Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1929, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3rd., 1929 llarry AIIin's Here are a few of the spec Aylmer Soups, ail varietiE Jelly Powders, while they Macaroni, try this at... 59c -TE Broken Orang, Burford Peas, biggest vali Celery. Relish, fresh shipi Canned Cauliflower, extri Aylmer's Choice Corn, Pe One of each, 3 in ail fc FISH and C 4ARRY ALI HOE186 Beware There are certahîn articla *very household at this time oft RICKERS LAXATIVE BR, Thea. tablets quickly relieve mIn VAPURE-An inhalent foi head Co CLINICAL THERMOMETERS-A in every COD LIVER OIL-A body the aystem to throw MELOIDS-The original 1i the throat and sto HOT WATER BOTTLES- pensible in case REXILL1ANA-A new coug effective ai WHEN IN NEED 0F i JURY &' WHEN WE TEST EYES Il PHONE 78 FELT'S CII Now that the hoîidays anec ing a new. yeaî ,start it rigl business and appointînentsa to have the right time, an< you have te have a watch tI aLnd if it don't tell the right right store. We nepair watches, docksa 'eider work is given oui pri Ail Our Work is FEUTS JE Phone 33 King Stre W. T.ach Yons Watch LOCAL AN4D OTHERWISE Mrs. J. J. Lord is visiting ber âis tei, Mis. George P4lrose, Milver- ton. Rev. and Mia. Roy H. Rickard, j Pickering, visited bis mother, Mis. P as. G. Rickard, on Wednesday. Bowmanville Junior hockey team was defeated by Oshawa 5-1 New Year's afternoon at Taylor's Rink. Regular monthly meeting cf the Auxiliany to the Hospital Board wilI be held at the Nurses' Residence on Friday, Januany 4th at 3.30 p. m. jMn. Jas. E. Flett has sold one of; bis new brick nesidences and has stilli anothen îeady. Anyone contem-1 jplating a new home should see hlm.1 ELECTION CARDS To The Electors of Bownanville Ladies and Gentlemen,-Having been nominated for the position of Councillor for the yeei 1929, I here- hy .pledge myseif if elected Vo serve for the besi, intereats cf the town and community. Wishing you Health, Happineas. and Prospenity. Sinceîely youîs, J. W. Bunner. To The Electors of Bownîanville Ladies and Gentlemen,-Having been nominated for the office of Councillor I have consented to allow nîy naine to go before the electors for that position. If e]ected I will serve the town to the best of my StockTaking ? Yes, we have taken stock again and among our assets we like to count the. only one that money cannot buy, "«YOUR GOOD WILL" and so at the beginning of an- other year we extend to you, flot as a customer alone, but as a friend, Best Wishes foi, 1929. It will be our continued en- deavour to give you a service whieh will merit a continuance of your good-will. KE RSLAKE'S The Dependable Drug Store A Good Resolution: NEW YEAR VISITORS BIRTHS MisHarriett Bartlett, Toronto, ati KONVAR-In Bowmanville Hospital, Missn January 2, 1929, te Mn. and Mrs. Chas Mi. John Hellyaî's. Konyar, a son. Mis .Ada Dumnas with ber daugh- TIGHE-In Bowmanvillie Hospital, on ter Mr. as.MilignOshawa. December 31, 1928, 10 Dr. and Mrs. F. terMis Ja. MllianT. Tlghe, a son. Mn.. Goimne, Mis. H. E. Ashlee SAMIS-In Bowmanviite Hospital, on and Clana, with relatives in Toronto. Decemben 28, 1928, te N. and Mrs. Ray- mond Samnie, a daughîen. Mis. C. H. Rowan, Bethany, with KELLOUGH-At Port IHope Hospital, ber parents, Mr. and Mns. J. H. Wer- December 27, 1928, te Mnr.and Mrs. J. ny. 1Y. Keiiough, King Street, a son. Misa Lila Hamm, Toronto, with bhei parents, Mr. and Ms.H. W. I1R îA E Hamm. Ms ARAE Mn. E. Joint, Harvey and Edith, ARMSTRtONG-SEYMOURt- Frederick are visiting Mis. M. McGillivray, J. Armstrong o! Oshawa, and lattie Eizabeth Soymour, Bowmanviiie, at Toronto. Trlnity Pansonage, on Saturday, Decem-. Misses Olwen and Boenda Ward, ber 291h, 1928. Oshawa, were New Year guests of PETHICK-WARD--In Detroit, on De- thein aunt. Mrs. John Cox. icember Ist, 1928, Nell C., only daughttr Phone 3 Baker and Confectioner- aiiyto advance 1the best interests 0 """ad is.Gere . ad f t Regular meeting of the Homne and 1 t1 "c"unt t ag. M,. Eadley Allun, Toronto Uni- lanta, .Ga., oM.F dadPtk of te comuniy atlarg. 1ider son oft Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Pethick, School Club will be held in the Pub- therefore solicit your vote and in- versity, with bis aunt, Miss Annie BLowmanville. lie School on Wednesday evening, fluence in rny behaîf and for a big- 1A1in, and other relatives. McGILL-WERRY-On Saturday, De-i January 9th at 8 p. m. sharp. Pro- ger and more progressive Bowrnan- Mr. and Mis. Claude Wilsn 'cembie 9t,19p.aretsth redeceJo gram in charge of group 3. 1-1w ville. 1 and Kathleen, Oshawa, spent Sun- AI. Whyte, Hlarvey J. NMeGili an(]I Wishing you the Compliments of day with Miss Eva Wakelin.I Rhoda May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wight, 12 Car- the Season. Miss Nellie Burk, dietitian 0shJmesA. Werry, EnL-nisiiedn sa lisle Ave., will be at home to theirW. J. Bagnell. awa Hospital, spent the holidaya with DccmAr 2tIN-M 928.IL - OWednsday, friends on Tueaday, January 8th, . her mother, Mrs. H. W. Burk. Gordion Campbell, younger son or AMr. from3 t 6 . m. itbeig th 5Oh! o Th Elctos ofBowanylleRobert Mdartin, Newcastle, and Margar- annivnsarof their, Weding.te 0tGTeThntetos f eomenvi Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Haddy, Miss et Theresa, oniy daugliter of Air. Thos. anivrar o her edig. 1Ladies and etmnHvg Lena Haddy with Miss Agnes Haddy McNeiI, Orono. Rev. Geo. Mason Officiat- Mr. and Mrs. Jason H. Clark, Tor- consented to the request of mnany and other relatives in Toronto. ing. onto, are spending the xinter in ctzn o tn o eeto oMr. H. Ijathrope and Miss Carni IcucProae, o Stuja, e5c California. Mn. Clark is enjoying, orcl take this upportunity of' Lathrp ihtefmr'dagei29,128byRvJ. .Tupo, a lngearedhoida hvin benrespecýfully soliciting your vote and M rp wtlhefre'sduh C~ 9hrl1928stinyoRev. soJ. oR. ATrmpour auppronC H. apinau, shaw t hrlesAustn, yunge sono! M. an in the Post Office service over thirty- supr on election day. _jf elect- PpieauIOsawa Ars. John Latrmer, BIaci<slock, and five ears.ed 1shaîl do ail in my power to sec1 Misses Agatha and Greta Rowe of Phoebe Maud, elidest daughter of Arthur fie eas.that the town affaira are handled in Oshawa, spent the holiday with their Beech anid1the ate Airs. Arthur Beech Mr. and Mis. J. K. Stout and Miss an economical and business likei mother, Mrs. John Rowe of Salem. of Haydon. Magaret, Toronto, spent a pleasant [manner. 1 Miss Lily Smale ,Sault Ste Mai- Christmas with her parents, Mnr anD ishing ahl the Compliments of ie, apent the holidays with ber DAH Mrs. C. N. Ruse. Also Mr. T. W. the Season. brother, Mr. H. T. Smale, Scugog DAH Ruse, Oshawa, shared the pleasune Alan Campbell. St. PROUT-In llowmanvilie, Wedresday, omf the day with them. Mr n i.RselGlet an ry 2, 1929, R. 1*dward Prout, aged To The Electors of Bowmanville Velma, Enniskillen, spent New FPuneral at 1 p. m. Friday, January 4, Ladies and Gentlemen,-Having Year's with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. El- from the residence of his brother-in-Iaw, -erved as Councillor for the pas' îiott. Air. Richard Pooiey ,Scugog St., te th1e _________________ year 1 have again consented to fe Mrs. W. Jackson and Miss Gladys Cmetery. go, n oda, e i my services to the community in a Jacksn oono n M.JmsCOX-In3,128,Applin E.on . on Moda, D- I similar capacîty for 1929. 1 solicit oTrno n n ae ebr3,12,AneE .(oduh your vote and influence in my behaîf Knight, Brooklin, with Mis. James ter of!~ Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cox, an i lete il o y at ,Courtice. Fnrlfo the famiiy r"sid"nce, thai t etown's affairs ar co isssTe idr n v Lyn et 6, Con. 1, Dallngton on Friday, see ta h onsafisaecn ise hlaGdr ndEly January 4th., at 2.30 p. m. te Bowman- ducted with economy and effic iency. Bowden of Oshawa, spent the holi-. ville Cemetery. Special Prices Wishing aIl the Cûniplirnents of day xith their grandmother, Mis. TRULL-In Darlington, on Stra, ' JJon Roe, Slem.December 29, 1928, Ira A. Truli, in his W.P________.H S rena n Ms'GRDNRAtGre Hill, Januaryl cia vlus or hi wek 1Chrissie Freeman, Town, sette2. 1929, William James Gardiner, in his ~ia vlue fi' hi wek: To The Electors of Bowmanville holiday with the forrner's son, Mi. E Sird Year. Ladies and Gentlemen,-Harvingg R. Freeman, St. Catharines. LATHANGUE-In Manvers, onMon- .s............3 for 28e been requsted b a Ommtte of the MiIndMsdWîu WosyWs , December 31, 1928, William Lathan- 1 ast ...........4 for 25e Chabe o Cmmrc t run for on, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. D. Woods,, SPARGO-In Bowmanville. on Sunday, Coueilor or he omig ear, Il TorOnto, were guests of Mr. and December 30, 1928, Rev. William H. .........2 pkgs. f or 23e hereby do so and solicit your vote iMma Geo. W. James on New Years. jSparvEo, aged 73 years. and influence. if elected I willî O'BRIEN-At Port Hope, January 2, A - 9c o Mrth Wm. Hermeston, Manage of 11929. James A. OBrien, beieved husband serve your interests to the beatothe 'Brien Gold Mine of Aimos, lof Catherine Leé, In hie 741h year. W 9 yaihingyoua Pseou n1Qu, spent the holidaya with Miri STALKER-At Orono, Jan. 1, 1929, Wihig- uaP'spr s and 1G C FoueeKig St.ICaptamn Angrus Stalker ,aged 81 years. 'e Aefoe Tea Prog.ressive New Year. a I ra, eo. C.Fstr Kn Iterred In Bowmanviile Cemetery. Youns very tîuîy, East. ,POMEROY-At Port Hope, Decemnber uegin. .. . ..R . E.. Diniel, D. M ns. Charlotte Morgritson and son 30 1928. William John Pome'roy, beloved _________....H..have.b.en...end-e hushand of Catherine Christie, *In his IWlfred, Hamilton, hv ensnd'63rd year. ment ...............10e I To The Electors of Bowmanville ing a few days with hen sister andl PISHLEIGH-At Osaca, December 31, Laie ndGetemn 1 taebrother, Miss Eva and Mn. Hret 98, Martha Grace White, béloved wlfe 25c adis ad Gntlmen-~ akeWakelin. of the late James Flshieigh, In her 71st a nce.................... e this opportunity of thanking M sp-ier asTomatoes, porters who îast yean îeturned m~e Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bonisteel and 1 ICKINSON-At Port Hope Hospital, yas eo the office of Councillon. During son Geîald, Belleville, and Misa Jes.., December 30, 1928. Job Dicklnson, belov- .r.................28e I the pa.st year I have worked sincene- sîe Knight, Toronto, were holiday ed husband oi the laie Mary E. Walker, ly and honestly for the best inter- guests of their sister, Miss F)ni.ma BLO-In Dth eroiMc. o ody :)YSTERS ests of the Town of 8owmanville and Knight and Mn. W. W. Down. Decembr 31, 1928, Naoml, wldow of the if r-eleted fee tha î m no in Mn. and Mis. Chas. H. Mason, Hel- laIe Charle P. Bliow, In ber 78111 year. a hetter position to serve the 'rown's1 en and Donald, Mn. J. J. Mason, Mn. tnterrel nOh eeey best intenest and withou.t fear or and Mis. Norman S. B. James,' D UNSTAN-In Winona, Mississippi, U. I . on Monday, December 23, 1928, Edwin favon. You can nely upon my best Stuart, Donothy andj John, spent New Dunstan, aged 86 years. Brother-mn- LIN , Giroceir judgment on ail matters coming be-1 Year's with Mn. and Mis. C. H. Had- law of C. M. CweBwavle fore the Counceil during 1929. dy and Mn. and Mis. J. B. E. Stap-I PHILP-At Edmonton, Alberta, De- BOW7ANVILLJ.E Soliciting your vote and influence les, Toronto. cmber 28, 1928, W . Bruce Philp, son of 1 h aeCaptain Joseph Philp, Sr., In for Councîllon for 1929, I extend to his 601h yean. lnterred at Port Hope.1 each and eveny citizen of Bowman- - PYN E-At Strathcona Hospital, Tor- -- .~. vile,.mywis fo a app an Aricls Fr Sle ento, December 31, 1928, Mary Coeman, Prosplerous eworea Hpy nrAtcesFr aewidow of the late i. W. P-ne, a native _____________________ W. A. Edger. CLITTLE PIGS FOR SALE-Appiy S..of arligoonhp ahr9n C.lin, Bowmanvilie R. R. 4, phone1 LIDDY-On January 1, 1l929, at 94 To he lecorsof owmnvile 136-12. -- _ 1-1wj Plnewood Ave., Rev. Jme J. 1,1(1(y, M. Te Te Eec-os o Bowanv-leA. beioved husband o! Katharine F. Ladies and Gentlemen,-I wish to FOR SALE-Jersey cow, 6 years old, I Balmer, in his 78111 year. Former past- tak ths oponuniy f tankng Il ust renewéd. Apply te T. W. Cawker, o Hampton and Ebenezer. those who voted foi me for Coun- anle.poe6.5tf WEBSTER-On Deeember 29, 1928, aI cillor last year, and shail appieciatel FOR SALE-Man's coonskln coat T i ls laie residence, 44 Lakeshore Road, Igod cndtio, asea Bffio obe Ap Mmico, James Webster, beioved hue- ahl others who niay see fit to ci good coit. ionl, aise S.Buiao robe.p band o! Edith E. Webster, in bis 644h ( f F utheir ballot for me in this elect~ion i.. kl.DueS. omniilw1 ea~r. Brother of Mn. Geo. Webster, o fF luug laît ear Iwas deeaed WHEAT FOR SALE-Famous 1-1w; gInE-At th idof hrdh support me as Councillor for the Mountjoy, R. R. 1, Burketon. 1-2w- Ing, December 26, 1928, Elizabeth F1111- e whch ae neessiiesin Twn o Bowanvil.lips, widow o! the late John Pipe. ln ber Be wich are necssiiesin Twn f Bwninvile.CHINCHILLA RABBITS FOR SALE- 91st year, !ormerly of Salem, Dlarling- the ear.It will flot be my privilege to A !ew choice pairs o! pedigneed Chin- Ion. Interred In Norwich. theyeî.meet each and evenyone o in- chilla rabblts of choice quaiity at mcd- .OMIE 0 QUIINEdividually befone electionodaY bu if a~te prices. J. R. Philp, Scugog St., fluenza, Colds and La Gr favoned with your support and eîect- ~ .~¶ Farms For Sale ippe. ed this year, I shal nender the town, FOR SALE-One set o! heavy tobog- FARM FOR SALE-In Township o! ,r te prvenion r -elie of y vry bst ervies.gan sieighs wlth 12 !t. platform. Wii Carke, being Lot 23, BF., 90 acres, more thepreenion or elef f m vny s,.sevics.seli reasonabie. No fuiher use forj or lees, the b est o! dlay loam, beautîful- olds.Wishing you ail a Happy and Pros- same. Mrs. A. Turner, Scugog Street, ly situated on lake front, convenlent t0 perous New Year. I remain, Bowmanviiie. Phone 170. 4 9tf.P R. trains. Owner giving up on A, useful and necessary article f_____E.J ib. FOR SALE-One Shorthorn Bull, 2 Bcou,,o!epoortealOt. A1-3t Pa home. 1years o01,.Alian Bnowndaie 186951, aise nNwate n.13 To The Electors of Bowmanville Mary Lind lbeifer, ani a number of Ladies and Gentlemen,-I have 1 Yorkshire pige. Appiy le Mark Black- and tissue builden. It assists burn, IL. R. 2, Bewmanviiie, phone 183-,__________________ wf inetos'been prevailed upon to offer my 24 1-tfij-___________________ off ifectonsservices to the municipality in the. ittie black pellets that soothea capacity of Councillor. I leave it )Ps the cough. with the natepayens next Monday Real Estate For Sale if tbey wish me to be one of thein: -A warnm bed.fellow and india- representatives in Town Counicil this FRSL-e rcknsdnewI C heap C oati. of icnes.year. 1i modern conveniences. Appiy te Jas. I amnotmakig apersnalcan-E. letI, Centre St., Bowmanviiie, phone I h relief, very pleasant Vo, take, j1vaam but taktis ma enrfsolcit- .41-tf id safe. ing your vote and co-apenation in j NEW HOUSE FOR SALE-Rugig ck, Now that J DRUGSPHON 78 y bealfcontalnlng seven roome with ail modemn P.espSePONE 78 mybehaîf.conveniences. Oak loors. French doors, s&artiflgyou wi r Respctflly .us, Ide entrance. On Wellington Street.1 Geo. W. James. E'asy terme. Apply te J. E. Fieti, Cen- Warrn Wool Cloti Ire St., Bowmanvilie. 41-tfSodyCas L JV EL L To The Electors of Bowmanville FOR SALE-10-roomed brick bouse 2terapaac Ladies and Gentlemen,-I have Zood building lots, on cerner Ontario terapaae r IS DONE PROPERLY been solicited by the Chamber of andi Wellington Ste. Ail modern conven-, epnîen at BOWMANVILLE j Conmmerce ,as well as a numben of lences, stable suitable for double garage. epnien at private citizens, to offer My srictappie trees and emaîl fruit Easy terme. as Cuncilorfor 929 I hve~Apffly te Hboward Couch, R. R. 4, Bow- as oueilorfo 129. 1 av man'ille. or phone 146-13. 43-tf lAE DO NOT SEL] consented and solicit y.oun vote and-v influence in my behaîf and assurel There isn't yuif elected ..... do my utLmost 1 aC.S.Maonga - prornote the best intenests cf the AaRTCN. OS. TmaI heon ingri Wihng you a Healthy, Happy and d aparîmembî, ail nmodern conveniences.orGoe Wishi Appiiy tdophone 1.51,i3owmanvIiie. 1-t! are really economi C. A. Smith. SALL FURNISHED HOUSE TO FT SH OP oaperous NeteYC'. E. M., Dae B Bw WE HAVE 34 Don't Use The Phone-any more___________--- Every one d than is absolutely necessary on ac- cotint of telephone operators being Wanted quality cloths-all over and yo are start-Off duty With the flu. Just bean this jl r u rm e oven nd ye are tant-fact in mnd xhen you are tempted ROOMS WANTED-EIieriy lady wouidaiarfrtr me ght by being on time to te caîl up just for a chat". Iike 1*0 amali com!ortabie nooms for lar Stock not garn. lieskeepl)ng. Appiy te 0. E., 1)nawer and to de that you have Through the efforts of Manager 13, i3ewmanville. 1-1- perfectly made coý d to hve th righ timeFrank Williams a series of vey in- 1 AGENTS WANTED-To seli Fine and1 I ehaeth igttieteresting, entertaining and educative' "asuaiîy Insurance for a streng British I epn bat tels the right time, moving pictures on the histony and Cemplrarin'. Direct appoîntment, foullkepn aoenationq ns fol tethoe bi ýýLselon. Write at once P. O._Box Where you arenom urged ta buy. of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 161, Bowxnanville y 'I ,A ---s'-~~~- ,-~2~±~r - -~ When You Want the Best Meats YOU KNOW THEY CAN BE HAD AT CA WKER'S BUTCHER SHOP PHONE 64 Purveyors to people of Bowmanville and Durham County for over 75 years. SKATING SEASON HERE Wear C. C. M. Skates We have a big stock of skates-for men, ladies and children. See our large assortment before. buying. Then we have Hockey Sticks, Hockey Glove, Shin Pads, Pucks and everything else to outfit the skater and hockey player. Headquarters for Sport Goods MASO N & DALE Phone 14 5 Popular Hardware Store Bowmauffle S Are Not Bargains--- ranuary is here and the rough winter weather need to, wrap up in coats that are made of Good hs trimmed with Real Fur. Don't Buy Cheap They will neither keep out the cold or hold ifter a f ew weeks' hard wear and will prove ter how littie you pay for thern. .L CHEAP SHODDY GOODS IN THIS STORE anything in it for you or us. When you wear rment, no0 matter if it is a Dress, Coat, Hose, you may rest assured that you have clothes that ical and will give you the utrnost'in service. REAL GOOD COATS LEFT IN STOCK lifferent in style-ail are made of the very best 1are lined and warmly interlined throughout- I with exception of two. These Coats Are Regu- nents specially made up for sale purposes, -but )ats with real style features. with our policy of Clearing our Stock in reduced the prices 80 you can secure one of bts for the price of a cheap ordinary coat. Dé ,arte-make your coat money go further. I Jersey and Cloth Dresses reduçed for January, Sale. r PAGE FLVU fi i r ' -11 EAT CORBETT'S WHOLESOME BREAD and enjoy good health during 1929 and years to corne. W. P. Corbett nocý Women ~,f -, PAGE rty»

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