Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1929, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMANý, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 28th., 1929 uy Your Easter Suit and iCoat at Chartranes p I Men's Easter Gloves, $1.00 to $4.00 Men's Easteih Caps, 1) $1 .00 to $2.50 Men's Easter Hosiery, SoC to $1.50 GOING OUT 0F BOYS' SUITS BOYS' Suits must go as I arn giving up handling themn, sizes 28 to 34, 4 piece suits, Reg. Price $14.00 and $15.00, OUT THEY GO $9.95 Be sure to visit this store or you will miss the finest showing of Easter goods ever shown in this town and my price8 are I ower than ail others. Made -to-Mea8ure Suits Fi-cm $27.00 and up- wards, talces 5 days for your order to be completed 80 don't deiay. Ail Goods Guaranteed Or Your Money Refunded. Corne With The Crowd To S. G. CHARTRAN'S Saves lO to 25 Per Cen SEMI-TRIMMED WALL PAPER ACTUALLY SAVES 10 TO 25% IN LABOR This item is worth considering by those who attend to the f care and attractive- ness of the home. This semi-trimmed wall paper costs no more than untrimmed pap- ers. It comes to you so that their selvages may be quickly re- moved ail rea dy to paste and hang. We're seiling more wall paper this season than ever beforie. There's a reason. Corne in and see. Estimates given in ail work.j G$%O. PRITCHARD Phoe 489 Bowmanville 1 ý [UNS WEETEND Write THz Bom- o nIM . et 2 140 St. Peu t. .st,«4= =.. rose, witJi enly 5 small magenta col- oured petais. It was carried some- how tho Persia W'here it was regarded 1 as a thing o! beau'îy a.nd cultivated. j The rose of Persia continued on its1 journey Vo Turkey, Vo France, wvherej it acquired 7 petals, Vo England, andý back Vo France, where it bloomed forth as the Hybrid Tes Rose, grownl in the gardons of Rowmanvil'le to- j day. There la a vaist physical dl!- I ference, but frein the chemical as- pect, iV is the &ame rose, Care and cultivation produced the change. In the same manner. ce -have come, to exist as we do to-day. We are stil-1 advancing, fer in response Vo "A voico and a vision" a progressive %tep bas 'been taken toward buman brotherhood. This, concluded the1 speaker, is the secre.t of life, nover ti beneflit ourselves alone but to bene- fit others also. 1 Mr. Smith rlt.ired, amidat a burst eloquent delivery, bis poettical1 lang.. uage and tonies, and the sincerity of bis speech and thoughfts, had won the admiration and gratitude oyf bis aud- ience, as well as touched a reopon-. aive chord in their heurts.j Home Furnishers ATi EWRDS RS OD ROTARY CLUBS' GIFT TO1 Woman'a Part in the League of Na-1 BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWSPPER ENTERPRISE Clnub. e itWme' CndinNewv Ackaowledred in LegisIWture by1 People are apt to take their news- Cu.Premier Ferguson. paper as la matter of course. Rarely The Women's Canadian Club mett al Th '~e gratitude of the province fordoheapreattelrg ive- onWeneda atenon n t.1)WalI th Rtaiaa'doatonofn ents Vhatt must continually be.md on Wdneday aftrnon in St.1 te Rtarane'dontio of$10000in building up a larger and more Paul's Lecture Roorn, with the Presi- 1 in bonds as the fi t instalment on valuable paper for them to rend; dent, Mrs. (Dr.) J. Clark Bel in the the gymnasium at'he Bowmanville investments that Often bring no imn- chair. Minutes of last meeting were A r ivai 1 Boys' Training School was expressed mediate return; investments that of- read by the secretary, Mrs. J. H. H. inr the legisiature asat week by Prenm- ten 'benefit a new-spaper only indir. Jury. Beleth Ferguson. ectly because of some immediate j The premier raised the bundie of benefit Vo the field sei-ved by zhe meeting would be the election of No detail of interior de- bonds in his hand and explained to paper. Many industries have gain- officers and urged ail to, attend. Tel' co ratina- is mol-e imnport- the members that it had been pre- ed in prosperity for the work of the and cakes welre then served.. ; sented to hlm earlier by a deputation Weil edited business newspaper serv- M.Grove Smith, Ottawa, gradu-' ant than the choice of an of Rctarians. It was the first in- ilig them; similarly many commuai- lateof xfod Cllee, ondn Fg-1appopratewall coverino' 'stalment, he said, of a total of $35, ties have 'become prosperous due to lanpendae rl the afteo. M uÙrSarlrsivngi sc000bod$40,000, whxch will be sub- the good work of their newspaper.- thpa kroth fenn Mr u al pigai-ival by the service clubmen in or- Financial Post. Smith remarked that hie as glad 1Include the finest produc- "der to provide a gymnasium for the to be present for several reasons, in- tions obtainable, correct!v Bowmtanville boys. Bowmanville________________ asmuch as the climate was more j1~ Rotary Club subscribed $1000 to this beneficial to his healt.h, and that hQ d esigned, of excellenit fund last fal. was delighted to find in Bownian-1Iqu aiity and in great var.- "The Rotarians have been very Junk W'anted ville, an organization s% inflental ety. active inetheir support of this institu- 1o11 îîeso omnllIwI in, un ýo beeficia to comunitytion", h ad "They witb other oteciznofBwivleIwi rifle, as the Womnen's Ce.nadian Club, service clubs have been of great ser- TOM ,Ythe liglist price for rags, copper,I Since the world began, the speak- XVe have a correct wal vice in helping to place the boys Who dles or anýi1lnn4 vu .%.T o lait wttl er~~~~~~ .-aemn!dgmn nleta a- 'raduate froin the school. As 1I1 un a local tax Ixtyr ard pensuoner ci amiînerstd n heprgrss af'he perfreey rqie have said in the bouse hefore, only iIkr Ji4r u-gmyxm,.rDrpm homeland, have always heard a voicel ment. two boys ouit of 100 graduates have ilost canl. Wijliam Duj'St. calling front an unknown country.1gn n'. 12-2' So it \vas with Columhus and so, it r Referring to the visit of the de'pu- has been lever since, through al tation, he continued: 'I was sol de- walks of life. This is the way in' ~ U4IIligbted with this donation lilait I ______________ W.hich ail progress hais been made. W . Ta'A LLEN think 1 should publicly thank the 1 Rotaaians in the legislature. I thinl< lui Paris in 1919, the men Nvho met i .Big 20" Bookstore I we should epssublyor *t at the signing of the treaty of Ver-1 iexpressopu îcy our grat- sailles realized that there was more The Rotarians' gift came as a re- N o. S pasnoi reurdof the îvorld than had yet 1-uto hi ii oteshOlsm bequîredcomplished. Behind them yesuit 0f tiwas tt the chool mme was +.he ghastly spectacle of theyeraot ssaedythdpu World War; they clearly saw that- tation. The $10,000, which is coni- something must be done to prevent prised of C.N.R. 4%~ per cent bonds, v r D a suhaohrclmt. Te er WEDDING was raised by Rotairians in Toron.to,E e y D y thecaliftIbo-Rrhob fon aarHamilton, Ottawa, Petejboro, Bow- D .& ~ S and answered to that caîl, in f orming ________ manvlle nd indsyF hr gitsaDLd& W.. the League of Nations. The I edintkplce wSixiteae hosndthdollare, ba s aidy enee hon a new sphere and stood A pe*y edig to labW-,Seen proisdand dltrhe 30,000 oh benpoie n te$000o-The StandardÀ on nemwtorritory, explainod Mr Smith, nesday, March 20, 1929, at the home1 jective is îikîy to, be reached. as se hi would givo as the title of bisI of Mr. and Mrs. Percy A. Langmaid' Rdisus"AtteWri rs Connaught Street, Oshawa, when! aiiry C. Sch-olfield (Conseirvative, " oTo" Domestie Coke for i Roads". ~~I .Norah Grace, daughter of Mr. Myron i S.t- George) itroduced the deputa- le rs.Cne Women play an important part in Robins and the late Mrs. Robins, of; tion which consisted of Charles lBuch- the work of the League of Nations, Zion, became the bride of Frederick ainan, president of the Toronto Club; Pocahontas (Smoke]( said the speaker, particularly I its Lewis Smith of Enfield, son o! MMrs ernk Watemande ot n humanitarian and social phases. 1 Ae, Smith, Oshawa, and the laVe MrGegeHnby Hard and Soft Wood- The aitivities of the League are not Smith. The bouse was artistically, also only negative, but positive, for the decorated in Easter lilies and crn- Sa a etHr statesmen saw that constructive! ations, whille the ceremony was per- Sa a etH r work must ibe done, Vo produce some-' forined by Rey. A. M. Irwmn, pastorNoie -' . Oak-Maple thing to take the place of wair. Mr. of North Simcoe United Church, un- N tc o C e io sB .FrFornC Smith explained a few o! the tboiis- der an arch of evergreens, whiit ____B . i loig ands of problems of this kind con- bels an;d ribbons. The wedding In The Surrogate Court of the Unit d B. C. Red Cedar Shir fronting -the League of Nations. înarch was plaiyed by Miss Ruby Counties of Northumberland and Durham Ti.. anileAseto At the close of the Great Wair, Smit.h, niece o! the groom. The bridej Township a of ames Veal. inat e o r oinsMavll Abeof great nunhers of the European popu- was lovely in ai gown of Pink georg- Duhmf areno, d in he Cuny Beaver Best Wall, Ten lation needed rehaàbilitatio>n for ette and lace and carried a bouquet D ebygvntaalpr- W ieP eS uc H m thousands were dispossessed of their'of Easter les and carnations. She sothaigc ms eygiensthet ape-Whte PJ ines, Srucen,SHeei homes aind conipellied to lead a no- was aittended by lititie Miss Bernice James. Veal, Farmer, deceased. late orfJit,~uun he madiclife So he frst ctivty o Langnaid niee ofthe ride whothe Township of Darlineton in the Coun-Cen tac madi lif. Sothefirs actvityof angmid, ieceof he bidewhoty of Durham, who dled on or about th1e Cm n tihe League was to reestublish 4,000,- was a pretty flower girl i pink 3ist day of January, A. D. 1929, are re- 000 women, children, and old people satin and carryîng a bouquet of Qired to mai] or deiiver thie same with Quotations heul giver fulparticulars verified by Amrdavit toherul in their own counitries witb a serise sweet peas. After the cerernony al1the uflderslgned on or before th1e first orinute of security in the future, in which wedding supper was served to the day of April A. D. 1929, after which date Yu nuhe t.hey we.re substantially aided by a immediate relatives and friends Wb the Executor wiIl distribute the assets off the Estate havlng regard only to the number of European ladies o! wealth. were in ittendance. The dining dlaims then Illed. A Financial Committee -%as orguan- rooxa was tastefully decorated ini ae tBwavi4, nai.ti ized to restore industry in Europe ink and white and tihe table 'was 1 Daet d at o manvll.. Ontar9. Mthisla and another cOmmittee to, deal with 'pretîty 'with Mies and carnations and eeet a fMrh .D 99 the question o! minoritiels. Unlike centred with the bride's cake. The W. F. WARD, B.A., Office Phone 15; House P t.he French i Canada, thbe merabers assistants were Misses Ruth Lander1 Solicitor for the Executor. KigS.E of a race of only sligbtly different and Olive Down, friends of the J. A. MCCLELLAN, Kn tE nationality, and political views in a bride. The groom's gift Vo the bride Bowmanville, Ont. European country, if they ar-e in the was a platînum fox fur; and te tihe minority, have no rigbts whatever in flower girl a mes[h bag. LaVer Mr. the govea-nment. aind Mrs. Smith left on a wedding D>uring the war, the Armenians trip Vo Winnipeg and citios in Sas- were drives into Macedonia and on katcbewain and on their return will liheir return found themselves a miin- reside on the groon's farm at En-1 ority in tiheir own country and soifield. The bride wore for travelling 6 had no eilpesenVation in the govern- a navy blue suit, platinum fox fur, ment. It is with such questions as gift of the groom, and a smaîl black these that the conunittee deals. hait. During the last four years the_____ League bas been dealing with three big social problenis. The first of these is the now ahmost universal use iPOWMANVILLE GIRL DIES IN of opium and narcotioe. The speaker VICTOIA, B. C.I made the astounding statement that in Canada there are 8000 "drug- Word wais received -on Monday, atics". Drugs aire net manufa.ctured March 19, frorn Victoria, B. C., by ,v'1ifMMiq/~/1f//(/////f/, in Canada, and therefore the prob- Miss Margaret -Cliniie, o!fthe deaith len is an international one and the Of Mrs. John Lewis, 1fonmerly of channeis wblereby hey corne in ,must Montreal. iMm. Lewis a'pent ber J be stopped. Opium comes from girlhood days ln Bownainviile, l:eîng China, India and Persa, and there Louise Reid, daughtor of the late a difficulty arises. The opium poppy Richard aind Mrs. Reid, the home- grows in a district in Persia where steaid being the residence on Centre -nothing else will groîw, and se the, Street now occupied by Mrs. E. Bell- stopping of its production Tneàns tak- mian- Pour years ago the laite Mrs. ing aiway the livelihood frein a mil- Lewis went Vo Califlornia andI on the lion or more people. In that case return trip stopped off atVvictoria, economic support must be provided. B. C., where she reniained until the This is only one of the many con- tine of ber death. The 'body was undrums facing tlhe Longue o! Na- taiken Vo Montreail for interinent. tions. Deceased la survived by one sister, Another problem is the whitel Mra. (Dr,.) G. IF. Sylvester, Toronto, slave traffic, which is a serious evil and three nieces, Mrs. Smallpiece of peemeating civil life today. Wcmen Calgary, Alita.; Mms. Ted Reid cof - U W ILL A PPR E and girls in thousands are being tran- Victoria, B. C.; andI Mrs. Ellis of shipped from Northern Europe ail Toronto. over the world for illegal purposost e B a t n a u sw r fe and luminous reports are spread o! h e u y a d V l e ea eo f r thbe levil results wvhicih ensue. roads of thbe world. It îa ossential The question o! obscene tst.rat- that tihe y enlarge their views o! lîfe, in Chesterfields and Chesterfieli ure, which la spread tbruoghudr and Vhey are doin.g soi witb thbe en- ground channeis, is the thkirdugeat arement o! their opportunities. social problean with which the League ofNainsr elin.Tee ssmtin nfeai o dic Bargains 'T Values in cranton Coal Anthracite rstoves and furnaces. 1l-for grates. [ess) for general use. ,-sawed and split 0 iwood Flooring e-Birch Deiling & Trim ingles-alI grades Roofing and Shingles 1Test Fibre Board, dlock and Jack Pine ;ing and Flooring, [ Lime. n upon application. rCo. Ltd. Phon«e 228, 274, 218 Bowmanvîil. m'CIATE ring just now Id Suites. made up into select with as- ;ed furniture. rance of some- A nice suite in Jacquard Velour, reversible cushions... $140.00 1 Sani-Buit Suite in best Mohair, taupe or walnut color, reversible cushions etc ................ ........................................ $ 2 0 0 0 0 THESE ARE SPECIAL THIS WEEK Also we have a number of suites at different prices. Sliding Steel Couches With Good Mattress Complete .. . .$ 12.00 Window Shades, any color........................................... 75c Brass Curtain Rode, ail kinds ............................15c and up Phone 10 Bowmanville 'a Everyone tells me I have the finest and iarg- est showing of Men's Easter Suits and Overcoats in town. Just visit this store before you buy and you xiii say so yourseif. Pick our your Suit or Overcoat and have it put aside for you. MEN'S SPRING OVERCOATS 50 Men's Spring Overcoats in ail the latest shades and colorings $1 5.00 to $25.0 MEN'S SPRING SUITS 200 Men's Spning Suits in single and double bresat- ed models, in ail the new shades and colorings, many have 2 pair pants $15.00 to $40.00 HAVE A LOOK AT MY WINDOWS z Men's Easter Neckwear, 50C to $1.50 - Men's Easter Hats, $3.00 to $6.0 Men's Easter Shirts, $1.50 to $5.00 a M F. F. Morris Co. PAGE THRE' umaiiimm 2m"emm i_- PA.IZV TIZDVD pi cottt~ButtenruMikmd rich in the i'itamin 1aim mtal m. Bc of Hoey Loc" (St. Io n" gl E~dby a w rtmooméi. mae" mmt t S.Jd i F. C. VANSTONE BowmanviIle t

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