Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1928, p. 3

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PAGE THREI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TIIUR.SDAY, NIOVEMBER 29, 1928 _ - Bell Is Going Out 0f Busines's ,$5000 Stock of Brand New Meni's Wear to'be sold regardless of cost---Profits forgotten---This is no fake sale stunt. must be sold by January i st. Everything Bell is positively going to quit. To My Many Friends and Patrons 1 want to take this opportun- ity to thank you for your friend- ship and patronage since 1 came to Bowmanville last Spring- You have used me well and 1 ap- preciate it I have tried to give you real value for your money and 1 believe 1 have done it. During this Sale you w111 get an opportunity to buy at unheard of îow prices. you. Again 1 thank BERT BELL. MEN'S OVERCOATS Everyone new this season. No oid out-of-date stuf -Meltons, Whitneys, Freize, Regular $27.50 Value .......$19-50 Regular $25.00 Value .......$16.95 Regular $22.50 Value .......$15.00 BOYS' OVERCOATS Classy Coats that the boys will like-Meltons- Fancy Tweeds-Freize. Real materials that will stand the hard wear. Regular $13.50 for ........$9.95 Regular $15.00 for ........$11.95 Regular $18.00 for ........$13.50 SALE STARTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3Oth Everything Must Be Sold XMAS GOODS just in will be put prices you can't miss. on Sale afford XMAS TIES Scarfs, Handkercbiefs, Bath- robes, Pyjamas, Sox, Nigbt- shirts, Gloves, Etc. Men's Pure Linen Initial Handkercbiefs, Reg. 50e value 3 for $1.00 Men's Plain White or Polka dot Fugi Silk Scarfs, Regular to $1.50, Sale Price 98c Each Next to Cole's Barber Shop Men's Heavy Rib Pure Wool Underwear, Shirts and Drawers-unshrinkable-goods that seil regularly $1.50 garment, SALE PRICE $1.19 GARMENT MEN'S FELT HATS MEN'S BEST GRADE Ail new styles, snap FELT HATS brims and regular roll Our best quality bat, the brims, Regular $2.95, newest shapes and colors, Sale Price $1.75 Regular to $4.50, ___________________ Sale Price $3.00 Each BOYS' SUITS About 15 Boys' Tweed Suits, sizes 27 to 31, some 2 pair pants, must be sold regardless of cost. DON'T MISS THIS SALE-Everything in the store reduced for quick selling-everything marked in plain figures-This is a Genuine Going Out of Business Sale. B ERT BELL, The Clothing Man IIli~ _____________________________________________________________________________________ THE ART 0F PRINTING "The art of printing la the most important invention that was ever introduced to the world-in ita cff- ecta on tie buman mind; and, of consequence, on aIl civilized socicty. 1V preserves and disseminates ail dis- coveries and improvements in Vhe arts and sciences; it commemorates ail other inventions; it isnds down to posteity every important eveîit; it immortalizes Vie actions of the great and good; and, above aIl, it ex- t,nds and diffuses tic Word of God 'q -On Tuesday evening, No'vexnber 13, about fifty me-mbers of St. John's A.Y.P.A. went to Newcastle as guests of St. George's Branch. Good program was put on by New- 1castle members, consisting of solos, duets, recitations and a most inter- esting talk by Mrn. Lindsay on "n dia." A comic sketch by a couple of local "darkiffs" and sonie clever icontesta brought the prograni to a close Lunch was then servedl after which President John A. Gunn thanked Newcastle on behaîf of St. 1John's members for a very enjoy- able evening. Busy Days Ahead LET CORBETT LIGHTEN YOUR WORK We can't do your Christmas shopping-but we can do your baking to the satisfaction of your famiiy, and thus give you more time to prepare for joyous Oid Santa Claus' weicome annual visit. ORDER CHRISTMAS CAKE NOW More and more women are letting us make their Christmas cakes. Tbey are mighty good, s0 they tell us, as weil as being reasonable in price. W . P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville Quality Food Stuffs--At Archie Tait's Christmas Buying is Away to a Good Start It seems bard to realize that Christmas is only a few weeks away-but tbat's ail. Some Christmas cakes are made now-that's why we are showing ail our Christmas fruits. Currants that are absolutely free of ail dirt. Large Blue Select Raisins (seedless). Seeded Raisins in package, Puffed Raisins. Candied Pineapple Rings, New Dates. French Cherries. Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Citron Peel. jAnd a fulll une of Pure Spices, Pastry Flour, Igood Baking Powder, Vanilla and various Icing. Right niow you get the pick of the season's best. Our stock is fresh and most tempting to those who want the good things. ARCHIIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanvulle LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Iys Gilbank, Raglan, Bilent1 the weekend at home. Misses Florence and Leta, and Mr. Roy Jackson, recently visited friends in Omcmee. Rev. and Mms. W. P. Wo'odger, Napanee, were recent guests of Mms. S. Woodger. Misses Amy Ellison and Agnes Haddy were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Haddy. Mr. and Mms. W. G. Nelles spent the weekend with their daugliter, Mrs. W. E: Davies, Detroit. Miss Evelyn Fisher and Mr. Jos- eph Quinn, Buffalo, visited Dr. and Mms. R. W. Clark over the weekend. Mrs. Wm .Stanley, Pickering, has been visiting her brother, Mr. Juan Sanders, and other relatives and friends here. Mrs. Chas. Tamblyn, Woodbridge, lias been visiting her sister, Mms. IFred J. Foster, and o]d friendsansd relatives here. Mr. W. J. Brag, D.D.G.M., paid an official visit to Vhe Masonic Lod e at Port Perry on Friday night. He wss accompanied by Mr. Thos. Anni- son and Mr. Irwin Bragg. Miss Muriel Winchester who wss one -of the Leaders aV Vhe Standard Training School held in Trinity Church last week was guest of Mr. and Mms. F. A. Ha.ddy. Mrs. A. Mitchell, mother of Mrs. Allan Densem, left on Friday for Montreal where she sailed by the Laurentic of the White Star Line Voi spend the winter Nith relatives inI England. Young People of Christ Church and North Simce United Church, Oshawa, debated on "Resolved that the home girl makes a better wife than the business Girl". The affirma- tive won by a close margin. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washington, Joyce and Anna Clave of Fenelon Falls, visited hia parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Washington, on Friday. His sister, Mrs. B. M. Warnica, ve- turned home with tieni for a visit. Controller W. D. Robbins of Tor- onto, a native of Durhiam County, lias donated a beautiful silver trophy ta the Sons of England lodgcs in1 Toronto, to be competed for t!uring the next few montis for Vie most efficient lodge degree team. The cup is creating a great deul of en- tliusiasm, and keen competitiori is expected among the lodges. A very successful church bazaaî', in the form of "A Festival of tati Seasons" xvas ield in St. Johin's Par- ish Hall asat Friday aftern'oon. Th' gaily decorated hall presen-.ud a festive appearance, with booth.s rc- presenting each season of the year, where fancy xork, flowers, fruit, vegetables, novelties, Christnas gifts, etc., were on sale. A "Yium- Yum" booth, containing delicious cakes, pies, bread, buns, ice crear.n cones, candy ,etc., also a fishpondfo the children proved yeny popular and were well patroni.ted. After-, noon tea was served by the ladies. The November meeting of Trin- ity Church Junior Missionary Auxil- iary wvas lield Wcdnesday afternoon at the home of Miss Lena Haddy. Miss Spargo, President, prcsided. Miss Minnie Webber read the lesson and Miss Rilda Semon took the De- votional Leaflet. A quartet was nicely sung iy Mrs. W. J. Morrison, Mrs. H. M. Foster, Mms. J. E. Ander- son and Miss Helen Argue. A rend- ing wss given by Mrs. E. V. Hoar and a piano solo by Mrs. H. D. Cleni- ens. Miss Lena Haddy took Wl tic Second Cliapter of the Study Book "Drums in the Darkness", in a very interesting mauner. The contest following was also very pro- fitable. Next meeting, Tuesday, De. cember lSth at the Parsonage. HAMPTON W. M. S. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. C. W. Souch on Tues- day afternoon, November 2th, with'î a good attendance. The meeting1 was opened with a hymn and prayer1 led by Mrs. (Rev.) Bick. Alter the business was completed Mrs.à A. Peters took charge of the pro-1 gramn. Mrs. T . Salter read the de-i votional leaflet and Mrs. J. Colwill led in prayer. Mms. Peters took up the second chapter of "Drumis in the1 Darkness", calling on Mrs. Stevens,e Mrs. Horn, Miss Katerson and Mrs.1 H. Peters to read short sketches of1 the chapter. A solo was nicely sungi by Mrs. Kenneth Cumrly, alter1 whîch the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Next meeting to be held at the home of Mms. Jas. Jebson. DURHAM BOYS CLUB This Tliursday evening, Nov. 29, Toronto Durham Old Boys' Club will meet in the Women's Art Associa- tion, 23 Prince Arthur Ave., by in- vitation of Mr. and Mms. R. W. King, when Mr. W. Fox, champion orator of Canada, is expected to speak at S o'clock. Durhamîtes are welcome. LAUNDRY WANTED Al kinds of laundry work done prompt- y. satisfactorily and at reanonable pricep Write Post Office Box 12, or caîl Mrs ,W Marjoram, King St. B. Bowmanville jPhone 478W. NOTICE Henittchlng and pcot-edging done. Work dellvered free In Bowmanville. AIl. mail orders promptly attended to. MrF, Russell Hobbs, Liberty Si., Bowmanville Phone 561. 30.tf MORTGAGTE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of thre porw- t'î' of sale containei n a mortrt %I i eh wilI1 re itrotitced ai lit niFie of sale, there will ire off r I for sale ly Williqm Mal W. tittîjoneera iiîe Aticton. Thiur daly. l) 6mt lu 2. at tire hovr of Iwo oetlotei<in tlItaflernoon a i Ihe 31.111 tof Ostar l3nrîiron Antirrs, tire fol- o%%.lin Fol) ,rty. ltnI AI ni avsinct rlricranpartiel t ng, and ti ng-, nil tire'Ion nsiF wî,& It: - i-tIen.in tlt, cmlttt y or ittîtai, ar tinn cotinîîost, 0or thre sortillîtiait, lt-i tint ittinît ti 7 u tI<F lt t, lt..t ligitta an i Ning .0 *r frin Il,. at li.)il s on loef oIl 1 ot 1-1l r , tI :t iî nt . l g o . dvin m r r l s o lir ani ili esodije to ari nr t ad ltib' o t îtd <n ri S "tii rmn11wEat tiitt.tof at ien10t1o and 4li nks t m. o re orMin' t NttvIttlti'Finitt 1- Pltry App wil e odsuband WooaI, Atair Prices:ti r,: Phonos o(itiii BowmanvilleFi23 Tooto Trny39J J.oHRM ON74 FIRESTONE RADIO PROGRAM Jamieson Bros. advise us that the inaugura] program of the Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. has been set for Monday evening, December 3. The broadcast will be over 41 leading stations, associated with the Nation- al Broadcasting Co., vith short wave transmittal linking up every country in the world. Franklyn Beuer, fan-ous tenor, will be heard as "The Voice of Pire- aone". Miss Vaughn DeLeati noted contralto, is widely known as the 'Original Radio Girl. Support- 1 ing these soloista will be the finest: radio orchestra-35 piecca-ever as- sembled. Every member of the family sliould "stand by"l for tic opening Fivestone progvam on Mon- day, December 3, at 8.00 p. m. and following Monday nights at thesanme turne. CITY-BRED LAD MAKES GOOD AT BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL Significant of the character of work sccomplished by the Boy' Training Schdol at Bow"anrille,j was the brief ceremony enscted No-1 vember 2t in the office of C. L.' Burton, General Manager of the Robert Simipson Company, Toronto, wien lie presented to Richard Dan- iels, a 'Toronto boy, the first schol- arsiip awsrded Vo a graduate of the school, "who had gone on a farm and made good". The scholamship, witi an attacied' value of $100 is to be used for tak-, ing a Winter Course at the Ontario Agricultural College. The cighteen-year-old lad, attend- ed Bowmanville school for seven menths ,and lias been engaged on a farm for tie past t'wo years. The most important feature of Richard Daniels' succesa, in the opinion of E. P. Brsdt, B.S.A., agricultural direct- or, and bis mentor while at achool, was the ability dîsplsyed by a city- bred boy to outlaw old habita and mode of living, to enter happily and industriously upon a new caa-eer, ty to pursue. COUNTIES DISPLAY 0F APPLES Northumberland and Durham Have Fine Exhibit at Royal Winter Fair. (Froin Toronto Globe) 'One of the attractive displays in the fruit depertment at Vie Royal Winter Fair in Toronto is Viat of the Northumberland and Durhiam Counties' Apple Growers. Tic excellent fruit from these counties is displaycd not only in boxes, but in haîf barrels and hamp- ers o!ftvarious sizes. The education- al feature of the exhibit is displayed on colored transparencie infoeming tic general public of seasonable varieties snd the fsct that any size package can -be secured from tiese growers, informing them that un- grsded fruit is generally inferior and suggesting that Vlicy buy known ~grades. In Vie display, Vie public is ve- minded that apples are healthy and is advised Vo secure Viem. The principal varieties festured are: Mcltosh, Snows, Tolman Sweets, Russeta ,Starks and Baxters. The public is loud in expressing ita ad- miration o! Vie quality o! t h eapeci- mens of varieties exhibited. Con- siderable rivalry bas been shown by Vie varlous firms as Vo the aeeuring of thia fruit. AreYouA Hockey Fébn? . . then the price of this Rogers-Batteryless will admit you Vo every Hockey Match this year, next year and just as long as you want ta keep this Set. And, of course, every other Sporting Event is no farther away than your de, if you own a Rogers-Batteryless. The famous Model "Two-Twenty" that preceded this model, sold for $225 Iast year. Yet hs set, with all the new 1929 improvements added costs only $165 complete (except Loud Speaker), $60 less Vian Iast year! That's why we say without any "jf 's", "and's" or "Ibut's" that this particular Rogers Model la thse one best "bu>? in t/he whole field of electric radio. Co 0. but don't take our word for it Came in or telephone and ask ta have a "Four-Twenty"la - stalled in your home without obligation. That's the way to find out for yourself what the Rogers-Batteryless wil do rerms ta suit your convenience. Phone 152 or Caîl For Demonstration W. J. BAGNELL., King St. Bowmanville Listen In Monday Nights Starting December 3rd. The Voice of 8.00 P. M, Eastern Time OVER THE RED NETWORK - 41 STATIONS Hear soxnething new-..turprieing--differ.ft --35 piece orchetra-intrationally' kuown solost-niaj. octtt.-the Iatest and beet in radio entertainment. Sponsored by the maker. of Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires MOST MILES P¶ER DOLLAR

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