Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1929, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1929 MEETINGj1 Mis. (Dr.) Alex Beith, Ottawa 1 Miss Jean Craig, Toronto, la visit- on Wednesdjay, Nov. 13th, 19LI9, to Mr. WosokSnie-eview Trinity Y. W. Missionary Auxili- _____ ing Mrs. F. R. Brown. and Mrs. Edgar S. Bedford, a son (James Attention bas been drantohe ary met November meeting at the1' Burton). ntth home of Mrs. Hubert M. Foster, Lib- The remains of the late Mrs Mrs. McGi1], Nestleton, is visitingi '________________important place which a newspaper etStNrhonTedyeeigBeth, widnw of Dr. Alex * ' bwel: ler daugbter, Mrs. Smit'h Ferguson. DEATHS :holds in a community, !by the com-1 e r t S t , N r t h o n T u e d a e v n i n k 'B e î b , ' .1 m e n t o f a c o n t r q u t o r t o a c u r r e n t l when a very pleasant evening Nvas known residents of Bowrnanville for' Miss Shearer, Cobourg, bas return- 1 BEAMISH-In Port Hope, on Saturday,1 magazine who says: "If the '....ws- j spent. Miss Spargo, President, rs many years, were brought here Mon- ed to hier home after spending the Nov. î6th, 1929, Katherine Beamish utaJtlebte hnis ided and after devotional exerses1day afternoon for interment in the past two weeks witbh ler niece, Mrs. -. Fr fDr W . Bearish, Port Hope' paper i utaltl ete hnis a radig,"Wh i myneghbr9 family plot in Bowinanville cerneterv.1 L. S. Caverly. HOAR-On Saturday, Nov. 16th, 19,9 town, the latter is the gainer there-I ars Bethpased waonFrhao, Mss en Caerl, oroto or. a br late residence, 299 Pacifie A.:by." This principle is fully recog- chapte y is es ofatheon. The! r.BitN Widoyo rda'wMs wo-1ery ootoUi'T.rh'. ryhn é-,uty wdwo izdb l tikn enadw- Three last hpesote Study Nov. l5tb, after several weeks' iii- versity, spent the weekend with bier th, late Thomas E. 1-bar. book, "Drums in the Darkness" wasness at the home of lber sister, Miss parents, NIr. and Mrs. L. S. Caverly, CoUCH-iat obron t Gen9ra , Hospita' m ebtit is pofistle fornpople very interestingly reviewed by r.Fisher onBs lAe. oot, Wligo t Frdy, oebrlt,12,Rvt ermne fsc bnsi r Mrs 10 BosellAve, orotoWelingon t.Isaac Couch, dearly belovel husibond of der that they may realize the duty Elo erywo aeavery on hre she had been staying since the, Choir of Boys' Training Scbool Jennie Couch. Interred at Laurel, Ont.te w in supporting their home pEltonsiWerry whro fgave ca nd ton - death fle o sn isB ou h l. l rsn h u ia o e y' MARTYN-In Hope township, hurs- 1be o eg thpre en eadheve picurSeofvthcond h era einwMis Boughall.i pesn temMia-cmd day, Nov. l4th, 1929, Annie Mýitchell town papers in every way possible.- thewor beng oneand1-b stli ic atthegrae ~as ondcte "olly Be Jolly" in Opera House,, Brownscombe, beloved wîe cof t'l it, Ii Woodstock Sentinel-Reviewv. greater needs of 1-e' African people by Rex-. Dr. Best, minister of St. Tuesday, Dec. 3rd. Tickets 25c. George Howe Martyn, , n ber 87th year. in Ancola. She was assisted in 1-is i aul's Churcb, wbere the Beitb fani- M.adMs ely rhma nterred at welcome. splndd evewby isesLaere ly attended for many years.Mran Mr. ery Grha ad BONNELL-în Oshawa Hfospital, on spledid evie by Misss Laernebaby Roy, Oshawa, and Mr. Jos. J. Friday, Nov. isth, 1929, as the resuit of WOOD SALES Orchard, Florence Werry, Lena Had- She leaves to mourn ber pa.ss'ng,, Flett of Bownianville, spent the 1Sadtntraccde.,TrntoArhur l3dof,.l, 3, dy, Rilda Slemon, and Mrs. Ives. one daughter, Mrs. C. P. Blar t- week-end witb friends in Fenelon Spadîna Ave.,Toronto, husandJ.fJGcor 'twas hesos gins Short, Oshawa, aged 37 years. StraNv 3d-.J ak Musical nunihers were furnisbe<l be aa Ie he o Robert and AI- Falls. BEITH-At the residence cf bhr sister, man will selI on Lot 21, Con. 4, Dar- Mrs. Stb Feruo and MissH1. ex of Ottawa, and James of Toronto, 10ervbody d Ave., Toronto, Friilay, NoYlitnaotVmlees fSia Fse.TeAtm Tan-fengwbo witb M.%r. Blair of Ottawa and, Cbildren, parents,evrbd 15h199IsblFhrBitov-inoaoumleatofSi woster.eved n Mrs. Foferiren i.Roi gtTrotacnp Santa Claus will bc at Nelson's Store: Marlborough, Ottawa, beloved wjfe cf the Station>, about six acres of mixed t 2 ad aple whcbailen"1 aiedtb roain bee.Sa turday, Nov. 23rd. He will bave 1 aleAlexander Beith, M. D.staning tmber. Parties to bave to clnuy adape hiha]ejye ne h vmishr.Ille. Interred ln Bowmanville. sadn ibr A bearty vote of tbanks noeb Tbhe passing of Mrs. Beitb -will re- a gift for everybody. See advt. on v_______i_ April 1, 1931, to remnove timber. Mrs. Strike and secondeded d 'YMIsial1tbeth minds cf cur eIder citizens: last page.1, Sale at 1.30 p. m. Sharp. See buis. Haddy was extended to Mrs. Foster many words of comfort and sets of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Eagleson, I EOIMjW .Cals utoer for opening bier home te tbe auxil- kînePness whicb sbe se often perfori-- Rutb and Audrey, Cobourg,an Mr. MOORE-In loving memory cf our dearl Saturday, Nov. 3Oth.-Lorne Simp- îarv. ed in lier quiet sympatbetic ýway an1d Mrs. Ray Eagleson, CoId Srigs mother, Rhoda Mev M onre. who passed son, S5 H. Lot 26, Con. 8, Darlington, wbile a resident o this tew*n The spent Sunday with tbeir aunt, Mrs. awa>- November 24th, 1922. wl el5ars fsadn ie Next eetig wil be eld ec. 1 sinere ympaty ofa wie cirle ol Har-v Beck.God kew tat se suferin, wil sel 5 ares f stadingmixe Nèxt meting ill b held ee. 1 sincee sympthy o a wid Andcethe lariI r cerenaltardiito wcle iardtimber in, tibeacre% lots.ot Pururbasers when election of efficers wiIl take friends of the family and foi-mer Messrs. Alex and Jos. Fîett and So he closed ber qweary yli, will bave 1-o April 1, 1931, to remove place. patients of Dr. Beith, whonnîevery' cousin, Mr. Isaac Skuce, wbo left in The flowers we place upon yu grave tme body loved, will be expreeýsed for1 August on a motor trip West 1-o IMay wither and decay; bills. Tbeo. M. Slemon, auctioneer. the remaining daugbter and sons in, British' Columbia, returned on Tues-' Will nover fade away.1 odyDe.2.- BPila, BU! GOAL NOW the passing of their ýmother. dax' after having a delightfuî timie. -Sadly missed by ber eilidren. will selI at Lot 11, Con. 9, Darling- Mr.R.H.Colacttwlses1'.jMr. and 'Mrs. Elton Manning and VANSTONE-In loving mernory of mv ton, about 6 acres cf standing mixed Mor.RtH publctt w hes prpaet ARaIycin- iae C G .% r. and Mrs. Albert Manning spent dear fathîrt, Thiomas Vanslone, who died tumber in 1/4 acre lots. See bills. fointh pble ht ieIsprpae ARalyofAfiiaedC.G.I.T*! Thakigv with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- November Igth. 1925. Sale at 1.30 p. m. Tbeo. M. Slemon, 1o continue to deliver coal at Tyroue Greups of Osbawa Presbx'terial Ail nkgvn AsY I gatze on your pleture that hangs on Acine.4- station and to aIl parts of the town be beîd in tbe Lecture Roon cf t.. rd Ledger, Pontiac, Micb. Mr. the wIallitoee.4- and township. AI] orders promptly Paul's Cburcb, Bowmant-ille, tbis Sam 'Manning returned home witb Yor seand ourw-iemeI-ot 1itbem. 1 rec ouandmur ol slnc In Phoe a61 saisacioa.îaan Mp . td4 pNovmbe 3d rm1 Mr. and Mrs. W. McLean, Flora. And dwell on mnemories of days Iliat have ACINSL Pho a 18 a. ni t 4 . 11 Iand Bruce, M rs. W esley K err, T oron- ieen. -t 1o, Mrs. Rd. Trimble, Vernon and, pear iii the grave where father ,,is ad, Saturday, November 3Oth.-Tbe d Lavnne Male roe, ereSunaySweet le the memory that neyer will fade, estate of the late Ernest A. Osborne LavoneMape Govewer SudayFlowers may wither, leaves fade and die, vîstors witb Mr. and Mrs. Arthur If some do forget you, neyer wlll 1. will sell at bis residence, King St., Trimble.Sadly mlssed by hIs lovlng daughter Mary Bowmnville, aIl of bhis bousebold M A E S G E TBowmanville was well represented 1 -- furaiture and furnisliings including WIJNat the Durham Regiment's first an- Lost or Found Stigrodnn om er Il 55.nual bah bheld in Port Hope Town pe tcrtaîndishe, et; isFord TA T WHEI ORDIJ NG~. YOUR GROCERIES Hall F'riday evening. 11- was a splen-1 LOST-In Darlington, on Friday, Nov. es utis ibs t;as od t THIS 'WEEK YOU INCLUDE SOME 0Fdid affair, 1-be music was good, but 15th, a bla.ck leather key keyner. Find- Sdn aea .0p .rm o eplease leave atStatesman Office, shine, as there is a large shed ad- 1-b flor as bi crwde. Hwmavlle. 71jaining residence. W. J. Chaliis, THESE SPECIAL VALUES: G. A. Edmondstone is writing- a HORSE ESTRAY--.Ca=e on Lot1, i ~ Auctiioneer. 47-2 a WhîteBean, ver selct ad choce........... Iba forparticularly interesting series of i1 P. Darlington, about Nov. 141-b, a bay _______________ Whie Bans vey slec an chice..... .....4 Is. or 5c advts on meat. Wbether you buy'driver. Owner may have same by prov-1 Cranherries, large and meaty ......................... 25c lM. your meat froin Alex or not you wil ng property, paylng expenses. Apply to W. C. Ashton, Bowmanvllle. Phone A SHOOTING MATCH Sbrif' JU Pwdrs lwystaty.........4 fo 2e fnd bibis week's advt on page 2 par- 140-22. 47-3w I Sheif'sJely owers awas ast ............ fr 5c ticularly belpful and instructive. ---i---- Squirrel Brand Peanut Butter, in cup at............... jSc j Will bie held on Saturday after- Swet ickesta prce p -b ~ptie...........2 c t.The Chicken Pie Siipper seirved by Articles FrSl noon, Nov. 2Srd, at one o'clock by Swet icle tospuc u th apeit ............ 0ePt -be Sisters of Rebekah on Thursday Green Cros. on 1-be Crawford Farm.xi 3-Minute Oat Flakes, mighty nice,............Oc and 25e p4l. evening in St. John'a Parish Hall wa PIOS FOR SALE-9 gaod Yorkshlrel p1g, even weeks ad. Apply o Chas. Bth rifle and sotgun targets wil Real Park Sausage and Weiners, Fearmam's Choicest Brand, a good success aotwitbst.andiug 1-be Shaw, Hampton R1. R. 1,, Phione 376-2. 1 be used If desired. Shot guti amn- 3Oc IL downpour of ramn. The tables were 47dlwmunition will bie ia stock at 1-be Aimber Honey, best quality, ini 5 Ilb. pais........ .......... 45eyceoae ndtesupro FOR SALE-Double buggy and cur match. 'Phere will be about farty 'Manyfamiles us 11- n plae of utterbecaue it' se cea~. hicke, pumfer adqappekpielaed Applay forquicksale. ApplanodMr. duds andgeeseaff asd as rizes oMay amiie us i inplce f uttr eeaseitssochep.other good things was wnucb eajoyed W. . Sparg, Liberty et., North Bow-. Green Bros. Choice Cooking Apples ........................... 35c jpeck by aIl. ?anvlle.Phone 231W. 47-1* .Mghty aice for pies, baking, aipple sauce or- dumplings. ai fyou can't be with 1hemn at FOR SALE-Qibbage for feed, oan't Marmajade, Har-ris & I*ngley, 40 oz ..................... 30c i Christmnas 1-mie, there's one substi- be beaten for hiens and pullets, $2.00 per CARTING AND TRUCKING Best quality, doesn't psy ta make mai-malade when tute 1-ey wilî appreiate-Yokir 100; also saine for home use. O. Peister, you can buy it se, cheap and go.od. Pbotograph-the most persona] of alBaanîle.PtMe 9. vinlclandCarongditck. u Tea we tak a par ona le pri e i r cc> mea in 1-is -~gifts. T ere is none 1-00 m uc b 1-ne FOR SALE-Two pIr boots and skates H. BOM BARD , attacbed, size 4 girs, 5 boys, good con-PhnSU Qe t.Bomvil aur best exstomters................................. 59C lb. avoid 1-be Cbvistnias rush. Phone G. W. Pattrick, corner Uberty and Wei 3-t Fresh Cooking Figs, good for wbat ails you........... 2 lbs. 25c 256 for appointaient. ýH. Huinphries, 1llngtan St,, Bownianville. 47-1* New Crop Dates, sweet and meaty.................. 2 lbs. 25c Photographer, Horsey St., Bowmnan-j LAIJNDRY WANTED Clld Cheese........... 35c lb. Nejw Cheese ..........3Oc lb. ville. 47-f Wa.nted, AIl klnda or tann,îry work don* pompt. We will bave semne nice crate-fat1-ened mik-fed Chickens A Seminar for Ministers of Oh A D-BoresadRc ly, satlsfactorily and nt rpasonabblPrtris Osh Boader and aniers. Write Pont Offire Box 12. or cal Mis f or Friday and Saturday. awa Presbytery wiJl be beld at Whit-t ÂpplZ lo Mrs. G.,A. Gibsan. Temprance K i -.o-,,Ting st. E. Rnwrnanville by Tubernacle on Monday, Nov. 251-,'St., ~Bownianville. __ 47-1 P)-<,fné 476Wý Fish or Oysters served occasioaally add variety 1-o the froin 10 a. mi.1-o 4 p. nm. Dr. BaillieI BOARDERS WANTED--JId Furnished daily leau. We bave 1-e kind of Fish you like and 1-be Oysters wiU condut 1-be Seainar on 1-be sub- jRoon. ta let. Mn-. M. Smith, Church EIER BA are inX aled botties. jeet "The Place of Jesus in Modern et", BwRaEG.e. 7-ORKSIRED BOARakpfo OaIy 5 weeks 1o Cristmnas--,so do your Christmias Sbop.. Christianity." Ail ministers of thel WANTED-A capable woman for gen- service on Lot 35 Con. .1, Clarke Towen- îg ery.Pesyer r1ugd:1atn . !H. ral bausework, 3 adults. Isabel K. ship. Terms J2.00 cash. William ________rsbtryae redt atnd Smith, Concession St., Boxemanville. Blakte, Manager. 45-3 __________Stainton, Secretary of Ministry ofi Phone 295J1. 44-tif _______________ Reading. ATD-xeinf oirOp- "Rowto Kep Yung"wa tors, maie and female; stead sua - y * * N ir c r subject of a splendid sermon hy Rev. ment. Apply Durbam Textii'esg, Bow o ie o C-dt r H A R Y L L N , G r ce iJ. U. Robins in Trinity Church on manvîlle. 46-tf _____ Sunday evening. Association with IOA ERSNAIEWNE N THE MATTER 0F 1tho estateofa PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLuE children and Young people, having a -Par Bowmanville and District for 1-be. Ernest A. Osborne, deceasod. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h o b b y , a n d m a k i n g a s t u d y o f G o d 's O l d I e l l a b l e F o n t h i l l N u r s e r i e s . A , N O T I C E l a e r e hy g i v e n 1 - a t a l p e r - aplendid apening, witb exclusive terri- sons having any calms against 1-be above Word were some of 1-be things men-, tory rigbt. Send for circular matter deceased, wbo dled on November 8, 1929, __________ tioned ta keep youthful 1ho' aged. and full information. Stone & Welliîng- et Bowmanville, are requîred 1-o send or Musical nuaibers included antheins b1 taýn, Toronto 2. 45-4 deliver ta 1-be undersigned executrîx ful -u 1-bhe choir, a maIe chorus in 1-be morn-. o e that after the 31et day of Deeember, 1929, i1 ngte, fenon n a solo by Miss BeniceBeS anTO RENT-3 furnislîed rooms, 1-ess et o sd teeased aong he S P A R T O N 'SEN E m" S Grtold in the aeemoo, n oi y M ailRcveniences. Phone 612. 47-1 on yund teslaisned w"'h sal te havehadnotce ad tat aidundersign- Whie Siel Clb hld -besecnd TO LET-Two unfurnisbed rooms t- ed exeCutrix wiil not be lahIe for sad Whie Siel Clb hld he ecod rnt.Apply ta W. M. Gibson, Jacknian assets or any part thereof 1-o any person meeting ofth season on Nov. 51-,. House, off Scugog St., Bowmanyiile. 471 of whose dlaim she shaîl nol tenbv aa.mu~ uum- ~ . in St. Paul's Lecture rooni with the j-.--receivedi notice. *m*~U EIUUU '~ jpresident, Mrs. Tbos. Gould, in 1-be OUSE TO LET-iercm moe Datee at Bowmanville the 181-h day of chair fened H !sing n T Snioncs, opposite Town Hali. W. Novemnber, 1929. chi. Meeting oee ysnigT yos Phone 467j. i3owmany llîe. Bwavi "Canada," followed by rol jcaland T EN-n47î RS EIT1V SOBLL e minutes of last meeting. Specialý HOUSE T ETi Bowmanville. by1 Executrix a iofErnest A. Osborne imeeting on Nov. 261-b, 1o arrange a:let of December, modern convenlences, 47-2 a deceased. $2.0. A p io. .F. IdB rrse X-mas Party on December 171-b Tbe $2500. anvle P0ho.eF. 10r., Baristr hed by rs . o u lerd o sars ofae the* 5 0 E lunch. Two contests were present- For Sale or To Rent ~eun , - watsth and part of tho body, wbieb FRSLhRRNT7roîdbue Month or $90.00 Yearly .......................e ceatd geatlauhte. Te ith erarage on Winzion St.. aIl con- creaed geatlaugter. Theprize.. venlences, wlred for electrle 51ove, new- Monarch (Oul) Royalty Preferred were two lboxes ef candy whieb aU j y .ecorateîî. Imnîciiai.pose"Ion.; Stock bas pfolr oegusxlar ntîi aftorwards enjeyed. Refresbnients i ,PpIy tii J. 1- Mldî,R. R. 2,Ilîow- dvdnefrovrsxyas rtfo0-F CEwere served and 1-be Good Nigbt soeag manville. Phone 183-5. 47-tf; H. L M. WELLER"& CO. W lia1 Toranto St., TORONTO ~and National Anthern concluded a FOR SALE OR RENT-Sold brick S- (Establish.d 1899) very enjoyable evening. raamed bouse, mnodern conveniences. J.. R. Pbilp, Scugog St., Bowmanvile. 45-t- -£ a. year's major radio dcvelop- ment ..,. FACE-TO-FACE REAL- ISM. Again we ofert you .. . in the new Spartan FQLASONNE instruments ... the b:ggest thril that radio affords. Hear the nexe j Spartoas today! Learn about tdus amazing "soxnething"~that semas to take yau riglit into the studio, to SEE your entertainers ...- to FEEL the magactisin of their PERSON- ALITY. Don't miss tiis. Visit us at onc ... eyen if orly tu, Mtou. Lowest Prices This Season Model"931-$251.50. Model 301 (as illustrated)- wSPRN ModeI 111-$555.00. $385.0.éI We are assured by manufacturjer these prices wil not be Iower this season. gDemonstration Gladly Given In Your Home Harry C.- Allun KigSt. West Bowmanyiiie SPARToN RADIO OpRodarps Richesg voioe SHOPPERS j W. Have Gif te Suitable For Eye1-y One on Your List. Among 1hem are: Boa- Picturos - Gaine, Kidde Cars and Joycycles Fountain Peu and Poacul Sets Gift China and Glass Dm..,. Sets - Lampe Vases and Canilloatice Staunped Goode and Embroidet-ed LUnena Christmnas Paptrisa-.som. -thing different Novesities of &Hai lsd Chistamas Car.de and Pet-semi GI-etings in great varlety. SLep Eas. J.W.JEWELL "BIG 20" Phone 30 %wmauvilj.e il Farty acres, loamy soi], near s9tatIon, bîgri andl Public achools, beaîthful loca- tIOn, lots cf wood, 8swaniP SUltable for heaver or muskrat farniing, buildings, good roads. Exchange for mil place on w~ater or stream. I<nigbt, Box 54, Alton. Ont. 46-2' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-10 Pul- lets, single comb Rt. 1. Reds, hMay hatcb; 3 Coc.kérels, extra nice bîrds. April bateli; also 2 Black Java Bantam HIpn.: 2 flh,-k Java Bantani Pullets; 1 Black Java ook- erel. APPlY ta George C. Wright, Newe- castle. 46-2w' Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE-Burk ParnI, soun of Baxemanvîlle. Exceptiona] citer for a qulck sal e. APPly 21va Dlurit Sutlon,' Baxemanville. Phone 42. 44-4! HOUSES FOR SALE-Several bouses' on Elgin and Concession Streets. with ail canvesilences; omal anlount af cash reqîîlred: balance ontrentaI paymenta,1 Apply Eva Burk Onitton, Boxemanvllle. HOUSES FOR SALE-Two noe brickj Iresîdlences, one on George St..&d . on Grant Ave. AIl conveniences. Bar- i ggain for qulck sale. Ternis to suit. Ap- ply ta J. E. 1"ett, Contre St., Do :I Iville. Phono 384. 17-tf BEMJTIFUL BOWMANVILLE 1 REOIDFiNCE--47,Mo.00O Reduced from sss00.00. Substantial rty Street, con4 bathroom, olic se . i lnnclosets, pan-' try. built-in refLV ator. etc. Stono foundation; fullInue iolvided cellar with plaotorod coiling; hot air heating. Thre. aCres land. nioolY Woodod, fin 016trocs, ahrubs, hodges and fruit trees: ail nec-' esaary outbuiîdings. Reasonabie terme!~ wlli beo Oniderod. This ia for immod. ite sale. Apply Thi. TorontoG1nera TrseCorporation, 263 Day Street, Penny Wise Pound Foolish Defeotive eyesigb1- affects the entire nervous systeai, and 1-is incapacitatea you for proper per- formance of any diuties you may have. Many a man bas loet a goad position by con1inually feeling "ail in" and thereby noît honing thbe proîper "«pep". This is often traceaible 1-o dofective eyesigbt.* If you feel langiudd, bave bead- aches, get irritable at times, it may be your eyes. They sbould be exasnined by an otomoetrist, Lot us examine 1hem. If you do flot require glasies wo will teel Jury & Loveli Whou W. Test Eyes itla .Dem. Prep.rly. PAGE FIVE ANOTHER REDUCTION IN LADIES'DRESSES OUT THEY GO THIS WEEK REGARDLESS 0F PROFIT OR COST Last week's Dress Sale was a wonderful success. The ladies were greatly pleased with their bargains. Some bought two dresses. Many told their friends of the unexpected values. And to think prices have been reduced still further. LOT NO. 1 - DRESSES at $8.95 All the newest materials, styles and shades, and most sizes from 14 to 42. Some are rnarked down less than haîf price. See them and get a real surprise at values ofi'ered. LOT NO. 2 - DRESSES at $5.95 We have another lot at this very popular price. There's no end of assortment in styles, shades and sizes, This lot is limited at this very low price and cannot be duplicated. Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Coats Beautifully and lavishly fur trimmed grouped in two lots for special selling this week at $25.00 and $1 6.75 New Silk Parasols for Christmnas GiftS, new shades and shapes, from ..............................$2.00 té $7.50 Christmas Handkerchiefs just opened up thia week in unique styles and endléss varuieties. You're welcorne to corne in and look around iithout being urged to buy. THE S31A1T SIROP GEO. R. MASON, Manager. MEN'S NAVY ]BLUE OVERCOAT SPECIAL at $19.95 This Week End This week-end we are making a speèilTof line of Men's Navy Blue Overcoats, plain melton cloths, with belted backs, and wide self collars, some are with piped seams, while others are lined with a black and white plush lining. These are very heavy quality coats, and values that were up to $27.50, on sale this week-end for quick clearing For Only $19.95 Each MEN'S WOOL SHIRTS & DRAWERS at $1.29 Warm wool Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, heavy ribbed quality, rnostly Penman's make, al sizes, Out They Go At Only $1.29 Garment MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT 98c Men's Work Shirts, cotton tweed, in shades of fawn, grey, heather, very heavy quality, MEN'S WOOL SOX 39c Pair or 3 Pair for $1.09 Men's Wool Sox, extra heavy quality, SaturdaY SP.ciaJ 39c Pair, or 3 Pair for *1.00 T. IB.,GILCHRIST Dia.Qotppet Rami, off Meutagal Ph... Si, 'i e - 1 il il Ph* a el, Bow

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