Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1929, p. 3

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TEE CANAmAI~ STÂTEaXAN. EOWKAHVJLLE, THUIEDÂT, D0CEM5ER 19, 11929 VAGI 1U~.-. OBUTUARY OB1TUARY Mr. Richard Hamln . I Mvu. DeuaId P. YeeJwie. A ery worthy inan end for long'i There _9assed to rest after a brief Yeêm a resident of 'fowmanville ps illnesa at the home of her son, Mr. »sd away alter a short illnesa on Monday Dec. 9 in the person of Mr. Donald Yellowlees, East Whitby, on Richard Hamlyn, Duke St. lDeceased Sunday, Decemiber 8th, Mrs. Susan- was born in Sutcoinbe, England, 'In na Yellowlees, widow of the late 1862, being a son of late Thonmas and Grace Martin Hamlyn. He came to Donald Paton Yellowlees, aged 66 Canada while csuite young. He was years. united in miarniage with Mary Jane Mrs. Yellowlees was a daughter of Sînte i 1874. They therefore cie- brated their Golden Wedding on the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis, Nov. 11, 1924, and also the 55th and was born at Newcastle-on-Tyne, anniversary iast November. England, coming with her parents to Decesed -%,as ernployed for many Canada when thirteen years of age. yesrs In Hamiey's brick yard and In 1884 she was united in marriagt later 'with the Goodyear Tire and with her late husband and they lived Rnlbber Co., untîl a littie over a year practically ail their lives in Darling- a<0. ton and a short time in Clarke. Mr. He was respected by everyone, a Yelowlees passed away very sudden- quiet God-fearing nman, a good hus- ly at their home near HanipLon abuut band and father, a kindly neighboi eleven years ago. Since then Ms and a friend to ai] who needed him Yellowlees has -made her home wih The funeral took place on Thurs- her son:Donald. She bas bccn a very day afternoon from the family resi- active woman, cheerful in disposition dence, service being conducted by and kindly in thought and deed, a Rey. J. U. Robins, Pastor of Trinit-v United Church. of which deceasted good niother and helpful neighbo.: a memaber and zegular attendant a, and friend. On Saturday she wentl long as he was able. to Oshawa and i the evening was Thepaî-berer wre esss. us taken with a heart seizure and î'aes-1 Toensal F rswran C'uams . . r ed away on Sunday afternoon. dy, T. W. Cawker, H. H. Richards He uealto laeo uesday and Harry Fye. to Hampton Cemetery, service beng Besides bis widow be leaves to conducted by Rev. J. R. Bick, pasujr mourn bis loss t-wo daughters. Mrs. jof Hampton circuit, deceased beingi W. S. Cameron, 53 Baby Point Road, a member of Hampton United1 Toronto, and Mrs. Fred Doîvney of Church. Rev. J. F. Clugston, Coluni- this t.own. bus, also assisted in the service at the The floral tributes were very beau- house. The bearers were Messrs.1 tiful and included wreaths froni the Neil Yellowlees, Alex. Hume, Alvin, Fa.muly, Goodyear Tire & Ru'bbcr Peters, Theodore Salter, Wesley A1. Co., Wellington Lodge, Sons of Eng-ilin and Walter J. Cryderman. land, 'Mrs. Geo. W. Grant and The floral tributes were very beau- Charlie, Baby Point neighbors-Mr. tif ul and included: and Mrs. Fred Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Wreaths, The Famiy, Sister, Nie- Fred ThoniXpson, 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ces and Nephews, Uncle Neil, Aunt MoCrea, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Malcolm- Belle and Helen, Eniployees of Elin son, Mr. and ýMrs. T. McGilliv-ray, Croft Fan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Vice, Mr. and iMrs. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. Telford; Sprays H. Jebson, Mr. and Mra. Geo. Gibson; ~"Grand children, Mrs. Pethick and Cross-Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLaugh- Mrs. ýMingeaud, Mr. and Mrs. Gus lin; Sprays-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bounsall, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil-I&Vice and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. lianis, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jewell and McNicholl, Mr. and Mrs. Will Scott, Fraukie. Mr. and Mrs. S. Oke and.'Mn. and Mrs. Fred Woodley, Mr. and Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattinson, IMns. W. H. Westlake, Mr. and Mrs. Mn. and.Mrs. Wni.,Richards, Mr. and W. J. Cryderman, Frances and Kate, Mrs. 0. H. :Bickeil, Mrs. S. J. Jack- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn, Mr. and man, lMiss Annie Trîmble and Mrs.1 Mrs. Leslie Collacott. Wes. Kerr, Mrs. E. R. Rounsall, Mr. Selae omunbrpsig tanDenmenR.and Famly, Mr.-ad Mn. one daughter and three sons, Mrs.1 taGe Humandge. y,-M.an Ms Leslie Thonipson, Tyrone, Mr. Nor- Geo. Hupage.nan C. Yellowlees and Mrs. John W. Miss Florence M. Vans, IYeliowlees, Solina, and .Mr. Donald IYellowlees, East Witby; also one On Wednesday, Decemnber 10, alter1 sister, Mrs. W. Jordan, Toronto, ali several months' illness there passed of whom were present at the funerai. to rest Miss Florence M Vann, daugb. Other relatives present were Mrs. ter of the late 'Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Robt. MeNichol of Barrie; Mr. Geo. Venn, for many years nesidents of Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose- this town and who resided for a nuni- blade, Mn. and Mrs. Theo. .Boag, and ber of years on Westniount in the Mrs. James Stewart, Toronto. house now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. ___ M. Jamieson, and later on Scug>gi St., near the C. P. R. station. COURSE iI AGRICULTURE AND Ter many yeana Miss Vann was O EECNb S emWloyed in the dry goods depart- HOEE NMIS ment of the John MeMurtry storebcHlinB>m vle nur and later in a smlrposition in To0b. H.Id 38t.wnvslJaia' Mëà-n. Couch, Jhso & Cryder- t lt ma In botb of these -postions she haei contact witb the general The department of Agriculture, i n e land aliways had a smile and a co-operation with the Township of lnd Word for everyone. The pas Darlington and the Town of Bow- few weeks of ber ilîness she spent in manvilie, are holding a One Month's Bowmanviile Hospital whereeae Course in .Agiculture and Home froe Blfenn cme n te eleseEconomics in Bowmanville, froni date. fern cm o h above January 6th to January %lst. A dte fnrlt pae Fia public meeting will hbe held in Bow- fTenonfunom t. o h nlaAnglicanmanville, on Thursday, December Ohurch of iwhich she was a niember C9haest 8o ock, in tfoe Councis and a most faithful attendant. As Cauest raiefrcass a token of respect her pew was dra> ImLat year, at Millbrook in January, ed on the day of the funeral. The 'a very succesaful course was held. serviee was con ducted by Rev. ýR. J. there being 40 boys on the roll with Shirea, Rector, who in bis address an average attendance of 31 and 38 dwelt on the Christian background girls on the noil with an average at- whieb enables one to say in truth !tendance of 27. We hope to ex-i that deatb is a victory over adverse ceed these numbens at Bowmanvillel aonditions in this part of life and an this year and feel sure that witb thiei entrance into the bappier state of co-cperation and assistance oi ai] the life tbeyond. that it will. Already xnany have A favorite hynin "Abide Witb signified their intention of attending, Me" was sung and the Dead March but there wil be plenty «fron o very sympatheticaliy played 'by Mrs. ail. J. A. Gunn, organist. The pali-bearers were Messrs. C. If any boy or girl bas attended A . johnston, J. L. Cryderman, Ar- short courses before you would. t'hur Backuls and A. Mitchell. flnd lt profitable to again attend]J /eaitiful floral tributes bore sulent this course as there wili be soniethingl testinony to the respect and es,-teeni new every day for you to learn.' of a number of friends, includîng There is one point we would like to Messrs. Coucb , Jobnston and Cryder- stress and that is to be sure you are man, Dr. and Mrs. 'B. J. Harlewood, present the first week of the course. Dr. Ruth Vann and Mrsç. T. H. Vann .KlogRpeettv and many others. J .KlogRpeettv The OnIY surviving relatives are for Durhami County, boipes to be able her niece, D.Rt Vann, and her to announce tinie table and more1 &inter-in-law, -Mr. T.* Harry Vann important days of the course duringj both of 10 Wiimer St., Rochester' th first week, so be wants every boyl N. Y. ad girl within ten miles of Bow- inanville who can to attend this CARD OF THANKS course. Mrs. T. H. Vann and Dr. Ruth Yann wisb te thank citizens for tbeir PUBLICITY HURTS MORE THAN kindmesa during Miss Vann's ilînes) FINE and courtesies shown theni duringi their stay in Bownanville. 1 Rnrw eeiy ~LALRIC~KMotoriste who are from now on con- Miss Clie, Toronto, was recent vited of driving inotora whlle under <nea cfMissEff Wniht.S. Henry, the Minster of Higb'ways. Mfiss Grace Veale, daugbter of 'Mr. could neyer have edited a weekly and MnS. Cecii Veale, is mnaking neqae splendid progreffs after ber serious euapror b. would know that ilUiess. 1 this little request i3 not so easy as Unitd Curc Youg Popl a lit at firat apPeans. We agrée that .1 Ut W nd Chuch o u ng play le a repub)licity hurts more thaji a fine r «Anne" inn teowHarla ChrMst. a few days in jail, and perhaps the. liAne nth ow al hit. newspapers in tbe sinalle.r towns 9ss ught.wilî now warn those who mix liquor W. are enjoying a real old-fasb- and gasoline that the names of &Ji ioned winter in the village and sur- coivicted wiîî be published. roundIng country. ROads have been____ k4t open and the cars are çtill run- aing. MXrs. George Forder hms been Iu NEW STATE OF MID NEEDRD b.d for tbree weeks; bier aiter, Mns.(F ersSn Janies Byera, bas 'heen laid Up fori (Pan er, a n ) e.A a ak weelc; Mrs,.'Graham la confined t. berbed jSaved is a penny earned. Perbapa Continuation SCholbellid is-i ePublic mind will now 'be open te mas entertaininent ion Friday, Dec. this kind of home1lv Indoctrinatton. 18th, at the Town Hall before ca ,-IAnyhow. It muet be preached in ses- Racity audience. A drill, two folk son aud out. Our greatest need at lance., and a Play entitled "Wlsere's1 présent la a new atate of mind. One Peter" were ail tborougbly enjoyed. way to aet it la to exu:el frous It foi Ladies of tbe United Churcbh *- good and al l te crazy ides of jaz- ed &V bale of second-haud clctbing, zed finanrp. which have heen shoutêt! beddln, etc., a t the home of Mm. snd practised go long that even or- John 1Lsrmer on Monday afternoon, I,'"'nilv eensqihle reonle becpin toi fer the poor of Queen St. United think that there la smre truth ini Chureh, Toronto. Rey. F. W. New- theni. But there neyer was. as mil- 611 upent a few anonths as associate lions of Tueful neonle are snw ready Pftor of Queen St. United Churcb te admit, havinir Iearned better lu a»d hsa peonai friend of the. pas. thée hard and expansive echool of ex. ter, Rv. rLE. Runter.1 perience. t. .M.a~o.t,.j.Jrb - S*2fl4SUI ** * i~ 4'. ~.Ld~~ww ,~I,,1 hg <1Thrishnei~ Offers You for this Week-End's Selling SEA S ONABLE AT ]BIG SAV1NG PRICES New up-to-the-minute merchandise suitable for Gifts for the whole family. Give Sweaters The Best and Biggest Stock in Town to Select From. 20 doz. Chiidren's Pure Botany Wooi Pullovers and Sweaters, a miii clear- ance, value to $2.95,9 For .......................... 12 Jumbo Knitt Sweaters, for any of the farnily, pure wool$15 39 Men's Sweaters, in a variety of makes, colors and . $....9-$3.98 styles ...... 12 Ladies' Sweaters Plain knit and Jacquard designs; also silk and wooi $....9-$3.98 mixtures ..... $12 Give Scarves Ladies' Siik Scarfs in a big variety of designs and makes, including Bro- cades, Georgettes, Crepe de Chines, Canton Crepes, ......59 .-$ .9 etc .............. Children's Wool Mitts 50c VALUE FOR 29c We have just put into stock 20 dozen of these pure wooi, extra fine quality Mitts -just at the season when you want them either for your own famiiy or practicai gifts. Colors: Black, Red, White, Powder, Dove and Paddy, Brown and Grey, reg. 50c, value for, per pair ...........29c. Silk Cushions These make an ideai gift. We have some iovely shapes and colors in the collection, made from Taffeta, Brocad- ed Siiks, etc 9 c- 24 Priced ............9 C-24 NESON'S FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS every line of this advertisement, because we guarantee you' better merchandise than you can get elsewhere* REMEMBER ONLY 5 MORE SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS Store Open Nights Till Christmas. Novelties The best selection in town to choose frei:- Manicure Sets ...........19c to $1.00 Pickle Forks .................39c ea.ch Ladies' Purses ...........98c to $2.59 Chiidren's Purses ..........25c te 59c Work Baskets ...............98c each Dolîs ....................25c to $2.25 Novelty Pin'eushions .....29c to $1.19 Hat Stands ..............79c to $1.19 Plush Animais ...........59c to $1.00 Hair Brushes ..............39c to 59c Mirrors ....................39c to 50c Sait and Pepper Shakers . ...l15c to $1.29 Rubberi Aprons ............39c te 98c Toys of ail descriptions which we canet enumerate. Give Hosiery 25 doz. Penman's.Silk and Wooi Rose, a very exceptionai purchase, size 81/2 to 10, regular $1.19, for per pair ........................7 c. 40 doz. Full-Fashioned Siik and Wooi Hose, Penman's best make, a fine fitting hose, ail colors and sizes,1 regular $ 1.39, for, pai......9 c Silk Hosiery The best values in town--and they ai- ways make a pieasing gift; every want- ed size and color: $1.00 values for Per Pair ....................... . c $1.50 values for Per Pair ............................$10 $ 1.79 values for Per Pair....................... $1,19 Men's Mufflers In wool or silk-we can give you some real values; ail colors59~ 9 and styles at ...... 9 -$1.98 Men's Sox We save you money on this line of mer- chandise. We have the best imporited English lines as well as the better dom- estic products, priced, per pair .......29c.-79c. Men's Shirts Give the men a nice Shirt for Xmas. We have Plain and Striped BroadcjQth Shirts, also some fine woven stripes, worth $1.59 to $1.98, whiclh we wil dean up at .......$1 9 Silk Shirts A ioveiy present in Blue, Tan or White, with coliars attached or separate, size 141/9 to 161/., regular 4'A $3.95 for .................. 24 Warm Kimonas To fit the whole family, and at prices that defy com-$13 $39 petition, at ..... 13 -39 Give Silk Lingerie 20 doz. Silk Bloomers, regular 88e for .................................... 69c 15 doz. Heavy Lock-Stitch Bloomers, regular $1.29 to $1.49 ..........98c 10 doz. Petti-Bloomers, fine quauity, reguuar $1.98 for .............$1.39 6 doz. Brassier Bloomers, reguuar $2.98 for ................................. $1.79 5 doz. SiIk Nightgowns, a big special, values to $8.95, to clear .......$1.59 3 doz. Silk Slips, in brocade effect, somethin~yew, wQrth $2.98 for $1.98 STORE WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT I .. PAOIR limjmý, ý TEE CANADUN grATEMUN, BOWMANVU..L% TRUMWK'r, Z)WZ»rR- 19, itgn b à Read ýlýll- ÎA MERCHANDI 1

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