Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1929, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOwMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST Sth, 1929 PAGE SEVEN STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire Systom l King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calla At Our Efpena. WE KNOW OUR MEATS Because we buy "on the hoof" direct from the farmers. We also make it a point to always buy from the best known live stock breeders in the county. We are therefore enabled to recommend with confidence and assurance to our customem that the meat we seil is young, healthy and of the best quality. We have supplied the people of Bowrman- ville with meats for over 70 years and they know "Cawker's Meats Are the Best." C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanville Paint Up and Clean Up This Means the Little Old Red School House, Too * Now is the time to do that Paint Job on the school-house and get it ail fixed up during the holidays. Let us give you an estimate on what it will cost. We guarantee our material and labor to give the best satisfact- ion. GEO. PRITCHARD Phoe 4':)PAINTER AND DECORATOR om vil TRIP TO PACIFIC COAST 100 miles and saw nothing but dry pasture and then we came to saine ISani Snowden, Maple Grave, Relates of those C. P. ditches thiat are used jSome lnteresting Incidents About ta irrigate the land, ani some large th, HisTTip ceînent pipes carrying the water from one town to another. We in Think.ng saine of my iriends reach Calgary Tuesday evenlng. t, would i'e ta hear £rom me, 1 amn More to follow. C taking thiz- way of letting the follesi Samuel Snowden scl at hume hear instead of writing to so Calgary, July 24, 1929(s Imany. We started Thursday morn- its ing for Sarnia by train-a itiresome BO MNILE1 enou.gh day. We took the boat at BWA IL Sarnia at 4.30 p. mn.. It la flot a SOFT BALL LEAGUE e i large boat but ve.ry corniortable. The water was very rough that aven- Second Schedule In i ng-a-nough Sa that we did not eat 'any supper. Somne one said the JuIy 29-High Sehool vs Goodyear. rougbest it had been for the season. July 30-Whîz vs Foundry. C However, we had a good nig.ht', rest Aug. 1-Front St. vs Motars. WE as we needed it. This boat has 96 Aug. 2-Foundry vs Front St. 04 ai a crew and they certainly wait on Aug. 6-Goodyear vs Whiz. Fr passeilgers very nicely. The «at, ug. 8-Mators vs High Schaol. P were very good and the amusement Aug. 9-Foundry vs Mators. ,wa.s excellent. A miarc around the Aug. 12-Whiz vs High Schoal. deck 8 tinies headed by the pipes Aug. '13-Goodyear vs Front St. and drums made a mile sud they Aug. 15-High Sehool vs Foundry. 1would tell if anyone didn't go in the Au«. 16-Front St. vs Whiz. Imarch they wouldn't get any dinner. Aug. 19-Motors vs Goodyear. Of course, that was a joke but we Aug. 20-Goodyear vs Foundry. le got in the march-it was good exer- Aug. 22-High School vs Front St. ai cise for aIl. In the evenings they Aug. 23-Whiz vs Mtors. o would have community singing. Tbey Gaines ta start at 7 o'clock Sharpi. P8 sang saine good aid plaices tliat Play-off beld at end of each schedule. would make yau think Rv. MFirst and second teains ta -play off. b4 Stainton was leading then. 0f t course, m,7 wife and brother lielped FOTBLoNW in snging theni. There was also FOOBALNESi saine dancing, so the boat trip was Stiari inPu î Gi. l really grand. _____ad ___ la ieGae a Thi inrnig, ridy, e ae 3ii A very thrillîng Darlington Foot- so, St. Mary's River with itS green bail League gane was played at as banks and it.s picturesque lightm Zion Saturday night with Salina.M bouses, quaint summier Cottages, i h iiosgta2ga adi h provides a beautuful introduction'tTheirsit nod whicha ga e hein the I the city ai Sault Ste Marie, the home fiprio thy were sthtin an t i of the sportsman. m reof the world. But i wasandioer-«a We left the Soo at noon and ar- ftewrd u twsadfe-a rived at the Canal in 5 minutes whieh ont story in the second period whan fo connctsthe ates o Lak Suer-Zion evened the score and the gaine fi connecta thosewa ters a LkeSupier- ended 2-2. Teains: m an ake wsHuthroS. May'hRier Solina-Roy Langmaid, goal; C. ai andL.ke urn. helocks take Tink, J. Reynolds, backs; A. Blanch- ai ten minutes ta flood our steamer ard, R. Vice, Les. Gibson, ball backs; it level with the river above. As we1 Jas. Reynolds, Hilt.on Tink, Lyde PO drift out in upper St. Mary'a ivesiîas ~od Pso, Pryi there are saine nice sconery, such R eWllm, forard. He Pry o the Island, Thunder Cape, Mountain i Hi tinogal ~ McKy-ha igts er vey ine. Cameron, Fred Camaran, backa; Then as we camne up to Port Ar- Anson Balson, Elmer Wilbur, Reford thur the large elovators were a greati Camoron hall backs; F. Pascoe, sight. I was told one ai the ainWI a ]trrJs.hJns er the largest ini the wanld. Likelyj p.aîpTrllJseGapaîJn, orrs history tells that now. We arrïved ,GlasjiOll, ap Glsefowr. at Port Arthur about 9 o'clock Sat- Reere-L. Ashiton,. Enniskillen. f urday inorning and took the train iv for Winnipeg which in 452 miles. LAUNDRY WANTED tc As we started on the train at Dar- lingtan Statioan we met a Mr. and Al kitide of iaundry work don. prompt- stý Mrs.Dixn aiPor Ar.bur ioinely iY. tintactonliy and at reaiciieble pricesnM Mrs Dion f Prt rthr, ormrlywrite Pont omcee Box 12. or camli ru o Misa Allison, daughtar ai Darlington W. Mariortin. King St. I. Bovxnanvi.b Station master some years ega. We Phono 478W. vue lb also imet Mrs. Jackson aif1Vancouver ai travelling homeward- an Ontarioae lady, first cousin of the Aluin boys ai 0 Bowman-.Vîlle and Newcastle. This part of the country did not la appeal ýto us very mucli, as when I telFou that we travelled saine 275 b miles and only saw a pitch or so o ai patatoes and just a sinaîl place aifp hay or grass and a littlo grain, you it inay think as I do ai it. -Bush, lake, th smalStream and scrub made up the t 275 miles. I know that rnany On- W] tarqa folk have been over this road hc and know what I'm telling ta bo the ý case. v Well, we gat into Winnipeg Iabout n( 9.10 a. Mi. Saturday nIght. Wo had c lunch at the station and found the pu Enipîre otel, registerod and had a gl clean up--as we noeded t much, it 9c was sa dtiirty on the train. The phonoe o w l y ulo k r rang for Mr. Sio'wden, se I answor lw w l y ulo lw ed it and it was Mr. Fred Axiord, a "I amn wrüino you amiate a es W brother oi Mr. C. Axford, M"aipo etiiUUddfor vUae ouijwfued ssa r Groe. e wntd u toemeuphave mai ned Uraugh my daiy dmof .i Grov. H watedus e crneup nueen.Onu lest ,oee a man met me (who ti but wo wore tirod and put the visit n*w "Wa feuw mntago AMwaIos oiDI off tilI the rnornînIg. Ho camne down W ich "eu rep i# iret. Yu hVe onl in the morning and took us up ta bis Kuwà a ut ta Uaak.- He nid Se us place. He bad beau down ta the tu'q#ff sar da".I wa~S fte Eammen C.P.R. Station locking for us, but we ù- "W nad Sa1L. 1JaS. F. Wcoam. came C.N.R. so missed 1dm. WeU, ow t« m 61, fS Bt. oe lun.. Fred and wife sure entortainod us Iruachen UtalIs obtaahie at drug and L foS innr an superdiner o de"t torm In canada at 75c. a botlie. d4 fer inna andsuper, inne onA bottle containsa eough ta luit for 4 or 6 Sunday andi had a large car and monboQd lmomth tuSo s umt a das. fi showed us t.he fine residences in thbe el City. Thero are many gad pi*- t rasidences. Winnipeg basPa"ral on which is a buffalo, an engine and 0 sheaves ai grain. This seul waL adopted by the council June let, CM IoOGA 1874. The motta la Comeaelru dence and Industry. d1eudoltiaiygCI The buffalo, thbe hardy fearlesu cl nomadic mone.rch of thbe plains 'who riaiLj~ bad orWgins.l Possession and held Ife a sway where the city of wlnîpecgC now stands. s The engine, the analyzlng mochan-W ism of man's ingenuîty displaced the 01 buffalo, was the forarunner ai Pros-. % Oi pelity and la tthe means of social and % VI coImmrcial conmmunication which tuba city enjoya with the world. At the Sd of a day's wora, elleo ID The shoavos of grain represent thse nmouon tension belore otlug. ci source froni which the proaprity of WrWgel's wili refh hnd toue Von a this oity emenatod and are ebleni-up-mo ébat youIre ready to e»V atic of the City as the gateway of the 7owfood. Golden West and as the greatest Thon, mter mcml,. W-eholpe grain centre in the world. aW&« the tetb Z- 'We met Mr.PhiIp, a.reltive-cf - sofeadn.4 or-smokfug- hlghway wiere we could see from "4Mv tamifl vu thesu whn evur ueodeà tube train for a long distance. They 1.9 quZz wodreuis I have fre. ,were dlawiug gravel and preparing quoutly gvueu tg =hua Who were toi macadamize. We aaw thse Indian sufednrtfrasm ech sud th"y movf Rosideutial School at ElkhomrnSts. faild tegtvequ4O la ief. I mlwmys tion. Suto iesT.sla min kip onthe C o W. entered Alberta $ast siterda 4" W=O)ULD MuwriTOUI break and then wo saw tis'ý ne ~h«y- T»19 AT AMYCOS?"@ very dry. Thon. were lots of hors.. pu-bo-st a&U 4Uh. but v.ry tw caftl.. We travld > -~ PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT1 Report ai Public Health Nurse for he inontb ai July, 1929: No. ai haines visited 132; no. ail dividuals visited 227; no. of ývisits i o- Pronatal cases 7, Postnatali ases 9, Adult 30, Infant 57, Pre- chool 84, Re-physical defects school age) 38; Miscellaneous vis- ts 7; Social welfare 2; Not iound ,; Office hours 17. No. of Infant Weliare Canfer- mces held 3; Tatal attendance 43; Liants 25; Pre-schools 18. Olga L_ Tod. Thora will ba no Infant Weliare 'onierence during t.he next thrae veeks-. These will be started again % Friday, August 3Oth, and lield anl riday ai each week ironi 2 ta 4.30 . M MUTT AND JEFF COMING l'rom aIl accounts thse ancient eud that has existed between Mutt md Jeif, Bud Fisher's famaus car- oon classica, lias been satisiactorily mtched. This fact, it la undarstood, bas >eon thonaughly and decisively es- ablished lu the new side-splitting sniedy with music, MUTT AND F!FýS HONEYMOON." In lihis 'iumph ai fun, ravelry, screoins, ughter, surprises, novelties and in- woatians, Little Jaif undertakes the oînawhat Horculean task ai acting àcounsel and genoral adviser in &utt's uniartunata marital affairs. 'e result can be botter imagined han chronicled. Suffice ta, say that îvenything Jeif does is totally wrong id Mutt spends, many an unconi- 1 table bour extnicating biniseli omi a mess of unexpected entangle- nenta. The offoring is in two acta id six scenes and runs thoe gamut )f some ai thba liartiest merriments h as been oun good fortune to ne- inrt in niany a day. The attract- on will hald the boards at the Opera aouse, Bowinanville, Tuesday niglit, lugust l3th. SUPPORT HOMZ INDUSTRY The Kingsville Reporter lied the llowing thoughtful and canstruct- ve oditonial in .4s, last Issue. Every ;wn seains tanred with thse samel ;tick: "If there were 999 difier-ent nakes oi bread sold in Kingsville, ;mo people would nearly collapse )ecause there were not two or three >ther niakos and this condition ai Efairs holds good througbout tsel ength and breadth ai tise land. nce in a great while one will came :ross a town whera the citizens are yal to tuheir borne institutions, and iy home produced goods, but in he niajanity oi towns la that restless lemand for sornething that is noti )roducod at home. In saine instances lai thoughtlessness. on the part ai ,ha cansuniar but in many cases it is he merchant who handles the goods ho is at fault. 1instead of pushing iome pnoduced goods when asked r a certain lino, ho will almost in- iariably fist naine linos that are et produced at home, giving the istomer the impression that goods ýroduced in his home town are not pood as those from. other towns, when in reality the haine produced irticle rnay be superiar and cheaper. 7ho principlo la wrong and in timo xill sap the lufe out ai home indust- les and campaI thein ta, close up on- rely or move aut of town. LEASK PICZfIC The Leask Picnic was held ut Lakeview PaTk, Oshawa, ou Tues- day, July 3Oth. The Farnily was faored witb a perfect day for the enjoyrnent ai aid and yo.ung. The gathering ai over 160 was a reunion ln honor ai Mrs. Jim Burns of Didsbury, Sask., (nea Margaret ..eask) whso is toun.g the East. h.bouit 2 p. -m. thbe happy ga±hering ifter a general bandshake and a cordial welcome ta niembens af 11he clan, old and youug spent thse after- .oon in aponta while others enjoyed achit chat and interesting Teminis- enses ai tisepast. Tbe jolly buncb st down ta a dainty suipper. Thore was abu.ndance ta eat and the genar- us donation froin Mr. Lewis 'Boston of the Boaton 'Dairy, Oshawa was1 very mucli anjoyed. utc, r. Atraillhad dunejutcM. David Leask, Barrister, Toronto, called the cotmpany ta order and with aiew chasen remarks extended goodý wishes ta Mrs. Burns on ber roturn ao ber aid home. Ho also mention- ed the oldest aunt, Mrs. David Leask, JUmbri<'ge, eighty three years, also uIdes'. cousin. Mr. James Leask, Ry- 1 WANT TO BE A GIPSY I want ta b. a gipsy And walk along tise wide road, To caver UP the heurt of me With just a tattered gown; And when the trees are shouldering, Thaur jayoua burden lu thba spring, My soul will find ita rest again A-wandering Up and down. 1 waut ta b. a gipsy And walk alung thbe wide rosd, Tbro' upiaud aud thro' lowland IThmr' taingled paths sud free, IWheu ail tIhe flowers are blosaoeing, IAnd birds are flooking back ta slng IThon I will go a.glpsying IA-wandorinu ta 1th oes. Laura BedeiL Lucky Children Indeed, If Their Mothers Know and Serve SHREDDED With ail the bran of the whole wheat Chilre don't have to be coaxed to eat ft-th" e he oeis, oenchyshreabked whole wheat. They have to chcwfr-ad tht menomd tee& and good dlgetic. Cyclo Motor Fuel Red Indian Motor Oil Marathon Gasoline ALL MIGHTY GOOD McColi-Frontenac PRODUCTS O.M.L Official Station-Emergency Road Service Are You ini a Quandary About What You Need In Building Material? Lumber, Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail times and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are also prepared to take care of youxi order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Cali and see us and get our prices before you buy. M1cCIellan & Co. Ltd. Office Phono 15; Houé. Phonos 228, 274, 218 King St . LBowmanvill Art. Cole's Red Indian Station and Garage Bowmanville King St. E. Phone 54 IS LOCAL DEALER FOR e 1~ IBartlett's Service Station Phono 110 King St. Eat, Bowrnanvil.e TELE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1929 PAGE SEVEN

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