Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1929, p. 1

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~be * Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. GREAT DRESS SALE These are the Biggest Valu( in Dresses We have Ever Given That's a broad statement to make, for v have giVen somne mighty big values in the pa,ý You will actually be surprised at the values ar reductions we are making in this season's stoc] Description fails utterly to give you an adequal impression of these bargains. You must see the: to appreciate what we say is the truth. Dress& are of Crepes, Crepe Baek Satins and Georgettei aIl sizes and colors to suit every taste. Ni Regular Price $14.50 $22.00 $12.50 $19-75 $10-00 $1 5-50 $11.00 $17.50 $ 7.00 $22-50 $14.50 $22.50 $22. 00 $21.50 $3250 $25.00 $14.50 $12,75 $19.75 Dresses, clearing, Sale Price $ 9.50 $1250 $16-50 $ 7.00 $1 5.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 $ 7.00 $12.50 $ 4.98 $15.00 $10-00 $18.00 $15.00 $20.00 $18.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $10.00 at............ $10.oo Six Knitted Dreai, clearing at ........... $ 5.00 Seventeen Cloth Dresses, clearing at .......$10.00 (Regular $15.00 to $22.50) LADIES' NEW HOSIERY Our Hosiery Department has been showing a substantial inerease because we have the variety and price to suit everybody. More new silk, and silk and wool stockings just received. Extra good line of silk hose at 75e. Dependable Ladies' Underiwear in Silk and Silk and Wool. KENWOOD AND SCOTCH BLANKETS Sole Agents for the Celebrated Kenwood Blankets. We also have just reeeived sonie very fine Scotch Wool Blankets. * BOYS' SUJTS HALF PRICE Ail Boys' Suits with Bloomer Pants, some with 2 pair of pants, sizes 33 to 36, are being sold this week at haif price. Original priees were $16.00, $12.00 and $l.O-now the price is eut half. NEW SHOWJNG 0F MEN'S OVERCOATS Louch, Johuston & Cryderinan HONE E 104 LIMITED BOW74A"yILF ennab.itan Quantity Two Six Three TWO Four Orne One Two Two Two ýsiX Orne Five Three Orne TWO TWO Orne Orne Orne fie Knitted 1 P il lie With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News%, BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2lst, 1929 $2.00 a Year in Advanee 5e a Copy No. 47 HAYDON MIN1STEjRS AND CHURCHES LOCAL AND OTHERWISE CELEB3RATE DIAMOND JUBILEE---=- Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hall, Mr. and 1 Trinity United Church-Rev. J. U. W. C. Caverlyan son Rex,H.C Mrs. C. E. Burk,' Toronto, visited at Robins, pastor. Sunday services:,C v ry a d W .B g el rt r e M r . D a v H a l 's . . . . . r . n d r s . 1 1 . m a n 7 . a ndh pH .o rC .l Stan Woollings, Violet, Beatrice and1 preach; Sunday School at 2.30 P. nM.' Ciay rlyanm. J. an-lelirun Nornman, Sundayed with lher sister, EhenezerCuc il odisa-Tbey e ruh hm iespeci. A h o . M s E.M u t u l anniversary on Sunday, Nov.Mr J. . M h e wes r pe aî t men of the chase. Beech, Misses Ada and Mabel andGrveinnheHortnonicenontrewrihDra) te SUD t r tMr. rreon Beech 's, r C ort vs-1p reach at both services and at M aple p o e i h M s D . . M ad hor /u.. a MrPJeet Beh'ICut- MoBin eazsze r eLnl:fwin and lbas resided with Mr. and pects to take charge next Sundav. . SBest D. D., Minister. Il a. .- Sedl Gray e s M r . L e G r h ve i g o u r h u s rc h 1va s i n g " L e s O i n t h e S c ole o fs s thanksMrvino Grahami, Oshawa .... lof Christ"; 7 p. n.-Evening Wor-Mr and Mrs. G.loehrManToronto, fld ihan appreciative audience. Jesus"; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School.M. and Mrs . M orleyand sogDo, Tesinging of the pupils from Ennis-; St. John's <Anglican> Church- Ja n rhr saa r .A llnd Haydon schools, under the Rex-. R. J. Shires, Rector. Sunday Ja n nhr saa r .A l adership of M iss M arion Orchard . 'next hefore Advent, November 24th: ih r. a d M . A bet r w with Miss Elva O chard accompanis t, a . H l o nnno* i .n.T m M c uf C pln a nn we shossn 0Cný" aizhdm.-Sunday School and Bible Class; ~Meei ve cho]s ang "O ana a" hain~ had -Mo nin Paye & ita y; .30 P~small audience on Monday e nig no reharThe parents Ih 7p. n.-Evening Prayer. hn e~1Padheeu eru id being done for their children underl St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church nunaibers and songs were excellent nd such capable leadership. A duet was1 corner Temperance and Church Sts'l and the playing of the bagpipes couid k. jsýveetly sung by Misses Alice Ashtoni Morning Wonshîp Il a. mi.; Evening' hardly bie better. He is a real Scot and Elsie Moore; two selections were Wonship 7 p. m.; Sunday School 2.30 M.C .Cwe r.C .Cweadenee evaridyporn hc h given by our own young elocutionist, P.Ini. Rev. Edward Lee of Erin, Mr .M aie r .Cworangaeaaityroaiwbh e te 1idc ud ineeoed rn Miss Viola Bradley; the yaung mien Ont., will preacli at both services. Among the mnany social events with roses and candies, and etnd Mn. and Mrs.Rihr aln faoedwthtoseetin;viln tagers especially welconie. wbich occun in a town perhaps none, with a delicious wedding cake.Rihr unl, duet xvas nicely given by Mr. A. i _____aeo oeitra hnawdîg It is interesting to note that two l,.vrsy of fifty-five yeans of es tinonanby Mrth e chTra hetb sl Wera couple are privileged to cel- ()of the nieces-Mrs. Haddy and Mns. nianried lîfe on Thanksgiving Day, ýS etinsbyth ochstawih rs eraefifty yeans of niarried, life itiFoster, wbo pnesided at the tea tab- Novenae lUwe teneber Theron Mountjoy accainpanist, were SALEM beconies of greatm importance, but I le onStnawn lo a h ftenfmly onlwen te reean much appreciated. Mn. E. E. Rea- Mn. T. H. LchnBwavl when the sixtieth milestone is reacb- o SJrdy wedding atth of their uncle and auntrsen an les indy atedas haiman sufenn unav d i isa rre ccaion . lerainatyrfrinda .in ex- le inl atdascaimn. R-filled our pulpit again last Snd;e, gnantaraedoccason. ,arsago Wben the marrnage yed gihotraleaos to-ui. e fneshnients wene served and the gath-I oxvzng ta oun pastor sfeigfrom~ Such an honor bas been rne1 was solemniied at the home gfte in tb naa ening closed by al 'ioining in sîng- *troat trouble and loss of voîce... t two of aur worthy citizens, Mn. parents, the 1ate Mn. and Mns. Chas. erable couple. ing God Save the King. Proceeds Sympathy is extended to Mns. Robentiand Mrs. Chas. M. Cawken,1 who on young. $ 28.00. Collacott in the. death of bier sister,iSunday, Novemben 17tb, conxpleted A pieasant feature on this occas- At the Rotary Club luncheon at Mrs. T. Hoar, Toronto, and te Mrs.styeaso happy marrnle< life aind wa the ~ * ofacnBaurlHteFidynnD.. PoUrd n te dathof ercous- wene privileged ta celebrate thein 1gratulatory and appreciatîve address E. R. Westlman, head of the Ontario ENS LLNin, Rev. I. Couch... Mn. and Mns. Diamonid Jubilce surnounded by near- fnom Trinity United Chunch ta Mn. Researebh Foundation, Toronto, gave Rll. Conklin motaned down fro., ly ail their family, grandcbildnen, and Mrs. Cawker, the presentatian a veny informative talk on the splen- jMn. and Mrs. E. E. Staples attend-1 Kingafsville and spent a few days witb 1 relatives and fniends in tawn and 1 beîng nmade by Rev. J. U. Robins, did work being acconiplisbed by this etbe funeral of the late George ber fathe, Mn. R. Collacott. Mn., froni a distance. paston, who was acconipanied by ne- institution. He related several Lindsay f Lindsay on Satunday and Jand Ms. Conklin bad celebrated thein At the At Home held an Saturday presentatives froni various organiza- cases whene research work in their spnt Sunday itb the fannen's bro- ivr Wdding anniversary an the in bonon of the event, the golden tians of the cbunch. Mn. Cawker lanatonies had been of estimable ther-in-law, Mr. A. Irwin, and famiuly. Saturday previofus. Many Saleim sunsbine witbout, 'the beautiful ihas the distinction of baIiving served value in solving pnoblems in science, .i. .Mn. and Mrs. D. Burg.ma.sten frienda join in congratulations. chysantemums, roses and other on the official board of this ohurch industry andTagieultlire* Through ade a business trip ta B'uffialo the Mn. and Mrs. C. Canruthers enjo yed1fiowers, wbich decorted and gladden- longer than any other meimben. these agencies it is boped 'and oxpect- first of the week .. . . Ms. T. MeGill a motor trip ta Baltimare on undayl ed the 'bouse and bearts within, add- An abundance of beautiful fiowen ed and kept in the frnvaofp- and Miss Reva spent the weekend whene tbey spent the day with rela-~ ed te the welco.me s0 graciously ex- gifts froni admiring fniends deconat- ges Dr emn i on n f ro. with fniends on Taraonto, Mrs. McGill tives._Mn. and Mns. G. Cornisb tended ta the bosts of friends wbo ed the rooms and ncludedI bouquets of Rotanian M. H. Minore. renaining over fer a few days.... visited bis brother, Mn. Chas. Cor- called to extend thein good wishes froni Tninity United Cburch, Jerus. Mn. and ýMrs. Wallace Stainton, To- nis, hawa, recently... Mn. and on this happy occasion.I alemn Lodge, A. F. and A. M., and onto, visited bis fathen, Mn. James Mrs. W. Fitze, Janetville, 'Mn. and Sixty years ago, on Nav. 17tb,IFlonence Nightingale Lodge I.O.O.F. Stainton, and sister, Mrs. W. H. Mrs. Newfone, son and daughter, 1869, Chaules M. Cawleer, son of the Scores of letters and teiegrams ex- COMING EVENTS Moore ..Ladies' Aid are holding Oshawa, were Sunday visitons with late John and Elizabeth Cawker of tending congratulations were recelv- their Bazaan on W-ednesday, Dec. 4. Mn. and Mrs. G. Cornish. Mr. New- Monachoran, Devonshire, and Sarah 'cd f.rom fnienda and relatives in Eng- Rervc Tuesday evcning, Docem- ...Mrs. W. Pattersn and Mn. L. fane bas rccently been promoted to Goeda.ughten of Thomnas and land, United States and Canada. or i th, for "A Full House"' being Robiýison, Oronu, visited Mn. and manager of thbe T. Eaton Grocetenia Mary lover, Richimond Hill, fonni- The famuly includes Mn. C. Arthu resne yS.Jh' hri Mrs. J. Freeaborn on Sunday.. . Mrs, of Oshawa ... Mn. nd Mrg. Wels}s erly of Abbotsham, Devon, England, Cawken of His Majesty's Customns Public Sehool Concert Thuruday IR. slemon is staying with Mn. and knd family visited thein daughter, wene u:nited in marniage at Bownn tom-Mr. Morley Cawker Medicine and Friday, December l2th and 13*b. Mr.J. Seo .M . ad .mrs L Savy, etonviile, on Sun- ville 'by Rev. G. N. F. T. Dixon. Mn. Hat, Alts.; Mrs. F. C. Vanstone Mn. Larg hrs nls ogec Milton'Tam'blyn and son Glen, Onono, dafy. . . . Mns. E. J. Doidge bas been and Mrs. Cawker have been 'promin- T. WVeley Cawker and Miss M. Adâe- Rumniage Sale in St. Paa's Loot. Mn.andsaa Mrs. A .bu Tamlyn, ds18 n foiqune...HsMarly ent and respected resîdents of 'Bow- laide Cawker, town, ail of wboni une Boom Saturday, Nov. 30th. Jea, sbwa Ms.A.Ta IbnSaleni fnriends will be sonny te learn manville for seventy-five years. wene present on thig-occasion but Home-mnade Cooking Sale and After- spent Sundayat W. J. Staintn's... that Mn.W H. Glemens bas auffered Thbieadro eeasstdMre.noon Tee. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap and a strokeat Cobourg Hospital] wbere iTeeiidn ytrd oom er assed Morley. o te o"ta Alfred, 'Mrs. Wmn. Whittaker, Mrs. bh ba ben a patient for sevenal i eevn yterdubes n. Anxong tbose Ipresent froni a dis- Wqe' uiir eteHsia John Petbick, Newtonville, visited at montha past ..ongratulationstFedCVasonndMsM.A- tance were: Mrs. J. C. Vanstone, Mnr. bvn hf nne hit~ cl Petbck'. .. .Mn.W. . Krk-Mn.andMm.WreordCorisb o laide Cawker. Miss Agnes Van- and Mrs. B. S. Vanstene ndMr letion tisi month. Envolopea will land",nd dauhter Mrgaret C-o- rrivaiof atone bygil t n eceived the guests and invit- Misses Adah and Maude Wright, Mn:.be given out on Saturday, Nov,. 2Srd, land and dau kigten Mrgrt et, Ç.arva fafn bb ild theni ta negisten in tbe guest book. and Mrs. Fred Osborne, Mrs. Gaby, and colecteid in a weck's tinte. Mn.- NorC.Artur awradleye th wifen and J B.E. Staples, Mr. Tine fies and chidhood nover ne- RIrdle: wfe ndguests te the tea main, where Mns. and Mrs. Byron Haddy, Mn. and Mns. tuxns-.*pbotographa live forever. dgber Filsie, and Mrs. Bradley Sn., SOLINA P. A. Haddy and Mrs. Hanry W. Fo-'Chas. H. Haddy and Jack, Miss Agnes Don't delay any longer. Phone 256 Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mrs. J. ter pouned tea. Tbe attentive as- K. Haddy, Mn. and Mns. HamryBask- for appoinaiment and bave the photos Bradley... .Mr. J. Bradley is necav- Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. George sistants, wbo senved dainty nefnesh. ervilie, Mn. S. R. Wicket~t Miss Ida for ChrIstrnas gifts. H. -Humphnjos. ering froin quînsey ...Cistmasl Hardy, Oakiwood, et Mn. Isaac Han- ments, included Miss Lena Haddy, Wic1kett, Mxs. (Dr) Kilborn, Toronto; Concert Fniday, Dec. 2Oth. Partie- dy's; Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Tink, Miss Mms. C. H. Mason, Mrs. T. Wesley Mn. and Mrs. E. F. Cawker and Hel- ulars later... . . -Mn. and Mm~ Francis Evelyn and 'Mn. Bruce, visited at Cawker and Misses May Vanstone en, Mrs. (Dr.) B. J. Hazlewood, Osh- JUNIOR HOCKEY PLAYERS Wenry visited the latter's sister, Mn. Mn. Jas. Hortop's, Pont Penny; Mn. and Grace King of Toronto. The awa; Miss K. Hamilton, Mms. W. T. and Mrs. Bailey, Blackstock ..In and Mms. Ernest Le.nmer and family, tea table was effectiveiy deconated Mitchell, Port Hope. II you think you're good enouglh spite of nathen bad weathen Monday Blackstock, at Mn. W. T. Taylo's; _________________________________ nigbt, a good cnowd gatibened te bean Mn. and Mms. Harold Pascoe witbh ta play Junior 0. H. A. hockey and the play put on by the C. G. I. T. en- 1Mn. and Mm. Eric Peance, Newcl-astle; MAIL COURIER FOR 46 YEARS Mm. F. J. Spry and Master Lyness down te Jack Gunn's C. N. R. Ex- titled "Between Two Lives," whicb Miss Marion Wiliams, Part Ferry, coSATRBIFILES lr istn irmteMs .A resoficebin deage Nv.lind core o wasasplendidly given. Miss ElVa witb ber sisten, Mms. Chas. How:am; DCookR RIF LWho ae isitibelmt. nMm.m . eW fe wniayNoh o 2ne a Orcbard, leader, and the girls, de- Miss Vena Baker and Mr. Sami Dew- Co'khio sii. .m eaNt faother.ood the-.ap serve credît for their work.. League ell at Mn. W. Peance's, Newcastle; W. H. Moore., Tyrone, Ont. Group one of Bo'wmenvidle Woni.. wbo deiivoms the goowo gote an meeting was in cbarge of the Presi-, Mn. and Mis. Chas. Howsam witb - en's Institute and their fnienda en- the teani. Don't hoetimid abut Coin- dent. Missionary Vice, Miss McGilIPor Penny fnienda; Mn. and Mm. H. On Tbursday, Nove<mben 7tb, 1929, ioyed a pleasant afternoon on Wed- ing to the meeting. If- wc hav'en't took charge Nfora nin gteson jL. Pascoe, Mn. and Mm. Will Spry,1 aftena verybnief ilînes there clos- nsday Nov h ttehm fenoh chair o can at onth was read by Nra Qrig onu bs. Mn. and Mms. Herb Ricb- 5h5 feo oe fTyoe - b e ay, ovG. . 1Sthl, Katgt.e ome o 11< uns you Fn ay i g1ht and the devotional wes taken bY Miss lards and'Mn. R. Harding, Bownan- le h ieo n fTyoesba m .H hcel ig~ A socflone.S ecyn Fdy ngt Annie Oke; the French national an-i ville, callid on Mn. Will Pascoe, who knawn and niucb respected citizens, ial COep of tee with nefresbmnhflos thein waa then sung by Miss Dalton jcniusmc h ae n a. William H. Moore, in bis 63rd yean. belIped pies; the tix n ost bappily. Itewndiae 'llmct dnc and ccaipaird y M. H McGill;, Reeson and Mn. Clarence Hays, Col-j For 46 yeam ble had been Courier fe'wrs tbe tapie on the "French Canadiana"î unabus, Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Halfacre, in Ris Mesty's mail service froni was taken by Rev. J. M. Wbyte ; ead- yrne, Mr. and Mms. John EaHrlMa inga were gîven by Misses Audreyl Mn and Mms. R. Earle, Ida, Mn. R. Tyrane te BowmanviIle, and many Donland and Margaret Dalton. Meet-IMoore, Lindsay, Mn. and Mms. George pay tnibute ta bis unfailing kindness L cn losed with Mizpab Benediction. Hardy, Oakwood, Mni. and Mrs. Chas.land tbaughtfulness. TYALgo ALL Knigbt, S'underland, at Mn. Harveyi changeful seasons, trying weather TAUCING AKN i ~~~~~~~~Handy's; Mr. Hardy's father,' Mn. and road conditions, lie was faitbful PCUE OA HAR ITUE Jas. Hardy is still cenfined to is bed ta is duty and performed it oyaîy. PCURSJTRE Mn. and Mms. H. G. Pascoe enter- Often during the winter montbs when BWWNIL THE POPULAR. CANTATA Iteincd the four genenations of tbe sn,, storns ged blocking count.ry O M VLE Pascoe family at dinner Saturdayl roada which sa often prevented othen R.an A evening .... Owing ta the absence o rural mail drivers froni attempting ariURS., FR.adS T-NOV. 21 - 22 - 23 E' jf3 ~ ~ 1 Ç J ondy eenig ws i chngeof would appear smiling as us- 1 LON CHANEY ji E S T H E R i President Allan Raison. The devo-1 ual.,at Bowmanville post office for bis- tional period was well taken by Ms. mi. We know of no publiceso- Chas. H-oiwsam. Mn. Gardon Os-' vant moreedeserving of a crown of j "TH U N D ER " under directioc off Mr*. (Dr.) Bell bonne, Ebenezer, introduced Mr. Jim glory and the encoqnitim of "well Hancock of Elbenezer wbo is a candi done faitbf.ul servant" than the late il With Snrnzdmsesoeadsudefea date for the Older 'Baya' ParliaiuntMn. Moore. y ro ze muisc ean sudefe onand who presented bis platform venyl He was a nienben of the Sons of A1-I a biuy . H io. o gatitd1h.nla d O de-o ae-0 yer.AI o al-a k ng cm1a d T e elr.î t r "Man

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