Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1928, p. 3

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PAGE THRES trr 'cnflnA. - -. TATESMAN, BOWLAINVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 11428 Town Hall Bowmanville Tuesday, Dec. 25 HEAR AND SEE Ross Hamilton "Himseli"ýil THE ONE AND ONLY "MARJORIE" 0f The Canadian Soldiers Review "The Dumbelis" Gorgeous Gowns and Hat& Ail the Latest Parisian Creations Marvellous Voice Wonderful Impersonations The World's Greatest Female Impersonator. Supported By His Singing and Dancing Company Including PAT RAFFERTY JACK CHALLIS DOUG ROSS JIMMIE DEVON NORMAN BLUME CURLEY NIXON SID JACKSON AND OTHERS FORMER "STARS" 0F "The Dumbelis" In a New High-Class "Musical Review" The Cleaniest, Snappiest and Neatest Show on the Road Different, Delightful, Dazzling, Hilarious, Exhilarating. Admission: Children 25c; General Admission 50c; Reserved Seats 75c Seats Selling at Mitchell's Drug Store Christmas Meat For over three-quarters of a century Caw- ker's have been in the butcher business in Bow- mnanville and have earned an enviable repu- tation for Quality Meats. Retail merchandising conditions are in a constant process of changes but you may always depend on getting "the Best Quality of Meats at ýCawker' s". A littie extra splurge is made at Christmas time to give our customers some super-fine in meat. To do this we have already bought 4 choice steers from Thos. Gibbs, Tyrone 4 choice steers fattened in our own stables 5 ewes from Frank Werry, Bethesda 15 ewes from our own stables POULTRY 0F ALL KINDS We want poultry of the best Suality. So farmers bring it to us and get hîghest cash prices. Orders for Christmas poultry are already coming in from our town and city customers. Let's have your order early, if it isn't already in. C. M. CAWKER &. SON Phone 64 Bowmanville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. William Hislop, Mr. and M rs1 J. E. Allin attended the birthday celebration on Friday evening o! the former's brother,41-aw, Mr. Ricit- are Oke, who was 83 years o! age.à The gathering was held at the home o! 'his daughter, Mrs. C. Broughton, Witby. AIl had a nierry tume. John Rountree Winter, youngest son of the laVe Isaac W inter passed away Sunday, December 9th at his home in Winnipeg, Man., following a short illness. Deceased was born on the 8th Line of Clarke in the year 1868. Before going te the western Srvnehe was -manager o! the pinksils at Pickering, Ont. H1e la suvNeby his wife and three sons. The national sporting magazine, Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver 1 Fox newB, commences another year with its January, 1929, issue, con- taining a splendid collection of ont- door, hunting and fishing yarns. Notable in a very interesting table o! contents la an article froni the Y n o! the well known naturallt, Jack Miner, strongly condemn'ing the wolf as a destroyer o! deer. Among the other features are a fine western moose hunting story byBo F. Hubel, a sound article on wolf trapping auth.ority, in addition Vo many other splendid aVries and ar- ticles on canoe trips, shooting and fishing.1 St. Paul's Junior Missionary So- ciety wound up the aeason's meet-' ings on December 10th., President, Miss Edna Jewell, presiding. De- votional exercises were conducted byý Mrs. (Rev.) Est and Mrs. W. Har- vey. Minutes were read and treas- urer's report given by Miss Helen Carruthers. In response to an ap- peal read by Mrs. Best, referringi to a Toronto church asking for donations on "White Gift" Sunday Vo aid in carrying on the splendid work aemong the po'verty stricken in that city, this society agreed Vo do- nate fruit, vegetables, clothing, bed- ding, etc., on December 16th. A very ixteresting ehapter from the study book "In Great Waters" which described the work o! the courag- eous and faithful Presbyterian ýpion- eers in the logging camps along the Pacific Coast wss read by Mrm. Win. Hall. A vocal solo "My Task" was rendered by Mrs. A. Colville, aftt'r which refrehmenlts were sered A BOY AND HIS DOG A boy and his dog make a glorious pair; No better friendshîp is found any- where, For they talk andl hey %walk and they run and hey play, And they have their deep secrets for many a day; And that boy has a conirade who hinks and who feeLs, Who walks d-own the road with a (log at his heels. He may go where he will and his dog ,will be there, May revel in mud and his dog will noV care; Faithful he'll stay for the slîghtest command And bark with delight at the ouch o! his hand; Oh, he owns a treasure with nobody steais, Who walks down the road with a dog aV his heels. No other can lure bum away from his side; He's proof against riches and station and pride; Fine dress does noV charmn bu, and fiattery's breath Is lost on the dog, for he's faithful Vo death;, H1e sees9 the great sou1 which -te body conceals- Ohb, it's great Vo he young with a dog at your heelsI EdFar A. Guest ln "When Day la Don'. FORTY YEARS MARRIED Mr. and Mr*. T. H. Everson, Oshawa, Celebrate Annivertary. On Wednesday, December 12, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Everson of Oshawa, 'Gilmnour Place", King Street East, celebrated the fortiet.h anniversary of their marriage with their children, grandchildren and close relatives. An interesting feature of the occa- sion was the presence of the officiat- ing ninister of forty years ago, Elder D. Prosser of Newmarket, who looked hale and hearty in spite o! his eighty odd years, the bridesmaid, Mrs. Blanche Farewell M-%ouldl of Or-1 illia, and the groomnian, Ex-Reevel W. R. Courtice o! Courfice. The high esteeni, in whîch Mr. and Mrs. Everson are held wvas evidenced in the profusion of gifts, flowers and congratulatory telegrarns and mes- sages f rom their many friends thru- out Canada and the United States. During the evening about a hun- dred of their old friends called Vo offer congratulations and enjoy the hospitality o! their home. QUEEN'S DEBATERS WIN Miss Helen McGregor, Bowmanville, on the Winning Teamn. Hon-or has noV only been brought Vo Queen's University but Vo Boxv- manville High School, and o titis town by Miss Helen McGregor, daughter o! Mrs. D. S. McGregor, Scugog St., as reported in "Queens Journal" published by rthe AIma Mater Society o! Queen'sUnvriy Kingston, which says the Ladies' Debating Society on 'Monday, No-1 vember 26, won over the delegates from Toronto University speaking on the subject "Resolved that an open door po'licy o! immigration is conducive Vo ithe most desirable de- velopment o! a new country". Miss Helen McGregor Arts '30 and Miss Catherine MacKinnon, Arts .'31, re- presented Queen's, .vhile Miss Elean- orClark and Miss .Mary Winespear represented Toronto. The Journal f!urther remarks:' Helen MeGregor, the leader of the affirmative side, and a past inistres of the art of debating, hbas the fac- ulty of setting forth her points in such a nianner that they are difficult and sometimes tvell nigh imrpossible Vo refute. At the cone&usion o! her argument she drew a very effective * ord picture in which the captain o! the negative teani sought fruit- lessly enough, Vo find a "sloppy' sentiinentality. ers-75 Vo 100%-Betty Sncwden,ý Helen McDonald. 66 Vo 75%- Edward Richards, Marie Sta1-ker, Margaret Colville. Seven papers-- 66 to 75%-Yvonne Tighe, Douglas Courtice, Roy Neads. Splendid display of ChristmiasI gooda now a-wait the early shoppersi Shop eanly wbhen selections are at who want the best. Couch, John-I their b est-as Vhey are these days ston & Cryderman. at Couch, Johnsten & Cryderman's. CREDIT SYSTEM MUST GO BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL If Local Merchant la To Survive November Examinationa With Chain Store Comspetition Cash The naines of Students who ob- Syatesn Must Be Adopted. tained at least 60% appear below, Selling goods is not the only prob- in order of menit: lemi confronting the retail nier- Fornu V chant to-day. In many cases it is Nine papers-75 to 100% Freda the eusaest thing 'he does. Getting Elliott. 66 to 75%-Gregory Col- the pay for theni is another Vthing, mer, Dorothy Hoar. Seven pap- and it is affecting business life today, ers-75 to 100%-Allan Balson. 66 especially madle difficuit by that fact. to 75 %-John Bucley. Six p)apers It is true that hundreds of people -75 to 100%7-Margaret Dickson, in this community are good credit FIla Tamblyn. £ive papers-66 to risks e.ven though ithe suin of their,75%--Fred Billett, [>orothy Rowe, possessions, or the ansount of their Hilda Rowland. Four papers-66 income be small. Such people buy t o 75%-Gladys Cobbledick. what they need and pay when and1 Fornu IV as they can, and the extension of Ten papers-66 to 75%-Phyllis reasonable credit to them is soundiClenience, Winnie Rickard, Wallace business. i Horn. Nine papers-75 Vo 100%- Unfortunately, however, there are Herbert Colmer. Eight .papers-75 many who are flot so constituted. 1Vo 100% -Ralph Wood. 66 Vio 75 They have no conipunction about I %--Jabez Vanstone, Edison Mitchell buying on credit froni any and a il iNovelda Berry. Seven papers-75 merchants who can be induced toi to 100%-Muniel Henderson. trust theni, and their reaction Vo the Form 111 rendering of accounts and otherj1 Ten papers-75 to 100%--John forms of requesting paymenlts leads-Jury Morley Vanstone, Harold SIe- Vn o keep specially iîn view of thel1 mon.' Nine papers-75 Vo 100% keen prîce competition hbroughtlMuriel Moore. 66 to 75%-Ada AI- about by the chain stores which op-ilin, Florence Bennett. Eight pap- erate on a strictly cash basis. 1 ers-75 Vo 100%-Winnie Lancaster, Kenneth Osborne. 66 Vo 75%- Possibly the pioblem is noV 50 Kenneth Morris. Seven papers- great in large cities where the per-16V75 -tney ikad Sx sonl eeinntdoe nO coneinto papers-66 to 75%-Muriel Baker, ordinary retail transaction,, Vo the Helen Baker, Annie Buttery. extent that it does in small place s. Formi IIE In to-,ns like Bowmanville the cu s- tomer is generally personally known' Nine papers-75 ýto 100%-Jessie to the merchant and the refusing of jKuox, Iva Foley ,Newton HackneY, cerdht is conclusion that they neyer Maurice Rose, Marjorie Bradt, Stan- had any intention of paying. They ley Dunn. 66 Vo 75%-Minetta do not consider, or if they do, it isi Shortridge, Marion Batle, Bernice .Vo donsider it as "none of their wor- Stainton, Betty Flaxman, Kenneth 5ry" that the merehant extends credit Wood, Evelyn Goddard, George 'Vo theni at real cost and real sacri-, Weekes, Leah Bell, Nora Hayward, 1fice o himself. The wholesaler or Clara Ashlee, Reta 'Billett, Ruth 3manufacturer does not extend the Tuerk, Charlie Clemence. Eight .sanie indefinite credit o the mer- papers-66 Vo 75%-Phyllis Darc.h, 3chant that the nierchant does to his Betty Morris. c ustoniers. Many manufacturers, Form lA -selI Vo the merchargt only on a basis, Eight papers-75 Vo 100%-Aleckl of spot cah at the tume o! delivery. Birks, Jack Hall, Elford Gox. 66 Vo lIn the mjority iof cases thirty days ~%Hwr iht oad Wl is allowed, and that ineans just thir- liams, owr daWis, DaldWlter :ty days, noV thirty-one, nor ithree lasveNopaAds, Vo 0 Wa-Berh month-or years as a great xany Ke a 66 Vo75 b%-Jack Weekee sof the retailers' custotners seein yo oliîî. 66>uch, David BotWe. e -understand -it. W'hen the merchant ril o-h ai ohel ihas Vo hold goods on credit he must Form IBj tborrow froni the bank to meet his Nine rpapes-75 Vo 100%--John Bown payments and on every cent 1 Blunt ,Elinor Sykes, Elsie Çarruth- r money he gets from the bank he ers, Phyllis Challis, Charlie Çawker, e nust pay interet-even thoug'h the Helen Sinale. 66 Vo 75 %Christa ýcredit advanced Vo him be for 'only Olsen, Dorothy Somerseales, Marion one day. Slemon,_Dorothy Stevens, Madeline Delighttul Christmas Candies Both 49growing-ups" and grown-ups would be glad to find our delicious "Sweets" in their yule- tide stockings Christmas morning. Nont better for taste-none purer for wholesomeness. We have your favorite make in attractive Christmias Igift boxes from ....................25c to, $2.50 Christmnas Cakes at 50c Pound The Bowmanvilie Bakery ISuccessors to Christie'is Bakery Bowmanville THE UA-NAIJIAIN Peerless Training Pays Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping Courses I New Year Term Opens January 2 Peerless Business College 171/z Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontarioj feel that his debt lasos amall hait it makes no difference Vo the merchant Perhaps it diesn't, but hundreds -of small accounts. aggregate a large suni very quickly. l

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