Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1929, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,,BOWM-ýANVILLE, PAGE THRER THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1929 - -- -- LEIIIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal 7That Satis fiée SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES You will neyer have cause to regret using oui Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you will smile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quality Service .1I. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and1 Phone 153 or 202 Fuel Bowmanville No kitchen work-No cooking-Just pour milk over it SHREDDED <'~fII.s With ail the I uLbie bran of the 12bscuits wholewhat, A delicious, nourfshlng breakfast on wbich ta work or plar-' A well balanced ration for anv meal and so easilv prepared. The pas>er iuaes in ech packaoge cors*ain a suT j3t Safeor the iddime k ___ ____ -----7 Are You Ready For Seeding Time ? We have a limited quantity of ALSIKE ALFALFA RED CLOVER SWEET CLOVER TIMOTHY Ail Government Tested seed and at reasonable prices. Cali and see us if you want Pure Seed. McClelIan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phones 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowmanville BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS PUBLIC HEALTH RE-PORT !MUSIC STUDY CLUB HOME TOWNLETS STOP for' NEIOFIER Mrs. W. H. Hill and daughter Dor-1 Report of Public Healîh Nurse ELCT NWOFICR A newspaper can do a lot of good We have been asked to pass on a een spent a week with Mrs. Hill's the month of April: Mrs. F. H. Moody Elected President for a town; a town can do a lot of gentle hint to the motoring Publie siste.r in Toronto. No. of homes visited 116; no. of ____ good for a newspaper. in reference to the stop signs at the indivdua.svB.itd 222iNo.Pflacementh Musî Stud Clu brought a A business can do a lot of gond corners of stre-ets. The signs mean M..J.B egiPlcmntSp It:Prenatal cases 8, Postnatal 9, vrysucesfl eao to a cl ose atf or a town; a town can do a lot of just exactly what they say-stop- ervi&or, Mrs. Seggie and family mOv-1 Adult 5, Infant 45, Preschool 78, its; final meetin n anafleo oodfr a business,.flot to slow down. It is plain ced from Toronto and will take Up:Re school absentees 5, Re physicall foficrsonWeneda ljnng A community can do a lot of good enough, and people wi'th enough residence on Liberty Street. 'defects school age) 3î9, Re acute MayAferth1opnt.xe for a citizen; a citizen can do a lot bramas to drive a car, should be able Patrol Leaders Bill Broughton, communicable disease 28 (messies). cises, with Mrs. J. H. Bateman pre- of good for a community. to understand good English. Stop Raymond Nîchols, Tom Whito-an Miscellaneous visite; 2; social wel- siding, the election took place with, Neither of these should wait for means to stop your car, not to stop Ear Brsh f te Hwax Fegusndifare 5; Not found 12; NO. Office Miss F. Mi. Galbraith in charge and the other. ýB'oth should star doing talking or smoking. Uniess better EroBash 0fe the HounrdiFrgcuonhours 16. Miss Olga Ted as secretary pro tem. at once and keep everlastingly at it. obeyed, it is going to coat a few Tropateacd te unorS iu No. of Infant Welfarc Confer- h e iiesae foewisbt a at n o rivers a trip jnto the pol'ce court. Leaders' Conference held ia Peter-. h e fiesae I neIisbt a at n o boro last Saturday. encsheld 4, with total attendanze President-Mîrs. F. H. Moody. thing wouîd be done. Now stop flotiirg the sign, please. io , inat43 rshos1. lst Vice President-Mrs. D. R. Police:__________________a_____ Annual Inspection of the Cadetl School Report: Mîorrison.PoieIveutshtadg Corps %vill be on Tuesday, May 2stîh, 2nd Vice President-Mrs. C. Ar- Sergeant: Was he mad? at 2.3 0 p. ni. Public la iavited te, No. of visits to sch-ools 32; no. o thur Cawker. Police: Well, he wasn't very well this display on the par t of the cad- casas romr inspections' 25; no. of Secretari-Treasurer--%Miss Nkiarg-l pleased. B y t e B s 1overtime and should give a good ac-, physical inspections 7; no. of depecia rtAun ___________ defct Correspoading Secretary - Miss1 count of thermselv'es on this occasion. ; suspected 5; no. of treatments 10; Maude Ramsay. Mr. NM. L. Hancock, B.S.A., han7o. o exclon 4. be gv-1Executive-Mrs. Hubert Foster, ___v a AJIF I been gîven charge of the Horticuit.- 97shechol cde nhvebee gv-Mrs. D. W. Best, Mrs. L. Binghain, of PtSNS heîngany dA ' Mk tapim osewa ioral Department. Re wilIlhave e the ompleDrte. se ries f DiphthraMs. br J oe rs. G. E. Rea- against the estate oru tt nie Maetapont eew tI I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' anlim wdiohooni teM.H.diooi yD. .H irse.dHmn on or aboutthie 22nd have before selecting your Wall IMoore and Professor Tomlinson. in the last few moathr.I Pianist-Mrs. Ceci] Dudley. Bownanville, in teCiii. ~înty of Durhiam, Papers. Extnaveplnsaxebengmae orOlga L. Tod Assisant-Miss Helen M1lorris. are required te file the sanie iitti proof the elpmeto n arbrtu t Mesdames H. Foster, J. A. Cole thereof ihthie îinîlrsicrn'l or i bnadtinter w, a dvl nintof ~oreu 1 Solicitor not iater tlîn a May 3tlî, 1929. sell you goods from. some of the Lne Schuul. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL and D. R. Morrison were appointed after whiclî date thie estate will be dis- best Wall Paper Houses in On- _________ to be respensible for numbers to be tributed and ail ldaimiaof wlîich the taiwhr apraepicdt The Five Hundred Club completed 1 oet îîri1,De.3oi a. ven by Bowmanvilie Clu b on the E.xecutor bas not receivcd notice will be io«heepapr r rcdt a very enjoyable wirter's activity by brother ýof David Morrison, town, occasion of a visit te Port Hope rrlasaintte.eifat holding its last meeting at the homehn,'1.Mu sic Study Club on May l4th. DATED %t Bowmativile thîs 29th day Prices given on ail kinds of otewn hi usrpinw ite:o pi,12-painting and decorating. ofMr ad rs FedAlin TeIt les about flfty years since 1 lefti A vcry dclightful program wa Nina E. Neade, wiliners of the f irst and second!Bwanil and very f ew of those gîven under the convenership of przsfrthe season were M1 . I newar nowling but I like to Mrs. T. W. Cawker and Mrs. F. M. BxctrAe WnilliamsOnt te Bradt and Mr. Cunninghanm,Dr. e liviats n. Wsepeil Gaîbraith. 'Springtimo Music" was Eec o Anv illlamsOtate.. be neh Reaan sccuring the consolation incetdl.hei.tfwl presented by thes.e artists; piano solo By M. G. V. Gould, Concession St., Bowmanville ineee ntels e spiecîainyBowmanville, Ont.Phn43 prize. wý%hich vour corre apondunt tllsof Charles Cawker; instrumenta] trio, 18-2 ber Solicîto. hn 3 1 ek.o Mrs. Anderson, Messrs. Francis,__________________ The new addition t0 the school those he knew fifty a-id sixty years ý tnaI~HIt oa oo- building is, ra'pidly taking shape.ia go. IjStrin andA.akeingvoadsos Thehe ee st meoeliscoîpctemMe.M. ambel. al dy, lt.,aad"Vlly c Riaand 'Noelo, _________of_____________________________________ The flouor. have b:een built and the iwrts: ea ir*- etr by Mrs. F.H. Moodv; "The Swal- !brick work is up to the second floor. . ta Thelle 'a C îwan andnotiocnginanh ýùe Canadian Statesman apiecce ctilC(l Fitcx tonad" on g eîb\ MisnF s Contractor T. E. Flaxmîan ais e-I "Et ýonerri Ped al "Mer lRonetme deM snd C pccts tu have the concrete ail poured i eî Days la Dtirlani. I lme;oeie, alva -it the new gytiina.-.unî in another those early elsys you mention a "S i'ig Faacy, Densmore, sung by I week . Af ter that things xvll niove private school for giris coadiicted by px swiftîy. a Mis. Webster. My îîîuther, then Mri Di.) G. E Reama a yuung gir., attende<l Mrs. Web IBo H Last î% WLcdicsday 100 boys left theister's school and iîaiiy a ie havel o:Hwdid vou lîke your School early in t.he mioraitig on their, I listencd te her whea ashe was -0ll to Venîce? big anîîual h'ke. Thcy hiked tb the iag of what she had learîîcd. One Bodt o îc o ehn lake and about three miles along the was sewing and hemming. She haîl we got there the place 'xas flo dd shore. Huge ires were built; the' te hem se the stitches could n )t he__________________a& boys took their customary early!sean, and Mrs. Wesrs teachîng swini in the lake; cvcryonc cajoyedlof other subjects as equalvy just a good f ced of hot degs and toastedias thorough. My mother's name nîarshmallows; games were played;i-,Nas Mary GorrilI, laîci' (Mrs. RobtT ilBopee @00 1scouts passed their frc-lighting and'Atkinson). I have a sister, Mrs.e pee coein tets thn he rap hmeW.t.:eareMeWasIeWO with a feeling of sound content.m Radio Outflt M ize fo th seson Thre illbeOBITUARY Trophy; 5 in the Major League and Audrey McGu ire, Whiitby 4 in the Mliner League. Each Major League team is managed by a meni- Her former achoolmates, friends i ber of the staff. Here are the teains and acquaintances in and about and their managers: Maple Leafs- Newcastle were shocked and grieved nmanager Fred Allia; Tigers-mana- te learn of the death on Suaday, ger J. J. Brown; Senatrs-manager April 28th, 1929, in the Oshawa Hos- Wmn. Dobson; St. Georges-manager pital, of Miss Audrey MeGuire, of E. P. Bradt; and Pirates-ma nager Whitby, in her seventeenth year. Ean1 Cunningham. Thia league will Audrey' was a grand-daughter of play a 20-game schedule by the end Mrs. R. Parker, of Newcastle. of June.I Following the death of her f orm-ý er husbwnd, Mrs. McGuire and her three children moved frein Torontoi FORMR CNGREATINAL te Newcastle, where they -reaided for j FORMR CNGREATINAL several years, while Audrey, with ber MINISTER REMEMBERED brothers, attended the Publie School, and made mnany frienda wnd cbumns On 8Znd BLrthday among the pupils. Mfter Mrs.Mc- Guire's marriage te Mr. A. F. Peup- The many old friends in Bowmaxi- per, the family moved to Whitby, ville will read with ýpleasure a refer- where they have since lived. ence in the Barrie Examiner tea' The funeral on Tuesday after- former popular and highly respected non, April 30th, took place frin pastor of the CongregationulI Church the family resîdence, interment be- here: ing inade la Groveside Cemetery. "Rev. Wm. Hipkin had a pleasant The service was conducted by Rev. surprise April 24th, when about lJohn Lindsay' pastor of Whitby fot ormer înembers of Barrie Presbyterian Ghurch, sssisted by fonryf ina Church called at bis Rev. A. L. Richards of the United home and ipresented him with a purse Church. Audrey's girl chuma act- to mark bis 82nd natal snniversarY. ed as flower bearer. IThe gif t was presented by Miss Ber- Pî-err eeuce n os nice Wiseman aad Bert. Partridge. in,, Messrs. A. O. Parker, F. Parker, voiced the good wishes of the vistIJack and Kenneth Parker, Ross and ors. Ia his reply Mr. Hipkin ne' Roy Jones. ferred feelingly te the very happy i Relatives and friends from a dia- relationship that had existed tacatedn tefnra ee tween himself and his congregation. tance, T A.mstrng, th s.fR. al ey, Several ethers spoke and there were MDre.T rsrnMs .Saly a numer e sona, maing ite- thy and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. gether a very enjoyable -evening.1 Frank Parker, Jack and Kennéth, Considering his advanced years, M.. Tornto; Mrs. R. Parker, Mr. and Hipkin is enjoying geod health.The .s J. S. H. Joncs, Marjorie, Ros Examiner joins his many other and Roy, Mr. A. O. Parker, Mrs. Wm. friends in wishing him many more Heekin, Mrs. Ed. Powell, Mr. -ani happy anniversaries." Mrs. Geo. Wright, Mr. F.. W. Rick- ard and Eveiyn, Mrs. J. R. Fisher, iMisses 'Helen L:ycett and Dunreath 1Dudley, as well ns a large nunîber ofI SPRINGi Its Spring! Its Spring! And in -the For Bur-ns and Scalds-DIr. Thom- The trilîjunîs wear their snow-white;' hoods, The trees are greening overhead, And where their asat year's leaves lie dead The littie flowers are peeping through In dainty gewns of pink and biue. The wiId white strawberry blossom ah inca Upon the creeping strawbery vines. Its Spring! Its Spring! I'm walking threugh The woods, whcre paths seem always new, And here 1 linger through the heurs FiIIing my 'basket fui] of flowers, WhiIe overhead thc gessiping birds Chatter se fast 1 miss the words, But wheuî la joyful notes they sing 1 know ils ail about the Spring, iOn yunder nîossy, fcrn-clad nound Whi.t-petaled liliesI have found, Seani like a symbol lcft to show Ther inter dreamg la tufts of anow. Ils Spî'îng! Ils Spring! Se aweet the Su ight nîy hekrt, se free from care, 1 swing nîy basket full of flewers jWce fainies caught in Spring tino j hou rs, iAnd whea 1 take them home to-night To face mc in the candie ight My flowers from eut the fragrant, W0041 Will make the conymonest thingi And tlîrough the heuri wc'il laughi and sing Bee-.use- -Oh, just hecause its Sîîring.Laura Bedel An' do ye think he look.s loike his! father? 01 (Io tlîat, but den't vye nîind, Mî's. Murphy, ju.st so long as, fhe chiid isý healtliy. One of the commene.sl camplaints of infants is worms, and the inosti effective application for them i.î1 Mother Graves' Wormi Exterminatior. i ef a burn or scaId. klit hould be at hand in every kitchen se tihat it may be available at any time. There la no preparation reqnired. Just ap- > pIy thce oilte the burn er scaîd and IwVo the pain 'wiil abate and in a short time cesse altogether.1 King -And Il'# A G.enuine Rogera Batteryleiris Radio!1 T HE farnous Rgers j Model "Four-Twenty" supplied with this outfit ha. been tried, tested, perfected and is backed by the Rogers record of four years of proven performnance. The W a laut Table Speaker matches the Recelver perfectly and is equipped with the. latest type Magnetic Con., designed especially for une with this model. Together, they closely resemble a console-type radio, but the price i. f rom $50 to $60 Iess than you would have to pay for the lowest-priced Rogers- Batterylesa Console. Due to the remarkable develop- ment of chaîn broadca.ting, radio in now a year 'round source of entertainment and education. You are certain ta get a radio soon; get this com- plete, year 'round Rogers Outfit now. Free Demonstration Easy Terms SoId in Bowmanville by a J. Bagneli, Street Bowmanville H UNDREDS of motoelet who pid bit prices for Big Six perfoemanoe areo wn. kng Dow to Pontine . . thi e W tas ingro. duced a Big Six into the. low-priced fiel. Look et it end you'll o it'm a Big Six ..i big, beautiful, luxurious Fisher Bodie. Driv. it andi you'1I kw it's a Big Six ..wli bi& high-oompression, six-cylinder engin., soeur- moely balanced. Examine it closeIy and you'll lind every desirable Bg Six cliaracteristia big, new, dirt..nd-weather-proaf four-wheel brakes, Lov<sjoy Hydraulie Shock Absorbers, Sprini Covers, Foot-controlled Tilt..ray Head- Negts, end domens of other foatures. p.gzr PONTIAC 9qs4 CORBETT MOTOR SALES King Street ~DUCTOP G4NH1AL MOTORS OP CANADA, LIMrM ~. Hearty Help When Needed When your blue prints turn to praperty; when bricks, timber, steel and atone become actuai building values-then yau need the hearty help of trained insurance counsel; then you need the service of men who know. Cansuit this agency of the Hartford Fire In- surance Ca. about yaur insurance before your building gaes up. We may be able ta save yau money for the future if called befare the job is canipleted. J. J. MAsoN & SOj-CN Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phane 50 King St. E. Bowmanville p-;- Bowmanville

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