PAGE IMORT ECONOMY IN MEAT COOKING First, buy the proper nieat for your purpose at the pro!per price for the particular cut you ehoose. Second, cook it witb econorny. The wrong eut of meat often resuits in a very ex- pensive dish, due to shrinkage in cooking. For your informa- tion, as a guide to economical cooking, we offer the f ollowing table of lasses in weight by cooking: Chuck stew............................. 25 per cent Bottom round stew ...................... 35 per cent Round steak............................ 20 per cent Sirloin steak............................ 19 per cent Bottom round pot roast.................. 36 per cent Chuck pot roast ......................... 22 per cent Rib roast, rare......................... 18 per cent Rib roast, weU done...................... 26 per cent Learn your table, buy Edmondstone's nieats, and realize real ment economTy. G. A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowmanville -q .1 Hecla Furnaces Make Warm Friends The Hecla Furnaces have many exclusive features which account for their popularity, satisfaction and economy. Before buying a new fur,- nace corne in and let us show you why it pays to buy a Hec- la. This places you under no obligation to buy. Re E. LOGAN Next to Pethiclk's Barber Shop Plumber and Steamfltter Bowmanville The flnest tea you can buy-Red Rose Orange Pekoe. Made f rom juicy, flavor filled leaves-.three days in bud. Every package guaranteed. 615 REDEROSIE ¶EAis good tea' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Quality Plus Service This is the1 foundation on which we have built our business. We aim to help you secure the greatest service from your cari by supplying such famous products as Aviation and Sheli Gas- oline, Sheil Golden Oil, Castrol and Mobiloil, Goodyear Tires, the only tires in the wrld built of Supertwist Cord.% ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING Bring your car, in and have your brakes re- lined with this high rade ining. Bartlett's Service Station Phono 110 King St. East, Bowmanvle THE CANADIAN STAT8&I(AN, BOWMANVILLE, THIUBSt>Y, NOVEMBER 28, 1929 ORONO (From TPhe Newe of Nov. 21st.) ~Mr. Orme Gamby wilI sing at Plainville.j Mr. Clarence McM-dllen ho£ gone to Toronto where be has secured a positon. Mr. Willam Armstrong, Jr., was taken suddenly ili Saturday, but is now out again. Mr. Neil Smith, who has been in poor health for some time, is confin- ed ta the house. Miss Walsh has returned froni a visit with ýher niece, Miss Margaret, Walsb, at Harrowsmith. Women's Institute are preparing Iclotb ing and quilts for the Neighbor- j bond Workers. Toronto. Mr. White, Starkville, wvas seized jwith a paralytic stroke and continues in n dangerous conditian. Dr. and Mrs. John F. V. Chester and family, Toronto, spent Suinday at her father's, '.%r. T. Smih. Miss Lillian Cutteil, Toronto, is spendîng a few weeks with hier cous- in, Mrs. H. Junker, who la improving in health. The cheapness of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminatar puts it witbin reach of aIl, and it can be gat at any druggist's. Mr. W. H. Rowe's car was consid- erably damaged in a collision withý th ooe truck carrying n couple1 Mr. Lamne Wannan and mother,1 Mrs. James Wannan, Raglan, driving, west o! Newcastle, flgured in a motor accident on the highway lat week- end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson, Mrs. E. A. Fowier, Miss K. Coîville, and Mr. C. J. Thoriton attenled Millbrook' Presbyterian Church" anniversary, conducted by Rev. W. J. Mark, D. D., Campbelîford. Recent visitons with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wannan were: Mrs. G. F. Scott, Miss Annie Scott, Mr. Wi;m. Trough- ton, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bryson, Mr. Raymond Bryson and Miss Dorothy Wannnn, Toronto.1 Rt. W. Bro. G. M. Linton, D.D.G.M.,1 Ontario District, on his officiai visit to Port Perry Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Friday evening was acconipanied by a[I number of the officers, past masters and members of Orono Lodge. Tbey report a very enjoyable tume. Messrs. H'rry Mercer and Wallacel Sisson spent the week witb a party o! hunters froni Kendal and Elizabeth- ville at Maple Lake. Party are re- ported ta bave bagged eleven deer.1 Anotber successfurl bunting party ta tbe nortbern woods "as led by Messrs Glanville and Dean. Rev. W. P. Fletchere, D.D., Osbawa, a one-time minister in tbe Christian Ghurch here, will be the speaker at tbe morning service in Park Street -United Chtrrch, on Sunday, Dec. lst, and Rev. J. U. Robins, President of the Bay o! Quinte Conference, in the evening. A choir o! W. A. meni- bers will sing. For Sprains and Buises.-There is nathing better for sprains and con- tusions than Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It will reduce the swelling that follows a sprain, will cool the infiani- ed flesh and d'raw the pain. ltWil take the ache out! o! a bruise by counteracting the inflammation. A trial will convince any who doubt its power. Neiv officers o! Orono Mission Band are: Hon. Pres.-Eileen Rid- dell; Pres.-Kathleen Stark; lst Vice Pers.-Ray Carleton; 2nd Vice Pres. Betty Rowe; Secretary-Vioia Nod- en; Treasurer-Marjorie Sisson; Fiower Com.-Margaret Roy, Ruth Bebee, Mabel Rarris, Hazel Winter, Ethel Stark; Pianists-Mary Tamb- lyn. Viola Noden, Betty Rowe, Mar- garet Roy. Persian Baîni croates loveiy coin- plexions. Velvety smnoath. Coals and relieves the skin. Makes it de- lightfally soft-textured. Alluringly fragrant. Delightful ta use. Swift-I iy absorbed by the tissues, inîparting that elusive charm su distinctive ufi the dainty avoman. Persian Balm protects the delicate skin. Preservesi and enhance- the loveliest econslple!x- ion. Every discriîinating womn should use this silvery lotion. It is unrivalied as a finwless aid to beaaty. An interesting service wvns held in Park Stree-, Church Sunday nlorning, when five representatives, of the e-1 cently fornied Iiaymen's Association,l Oshawa Presbytery, delivered short forceful addmesses in the interest ai the MiLssionarv and Maintenance Fund af the United Church. Speak- ers were Dr. Slemon, Dr. Devitt, and Messrs. Hardy and Mason, and Rass Strike, Barrister, ail o! Bowmanvil]e, Mr. Strike also cantributing a wel) rendered solo. Mr. M. H. Staples pre.sided. Orono Continuation School Liter- ary Society officers are: Hon. Presi- dent--Miss Ferrier; President-Lulu Samons; Vice President-Everett ,Brown; Secetary-Elsie Underwood; ITreasurer-Bob Hancock; Pianist- IMary Mello(r; Editor-Mary Bowen; IReporters Roy Colville, Sidney Rutherford, Muriel Fisher, Lyle Pan;Dranatic-'Leonard Coteper, Glen GaeyHarolId Cobbledick, Margaret Affin, Hubert Cobbledick; Literary-L-eroy Birown, Bill Brovmn Wilfred Sherwiin, BilIl arlington. Agnes Ws.ddeîl; Social Com.-0live Davey, Kennetb Tanwbîyn, Rosa Rob- bins, Annie Yeo. Women'a Institute had an attend- ance of 40 at their meeting on %_l day, Nov. l5th. Splendid program was given - A paper on "The Beauty of Nature'a Aituinn of Life" wal preiared ind given by Mrs. F. Souch; a reading. '*The Voiee of the Pion- eer", by Misa Gobbledick; three cbor- uses were given by the gran<hnotlhers wbich were much en»yed; iphyllie Carleton and Roy Coivile aso con- tributed interesting numilbers. Mrs. H. Rowe waa appointed deiegate to tihe convention In Toronto, aiso mim Cotbledick. A dinty lunch wu Sseirved by t.hie comsuttee and a social halu hour enJoyed. A box of frit i wus pcked and mnt to the Children'i ! Shelter, Port Roqe. 'Camradio u towtlhdfer ai -keealin îy soelciee-ce I. m".ns jdve withunacev go chminut i prfomaq dead bau-lA.ero staon" statcons.oeode STEWARTFO WARNERI RADIO DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE Fil1 EXECUTRIX' NOTICE Ail persons having any clai against the Estate of the late George W. Jones, who died on or about the 30th day of June, 1929, at the Vil- lage of Newtonville, in the County of Durham, are required ta file the same with proof thereof with the, undersigned or her Solicitor not int- er than December l6th., 1929, afteri wlsich date the Estate wîIl be dis-! tributed and ail dlaims of which the Executrîx has not received notice I will be barred as against her. Dated at Bowmianville this 14th day of Noveniber, 1929. Alice Mary Jones, Executrix George W. Jones Estate, Clarke P. O., Ont. By M. G. V. Gould, Bownianville, Ont. 47-2 her Solicitor. OBITUARY Mclvii L. Travelle, Orono In tlhe death of Melvin L. Travelle, which book place in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday, No- veniber 2nd, Orono lost one of its oldest business men and a much es- teemned citizen. The late Melvin Travelle was bsorn in Hudson, N. Y.,j and came to Orono with his parents when 5 years of aqe, residing in Or- co and vicinity foir apwards of sev-, enty years, for 45 years of which' time he was engaged in the tailoringi business. About 15 years ago he retired from business and for some yeaTs had been employed at the Provincial Forestry Station. Deceased was of a retiring nature but well read and an easy conversa- tionist. He leaves ta mourn bis loss his sorrowing widow and constant companion, a sister, Mrs. Inez Quinn, Toronto, and brother, Ira A. Travelle, Oshawa. The fanerai took place Tuesday, Nov 5th, frorn his late residence,'Rev. Wm. Sterling conducting the services at the house and grave. There was a large -attendance of lifelong friends. Relatives present from a distan~ce were: 'Mr. and M.%rs. Ira Travelle and their son ira George. Oshawa; sister, Mrs. Inez Quinn, and hor son Dalton, wife and daughter: Mrs. Rainer and Inez; Mrs. Hockey. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. John Branten. IOshawa; Mrs. Calender. Port Hope: IMr. Thomas Vinson and Mr. and 'Mrs. C. W. Vinson and famiily. Toronto: and Messrs. George. Ernest, Fred and Ceci] Wnlkey. The pali bearers werc': Msr.Jaý E. Richards.,.3. R. Cooper, S. Cutteil. Len. Gamsby, ThÔs. Cowan and - James Tambîvo -Orono News. l HadOff Colds, ,, Couçdis, Bronchitis With This Fine Old Herbai Remedy righ tfrom the Heart of Nature Ward off aIl the cold weather ilIs. Get yourself a bottle of Gallaghers Indian Lung Remedy. It will make and keep you healthy-heal up înflamed tissues and give your blood and body new vigour. Keep this good oId herbai remedy al- way8 in the house. Take it af ter ex- posure to wind, raim, chili and crawded, germ-Iaden p laces. You can get th's and other Gallagher HerbaI l ouahoîd Rarnedienow f roi» a6 Jury & Loveli, Dowianville A. E. MeIIow, Phm.B., Nowcastîe «P*~ me orIkAmi RAKS UP COU»S Selby-Oebon A pretty wedding was quietly sol- emnized in Trinity United Cburch, Bowxnanviîîe, on 'Phursday afternoon, Noveinber 2lst, in the presence of about twenty-five relatives and friends, when Edna Irene, daugbteri of Mr. J. Frank Osborne and the late Mrs. Osborne, Bowmanville, was unit- ed in marriage with Carl William Selby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Selby, Newcastle. Rev. J. U. RoIb- i, pastar of the churcb, officiated. The bride was given in marnage by her father, and wore a dress of Monet Nlue georgette. The bridai couple were unnttended. lmmnediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. left on a honey- moon trip for Toronto and other points. On their return they will reside in Newcastle. Previous to the wedding, the bride gave a trousseau tea when a nuniber of girl friends assembled for a jollyl time. Refresbments were served and a pleasant ti-me was enjoyed. The nîarriage was quietly solem- nized on Saturday, November 23rd, in St. Jo'hn's Anglican Church, when Kathleen Louise, eider daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibbs, o! Ty-1 rone. becanie the bride of Mr. B.- Herbert Mortick of Bo-w;manville. Rev. R. J. Sbire.s officiatcd. The bride looked charming in a gown o royal blue flat crepe with hat and stocking to match. She wxas attend- ed by Mis., Mae Cameron a! Toronto wbo was attired in n dress o! rose, biege georgette with hat and shoesl ta match. The groom vas attendedi by Mr. John C. Knight. After the ceremony a receptian was heid at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Knîghtý on King Street when about twenty guests attended. Mr. and Mrs. Mortlock ailI live in Bowmanville. Deyo>-Barrowclough A very pretty autumn wedding was so4lmnized on Saturday, Nov.I l6th, at the home o! the bride's par-I ents. Oshawa, when Doris Alberta, i eider daughter o! Mr. and Tirs. J. W. I B3arrowciouzh, was united in mar-1 niage ta, Cyril Briton Deyo, only soni of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Deyo, Kings-. ton. Rev. E. Hanston officiated. The house was beautifully decor-1 ated aith autumnn aves, smilax,l yellow and mauve chrysantbemums.1 Miss Vivien Goyne, Osbawa, played. Lobengrin's wedding march. The bride, who was given in mar- niage by her father, looked chanining in a Jenny inodel of white bîghglow satin, mnade very long with tiered skirt edged with tulle. S-he carried Ophelia roses and lilies-of the-valley. sisrs.bridesmaid, andclh s a ego ' isrs -riesadrondcuhsasaber I of French blue fisb-net with long I skirt of many flaunces, a amartý drooping f elt bat of pink and carriedi a bouquet o! sunset roses.1 Little Miss Natalie Faver, niece of the grooim, mnade a winsome wee flower girl, dressed in eggshell satin and carxied a quaint nosegay o! rose- huds. The groom was supported by W. A. Giroux, B. Coni. Following the ceremony a recep- qtion was beld. A buffet luncheon was served, after which the bride and groom, amid a showe.r o! confetti, left by motor for Montreal, Quebec. and other eastern Points. For travelling the bride wore an ensemble o! golden brown panne vel vet wit;h egg-shell satin blouse. and matching accessories. On their return Mr: and Deyo, wiil reside at their new residence, 100 Connaught St. Oshawa. Zutoo Tablets Do Tliree Things -qtop lcadache in 20 minutes v~al, Tnp a Cold cyver ngi (i paM ii ains of W(lIlen. I ie N (' t!:*,,ýltIey .%iî l ot do-flicy wua'tliai t)ou. 'cidrenQryW CASTORIA A BABY RmEDY %, APPI@YBD BYDOCTOR CI3ILNGS &a the touch of pros. GALVAEWD erit tostores; give SIDING for ~ ~ ~ t emn Outside Walis ontas for achool" Attrctiv to ook t. bBa, itchens ant Inexpensive. Easy to bathrooms. ERBY pu nover old walls. =p .Nod s With building sp r, liE Ndat OU and ~ ~ ~ ~ pan ClC-ordpatra. Il~ and attens. not crack or fail omf 'The pemanent lre~rc rvfi hec-» t, a "it Ail Depends on You" Meaning, of course, how you would be af- fected should the unexpected suddenly happen. A fire, an automobile accident, a sudden change in health, an unexpected death in the family. Any of these can happen in a very short time, and may have disastrous resuits. Guard yourself against the possibility of a loss with Insurance. The easy, sure way, the only saf e way. You need it-we sel1 it. Phone 50. We will do the rest. "Everything in Good Insurance" J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Nourishing and1 Econouilcal There's more aourlshment fer thie money la a boaf of deliolous wholesome Canada Bread thau la any other 1o0d that oaa b.' b.utgbt for the. same price. Watch how the chUldrea 11k. lt-that'U teli you. Canada Bread It's a Joy to Fat GETPRCESFRM eP e * .T R ARENE Are You in a Quandary About What You Need In Building Material? Lumber, Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail times and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are also prepared to take care of youi order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Stearn Coal. Cail and see us and get our prices before you buy. McCielian & Co. Ltd.e Office Phone 15; House Phonos 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowmanville nmmnm!!--ý nnn"n"wil