Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1929, p. 6

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THE CA.NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLhE, THURSDAY, JANUPSRY Brd., 1929 PAGE auVRm The Royal Bank of Canada Generai Statement J3th Noveinbe, 1928 LIABILITIES tetl Stock Pid up ..................::.........3000. S... 4Pod.............. .................. cf ProdrUncaimred f....ar........................2Zi05f 4Xi.rdend No. 165 (et 12%7 ean ) aal ltoebt 1928- ... .......................90000 4iL-us cf 2c. payable lot Deember, 1920 ............... _____ 3.P486 ,Dep.eits not bearng Inteest .................$83,814,9379 10eposits bearing Interest, Includint .test accu"te date cf Statement .................................... 523.651,908.12 Total Deposits >...... ........................ $707,466,M13.71 Notes of the Bank ln circulation........................ 4,8,6.4 %dvances under the Finance Act................. '500000.86 Ilalances due ti) other Banks ln Canada.................. 1,068,051.04 qtalances due o B.ink., and Banking Correspondent@ eus- whrre than ln Canada............................ 2287,693.57 31ILq Payable .... .............. 6873,155.93 Luibiliies ont Inctuded ln the foregoin4 ................ tettera o Credit Outsrandint ........................... ASSETS Gold ana Suhsidiary Coin on band..... 829,033,568.84 Cold derpoited ln Cenra Gold Reserves .. 84000000W I43,6.1 Dominion Notes un band .................8$37,424,463.00 Dominion Notes deposited in Central Gold Reserves... ........................ ,0,000 46,424455.00 ,Ulnted States and other ForeigAi Curencius 25,19%,677.41 1109,054,701.25 Notes of other Canadian Banka............................ 324,812.60 t;heque% on other Batnks............................... 37,352,272.95 Blalances due by othet Banks ln lanada..................... 1,546.23 Balances due by Batiks and Bankint Corresponedent@ else- vihere than ln Canada................ 30,664,336."9 Dominion and Provincial.........................(flot exceedlog market value) . ..............$,267,914.43 Cýanadian Municipal Scurities and Brt .hFoet and Colonial Public Securities other than &na;diatk, (net exceedlnt market value)............................ 16,734,643.14 itaflway 2.d1other Bonds, Debentures and Stocka. (ont exceeding tnarket value) ............. 16,66.1011.32 CaU and Short (net exceedlng thirty d a)Loanetln Canada on Bond%. Debentures and Stocks atnd other Securittes of a sufficient marketable value te cover...... ......... 56,265,327.8 tali and Short-t ezceeding thirty deys) Lona elswhee than in Canada on Bond* Debentures and Stocks and ottier Securities cf a auëllcient nark&etab)le vlue in caver ................................ ............... 363,S?8,498.68 797,3"0,615.17 48,129,770.86 8909395 884 71 43,646.421.81 OM,8862,085.03 Current Loans and Discounts lui Canada (leus rebte of intereeri after making f u provision for .11 bail and doubtful dets .8................... 292,315,472.84 -Curretît Lons and Dicunt elsevihere.iii l Canada les. rebute of Interest) after nmklng fulil provision for al bad end doubtfu det .............. 14,422,394.56 Non-Current Loans, estimated lous yt9videdfor...... 2,224,751.93 Bank Premises at net more titan cc.t, lee amounfa written off ..... Reail Estate other titan Bank Preanises................................:.. Nlortgsges on Rea Etate sold by the Batik........................... Labilities et Cutoners under Letters of Ceedit as per contra ........... Shares of anid Lomme tô Controlled Companlies ................ Deposit w th the Miniaf e for the purposes et the Circulation Vund ... Other Assets flot Included lu thse foti ............................ Fi. S. HOLT Presitient 439,962,619.23 14,497,184.03 1,626,756.62 1478,485.56 48,129.770.86 2,780,845.31 1,510,000.00 348,138.07 "909395,884.71 C. 9. NEILL. General Manager AUDITORS' GEITIFIGATS To 1uit SI[REHoLOUc, Tma ROYAL BANKE OF CANADA: We have examlned the above statemtent et Loiabilities and Amata et Sth November. 1928 with the books and accounta of The Royal Bank of Canada t Head Office and wth the. certfad return, rom the branches. We bave verified the cash and securities t Head Office t the close of the Bank'F fiscal >,eat, and during the year vie counted the cash and exaiined the socurities at several of the im portant branches. We have obtaned &Il the informnation and explanatlons that vie have reiuired. and ln Oar opinlor the transactions of the Bank, which bave corne undet or notice, have beec wthln the poviers of the .Bank. The above staternent la in cur opinion Uuperly dravin up su an te disclose the trus condition ,f the Bank amat 30th Novmber. 1928, and it~ as shovin by the bokscf the Banik. JAS. G. ROSS, C.A. of P. S. Rom & Sons. Adtm W. GARTH THOMSON, C.A.., uits vlontreal. Canada. 24tb Deceniber. 1928. of Peut, Marwlck. Mitchell & Go. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT I1aIance u Profit anid Lotie Account. 3th November, 1927. I.809,831.87 ,Profits for the yeur. alte deductlng charges of management accrued interest on deposts, f ull provision for ail bad and dîîubtful debtî an rebute of fintereet on un- rurcd bille .........................................5,881,233.U4 $7691,085.71 APPRUP1<IArFI) AS FOLLOWSt Vitvdnds Nos. 162, 163. 164 and 165 at 12%j per annum. . 360,000.00 Son u , of 2','to Shareholder . .............................. 600,000.00 C;ontrllîution toOffictra' Pension Fund....................20,000.00 ~ppopiaIo fr ankPrm ,es........ ..... .1ere for iolonGvrmentTae.ncul4aio Ba.itnk Note Circulation. .....................530,000.00 fF'aiancc of Profit and L.«a cared fcrwar...::.........2,361085.71 4tnreal. 24tb Deceniber. 1929 The Personal Ellement in Banking Af f airs Between the curtness and coldness Of printed bank e, f oris and the human element for whose use theY are desi.gned, are vast opportunities for the banker to give valuable persona] assistance. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, thru the members of its staff, is anxious to use any opportunity that arises to demon- strate its value in offering personal advice on fin- ancial matters. The local manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Commercewill be glad to gîve intimate counsel upon money matters pertainiflg to your bus- 'TE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE (THE STANDARD BA~NK OFnt CANADA) Don't Take Chances Financial STATEMENT Township of Darlington For 1928 Receipts and Expenditures1 RECEIPTS ..1 2200.001 1786.591 Bank of Montrent, note .... L. T. Pascoe, taxes 1927 F EB R UA R L. T. Pnscoe, taxes 1927........ 92098 MA ROH Ruesell OrmIston, rent roati 1927 3.00 Treas. Prov. of Ont., Tp. Hlgb- ways Grant 30 per cent..7000.16 L. T. Pasooe, taxes 1927........ 1748.39 APRIL L. T. Pascoe, taxes 1927 ...1477.19 MAY L. T. Pnscoe. taxes 1927.. JUNE Gco. A. Barron, cernent ... C. W. Souch, cernent ......... Treas. Tp. Carke, Deb. No.4 and Coupons, S. S. No. 23 ... L. T. Pascoe, taxes 1927.. JULY R. Avery, calcium chloride, Hampton ..................... Bankt of Montreai, lnterest . Bank of Montreal, note ... Wallace R. Horn, dog tag .... L. T. Paecoe. taxes 1927 . 5.001 248.04 1.371 2.74 34 7.40 155.29 63.13 45.10 1300.00 ".,5 143.49 I r I stubble ....................... Wallace Miller, rent for road 1914 to 1928 .................. T1reas. Town of Bowrnanvile 4113 costs of Clerk anid Balliff attending Division Court .. N F. MacNachtafl, calcium Nchlrde, Hampton........... J. J. Mason & Son, premlium on round Insurance.............. Batk of Montrent. int. on note. AUGUST Rond Supt. salary and office.. Rtond Supt. cernent bridges .. Rond Supt. rond materia .. Road Supt. rond maintenance . J. C. Aldread, trucking wlre for cemcteieS3.................. L. D). Hodgson, wire andi staptes, cemetery. Lot 28, Con. 6 .. T. Richards. work cemetery, Lot 28, Con. 6 .................... K. Wlnterburil, cedar poste ccmetery Lot 28, Con. 6.. John Coiwill, tabor cemeterY, Lot 28, Con. 6 ............... W. R. Allun. wlre fence, cerne- tery Providence andi Lot 28, Con. 6 ....................... Geo. Rulte-r. work Providence cemetery............... G. A. Stephensceda poste Providence cemetery ..... N. F. MncNachtan, calcium chioride. Ennistilten.......... ,Miss N. E. Neads, Insurance retreehmient bootb........... Mrs. E. V. Scobelt, deeti and reg- istration land for gravet pit, Sr%4 Lot 4, Con. 8............ Workmen'a Camp. Board, insur- noce bridge workers......... J. Y. Kellough, grant Rural School Fairs........ Otto L. Virtue, land for gravet pt, S'I4 Lot 4, Con. 8... Bank of Montrent, mlt. on note SEPTEMBER I Thoq. iH. Richards. work Pro- vidence cemetery............ Rond Supt. salary andi office . Rond Supt. rond"construction Rond Supt. rond maintenance Rond Supt. cernent bridges .. D ,. Burgmnaster. calcium obtor- ide, Enniskillen.............. R. Avery, calcium chioride, Ilampton ..................... jBank or Montreai. int. on notes OCTOBER 1Nathan Byers' 50pr cent ce- AUGUST pairlng cernent wark, Ennis- killen .. . . . . . . . . . . . tadio Station (G. & W.) wort< Wesley Oke. work sidewalks, on rond............ .......... 152.13 Enlskillen.............. D. Burgmaster. calcium chloride Rond Supt. sahury and office rond. Ennlsklllen............... 62.54. Rond Supt. rond construction tank of Montrent, note........ 6100.00) Roati Supt. road maintenance 1. F. MfacNachtan, calcium - Road Supt. cernent bridges .. chloride, Hampton............. 12625 S. A. Northcott. sheep Inspection N, F. MacNachtan, calcium W. R. Aluin, sntary Ird quarter.. chloride, Ennlskillen........... 125.07 J. y. Ieltough, grant Junior L.T. Pascoe, taxes 1927......... 222.70 Fnrrrders' Association........ Mrs. E. V. Scobeli, cellectors SEPTEMBER bond............. ........... 'F. G. Keratake, work in park ... Bank of Montrent, note......... 4000.00 Bank of Montrent, int. on notes A. Sharpe, rent of rond 1927 . 3.00 L.T. P:uscoe, taxes 1927 .... 17.61 NOVEMBER OCTOBER Rtond Supt. saiary and office . 4is Rut Jho, ogta ~Rond Supt. rond material .. MisskRofhMonrn, ote..........500Roai Supt. rond construction.. Baofttes Trens.note ...... 2(1000!Rond Supt. cernent bridges .... grant, aies Tp, certflat, e 68 5Roadl îî tt. rond maintenance gr. T Palacoes, iits taxe 128198.75,S, ., ortheott, sheep Inspection L. T Pacoetaxs 198 .....197.83Selectors of Jurors, jurors. 1929 F. G. Kersiake, work 1n park. NOVEMBER j. J. Mason & Son, exceas prem- labo Wonacot, dmage ~ lum rond insurance to July 25, sheep hy cdog................. 10.001 C D. Hotigson, supplies Mrs. N. Lewis Alun, rent of rond 1928 2.001 Savage (charity)............ 'ounties Treas. arrears of taxes 710.90 B3ank of Montreal, int. on notes L.. T. Pnscoe, taxes 1928 ...5906.28 Bank of Montrenl, Int. on notes S. A. Northcott, sheep inspection DECEMBER A. W. Annis, shtep Inspection . t. . Psco. txes102.......29.02Mrs W. G. Stephens. Hall care- L. T Pacoetaxs 197 ..... 29.02 ter........................ t. T. Pn.scoe, 2 Per cent and 5 Jas. Curtis, sninry S. A. O. per cent on arrears of taxes L. T. Pscoe. bat. salary coliect- 1927 ........................... 276.39 or 1927...................... Hutgh Annis, damuages ta sbeep Gitbert Adcock, work miltdam by bis tiog.................... 10.00 sidpvalk ................. L T. Pnscoe, taxes9 1928...61111.45 Sidney Kcrsey, wortt mdm $ln7,2 - sideëwalk..................... 17,42.89 Haroldi Alin. work mlttdnm sidewalk.................... J. H. Mutton, lumber mildam sidewalk ... ... .. .. . EXPENDITURES Rond Supt. snlnry andt office.. Ronul Supt. rond materia .. JANUARY Rond Supt. rond construction Rond Supt. rond maintenance Deficit 1927 .................... $ 13381-38 C. D. Hotigson, suppties Mrs. N. Bankof onteal Int ovrdrft 60 Savnge (charity)............ ttak f anrel.int oerrnt .6 FG Kerslake. okinPr Blankt of Montrent, lot, on note 9.05 P. *0 ar Counties Tes ontles rates. Blankt o! Montrent, exchange . FEBRUARY W. W. Horn, naits for sidewalk Rond Supt. bat, rond mainten- Rond Supt. slary and oilice nnct town line E. Whitby.. supplies, Dec................... 1194 A. W. Annis, sheep Inspection.. Roati Supt. rond maintenance, IC. A. Wight, services Reeve.. Dçc...................... 190.64 S. Willilams, services Deputy- Rond Supi. salnry andi office Reeve ........................ supplies, Jan................... 58.44 G. F. Annis, services (Councitior Rond Supt, rond maintenance. A.* L. Pascoe. services Copnciltor Jan ............................. 84.88 H. G-ý Maoklln, ser. Counciltor.. Mrs. M. V. Scobetl, Treasurers L. T. Pascne. acct. slary Col- Bond 1928...................... 5.00 lector 1928 .................. F. J. Groat, salary auditor .... 12.50 W. R. Allun, satary 4th quarter Il. Kyle Squatr. salary auditor 12-501 John Spry. rebate taxes for bitch Division Registrar, . registration H. W. Harris, rebate taxes, er- fees 192....................... 2650 ror in assesarnent........... Mirs. A. F. Rundte, suîpplies for School Trustees, bal. Statutory F. Storms (charity)............ 4.88 and Local School Rates .. R. C. Pearce, sup)plies for F.' Sbeep damages ................ Storms (charlty)............... 15.30 Statlonery anti prlntlng... I. S. Britton, suipplies for Peter Board of H-eatth ............... Guddes (cbarity)............... 21.42 Legistative Grant. satary, exper- N. F. M.%acN.ichtan, 50 per cent lence. etc................ maintenance 3. M. Parkter, Schooi Trusteesf, adv. teacbers,ý Toronto Hospital, Decetnher . 213.25 salariff ...................... F. F. Morris Co. 50 per cent fun- Sehool Débentîtres, and Interest mri expenses late Margaret Coupons. Nos. 1, 3, 6, 8, 16. 19, Parkter .................37.501 anti 24 ....................... Toronto Starnp& St'lie n'cili Works, ---DPank Loans retiroti..........1 3ank o!f Montreal, int. on note MA RC 'H . . Rond Supt. road maintenance.. Rond Supt. slary anti office . N. F. MacNachtan, 50 per cent maintenanc, J. m. Parkter, Toronto Hospitat, January . N. F. MacNachtan ' 50 per cent maintenance Mabel Water, Toronto Hospital, Dec. & Jan. C. Il. Mason, grant W. D. Agr. Socety...................... Treas. 1low. Hospital, grant . MrR. A. F. Rundle, supplies F. Storms (charity)............ Rt. C. Pooirce, supplies F. Storma (chlarty) . . . .. . . . . . . Mrs. A. F. Runtile, supliies Jas. Nicholîs tcharlty)........... Bannk 0f Muontréal, lot, on note.. APRIL Rond Supt. salary andi office . Rond Supt. rond maintenance.. R. C. Pearce. sutplies F. Storms (charity) . . . . .. . . . . . Mrs. A. F. Rundie. supplies F. Stornis (charity)............ W. R. Atin, satary........... M AV Rond Supt. saltary antI office .... Rond Supt. ronut matuýria .. Itonu Supt. tond maintenance.. J. D. Hogartht, asessor salary. R . C. Pearce, supplies F. Storma Mrq. A. F. Rundle, supplies F. StOrîns charity)............ N. P. Mau'Nachtan, 50 per cent maintenane Mabel Walter, Toronto Hiospital, February . N. F. MacNachtan. 50 per cent maintenance James M. Parkter Toronto Hlospitat, 32 tinys.. Workmens Camp. Board, In- sutranuve Bridge workmýn .. JUNE Rond Sttpt. materlal........... Rond Supt. reîarlng sidewatk.. Ronul Suîpt. salary :inu office ... Rond Supt. malntununce ... Mrs. A. F. Rmîinull,',sulpplies F. Storms (charity)............ N.F. MarNachtati, 50 tier cenl maintenance .Mabl tWater, Toronto Hosptla, March .. N. F. MnuNachtan, 50 pier cent maintenance Janmes M. Parker Toronto Hospital, March .. N. F. MacNnchtan, 50 per cent maintenance Mabel Watter. (deceasoti) Tor. Illsp., April N. P. MacNachtan, 50 per cent maintenance James M. Parkter Toronto Hospitat. April.. J ULY~ 15.75j $lo SHEEP DAMAGES JULV Geo. F. Annis, sheep damages . OCTOBER K. Winterburn ................. 46.50 Tîos. Btaker ................... John 1tll1 ................... 50.00 Hugli Annis .................... 100.00 NO VEMBER Wn,. Reyotds..... .......... 155 lgin R. Taylor...... ... ..... Geo. Harvey ................... 28.34 7.60, DECEMBER Chau:s. , WeIght............... W. W. Alamas................ 38.60 Wm. Henderson............... 283.38 Wm.' Reynolds ................. Clarence Avery ................ 7.75 Suas Trew in.......... 52.24 109.16 866.901 250.00i 8.00 3.20 136.261 27 9.83 14.191 23.251 Rond Supt. salay anti office ..147-22 Rond Supt. rond materlal and construction.................... 424.88 Rond Bupt. rond maintenance. 4095-75 N. F. MacNachtan. 50 per cent maintenance James M. Parker Toronto Hospital, MnY .... 21.15 W. R. Allun, salary...... ........ 175.00 Fp. a. Kersînks, work ln park .. 28.00 Kr. M. Courtice, bonus klllng dog .00 'D. J. . ibson, plowdng orn laad 18.00 SEPTEMUER Miss Thelma Gilders has returncd 18.00 24-60 63.13 280.25 4.50 133.86 891.48 1741. 74 2059.37 9.80 121.87 361.13 1191.89 2312.15 125.07 126.26 49.001 16.00 22.44 109.70 220.60 659.21 1004.88 5.70 17 5.00 10.00 15.00 18.75 67.55 104.45 112.1il 238.90 274.60 632.53 2.00 10.00 3.93 8.14 65.90 8.65 2.60 13.60 7.50 37.60 102.74 130.42 384.35 861.36 10.63 2.50 29320.00 5.00 2.10. 229.57 2.00 75.00 75.00 7.5.00 75.00 75.00 100. oC 175.00 4.00 10.44' 23173.00 508.00 343,29 369.42 C. W. Hastings, placardlng M . A. James & Sons, advt. whooping cough............. F. R. Kersiake, disInfectanta . H. Ferguson, MB., services M.. ..................... DECEMBER A. Hogarth, services.......... W. R. Allun, services 8S crotary C. A. Wight, services *& mileage H. Ferguson, M. B.. services M. 0. H .................... F. G. Keralake, services San. Inspector.................. C. W. Stemon, M. D services assistant M. O. H ............ 16.00 16.U0 18.00 4 6.00 69.50 116.75 $36842 L.EGISLATIVE GRANTS Section Salaries, Experlence, Etc. No. 1 ........... ....... 245.001 No. 2.......................... No. 3................255.00 No. 4................255.00 No. 5..............................45.00 No. 6............:...................55m NO. 7.................37.50 No. 8................443.75 No. 9................ ....215.00 No. 10.................. ...273.75 No. lil...............«:...........600.00 No. 12...............................215.00 No. 13....................215.00 No 14................285.00 NO: 15..«......................255.00 No. 16 ... ....................233.75 No. 17.............................. 375.00 No. 1,............................. 303.75 No 19..................1............297.50 No. 20...................3875 No. 21...............................30 $6,183.751 LOCAL SOHOOLF Section No Local i..............8ll476.00 2.................300.00 3.................500.00 4.................600.00 5.................700.00 6............... 800.00 7.........:.........on00 8.................400:00 9.................200.00 10.................450.00 il..............1000.00 12............... 750.00 13............... 400.00 14.................600.00 15.................400.00 16............... 500.00 17.................500.00 18.................600.00 19............... 460.00 20.................600.00 21............... 503-00 22.................180.00 23..................19.00 24..................79.00 $12,107.00 ADVANCE TEACH-ERSI APRIL J. J. Smith, S. S. No. 19 M AV J. J. Smilth, S. S. No. 19 JUNE J. J. Smith, S. S. No. 19 Noble I. Metcnlf,' S. S. N, Sld. T. Ho1ar, S. S. NO.: A. W. Annis, S. S. No. 18 JULY Noble I Metcatfe. S. S. N Fred G. Smith, S. S. No AUGU ST RATES Statutory 6 00 0 600.00 600.001 658.001 600.00 600.00 1000.00 600.00 600.00o 1000 .00 600 .00 600 .00 600 .00 600 .00 600.00I 600.001 600.00 600.00, 600.001 600.00 216.00 150.00 84.00 $13,616.00 SI SALARIES ......$200.00 .. . . . 100.00 .. . . . 100.00 Ko. 6 . 250.00 10 ... 325.00 [8...... 400.00 Noa. 6 . 125.00 0. 13. 200.00 S. G. Chant. S. S. No. 12.. S EPT E MBER W. R. Westlnke. S. S. No. 14 OCTOBER W. R. Wo-stlnke. S. S. No. 14 NOVEMBER 300.00 125.00 100.001 Noble 1. Metealfe, S. S. No. 6 . 200.00 $2,550.00 DEBENTURES MAY Loretta D. Langmaid, Deb. No. 20, S. S. No. 3............... $ 204.88 JUNE Bank o! Montreal. Deb. No. 2, S. S. No. 16................... 711.27 Bank o! Montreal. Deh. No. 4 anti coupons, S. S. No. 1..1086.94 A UGUST E. Haggitbi, Deb. No. 5, S. S. No.19........... Banit 0of Mont re al, Doeb. No.6 anti coupons, S. S. No. 6 .. Bankt of Montrent, Deb. No. 7 anti coupons, S. S. No. 8 .. NOVEMBER 289.45 4 07 .60 424.771 6137 Treas.. Tp. East Whltby, eeb. 2550.0 0 N. anti coupons, S. S. No.2 18 3206.79$3,206.79 17100.00 BANK LOANS J ANU ARYi Bank of Montreal, note retired$ 1000.00 MA RC I- 26.001 Bnnk o! Montrent, note rotireti 2200.00 1 0.0o 1 10.001 17.00 50.00 35.0() 189.00. $508.00 STATIONERV AND PRINTING F EB RUA R The NItîn i ipal Woriui. 7 copie s andulatnk farta1s............$ 9.73 MARCH anud auvertlslog .............. APRIL Municipal Wo>rIui, bnanit forma.. JUNE M. A. James & Sons, prioting anud aulvrtising.............. JULY The Municipal World. Statutes o! Ont. 1927 anti 1928... SEPTEM BER Municipal World, blank forma OCTOBER 22 M.A. James & Sons, printing 2.5and ndvertiailig............. 18.75 NOVEMBER Municipat Wortti, supplies .. 22.50DECEMBER m. A. James & Sons, Votera' W. R. Allin, tntlaer, P ostage, etc. for 1928................ BOARD OFHALTH MAY 49.781 25.95 1.32 202.56 24.63 81458.29 U.7) Ilait ! oenoe retr Bank of Montrent, note retireti Bankof oDeCEMBnoe Reid Ianko! ontenoe retr tBankt of Montrent, note retireti Bankof ontralnoteretre8 4000.00 1300.00 2500.00 6100.00 $17,100.00 ASETS Tu '<os utcollecteti 19281.........8 9162.52 Taxes sent 10 Counties Treasur- er for collection............... 476.49 Ren t of ronds unjuali........... 28.00 Gravet pis...................... 100.00 drau uul:gs, sriuetc. .. 900.04 Cornent Mixer................... 200.00 Town Hatl anud Furnîture. 1000.00 Park grounds anti buildings .... 1500.00 Township Forest plot........... 1400.00 $14.767.01 LIABILITIES Balance dut,-lBank o! Montrent $ 1556.2-1 Blalance Collctors aalary . 125.00 Sebool Section Ilebentures anti intorest couptonsa due ln 1929 2920.01 $4, 60 1.25 W. R. ALLIN. 1Tîrasirr Reeveý 1929 Papers The new year papers are the mnost beautiful yet. I have a f ull lUne of 5i.mwrthy and Serai Trimmed Paipers to cho ose from. Do your decorating now to avoid delay in tihe busier season. J. H. Abernethy Cones.sion St.. Bowmanvifl. Phome 431 aftIer an enjoyable %iaiit with ienda in Ottawa. Mrs. R. T. Siemon has returned f rom a month's visit wtth her son, Mr. Milton Slemon, ýHaydon. A message received from Mrs. John Lighterness of Bowroanville, now vi.liting at 115 ýKirkgate, Leith, Scotland, says: 'IBetty and 1 are en- joying ouoe holiday; she is getting 110 be a big girl. I amn sendingyou a picture of Edinburgh's War Memor- iai Gate and calendar, with a bit of heather to bang up in the office. Remember me to ail my- old friends, wlshing you ail a Merry Obriainnas and a Happy New Year." rpli Poultry Wanted Pay hlghut eush puice. Don't senl tili 0U s" me. 1. Stein Phone 81 Whltby H 4 p that-for that's oui- business. You Let us do can't afford to carry your owrn insurance risk, but the solid substantial insurance companies we re- present have able resources and made provision to carry your risk. Are you sure you are carrying enough insur- an ce? What would be you.r position if a fire should visit your place? By ail means don't take a chance when you can have protection at such a very low cost. Corne in and talk it over with us. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phione 50 King st. E. BoWmanville McCIeIIan & Co. ILtde Bownianyll. Phone 15 F THE GJFT THA T DAD FORGOT ) II1Ile THE BARONA $=.25-TERMS The New Od-J&QpJzor1 VICTROLA Ail models of this marvellous instrument may be obtained on very easy terms at F. F. Morris Co. Home Furnishers Bowmanville STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Ste., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wiro System 11 King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calsa At Our Exnue 0f Interest To You If You Desire Solid Comfort Next Winter and at the Lowest Price Place your order now for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipment Until further notice prices will be Egg, Stove, Nut Sizes $ 15.50 per ton; Pea $12.50 Alberta Cole (Rosedale Lumip) ...........$14.00 Oto Nut Coke................................... $12.00

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