Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1929, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 PAGE THREE WATCH OUR WINDOWS Tosae nteJUST T] To har intheBargains of our Opening Sale. It bas bee j Walker Qu. COMPLETE NEW STOCK 0f Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Neck Corsets, Lingerie, Babies' Wear, Silks, Dress Gooda, New Sprir bj ains, Drapery Chintz, Etc. Corne in, Inspect Our Stock, See on Quality Merchandise. *pmUpWpmupupg~ ifRE MORE DÂYS en a treinendous uality and Values. cwear, Notions, rig Prints, Ging- Our Low Prices WATCH OUR WINDOWS success f ar beyond our expectations. It is a grand opportunity for citizens to get acquainted with They have certainly warrned up to the bargains. A BARGAIN DEPARTMENT To Dispose of the Old Mason Stock, We Have Opened a Bargain Depart- mnent~ at Rear of Main Floor. "Everything Must Go, Regardless of Cost". Visit This Section. Many Dollars Can Be Saved Here. Look For the Red Price Tickets. WOMEN'S SILK AND WOOL HOSE Irregulars and overmakes of a leading manufacturer, knitted of fine wool yarns mixed with euh, ail sizes, in Peach, Camel and Sand, Opening Sale Price 49c WOMEN'S GLOVES Suede Fabric A big assortiment of latest styles with fancy embîoidery and turu back cuf, in Beaver, Mode, Sand, Grey, etc., Regular 60c te, 85c pair, Opening, Sale 47c LINEN PILLOW CASES Pillow Cases made frois a ifine qualîty pure linen that will stand hard weaî and inuprove .witb washing. Size in fuil 21 x33 in. with 2 inch hemstitched ends. a regular $2.130 value, Opening Sale $1.29 Pr. WOMEN'S WINTER COATS Good fur trimaned Winter 'Coats, including Black and col- ors. Must be cleared out, Opening Sale, Es.. $12.95 Remander of Stok Marked Below Haif Price MEN'S WORK SOCKS Made of a splendid heavy ribbed wool in grey and natural colors, with white tocs and heels. The-se soclis usually sel] at 50e pair, Opening Sale 35C Or 3 Pair For $1.00 PURE LINEN CHECKED TOWELS Pure Linen Check Tea Towel, size 16 x 28 inches, assorted col- or checka, usually sel] at 20c, Opening Sale, Eacb 15c PLEATED SKIRTS Wool Armure Crepe, pleated skirts for gkrls, excellent for school wear, Opening Sale Price 3 to 6 Years 69c 8 to 14 years $1.19 MEN'S FANCY SILK AND WOOL HOSE (Substandards) Big range of Mein's Silk and Wool Checked Fine Hose, sizes 10 to 1l1, Bargain Store Price, Pair 29c --l GIRLS' PULLOVER SWEATERS A dandy V-neck Puilover Sweater for girls. Just the thing for school weajr, good col- ors witb fancy bodies, aizes 6 te 14 years, Opening Sale, Each $1.39 REMNANTS in the' Bargain Dept. Be sure and look these over. You will perbaps find just the piece you are looking for. Ends of baîf yard to 5 yards in wool- len dress gooda, silks, velvets, lin- mngs and wash goods of aIl kinds, aIl marked witb measurement and price on ticket. BIG VALUE IN HOME FROCKS A large assortment of Lovely Frocloe, especially designed for insmediste wear. This assort- ment contains short, elboiw and long sleeves in modela suita.ble for the older misses, wonien and large outsizes, sizes 34 to 52 and cornes in new dainty print- ed patterns of Foulards, Prints snd Diniity, Opening Sale, Each $1.95 WOMEN'S SMOCKS A popular style smioc.< in pla.n shades of Rose, Blwe, Sand ,etc., size 34 to 42 in the grotio. Oniy a few left. et this price, Opening Sale 89c AXMINSTER HEARTH RUGS Lovely thick pile Axminster ILearth Rugs in hit-end-mim patternis, in colorings of Blue, Tan and Rose, sizes 27 x 54, Opening Sale, Each $2.98 FAWN TURKISH TOWEL Size 18 x 34 in., in a SPlendid every day kitaben towel, fawn çwith eolored striping, Regular 25 eacn, Opening Sale, Each 18c Pair 35c NEW SPRING PRINTS About 30 in. Wide Nowest Spring patterns and col- or coinbination.s on white grý>unds. Guaranteed pattierns, This line sella trégularly at 25c yard, Opening Sale 19c STAINLESS STEEL KNIVES These are al] first quality stain- less steel, Sheffield Make in din- ner or dessert aize, Opening Sale, Each 25c LINEN TOWELLING Pure Linen R&ller Tawelling, baoth white and brawn stripe and white with cola.red bordera, 2 Yards 25c BLACK DUCHES SATIN A nice isawiceable q"aity fSr dresses, liovely bright lin"d. good black, 36 inches wide, Opening Sale, Yard 89c 34 IN. SATIN Baronet Satins for slips our dresses, aIl colona, Opening Sale Price 89C Yard BLACK CHIFFON VELVET I- ridu serviceable fiahsed chiffon velvet bas a beaistiful silk pile ,is a very popula. fab- rie for afternoon or evpnlrg Wear, Opening Sale $2.19 Yard PURE WOOL SANTOY Light iu weight la thie al Ail Wool Frenchi Dress Goods, 38 in. wide ini several colone, OPening Sale, Yard 98c SALE ENDS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd MAKE THIS YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE WALKER STOR.ES Liimited Forrnerly S. W. Mason & Son, -King St. Phone 164 Bowmanville i. - PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS IusmsmsSOSUDsueusussumusuW:pupup.p.,pupmpp.. -- STARKVILLE Membera Eejoy Delightful St. V&l- (Intended for lasti wek) eetine'a Party The farinera are glad to see the 'Beautiful" as it gives thein botter A delightful St. Valentine's party chance ta bau.] their -Wood, etc.. was given by the W'hite Shield Club Mr. John McKay la very poorly. . in St. Pauls Lecture Room on Tues- Mr. Edwin Ruthven was home amer day evening, February 12th. A the weekend froin bis muskiat farm. large niniber of friends, besides a He was accompanied by bis mother splendid attend ance of members, raho bas been visiting bina. Mr. were pissent. Raîpli Beuglien was removed ta the The transaction of business was hospital, Toronto, where leie l in a followed by a sing-song, afte.r wbich very serious condition ... -r. and aIl t.hose in fancy costume paraded Mrs. Fred Brown, Tarante, visited before the judges, Mis. Thos. Tod'his sister, Mrs. Walter Farrow. .. . and Mis. Frank Williams, who after Social Cii-cIe meeta every Wednesday due deliberation declared Mrs. C. F. evening. Corne and enjoy tbe Blunt'e; the prettieàt costume, andnieetings.... Mr. Connely, tbe new Mis. J. Humphries,' the best char- ioraners of the Ford farm, bad a aick acter costume. ýanimal, -equiring the services of Dr. A "Heart and Arrow" and aiKersiake of Orono-..Miss Norma "Rbhyme Making" contest were con- HallowelIla entertaining the sclioci ducted -by Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, the! childien ta a Valentine party in the winners beng Mrs. Thos. Gould and afternoon of St. Valentine day.... Mrs. Y. Williams, iespectively. A.Oui mercliant, Mr. Win. Day, bas nuinber of gaines, under Miss Edith had thraat trouble....- Mr. Bert Peai-don's direction, were enjoyed Hyndle was the first around bei-e ta hi aIl. Doudcous refresbnuents were receive "air mail" fraen Pýueblo, Col- served after wlicb, as a fitting clm- credo. A letter posted au Febru- ax t~o a jolly party, each direw a Val- si-y 4tb at 10.30 p. tri., reac.hing Mr. elitine frein the "letter box." Hynde -on February Sth. The only post mark on it was Pueblo, Colo., and Clarke. It required 12e poat-I HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB ace -.-Mr. Jaccb Hallowell bas been in the City at the bed aide sýf The regular meeting of the Home bis sister, Mrs. Thas. Glass, who is and Sehool Club was lield in theluudergoing a critical a'peation. Central Puiblic School an Wednes- Gieat syinpatby la felt for ber aged day evening ,February l3tb., thel mother, Mrs. J. Hallowell, who lives% President, Im. W. B. Pallard, pi-e- in Kendal and la nearing the 100 siding. There was a good attend-imile atone; siso ber two brothera ance and seven new members werelJacasn.d W-m. Hallowll. Mrs. Glass secured. Meeting apened with and ber mather made their home to- community singing, Miss Lets L. gether in Keudal ...Congratula- Bragg at the piano. In the ah- tiona ta Mr. and Mis. Irwin Pari-ow sence of the Secretary, Miss N. Mont- on the arrivai of a young son...Mr- gomery, the minute-s of the last Earl Haw la isiting friends -n Port meeting were îead by Mi-. J. H. Hope. Jo.buston. It was decided ta have _____________ the oratorical contest lu the Opera.,- Hanise during the last week in Mai-ch. Pupils of the third and fourth classes1 only will compete and cash piizes Yowa~foodk Thle pragrani whîch was in charge doesnitdoyouanygoýod of gr.ou~p 4, Mrs. C. MeFeeters, Con- I v*rier, vas exceuptionally good. Mris. ifyou'ire tired Rk C. Palmre, who possesses a very-o fine oie, deligted al with a well ie rendered solo and encore. Mi. S. inilesseveral selection- on the Gaccoian weîe mucli appreciated. 'Mr. W. J. Berry gave s reading "A N.lish Boy" with good ex'presgion. - ~ Mms. (Rev.'t Cea. Mason in ber ad- dreas on "The School and Citizen- At the end of à day'a work, relieve ship" tîessed the need of co-opera- nervous tension before eating. tien helsween the Home and the Wrigley'a wilI refresh and tone you Schonl. She made it clear that oui- up-au, that you're ready to enjoy sitbinision te autbarity showed the your food. kind of citizena we were and that Then, after meala. Wriglcy'a helpe authoîity aand laws weîe (aur digestion. cleanses the teeth, removes streng'tb and protection., Among ail traces of eating or amrokine- other items she said we sbould scii- awctenâ the breath. lice ouraelves ta aur citizenship aud prepsie ourselves, in order ta in- struet oui- chldien, in Candian Christian ciitzenship. W R 1G LRR Mr%. C. F. Rice ifavored with a solo and encore lu ber usual pleasing ~ 1 ~ Uak manuner. Mim Dflac-lBennett rend- ered a piano sala very ulcely. Dinty refreshments wone serveil dua4ng the. minaisocial hali-hour. LETTER FROM CALIFORNIA Lt.-Col. Edwy White Write, Inter. eatingly of Lfe ln the Sunny South -Commenta on Salvation Aruxy Controversy. Dear Mr. James :-We send you aur love and incere congratulations on your 801li birtliday. You have doue a great des] for the tawn of Bownanville by you.r splen- did paper, Tlie Stateainan. It is a great thing to go on year after year, raising tlie standard and cre-ating a civie atuiosphere whiel isagreatly to the credit of the entire conuunîty. We are sari-y ta notice the death of W. H. Dustan. "ýBilly" wasala- ways a fîiend of mine fi-oui my boy- liood daya. I was boping te meet him out bere this winter and thaught of him at Pasadena on January lst wlien the taurnament of roses was lield. Glad ta note the splendid repart of the welcome meeting given ta B<ig. and Mrs. Laymsn at Honolulu. Bow- lmanville lias contributed saine very excellent officers of the Salvation Army. Saw "Little Mark" Ayre at a re- union in Las Angeles Christmas week. Ho looks well and is still very zealous for the Lord's woe-k. We are living in Long Beach for the winter. We often think of dear aId Thaomas Hoar raha, I under- stand, 'was killed i an accident in this city. He was a beaatiful spirit and a gi-est friend of the S. A. It la forty-four years since 1 leftj .Bownianville ta go in the Amry work1 -wender.ful years of acti'vi.ty and usefulness.t The Higli Council noiw in sessioni in England la making history. The Army will be aIl the better for the changes which are ýbound te ýbe made. When John Wesley, started 'the Methodist societies lie was, in a sense, an autacrat and aIl the pro- pei-ty was heîd ln bis naine. Can any ane imagine that this couîd con- tinue veiry long? C.eneral William Booth took Wesley as bis pattern and îuled as an autociat as long as he lived, and furtjier, he heîd aIl pro- perties in Gi-est Brtain in bis, awn naine, and Bramweli Booth bas done the saine, but of course this could not go on forever. At the awne time no one lias ever accused tbe Dooaths of any miss.ppropriation of funds. They bave been faithful ta their trust. StilI the Army bas be- came sucli a tremendous cause aIl round the world ,that no one man shouîd be expected ta carry sucb a burden. Living lihings change and the Arry la a living, thrahbing thing anid it was inevitable that we sliould change oui- foi-m of gomeru- Muent. AUl honor ta the Booth fain- ily for whsat tliey bave doue, but t'ne Armny la grester than the. Booth faun- tly. This Western country la ahI very rwonderful.W. have recenthy finished a trip whieh took usnirm Sm Diego lunlgc. California ta Ban Fan- clao, Portland, Oi-., Seaitle, Waah.,. and Va.ncouver, B. C. 1 was rather i surpriaed ta see such a large enter-1 prising city such as Vancouv'er, 11 hadn't any ides 14 had grown 50ý. 1 Long Beach la about 25 milesf south of Loas Angeles, on the Pacifc Oceaau, it is a city now of nearly 150,000. Long Beach hias had a -rapid growth. Juat a few years ago it was rather a struggling littie town. t is said the Canadiana froni British Colum'bia and the Canadian North- west really gave it the Mig start. Thousands fi-cm Canada spend tiheir winters hore. At the presen.t time the city ia engaged in building a great horaeshoe pier, and inside the borse- shoe a very âne auditorluni-the cost to he about one and one half million dollars. The sun shines brigbtly and wa-m and the days are almost ideal but the niglits are inclin- ed to 'be rather cool. From where 1 live 1 cari see snew covered moqintains and on the other aide ta the right the beautiful wat- ers of tihe Pacifie with people in bath- ing. A littie te the eaat <d u&-4.en miles-are wonderful orange groves. So gireat la the ci-up this yea.r the branches have ta be propped u.p te keep theni froin breaking under the load. Today I had a call from an aId Canadian, Brigadier Satrn lBradley who coffes f rois Whitby, where as a young boy worlcing at a -hotel he lived rather a fast life and reslly waa a confirmed drunkard. Sea waa converted in the Army meetings and for a great many yeara bas been an officer. At the present time lie las charge of the Orange Beit Division with head quartera at Pasadena. 1 arn going to drive the Brigadier ta San Diego Thursday. San Diego is a beautiful city of over 100,000 population about 100 miles south of Long ýBeach. When I go down there 1 will be very happy to eall on Mrs. May W. Weeks and Dr. W. B. Creigliton. After 1 visit San Dieg" I will drop you a f ew hunes re the smme. Witl all good wishesanad kind re- gards I1 remain, affectionately yours, Edwy White. 221 Belmont Ave., Long Beach. Calif. To have the chiîdren sound and he.althy is the fi-at care of a mother. They cannot be beelthy if troulbled .with woirrns. Use Maother Graves' Worm Extermator. Wanted Psy hlgheat cash price. Don't seII tilI you Se. me. 1, Stein Phomme SI Whitby A CRYSER OezSPRDC wrot1à' AND UPRD8 7.0m wum»Mê.MW. T'bLUKXfliM ospdaaly 1o- operme- P, ig coetisthedirect resait of Chrysie engineerng, resarch and mnucuring ex- perience wbicb bam produced vàsely increased power mnd smnooth's while retaining ail i U inherent econooa nd simplicity typicai of the Chrysier bigh-conpresion engine. Yet ecoeosny is merely the begitming of the greater value Chrsier hau built in the Ply- mouth. Plymouth as uniquse ï the lowest-priced field ie giving <il-sire eting capacity for ai adult passengera-wkidm crowding or dia- comfore. Plymnouth as the omly car in its field gvinag dhe positive safety of Chrysîer wetherproof PI L Y1u.[ ienudepmmg h15u1ela It is the ordy car in tiais clamproviding the distinctive mew CLaysier silhouette with slender-profileradimeor, "mm-wing"<enders, arched-windows, bowi-ype be&dLmnps and odmer seriking feaures of style and beauty. On evey %ms of compoeuoa, the Plymouth emr your respect and tieinimediate con- viction tine me rep. sa oday's gremeest doilarfor4dolm vaine in the fid of lovent- priced cMWe Coup, *201Rondaer (»*~h #rusble seau), $850-, 2-Door Sedan, $8M; Touring, $870; De Luxe Coupa (»'ithr-k sait), $870;, 4-Doo Sedan, $89. AU pric-sf - b. inhdgo, Oi-rio, mnlud u.g simard f,.cory eçuipanu* (frrirW mauJtaxer extr& WALTER DELINE Phone Newcastle 3733. Newcastle, Ontaaio k ~k> /:;4' e..... IrPc (IEiO' WHITE SHIELD CLUB 0 ) v THE CANADIAN STATESMA;ý, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 PAGE THREE j i---- 1 jý e 1

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