Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1929, p. 4

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PÂtIE F0111 ~HE CANADIAN BTATEBMÀN, DOWMANV1LLE~ 1'HURBDAY, NOVL~KB~R 28, 1929 tMza. L B. Niohola sud Do~1ua VWDFRIENMMHP RMAILY woS-sMp, fvllowed by the. re«pone. The bible verses were passages refer- The firt rally of the Afiliated ring te friendship. Misa Blewett C. G. I. T. gronza of the Oshawa compaired the world to a large family 'resbYterY wau held in St. paul's living under one roof, God's sky, and Mirs. Lecture Ro.om o4~ Satugrday, Nov. 23, meeting every year at the League of late TI with a registration of one hundred Nations. We must disarin both our ber ele aud eighty-five, under the direction mindsaend bearts if we wish to have residen of lira. (1kv.) W. p. Rogers, prea- peace. This was followed by a onto, byterial Secretary. Mrs. Elton Wer- hv'rmn, "Father in Heaven Whbo Loy- i 6th. ry of Bowmanville acted as Secre- est Al," and a short prayer. The late Sa tary and was in charge of the regis- hymn, "In Christ there la no East or ville. tration. The first haîf bow. wasl West" was then sung, f ollowed by a of Wee gpent in folk gaines under the lead- prayer to love our neighbours better. She wa erahip Of Misa Eimily Watson, Osh- Then aIl joined banda and sang "The High P awa. Mrn. Rogers welcomed thej Day Thou Gavest Lord is Ended" fol- Chepte: girls and gave an introduction to the lowedby C. G. I1.T. hymn. Chartei theme of the day. 1nbrtl Chapter pointed out that if we learn tovse - Mrs. R. Dumas recently visited ber tive in eur brothers and sisters of otheridaughter, Mrs. James Milligen, Osh- lest De lands we wiîî not go to war againat~ awa, and f riends in Toronto. motor thora. This was followed by the1Mr. and Mrn. J. B. Rouse, Brant- fully r( roll caîl. The sing-song, consisting: ford, celebrated their golden wed- Shei of inany lively C. G. I. T. sangs, was1 ding on Nov. 21st. 0f seven child- Robt.( ably led by Misa Grace Brag, ast-1 ren only three are living: Miss LuIs both of ed at the piano by ber siste r, Misai1 Rouse, Misionany in China; Mra. Thonis Beatrice Bragg. Horace Moulte, and Frank Rouse, ville,G An interesting and helpful discus-: Brantfcsrd. A purse of gold was pre- ward o sion was conducted by Mrs. Charles sented to thein. Mrs. Rouse is an The Wight, along the same theme "World aunt of Mrs. G. F. Annis, Ebenezer, at 2.30 Fiendship." She stated that the being a sster of the late Mrs. Alfred taFoTE Christian nations were being watched[ Allin, Bow-manvllle. largely very carefully by the non-Christian' -J Tho& ntations. If we call ourselves a thersa Christian -nation w-e must act like 'nephew one. She recalled that day in the!I ville in Great War when a little child tod- M Fred1 dled out between the French and M USICAL Hoar,' German lineg. AIl fighting cea-sed Wesley until the little cbild had been nescued. IMr, G To-day alI nations are looking over I S R M N S Ha the Babe of Bethlehem as only IN T U E T Had M through Hlm can oir problein be IRuith a, uoived. Willard The convention adjourined fr--l__ Miss Ka lunch. By previous arrangementMran the girls had brouglit their o-mn lunch, AllanE but the ladies of t.he church veny 1 Pianos both new and used; or- W. J.'I kindly served4 coffee. The C.G.I.T.! gans for churcli and school; rad- McMuln lesnwusn and at the close Of 1~ 4 bn~hssl nt~ ton Me the meal a song ta the tune of "Mn.1isadpoorps odo eisispe Wing" was sung in appeciation ofl convenient ta customens. IMurtry the kindnesses o the ladies of St.j Tonontc Paul's church. ~Frank After dinnen sanie new folk songas 'Ple Freed and Philco are con- Herb.1 were taughtk the girls. Th folk sidened marvelous for distance GuP songs and f 61k gamnes give an insight, and tone quality. There la no- Gusny into the lîVes of the people of otheri thing finer in radio. Iay nations. A, beautiful story. "The Black Madonna" was read býy Miss Zele Weston, Oshawa. Min. W d Have you seen the new 45 inch a-à Bowuianville, gave e talk n h Dominion piano? An altogethen lives of girls in ther lands, illustrat- charraing instrument.j ed by lentern lides. Mrs. Crozier,I Oshawa, gave a very interesting talk en the "Means Sehool" in Afr'ica. l lira. Rogers gave the girls edvice and P direction conceriing their obligations as affiliated groupe. A presentation osenteordy riendship draina jas F. J. M ITCHELL B m presnte bySt. Paul's C. G .T o grou-pe which was exceptionelly well doue. 15 1nsnio Adk The worship servce was under thel Phone os omni leadership of Misa Mejoie Blewett, Ouhawa. It began with the calt!______________ OBITUARY Mns. Tryphina Hoar sTryphina Hoar, widow of theo rhomnas E. Hoar, who precededj lven ye'ars ago, died at her latei rice, 229 Pacific Avenue, Tor-t Saturday evening, November She was a daughter of thei Samnuel Mc.Murtry of Bo'wnian-1 Mrs. Hoar bas been a resident et Toronto for forty years. vas an active membeir of the Park United Church; the Unity- 'r of the Eastern Star; Magna er L.O.D.E. The Rutherford tr W.C.T.U. She had been ac- in these organizations up until ecember when she met wNith a accident from which she never recovered. is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Collacott and Mns. S. J. Honey, of Bowmanville; three brothers, as H. McMurtry of Bowman- George of St. Thomas. and D- of London. cfuneral took place on Tuesday ff p. mn. from her late residence rest Lawn Mausoleum, and was ry attended. se present included ail her bro- and sisters as mentîoned; also ,s and nieces from Bowrnan- included: Miss Fbo. Hoar, Mr. Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mrs. Harvie Barrie, and Mrs. W.Hny r.adMs Werry; from. Newcastle-- and sistefr; f romn Toronto-Mr. Ir. Wesley Hoar and daughtersi and Pearl, Dr. and Mrs. Walter! .; Mir. Cyril MeMurtry and athleen MeM urtry, St. Thomias;I nd Mrs. Geo. Aiken, Gaît; Mrs.1 Hutchinson, Smithville; Mrs. MeMurtry and Miss 'Beatricel utry, Gaît; Mr. and Mrs. Carl- feMurtry, Bridgeburg. COUs3- uisent included: Mrs. Eva Mc-î TMeath, Miss Nellie McMurbry, to; Mrs. F. M. Tamblyn, Mrs.I Squair, Bowmanville; Mr.; McMurtry, Oshawa; and life- friends including Mr. and Mr. ?owell, Mr. Louis Cornish, and others. HERMON Buys oultry at Fair Prices Phones: wmanville: 235 ronto: Trinity 3949J ddresa: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 87-lyr. ofn teresi to Cvetï Home Openieng Display and Sale of the New INSTANT- LIGHT ALADDIN KEROSENE MANTLE LAMP NOW for the first time in homes where kerosene must be used for lighting, one may erjoy aIl the comforts and blessings of a perfectly lighted home. This is now possible thru the inven- tion and perfection of the new Instant-light Aladdin kerosene Mantle Lamp-the lamp whose light is just like sunlight and even better ini quality than electricity. It will flood a il big roomn with the softest, mellowest, brightest light--a delight to the eyes of the aged-an as- surance against ruination of the eyes of the young. No longer need a kerosene lighted home be glooxny and cheerless after nightfall. The new Instant-light brings sunlight at night - anywhere -everywhere. Beautiful hand decorated glass and parchnient Shades, too. M. Features of th is Remarb he P ~Modern White Light Burns conimon kerosene (coal-oil). Lights The Alddn tan malo instantly. Gives a modem white light bc secured in Floot equal to 10 ordiziary lampa. Absolutely neLand het: mofo un.safe Burna94%70air. The mnaeconomical obtainable. Tl'e Alad E of al i hs No odor, sinoke, noise or din Floor Lampig trouble. N generating or waiting; a equipped wit l beauti match and a minute that's al. Ail styles; fui Parchmnent shades, table, hanging, bracket and floor lamps in- and the metalware ta nickel and bronze. Endoraed by world's isbed in gold and bgetatoiis black. orgold and bgetatoiis blc mýiIiodemireA a"losc i btWifl ny dealer narned below will borne.be glad to demnonstrate this b new Aladdin to you. _________Authorized Aladdin Dealers Bancrof t Bellevlle Bobcayg-nf Bowmanville Coe Hill Desoronto bdadoc Marlbank Nç%ticton Chas. W. Mullett Walker Hardwsre Co. Hamilton Bock Store Dustan Cash Hardware W. N. Gilroy Loral Clament Chas. P. Doherty W. G. Dunoon M. W. Connor & Son Roy Gaffney J. A. Marlow Hardware Hardware Stationemy Hardware Ceneral Hardware General Druggist Hardware Grocer Hardware Omcmee S. J. Macikey Orono 0. W. Rolph Picton The Fair Port Hlope Coo. T. Hsncock & Son Port Perry Carnegie Hardware Co. Shannonville J. F. McFarlano Stirling McGee & Lagrow Sunderland P. H. Flaglor Uxbridgc A. A. Walter Woodville D. A. Johastora Druggiat Hardware General Hardware Hardware General Hardware Jewellez Hamneau Hardware Every careful aud observant No man or woeau should hobble1 moter kno-ws when lber child sufera painfaly about becaua. of cornai faim woms. She also knowa that when so, certain a relief ia at hand asi if soane remedy lie not speedily ap-< Holloway'a Corn Remover. plied ranch barra will reault to thel Freedora from Aathma. Asthma infant. The best application that la one of the most distreasing troub- can lie got la Miler's Worm Powders. les, auddeu in ita attacks and pro- They drive worms frora the systein longed in îts agonies. Frequently and set up athnulating and aooting nay things are tried, but notbing effects, so that the child's progresseem to give hope of relief. Dr.j thereafter is painless and satiafying. J. D. Kellogg's Asthme Remedy la the on. help which cau be deçended upon. If you have tried other rem- edies without auccess, do not fail to get at once a package of this uni- formly auccesaful preiparation. A family Croup or an individual photo makes a inuch appreciated Christmnas gift. Hawve H. Humphries, Horsey St., Bow'manville, take your photo. Phone 256. 46-tf COATS For Women and Misses Pifty of the season's uewest and amarteat Coats ta be sacniflced. Never before have you bail the opportunity ta Y' procure snch wonderful rvalues lu est modela. All w"o, iaterials. coat heavily intenlined. Lovely LOT NO. 1--43.95 Teeonly, good warm Coats, of AIl Wo.ol, well lined .and interlined. Wil make good knock-sbout coat, size 14, 16 and 18. To Ciear Friday Morning ............................ 39 LOT NO. 3-$17.50 Ten Coats, sizes 14 to 42 bust measure; colora, navy, brown and black; lovely large fuir collars . $175 values to $2700, to clear t.........$ 75 LOT NO. "-29.95 Seven Coats ini this group formerly priced as high as $37.50; ini materials of broadcloth and blin, richly tirimined with -fur such as wolf, car-acul, beaver and o>pposauni; to clear at .................$ 99 COTTAGE PRINTS You are sure to want soine of these foir fancy aprons f-orChristmag; dainty smal patterns, in ight or dark ground; fast colors; regular 25c and 29e FIVE YARDS for..............$10 36-INCH WIDE FLANNELETTE A wonderful chance heme for you to save on your sea- aon's requirements. You.r choice of light or dark stripes or pure white, aIl excellent heavy quality, regular 25c; FIVE YARDS for........ $1.00 75 SILK DRESSES AT BARGAIN PRICES Stylish iFrocks of Flat Crepea, Satin Crepes, Georgette, etc. AIl the new Fail shades and aIl the features of the uew mode. We have divided thein in 2 groupa: Values from $16.00 to $1995 clearing at ...$12.75 and cr Values to $14.75 clearing at ..........iu9 SUEDE AND FELT HATS $1.00 Every Hat this fall's buying; hand-made f rom import- ed Firench Suede and Wool Felts; right Up to the minute in styles. We must use this de.partment for displaying Christm-as goodis, so out they go at this low pnice. Every bat taken f r&m stock at $1.95 and up. Be here early for these. women's and misses' new- Ail silk linings. Every ridh full furs. LOT NO. "-10.95 Nine only, Coats with fur collars and fuir enfla, asotdcolora; sizes 14 to 38,$ 09 To Clear............... ..................... .5 ¶ LOT NO. 4-$24-95 ,Twelve of the aeason's very newest modela, in ail the season'a newest maternais; alI colora; lovely rich full fùr collars and cufs; silk lined; every size; ,An value to $35.00, for ......................$ 49 LOT NO. "-34.50 Nine Coata in this group anmd every one was outatand- ing value at much higheir pricea . Each Coat is made from insported aIl wool broadcloth and la warmly interlined to hein and lined with silk guaranteed for two seasons; large fur collara of French Beaver, Muskrat and Caracul add to the attraebiveness of this group valuereua to $49.50, to clear at................ $ 45 WOMEN'S UMBRELLAS Good atrongly-made Umbre4las for women, in eight and ten nib style, fancy handle, with loop cord. Lay away one for a rainy day~oc 2 dozen only at....................... ip1.00 --e CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS 19c Fleeced Jersey and striped and (plain Flannelette, size 2 to 10 years. 100 BOXES XMAS HANDKERCHIEFS Women's Handkerchiefs, boxed for Christmas giving, 2 or 3 in attractive box; fine lace e<lge, lawns 1<V and linens. 2 Boxe& or 3 Boxes for............ $1.00~ FELTOL MATS 18 inches by 36 inchea, attractive patterns in floal designs, al first quality, 1 oc oack BATH TOWELS Good liberal size of White Terry, with attractive col- ored bcrders; regular 39c eaelh, THREE for ................ .L1 YOUR FAVORITE iAVDSOE PAY CASH AND SHOPPING CENTREWA ILIILfTOE BUY FOR LESS Forrnerly S. W. Mason & Son Lirnited King St. Bowrnanville apent IPrldaj at "YerexVlfla," WhIt- by. Mr. and Mra. Menzo Grooms and family, Napauee, apent the weekend wlth Mns. M. Smith, Chureh SL Durham Old Boys' Club wil meet Thursday, Nov. 28th, at 8 p. in. et the Womeu's Art Association, 23 Prince Arthur Ave., Toronto-,am guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. King. W ALKÇE1'S LI1VITED TO-MORROW, FRIDAY Inaugurates a Special TWO m DAY m 9AM. SAL FRIDAY AND SARURDAY On these two days you will have the opportun ity of buying the very newest in Coats and Dresses and other aundry lines advertised away below the regular price. In many in- stances the price asked would flot pay for the materials. Corne on Friday, you can savýe dollars, as we mnust have a clearance to make roorn for Christmas Gooda. i e :SI 1 licul THE CANADIAN ErrATEML4,N, BOWMANVITýT4 TRUMDAY, NOVZKBMM 28,1929 PAGE POUIL

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