Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1929, p. 1

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'J> I. 7, - ~ ~br With Which Is Incoroorated Tne Bn e's New Wei id Store, mmanvilleuNew 'Y Vol. LXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 3rd., 199. $2.00 a Year in Advane 5ea£'Cop Woam'a Erwa Goodyear welt, Reglar $8.40, Caif Oxf ords cuban heels, At $4.751 W.mex's Browa and IBlack Kid etrAp skeu, Legular $5.50, At $2.75 BevwdUnes ..Women's Slippers in tt rleather Te Clear At $1.00 Knox's Shoe Store Phone 120 Bowmanville g It will pay you to wait for Couch, Johnston & Cryderman' s Pre Stock-Taking Sale Starting Thursday, Jan. l.Oth, 1929 Wonderful Values in Ladies' Coats & Dresses Men's Overcoats and Suits and Other Lines of Goods.e Couch,Jtihnston &Cryderman, Bowmanvilllo Phono 104Lllo MINISTERS AND CHIJRéHES jMIIISTER ENTERS HiCHER UiFEý St. Johin's Church, Rev. M. J. Re-. W. fi. Spargo Paume After Shires, Rector. Epiphany January 6. Fifty Ymer Faithfulvice. lu i 11ia. m.-HOIY Comunion and Sermon. 2.3 p. sn.-S-unday the. Chrtiau Ministu7 st.hool. s. vnn ryr On the. eve of the. pamdng af the S .PilaChurch, Rev, D. W. old year into the new, one of aur Best ,D. D., minuter, il a..in-- warthy citizens ini the porion of Rey. Moruing Wonrhip-"ýAt the Pool Of William Henry Spargo, wau called to jBethesda". 7 p. m.L-Evening Wor- enter tehgirleadt eev dySchooSarl. 2.830 p. mn.-Sun- the reward of a 1f. -well lived, alter day k Seofol. r i 1b bsr a short illnesa at, the age of 73 yeama I Week of Faurayer wih. beoserand Deae a oni er WenstartingJanuar 6ti nd a and DCoanw allE bgao r iiPern, Church. Tuesday and Thuraàday ev- 1855, being a son of the late Williamn enings in Trinity Churcli. Publie Henry and Mary Ellen Mitchelli cordially invited. Spargo. In 1878 h. camne te Amer- St. Andrew's Preabyterian Church , ica, settling in Weâterly, Rhiode la- corner Temperance and Church Sts.,Iand, where ho worked at bisi trade Rev. R. M. McDerment, M.A., minis-1of stone-cutting for three menthe ter. Morning service at il a.m. when lie waa called ta Canada ad Evening service 7 p. im. Sunday entered the .ministry of the. Bible School at 2.30 p. m.p Christian Ghurch 'on July 1.t, 1878, Trinity United Church, Rev. . U.servingthe. clurch for Se years- IRobins, Pastor. Sunday services.: a littie over nine year8 retired. 0 li a. m.-Thie pastor 'will preach;-, the forty-one y"er, six yeurs were 2.30 p. e.-Sunday Schaol; 7 p. served in the London Conference, f-RLeY. Dr. Huesti, enra S*':1 nPinnice .À.a TIslad *4i',. tary (of LordS DaY Alliancem preach. Sacrmental services bc M. COMING -- Tuesday, January 8th, 1929 Opera House, Bowmanville under auspices of The Woman's Hospital Auxiliary The Brock-O'Connor Players offer SHAKESPEARE'S IMMORTAL COMEDY 5 Acts-9 Scenes "The Merchant of Venice" An Exceptional Cast of Players A Complete Scenie Production Beatuiful Costumes--Special Lighting Effects PRICES-Rush 50c-Reserved 75c and $1.00 Plan open Friday, Jan. 4, 1929 at Mitchell's Store MUNICIPAL N OMINATIONS Mayo -~T.S. Hogate, x . J. Ellltt 'Reeve-W. H. Thicksoi, *W., C. Caverly. De"ty-P.eeve-W. N., Garrutheza,1 Councillor&--Wmn. Brock, -*W., C. Caverly, C. E. Rehder, G... W. Jamies, C. A. Smnithi, W. A. Edger, tGea. Crombie, Dr. R. E. 'Dinni- well, E. J. Gibbs, kian Campbell, *J. E. Flett, W. E., Armstrong, W. J. Bàgnell, Rev. J. W. Runner. (Six tic be elected.> School Trusteeas-T. A. Dustan, Sid'1 Little, *Geo. Weekes, Chas. F. acclamation). Darlington Reeve 11, A. Wight, Silas Wilhàms. DeptY-Reeve-Geo. F. Anis (acc) Counill-r-A. L. ascoe, C. A. Blanchard, J. H. Mutton, Waflac ýii &iarday MANSC'i, a The rebival;foreio AJL «Thfl5 ýber Ï7th when Wsre pree cmatoekwaf able inanner, tle belng nsu fno<>TS )r s Y-; L1 Prices Reduced on Clearing Lines 'w DARLINGTON ELECTIOfiS A goodly nuszbr et candida were neminated for, Darlingi Coucilon ondsy atterno-on1 the mai ority et them retired.1 ough aspirants have remained *cause au election à ev jCouncillors. - Councillor Gee. F. .Annis receeh the enly acclamation os advanc to the office of Deputy-Reeove, wl Silas Williamns and G... A. Stephe did net qualify. Fouir were nominated for Reei C .A. Wight, Silas Wllilams, Thon Baker and W. R. Courtice, 'but t twe latter withdrew making it two-man conteat; between ast yea JReeve and Deputy-Riseve. je Athe nomination- meeting1 are] _ýordseme sp>eakers accus e i- townshîýp efficials ot inspiri v,. ne the article i last weel Sye\cwn ref.rin te the Danliiz t às et Ts set at eaue t eý1. ie 1accusersais thé,. $1)8 aI e9p1O nsibil tor t hî'nhip oi cial sui-9 j * ly sud wi mnerited r ee.'cUi 3eove Wigl The. reniarks wereb1 ýd on theý putation of PrIiTZ _-repre'it tivesa t Counties 0-6k aud ti services they have ren ered' while office. Furtiier details are unnec4 sary as it is commen talk throug eut the0 tewnship. These were nominated for Cou, cillors: A. L. Paicce, C. A. 31& chard, Wallace Miller, J. H. Mutto Il. G. Macklin, John fflaker, A. M~ Annii, S. G. Chant, C. M. Carrutier A. tI. Brent. The. first four qua] fied te MIl the. tlree positions. Royal Theatre Presenting The Finest la Photoplays Phone. 889 Friday.Saturdoy, January 4-5 John Mack Bro'wn and Jeasette Loif In "«ANNAPOUAS" A dehijittul romance cf two young Midshipmen snd a channi- i ng main, tald with thrills, pat- hos, drains aud laughs galore. Matinee Saturday atternoon at 2.30 p.-m. Chidren 5c. Chapter 9 et "THE HAUNTED ISLAND" and regular pregirain Monday.Tu..day, January 7-8 Jahn Gilbert and Greta Garbo lu "A WOMAN 0F AFFAIRS'" Cau many affairs coinpensate, for the, lois cf ose great love? You'hl find the aswer in "A Woman ef Affaire" .with thie two Freat stars et '¶Flesh and the. Devil" 1, a greater ViiumW<h. Wedamday.Thursday. Jan. 9-10 Clara lDow In *TIMRE WEEK ENDS" Hors aie, la &g1ain tuhat charmlng litl, star id "Wlnge" sud "Tii. Fleses fn"luinanother serein triumph that wMl mark a ne* ors In lBow entertalsiment. A piç'ture that y'ou will thorougiily enjoy. X« Maynr4 sud 'ftx'iW (Tb* Woude orme) xl 's -7 -î * I wuil, MawaruMiller, (thrn ewcta ble cted.)o WiJ inNew ~ rumnswick, and eate leven toinl a )OhBay of Quinte Conference. Reeve--W. Frank Rickard. Ri.wr i t ela, Since comng ta owanasillee Conillor". E. W. Phil, John uer-WoW'l,6 inches V~ as always taken a vry keen inter-1 Gibo, HarrY Jose, Orme Parker.t417-V- W'» est in the work of the church, asis- Ail elected by acclamation. D.'-43TO. J. Ilh 22e Y.4- ig the pasôr of Trinity hurch, es i Cartwright G. -. BroGcn h J ell as otiier town pastora and on~ Reeve-'Fred A. Hylaaid. Wo . .G. eqsorted xnnyapoitiens nthe nearyi Counillor--Jobn Watson, Rupert -L M. 'w desigx circuits, visiting the sick an ilîg I'es osa Taylor,' Normes AIIdread - G --0r'dall pric but la any and every wy p s i l s G reen.T l i 4 ,o . H En lng as healtli permitted. ' Ali elected by acclamation. 'Go oritee--Wqôr. Bla ta On September 21st, 1883, e was. Clarke ker, T. A. -Dut à, a and united in marriage with Elizabeth Reeve-M. J. Hlman. ý Z.:,i. £L.' - oholhie !'PassmeretfExeter, by the late Rev. Deputy-Peeve-Wm Marbon. lPa.a;oreris . --£ u ttike ve Dr-. W. S. Pascoe Iwho spent his re- Hamý.ealW fé ain ng ~ f ri w it li e . and C oun i ji rs- F red B . Lovekin, F red B Ïo. T. m d a 1 o : O Ce Sprg a i wo ped? eaceu Couch, John Dentf Bake-Vo.' . Ive: Lot t te nmaur iipsigaeb BOWMM< VILLE NOMIN4ATIiONS 'meýnb djuba o'a nas idowand wo dughtrsMiss the Vesta Spargo at home and Mrs. R. J. Mayor, Reuve audDpt-.y lhl wh~ inplsl a5 a Fletcher Staples of Toronto. Theirf Elected Br Acclamation. ~ aaPr',5 f44t1 r's only son, W illiam i Stanley, pas ed & r a w s t e at e d nt ee I e ' by wo istrsMm W.H. ewelnomination Meeting Monday eveninme~- sidOof Fahnouth, Cornwall, England, and that it ivgs nec. r a ad'un.i.,h ~ 10Mrs. M. E. Wilkinson, Toronto. tram the. council room tt__:wr 1uiV~ k's Many beautiful floral* trllutes Hanse ta accommiodate the. crowd. Av ng- f ront the churcli ocieties, lodgesl and An alarm had been sounded. RUMura AWl eàh E e frien<s expressed sympathy tath were running ramptant on the 1 vnitN) ýth jre8 f Lnd bereaved nes. streets. Peot e were lccszingexit Grand 1oieýag41ia "to bated. A. bomb was expected ta beiT. Annisob , hoil at The. funeral took place on W.d- thrown at the nomination tacet- J ginted Grn»tê & ' ity nesdýa aternoïon from hie late resi ing. But it al turned out ta e t M, Pk ~ ecLiberty St. North-. A short a storm tfollowed by a caîm. made by D.D.GM,,.L 'Weït 'r . relservice waa held at the. houa. prev- TecniaeJee nterhs .rg.. 't. 'eus ta the pUblic service in Trinity Te cnid> aev eo T. . eat ii lrig t a' . j U . llo b iià , * an i c ~ r e ~ d t a ~ w o k ~ r 4 » g ' w 4 0 choir w ith M r. F . S utti, org*i4t1ea r'i c ni. pr ln led the singing of deceasd' tvo- icd us. es itelymns which were mst approp- Gouneilor W. C. Caverly 'es nexti PUBLIC zi m - .. eh- iaie. r. elvile . Dle angcalled an wlio gave the. factsabiout 1o the solo, "I heard the voice oeans the notoriOus $1500 grant by quot-f~, n- say.1 e. W. A. Bunner offered1 ing the. resolution from the. iinuesjkb fo.hr~88 s-prayer, Rev. J. W. W-hattain,(Osh-I et couneil. Tawa) read the. sripture, and Rev i J.1 eeve W. H. Thickson gavea resi No. of .homosvltî V. E. Griffith, Backstock, chairman ofI marathon speech by utining in de- vidllala visitd 8Z42 r, the. Presbytery, gave a short address taiî uis accomplalmente at oount- Prenatal cases' Ji- payini rbute ta the, 1f. of deceas- i iO Council. 27; Infant 18; P$> d and enmphasizing uhs friendship I Deputy-Reeve W. H. Carrathers, 65; C~esq ofaisl whicli had been ta Mim greater than as finance clairman and critic gave di se" 8, .<..bo..op.lm ..t a ray ot sunshine. Re. Mr. Robins statistici about tite town's debent- 4) miselaeuvft. ' gave a very fine address based on ume debt andhi& views and uder- wýelfre 16; noet oSu the. wrds, "Say Ye it sha ibfie well standing of aving situation. No. of Infant W1 Mzri witlite Rigiteous,11 Isaiah :1, il. Ex-Reeve . J. Ellott handed. ont ces held 4 witiitta He referred ta MT. Sagserythe. first real bit f criticieum whenlie 62; No. of infants 4#.Pr, worlk in the. Bible Christian Chuxch delved into tie higli cost of paving Sch.ol Rap. 1, and later in the Methodist Om-h and excavating lut year as ccenpr- 1 s el r iii keen interst always in tle w, k e Ct ounci r y ai. Nt o ovi s tions $ho b 7; . ot -the ministry and peoiple <f ttisjCueio W. A. Edger a ail 1 , npcin 7 4ý1 district, us loyalty to the. principlesi primed te tie iees with acts about 255; Dental dfect*'âàn et the. Masonic Order, his faithful- tenders for pavinc. He said le was Defectt terinnatedo nsis ta lisi tanily asnd ta his G od. opposed ta the. $1500 Christmas <ut12; Excluded 5& Ai a fitting Cloiin toi a lite weli- but 'mue uilling ta <ive the Eiineer Dr. Birki, M.O.H., g4v» otje lîved and n'W c osed, the hynntomething. ofe Diphtheria Toxoid.t9 "Serwant ot Ced well d'oe" wasiCounciller W. P. Corbett nmade a Deceniber. sung and Bey. Dr. Best, niinister of' neat little speech suggesting taxes T la J. ~ St. Paul's 'Ciiurcii, preneunced the be levîed twice a year instead of Pubic Ra tt h 111 benediction. once. He was -opposed te morej paving next year. ______________ Th e P8ll4bearers were Masonic Other candidates wha spoke in- brethen Messrs W J Bragg, M.P.P,. cluded Ex-Reeve Geo. W. James,' N.S ýB. JaMes,, F. C. Vanatone, A. L. Ex-Reeve C. E. Relider, Dr. R. E.IHOCK Y - Niieli, T. W. Cawker and W. LI Dinn'iw ell, Alan Camnpbel sd Rev. H0CKE Elliot. Jerualem LdgeJfedW.aBunner, who have ail qai wy aur t, qtR Tii. inenulier, et well as W. J. Bagneil, C IA nterm~<edW, à A. F. & A. MU, No. 31, G.R.C., werel Smithi, E. J. Gilba, Wm. 'Brook, W. etti, eaonag7,; bq 6 present at the, church and ollowed 1E. Armstrong. ofth alor'Amua s the remains teatthe ceeetery where Town Engineer F. C. Palmer to k SiWoeâ t Tays . ni. 'hý interment took place. Mr. F. i exception ta statements which som a le d t815p C. leoar, P.D.D.G.M., conducted tlie; ?fthtei speaker.sliad -made about pav-f- rnason ie service at thie grave s ng and ex aating and 'w.hisaide Othr miniters preîent nt men- nf the story. e said fh.asskled for' -- tioned were: Revs. E. A. Tonkin, J.British tair play, net iynilatliy but Mim W. Bunner, R. J.Sbires, W. P. Flet- ju>st an opprtunity ta miae an ex- cher, J. R. Bick,'Roy H. Rickard and planation. J. R. TumpouI Rev. Gea. Masan was the lait eeTh J.RAmpo r speaker who pleaded for mare con-1 9mngthe. relatives attending the sideration and better treatanent c ¶ fuseraI trom a distance were Mr. the residents an Elgin and Hîgh St t and Mrs. Fletcher StaXes and regarding better rads. ( daughters Elizabeth and o s n i. o te e e h e le p h o n 0 Tho-mas and Lewis, and daugiiter MaYor-M. J. Elliott. r k inez, ot Torante. Reeve W. H. Thickson. Deputy-Reeve-W. H. Carruthersi CADO HNSAIl are elected by acclamation. l CARD F THA4KS JAs will bo seen in anotiier.coaùsn Mns. W. H. Sparga and daughters twelve have qualiied for six pasi- St h l'Patt desire ta tank ail the riends snd ton as coun cller. w f""p nighbor, the, ministers f Oshawa Being Osnetoftthe candidates w Preabytery, aseo ti mmer !Ill reserve editoriai comment, on Jerusalein Ldge AF.&A.M., for tei municipal affaira and patprsn kindness and synsp&thy ex±ended taand aprn members oet cuncil tll.rd m a à iL thm during the ilnesa and death 0 jttotf. oecin ou M nay. ' S U the. huband and atier and [for thel In.ithle m an .pe qudkes nd at u 4 a apos r beautiful floral offeringa. ewn sd pckad ejud eâ nat et twlebe qualified te ceespertte J pue liIm* with the0 men already elected ta caât- 17 on the tcwn's busnes foiÈ tii. S lie 0of the ~ ANNUAL MEETING ne3t twlvo mojq, HORTICULTURAL -C.Yzenfl who love good actUa',ave genin tratin toeTu.ùed sy, AA SOCIETYnuary 8, when the. Broq-JO'Ogn- 1, COUNCIL RO se roa. us. vi ir wled ;#: 'r ! ai~~.adlcus oI, S u~1y y 1~ ými, ii. Wi*eým Rnwmm enna ian With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bo,

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