~tate~man With Which Is Incor-porated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1928. $2.'00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 52 New Year Greetings! To ail our Friends ana] Cutoimen we extena] the BeusaGreetings and] hope tbt the New YeaT will fer you have business and] profits plenty snd that h.ulth and] Iappinesa may blees your every endeavor. Knox's Shoe Store Phone 120 Bowxnanville Greetings!1 To wish you the Compli- ments of the Season, and may the New Year bring to you and yours an abun- dance of Happiness and Prosperity. W. T. ALLEN "Bis 20" Bookatore -I. A. & P. STORES COMING PAPER LATE THIS WEEK ________ ILL With an extra rush of work in oui T. H. Knight Leases Hi* Store to job department, the Christmnas holi- Weli-Knovwn Chain Stores I day and the flu attacking oui staff A real surprise was sprung on the The Statesman la two days late in business section of the town wben it being issued thla week. This ha was learned this week that T. B. ncsiae u eltdsafwr Knight lhas leased bis Model Grocery ng esalr ost night andsdafsnceWoed Store to the Atlantic & Pacific Teal nesday ot gtthe aper to prnes b: Co. to take effeet on February 1,ti efatog hepprt rssy n ext. The A. & P. Stores eperatel Friday alterne on. We are thus the largest chain of grocery andl nbe eke poircr fn meat stores in the United States and ealdt epu u eodo o are now establisbing stor-es through- j rissing publishing a single issue of out Oanada. It has been the exper- The Statesinan in over 50 years. ience in other places that the _____ stores have a tendency to hold busi-1 ness in the town and attract ne w PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS business froin outside points. So that on the whole their coming to Town Public Schools open Thuris Bowrnanville will mean greater busi- day, Jan. 3rd, at 9 o',elock. On a- ness for the commu.nity. count of crowded p)rmiary roonu, The A. & P. Stores have only puipils Who intend starting must be leased Mr. Knight's store so it la up six years old:, to him to dispose of his stock. Hel The presentation of prizes, w'hich is doing this by putting on a gigantic was postponed because of the early clearing out sale in ýwhich every1 closing of school, 'wil b. presented article in the store bas been cut in -on Thursday morning. price for quick selling. This will$ be welcome news for thrifty ohop-I pers. Get your share of the bar-1 TO OUR CUSTOMERS gains while they last. As The Stataman'a financial yeai COMING EVENTS ends December 31at., the publishei request thet ail outatanding ae Special New ýYear's Day Dinneri counts b e settled by above date, il at BaImeral Hotel from 12.30 to 2 order that the books rnay be closeý p. ni. Sec menu in another co01u1111. for the year. Also please send il Pictures of the Telephone System your accounts againat the fim. Il will be thrown on the screen at St. you pay your indebtedness then w( Paul's Lecture Roonu, Friday even- can psy ours. ing, Jan. 4tb, under the auspices of a Junior Missionary Auxiliary. 1 NEW YEAR flINNER Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Extend Many Thanks and Good Wishes To ail their Frienda and Customers Everywhere for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. ~1J Ir New Year 's To the many friends who ha% the pat; ta those we hopet those w. have met and te, meeting; ln tact ta everyofl gretlng of a H-appy, Healthyi M. A. JAMES din Very Tempting Dinner WilI Be Served at Balmoral Hotel on Tueaday Start 1929 right by treating the whole fsmîly te one et Mr. ana] Mn. A. J. Wadhams' %anous New Year's Dinners at the Balmoerai Hotel on Tuesday, January lat, froni 12.30 to 2 -p. n. et $1.00. Advance reser- vations will be appreciatea]. Menu: Graipe Fruit Cocktail Celery Hearts - Olives Mustard Pickles Soup Crean et Libster - Celery & Toento Fith Salmon Trouli - Lenon Slce Fruit Nuta Caudy Rost Roat Young Turkcy Cbetnut Sauce Dressea] Young Goese Fried Apples- Dressea] Young Chicken Crariberry Sauce Vegetablea Browned ana] Mashea] Potatoes Mashea] Turnipa Peas Dessert Mince Pie Lenion Pie Ice.Creami Chrigtirnas Cake Steam Garrot Pudding - Wine Sauce Happy New Year To AIl Royal Theatre Presenting The Pinest la Photoplays Phone 589 Friday and Saturday, Dec. 28-29 Rea] LaRocque ana] Jeanette Lof in *'LOVE OVER NIGHT" The aunusing &tory et a resource- tul young man, a charming girl and] a dunib-belI detective. In a comedy dranua ot thrills and] romance. Matinee Saturday st 2.30 p. m. Children 5c Chapter S of *'The Haunted Island" ana] regular pregrani. Monday and Tu.sday, Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 Richard ArIen ana] Nancy CaroI in "MANHATTAN COCKTAIL" A pair ot lovable youngsters inaa tingling, romantic imelodrama of backstage. Breezy bits ef bright- light beauty, gorgeous girls ana] gayety. Matin.e New Years Day at 3 p. m. Regtilar Prices Wednesday - Thuraday, Jan. 2'3 Corrine Griffith ana] Edmund Lowe in "«THE OUTCAST" A tiz'iing ana] colorful love story laid lu pictniresque San Francisco interminglea] with laughter ana] tears, love and] jealousy ïn which a girl oft he streeta ana] a nan et tii. upper classes are both re- generatea] through an ail-coin- pelling love. January 4-5 John Mack Brown and] Jeanette Lof in "ANNAPOLIS" New Yeur'a Greetinga Now that w. are tapproaching an- ather year w. slncere lhp that it w'l1l b. on.e ofsueccissu happineas tO oue a,&I. Management, The.Royal Uthetre INFLUNEZA *'THE FLU" The folluwiug bulletin je îssued bythe Ontario Deýrtnent of Health, and was given to us for pub- lication by Dr. W. H. Birks, M. H. 0. This disease la prevalent in On- tario nowand w.hile *many are af- flicted, it la flot the severe type that was observed in 1918. Influenza la higbly communicable. The disease, thoug<h it may be sev- ere, la of itsellf rarely fatal. 'The severity of even the =!Id case la remarkedly increased by respira- tory or intestinal comnplications. How to Avocid Flu 1. Avoid crowds. 2. Exercise in the open air. 3. Get sufficient sleep in a wel ventilated rt i 4. Wlash your face and hands fre- quently especially before eating. 5. Cover your nose and mouthl with a clean han.dkerchief whený aneezing or coughing. People near you are entitled to this protection. 6. Don't vlait or corme ini contact with those tihat have the infection unless necessity demanda It. 7. Don't worry aiout the "Flu." How to Know Flu The disease usu.ally aât~a rather abruptly with an "out of sorts" feeling, indefinite pains and aches, jcold ïn the head or slight eouglh, fever, and sometimfflvoaiting or diarrhoea. Negleet of these synip- tomns of onset may lead to pneurnon- ia and change a ffnild case into a severe one. How to fight Flu 1. Go to bed Tmmediately. 2. Stay in bed till you are abso- lutely well. Rememnber the. period of get- ting well is longer than the tinue actually ill. 3. Keep your roosu at a tempera- ture of 6&,F and well ventilatd 4. Caîl your physician at once and do exactly what h. tells you. DARLINGTON ELECTION There is considerable egitation going 9n n Drlnnownship to have Rve C. A. Wight continue in bis present offi.ce for a third teri.1 This attitude la being taken ini view of the faithful services he bas rend- e. Ld the rnunicipality, as well as the brîght prospects he bas of being elecbed Warden of the United Counties next year should he be a memaber of the Gounties Council next year. It is about time a Dar- lington representative 'was elected Warden and who is there better fit- ted for the office and more popular than Reeve Wight? A meeting of the Electors of Dar-1 ington will be held in Town Hall, Hampton, on iMonday, Dec. Slst, 1928, at twelve o'clock noon, for the purpose of nrominating Candidites for the office of Reeve, First Deputy Reeve and Councillors. If election la necessary, polas will be opened on Monday, January 7th, 1929, at 9 a. in.i.at the cfolIovingi Polling Subdivisions: No. 1-At the Sch'ool flous. in S. S. No. 5, Elnier Cox, returning officer, and Everton White, poil clerk. No. 2--Sons cf Temperance Hall, Tyrone, W. S. Staples, returning officer, and] C. W. Woodley pol clerk. No. 3--Sons of Temperance Hall, Maple Grove, Trunman Power, re- turning officer, and Norman Metcalf, poll clrk. No. 4-Town Hall, EDaai»ton, F. G. Kersiake, returning officer, and Sidney Hockaday, voll clerk. No. 5-Orange Hall,' Enniakillen Walter 0ke, ireturuing officer,su Lloyd Ashton, polI eIerkc. No. fi-Sehool Roue, S. S. No. 8, Courtice, C. M. Penfotmd returnineo officer, and EaU 0ke, poilcl.rk. Ne. -S Boo ouse, S. S. No. 14, fradley'a, W. G. Smith, r.turning offlc.i,, sud Anson Balaon, pol l erk. I 'I. Couch, Jthns ton &Cryderman. Dowmanvllle Phono 104 Limiten tan EX-MAYOR ARCHIE TAIT PASSES AFTER BRJEF ILLNEÏSS On. of Bowmanville's life-loi2g resideuits Iad leading business men Greetngs as been called -from active duty to G reetings intheperson of Archi- weeks ago was at bisplc of busi- ness, mneeting and] eerving bis many friends and customers with bis cheery smile and usumal courtesy. A short illness f rom titi and] other complications baffled the skill *f the medical mien and lhe passea] to rest on Sunday, December 23rd, aged 72 Deceased was boni near Port Bow- manville, being a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Tait, and nephew of the late Capt. Tait a 'w»Il-known saîlor of the Great Lakes hait a cen-, tury ago. As a young man Archie, as hie ve co-operated with us In was familiarly diallea], kept a photo- to serve In the future; to graph gallery over England's bake thosle we look forward to â hop on the corner of King and Div- le we extftnd the old.Umre liion Streets, where the Baiinoral and Pro8peraus New Vear. Hotel now stands. iSeve ral years lie worked as clerk Milne, where the Bank etof Cmerce now stîands. laster hie went into business, the firin being known as S4SONS Gawker & Tait, but for over, 20 years now he has carried on' the business hinself in the. present stand on King Street. ____________________ IIn a public way Mr. Tait has tak- e n an active part in town affaire, NEXT YEAR'S TOWN COUNCIL serving as Councillor and Ree&ee _______land was Mayor of the town in 1905- As nomination day draws near 1906. He was a Past President oi election talk becenies waxrmer. yeti the Chamber of Commerce; a meen- witbal prospective candidates, fori ber of the Canadian Club, and municipal honore as councillors lare chaimman of the Merrlbersixp Cocu- mostly non-comm.ital. .notj ee Mayor T. S. Holgate, who bas nt He was a loyal supporter of the f ully recovered from bis attcack of flu Conservative party, being honorea] contracted while out West, has in-1 with offices in local and county as- timated he is willing to serve again i sociations. In religion lhe was a as Cbief Magistrate if it la the wisb valued member of ýSt. John's Angli- of the electors, but at present dces- clan Church, being a sidesman and] n't feel eaquai te coing throug'h ai meniber of the Parish Council anda] contest. former Warden. Ex-Reeve M. J. Elliott, who ws He was a nember of the Sono of defeated lest year, la again in the Scotland, the Loyal 'Orange Lodge, field, and bas definitely announced and an Odffellow, having completed hie will take On aIl corners for the fifty years' memberainp in Floence office ct Mayor. In tact -lie bas Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, I.O..F. stated hie nuch prefers a contest to on Dec. 4th, and výs to have been that of being elected by tacclamation. presented with the. 50-year JeweI It la quite posible that Reeve wj next month. He was aiso a menu- H. Thickson, who hbas so far .njoyeil ber ot Jerlusalemi Lodge, A.F.&.A.M. a chamea] îife as far as a fight goes No. SI, G. R. C. for Reeve and Deputy-Reeve, wili The funerai took place on Wed- this year face a real centest. In nesday attemnoon, service being con- tact, a three-.cOrnered fight is PO- ductea] in St. John'i -Church by theý sible for thus office. PIcoRv .J.9rs use We hlarof o apiraÉtaat hiàby tVo forner Rectoirs oft St. John's, date who are willing te. attempt to Rév. T. A. Nind ef Port lPerry, and dethene pt-ReeW. ~.Cr Rev. P. C. Moàirhead, of Willo'wdaie. rTthere ilbe.vra e fcsMemibes of JerusIaienuLodge.attend- a ngthe w nil b.sveaslMnew Mi..ed in a body and followed lthe re- oang A. oJnclloaas M.H.r in mains to their lait resting place în oresndA. . Wdhans renet Weicome cemetery where Mr. F. C. hankering for another terni. W. C.Hoar, P.D.D.G.M., conductea] the Caverly, W. P. Coribett, W. A. Edger Masonic service et the grave. and Geo. Cromnbie will again offer Te libaes er Mes.C their services. Th l-P aeswr Msr.C The Chanmber ef Commerce htu A. CawUer, Blarry Rice, T. A. Dus- been on the war path for new mater- ton, A. L. Nichlîls, M. W. Coin- isI for couneillers ana] we under- stock ana] F. C. Pabmer. stand bas secured the consent of A great wealth cf floiwers fromn eeveral citizens te shlow their names relatives, friends, business associ- to ge to the electors, including Alan ates, lodges and church societies, Canmpbell, C. A. Smitha, Dr. R. E. testified to the eateem in which de-: Dinniwell, E. J. Gibbs and others. ceasea] was held, ana] sympathy for This will necessit2ate an eeto. the. bereavea]. An effort is being m-.de to stir up Decaiased was twice msrried, fiat more interest in the election for to Miss Janet Swan, and cecondly te Public School Trustees. -Soine of Miss Hannah Aurilla (Lily) MeNal, the menmbers have been very indiffer- daughter ct the late Luther N. Mc- ent about attending board meetings Nal of Port Hop., rw)i survives and fulfilling other duties. It is himi; alse two brothers, Mr. Harry therefore hoped that new blood wil j C. Tait, Edmnontoen, Alta., lana] MT. come torward to carry on the very' John Tait, Chicago, Ill., and one aie- important work ci directing the des-l1ter, Mms. Chas. DeWilt, Ohicao, Illi. tinies of this apiblic institution. iAxnong thc relatives and trienda Citizens, show your interest ~ipeetwr:D.J .Elot r town affaire by coming eut in largie Clrenc ereTait. M.J. Booth sud. nunmberste the nomination meeting Cdaurenter Tatiir.te,&s.Booh nd Monday night, Dec. 31st, at 7.30aMer MarguerNe, adMr. F on o'clock. This year's council will b. ermo e, adM.Jh exPected to give aLn acceunt of their IWright, Toronto; Mr. and]Ie. 2b- stewrdsip na]newcanidaqs iîî enezer Irwin,_ Mr. andMis. Mac Ir- stearsh-iPandne cadiate wliwin, Port Hope; Mns. Sandy Kelly be given an opportunity to exipresasuMsaMlinobugM.sd their views on municipal affaire. adisMm. Hrry akeCoboureMr. andn j Jmes McBrien, Toronto; Mns. E. M. CLLMBING LÂD)DER 0F SUCCESS Osborne, Toronto; aud Mr. D. M. ______Ted, Osharwa. Bowmnvile Ro App itd Asi.- AIl places Of business were closea] ant Manager of Royal Bank at uigtefnalsrc. Vancouver. The floral tributes included: îil- _____ ow-Mrs. A. Tait; Baskets-Mns. About four Years ago Mr. Markus Deiniage, Mr. ana] Mis. Clarence S. L. Roenigk, eldest son ot Mr. Jule Mason, Mr. and] 'Mrs. W. H. Dustan Roenigk, town, who ait that turne, ana] Mr. and Mrs. W. E.- GeMr; %vas in the Royal Bank's main office; Wreaths-Mr. ana] Mrs. E>wart Ever- in Toronto, rwas transferred tenapor- son, Oshawa, A. F. & A. M., Mns. arily te Vancouver, tB. C., to takei Margaret DeWitt ana] faniily, Ex- charge Of speciai work in edonsuim-I ecutive Chani-ber of Comnici'e, the mating the amalgamation et thel Irwin faniuly, Mr. ana] Mn. Robert Union Bank ,vith the Royal Bank. Holmes, L.O.L., W. H. Thickson aud Welconae news was receivea] by, family, I.O.O.F.; Spray o0f roses hie relatives here this week that Mm. R. B. Andrews, Miss Ml. M. Ar- Mark lied been promotea] te tbe ot-[ mour, Mrs. J. K. Galbrai'bh ana] Mn. fice et Assistant Manageir ef the Geo. B. McCidUlan; -Sprays--W. P. Royal Bank at Vancouver. His Corbett, Thos. Dustan, Mr. New, Mr. niany friends ana] former school Wright ana] Mn. J. T. Goula] Mn. chuma in ana] arouna] Bowmanviîie Leigh-Mallory, Mr. Abert (ýoWiI will be delighted te hear of this well snd fiamily, Dr. Jabez H. Elliett ana] meritea] promotion ana] offer con-j Grace, Toronte, Mr. ana] Mrs. W. L. gratulatioins. McNali, Detroit, brother Harry, AI- Since .Mark- enterea] the localj berti ana] Mae, Mns. E. Clark. and] Y;