PAGZ KGRI HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE,'THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1929 CREAM 0F BARLEY BOYS OFFfCIAL ELECTION RETURNS; DEFEAT QUAKER OATS SQUAD ____a o h Saeïmn For The Townshipof Darlington The Ngevvcdagstlie Inri epge n dert The local Junior hockey lads cer- tainly had to work hard Monday T U S A ,JN A Ylt. night at Taylor's Rink to blank the T U S A ,J N A Y1t. 1929 Peterboro puck chasers. They cer- c:-- _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tainly deserved a few goals even if.- a the ddnt utwokîg ~NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE HORTICULTRA OARD 0F EDUCATION The Putes are a hard - -. . 'bunch and are very fast skaters, but Re Mrs. J. C. Hancock and daughter, ____ OIT n Mna fti they were unable to let thomselvesr Wight 100 46 45 35 29 53 43 35 Miss Ruth, were in Toronto on busi- eg isning aon Sprvs out te the full, as the ice space herel %Williams 9 58 10 111 97 30 75 390 ness last Saturday. Newcastle Horticultural Society or of Music, will teach music in al is smaller than in Peterboro. This' Counililors 1 Mr. Archie Britton of Oshawa, held ils annual business meeting and three rooms of the public school. Junior saynbec taausi ftespetat- MBlnchrd 9 7 5 37 1094 66210.3 3spent the weekend with his uncle election of officers in the Council The Board of Education through its orsaad heyneersawtw Jnio Mttn 8 6 3 62654336 387 and aunt, Mr. and *Mrs. H. S. Brit- Chanmber on Friday evening, Janu- sPecia]ly appointed committee, Rev.1 trsea.mswork beer a to unir suton 823634 369625 3 9030tn ary 11, with the President, Mrs. J. E. R. James and Mr. W.E. Bemnan,1 - -Mr. Charles Higbee, who bias E. Matchett in the chair. Owing to bas agreed to pay Miss Masn$5 The ice was keen. Just the way'1 Total vote 110 114 59 154 135 88 131 791 been in Toronto since Ïbefore Christ- the unpropitious character of the a month for this service in addition the players like it, when the ýpuck nias,___ returned to bis home here on weather witb its wind and snow and to hier regular salary, and t0 provide Tuedayofthi wek.thunder and lightning the attendance ail nece.ssary equipment. Neitherl keep riht p ad te sickhanders Tusda ofthi weekwas flot so large as usual, but many the teacher aur the Board of Edu- don't lose it ini the slusb, such as wasi WHY EDITORS GO GREY The A. Y. P. A. of St. George's who could flot very well attend cation will receix-e any govet-ament the case at Witby Friday nigbt. j ___ Church paid a visit to Bowmanvillelshowed their positive interest by grant for this as according to the Honest folk., it was a good game The bane of the editor's life 's 1A.Y. P. A. on Monday evening adsnigi hi ebrhpfe npeetrgltosaqaiidtah and well deserving of some patron- the typographical error or nisprint, alilreport a good lime. seding indthi moembershp tfees n resef reusiosta quialifedeah- age, bu, the rink wasn't baîf flled.r which once in a while, in spîte of al I ues herai i snswht i- care seems to obtrude itself into the ISt. George's Church, Rev. E. R. society starts off in 1929 in good Ifour class roûm unit-, either in une ing the desire to watch a good hock- î columans of the best regulated news-f James, Rector. Sunday, Jan. 20tb:stethndfiofptma nitoraubrofulc shol ey gme vrhe it' a bt cld. o' 1 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Holy1 seventeenth year of ýbeneficial ser- order to earn a grant. eygmeweni' abt od. Srpaper. i .23 . S vice to the community. Although______ much for that. However it is hoped Such errors are a source of ePt Communion;2.0 p m.- linday' fh perpet-wl tk i o ert cho; . .ivnon.the grouind is frozen and al outdoor Ifhe uhcke fasceillke it oheart- ual amusement of those not directly Scoi1 .m-vîstg plant life dormant, and on the night TXSSUR If ou ave'ta shedieNorm Ty-concernied in the matter.i Mr. W. J. Hockin, local mail car -tOf the meeting a gusty wind was jTXSSUR lom of thse Arena will be overjoyedi Possibly bec-ause of its numerous;rie r, continues in a very unsatisÂact- wbistlîng around the eves and gab- OnM da viginteUtd t)fnashdu ,ih u on ereditions, the Bible seenis to have ory state of bealtis, having been iîîl les of Community Hall and rattling On Mondibe ay eveing i the TUie soa shdue suffered from the typographical er- snetebgnning of the new year. and rumhling at the windows in it.5CuchBbe ls 'toth ui tg ethrit b petcuaioro e reuis yth am nous Vine will iikely be off duty for some attemlpts tO enter, and a drizly Square was formally organized un- withCripaCala<lne nd ev- or orefreuenly hananysnow was driving down at a long der thse direction of FRev. W. P. Rog- gel thriPts, a ouintaad sv bo. gei h fmu ie ie r n PicplTo.A ogr tise new hevolete as.stWe - a gar Bible, which takes its nickname tie.siant -before the wind outside, yet esadPicplTo.A ogr sthenyboy strrÔed foe illwmn om h unigttl fte wn fter New Year visitors at Mr. inside it was warm and cheerful en- Mentor and Assistant Mentor. The ville, bcausthre cf o ays thj tietis chapter of St. Luke's gospel and Mrs. Frank Branton's were Mr. o'ugh. Weatber conditions did not fre ce . himnadcn ailet e ayhnus uthe inoa he apers where it read.s, "The parable of the Geo. Fenning, Toronto, who recently daunt the officers and meinbers asý ducted the initiaton of the 15 niem- abt anyohns tn -.liocaîî e ist Vinegar", instead of "The parable returned from Engiand witb bis they proceeded to plan thinga, for bers wbo .ioined up, this being a very aout andlne sthem fgo allwek O f heVnear brother Fred, bis brother John, and another year and in doing su had interesting ceremony. Officers elect- wellt he weilforkaing nOhic ely ise o-ald WcedBbl a Mrs. Branton's niece, Miss Helen -visions of tise coming springtime and ed as follows: Praetor-Stanley Caniergottis hat oalon lone of thse most notorious blunders Tuif, also of 'Toronto. summer and growing vegetation, o ikr;Dpt rco-oga Cade oth iagoloa asini iterature. In the reign of Char- greener lawns and lovelier gardens, Wright; Comptor-Joba Ashton; which lie plunked paet thse PeterboroleIandio fth Bbews United Churcis, Rev. W. P. Rog- tidier door yards and cleaner streets' Scriptor-Garnet Caswell; Sergeant- playiedrceter.ngendwinedPipwr printed with the 'not' left out of tise ers, Pastor. Sunday, Jan. 20th:t of an increasing numlber of' shade Major-Sidney Brown. The boys niftysht ing f ndw ine ltor seventh commandment! Whether the il a. m.-Morning Worship; 2.30 trees and community flower beda, of then participated la a number of more ~ ~ ~ omsion was due to an im¶ish hum- p. m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m.-- a still neater and more attractive eyejybecaet n ass two mr couniters.or r was the innocent nistake on EVening Service. Tise morning ser- village and of a heaithier, happier The Trail Rangers' Camp, organ- Thse second period was uneventful, their part, the two King's printers, vice of the f ollowing Sunday, Jan. and more public spirited citizensbip. ized under the direction of Rev. W.l tisat is as scoring goes, but there wsS Robt. Barker and Martin Lucas, 27th, will be observed as the Junior, Mrs. R. W. Walton, Secretary, P. Rogers, elected the fo>llowing offi- a great deal of bard cbecking and were held sternly tu account and fin- Worsbippers' recognition service. read the minutes of asat year's meet- cers last Thursday evening, January there were many and varied lune ed 300 pounds by the court of high Mr. W. N. Buckley held raising ing and also a synoptie report of the' i th: Chief-Fred Cowan; Sub. rushes. Red Houper was the maincmiso.beso he ucssv asIa nterprises and activities of tise su- Chief--John Rickard; Tally-Walt- anfotse ne usheos, but just tot)1 The edition was promptly suppres- week putting up the frame work of ciety durng the pas yariMs.jergeBitckbrn ae Billy d. Thess goli tubi, esi n soran thes sed, but six copies are k sown zo have t bis new chopping millii wb i,1 R. Fisher presented tise financial re-Sreananw1 et eRsikad.tereu boad te nigtwasulto scare an thiseî ch e aepnwr1tmeabes Ilth grup period.ecpd. Onie copy is now saf e li erecting f rom thse material of the ri ota folo S: just three short of the maximum theBriishMusum;an, ither is inS1McMurtry warehouse wbich lie e tcit une lowbei nofcal e Tise iast period Candler took a the University Library at GI a' ow, ently bought in Bowmanville and i Rbrs f e spinme loal na flilyr- shot frons centre ice whicb Iandedand the others are secluded in pri- Ibrought to Newcastle after taking iti ebr f............. $96.00 cognized standard group. into the rigist hand corner of the vate libraries where tbey cannot down for convenient handling. Donation.................... 1.00 Pete's net bounced the black pili for;1 spread tise wanton gospel.1 Legislative grant............. 40.00 out b o urise hisr, bu they erel Some words are common mis-1 Newly elected officers of the Municipal grant............ 35.00 NEWCASTLE W. M. S. ou ang tervsous, wittb h' rins cnpsio mi 1da'Yug e' lasae: Peidn*al*fsed*ndbia 11.11 ____ i'ery even tei gl letter ,and an astonished pub- -Charlie Glenney; Vice-President Flower shows................ 86.40 TieWmnsMsoar Scet beart.s broken and kept everyoInglHwreere ertayA-1Ecr ate .......1.5 TeWoesMsinr oit busy trying to stop thens. ili ad of the "Immoral works of -oad Pac; SceayA-Ecr ate........30 of Newcastle United Church beld its 'h iiosefrswr fuile, Miton". Immortal is constantly in! be rt Mellow; Assistant Secretary- $225 first regular meeting of tise new year smlrhumorous difficulties. R.- Clarence Turner; Treasurer-Austin $225 on Thursday afternoon, January 3. however, and the score remained 4-0 cently a compositor made a reporter' Turner; Lookout Committee-Irwin Expenditures Mrs. McLaughlin, past lst Vice- when tise bell tolied "timie's up".I say of twu weil-know,,n fo otballersijCo iwill, Charlie Gilkes, C. Thack- Cash for prizes............ $75.55 President conducted devotional ex- Line-up: tisat "they must take their placesi eray; Auditors-Wilbur Baskerviile, Civic improvensents.......... 27.30 ercises and installed the new Presi- I Bo>winanville-Goal---Jaines; De-I among tise immorals la the .ýports1IErnest (risp; Teachei'-Mrs. (11ev.) Seeds and plants........... 86.74 dent, Mrs. (11ev.) Rogers, who then fense-Rundle, Houper; Centre- ranks".1 W. P. Rogers. Rent....................... 15.00 tO.ok charge of tise installation of the Candier; Wing"-acknsan, Piper; Tise wonder is nut that newspap-I Mrs. (1ev.) E. R. James left on Secretary's salary ......... 10.00 other officers. A short program fol- Altenates-Oscar and Frank Jamie- ers commit errors, but, considering S unday for Ailiston to stay surie Affiliation fee ............. 1.82 iowed, consisting of devotional read- Pson. ooGulGilaie e haste in which they have tu be made tinse with hier daugister, Mrs. S. C. Printing..................... 16.25 ing by Mrs. (Dr.) J. A. Butler; in- fene;-Haton, CGal-l iepCentr up, that their sins againat accuracy Harris, whose husband underwent an Engraving shield ........ 3.381 troduction te Mission Sttîdy book Jonses; itngs -Craipps, entr-, are su few. Tise iasty authors and, operation for appendicitis on Mon- Expenses for flower shows. . 14.261 "Drums in tise Darkness", Mrs. J. C. AJonesWn;-li and Ceighton; careless printers or vice-versa, often'Iday of this week. As hier so Postage, etc ................. 21.201 Hancock and Miss Elizabeth Han- AltrntesElis ndMemritt. j bave ctymical results. Tise classical Charles has returned to bis studies' Express ...........«5*"" cock; reading, Mrs. Fred Graham; P.eferee--Jacobie, Toronto. t example of these newspapem erTrra at tise O. A. C. and Miss Mary t sOoo Mrs. J. E. Matchett. Tise Here's a littie secret, tise locali is told about a colonel wbo had Havergal College, Rev. Mr. JamesToal $"77.08 TIreasurer ,Mrs. W. E. Beman, re- Juniors are going tu play Oshaa fought la tise American Civil Wam. wilhe alune at tise rectory for an Balance un hand..........$ 5.48 Ported $738.00 raised last year, $90 Shamrocks la Whitby again Fridayl ewsdsrbd a bateidfnt eid Minutes and reports wereaot of whicis was raised by tise Mission nigt. heyareheingforisad;scaed etean" Tsisimptatoned as read. Band. Our allocation for 1921 was Fiey asifthey ware na go rih-,un bis courage 'brought hlm tu tise Tise Municipal Council, at its iUV Mr. Tisos. A. Rodger, Chairman of $72ep0 and it wss ith at on irind f ers 'w't Munday, Irîsl office with a big stick and tise de-'augurai meeting on Monday evenîng, 'tise nominating committee, appoint-deptnfunshaueadai If anyone wisises tu go Tim Gan nsand that it he reprinted with thse appointed ,Mr. J W. Bradley an audi- cd at a recent meeting of tise execu- realized God bad wonderfully biess- weuld gladly 'ake you over. wîl loffensive remark corrected. It was tor and resolved tu ask Miss Rena tive, conducted the election of off-I ed us as a society during tise past e 'utanthe mstke ret nand Trhumas tu assist hlm. Ail tise cers and directors whicis resuîteed as, year. l'ilseeyouthee. u lng or o.tise word appeared as "bottle-scar- otheî' municipal officers wiil be ap- follows:. Tw ne lfemmrs err- red". pointed at tise next meeting of tisej ceived, Mrs. John Douglas and Mrs. BOWANILL ITER TAM hoe wo aretospek n council on Monday evening, Feb. il. President-Mrs. J. E. Matchett. Floyd Butler. Tise following dele- BWIAVL N TFRR.OSHWA SMOES lic places toxpet ace inpub- The councilire-appointed Mr. Tho.- lst Vice-Rev. W. P. Rogers. gates were appuinted for Preshyter- tragedy of mîsquotation. Ia a re- Moffatt a meesmber of tise Board of 2nd Vice-Mm. Tisos. Moffat. ial brancis, Mrs. (11ev.) W. P. Rog- Bowanill 4..'shwa cntlecur a el knwn musca IEducation. 1ev. E. R. James open- Secretary-,Mrs. R. W. Wa'ton. ers, Mrs. J. C. Hancock and Mrs. autboity seakin of Betho e d tise inaugural meeting with de- Treasurer-Mrs. J. R. Fisher. Goge Allen. Weli folks, some of you missed Fifty Symphony described tise motif votioal exrcised DTomtsrs- rs unih * anoter god ame ednedayas "Lîke Fate Knockîng at tise Door". Among tise many vîsîtors at teLw Mrs. C.ward TomsndMs Cri anoter ood game Wedesdy thjLa, Ms. C Baty nd r. Tisos. SUNDAY SCHOOIL STAFF night when tise Internediates took Tise lecturer's wife had tise finit hogpjtable home of Mr. and Mms. P. A. Rodger. INSTALLED a feather out of Oshawa Sinîcoes namne of Kathleen ,familiarly short- O'Neil, Toronto St., during tise holi- cap by defeating tisem 4-3. This is ened down tu Kate, and it was witb day season have heen: their brother-1 Mrs. R. W. Walton was appointed .p oes ibts sit tise flrst game tbey have won and some embarrassment that he read inlwlr e.Vicn rmMd ise official delegate to tise Provincial 1 1ev. WV .Rgr it h sit îhey are naturaliy la great .,pirits. next morning iis own pronounce- oc, who bas recently been piaced on Horticîmturai Convention wiich op- ance oftum besftieeson Tis Oeorn brc.h:'o '~utc" mnt a tse ollwin tem: "It the retired list after 47 years' ser- ens in Toronto on Thursday, Fe'oru- Mm. Tisos. Mnffatt and Mr. W. J. S. and "Mike", were tise heavy .%-rrkers lwas like Kate kisocking at tise vice with tise G.T.R. and C.N.R.,Ijamy l4tis., Mms. W. F. Riekard, tiselIRickard, formally installed the 1929 wiile tise rest certanly played their door". t Mrs O'Neil's sister, Mms. Luke Youngalternate, and Mrs. Matchett a sec-'1 teacisers and officers of tise Cisurcis parts weli. Tise p %vyas a bit Anyone who bas ever been lanaal and bier brother, Mm. J. Deshane and1 ond unofficial delegate. sries Sunday coi ttierigula chrc slow for a whiie, but thse boys; final- newspaper cumposing roum can well twife of Napanee, Mr. and Mrs. At tise close of tise business ses- servo ic assndytmering. 0w-c iy got warmed up and -howedi thei', understand isow a letter can be trans-istuart of Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. alun Mrs. Matchett,, witi tise assist-intoicesadts ncmec brilliant qualities.i posed, but it seemed that une journal1 Corton of Toronto, Mr. andMs ance of Mr. A. O. Parker and tiseowtere ae, bu tier folteisgtaer Bert Colwell, tise local gajalie, %vas was rubbing it la when it printed1 Percy O'Neil of Belleville, and Mr. United Churcis Sunday Sc'nooi lant- pere sentndbuntti o of is e pas unabie to play so "Stu" James who tise announcement tisat "'Mr. Jones 1 and Mrs. Ray Keecis and son Ken- jern, presented a set of fifty-nine col- 1tptosrt oknseat invittifonofthps-o bas been absent frcm tise gamne for appeared at a fancy dress bail dress- 1t ofTeto.Io red sldes sisowing wisat can ie andî otoksasithfrnpe f four yers tookhis plae nd eLi-. edin the arbageof awhathtbasiebeenfdunetoinwhah'hs weynofnetisehichurofitheThos.h A.os Rodgerdge SuSupr- fourlyeas tooilce.def-ed la iscgrbge f igst. Regular meeting of tise Young beautifying communities and home , enen;Mss. (11ev.) W. P. Rog- 1ciently stagtola ofoaefeaack.e .si ,p,,Lau a ede odylers, Mr. J. H. Jose, Mrs. N. L. Rick- Tise best for Oshsawa were ~ i Br etiaten-,o ers eslpjPopeiLegewsledunMna surroundings tismougi tise planting ad m .R ihr r arne ning, Burr and Atkinson, Whitton typography that iappened wiîe ,evening. A prolonged business of flowers, sisrubs, vines and trees. arder, M R isseMr Mr LCawn isycranywor«-dhr n e was editing a newspaper la Cali- j session was held during wiih tise ACyemn isMroi oa, Tbe cî-tiny or'edisad ndfornia. Tise ife of a prominent IAeetyeetdlt iePeietMs vote of thanka was tendered Miss Lillian Clemence, -Niss Eliza- gained gr1.und evc'ry time oniy to citizen of tise town died, and writin gi eantis e ecetary ce m esiidetMs Matcbett for ber thoughtfulncss 1beths Hancock, Mrs. J. C. Hancock,i besopdtime and again hy Dutch tiseobitury, Hrte sid ofber "ise Itiseir1 and enterprise la procuring these!and Miss Marlon Rickard, teachers, Oboe, esmo h ol sthepeditîuisHaesi flir" positions. Ernest Gilbank and slides from tise Division of Extension'n Mr. A. 0. Parker, libranian and In tise last period tise locaLs took of tisscity for lber cisarity". Tiselitiese respective vacancies. o adPbiiyC.EFawsdsigihd mn telis;H arPac eeeetdt flriOaa.atr -pao. Tepae, il as and ..a. a lot o*fun stick- ro hc aebak i ed itte eeeete sflos Tise meeting opened with tise sing- 1 scripture lessons, hymns and sermon isardling tiseir way' around tise Sins- '"Sie was distinguished among tiiîtes ectdafoow- ing of "O Canada" and closed witb -ail had regard to tise dfninanti roes, but tise Motor City lads began the' oukout Committee-Bernice GiI- l"Tise Maple Leàf", led by Mr. W. F. it tiought of tise service, that of relig- to get peeved at this sort of hockey .t!tsi iyfr e sîy bnk Wlhr aserie Howar Rickar<l. lous tearlsing or eulucatitin. Tise and closed ln on tise locals, not giv - He sent it back to tise compusingl Pearce; Flower C'mite-ar- Ipastor addressed his, ,-marks direct- ing tiseni mnucis chance to play arounîl roum, merely correcting tise error by t jory Ciemence, Minnie Pearce, Clar- so tisat several times they almnost a question mark after tise offensive ence Turner. Ernest Gilbank and WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION i ly to tise Sunday Sciseol grroup, tak- scoed mkig te an vry ei-'or onth mrgn o te het.I lîin Colwill were 'poned asdel-___1_ tng a.s a text part of the'ît n scored, naking tis fana vey ner- wod-on1tis margTl-o tisesiset. appont- tI220hhversesof of tN.att. "Go8y Asscitio, il ho islî atFa- Unte Sate nw.papr a eon oy caca oftne two score ormoe oiafl ossig cotcredaa 1w encouî-aging words. M t an AUnte Saesnùsppe i r-prisent, many cf wiichpredv'y rs John D)ouglas, Mss. Cobbledjck ning's Sale Barns, Liidsa, Ont., spoasibît' foi' tise mù-st famous ex-!entcîr-taining, on suri s ubjects as and Mrs . Howard Cooke. SALESMEN WANTED Wednesday, January 30th., 1929, pression of uaccnsrittu'i cynicism that "'Spîîîns", "('isctorflelds, theiri coîumeacing at o o'clock p. m. 25 tise typograpisical crr-îr can supply. Uses and Abuses", "Sisould a mani "Men wantped te meil Watkine 150 head-20 maies%, 5 fraes For Repeatinpg President WVii-ton's reason wasis Disises?", etc. Tise emainder AGENTS-If you Ilke treee and ,hruba. gua.Iii1 Protiumts ln rural districts of catalogue apply lu Geo. W. Taylor, tfuir tise Unitedl Stateis' cntry into tise of tise evcniag was %pent witis games why flot Rell them? Mtîk. a bu iness b . rreT Wn..d'siarg.sî akn Secretary, Boiscaygeon, Ont. R. WIgreat war-"Go-d willing, we can do and siaging until hour for refresis- of it. Part lime or fui] time, g00 v sie-nss.r orldniza. ret futrnst- Watts, Bobcaygeon, Ont., President.1 nuo îisr"-the pajier doclarted î meat arnived wisen hot doga, coffee tien:of PrOven Rled Tag Nursery Produote. ed te suitabie jîarty. ,1 abliabed 60 Geo. and Ted Jackson, Port Pemry, shamelessly, "Goid willing we can doîand apple pie with syrup were great- srCtosh vrwe. EWrite mnondrsringeaageP u e . . artkis w(7ompa Ont., auctioneers. 3-2 ?no otiser". Jly enjoyed hy aIl. les, MontreaL. 43-7 Hamilton, Ontaxto, Dept. A.Q" New Things Are "News" Every meinber of every family in this comxnunity is interested in the news of the day. And no items are read with keener relish than an- nouncements of new things to eat, to we-ar or to enjoy in the home. You have the goods and the desire to seli them. The readers of "The Statesman" have the money and the desire to buy. The connecting ]ink is ADVERTISING. Give the people the good news of new things at advantageous prices-. They look to you for this "store news" and will respond to your mes- sages. Let us show you that "An Advertiselment in The Statesman Is An Invitation"9 Sid. Chartran's Big Sale In Fuit Swing Look at the Prices In My Windows Compare them with others then you will buy here. S. G. CHARTRAN One Door West Bell Telephone Office Phone 26 Bowmanville Are You A Crank ? That's a rather personal question? But there are a lot of people who are down right cranks about their baking. Yet we don't seem to have any trouble in satisfying' their demands. There's a reason. Try our. "good things to eat" and you'l know why. The Bowrnanvilie Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville Maq Corne and See Our Mn Good Values OnIy Those Who Have No Regard For Money They Spend W~iI Overlook This Opportunity To Save. Men this is your bcst chance to buy your Winter Overcoat at Sale Prices. $20 Coats, Sale Price $12.95 $25 Coats, Sale Price $16.75 $30 Coats, Sale Price $21.00 Men's Flecce liincd Underwear, Regular $1.00...... For 69c Boy-' Ail Wool Je-rseysq, Regu- lar $1.25, Midwinter Sale 98c Boys' Heavy Wool Stockings, Regular- value 50 to 60c, Midwinter Sale 39c Men's Wool Work Sweaters, Regular $2.00, Midwinter Sale $1.19, $1.651 The 50 PAIR ONLY MEN'S HEAVY WORK RUB- BERS, WHILE THEY LAST $2.19 PAIR Ladies' Galosises, la Black, Sand or Holather Brown, me- duced ho . .$1.98, $2.65, $2.95 Ladies Patent, Black Kid or Brown Oxfords, Regulan to $4.50,. . Midwinter Sale $2.98 Ladies Fine Rubisers .... .59c 25 pair Men's Knee Rubiser Boots, Midwinter Clearing $2.85 Pair A. DILLlCK King and Division Strets, Bowmanville F. i -1'* J8, PAGZ BIGHI