Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1929, p. 7

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Ani the hllltop gardens yleld this fragrant teae "SA1LA)I V&resli frou thei gardon.' If your car needs tires ROYAL MASTERS B EGIN the motoring season by making sure your tires are in first class shape or by gerting new ones. Any Dominion Tire Depot ex- pert will give themn a thrj con- scentious overhauling. i f you need new tires, by ail means equip with Royal Masters, made by the Dominion Rubber Company and sLtId by Dominion Tire Depots. Not one Royal Master in a '1thousand wiil ever ucre Not one in five thousand will blow out under two years of jjl service. On New Cars Royal Masters cost more than any other tire made and you cannot expeat themn as standard equipment on your new car. Any deaer wili, however, be glad to equip your new car with Royal Masters as an extra. You will find the addi- tional cost one of the best investments you have ever made. Tou are never far away from a DOMINION TIRE DEPOT BOWMANVI......JaMieson & aifl Dehind the Man! B ACK cf cvery man-back of every family- back o every home, stands the Bank-the guardian of fortunes, the counsellor and friend of those who, realizing the uncertainty of to-morrow, provide for its emnergencies out of today's resources. The Royal Bank of Canada Bowmanville Branch- R. F. Aitchison, Manager 1049 THE CANADIAN STATF.SMAM, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL l8th, 1929 PIONEER DAYS IN DURHAM Methodit. This was when Union Trenouth are oldest residents now 1 took place. in Hampton w-ho were born in the Witb Special Reference to the 11884-86-Revîs. George Brown, Mr. village and have always lived here. Village of Hampton 1 Taylor Mrs. Thomas Pascoe is one of the 1886-89--Revs. Edward Barrass, S. eldest citizens now but îs a more In response to a request of 31%r. ;Saîtoiî recent resident comiflg fàron the W .W. Jardine, B.A., a lady who bas; 18S.-2 Revs. R. McCufloch, Sand- farm south west of Solina. known Hampton intimately for over erson t may be notet that Xl!r. llenry thrce-quarters of a century sponsors a lis,, of residents o! the village and 1892-93---Rev. J. J. Liddy Elliott, senior, was un eý-r!:;y~ e vicinity fifty years ago, more or less. 1895-Re v. E. E. Howard and founder of the village on the A really complete list can scarcely Later ministers: Revs. Henry Thom- first 6of5ae hebuin1840. Ar be expected when a person must a.s, F. J. Anderson, J. P. Berry, B. A., group ofshanail builns ere flliret draw on memory over such a long T. H. P Anderson, C. W. Barrett, aldfSaty Hmton. ie iiil perioti of years. The list follows: George Brown, J. O. ToLton, W. W. adfnlyHmtn William Allun, John Ashton, Sam- Jones, B. D., J. R. Bick. The Elliott Memoriai Park wes uel Ashton, Benj. Ashton. Younger men on thia circuit, pro- f ormerly openeti on September 10, Capt. R. H. Bunt, cooper, Irwin bationers, before Union: Rev. R. T. 1921, in presence of a large and L. Brown, Thomas Burroîws, J. H. iCourtice, Rev. A. Richards, Rev. J. happy assembly of citizens andi Burrows, Wm. IBeer, blacksmith, G. Yelland, Rev. J. W. Cannotn, Rev. o thers. With its alides, swings, Robert Burns, farmer, Richard J. H. Oke, Rev. James Rollins, R~setc, 1 sindid playground for Baulch, tailor. Tredrea, Rev. W. W. Down, Rev. ciliren a nd crowds attend bal John Cole, tailor, sons John T., Thos. Bro'wn ,Rev. Gibson. gamtes. t is a favorite place, too, William J. and Frank A. Cole, mer- When Rev. J. H. Eynon firat came for public and private picnica. Lt chant tailor, John Y. Cole and son, here, there were poor roais or biazeti. has a fine entrance and is an attrac- Jeffse E. L. CJole, butchera, Wlliam trails andtihe travelled on horseback tIO recreation centre for the toiwn- Creeper, Thomas Creeper, Joseph In the early tisys, before the church ahipis. Clatworthy, builder, Cryderinan faim,. was built, services were helti in Editor'a Note-Our correspondents ily-Daniel, James, Marshall, Mich- different homes andi the women wore have kept chîefly to the male sex. ael, T. J. Clarke, Wm. Cowling. their sunt-bonnets and aprons to W. have kno'wn many of the fe-- William Doitige. meetings., males in our far more than hall a Elliott family-Henry Elliott, Mrs. John Colwill, Jr., bas ai century of acquaintance with the esquire, built fleur miii and stores- Hampt.on Quarterly Plan of 1864 and village and have travellet f ar and sons Henry (postimaster) James Mrs. Katerson one of 1873. Mrs. wide during adult 1f e andi hàvo nov- Thomas, John, William Elford. ' Colwill also has the minutes of Gon- er seen a botter cîasis of wives, Erastua Fowke, Horace Farley, ference held at Hampton in June, mothers and daughters than Hamp- John Farley, F. L. Ellis, teaher.' 1869. Also a group of B. C. min- ton bas contained, and many a good Edlward Groat, shoemaker, j-, isters taken at Conference in Bow- wife and successful husband have iam H. Gay. Wl- manville in June, 1865. gone forth from Hampton homes te Edwarti Hastings, pumpmaker, Mra. Katerson bas a group talion make homes in other centres and Charles Horn, miller. ibefore that, at Bowmanville Confer- comumunties in this broati Dominion John J.ohna, wagonimaker, sons ence. They are standing on the olti and the great Republic to the south Cephas and Lewis, John H. joll, church stops. Some of theen are:- of us. Indeeti, we believe, in the fariner. Revs. Wade, H. J. Nott, Mason, case lf almost every mian rnentioned Richard Katerson, furniture tieal- Cantion, Williams, Morris, J. Pinch, it might have been added' 'andi his er and undertaker, George Keraiake, Hoouper, Green, Ebbott, Ash]ey, Bd- good wi*fe", or the contmon forum farmer. wards, Hur]ey, Chappel, Hoitige, Rob- îight have been used M-x. and Mns. John Lavis, carriage-maker, Wil-j erts, Roach and several others, in case he were a marrieti man. We lisa Law, farmer. Inhi-the early f orties the main roati1 gladly atid this tribute to the para- William Martin andi Richard to Bowumanvil]e was on the west ide 1g'raph referring to the neat, taste- Moyse, ahoemakers. 'of the streain and led up throiug hlfull anti tidy homes of Hampton. George Oliver, Thomas Okeho tel. Mount Pleasant ta Michael Crytier- Harry T. Phillips, hotel, Týhomasý man's saiw mill. The Farleya, Cry- Peters, farmer, J. Picliard, Williamijdermans, Williams' anti Smiths'i MARCH HUDSON-ESSEX SALES Rogers, Esquire, John Ruse, Thomas were settled in that district. The ____ Robbîns, farmer, John B. Russell, 1 corners on the west aide where stood Set New Local Record farmer. 'the Elliott homesteati, was called ____ Theo. Salter, Thomiîas G. Stan-!IShanty town. When Mr- Henry By far the largest selling month bouse, sons George, Frank, Charles, Elliott Sr., built the grist miii and whîch Hudison-Essex ever bias known Humphrey Short, sons, Henry, Wil-.~ operated the saw milI in partnership is reporteti for March. The new liamn D. with L. Ormistan, the settlement h- all-tiiue record of Hudson anti Essex Edward Trenouth, maison, son A. came known as Millville. In the late cars purchased in this ternitory and Trenouth, Samuel Thompson, har-. forties the Scugog Roati was openeti registoreti with the Provincial Reg- nesamaker, Wm. Thomas, harnetw- up and in 1851, Mr. Elliott built the istrar was 16 accordîng ta Ross, maker, Richard 'Trick, fariner, Mr.iapresent grist mill, and when the roof Ames & ýGartshiore Co. Ltti., 'Hudson Thoin, Richard Trenouiih, mason. was finisheti the well-kn-own Kitt andi Essex Dealers. This is 6 more William Vanstone. Michell stood on his head on the Hudson and Essex cars than the 10 Joseph Ward, Samuel Ward, gro- ritige-hoarti. In those days, grain cars purchaseti in March a year ago, cor, John Wakeley, Daniel Williams. came f rom as f ar north as Mara anti an increase in business of 60 per Thomas Yeo.1 Ramna, until other outlets were founti cent. Mr. J. S. Aines- saiti that Some more names of plênoiers of The achool on the west aide wras nover before hati cars in the Hudson Hampton are: James Johns, wageon- built in 1844. The school was ait- and Essex field approacheti such a maker, Rev. Abraham Morris, Wil-luated just north of Mr. John Clark's sales mark in this territory. liain Ole, carpentber, Lockhart Or-; house on the V shaped lot. The B. miston, merchant, W. Perlains, shoe-' C. Parsonage was whero Mr. Lewis makeur, Daniel Wilcox, taillr, Wm. Allin now lives. Mr. Henry Elliott, Men-Here is Your Vanstone, waganmakee, Thos. Ward, Sr., was appointeti firat post masteriOporunity butcher, J. R. Janess, carding and in 1851, when the village tooli the ____ cloth mili, Thomas Clark, blackamith, naine of Hampton. IDatnAuoM1alsnteyo Richard Butler, satitler, F. L. BUIs, In those early tisys Mrs. Webster -Electrlcity. offers you $30uto $90 week- William Willia.ms, James Smith, haiapiat col o ils w y. Inexperienced men qulckly trained. Richard Worth, Charles M«riil4 Ed-olina pginatendeti, noramels rahErploymnent uecured. Pracical or 1 adirs ttned nmeySaa home study. Write. Free information ward Jenkins, Thomas Smiith. I Werry, who became (lin. T. H.omecn Engineering Schools. Suite Hancck yron); ane nn * One Hundred. 67 Queen W., Toronto. Trinity War Book wgas compileti by nings, (Mra. W. J. Fleming). Then_____________ Oliver Hezzelwood ant i pibliaheti by there were Sarah C. EIliott, later - Trinity Methotilat Church, Toronto, (Mrs. R. Katerson); Eliza J. Ashton in 1921 anti containing brie! re- (<r. John Eîîiott); Mary ;:owjing, Thle Folly of Taking cortis cf those who fought anti cf (Mrs. Harris), anti Ellen J. Short. thoee who tiiet inl the Great Wonld The bell in the present church was Iie tv War. The senior editar lbas a c.a'py proceureti froym Bownianville Engliani D gesive__ l of this 368 -page reoital of service1 Church rwhen they bought the tihintes. 1 anti sacrifice, anti on page 340 ap-i Hamiptun citizens ntuch regretteti Warns Stomach Suffueers. Neutraliz.l pears a haif-tone portrait o! a well- the lossa by fire in Septeinber, 1925, Dangerous Acids in Stoma.ch witli known Hampton main with this in- lof the Elliott three-storey corner Hot Water and Migflelia formation: store anti also the store to the narth, Tomnp. Lieut.-Colonel Dr. Johez H. formerly owned by Mr. John Cole.' "Never force the digestion of fer- Elliott, il Spatiina Roati, Toronto.1 But we are gladt t see that M-. I;a mnenting f ood froin your stomacl Enlistod April 1915; detailedtO ron has built up the corner st) nice- simply ta get temporary relief froin Military Hospitala Commission; 19i116t ly again, this being the thirdstor indigetion," says a rwell known j appointedti t Special Advisory Com- on that corner. authority. The habit of taking di-' mission on Tuberculusis; 1917 oni gestive pillsalater moals makes Special Medîcal B'oard ta v-lit Saina- The citizens of Hampton are veryr chronic dyspeptics o! many thous- toriai M. D. No. 2; 19 18, Cousultingi fond of flowers. People pasaing thru antis of mon anti vomen because Physician, Ghest Diseases, M. D. Nolalwaya rernark on the profusion of artificial digestents, tirugs anti medi- 2; Retire t t list of Consulting flowers in the gardons in the aum- cines -have practically no influence Specialists M. D. No. 2, November, mer anti the house plants in the tapon the excessively aciti condition 1920, with ranli of Lieut. Colonel windows in the winter. Majority of the stomacb contents which is the (Temp.) of houses are kept in gooti relpair. j cause o! moat formis of indigestion Statesmain restions, ma.ny of 1 t may be new.vs te many that the anti dyspepsia. thein, will remali that Dr. J. H. El- corner-atone of Hampton Church was The alter dinner pill merely les- liott anti bis sister Mary Jane- laidj on May 7, 1874, by the latelsens the sensitiveness of the stomach Mrs. J. C. Kerlake-presenteti1 Honourable John Simpson, Senator nerves anti thus gives a false sense bo Hamptio its valuable anti popu- of Bowmanvulle, anti the dedicatory of freedoin frein pain. Il those, lar recreatison grounds knctwn as El- services were conducteti on firet Fni- who are subject ta indigestion, bloat- lîott Memorial Park-e favorite re- day o! February 1875, the sacreti ing, gas, sour stomach, belching, sort for many picndc parties everylIedifice costing about $7000, with heartburn, etc., alter e-ating woulti year since it was openedte t the pub-1 much gratuitous lâbor anti matenial~ get a little pure Bisurateti Magnesia lic. atideti It thon belongoti to the, (either powder or tablets) from. any J Bible Christians but the present fine' reliable drugglat anti take a tes- Some teacbers of Hampton Sehool jbrick parsonage belongedti o the -oonful o! the powder or two of Senior Roon--F. L. Ellis, George Methodists. First Trustees Boarti: thetaes in a little 'water after Jaunieson, R. J. Nitdnie, (now a Dr. IWilliam Elford, H. Elliott, sen., H. mneals, there woulti be nu further in Toronto), F. J. Groat.1 Elliotit, Jr., Thomas Clarke, Win., necessity for druga or medicines be-, Junior iron-Mi-s. Webster,' Vanstone, Etiward Cnnn, Thonias cause the Blaurateti Manesia a Misses Marion anti Bila Motley, Miss Burrows, George Awde, Thoma.s stantly neutralizes stomnacgh acidity, E. J. Kerslake, Miss J. Salisbury,1 Warti. The Church's Golden Jubile .tops f ood fermentation anti thus in- Miss K. Argue, Miss Wadtiell, Miss as celebrateti on February 22, 2,5'sures normal, painless digestion by F. Galbraith, Miss L Jones, Miss, 1. anti March 1, 1925. lenabling the stomauh to do its work Ch-rmpbandell.er Mrs. R. Katerson and Arnbrcse1 witihout hindrance. The Bible Christian Cliurch hati PAGE SEVUM Treme ndous Increase Public kce-tance VORears McLaughlin-Buick bas ledNbe IworLd in fine-car sales. For vears the proven McLaughlin-Buick en- gineering principles have been acclaimed by an overwhelming majorfrv. But now a tremendous increase in public acceptance bas resulted i estabiishing during the pafit month, a new sales record for ail time. Because here, in addition to the powerful, triplesealed, valve-in-head engine; t h e famous torque-tube drive; the cantilever rear springs and the wonderful sealed chassis, are new, revolutionary standards of performance and riding ease, and new beauty and Iuxury of Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher! You have but to drive this great car to understand why it is literally breaking al sales records for cars at or above its price. McLau hlmn -OButek CORBETT MOTOR SALES King St. East Bowmanvilie WhL B~ ouem*Wm iiuL.Are Duilt-McLaughin Buck WUiBuild Them LEUIIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE nie Coal Tat Soa fi. SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES You will neyer have cause to regret using ouii Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you wiIl smile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and coinfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Buildera' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville - Other preachers were: 1859-Rev. John B. Tapp 1869-62-Rev. Wmn. Hooper f r 4 eb 1862-65-Re'v. W. R.. Roach 1866-67-DUSTANseShCASH H 1873-75-Reov. Henry Kenner DUT NS AH H 1875-76-Rev. W. Wado h Bowmanvill, 1876-79-%ev. S. H. Rie 0.L0YES n 1879-88-Rev. R. B. Rowe 0 .B ES n 1888-84-%ev. JemseWhitlock Jan. 1884-BRo. W. R. Boiter, e V AM

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