêt Hydre Elet..Coui., 99Mt. Chas. Real, reipaim .. B. Holbe'ook, aber .. T. JA Dueita4 supplies... MIXn. rtwxigh, cleannhal) Thos. Sheeham, labooe .. M. W. TaniblWn, repairs Septenaber Hydro Eleet. Oom., lighlt. Thos. &mehan, labo.r .... H. Holbx'oolc, Jabo .. October Thos. -Sheehan, labor .... MeClelllan and Go., ooal.l. Water Wowks Dept., wter rates . . . . . . Hydro Elect. Go., light .... Mrs. Cart.wright, lean hall Noveraber Hydre Eleet. Gon., light J. W. Jeweixf supplies. T. Burns, IMbor........ Decemuber Hydra Eleet. Gem., light Min. Cartwdght, dlean hall W. C. Gaverly, supplies MClellan andI Co., woad Hydto Elect. Gem., lamp. T. A. Dustan, supplies .. Holgate & Son, fuel.. RELIEF January McClellan and Co., coaI l February Cou.nty Tlrcaurer, Maini Wheeler .:... Min. A. Tait, groceries. . Hlgate and Soin, coal .... McClellan and Go. coal J. W. Bowdler, groceries W. C. Caverly, groceries Harry Alun, groceries .... March McClellan and Co. coal.. J. W. ýBbwdler, groceries.. Harry Allin, grocerios .. H. Lathrop, wood ........ Ho]gW.e and Son, ceaI .... April Harry Allin, groceries ... Holgate and Son, wod.. Holgate and Son, fuel .... June Counties' Treasurer, 'Main. Cigam . . . . . . Counties Treasurer, Main. Drew .-... July Harry Allin, groceries .... Counties Trc-asurer, Main. Drew .. . . .1. . Hlolgate and Son, eaI .. August Counties Treasurer, 'Main. Drew .. . . . . . Septeniber Mrs. Ptter, relief........ Mrs. Blackburn, relief ... Harry Allun, groceries ... Couaties Treasurer, Main. Drew ...... October Counties Treasi-er, Main. Drew ... . . . Bow'ville Hospital, grant November Mrs. Lewis, bcard Mrs. Patter .... Counies ecember ConisTrea-urer, Main. Drew .. . . . . logate and Son, fuel ... C. W. JacobF, bread ... P. I. Stevens, millk.. %V. StRev-nolds, xilk ... Hart-v Allun, supplies ... R. kennent, atteading Mrs. Patter . . . . .. tCunties 'Ireas;ureýr, Main. [)rew .. . . . . Holgate and Son, fuel ... P. larabIrinos..oaIs .. .Mc(','ellan innd Co., fuel .. C. W. Jacohs, bread ... R. R. Sttvn ns, milk.. W. McReynolds, milk ... W. C. Caverly, gods.- I. Alathrcp fuel.......... H . L a lli n , f u e l . . . . . . . . . . C. M. Cawkper anti Soa, meat J. W. Bnwdler, goodo ... INSURANCE I February lbeIntlemnity Co., Pi-cm- ium Pub. Liab..,..... $ J. J. .asoa and Son, 'Town Hall . . . . . . John Lyle, Town Hall ... E. V. Seobel], Town Hall l Nin.a Neads, Town Hall. April London Guarantee Ce., jClerk's Bond ........ London Guaraz'tee ' 5.00 Collectr'a Bond 835November Loni. and luuc. Guar.C 1.03 Treaaurer'8 Bond 4.00 Dcme 7.70 Coni. Union A..G. 2 2.5 chine Shop....... 46.50 1.35 311.51 200.00 22.î5 Z.00 M6.00 2.60 380.6 9.10 25.80 8.00 2.25 8.00 305.66 5:001 CONTINGENT! Jauesy John Lyle, electicsn exp. Clerk's Acet, sundrie Hospital for SIck CU~ldre donatlo'n .... Fobrnsry Johns Lyle, registrations Clerk'. acct., sundlShm. Delegatiorns, exp. CobomW Marck Clerk's Acet., aundries Ient, safety dep. box.. Aprdi Olerk'a Aect., uundries Publie Libraa"y, grant.. M&Y M. G. V. Gould, les services ,à.--- Clerk's Acet., sn«rie Dlegations, exp. Toronto Treeaoee's Acet., sundi 328.2121L W.-Neibon, oll 1 * 1 l,,,ibrsamy, 2.251 g cultural Soc., grant 7.5-0 '5'o01 Clerk's Acet., sundiSe. 25.001 Beach Assoc., grant .. I Returned Cheque, Perrin 307.16 1 JnIy 5-001 Clerk's Acct., sundries 2.101 Deegation, Toronto a. Cobiurg .... 5.00 Auguit 127.50 S. J. Jackman, wreath Cle'k's Acct., sundnies 32251 Delegation, exp. Cobourg 24 .601 September Postage, tax bills.. 31.-1Clerk's Acct., sundries 'QI56 Public Library, grant '5.00 1362.79 1 33.60 6.30 24.00 3,60 92.10 $5037.50 .88 1.98 19.50 4.00 2.00 11.19 9.78 4.00 2.00 14.94 6.00 4.O00 8.411 3.00 10.001 26.2,5 12.7,5 7.97 22.50 4.00 2.00 5.75 23.251 12.75 1000.00 1.00 i 53.25! 3.001I 23.25 12.00 8.01 4.50 3.851i 2.20 6.61 7.2,r 6.89 1.00 3.9s $144 0.78 227.50 56.60 56.60 56.00 56.60 5.00 October CIrk's Acet., sundries,. November Clerk's Acet., sundries C. J. McýDorto-ugh, Elec. Ex Docember M. G. V. Gould, Ici services ..i.. Selecting Jurors. ...... Clerk's Acet., sundriesý. . Gea. Weekes, attend'g cou M. Munday, attend'g cou C]erk's Acct., sundries.. EXPENDITURES UNDE IMPROVEMENI Balance Forward 1928 .. Pavement ...... Elgin !St. Sewer .... By-law No. 765 801 802 874 893 912 921 960 1016 1017 1029 1031 1032 1046 1047 1069 1087 1097 112 6 1131 1194 DEBENTURES C Puripose Electr'ic Light Waterworks Sewerage Water and Sew4 Sewers Water and Se'. Sewers Ross Can Co. Sidewalks Sewers Foundry Btiildi Sewers Sidewalks King St. Paves High Séhool Pavement Skdewalks Sidewallk Pavement Public School Pavement Bond Village of Havelosk Village of Lakefie.ld Dominion Government Town of Bowmanv'iUe Township East York City of Edmonton PERPETUAL UPKEE Township Etobicoke City Belleville Dcminion of Canada City of Gaît M. J. Eliott, Mayor. BECOMES PRESI ch Duke St. Water Main .... 1,026.51 ORONO .... Third St. Sewer.......... 847.271 King ïSt. Sewer..... 647 (From The News of Jan. 2nd.) King St. Water Main...-- 4W.911Ms Beulah MeCutcheon, Aylmer, ISumdxil, Interest, Etc. -.. 3,703.79 was home for New Year's. 8.(0 12205 The most obstinate corna fail ta $12,27.5 1resist Holloway's Corn Reinover. I Bmxk Bal. ýDec. 16éti. 1929 12.45 Try it. 9.Me-2,200 Mr. C. A. Olhapman is visiting hieJ 9.1.0$122,20.02sister, Mrs. Bellamy, and other.ý $51.00RECEIPTS friends in the Canadian Northwest. $616.00mr. and Mrs. Fred Blackburn, 'SSale of Dbentures . .$ 113,7849 6,To-wn Line, spent a very enjoyable I).maxyj Ias ..... 8,100.001 Xmas week with friends in Toronto. Masters Russell Cruse, Bewdley, $121,884.H!, and Earl olr Osa ,vite $ 45.00 Bank Bal. Jan. 2, 1929 335.061their Frndowler, OahaE., visît.d -~ *22,20.02 Mrs. and Miss S.cott, Mr. and Mrs. 10.0020-0 Troughton, Hilda and George, were New Year's visitors at Mr. George MM GHSC400L BUILING Wannan's.1 31.25 AccOuN'fr Miss Della Cheaney of Nipissing, 7.55 who has been visiting friends in Ken- g 10.00 Exp.uiitmr da], la now visiting her aunts, Mrs. Bigh Sebool B'oard . .. .4 80,56S.00 Jas. Ta.mblyn and Mrs. E. Fowler. 6.95 n~t~s<.............. 1,204.98 Mr. Ralph C. Ellis, .principal of 6.00 Burgesville Purblic Sehool, formerlY $81,704.98 on thte 0re>no teaching staff, was a Bank Bal. Dec. 16, 1929 295.02 New Year's guest at Mr.F. LOrrI 2.5500.00man's. .. 2.65 All mothers can put away anxiety ... 00.0 R«Optsregarding their suffering children when they have Mother Graves' Denmnd LIMMs....... $ 82,000-00 Worm Exterminator ta give relief. 1 Its effects are sure and lasting. 35.00 WÂTERWORKS REUTS Mr. Robert McCrea, a one-time 18-28 2600Water Pates obarged .. 10,108.42 resident of O>rono, passed awaY Kt 0e . h6~L ~eutalwed. 9.6 ishome in Peterboro recently. Mr. 18679 McCrea was an expert carrnage trim- 89001 q,0846 mer and when in this to'wn was em- 10:01* s ...... 3940 01plIoyed in the James Linton Carniage The new curling rink at Memorial I12,7S8.46 Park is beautifully located, a natur- 16.921 Installattons Accounts . 1,957.44 al sheltered layou't on west side of 150y. 00 park, north of the roadway, conven- 51.58 $14,745.90 ient to the water. This is the latest ;attraction in the way of sports pro- WATERWOBKS DISBURSEMENTS vided by the Park management and 10.30e ~,cpa s* Curling Club. 17.00 nVeeesPt.......l 7,20n7 The dance in the Town Hall Mon- ..Ma.0 Intenet...... 3 ,757.61 day evening under auspices of the Miteniaine .... 1,757.618 Memorial Park Committee was well Instllatons .......1,76.18attended and a very enjoyable even- 7.00 127.5 inwas pent in old time and modern 11.04 dances, games, etc. Moncrief's or- 6.30 chestra furnished music. Lunch was A.SSETS served cafeteria style. 20.00 Bank Bdhaice Gen. Acct.$ 273.34 Owing ta the condition of the roads 7.50 Bank Balance waterworks 2,124.02 Christmas services at Centre Street Cash00 onciHand............ 120.00 Ohurch were held on Sunday, Decem- 200.0 Unpaid Taxes 1929...... 14,860.95 ber 29tlh, Rev. George Mason taking --Upaid Taxes 1928 and as bis suibject, "The Trusting Christ- previaus........... 6,257.05 ian." In the musical service Mr. 15.48 Can. Slice'r Co-p. Int,.. 2,0()0.00 Wyven Reid sang with good effect Durham Textiles, rent.. 200.00 "Do not Borrow from Toinorrow," Cemetery Aco=ts .. 206.00 and .Mr. R. R. Foster sang "Be Our 6.65 Waterworks Construction Guide." xp. 124.62 Accounts ... 1,004.39 To Asthma Suffierers. Dr. J. D. Waterwoi'ke Consumers Kellogg's Astihma Remedy comoes like Accounts .... 101.56 a helping hand to a sinking swim- gai 1$7,473 mer. It gives new life and hope. 7.50 27,17.31Its benefit is too evident ta be ques- 6.00 tioned-it is its own best argument 15.40 UABILITIES -its own beat advertisement. If urt 36.*00 you sufer from asthma get thîs time- ut 36.00 Bankc of Montreal (De- tried remedy and find help like 6.30 mand Ijoan)....... $ 14,500.00 thausands of others. ______D6bentures and Coupons The annual Police Trustee nieet- $1,853.84 Payable Dec. 2th. . . 287.99 igwshl nteOag alMn Copn LOA Txs 90paid 199n..ad- 190day evening, Decenmber 3th. Many TR LOA a ce.....0 ..........140.0 mattors of interest to the village were McGil Este ........ 14-00discussed. Mr. A. J. Staples oc- McGil Esate CHel incupied the chair. Mr. F. J. Hall $110,000.00 trust) .....9379 announced bhis decision not ta seek 2,056.17.3 re-election. The following candidates 3,525.15 $24,657.8 qualified: W. H. Barrett, C. C. Cain, OUTSTANEXNG D)ECEMB3ER 16tb. 1929 Thos. Cowan and John H. Gibson. Year Autboeized %Prncipal Persian Baîni-Invaluable ta the Rat e and Terms Outstanding whole family. To the iother, a 41,4 1910-1930 $ 882.85 flawless aid ta loveliness. To the 5 1912-1942 6 7,8 28.2 3 child, a soothing, healing balmi. And 5 1912-1942 23,831.52 ta the father. a splendid hair fixative er 5 1914-1944 24,172.40 and cooling shaving lotion. Persian 51915-1945 21,202.07 Balrn tone- and refreshes the ,kin. wews 5 'A 1916-194E 6,727.91 Makýs hands delightfully soft and 5%19164o94E 3,304.19 white. Indispensable ta dainty 6 V 1919-1939 32,352.9 5 womnen. A4 little gentle rubbing andi 6 19201940 6,214.4 0 it is absorbed by the tissues, makingl 6 19204950 3,400.29, the skin truly rose-leaf in texture. ing 6 1921-1939 14,618.84 ý Mr. and Mr,. Harold Allia return. I 6 192119M1 3,594.97[ ed la-t week from 'heïr trip to 'he 6 1921-1941 6,049.27 western provinces, after spending a M ent 6 1922-1942 50,236.6,2 month with her brothers at Mank-ou. 6 11922-1942 5,016.7,0 While in that town and Darlingford 6 1923-1943 11,507.391 (the latter place taking its nanîc- from 5%1924-1944 2,402.43 aur adjoining township of Darlin- 5121924-1944 3,012.82, ton) they met niany people fromi 5 1926-1946 59,103.171 Clarke and other part, of Durhami 5 19261946 19,902.52 C ounty. Rev. Cecil Allin also ar-I 5 1929-1949 11,11829.1d*h ere front Roscoe, SD., beingi clebythe critical ilîness of their 1 483,479-83 nothcr who passed away soun atr SINKING FUND INVE-STMENTI her son Harold and wife reached Due Rate Amountj here.1 .1930 5%C/ $ 655.041 Frcài t o-day Couch,Jonon& 192-30 5%43189Cryderman will selI aIl Ladies' Coat.- 1933 5%,% 500.00 at one-third off the regular pice. 1931-34 5 1/_- c 491.16î- 1932-33 5 ý% 222671---__ 1936 5% 19000.00o1 $23,304.88 *P 0F CEMETERY PLOTS SINKING FUND 1947 5% $ 297.12 1l947 5 % 350.00 1937 5 '2 ' 575.34 $ 1,372.467 5 Announcement has recently been made that E. W. BeSaw (at rlght) formerly Vice-Prescent and General Manager of the Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. of Canada, Linited has heen promoted to President. Mr. BeSaw started with the company in 1909 as a salesman and bas had a most brilliant career. Harvey S. Firestone (at left) rubber pioneer and one of the world's outstandlng figures in commerce and lndustry bas been miade Chairman of the Board. .A Mid-morning Pick-ime-up WHENr eleven o'clock cornes and you grow a Iittle weary -that's the tirne for a stearn- ing, nourishing cup of'OXO -IT'S BRACING ! In 6 - oi. Flaska anid Tirs o14andlO Cube. It'a -Méat and Drink"' to you i 't p lie WoBM M aoNmey FIlw women have all tbe rnoney tbey want, but every woman can have a bank account, whether sbe be the housewife saving ftom bher allowance or the business girl putting by part of ber salary. The woman with a banit account is the one who can afford the littie luxuries that make life mare enjoyable. With mocey in the bank, she can face the future wth confidence and hope, prepared for any emergency. Ahfor aur boAlet "A Neto Honses." hi WiI explain an 5nteratiq Saoeings MM The Royal ]Bankc )7 f Canada Bowmanville ]Branch - A. E. Herman, Manager Qualiliy Plus Service T1his is the latin bullIt aur business. W the greatest servict fî' such famous I)1oC1uts a oline, Sheli Goide.i 0 Goodyear Tires, th. on Of Supeî-twist Cord. ASBESTORAS I Bring xyour car. n Iined with this higli gra, Bartlett's SE Phone 1101K ICd ones and ,nvigorates Uliehale DlJnervous systen.m makes Uiv EI.od ~n cid Veim .Used for Ne,,.., -- "' fy, AI.utai and am Wàny lapna, Lou . < ..Palbton .1 ioartFiag Ma.uy re »Z bos. foSr$5Soid by midlaiuor miulanplage ttg. en erelp re . Nem pe.iphm"lad T.m wws &Um= oinw.AOI. dation on w'hich we have Ve aim to help you secure om yo-ur car by supplying as Aviation and Sheli Gas- il, Castrai andi Mobiloji, ily tires in the world built b ;BRAKE LINING i and have your brakes re- tde Iining. "0rvice Station Cing St. East, Bowmnanville '.oak's Reg'ulating Conmpound ~~ ~A . V. jr q#ob. all ouwmns. Sold in ibje.dqo. ço et tbh-Noa1, SI; S SoId L au 3 9 da. PhtAddua: LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Cacd Tb7-t SaZ-ý4i-ea SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES You will neyer have cause to regret using our Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you will smile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and eomfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous -service. jQuality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or V< Bowmanville 4 THE CJANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAINVILLE. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1930 PAGE SIX

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