PAGE SIX THE CANADdAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVII.LE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1929_____ l Fh one BIG with T-f HERES no longer any reason why you souldn't be in the big six elass . . because there's no longer any reason why you should pay the usual big six prices. For Pontiac bas brought the power of a Big Six engine.. the sturdy endurance of a big chassis.. the regal charmn of Fisher Bodies ...into the low-priced field. Pontiac has everything that you would ordin- arily pay Big Car prices for. Luxurjous appointinents . . deep-scated cornfort.. Internal.expanding Four-wheel Brakes, Love- ioy Hydraulic Shock Absorbers, Tiltray Headlights (foot-controlled), GNIR High- Comnpression Cylînder Head and a long list of big car features.. Mie moment you ride in Pontiac Six ..the moment you drive it, youIl know of a surety there's only one way to get Big Six quality without paying Bix Six price. p-1-a29 nROoUCr OF GoeERAL zMOWOR FCANADA, LDMED Cor bett Motor Sales King Stret Bowmanville . Ontario T SEBTTER ERCAUSE IT'S CANADIAN are',s only >wav to gZel SIX quality lout payinq of tnexr caugnîer, Gertrude, te aMr. James Reynolds, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, of Welcome. The marriage is to tae place the latter parlt of Auguat. Rub it in for Lame Back.-A briek rubbing with Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil will relieve lame back. Th skin will immediately abserb the oil and it wiUl penetrate the tissues and bring speedy relief. Try it and b. convinced. As the liniment sinks in, the pain comes out and there are ample grounds for saying that it la an excellent article. Cavan farmers who won prizes in standing Fa]] Wheat Golden Chiaff are: James Whittington, South Mon- aghan, 94 points; W. R. N. Sharpe,1 Ida, 92142 points; Harold Tate, Mill- brook, 92 points;- L. H. Winsîow,j Ida, 91%'4 pointa; R. McCanius, Ida, j 91 points; A. P. Kennedy, Cavan, 90,4 points; John Smith, Cavan, 891%42points. Miller's Worm Powders are not surpassed by any other preparation as a vermifuge or worm destroyer. Indeed, there are few preparations that have the merit that it hmaste recommend it. Mthers, aware of ita excellence, seek ita aid at the first indication of the presence of worma in their children, knowing that it la a perfectly truatworthy imedicine that wl]] give imunediate and lasting relief. CRYSTAL CITY, MAN. Lack of Raja and Crope Poor Mrs. Ada B. Treble writes in a let-, ter to the editor under date of Aue- ust 6th: Harvest is j ust commencing--one by one peo pie are starting t»o cut. Our western crops wi]l be only about haîf this Fal]. We have had a veryl dry sunsmer. There is not a bit of ntoisture in the ground and gardens are the poorest I have ever Seen. This is the first time we have not had beets and carrots. Hew the wheat manages to grow is a mystery. The few showers we had didn't aeem to niake any impression on the gar- dens. Oats are a failure; there will be some bar]ey. Had a nice ramn ]ast night which will heip the gardens, especial]y potat.oes. Flowers are very poor, there hasn't been growth-everything is about haîf size. Its very unusuAal for a. spring and summer like this hasi been. One hears the same resnarks everywhere. 1 There was a light frost Saturday marning-spears of frost or ice oni the water troughs. This ls very un-1 usual around ber..i Over 100,000 eleetric ighte illu-1 minate the Canadian National Exhi- bition Grounds at night.1 Bus Direct To Exhibition11 TRAVEL THE MOTOR WAY COMFORTABLE UP-TO-DATE BUSSES -GOING DAILY- No need to worry about Parking Cars, Crowding for Street Cars and Tickets, as this Bus takes you right on the Grounds. Aug. 23rd to Sept. 7th (Daylight Saving Time) LEAVES BOWMANVILLE AT 8 a. m. Bus stays on grounds leaving at 10.30 p. m. RETURN FARE $2.00 Patrons using oui' Busses may leave their cars in garage at Bowmanville free of charge. For information phone: Bowmanville 412 or 346; Oshawa 2283. T. A. GARTON, Proprietor. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE RURAL SCHOOL FAIRS Milk £rom dandelion stalks willl Dates Announced for Durham cure warts, it is said. SchooI Fairs are announced-boyaI Twelve Sehool Fairs will be held and girls gat exhibits ready. in Durham CGounty in September. New potat»es are $2.50 a bag. These Fairs have been increasing Last Fali they dragged at 50c. greatly in popularity the last two Apple crop is said to be a third years, having an incresse of 26% in moretha in 928notaroud hre.the numbe~r of entries in 1928 over mor thn i 198-fot roud hre.1926. Parents and cbjîdren through- Toronto daily says it COSts $ 1.63' ot the county declare that these to buy meat that cost $1l in 1913. Fairs do much to stimulate interest Canada holda more thanhesar in live stock, farm crops, home beau- of high milk and butter recors. tification and domestic science. It God liver oil, 14 to ½ teaspo.onful,iis hoped that these Fairs will be three times a day, will cure pyorrhea I more successful this year than ever. Sunday, Aug. 4th, was the 15th They will be held at the following anniversary of start of World War. places on the following dates- Mrs.DaringonKenalvisited Millbrook-Thursday, Septernber 5. bercosDin gto. , en d, PrtIda-Friday, September 6. Hoe cosn r hlaPlad otGarden Hili Monday, September 9. Hope. Welcoce-Tuesday, September 10. The cost of staging the Canadian Newcastle-Thursday, September 12. National Exhibition annuaUly is $1,- Bethany-F-riday, September 13., 225,000. Janetville-Monday, Septeanber 16. Mrs. Thomias Walton, Lindsay, was Blackstock-We-dnesday, Sept. 18. stunned when lightning struck her Enniskillen-Thursday, Sept. 19. home. Orono>-Priday, September 20. Clean and dirty farmns are seen by Hampton--4Monday, September 23. tourists in Ontario. Mr. F armer, Maple Grove-Tuesday, Sept. 24. which is yours? Chamnpionship School Fair at Orono, Much of the joy of pleasant su enedyOtoe12d mer months is killed by the tragedy lista in daily papers. ANNUAL FIELD DAY, KENDAL Forest fires have been a serious menace this season. Thousands of On Wednesday afternoon, July acres have been razed. 3sit, the annual Field Day was held Over in New York appeal is being at Kendal park with good attendance. made to striking grave-diggers toj Baseball was the big attraction for. bury their grievances. t.he majority present and six teamsi Youth's Companion, that old boys' played out an elimination contest as favorite weekly of Boston, has been follows: (batte-ries named) Welcome absorbed by "The American Boy." -Haskill, Marion; Wes]eyv-lle.- Sandy Fraser says in The Farm- Zealand, Oughtred; Newtonville- erAdvocate that a good woman Gibbs, Graham; Garden HilI-Mer- grs i valueivr ye have be cer,' Dunbar, Wilson; Kendal-Lit- ~wW i e.e~ ayyetle, McGahey; Starkville-Save-ry, Misses L. A. Mayne and Clara W. 8;mith. Five innings games were, Peters, Hope, visited Mrs. Peter played and the resu]ts were: Wel-1 Newton, Craigmiller Farmn, Balti- come vs Starkville 11-0; Wesleyvil]e more. -vs Kendal 18-5; Kendal, Newtovle The Coliseuan at the Canadian1 Garden Hill 7-1; Garden Hi]],Wl National Exhibition is the world's come, Kendal 4-0; We]come, Garden largest exposition building, covering Hill, Welcome 6-1. Darkness stop. 161/2 acres. ped the garnie and the finals played Candia rilemn mde graton Wednesday. Mr. John Rosevear jrecordx at Bîsley this year. Where of Port Hope acted as urnpre in his are Bowmanville's crack marksmen usua] impartial style. of old-time records? The horseshoe pitching contest was won by Messrs. McLaughlin, Over 500 inusicians will partici- Darlington, with Messrs. Bob GIan- pate in the Military Tattoo in front ville and A. West, Ames and Lam- of the Grandstand at the Canadian bert, Wilson and Hooper, as first, National Exhibition, Toronto. second and third respectively. The Mr. nd rs.Robrt herinOr-contest was under the care of Dir- ono, and his sister, Miss Edith her- Interestîng juvenile races were win, Winnipeg, were recent 9ues preaided over by Mr. Swarbrick. of Mr. and Mrs. T. Barrie, Port Ho p. Lunch was served to the people by A western lady tells us since her the ladies of the community. visit to Durham County she has in- Hon. Vincent Massey paid us a herited a liking for chickentpie and visit during the afternoon. scalded cream-as many oer vis- A splendid crowd was present to itors have. greet and to hear the first clasa en- Hon. W. . M. King, Prime Min- tertainment presented by Mis.s Pearl ister ý>f Canada, spent last weekend Newton and her company, with her in Durham County, guest of Hon. inimitable readinga, interspersed~ Vincent Massey at Batterwood with vocal selections by Ethel Gran- Hous, Caton.ger, contralto, Mr. MeLay, Scottish flous, Caton.tenor, and the Moote Trio on Spanish Editor James had lived in Lorne and Hawaiian guita.ra and banjo. Villa 50 years on Aug. Ist. Who The opinion of the chairman, Rev. can beat it in 'Bhwmanville? He al- T. Wallace, as to the quality of the so crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a entertainment given was endoreed sailing vessel -The Rjose." by the tumultuous applause ci the Mi.andMis Wilia Leisof audience at the close. Welcome announce the engagement Ttareit ee$40 H. P RDumnaoND, EsQ. VICE-PRESIDENTS M.AJ.-GE. Tin HoN. S. C. MEwBuIU, cu~.G. GENERAL MANAGER SIR FREDEUCI WILLIAms-TAYLOR D. FossEs ANGus, Esq. H-AROLD KENNEDY, ES-Q. E. W. BEAry, EsQ., Y.c. F. E. MEREDrTH, EsQ., K.c. W. A. BLAcK, Esq. DIRECTORS Wxi. McMAr., Es-Q. G. B. Fpuusa, Esq. GEN. SiR ARTHURP.CUaRM, G.C.M..G., 1.C.B. TiUE HON. THOMAs AHRARN A. O. DAWSON, ESQ. LT.-Cox. HERBERT MOLWN, C.M.Q., lM.c. THE HON. HENRY CocKSHuTT JAMES STEWART, ESQ. J. W. MCONNEM POO, W. N. TiLLES', Esq,, 1.0. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 0F THE BOARD Smt GORDON, G.B.E. HL R. DRummoND, Esq. 1MAj.-GEN. THE HoN. S. C. MEWBU&N. cl.G. E. W. BE!ATTY, EsQ., x.c. LONDON COMMITTEE HiB GRACE rin Duia op DavomnsîiR, K.G. (Chafrmau) F. R. S. BALpou, Esq. Sîs. HAIU»SAN LEvER?, BART, O5 Tua RT. HON. LORD STRATECONA AND MOUNT ROYAL PARIS COMITÉ CONSULTATIF M. GASToN MaENIE FREDERICE ADAMS, E8Q. MEXICO COMMITI'EE C. GORDON PArEStIN, Enc~ The Bank has over 6oo Offces in Canada, Newfoundland, United States, Mexico; at London, England, and at Paris, France, with Correspondents in ail Countries, offering exceptional facilities in al departments of General and Foreign Banking. The Bank of Montreal hodas an interest in Barclays Bank (Dominion. Colonial and Overseas), and by reason of thisa asodatio la able to offer its clients closecmpetiîv rates and complete banking service for busi- ness with the West Indics, mn the im- portant advantages c&fred being facgities for obtanng acmute local Iramtiomi KEDRON Miss Ruth C.ole visited Miss Ferne Ledgett in Oshawa. Mr. Donald Haig, Toronto, 'was guest of Mr. Albert Luke. Miss Winnie Gifford, 'Bowmanville, visited Mrs. Reford Cameron. Mrs. A. R. Eatcliffe, Toronto# spent -the w.eekend at Mr R. J. Luke'a. Kedron Sunday Sehool Picnic Was held in R. J. Luke's grove on Mon- day atternooln. Sunday, August llth, Rev. W. A.1I Bunner, Bowmanville, conducted the! church service. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. McCulloch and Mrs. Jas. Heatlie, Orono, and Dr. and Mrs. Heatlie, Indiana, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe. Girl Guides, under leadership of Mrs. Gordon Rateliffe, are camiping in Mr. R. J. Luke's grove. Mrs. Thomas Gimblett, Ellen and Carl, Maple Grove, and Miss Ei]een Graham, Newcastle, visited Mr. N.~ Gimblett. BOWLING GREEN NOTES Seven rinks drawn from the mem- bershýp of Newcastle Men's Eowling1 Club are competing fur John Douglas Silver Trophy. The respective skips are Clarence Batty, Bert Brereton, J. A. Butler, F'red Fligg, W. F. Rick- ard, W. P. Rogers and Geo. C. Wright. The first games were play- ed July 30th, and playing wllbe continued according to schedule-1 ery Tuesday and Thursday ening until Sept. 3th. However in vew of the tact that Mr. Batty and Rev. W. P. Rogers weîe taking their holi- É days in August, their rinks got ia; game each last Wednesday evening, the former playing against Dr. But- ler's rink, and the latter against Mr. Brereton's. Twenty-four bewlers, members of the Men's Club, have entered the competition for Dr. J. A. Butler's singles prizes, the main prise being a set of bowls to either the lady or gentleman who wins eut finally in the elimination contest. Mr. Frank' Allin, secretary of the Club, has drawn the players two by two, who are this week to competey against each other in the preliminary ound. Each pair of contestants, thus W. F. Riekard vs Dr. Butler, J. H. J'ose va Percy Hare, Thos. Moffatt vs Johni Garrod, Walter Crowther vs Dr. Stacey, etc., are to choose their own i time of playing and each pair willi play twelve ends. The loser will be elirinated fîom turther pa.rtici- pation in the conteat and a new sehodule will then be drawn for the winners. The ladies will compote among themselves in the saie way, until the champion player of the sea- son is determined. The preacher and the banker by their absence are out of this. Ouhard motor boat and yacht- ing races will be featured on the Canadian National Exhibition Aqua- tic Sports programme.à From Youth To Old Age T ERE are three trying periods in a womnan's lile: when the girl matures to womanhood,- whe-n a woman gives birth to her first child; when a woman reaches middle age. At these critical times Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound helps to restore normal health and vigor. Countless thousands testify to its worffi. LXe"*.E.Pinkhani Vegehe kCompouiu LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHMRCITE - 77m. Coul tatSa ois fiee SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES YVou will neyer have cause to regret using ouzi Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you will smile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Buildera' Supplie& and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanvill. Capital.$34,5eS760 Rest and Undivided Pro6ita, $37,0'76,829 Total Assets, $91 5,705,653 BANK0F MONTREAL Furniture and Furnishing for the Home We have sold almost entirely out of many lines of Summer Furnituiie. We have a few articles left in some limes which we offer for Aug. at greatly reduced prices. Visit our stores and if you require any of these pieces you can pur- chase at a great saving. VERANDA SHADES A f ew veranda shades left with green siat and ail complete with cords and hangers: 1 shade 8 ft. wide x 7 ft. 6 inches drop, regular $12.00, for......................................$800". 4 shades 5 ft. wide x 7 ft. 6 inches drop, regular $7.50 f or . ....................................$5.00 TWO REFRIGERATORS LEFT Just 2 Refrigerators of good reliable make: 1 regular price $25.00, to go at ....$20.00 1 regular price $18.50, to go at ....$15.00 LAWN SEATS REDUCED Some lawn seats, and a few lines of splendid reed goods specially low priced for August F.F. MORRIS Co. Home Furnishers Phone 10 Bowmanville PRESIDENT SIR CHARLES GORDON, G.B.E. 1