Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1930, p. 8

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PAGE JUGET TEE 'JANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THUR8DAY, JANUÂRY 2nd. 1980. Largest Assets in History of Canadian Banking Made by Royal Bank Assets at $1,001,442,741 Show Gain for Yer of $92,- 046,856-Profits of $7,145,37 Largest Ever Report- ed hy Any Bank in Canada--Commercial Loans at $364,055,352 Show an Incraese of Ove. $71,000,000. Dan&tng hl4Sy is made by The Royl Banki of canada iitha nuaI report for thie fisagyear te Noviem- ber Bt, nov goùW gforwxrd to shareboldens. For thie firat tins. ever reported by any Canadtan banai, total assets are in exceueof one billion dollar., vaifle .ninga uin making a niew Iigh record of 47,10,137 are thie largeat ever'reported te iiare- helders. Other outatnding teatures of thie report inchide a gain in total mseta dnring thie ye&r ocf $92,046,856, an ineredse in savinga dieposits of over $97,000,000, wvd a gain in commerc- ia Mens in Canada of- ýaore than $71,000,000, well in excesof theie total ga in h deposits. During ttai ycar a furtaier stock issue accounted3 for an increase of $5,,000,000 In botai1 Capital amd Rest, esch of whidi now stands at $8,000,000.à Thie statent, with so many strong features, mnakes its aPppea- suoe at a usOs auspieicus ie, as itî wiRl béer atriking testnnony to the unusual strcugth of thie bankig sit-t uation iCanada.11 Total assets now stand at $ 1,001,- 442,741, as empered vitai *909,396,- 884, a gain for the year of $92,046,- 854. Of this total liquid assets are $409,275,966, eqiiel te 46.91% -cf hiabiities te the public. Cash on baud snd in banim anicunts to $157,- 6=21114. Tais ln equivalent to 1807% of Uic bank's liablities te thie public. Thie principal items anscng liqioi asseta are: Dominion and Provincial Goverument secunities of $96,543,143, Canadian municipal aud f itisai, colonial sud foreigu pub- lic securities $17,400,156, nailway and other bonds, debeutunes and stocka $15,468,621. Cal] bcans in Caada are prsctically unchanged as Ooompaed witai a year ago, while those abroad show an increase et over $22,000,000. It is understood that tais incresse la accouuted for hy cer'- tain special deposits cf a more or leu. temporary nature. Big Gi. in CemmdalLess From thie business vlewpmt, thie extent te wh1ch thie bank as haeu care ofthtae inoreased commercial re- quirements cf 11. customm isa £m5t- ter of special interest. Commercial Icans in Canada now total 8»4,055,- 352, as comparud vitai "92,815,472, an Increase for thie year -of more than $71,000,000. Dpstbeari nhtereat have con- tinued te show musatial gainsa udi u.ow stand at $591,880,470, an in- crusse of #67,728,662 during thie yuar, vii) non-Interest bearine de- posits amount te 1180,707,298, m conipared vitai$183,814,937 a ya ago. 1er Profit snd Lues Aemut Shxrcholdera viilbu psrteul@Aly interested in the ahowing made in thie profit and km. account, earninga for thie year lýavirug amounted to 4*7,145,-1 137, as compared witai $5,88.1,253 in thie previes ye.r, a gain of $1,263,- 884. Inereased profits are due te thie larger amount cf business band- led during the year, as weli as thie greater sunpply of fonds made aveUl- él tiougai the receut inertase in capital. Profits; for the year, vaien added te taie amount carricd forward £.rom the previous yeair, made taie total available for distribution $9,- 606,223. This vas applied as fol- Iowa: dividtendsansd bonis $4,722,- 071; transferrcd to offleers' pension fond $200,00; appropriation fer bazik premises $400,000, and reserve for Dominion taxes $410,000, leaving a balance te aie carnied forawrd cf $3,674,151, as againat $20361,085 at the end of the previous year, an I- crease of $1,213,066. LEHIGH VALLEJY ANTHRACITE 77w e>--c! net f frjî iSPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GWVING QUALITIES You will neyer have cause to regret usin~g our Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee j that you will smile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous servi ce. Quality Service J. A4. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville IQuality Plus Service This is the foundation on which we have buit our business. We aim to help you mecure the greatest service from your cari by iupplying such famous products as Aviation and Sheli Gas- oline, Sheil Golden Oil, Castrol and Mobiloil, Goodyear Tires, the only tires ini the world buit of Supertwist Cord. ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING Bring your car in and have your brakes re- lined with this high grade linhng. ]Bartlett's Service Station Phone 110 King St. Eat Bowmanville Financial STATEMENT, ITownship of Darlington Receipts and Expeuditures For Year 1929 RECENPTS Basai0of Iontreal, note.. L. T. Nscoe, refumid on Bill mf Abteusnt Taxes 11927 L. T. Pasee, taxes 1928.. Pediar Peup l ld,, refund on tube............ Tisa. Prov. of Ont., Tp. Hlghrways Grant 30% L. T. Psscoe taxes 1928. Marcai ThoS Baker, costs of appeal snd »bare of avard made by Kiwim r ruBaker diteli L. T. Paaeoe, taxes 1928.. Avril John Snovdeu, trac.. ArtUmr Seward, taxes 1927 L T. 'Pasee, taxes 1928. Mar L~ T. Pascoe, taxes 1928. D. Hooper, trac ......... 1reas Clarke Tp., Deb. NoS sudecoupons.. Banaiof Motreal, lut. S. 1D L. T. Pascoe, taxes '1928 . JUIF Dr- a. Ferguson, 50% cal. ehlonide (iEnnlskillen). IL T. Pascee, 50% calcium ehloride (Haumpton)>. A. Wilson, 50% calcium chloride (Burketon) Bank ocf Montreai note Countica Treasurer, arreara « ae ....... LT. Pascoe, taxes 1928 Anguet 'Banki of -Montreal, note Counties Treas., cal. chier- ide, Hampton, Enuiskillen, Bunketon ...... Boy' 'Training School, gnadiug rosd te camp SeMýbur Bank ot Montreal, note L. T. Pasc'e, taxes 1928. Octolier Bank of Montreal, note.. A. E. Billett, rent of Hall Counties Treas., legisîstive grant, salaries, certili cates, etc ............. L. T. Pasce, taxes 1928 Novenbei L. Alin, rent road slow. ance 19029........... Douglas Barton, for trees. L. T. Pascoe, taxes 192 8 Deesmb,.r 2600.00 7.78 1141.48 1.08 6976.18 2002.Z4 31.00 209d.53 5.00 34.22 893.09 347.75 2.00 347.82 4.6 0 221.08 46.86 72.40 20.87 2800.00 280.76 465.64 2400.00 282.25 31.90 5200.00 124.06 2400.00 1.00 2.00 15.00 540.16 Counties Treas., accomnmo- dation and equipment igrant lfor achools ........41.74 Fred Lune, trees.......... 6.00 I Loyd Williams, rails ... 5.00 Russe]] Virtue, rails... 5.00 Donald Davcy, rails..... 5.00 H. Cameron, rails and posta 7.50 Harry Yraser, 4l tree .... 2.00 L T. Pasece, taxes 1928 .. 92.14 L. T. P'ascoe, 2 sud 6 % arrears cf taxes 1928... 329.97 C. D. Hodgsori, taxes 1929. 71,172.81 $110,454.86 EXPENDITKJRES James,7 Overdraft 1928 ......... S. A. Northcott, sheep insp. W. R Alliu, Municipal Elec- tion Expenses........ F. G. Kerslahke, do, Noe. 4. F. Elmer Cox, do, No. 1 W. S. Staples, do, No. 2 Truman Power, do, No. 3 Walter W. Oke, de, No. 5 C. M. Peufound, do, No. 6 W. G. Smith, do, No. 7 Road Supt., salary, etc Road Supt., road mainten. C. A. Wight, taking James Veale House et Refuge Treas. Town Bowmanville, 4I13 Clerkan sd Railiff at- tending Division Court.. Barnk et Montres), note int. FeIbruary Road Supt., saalary, etc. Road Supt., road maînten. A. W. Anuis, sheep insp.. . Edith V. Scobell, Treasur- ers' Bond ............ F. J. Groat, audito .. Kyle Squair, aiaditor .... Div. Rugistran, Reg. tees for 1928.. . . . . . To route Stsrn&; teci Worlcs, dog tagsa... C. D. Hedgson, supplies.. Mrs. R. Hatherly, supplies Banki of Motreal, note int. mareh A. W. Annis, sheep ins... W . R. Allin, services sud witucas fe - -Baker ditch W. F. Wand, adminitration of justice ........... H. E. Beckett, legs) ser- vices, ne Baker diteh.. Mn,. R. Hatherly, supplies C. D. -Hodgaon, supplies . Mn,. A. P. RundIle, supplies E. M. Procter, services en- gineer, ne Baker ditch Treas. W. Durham Agr. Society, grant ........ T. RI. Richards, salany sud supplies ...... Apeil C. V. Hcdgsou, supplies Mis. A. FP. Rundle, supplies C. W. Woodley, 2 % tondi Wood . . . . . . . UM IL R. Uthurly, suppllae 2489.41 2.60 5.00 8.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 25.62 a40.50 10.001 22.13 11.50 10.98 15.05 3.00 12.60 December a1 12.50 T. H. Richards, maint'snce 838.08 W.J T. H.Richard, alany, etc. 88.08 ag 21.60 T: . RieCnd,s construct 320.65 S A Northcott, abeep iusp 4.60 23.657 A. W. Aunis, shecp inslp.. 14.20 116.61 Mrs C. Stephens, caretaken 40.25 6.20 Mn,. Hathenly, milai... 3.00 8.65 R. H . Collacott, ceaI .. 7.50 Sudi E. L. MacNachtan, main- tenance 'Mn,. J. Cowllng 2.00 sud Infant, 21&w. Hospitai 7.88 C. D. Hodgsou, supplies.. 12.29 No. 14.35 E. L. MacNachtan, main- No. tenance Peter Nemlsah, No. 7.00 Sicai Chilîdren'a Hospital. 24.50 No. C. J. MeDonougih. election No. 43.00 expeusca.............. 118.12 No. 2.80 Chas. A. Wight, bonus dog N%. 9.17 worrylng »heep... 5.00 No. 20.58 E. L. MacNachtan, counties No.1 rate................. 82,280.00 No.1 73.00, fanki of Montres), note lut. 6 30 No.1 I Uhool Trustees, bal. Statu. No.1 50.001 tory & Local School Rates 23,742.6o No. T. H. Richards, 'oSfce exp. :891t Ne.1 41.00. T. H. Richards, salry ... 25:.501 No.1 T.l. Richards, ,ant"ace 42.67. NO.1 Rilas eilisu, services as No.1 9.101........................75.0No.1 28.16 Geo. Anuls, services Dep No. ' tReeve................. 75.00 NO.1 2.25 A. U Pascoc, servicesas 2.10 coneiller..............6 0 C. W. W'ocdley, load wood W. R. Aflin, salezy lot quarter.............. T. H. Richiards, salary.. T. H. Richards, road main. Mar T. B. Richards, salary, etc T. H. Richards, rd. material T. H. Richards, road main. J. D. Hogarth, assessor '29 Mna. R. Hathcx.ly, niilk . C. D. Hedgaon, supplies in. A. F. Rundle, supplies IL L. MaeNa.chtan, main- tentance 'Mrs.. Atona Mark and infant........... Jun. T. Il Richards, aalary, etc. T. H. Richards, road main. T. -B. Richards, rd. material T. H. Richards, machinery and rpar:..... T. M. Sîcuon, supplies.. C. D. Hodgson, supplies... a. A. 'Noitbeott dieep lnsp. A. W. Annis, aeiep înp. . J. D. EogMrth. equalizing Unio ScoeàSections P. G. Smith, bonus killing dot................. Workmen'a Comp. Board, la. cernent bridge work'ra P. 'L. UcNachtan, main- tenance of Mm.. Matildé, Smith, Bowrnsnvil4e Houp. F. G. Keralake, work in park T. H. Richards, rap. aide- walai at Tyrone...... T. H. Richards, salary, etc. T. H. RSkhards, bridges sud grading ....... T. H. Richards, road main. W. IL Allin, salmry 2nd quarter .............. 1fra. IR. atherly, mi.. C. D.&oL nsupplies J. . aso &Son, roed insurance ............ E. L. MaëNacltan, calcium caloride (Burqccton> ... E. L MaeNachtan, calcium cblonide (Enniskullen> E. L MacNachtan, calcium caloride (Hamton) ... Banka of M1ontres), note Int. Auguat T. H. Richards, cernent bridges....... T. H. Richards, salary, etc. T. H. Richards, «radiný, etc T. EL Richards, maint ance Mrs. R. Hathcrly, milk .. C. D. Hodgs'on, supplies . E. L. MacNachtan, main- tenance of Douglas Strutt, Hospital for S&ck Children E. L. Macliacaitan, main- tenance Douglas Strirtt, Sicai Children'a Hospital. F. G. Keralake, fixing ide. walk .. . . . . . . F G Kerslake, wcork in park Thos. H. 'Richards, inspect- ing cemeteries, etc .... N. E. Neads, Ins. on booth Workmen's Comp. -Board, insurance cernent bridge workers, 2nd payment . Bank of Montreas), note int. Soptember T. H. Richards, sa.ary, etc. T. H. Richards, maiut'ance T. H. Richards, matenial T. H. Richards, bridges S. A. N'orthcott, slip valuer lira. Hathcrly, milk .. C. D. Hodgsou, supplies.. E. L. MacNachtan, main- tenance Peter Nemisai, S. 'C. Hospital ........ J. J. Mason & Son, extra prem. road insurauce.. Donevan & Smith, survey. iug'Lot 7, Con. 8, for road A. Wilson, calcium chlon. ide, (<Ourketon).. Dr. H. -ferguson, calcium chloride (Enniskillen). L. T. Paice, calcium chIer- ide (Hamptfen)....... fanaioet Motreal, note lut. Octob.i. T. H. Richards, salary, etc. T. H. Richards, road const. T. H. Richards, road maint. T. H. Richards, bridge& S. A Northcott, sheep. insp. W. R. Allin, salary, 3rd quarter ...... W. R. Strike, legal advice, etc ................. Robt. Philp, cernent aide. walk (Buraieten).. E. L. MacNachtan, main. tenance S. G. Davies, Bowmartville Hospital ... Mrs. R. Hatherly, milk ... F. L. fyam, supplies .... C. D. Hodgson, supplies.. C. N. Howsam, cut. weeds Bank ot Montres], note lut. Navember T. H. Richsrds, salary, etc. T. H. Richards, road censt. T. H. Richards, road maint. Selectors et Juors ... 1frs. E. V. &cobell, Collect- ers' Bond . .......... * Mrs. R. Hatherly, mili.. C. D. Hodgson, supplies.. F G Kerslake, work in park fank oet Montreal, note int. 5.00 John Muttion, services as . C o u n c i l l o r . . . . . 6 0 175.00 Chas. Malnchard, services as à 0 49.50 i Councillor..............76.00 375-53 Dean Hodgson, salary as ICollector Taxes 1929 . . 100.00 L T. Pascoe, bal. of .slary 117.10 as Collector Taxes 1928 125.00 440.97 W. R. Alin, services, Olerk 2608.1,7 4th quarter............ 175.00 250.25 J^&. Curtis, salary and exp. 3.00 as attendance officer .., 56.80 9.39 Arthur Milison, rebate on 115.35 taxes 1929............. 17.985 ISttonery and lPrinting . 884.56 12.25 SheeP DaRmages ............884.00 Legialative Grant, Salary, etc. .............. 850y.8 134.73 Legislatioe snd Oouaty 440.37 Grant for achools 451.74 530.91 Sdhoo1 Trustes., adi'. T«ehers' Salarie........1950.00 1475.80 Scaiel Debentures and la- 3.10 terest Coupons, Nos. .1, 6, 9..84 8, 16, 19 and 24........83001.91 10.47 Bank IJoan retlred .. .. . .16,300.00 1.80 Bank of Mfontreal, ex- 4.00 change on drafts ... 5.00 8.00 8111,043M5 6.00 STATIONERY AND PINTING 12.34 94.50 15.701 99.75 135.46 781.01 1731.14 175.00 3.00 9.72 280.25 20.87 46.86 72.40 10.58 123.60 135.89 807.35 965.92 3.10 12.63 18.38 1.75 24.65 7.70 4.00 13.50 22.55 117.92 986.67 1492.80 1875.7,1 1.80 3.10 10.60 20.13 1.15 30.00J 41.74' 93.72J 144.801 43.60li 101.37 114.10 380.65 1228.94 2.00 175.00 26.85 129.05 9.63 3.00 12.006 13.58 10.25 62.07 106.10 227.20 303.37 10.00 15.00 3.10 12.23 11.40 JamUar7 iMunicipal World, supplies. .4 1.55 J. Municipal rWorld, supplies M. A. James & Bons, printing S. I art & Cc. Lâtd., mss.n Ment & colletor'. mi, etc. Mlaré Canadien Statesman, printlng audîtors' report........ Auguut M. A. James & Sons, Printing aud advLt.............. Sqstember M. A James & Sons, Printing and advL .............. .86 89.70 41.80 19.00 28.85 212,11 Octeber Decumber W. R. AfIin, office expenne.. 2£.91 BOA» OF 84.56 F. G. Keralake, services San. Inspecter.......... F. PL Kerslake, disinfectants L B . of H............. Octoher F. R. Kerslake, disinlectants Local B. of H ........... Dr. 'H. Ferguson, medical ser- December F. R. Kersiake, disinfectants L. B. of 'H.............. 3.30 Silas Williams, services L. B. et H ...................6.00 A. Hlogartai, services L. B. ef H ................... 16.00 W R Allin, services secretary 16.00 C. W. Hastings, services Smn. Inspector...............43.30 H. Ferguson, M. B., medical services M. 0. H ......... 68.25 C. W. Slemon, M. D *, medical services M. 0. H ........ 128.00 i383.401 16.80 4.10 W. W. Ada7m, sheep dam'ges 1 Felsruary W. J. Clemnuce, aheep dam- W. W. Adams, shecp dam'ges Re'bt Collac'otte sheci, dam'ges June Silas D. Soucai, shcep dam- ages3, 2 laniba......... K. 0. Wintereburu, sheep dam- ages, 1 ewe snd lamb .. Fred Smith, shecp damages, 1 sheep ............... J"'7 Leslie Cellacott, oheep dam- ages, 1 ýlanb ........... Silas Souch, sheep damnages, Auguit A. W. Anuis, sheep damages September Jacks SBvos., sheep damages.. 48.001 25.000.0 6.001 15.00 ASSETS Taxes uucollectcd, 1929 .$12.302.69 Taxes sent bec, ounties' 14.00 Tressurer for collectfon. &22.0a Boet dsupaid 84.00 18.00 1GavlPits.............. 100.00 GrmDraga, Scrapers, 20.001etc..................200.00 Cemnent Mixer............ 100.00 Town Hall sud Furuiture. 1000.00 Park (Crounde & Buildings 1500.00 10).00 Township Forest Plot .... a600.00 10.00 $ $19,358.71~ LOCAL SCIOOL RATES sect. No. 1 2 8 4 7 8 9 10 il 12 la 14 15 146 17 18 19 '20 21 22 28 24 Docel S544.00 800.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 800.00 100.00 1400.00 200.00 350.00 1000.00 650.00 400.00 400.00 300.00 700.00 400.00 600.00 450.00 600.00 500.00 170.00 16.00 214.50 ADVANCES TACNEa5' SALARLES Ma, iftatutory 6 00.00 600).00 1000.00 800.00 600.00 1000.00 600.00 10000 600:00 600.00 9000.00 400.00 600.00 600.00 M0.00 600.00 6.00 132.00 800.00 813,.00 Fred G. Smith, S. S. No. 18. 100.00 J. J.9mftb,8. S. NO.19.... 100.00 Sld T. Re",S.S. No. 10 9 25.00 A. W. Annis, S. 8. No. 168. 400.00 Nobe MtekS. . o.6.20.0 Noble 1. Metcalf, S.8S. No. 8. 200.00 J. J. Smith, S. S. No. 19 ... 100.00 F. C. Shortrlge, S. S. Ne. 20 125.001 Noble 1 àMctcalf,. S. S. No. 6 . 800.00 $19bo.00~ Jun. Ellen Sna, S.on, 8.8. e1, Db. No. .......*711l.27 Bfoua f Mont;tà:, S.S. No. Aufuat E. HRâgfitai, Dcb. No. 6, S. S. No. 19 .......... fank oef Montres), Db. No. 7. S. S. No. 6......... fank ocf Montres), Dé. No. 8, S. S. No. 8 .......... Novusuber Treasurer Est Whitby, Un- ion S. S. No. 24, Darling- ton, and 6, East Whitby, Deb. No. 4 snd coupons.. 289.4r, 407.60 424.77 si1ô.88 BANK LOANS February Banki of Moutreai, note ne- N.sember Moutreel, nota ne- . ..2800.00 iion;trel, 4note ne- Banki of tired Bank of Ducembe, fanai ct Montnc.al, note ne- fanai of Montre&4 note ne- tlred .. . . .. . . . BAND AT TAYLOR'S RINK TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY EVENINGS ADULTS ne CHILDREN (14sa" mder> lie INSTRUMENTS1 Pianos boOls ne Md oesd; or- garnifor hrcha n sd ahooi; ad- fos sMd phonofrapls old on teMs onvenient te eMatomema Ibo. Fred sa" Phibo are on- udred marvelow for distanc Md tone qualty. Thm e bM.- tiIDg Oner in radio. Ham .yosen taeh*new 45 Inch Dominion piano? Au altoether oarmng instum et F. J. MITCHELLI CI CIL 2400.001j 5200.U01 17.00 October J. H. Mutten, sheep damnages, f1 sheep ................25.00 Jackis Bro., sheep damages, 2 shec'p sud 4 lamba...... 35.00 Robt. Collacott, sheep dam. ages, 2 aheep sud 1 laynib . 39.00 Roibt. Colladott, sheep dam- ages, 13 sheep sud 1 lsrnb 185.001 November W. W. Heuderson, sheep dam- Docember s. Stevcuo, sheep dam- tes, 4 sheep......... J. Stainten, aheep dam-' teo, 5 sheep ........... 10.00 43.00! 43.00ý LEGISLATIVE GRANTS ;leon Salaries Certificates etc. $245.00 264M3 255.00 246.00 239.00 527.00 605.00 245.00 273.76 600.00 822.60 327.50 "65.00 265.00 329.50 376.00 297.50 "27.50 898.75 41c,.50 $085 0.18 Acommno- datibn sud Equipinent $25.62 20.70 17.80 '24.14 22.86 24.58 33.6 25.26 16.06 29.80 117.22 14.10 16.30 189.14 24.00 23.72 26.54 28.82. 23.001 23.62 $M 1.74. Baane ueBnk oTMon tres)................ ...$ 583.65 0Balance Collecter', Salary . 100.00 School Section Debentures snd interest coupons due iu 1980 ............... 292003 0W. R.* Allia, S. Wlliams, 01 Treasure. Reeve. 0 1 weet snd palatible, Mether Graves' Wonm Exterminator is ac- ceptable te chilîdren, sud it <osk YOUR OPPORTUNJTY Boys and girls, young men and young women in Bowmanville, Darlington and Clarke- you should not miss one day of the free Short Courses at Bowmanville this January if you cazi possibly be there. AGRICULTURE IN COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HALL DOMESTIC SCIENCE IN ASSEMBLY HALL, HIGH SCHOOL January 6 - January 31, 1930 School Day. School Hours These courses are largely p»actical and demonstra- tional. Send for outhine of courses if you do flot receive one. J. Y. Kellough, Agricultural Representative Port Hope. Evar dey 10,00 vmmabu bottis c Il a . Pbdthazn Vi' table COmpouD. Thq h.»w th in b o btter udy fer th tremblesme ancometsViaità scemp..ying snvemns bu adhededchs, a ndowu «adM CM 0«4id. Av., .. M.iO te 0 Wht.O 9r = 221. Oulil ILom.MD ATm- Juv r LvelDu.. o sm R. M. Mitcel Couugglots Keraakel De'ndale ruq _$ton J rI1 - g F Iiiiiiiiillimpff "il i ----i a TUE CANADIAN STATUMAN, BOWMANVE=. THURSDAY, JANTJARY 2nd, 1980. i t 8 t 0 f b f a ti e 1 nmue 100 newmuavmel 81.881 0 LIABILITIES ol 1 Thos ýMUSICAL

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