Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1929, p. 7

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PAGE 8EVEN THE CANADIAN STATES-MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1929 Food, Ecoiiornýical ,Values, (2ourtc-ous and Speedy Service. PHONE YOUR NEXT GROCERY ORDER TO NO. 186 NÙ EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY Mixed Biscuits 25ceIL Choice Cranberries 25ceIL Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 for 29c Strawberry Jam 40 oz. 45c Bulk Seedless Raisins 2 Ibo. 25c Cooking Figs 2 lbs. 25c POTATOES Delivered right to your cellar 90 lb. bag $1.75 Choice Quality Canned Pumpkin 2 tins 25c Carrots 8 lb.. 25c HARRY ALLIN, Aylmer Pork & Beans 3 tins 37c Pop Corn 2 for 25c La Bella Castile Soap 8 bars 25c Bulk Tea Our Special Blend 59C lb. Grocer ta hoped l will bc ready before the Welland Canal, built at a cost of $120.000.000 la opened before nert year's grain harvest in Western Canada begins. Officiai report on employment In Canada states that lu October of this year conditions were excep- tionally satisfactory. Reports from 7027 enîployers with staffs total- lIng 1.089.683 persona, ehowed em- ployment at 125 based on the aver- age for the calendar year as 100. This la the highest on record for the time of year and compares with 118.8 for October 1, 1928. a Read the advts before shopp.g. It saves time and money. UPHOLSTERING DONE 1 do the work rigÈt ini your own home. Will give you an estirnatc on your work. Carry full range of samples to choose from, Imported Mohairs, Tapestries, Sllka. Rsvo your chesterfielda donc over or your aid walnut Ëuitea. My pricea are reasonab1e. Guarantee my work. My former exiperience was with MUr- ray Kay'a of Toronto. Leave your enquirles at the Do'wman House. Phone In our orders. People living in Newcastle may eall me in Bow- inanville or write. 49-2. W. Meffllnger. Lost or Found I BEAD& LOST-Nov. Zth. on Iint &# 1 b=lac beade 9=11%e. Valuable a asrtng f et cytbeada with 1mai1 keepuake. Reward for return to State- znnOfficee.4,-tf ~a3~eJIu A- SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS 6 x 10 Enlargements On Hcavy Bromide Papes 29c YARDLEY'S Toilet Sets Moa. a Most A..OM. 6ciIt 8&e to $1000 LAUNDRY WANTED CARTING AND TRUCKING Ail kinde or Ta',nury work done prompt- AUl kinds of Cartlng, Trucklng and y. taîsf et ori ]Y and at r,.a ona ble prices Movitig; local and long diftance. ,rlepost Office Box 12,aor cail Mr. H. BOMBARD, W. %lrjoram. King St. E. Bowrnanvllle. Phone 680 Queen St., Bowmnanville I'bofe 478W. 384tf LOCAL AND OTHERWISE MAPLE GROVE BIRTHSi Articles îor Sale We are prepared ta give quick 1________t ismre aa.,o service on ail kinds of Mrs. Elizabeth Wood, Prescott, is Mis Electa Preston, WecmMnaKINO-thi Dinsmore Sask.OSL-ouoseGsonbthsx NICKEL AD COPPE vîsitin her daghter, rs. S. G-' spent the weekend with Miss Vera pital, to Mr. andl Mis. R. S. B. Atkinson, aiso rneTres hn 7-.4- PLATIG Chrti-ai. Pwer.(nce O.îve F. Jackson, Newcasile Ont),-t PLAINGChrtrn.Powr.the gift of a daugrter-PatriciaeLorctt.a' FOR SALE-Stroiler Baby Buggy, as w Sli atoni M. ad r~.W"îfod F Soch. M. m Ms. ohnSnwde sster for Edwin Duncan who was 2 years good as nsw, $1200. -Mrs. R. Morris, P> Canada Sier Corporain r.adMs oor F.Sul. MranMs JhSowe spent old last August. Brown St., Bowmanx flic. 91 .Mntreal, spent thc weekend with' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garret, _____FORSAE_10_Yokshire______ 'Limited their parents. Osnawa .' 6___- PIS'FOR SAp .A. WirghtrPlige, I IMARRIAGES 6 woks l, . . 4BwApply C. A.W 9-t2pon Bowmanville, Ont. Be sure and see the posters for îr. and Mrs. Norman Thickson. 1422.R R omnvle 9 the School Concerts. Thoy were ail Oshawa, visited their cousins, Mr. JOHNSTON-MUIR-At Toronto. Sat-1 PIGS FOR SALE-12 Yorkshire Pigs, ______________________ made by the children. and Mrs. R. D. Timible, on Sunday. urdlay, Novemnber 30th, 1929, Lillian May>, 6 weeks' old. Apply Irwin B5ragg, Rt. R. l)oî îtge B,'xnavile îot~Mr an Ms.L.C. nosdn ndonly daughter of 'Mrs. Christine M,%uir, , Bowmanville. Phono 136r3. 49-,,f DI ' ogt ),mnil tr> r n r.L .Sodnadandi th, laie Hrenry Muir of Toronto, anid_______ iii c' OpOn n~~ cd her parents, Mr. and Mr. Alfred MclCîbbon iobrison, youný;,r O SL-hrsteknî\'iby Wetlneoav mftenoc du. famîl Xjsltson of Mr. J. M. Johnston, l'ontypool. aiso one iay tiri ll, it,r0u l1It ~ !R, nînhofIcme MrF. Thos. Baker. Solina, on Sunday. ALLIN-WEBBER--ln Trinity Parsun- Hlolsi n. \V. L. I1arton, Bowniî.îîi'. ii~~ r. and Mýr'z. Ed. Harris spc"nt Siir. Mr. Alfred MoICail, 'Mis.s la:,s tto IOwmnl. ,', Rev.J U. Robins SixteDa oli e; .î i .on'S:ttt urtuay, "Noveni hr 3tj ti, dywith the iatter's parents. Nr. reen, Peterboro, visited their cous-, ' înnr.E J., tlIest datîiier of FOR SALE-Twe&ve Whitc- Licho;«n and Mrs. Jas. E. Flltî, Cen-re S-. ins. Nlr. T. J. Cole, and Mr. and Mrs.thie late :!r. and mrs . skyW,-bibi-ror Pullts ais$125 o ach. Apply to Archie f or 'Muriel Dech. R. N.. Hospital H. G. Freoman. on Sunday. Itaiis nd Mr. ant Mr .T. AI ii, 139 o.2. .5 BwavII hn c H R I S T M A S for Sick Chi'drcn. Thigtetown. speni Miss (;reca'talunday attended the! Orono. ______PO TR FR SLE3r-t-a eknd with her grmnirdmù-,her.Hg ShtiEdtr' ovnRo ihode Island l dPullels, from t2overr. S I- O P IN GMrs. J. Gr;g,z,. Toronto on Friday last. and(pn tc ETH Phrtn r e sone. 475-y1.349-1 1 r. and NMrzJazz.. r an'md Nr. w {cil ii fricnds and relatives. DEViT1-ln Cartwright, D c. 4îl 2, 4Sot lwmrvle hno433.4- GIIIIIi» ordon and Miss Esther Stiong spen5 lEiîzltt'i Wrolîrloî't l wife o! John! CANARIES FOR SALE-Rollers, breti Sutay \I r. and 'Jas.'F.HAMPTON t H nry l)i-viti, exM. ." J'p, ieýi70 y'ý,1 rsfroin Contest Club Rurig Stock. guaran- Lot us help you solvo xotî.ýjr Z , -liîî:I ront st. .Johns t'ît'todsîiger, reasonable: also choice prole o wa t gî Ž. 1' ct-.. Contre St.flOîtl. on Friltîy, Deic. mIi ýr 6*11, di Chincilla Itabbils. Aîîply mr. B. Born. ýtt, A FE SGE S fwitTo IN:M e. r- .aiIXln k Mi. anid s.J. Cowling and Jack,1*2 1,r.: <ort,rc to si. John., ii.r.Elgin St. N., Bowmarille 49.35 ail. SGGETIOSa +iewekedvi oî \ . W ib.i \'l<CIal Stouff\Tiiet MALLORY-li towmanville, orin O AEAlt gn rnat ý i Nwc-sle wekndviI1I's -naIity agiti r 4h, 92 Rchrd wood ORkinALEAtof ga<ioo ronand Books of New Fiction c M' i r. andl Ms. %. C.. .....r. Chas. Hastings and M' airy gD'o 8becr 4h 2.. Richartols ndohe atcl "Warick iftsWort WhIe'~\}'j1 Dv n SîciCha-. Stonii*oue vtaitcd at Fiicy iurriî froni the resitioco o! rs F.jWll bo seul cheap as t have no furiîrr "WarickGn. M Wrt.WhW. W. Hlorn and Wr src-ý. M Souithi.King Srdo rtm.D:use for tlîtm. A. E. Gives, Ird Si., Horncrandtor Str, t , . on. m rcgr teo-!1Bownan vIlle. 91 Books for Boys and Girls Thc uliie S c.ît, c t' t prou v F.l~tionevmtîcndcd thet Woinîn's 1-- îtt 'be ta ot.30 pfor.thocrel FRSLE-in.tle.liikrk~ Games and Cards ises +o be biggcer at <' :Trando Funrril riv te.. Gift Stationery rhould hemi thech clrru~. ý tjyýu v cn v aI1r i rir i ito , rrttît, w oni o: i r rlit BouoirandTabe amp ov r htnd-edvoîes. ~ Mr. and M\rs. Chas. Kensake attend-t, ACEnYtrireiio Tîîslî,worîlt lotî1îil.lP. i P goot. iii, Bouoiran Tale ams oýra hndrd oit .Nov. mlli r 29th. 1929. William N. Pascos, . .I-aptrtîtt v,tiîct3jitî t1tt.i Vases and Candlesticks Mis. W. I. Argue wa~s cmlled to tcdth oyl ine Fir orvo taoi 5 yas.N .c. iv t lown:nii" - Gift China and Giassware Pce'uitls e iiig t'. . . .. MissLena. Cay, Bo,vmainvik'. B ENSON-In Ptroo îvîh~ 7 Fountain Pens -vek oin t, . 1vi-iteri a. horne ...iends of W.12.Esther' Harrison, wiiovof tho laIe suldn nentid t1iin WPae ory olIobor*f13,nson of %I,,nvcrs, antimother Xate Pencil s l.eDoiand dearn triar jof Mrs, W. If. Argue, Eowmanville. Eveslsrpîiî'ti.îMr.. l (il11r.- lie bas gone to Toronto Hospital for' STEWART-on Friday, Noverriber 2, Soe our fine assoîtirienlt (f ~îji te~fireii ..j. Sante-'j troatnient.. AIl wish himt a spoedv 1929, rit ber loto, residlence, Cooksvl'lo BOARDERS (MEN) WANTED-..Iîitly Christmas G ' Thank andont., Frances (Mirij) Cox. beloveti wieM-. ;. F. l'tîrày, îClîrcli Si., Hou mari reetîngeuanduhocne:: Y' day ighî m teg¶îreoeý' To 'l'-of William Stewart. In lber 6th year ll Decorations 1beinr a jcdi n the pltay "A Fu,.Offering service will bc held on Sun- MILLSON-Az Noewtonvlllo Ont., on' ANTED-A capaobloe omnfî - ll ti " t bc!jepreseiv-ed'Dcc. lOth. day evening, December th. Mrs. iSatur<iay. Nov. 30th, 1929, Edmunti John- oa ou.rrk S'jNIs.om for K. (Rev. i A. L. Richards of Whitby willson Mlsoon, beloved husband 0fEîa mt ocsrsio I.l3î ini Mr. J.dEai OronoonceM P..rynd .Plione 295J. 41-îf Mr. J Ear Lawon, . P. andgiven an addî'eîs. and Mrs. J. EPaker 1btrt Satapleori no his tryea ~~~ I ~~~Mci-. Lawscn. Mrs. H. F. Hutchesoni and the C. G. 1. T. o! Solina will as -___________ _ anid-Mr. Arthur J. Trebilcock, Toi'r ___- WANTED-ExîI:erienCrd Hosiery Orter- s>. TV.JE W EL t -. si.s n the service. ators, maie anti femnale; stea'iy emitloy- "iet 0unday ' wîth Mrs. P. C. si-____mont. Apply Durham Textiles, BoNv- 01e., piENFIELD manvIlle. 46-If Telok.ENNISKILLEN___ MBIn.0 Geo. Sherwin and Mrs. F.:D. Mr. N. Stinson has been visiting et LOC-AL -REPRESENTATIVE WANTED MaKa. urnt, er i twn N ge atwokoigto talcePontypool. -For tlowmanville anti District forthie ý%1acKa, Tront, wre n t No eage lst wek win 10d Reliable Fonthili Nurseries. A Phoe 0 owniavile Tusday calîing onthirsite, irq.Stildy Cýass in Bowavle Mr. Lloyd Ferguson is visiting at splendid opening, with exclusive terri- Phon 30 owmaivile IM. L. Washington, ,vho s in Bow-l Oui' schoolis bus practising fer Mount Forest. tory right. Send for cîrcular malter ninileH I sta. nd full information. Stone & Welling- I ipîtl.the Christmas Concert on Dec. 2tr,. Mrs. John Watson bas returned' ton, Toronto 2. 45-4 Prize.s will be presente.d at tho Giad to see Mrs. W. H. Moore able from England. Publog aid ie bhol Cnct. On Thui--to bcout again aftoi' ber recent s i i Rdovg is ei. I ehe adTo Let Caiin u trance Class will be presented, and Mr. nd rs.S.L. eh andiM.adMs evnHbshv TO LET-Three larg e furnished mrnem, ..~.and..~ S. Pehic M . an Mr. MrvynHobs hve aill part of woodshed. gardon and some on Frîday night those won by the fainily spent Sunday with friends in been vîsiting at Lindsay. fruit trees. Âpply Ezra Gifford, Duie Weather Stripping variaus other classes. . Iovile Mrs. C. Branton, Oshawa, bas beenl St*' Bowmanvllle. 49-31 Mrs. L. M. Densem, Advisor, and A nuniber are on the sick iist în' visiting at Mr. S. Page's. H OUSE TO RENT-In Bowmanville, by Wybycoal to waria your lHarol'Id Lee, Editor-in'-Ghiel, of the oui' village. We hope they wiil soon ltof December. modern coavenlences. WYbI Mr. Lorne Simpson 'had a succes ÂppL'y to W. F. Ward Barrister, etc., housae and neglect to shut out the " Boys' Training School News," at- be around agamn.. fui wood sale iast Saturday. Bowmanville. Phono 162. 46-tf cold wind? itende<l the High Schooi Editors Mrs. Elias Dickinson, wholi r i o .E adr .K otHp O ETLle'ySreBwnn poooheithh Astyinuwih er son, 'ville. realdence, ten large mrne, bath-1 We are prepared to equip your vocation Hall, University of Toronto, Mr. Elmer Dickinson. inspectd uý shol as week. room, bo t air heatIng, three acres Of 'tlsH' INov. 29th and 3th. dl Mrs Geo. Cochrane ia seriously î:i land nlcely wooded, hedges and fruit' windows and doors wî s Hgg'lni Mr. W. ýBlewett, Mrs. A. Bradley fo i tako pedcts trees, al necessarb' cutbuildings. Aply 9' AIi-Metai Weathertip, whicb is A famiiy gathening was held at tMe and Mi'. and Mrs. Waiker, Orono, t h oot eea rssCmaa draft anti dust proof. home of Mr. and Mrs. John Challis spent Sunday at Mr. J. Bradley's. Mrs. Edgar Prescott and son are tion. Toronto. 4- on Thursday evening. Relative£ Mr. and Mi's. Wilbert Smnith and home front Dowmanville Hospital. For Sale or To Rent Warm your bouse with less wore present froin Pickering, Solina, faniiiy Oshawa, spent Sunday 'with Mr. R. Hunter, Mount Forest, lia.- fuel. ~~and Orono. Gantes and mtusic wei'e hsprns i.adMs rdSi been visiting at Mr'. Bort Fergsns FOR SALE OR RENT-7-roomed house! efoyueyal.d erehne is pA good coMrean as onSthu. M J Dlv, swa M 's. Iwlth garage On Wellington St.. ail con-1 ervoed l n ej het od ogeainwa u ut Mr. . Jaeesa wa, Misandveniences. wlred for electric stove, aew- Windws wll nt; rttle sered.day evening when oui' pastor, Rev.. . Cours. . vamsit adMi's Alice Ja e, Âpîyecorated. immediato possession. Coumu, iitdatrJ. Heta Js.kp . L. Metcaîf, R. R. 2, Bow- Apermanent iniprovement to Mms. J. F. Allia of Brooklyn, N.Y., M. Whyte, delivereti a good sermon Mis VraDeilie ha reurne _____1______ ._________ your propety. who undemwent a serious operation on Joseipb. front Oshawa Hospital wbei'e she had Alo av yu wn iws n Peterboro Hospital in October bas Quitie a snow, fali on Sunday night a successful operation for appendici- Real Estate For Sale Also have your windyw i'eturned home gi'eatly improved i" making it bad for the cars gettingitis. Caulked. iheaith after recuperating with ber amound, but we boni' the sieigh bell.s iMr'. Frank ýBray is assisting The FOR SALE-7-i'aomed house, modemn faterMn.Jams Eliot, nd istrsI onvenioaces. on George St. Apply to Have usr.Jaescaîltt and show yu af making it sound like winter. Statosman staff tiis week as lino- F. Foiey, corner Church and Brown Sts., avut al n so yual Mrs. Avery Johaston and Miss Maud Mn. and Mrs. Hering attended the itype opeator on accounit of the. Bowmianvilllo. 8t abu I Elliott. sbower in honor of the iatter's niece,1 Christmas rush.FO LE-6roeStc Cta, '-ý te wok ndallkids The Public Scbool Concert is to be Miss Minnie Webbei', BownanvilIe, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ormniston Fi oRuvAe 6roaid tIy LccaCtae of decoraing done. held in Opera House on Dec. l2th who was married on Satu.mday. and Mrs. F. Densoen, Bo'wmanville s, hurch andBownie. Apy nprn-f an ea1theeve. Pa at Mit-1 Congratulations to McLaughlin and Mi'. John Orîniston, Oshawa, rc. reseved. Pla at it-Bros. on winning severai prizes at cently visited at Mi' W. J. Ommiston's. NOLISE FOR SAL.E--moomn framne A.. F. Abernethy chll s DrugS toe h oa itrFi nteHr boue,-electric llghts, waterworks. , Uacre ell' Drg Sore th Roal Wnte Far i th Hose-land, garage. Ths pî'operty wlll be sold Phono 477-21 t________________ shoe Pitching Contest. Russell Me- very cheap f'or a quick sale. A. E. Gîves Laughiin won a fine silver cap. 1 H r ndTè4 r tJominil.49I J. H. Abernethy Companion-Nurse Wanted Mr. and Mms. Elmer Hoering andd re anFORThLEre 3rd Stri. Bobbe, issBarara ottn, sh-residences, one on George St., and one Phono 431 Middle-aged woman wanted ai onceBobeMsBaar oeoh 43 on Grant Ave. Ail conveniences. Bar- 4- to take care of elderi>' gentleman. a'wa, Mi'. and Mi's. Will Wottei'ianid 432-ain for quick sale. Terme to suit. Ap- H-ousekeeper ls also etmployed. APPîr te famiiy, spont Sunday with their par- Thirleen first pizes Ia applea. ply to J. E. Fett, Centre St., Bowman- M. A. James., omevilla," Centre St, M' n .Wt n is npasadfu eod ville. Phono 384. 17-tf -Bowmanvile. ents, M.adMs i.Hemring. on isinea ndfuscns ____________________________In apples wero awarded to Cana- ____________________________________________________________________- - dian exhibitors at the Imperial Frulit Show rocontiy held ai lingley Farmns For Sale Hlal, irmiaglanm, England Eiglht PROPERTV FOR SALE-73 acres, of the firsi pr:zos were won by Lake Shore Fan. day loani, good build- Nova Scotil -roiwer's. five of îhem lare. aleo bouse for sale or relit, 7-roani- b>' Chas. A Bentle. 0of Berwick, ed, brick, ail convenlences. lot quîckly. N. S.Apply Anthony Pa.scoo, 260 Athol St.. N.S.Oshawa. 49-2w Four huniers froni New YorkFobwTne Siate saw 1531 aroso during the t101ForSale b ene daYs of Octoher ihoy sport hunt- ing ln Alhert counîy. New Bruns- Tenders wlll ho received by the under- tIarry A llin's Store Pol icy ftccorliifotratrepor made b R.onthe Illage i wick., with hoadîîuarters at the unl ODc. l7th. camps owned and oporated by Lot 1-The frame building ituated on Guide Charles C. Dixon. of Aima. Church Street, formerl>' used as a Pros- \V taabhi. veyhngw sl. Ou tresis nyD Siowell, f Aiden, N. Y., who Lot 2-The ot on wich thîs building the highes-t qtuaity gî'oceries. Oui' modern system of buying bwick GoevPretBurte eu orno- lcepîed.tuae B-'Highest or an>' tender not necessaril>' ineîchanclise e.-ia-ùicý us to pick and choose from the markets of inaton nd ourst rave49-2E.W.Sec, fTsts the woî'ld. it aiso permits us W 'uuy at the very Iowest prices- biisel ain orblingorat5.000r 0 492cec.ot.. and to pass the saving along to our customers. Ontario, on the St. Lawrence b as roconti>' been lei by the Canadian Whenyoupatoniz ou stre yu ae asure ofQuaityGoverament 1(5 enst wIl ho about WhenyouîJ'aonie ou stre yu ae asure of ualty $3,10.000 andhvconstruction muet - - . - .~ .e eompleted i Augtr1. 1930. tf r3Atteniiton Handwriting Reveals Character Get your pupils to enter the contest for the most interesting handwriting, for which I amn offering the fol]owing cash prnzes: lst Prize $20. 2nd Prize $10. ..3rd Prize $5. 4th to 20th $1 Eacb. Simply write the following sentence in your best handwriting: "A Policy in The Sun Life-(Canada's Leading Assurance Company) is a safe and profitable investment." Complote the following coupon and attach to lower haif of sheet on which you have written. The Contest will close Dec. 3lst, and the Judges who wilJ be chosen at an early date, will announce their decision and prizes will be paid to the winnera. Name of Contestant....... ........ Address...............................................I Name of Street...................................... Date af Birth........................... Age Send ail entries to FRED W. WELLS, General Agent, Sun Lif e Assurance Co., of Canada, Port Hope, Ontario. GIET THOUGIITS THAT WILL SOLVE THE CHRISTMAS PROBLEM-PRACTICAL GIFTS GALORE The joyous annual rush for Christmas Gift buying is with us again. We offer a f ew suggest- ions in suitable and practical gifts that will be ap- preciated for their usefulness from ouxi large stock. SOMETHING FOR EVERY MEMBER 0F THE FAMILY Pyrex Ware Brass Goods Toboggans Sleighs Wagons Bicycles Skates and Boots Hockey Sticks Cutlery Tricycles Flash Lights Waahing Machines Thermos Bottles Aluminum Ware Kitchen Sets Alarm Clodks Pocket Kaives Coleman Lampe Linoleum Kiddie Cars Flat Ware Electrie Stoves \rou'Il enjoy doing your Christmas Shopping in our store as assortment is large and prices reasoiîable. RICE .& CO. Opposite Post Office Hardware Bowmanville ilsh Aquarium FREE Vwm.syen.u be Fi@ Fe"P. ad me mm rth RaalliProduete yeu wlU r...iv 2 Gold Fish and Globe Sea W.ed amilShei Ozly a Uhited »umber. Deatured Alcohol ANTI-FREEZE Do't take any furtiset. es en your car f r..suW q. 75egallon c@" in &" eh.... yo~ CHIaISUS Go"S Kedah$, W-.Ch.»Oe.s Toba...s, Sh*adoM. Ot t.. JURY & LOVELL When we test eyes it is done properly Il School Teachei

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