Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1928, p. 3

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PAGE TEI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DEOEMBER 13, 1928 DL Paul'a Lecture Room was the scone of a brilliant b-sa and delic- ioue t«a on Friday afternoon. The varions booths were gaily decarated and inany l-avely and useful articles were temptingly affered for sale by the ladies in charge. The menu for the occasion was very satisfying and much enjoyed by the large crowd who attended. Mr. snd Mre. E. T. Farrow, Edd- ville, have been visiting Mr. and Mms H. A. Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Bow- manville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Leola Marguerite MeManu, ta Clarence Frederick Rid- er, Oshawa. Marriage ta take place quietly on Wednesday, December 19, 1928, at St. Paul's United Ohurch, Bowmanville, at 3 p. m. Tis je what AFP service doe for you: 1. We Bush and dlean the radiator and entire cooling system. Inspect radiator, home and ail water chambers for leaku. Z. Tighten hose clamps, and tighten ail boîte and nuts around motor bloc. &. Adjust fan belts. Inspect thermostat. 4. Adjuet radiator protector (shutter). Check heat indicator. 5. Fi radiator with correct arnount of AFP. Ail of the above service is free. Ail you pay for is the AFP and the new partis, if required. Authorixed Service De pot West End Garage H. D. CLEMENS, Bowmanville The Personal Elenient im Banking Affaira ~Between the curtness and coldness of printed bank forma and the human element for whose use they are designed, are vast OPPortuniLties for the banker to give valuable personal assistance. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, thru the members of ite staff, is anxious ta use any opportunity that arises to demon- strate its value In offering personal advice on fin- ancial riatters. The local manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Commercewill be glad ta gwve Intimate counsel upon money matters pertaining ta, your bus- iness. THM CJXNADANBANK 0F COMMERCE f wilh w"(Ch s amalg*oefd ri. TE STANDARD) BANK OF CANADA ~ Christmas Meat I For over three-quarters of a century Caw- ker's have been in the butcher business in Bow- manville and have earned an enviable repu- tation for Quality Meats. Retail merchandising conditions are in a constant process of changes but you may always depend on getting "the Best Quality of Meats at Cawker's". A littie extra splurge is made at Christmias time to give our customers some super-fine in meat. To do this we have already bought 4 choice steers from Thos. Gibbs, Tyrone 4 choice steers fattened in our own stables 5 ewes fromn Frank Werry, Bethesda 15 ewes froni our own stables POULTRY 0F ALL KINDS We want poultry of the best quality. So farmers bring it to us and get hghest cash prices. Orders for Christmas p oultry are already coming in from our town and city customers. Let's have your order early, if it isn't already in. C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64Bowmanville Buddiba was a great religious re-I_ ____________ former wbo lived in the sixth cen-' tury B. C. He tried ta salve the pro4blem of pain and suffering. He CLA.SSIFIEDS FIRST loit the palace, bis wif e and baby and joined a group of s0 called holy Have you ever noticed that many men iu an attempt ta salve his re- people use the Classifled colunins ligiaus problenis but being unable to eual? Te r esn h ta do so he let theni much ta theirreual? Teae ronwo diaguat and went down ta Benares have obtained good resulta in the whe.re under the Bow tree ho had a past and are willing ta try the sanie revelation. He went out into In- means again when they have same- dis to teach the doctrine af Karmna thing ta sell or wish ta reach the (which is very inuch M11e aur ides people of Bawxnanville and district af seedtmme and barvest), and the quickly and chesply. releaae fram Karma by the eight- Every week someone inserts a new fold wsy right thoughts, righit act- adlet in The Statesman because he ians, etc. The result being Nirvana bas bad others in the past whîch We are saved he aaid by inward brought results. culture, and active love. AIl sin and suffering are due ta desire for son- Many people have the habit af suaI -pleasure, wealth and existence. looking at the Clasaifieda as soon as To attain Nirvana according taonr- they get the paper. This accounts ginal Buddhism waa ta cease ta hoe for the speedy results that Many but in Mahayana Buddhism as taught people report from their use of these in Japan there ia a Christian concep-1 columns. 101UtflAvpnr Westrnaîvss, <-, dise. TIhey have Y. M. . 'A'sml Asia and in many ways their reli- gion bhas fbeen Christianized. Bud- USE THIS CLUBSING LIST dha xvas a great religioua reformer and taught the equality of man but T1he Canadian Statesman will hie bis idea ai salvation waa negative- clubbed with any of the iollowing ta get rid of life was the goal ai publications for 1929 at the foslow- Buddba whereas Jesus said-l came ing prices: that tbey might have life and bave it more abundantly. In my father's Globe..................... $6.50 bouse there are many mansions. Mail & Empire............. 6.50 Toronto Daily Star ........... 6.50 Hinduism is a great round bouse Farmer's Advocate.......... 3.00 of religions, you can believe almost New Outlook........ 4.00 anything and be a good Hindu as Christian Herald............. 4.50 long as you do net break caste. Tbey Ladies' Homne Journal........ 3.00 have a divine trinity, Boahma, Vish- Saturday Evening Post ....... 5.00 nu, Siva, Brahmsa the creator, Vish- Family Herald & Weekly Star 3.00 nu the preserver and Siva the des- Famiby Herald 3 years for $2.00 troyer or death and the judgmnent. Weekly Witness............. 4.00 Tbey would nlt blame in for sucb Canadian Home Journal.... 300 a thing as death se they make bis Farm & Dairy........ 250 wife responaible for aIl sordid things Canadian Countryman........ 3.00 and sacrifice the goat, sheep and Farmer's Sun ............... 3.00 oxen ta bher in arder ta bribe ber Canadian Magazine. . ... .... ..300 and thus keep sicknessa nd death McLean's Magazine.......... 4.00 away from the homne. Sa at Ben-1 ares and Calcutta you car see on _______________ any morning s long lino of animais ta be killed and their blood poured the ninety and nine and went in out bei are Kali the Goddess. She is search aof the one which had gone as- tbought ta be exceedingly happy tray. when the temple is one pool of 'Confucious, Buddha, and Zoroaster blood. This is realy the Hindu were ail great religiaus leaders and idea oi G-d-a great stern and bbOiOd dîd reveal God taesnome extent but thirsty mnonster. compared with aIl these Jeaus is the Compare this idea of Gad with aur grandest character in ail history. He ides of Jeans wha sald: "Gome unto la the pearl of great price, t.he lily me ail ye that are heavy laden and af the ivalley and the bright and I will give yau ret"-end who tald m.orning star. He in the Christ, the the story ai the father who stood li son ai thelvn God and the Sav- the doorway weiting for the prodi- ara he, rld the supreme and gai son-and the shepherd w 1be final revelatbon af' Gad te the, warld. LECTURE ON INDIA Illustratesi Addr.aa by Roy. J. H. Stainton, Courtice. Given at Rot- ary Club Luncheon. Menibers of Bowmanville Rotary Club had the pleasure of listening to an intensely interesting and edu- cative talk an India-the country, its customns awl religons--given in a most impressive and entertaining style by Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A., B.D., the popular pastor of Courtice. His address was illutrated with one of the finest set of slides which could be gathered in presenting such a subjeet. Many of the 'views were snap shots taken by Mr. Stainton himself while carrying on Y.M.C.A. work in India for two years during the war. The clofteat attention of his audience was held during bis 50- minute address and many questions were asked the lecturer afterwards pertaining ta bis remarks. If any society or church organiza- tion la looking for a speaker ta give an evening's entertainment of gen- uine plessure and -profit we can strongly recommend Rev. Stainton's illustrated talk on India. 1We cannot bgin t report his ad-I dress in any adequate way but here are a few of the interesting remarks he made: Country and Custoins When we speak of England we speak of a few million of people who speak the English language and ho- lieve in the Christian Creed. But when we speak of India we speak af 300 million of peoiple, who speak many languages, and havea tho- and and one customs, and worship 33 million different Goda, etc. While the British governinent have done many things which they ought flot ta have done and loft un- dane many things which they ought ta have done, yet they preserve th'e balance of power in India--chiefiy between the Mohammedans and the Hindus. They have buiît up <>ne of the best railway systems in the world-established national granar- ies ta prevent famine, etc. Religions There are 6 great Religions in India. Mohanunedaniam, Christ- ianity, Jainiani, Buddhism, Hîndu- ism, Zoroastrianisin. The Zoroastrians migrated into In- dia during the Mohammedan invas- ion about 1000 years ago. Tbey are fire worshippers, ,that la fire is the symbol of that inysteriaus transfor- mation of the material dinto the im- material ,also the symbal of purity. They neither hurn nor bury their' dead but they place them in the tow- ers of silence and the bodies are esten by the vultures. They are highly educated and every child whether rîch or poor ia educated for the one thing for whiah lho is beat fitted. Zoroaster was a good reliig- îoua leader who lived in the aixth century B. C. and devised the great dualistic philosphy-go»od and evil, God and the Devil, light and dark- nesa, odd and even, etc. Mohamnmedaniani developed in Ini- dia between the twelfth and aixteen- th century. Mohiaimed was a son ai the desert born in albout 570 A.D. and being forced ta defend himself an accaunt of his manotheistic faith ho toak up the sword and spread their religion ini the west as far as Spain, in the north as far as Ger- many, including the Balkan States, in the East sas far as Persa and south te the lIndus ri'ver. The Taj Ma- hal ia a Mohammedan burial 1lace. They pray 5 times a day acing Mecca and meet in the masque every Frbday for -prayer snd their one am- bition ils ta get rid af the infidel who is often the Chriatian. Allah, Akebar, Islam ia their great war dry. They have mnassacred a large nuni- the last 15 years and are said ta have colleges in which theiir soldiers are trained for the Holy war against the Christiana. Truly This Is The Treasure Chest of Gi*fts This store is just brimful of practical as welI as themore f anciful thinga te give. A journey through the aisles of this store wull offer more suggestions than it will take te fil your entire gift liait And every givable thing, sold to you with the SERVICE 0F VALUE-CaIVING. The wealth a"d variety cf merchandise kathered from many corners of the world and assembled here in this live ciier- getic store offers to you gift buying opportunities that you cannot afford te, pass up. Gifts from every part of the world awaîts your choice, every one priced at a tempting figure. Make Nelson's Store Your Gift Headquarters 4000 Pairs of Silk and Silk & Wool Hose The most important purchase of Hosiery We have concluded-this year. 3000 PAIRS cf Penman's and London Knit Fine Silk and Wool Hose-in the plaited' style, altoi mixture effect. 8 cases just opened up, ail the newest colora including Rifle, Frenchi Nude, Muffi, Ivory, Pearl Blush, Atmosphere, Aloma, etc, every pair f hose in these shipnients, 79c Pr. worth $1.00 to$1.39 per pair, sizes 81/2 te 10, in ail colora and Black. 3 Pairs For $2.25 YOU'LL FIND NOTHING FINER IN SERVICE WEIGHT HOSE than these well made, Pure Silk ful- fashioned stockings, every pair guarant- eed firet quality and made te sell at $2 a pair. AIl the newest colona and .very pair boxed in lovely gift box..... $1.79 Pair 3 Pairs For $500 Nelson 's Store of Bigger and Better Values WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT %Ld WHY NOT BUY HER THREE PAIR 0F THESE? Very serviceable, good looking Service Chiffon, all pure silk, full-fashioned hese, these make an ideal gift, 15 colon te choose froin, sizes 81/2. to 10, $1.39 Pair 3 Pairs Fer $4.00 * 1 bu 11-fe.

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