Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1929, p. 7

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filE CANAVIAN STATEMMAN, MUWMAN V1LI~. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929 PAGE 5EV~ _________________________________________________________ i I .1 The Bell Telephone Company and its Bill in Parliament THE Bell Telephone Company. is bringing before parliament this session a Bil regurding its authority to seek ew capital." No grant or subsidy from parliaunent is involved. It la entireiy a matter of autbority ta offer new shares for purchase by investors, from i Ure to time in the future as new capital is required for the. growth of the system. There are tbree reasans wby the telephone company is askimg parliament for this authority. Eacb of these reasons ia important. the first reason The telephone systemt cannot ext end td meet the growth of the country unless thcre lsaa steady supply of new capital year after year. JN a progressive country like Canada the telephone ~system neyer stands stili. Each year there are thousands of new telephones in uew homes anmd offices. Icor the next five years the definite eeds whicb the systesu is under public obligation te meet mean spending over $120,000,000 in new plant. Year after year, in good tirnes andi bad, new money is needed for more telephones if the system is to keep pace witb the country. And of this morey a great part can be supplied oly througb the pur- chase of new shares b>' investors. the second reason Necesaar>' plans cannot be madie uniesse there ia assurance that mone>' may be obtained iR the future to complete them. TN the telephone business it is essentiel that plans Sbe made for years ahead. There must b. cables and condufts and central ex- changes before new telephomes eau go in. To wait ntil people are clamoring for service is too late. Sucb projects in the pasi. bave been undertaken be- cause the company has been confident of securing nioey from investors to put the ni.w equipment into fulservice. But if the company ta flot able eveai to approach in- vestors, its assurance vaishes and to prepare for thie future becomes impossible. 'Me telephone system does not need, anmd will not seek, ail the seventy-five million of new capital pro- vded for in its ameridment n0w, nor ue-t year, mor the. year after. [t ma>' ot need it ail for a good man>' years. But it doesa eed now the assurance that it will b. ahie li the future to go into the. market for new mone>' wheu it la required. the third reason The company's present autkonit>'t. ueek new capital la aintoat exhansted. W RHEN the telephone compan>' began in 1880 it had authorit> ta sei shares te investors up to half a million dollars, but witb the gnowtb of the system this authorit>' bas been extended b>' parues- ment. This ha happened, on su average, ever>' eight years since180 The iast amendîfient by parliament was in 1920. Another amendinent is uecessary now be- cause, of the seventy-five million of sbares set in 1920, less thanx ten million now remain for the cent- pan>' te offer te investors. Witb over $120,000,000 te b. spent during tbe next five years-a substantial part of which must be pro- vided b>' sale of new shaes-this margin of lessi &han tan milion represents neither the steady supply of new capital nor the assurance of the future which lb.e company must have te serve the public with efficiency. eight years from now TFthere had not been an ameudment in 1920 with teright te raise new capital, Ontario sand Quebec toda>' would b. struggliig with a telephone system so bopelessi>' behind publie requirememt.s that al branches of business would suffer. '1%. telephone compan>' does ot want that staite of affairs e pevl . eip-ht years front now. The Bihla te prevent iLt.4 SOS Don't Take Chancesi Let us do can't afford to that-for that's our business. You carry your own insurance risk, but the solid substantial insurance companies we re- present have able resources and made provision to carry your risk. Are you sure you are carrying enough insur- ance? What would be your position if a fire should visit your place? By ail means don't take a chance when you can have protection at such a very low cost. Corne in and talk it over with us. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 60 King st. E. Bowmanville OBITUARY OBITUARY Mise Amuie E. E. Ccx, Bewmanville Jain. Cirven After an illness extending over As the result of a week's ilîne a i six years during wbieh she received from pleur o-pn euinonia, there pasa- Y the best of loving care and niedical ed away in ýBowmahville Hospital on i~ attention there passed to rest on . Monday, Deceniber 31, 1928, at tiSunday, December 23rd, James Gir- R early age of 29 years, Annie E. E. yen, in bis 75tb year. Y Cox, younger daughter of Mr. and The late Mr. Girven was born in l Mrs. Christopher Cox. Peterboro County in the year 1853 Through alternate years of hope and spent akmost bis enitire life inu and despair she cheerfully and un- h ledstit where he was well and i complainingly bore lher burden and tatir nw. O e.15h alfeofg retiment by eunfiingop- 1882, he was united in marriage with lifeof etiemet br ufaiingop-Alice Jane Miller, who predeceased timisin and very ready smle gained bum 17 years. Coniing to Bowman-p for herseif the respect and esteeni ville a few years ago he trnade bis of ber many friends and acquaint- home witb his*daugbters, Mrs. R. E. ances and won the hearts of all Logan and Mrs. Alex. Elliot, whoa those with whom she came in con survive him. H. also leavea fourb tact. ibrothers, Henry, Samuel and Wil- The funeral took place on Friday, liamn of Petex4boro, and John of FEv- January' 4, to 'Bowmanville CeTetery erett, Wash., and one sister, Mm. A.e and was largely attended. The ser- aet fOtok otU ,H I vic wa codutedby evCJ.U.c was a Presbyterian in religion and Robins, Pastor of Trinity Cuc of for many years an eider in St. An- which deceased was a me'niber, as drew's Churcb, Peter'boro. sisted by Rev. Roy H. Rickard, Pick-b ering. The funeral which took place on Besides ber sorrowing parents the Wednesday, December 2flth, from s deceased leaves to mourn ber depart- the home of bis son-in-law, Mr. R. E.c ure one sister, Mrs. (Dr.) C. C. Logan, Carlisle Ave., was conductedd Hartmnan, Olds, Alta.; and tbree by Rev. Robt. McErient, M.A., ofE brothers, Dr. Leslie C. Ccx, San St. Andre'w's Preebyterian eChurch.t Francisco, Cal.; Kennetb of %Be- Interment was made in Little Lake manvilie and Elmer at bomne. Cemetery, Peterboro. The pail-bearers were six friends -Dr. D. E. Steckley, Messrs. Bert The pali-bearers were Messrs.M Jewell and Eber Snowden, Osbawa, Wnx. Brock, Jas. D. Carruthera, J. J. and ~ Howard Brent, Wrightson Mason, S. J. H1enry, Jas. McDougallf Wight and Ross Stevens, Bowrnan- and Alex. Wight. ville. Telegrams of condoience were re- Those attending the funeral froan ceived fromn Mrs. C. C. Hartann a distance were: 'Mrs.Aiex. Elliot,t Olds, Alta.; Dr. Leslie C. Cox, San Saint John, N. B., Mr. H. Girven,f Francisco, Cal.; and Mrs. D. E. Mr. S. Girven, Mr. R. Mitchell andt Wells, Toronto. Mr. H. Mitchell, ail of Peterboro; 1 The floral offerings wbich were Mr. G. Girven, Mr * F. Girven, Mr.c very beautiful included: Pillow__ R. Girven and Mr. Jas. Wbite of Mother and Father, Lola and Elmner, Norwood; and Mr. Jas. McDougall, Ruby and Ken; Gastes Ajar-Helen Toronto. and Les; Wreths-Mabel and CARD 0F TI1ANICS Clare, Mr. and Mrs. John Meteaif____ and family ;M.adM,.0 Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Otn n Souc an famlyMr. oy ampbllMn. Alex. Elliot desire to thank al Toronto; Sprays--Mrs. W. E. Jeiw- thxe friends and neighbors for tbeir elI ,Bert and Mabel, MT..sand Mrs. kindnessansim ympathy extended to Eber Snowden, Oshawa; Mr. and MI themn in their recent bereaveinent in Wrigbtson Wight, Mr. and Mrs. T. h deatix of their father anmd for the H. Knigbt, Mrs. Colin Stapies anmd batfdx. loa ffrne Mr. and MTs. Cari Bilings, Orono; batf lrlofrns Mr. and Mms. John Lame, Mr. amd Mrs. Fred Wight, Miss Leta M. Jack-0 son, Mr. and Mrs. William Snowden, i Ray and Vi, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew OBITUARY I Maybank, Olds, Aita.; Mr. and Mms.0 Ross Stevens, Miss Ida Sharp., Tor- 1 oi.Akno, aegS.k outo; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mason, Mr.:____ J. J. Mas on, Mr. and MTs. Ross Mms. W. H. Pearce received a tele-I Grant, Misa Merle Power-, Orono;l grami on Friday iast advising ber ofi Mr. and Mms. C. H. Dudley, Mr. and the death of ber brother, Mr. Louis Mrs Mebourne Wight, Mr..samd Mms. Atkinsom of Marengo, Sask., on E. S. Nayior, Mr. and Mr$. W. A. Wednesday, January 2nd. He bas Edgar, Mrs. Richard Clark, Mr. simd been a sufferer from rheumatis9m1 Mm.RuselOsiore, m.W. H. and complications developing there-t Spargo, Vesta and E lia, Mr. anmd Mms frorn for many years, but with thei IR. J. Gui, Toronto; Mr. and -Mms. bep of bis devoted wife be bas car- Geo. Soucb, Mr. anmd Mm. HarrY ried on bis several duties as a busi- Brock ,Mr. and Mrs. Albert Manning. mess mam of many interests and as al CARDOF TANKSpublic officiai with mucb care and i CARD0F TANKSfortitude. For many months past iel Mr. and Mms. ChTistopher Cox and basi been a helpiess invaiid, attended famiiY desire to tbank ail tbe fniends by bis wife and second daughter, and neighbours for the kimd sym Miss Jeasie Atkinscn. patby sand help extended to tbern The late Mr. Atkinson 'was the duning the iiiness and deatix of the ir second son of Roberttsamd Mary At- daugbter anmd sister, and for the isnfomayer eidt f heautiful floral offerings. kNcsonleor Any earesiaidents RÀILWAY TIME TABLE CANADIAN NATIONAL. RAILWAV GOING fAST 12.40 a. m.-Flag. *Daily 8.42 a. m.-Slxcept Sumday. 10.14 a. m.-DalIy 1.34 p. m.-Except Sunday. 2.46 p. mn.-Flag Except Sunday. 7.04 p.n.-Except Sunday. 9.58 p. m.-Dally. 11.24 p. m.-Flag. Except Saturday. 9.13 a. m.-Sunday only. --Stops to pick up passengers going east of Trenton only. GOING WEST 4.22 a. i.-Fiag. Daily 5.33 a.mn.-*Daily. 8.49 a. m.-Except Sunday. 1.47 p. m.-Except Sunday. 7.11 p. mn.-FIag. Except Sunde>'. 8.27 p. m.-Except Sunday. 6.56 p. r.-Sunday only. --Stops to let off passengers tram esat of Trenton only. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAV GOING WEST 5.28 a. mi. Daily 7.15 a. rn. Sunday Only~ 8.20 a. mn. Dally Except Sunday 4.20 p.* m. Dali>' 7.18 p. m. Dally Except tSunday GOINO EAST 10.19 a. ni. Daly 2.22 p. ni. DaiIy Except Sonda>' 8. 25 p. mn. Dai 1y Except Sonuda' 1.27 p. nm. Dal>' Except Ssuday 12.28 a. mi. Sonda>' Oni>' bigb sciool course, ho -gieduated as a puiblic school teacher, simd taugbt for somme time in, the Lake Shore Scixool. Here he met Miss Ethel Moffaftt eldest daugiter of Mn. and Mms. Thos. Mcffatt. A few years later the young school teacher anmd bis former pupil married anmd went West, settiing in Tantallon, Sask. Here bie comtinued to follow bis ,pro- fession of teacbiug as weli as tak- ing a large part in severai activities of the communty. This w.as about theyear 1904. -Later hie moved ta Merid in the sine povncebut close ta the Aîberta bouniry, and more recently ta Marengo whicb is more centrally situated in the town- ship of wbicb bie was the clerk and treasuren. Besides bis widow he la survived.(by two daugiters, Mary simd Jessie, anmd two sons, Roy and An-1 tbur. [Mort Newcaistle folk wili rememn- ber Miss Mary wbo is a achool teacb- er in ber native province, simdlber sis- ten, Miss Jessie, froi their prolonged vsit bere a year ago lait sununer, when tbey made a boat of new friands who wil mow sympathize witb tham samd their widowed mother, in tbe lbas of the husbsind sud fat- ber.1 OBITUARY 1 R. Edmund Prout, Bowmnville On Wednesday, Janusiry 2, after an ilîness extemding over several years, there passed to rest at thel hmre of bis brotber-in-law, Mn.i Richard Pooley, west of Scugog Rd.,j Richard Edmnund Prout, aged 46 years. Deceased was the eldest son of the late Ed.mund and Emnma L Skinner Prout and was bora near Providence in Danlington township, and bas lived allbis life in this district. For the past five yeams he bas mnade bis home with bis sister, Mra. Pool.>', wbere for the pat six months he bai been quit. ill. The funeral took place-on Friday afternoon, service being conducted by Reiv. J. U. Robins, Pastor of Trinity United Ohurcb. The pali-bearers were six brotb- ers-în-lsw, Messrs. Thos. G. Norton, W. H. Yeo, W. J. Richards, Edward Williams and James Welsh. Man>' floral tributes from relatives anmd friends expressed sympatby for the bereaved ones. He leaves ta mourn bis passîmg' seven sisters, Mm. W. W. Manning, Oshawa; Mms. Alex. Wilkins, Provi- dence; Mms. Richard Pooley; Mrs. W. H. Yeo and Mrm. W. J. Richards, to<wn; Mms. H. Street, Portage la Prairie ,Man.; Mrs. Thos. G. Norton, Locust Hill; and two brothers, Alex. of Darlington, and Everson of Bow- manville. CARD OF THANKS 'The brothers and sisters of thel late R Edmund Prout desire bo thank their many friends and neighbors for the kindnss and syznpathy ex- tended ta thern in the deatb of their brother and for tihe beautiful floral offerings. CARD 0F THAP4KS Mrs. H. A. Tait wishes te thank aIl tihe frlends for the kindness and syumpathy extended to ber during tue illness anmd deatb of ber husbund and for the. beautiful floral tributes. HAMPTON Young Pe"sle's meeting wua held on Friday evening witb a cood at- tendance. 'me President, Miss Nora Hlorn, taking charge in the absence of the let Vice, Miss Camvpbell. Mr. W. Wilbur took the devotional part. Miss Ruth Jobns gave a reading and- many responded to the roll cail. New officers are:- Hon. President- Rev. J. R. Bick; President-Miss Nora Horn; lst Vice-Miss IsobeI Campbell; 2nd Vice-Misà Sadie Virtue; 3rd Vice-Mr. Fred Billet; 4tb Vice-Mr. Wilfrid Smaie; Sec- retary-Miss Mary Peters; Treasur- en-Mn. Raymond !Burns. Pasteurized Milk is more than a deliciaus -beverage-it's a real food. lt cantains flot only pien- ty -of lime, but as plenty of phosphate of lime which children need for growing bones. Let it be plenty of pasteurized milk and crea.m. Drink maore iilk-and for aafety's sake b. sure it's pasteurized. BOWXMVILE DMIIt KNG ST. -PONE 446 ÀU'EPING ABREAST 0F THE TIMES à.-Du. of the aaiaiAray ile monoplans. us.dla the. Toronto-Montruai servi«a. 2-Tii. nwCanadian Pionesr la typifIsdyJ. St. Martin, pilot 3.-At Lemas, Toronto, tii. PilotaccSeprs for deliver>'. 4-The mudfest te stuns befoe taint off. A two day lead over ordinary Express Service between Rimouski and the. west ln now gained through the use b y the Canadian Pacifie Railway, of an air mail anmd Express package service between the Gulf Point anmd Iontreal, Ottawa and Toronto. Parceis taken off incomlng shipé at Rimouski esiri> Saturday reach Montreal, Ottawa aud Toronto by plane the same day anmd, being earrled from the. latte r point on the. Vacouver Exprm arrive in Winnipeg on Monday moralag ad Vaoeuv Wednesday evenlng. At present the. new express service to simd from the nhilpa wlll b. bl-weekly, with provision made for whatever domestic traffle offers. Air transportation must be senlousl>' taken into account if one wo,.îd keep abreasti of the tintes according to T. E..MeDonnel i vce-president simd g eneral manager of the Canalîsn Pacifie Express Company who nees great air service development ln the interecs, and te the grosit advantae of bath thie buslins.s ad fmandial mu ofetthe IDominion. TRAVEL E Y.ERIECEDtravellers use Travel- lers' Cheques. They are as good as cash anywhere, and f ar safer. Before going awey, buy Travellers' Cheques at The Royal Bank of Canada and avoid worry while travelling. Gel. The RoQyal Bankt of Canada Bowmanvile Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager And Its flaveur la the finest lu the world. FICIAT4 Afl 1 iI TEA 16F»" froua Me gardons' 0f Interest To You If You Desire SoIid Comfort Next Winter and at the Lowest Price Place your order now for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The St.andard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipment Until further notice prices will be Egg, Stove, Nut Sizes'$15.50 per ton; Pea $12.50 Alberta Cole (Rosedale Lump) ...........$14.00 Oto Nut Coke ...................................$12.00 Delivered to ail parts of the town. BUILDERS' - SUPPLIES We have also a full stock of Lumber and Builders' Supplies and are always glad to have the opportun'ity of furnishing estimates for anything required. Cali and inspect our -stock and prices McClellan & Co. ILtd. Phone 15 Bowmanyiile The Personal Element in Banking Af fairs Between the curtneas and coldness of printed bank forais and thie human element for wbose urne they are designed, are vast opportunities for the banker to give valuabie personal assistance. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, thru the members of its staff, ia auxions to use any opportunity that arises to demon- strate Its value in offering personal advice on fin- ancial matters. The local manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Commercewill be glad to give intimate counsel upon money matiters pertainlng to your bus- iness . TME CANADIANBANK 0F COMMERCE igt. fh wICAgàeýaI te(d YPSTANDARD BANK OFr CANADA <1 n, £HE CANADIAN t3TATgt3MAl4, liOWMANVII-1-e, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929 .If, PAGM BZVM

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