Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1928, p. 1

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godbe With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928. $2.00 a Year Ini Advance 5c a Oopy No. 48 i -.1 Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman Offer Gif t Selections That Make Choosing A Pleasure Certainly among the most desired gifts for men and women none will ,more fully express truer sentiment than useful, practical gifts such as you find at this store. These few items taken at random from our beautiful displays just begin to tell the story. This store specializes in first quality goods. Shop early. Fancy Tow45 Faney Towels, white and colored, Special Value in ail qualities from 35c to $1.50. SiIk Stockings Fibre and Silk Stockings, in ahl shades and qualities, from 75e up. SiIk and WooI Stockings AIl shades, at 75c, 95c and $1.00. Fine Cashmere Stockings Also lne of celebrated Jaegar from 75e up. Silk stockings, full fashioned $2.00. Chanioisette Gloves Extra fine imported gloves, chamois- ette and lined kid, in popular colors and ail sizes from 50c. WooI Gloves Very complete range in black and colors, priced from 75c Up. Handkerchiefs Finest stock we have ever shown froni 8c to $1.00. In boxes from 25e to $2.00. Fancy Lingerie A big range in Silk Knit Vests, Slips, Gowns, etc.,i prieed. Bloomers, moderately Ladies' Sweaters A fine assortment from $2.25 Up. SiIk Scarfs Silk and Crepe Scarfs lovely designs and colonings, a most acceptable gift from $1.00 up. Fancy Linens A big range of Italian Hemstitched Luncheon Sets, breakfast sets, fancy runners in white and ecru, moderately priced for practical gift giving. Lovely Damask Table Cloths, 2 to 3 yards, special at wholesaie prices. Kenwood Blankets In ail colors ................$9.50 each Kenwood Kimonas .............$15.00 Bed Blankets Ail Wool Bed Blankets, in Scotch and Canadian, in plain white and plaids from ................... $9.00 to $12 Gift Umbrellas Ladies' New Umbrellas, from $1.50. A beautiful assortment of artificial flowers from, ..........................25e Also Flowers, Handkerchiefs and Scarfs to match. Ladies' Gloires Dress Kid, Ladies' Wool Lined and Ladies' Fur Lined Gloves from $2. up Ladies' Winter Coats Selling at Wonderful Reductions Any Ladies' Coat in stock is now subject to substantial price reduction in order to effeet a quick clearance. This season's coats, popular materials, ail fur trimmed, correct style, good color range, lined throughout, now selling at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES IF HE WERE TO BUY HIS OWN GIFT IT WOULD BE ONE 0F THESE! Woollen Gloves .........75e to $1.25 Scarfs and Mufflers ..$1.00 to $3.50 Gloves, French Grey Suede and Deer Skin...................$1.00 to $3.50~ Gloves, wool lin'ed, grey and brown, _________________$2.00 to $2.75 Sweaters, Windbreakers, V-Neck Pull- overs, and coat ........ $2.00 to $.95 Neckwear, ail neatly boxed 48e to $1.50 Hosiery, Silk, Cashmere and Wool, 59e to $1.50 Handkerchiefs, Linen and Cambrie, 10e to 50e Shirts, Broadcloth, plain shades and fancy .................$1.95 to $2.50 Also Silk andl Silk Mereerized Shirts $3.00 to, $4.50 Pyjamas, flannel and broadeloth,- $2.00 to $3.50 Dressin g Gowns, House Jackets, Belts, Suspenciers, Garters, Armnbands, Um- brellas, etc. Boys' Department Pyjamas, flannel .............. $1.75 Night Shirts, flannel ..........$.50 Sweaters and Jerseys, Puilovers, Windbreakers, Roll Neck ,etc., ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ 95e to $3.50 Stockings, al sizes ....0...eo to $1.25 Toques ....................50e to 95e Overoatsand Suits, also make excel- lent present for men and boys, Pretentinc The Finest la Photoplays Phone 589 Friday-Satuxrday, Novexuber 30 Decexuber 1 Milton Sis end Thelma Todd In "THE CRASH" Moments of thrilling suspense as a trainload of nmen race to a burning wreck in which the wrecking boss saves bis own life. Matinee Saturday afternolon at 2.3 0 p. m. Children 5c Chapter 4 of "'THE HAUNTED ISLAND" and regular prt'gram Monday-Tuesdlay, December 3-4 Lillian Gish and Lars Hanson In "THE WIND" Lillian Gish reaches new heights of emotional power in a film of the untamed west. And rarely has one screen play had twe such amazing thrills as the cy- clone scenes and the wild horse stanipede. Wednesday-'lluraday, Dec. 8-6 Charlie Murray In "DO YOUR DUTY" Cc>mical Charlie Murray rounds up ail the laugha in the New York underworld. It'a thrill- fui, tear-ful and laugh-ful, juat like "MoFadden's Plats" but much better. December 7-8 Kari Dane and George K. Arthur la "BROTHERtLY LOVE" Miss Jessie Hawkins, Port Hope,I spent a flew days with Mrs. F. L. Squair. She aiso attended the me- ception of ber cousin, Mrs. Alberti Cieniens. Tyrone. l Oshawa Rotary Club heîd an in-1 ter-cîty meeting Tbursday evening 1j on the occasion of openinqr their new, Rotary Hall for conimunity actîvi-, ties. Over 200 were present froni the 27th Rotary District. Bow- i Imanville Rotary Cluib was repr*%snt-,ý ed ýby Past President F. F. Morris, President R .F. Aitchison, Vice- President, D. R. Morrison and Ro-1 tArans T.E. Flaxman, C. E. Rebder, A an arpbeii and Normian S. B. James. The local Rotary Club isi contemplating establisbing oi munity bail in Bowmanvîiie in ct;he near future and bas already secur- -an option on the Sairvation Army harnacha for tbat purpose. BAZAAR St. PauI's Lecture Room Friday, Dec. 7th Booths open at 3 o'ciock The GiE t Shop Thrif t Shop Market Basket Home Cooking C.G.I.T. Noielty Booth Tea served at 5 o'ciock Menu: Hot Chichen Pattiea Green Pes Pastry and Cake Tea and Cof.. -1Holy communion andermon 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School. 7 p. m.i. -Evenig payer. St. Andrew's1 D, November 30th. 8 a. mi- Holy Communion, W. A. Corpor- ate, Communion service. St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W.1 Best, D.D., Ministjer. Anniversary services, Stinday, December 2nd ati il a. mi. and 7 p. m. The Rev. R. Bruce Taylor, DI.D., LL.D., Princip- ai of Queen's University, Winl preach at both services. The Session and ,people of St. Paul's are much grati- fied to have for this occaso a preacher so distinguished and bruI- liant and extend to the publie al cordial invitation. The choir un- der the direction of Mr. H. J. Knight with Mrs. Dudley at the orgian, will provide special music worthy of the occasion. Mortgage Sale advertised on pagel 3 has been withdrawn. CONCERT Under auspices of Young Peoele's Society wili be heid frid ay, Nov. 3Oth at 8 p. ni. in TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Progani wiiî b. given by: Miss Jessie B. Tuite, Rteader, of Albert Coilege, Belleville Mr. R. J. F. Staples, Tenor Solbiat in Dovecourt Pres- byterian Churcb, Toronto. Aaslsted by local talent. Ad0ision35. il -__ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _IliI 0 .ua whie sil a oyhe experienced the grace off God which in bible teaohing waa symbolized by the terni "blood". in I iter years life was deepened and en- riched thnough a growing conception off Iwhat F'athenlîood muet mean ln God as I le nealized bis own love as a fathen of i hildren. Mn. Griffith thoughl off God Iin ter5sof -pervasivenees, the source Fr ooness, beauty, truth and love. From thouglita on God the group waa led In the second part off the progrm papens on the subject "Who .Am Il'? by Rev W. Sterling, Orono, and Rev. A. L. Richards. Growing out off these pap- ens and a discussion that followed the aacredness off human lite wss brougt v'ividly before the meeting. Man may jhave an innate propenslty le evil yol infinitely preclous In the eyes off God wlth an unfatliomed capacity for God- jHe may become a " Son off God" and a recipient off lb. Importation off a new jThe third theme off the day was In- troduced In tb. aftennoon session by Rev. W. P. Fletcher, "Wliat la My Task?". Dr. Fletcher defIned the tank off the chuncb as tlie winning off boys and girls to Ohrist befone life was made loes than the higliest possible, by faîl- Ing into sin. Then, too, there was the adult Froup who were preclous in the Masters- sigbt. Also tbose other sheep the multitude Ivitbout tb. gospel. 11ev. A. L. Richards gtered toget- bier the findinga off the day in an eannest appeal that the United Chuncli miglil find lier greatness In a love, a devotion and a service characterized by .1 deep passion for God and man . x fi anie troni whioli men seek to liglit tiir torches muet be a fiers". It was a great day. The ministers' rest day was spent aearching for "Reality- and a new spirit witi wbicb to serve. BERT BELL I5 SELLING OUT Lt w ill be a surprise 10 many citizens to learn that Bert Bell, The Clothing Man, la going out off business. Hes a lie bas received a fair share otftlie clothing business since coming bere, but lio bas an offer 10 bette, huiself ese- wliere wbicb lie bas accepted. So lie ia F ectly honest wlien lie saya ln hiea -11ng",,adv on page 3 "thia la no fake sale stunt' and "Bell le poaitiveIy going to quit." Witli winter needsa nd Christmas buying here Ibis sale sarta at a mont opportune time. Miss Melissa Stevens, Buffalo, N. Y., la enjoying visit witli ler numerous relatives lea. Mn. Fred W. Nelles lias soid out hie interest in the White Rose Gasoline Station and Grocery Store to Mn. W. J. Flett wliolias already taken over the business. Mn. Nelles has accepted a piosition as travellen witb the National Grocers Limited. It ts.kes a cleven speaker with a re«I message to be Invited to addreas a Rot- ary Club tliree limes ln almoat as many years. But such la the experieace andS record off Rotarian Dr. E. N. Baker, Premident Emerilus off Albert Celiege Belleville, wlio was the gueut speaker ai BowmanvIlle Rotary Club on Friday noon. Dr. Bakers nremanka wene bssed on the Sixîli Objeol off Rotary and con- tained muai inspiraton and eeunne. Fin impressed upon bis audience the uîne th. Golden RuIe ln Ibeir daily activîtins which ie ln realitY ltheRotary mot.to o "He.]Profils Mont Who Serves Bet." Fror boîter beallihest Creaxuof t Barey. Couch,JAnston & Cryderman, Dowmanvillie PhOnO 104 LImitea à - 1. m 1 COMING EVENTS ORATORICAL CONTEST TALENTED CANADIAN WRITER CAN-T GET AWAY FROM IT Concert, Trinity Church, Friday even- Fred Billet Awarded First Prize Addresses Women'a Canadien Club Christmas Io drawing nearer every ing. ______ ____ day. The speil la on-the Joyous amil- Bowinanville Women's gnstitute ,The annual Oratorical Contest, Women's Canadian Club enjoyed pg areof n ai us la aleadyap-s wili mparent oneail 0.des.Hall tneFhappoeet I wlimet i te . O E Hll n n-opn to pupils of Bowmanville High on Monday afternoion, a splendid ad- Beasonoof thep whole year. Becs.use day next at 3 p. mi. Progran Iin Schoo<l, wa be j intheAssemblyidress byMrs.Florence Livsy , baetr obd anniyong to ake othersin charge of group 3. AIl members Hall on Tijeiiay evening. aada poet and author, whose _g1thodadyughap yg.n attend. fter ail hail joined in commun-!I book, "Savour of SaIt", has been This means shopping mnuet be dons. The White Shield Club 'regular ity singing, Principal yW. J.Moorri- very popularly and favorably cnit- Ehvery yer more sensible persona are meeting will be held on Tuesday, son, who acted as chairman, gave ai icized. Mms. Livesay spoke chiefiy They reap alCl t dv buyls n arly December 4th in St. Paul's Lecture short address, and introduced the of the custonis of the Ukrainians of selection and leisure of cholce. Don't Room at 8 p. m. sharp. Everyi three contestants, Gladys Cobbde- and bier books of poema "Songs of datdil the lest week when stores are member is requested ta be in attend- dick, Winnie Riekard and Fred Bil- Ukrainia" and «"Shepherd's Purse". weary, thestockes Icaed oer, l ek ance as arrangements are ta b let. When she first became interested cause thermierB ofin a y toer sai obe causye reinetder.ft-a oa made for the Xmas tree party. The former, wbo possessed a very in Ukrainian customis and songs, she e Barl eengle ecatouhth Meetin of the Music Study Club pleasing tone and manner, took as found that practically nothing haed advts in The Statesman invite you to, will be hneld in St. Paui's Lecture bier gubject, "Canada's Future." been done about translating the lat- their stores to inspeot the great varlety Rooxu Wednesday, Dec. 5th, at S p. W. Richard made an interesting and ter sa that she started as a pioneer thy nw aon d nove. l ine whch m. Tapie:Christmias Music. Con- informative speech on the Deveiop- in this work on an a'bsoluteiy new tour of the lclon e dhspl leadyn veners-Mins Greta Wickett and ment of Transportation in Ontario.- field of endeavour. Little waa knjown wlth the Christmas spirit. Before you Miss fAura Caldwell. The Club The third and last speaker delivered of these songe she explained, cliiefiy staon one off these shopping expedi- will be assisted by Mru. 0. W. a splendid oration, brimful of pat- because of the suppression Ukrainia xnoney to firet read the Christmas sug- Rolph, Orono, (riotismn and enthusiasm on "The endured under, Russian mile. t gestions, contained In the inerchants' Annual meeting off Bowmianville1 Dawn of Confederation." was dangerous ito sing the words of advts in this papex. l3nanch off Ontario Vegetable Growers Tejugs er Ms.(v) a Ukrainian patriotie sang, the iAssociation announced for Thursday Th ugswr Ms.(e) eeng bsbe postponed (et the re- IGo Msn Miss Ogden and Mr. people were obliged ta content ROYAL FAIR WINNERS lthtofM. RaIt lll edn W. F. Waâ-, Barrister and Police themseleves with hununing the tunes.___ December 5h tW bhl tteMgSrt.M.Wr ae hr OeeteUriinbsrtie By'Training School. Th1e several agsrt.M.Wr aeasotHoeeteUriinbsrti arIizigton Breeders Make Gaod speakers arranged for will b e present. congratulatory speech and gave the his own individuaiity, which is o f ai Soigi Lv tc AU gandeners and agricuturaliets are decision as follows: lat-Fred Bil- very fine type in the midst of muchShwn uLeStc Invited to attend the evening session St le t, 2nd-Giadys Cohbledick, 3r- iey.TeRylWitrFi¶t oot a 7i.3ry. The Rnyal Winten Fair at Toronto lia 7.30. uli rtiuaswllb ett Winnie Rickamd. Mrs. Livesay was attracted by the become recognized as the outanding ritenatonalsho rin onthis contin- Boys' Training School 'Christmas simplîcity and humanness of th ent. a tenrefre talkee the veny beat Coner wii o hidin pea Hus dances and songe of Ukrainia, which live stock to get the prize money. W. Conceutsday, ehembinerallH. Ae BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL have been the background of much .-Brag,, & Son, Shaws, exhiblted two on Tesda, Deembe l1t. A, young S orthorn bulle ai this show and musical coinedy "The Oid Man on HOLD ANNUAL "AT HOME"~ Russian music and opera, such as in very strong competition and In teMutiswl ep eted, the fanious Russian Ballet. Shei large classes recelved these awands: the Mountin"ofiMre. pr. ene Brilliant Function Ha& Becomne the' regretted the fact that Canadien1 bull. 2 yeans and under 3 years--4tli on undrm irhassetin o Mr. F . C onverse Sca vnofteYainT i aswr nttjdtotebat Silvercoat; bull, senior yearllng-Sth on Smt asstdb M.J.E unning- Sca vn fteYe nTi aswr o ue etebat Browndale Migget. Itlaista be noted Coanmunity. of Ukranian mysic and expreseed a Iin both events that the Braggs were up bain, aiso physicai training display. hope that the public would becomej against mllionaire competîtors such as Plese eseve he at. Col. F H. Deacon, T. A. Russell nad T. Pleae rsere te dte.The superintendent and staff of more appreciative of its fine qilali- B. Loblaw, wlio play a no limit" games Bomnil lg colCi-the Boy' Training School&eld their ties, whichare highly praised:by the whn uyÇJsoc. ZLesch codi- mencmentexecise wil behel in hir annal At Hme" Fridy citic. tonodlnary farnera who tîll the soli the~~~an rpeaiousso Fida, e-stock for a living deserve LL.D., Dean of the Facuity of Arts G. E. Reaman who were assisted bY "Songe of Ukrainia" wbich cieariy of the University of Toronto, and Mm. and Mrs. W. H. Hi and Mr. exenip]ified the delicacy of empoees- I graduate of .Bowmanville Higli and Mrs. E. P. Bradt. sion and beauty of form of the na-'1 MR. AND MMS. GORDON RICE School, wiil addre*s the students. The hall was most attractively de- tion lpotry. The songs, ahe, MOVE TO WINDSOR -4---corated ,the scho'ol colora of purpIe =xpaned ,were told to bier in part SUNDY BAD COCERT and orange predominating in the' in broken Engiish by an immigrantiReceive Gifts Froxu Neighbors and SUNAYBAN> ONCRT color scheme. Streamers and shades girl. Foieds I~~~~~~~~~~~~ Atog Bowavle hs otfstiig designe, colored ligbts in conclusion the author read with ____ I eabi ou owiat of a basnd or and magic lanterne stretching in ail delightful expressi'n, tone and A pleasing fanewell and preetation beenabl toboat o a andfordirection, with a back gzound 9f pronunciation, a selection froni was given Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Res, on severai years its citizens stililove evergreen branches banked high "Savour of Sait", whicb oflw- iesday evenIng when about 75 neigh- goodban nisic Wetherfor, aongthewals mae agayandfas ed ithric Irsh rog e nd hu- bo aM friends assembled at the home fee its lyn e usc essrytermakecang picturals tde agua inga- e pur. hIrs bogean hm o M.and Mrs. Geo. Callan Ontario feelit s oly ecesar ta akeCaiffpicureas he gest mig- ur.St. tabld tliem a kindly good-bye pnev- the bare ann'ounMenent ta fil the ILe i promenades and dances J____ oua to thein removal to Windsor. hall that Oshawa Citizens' Band of around the hall Music :for the C'ouncillor Arthur Edger called the 35 membera will 14ive a compliment- dancing was furnisbed by Burton E: MINISTERS AND CHURCHES copan to redea kndy o beaîf dfthse ary concert in thi Bowmanville Op- Tiii's fanions orchestra of Toronto, Mr.______ a kindly wmadedhedreen era House ,Sundar evening at 8.30 whicb was pronounced by aIl as ir- Owing ta St. Paui's Gburcb Anni- tation off a mantel dlock <Normandy restible.versary being next Sunday the spec-P Mr. Rîce fittlngly acknowledged the the expectation that it wiil not in- A dainty buffet supper was serv- il niissionary collection in Trinity klnd words and useful gifla aflter whlch terfee wit chuâ sevicerog tesiven euchr eaand dapnc In tefee it curi erics. ed .by W. P. Corbett, caterer, during Chumch wiii flot bie taken tili Sunday, prgesveing as eamsIandaning. This musical -organization ecent- the intermission in the casas roonis December 9th. The ladie s served refrealiments whliail ly gave a Sunday night concert ta a Lptairs. St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church, enjoyed. Mn. Rice who bas bad a me- fuilboue i th ReentThetre Beoreresmingthe daninga crne TepernceandChuch ponsibie Position with tbe General fullbotateshinthe Rgm tesatey shorce rt su ivtendbningaconr. eM M.A.an , hrc St Motors of Oshawa, lbas been trnafenred Osaw, he tepreswsvr hotcnetwsgiv y Sgnoer ev.M. McDerment, MAmnihi1 to theln plant at Waikervllle. Iavish in itas praise of their efforts. Lamberti and Madame Scott Hanni- ter. Moning service at il a. ni.- Through the kîndness of a native of gan, two favorite vocal artiste Of Evening service 7 p. mi. Sunday i MNSES ERA Bownianviîle, Arthur H. White, wbo Toronto, who deiig'hbed their aud- Scbooi at 2.30 p. ni. MNSTRtRER is President of the Band, local citi- ience in solos and duets, their seîec- rnt United Church, Rev. J. U.1 On November 201h a company of zens are ta have the pleasure of tions încluding severai weiI known RiniPty uda evie:UntdCuc isrofheOaw hearng hese muscian Suday lasica andopeaticnumbers Thyil a. mn.-Rev. Arthur Bamner, Tor- Pnesbyteny convened for a "'Retreat" In night. were acdonipanied by Mrs. M. A. ionto, Supt. of Indian Missions, will St. Paulsa Chuncli, Bowmanville. Rev. A oletin il etaent d-Neal. John E. Griffith, chainman, pnesidlng. A hesccesollhe uction was' akn ade1gîve an address. 2.30 p. m.--Sun- After a devotlonal haIt houn the final fray expenses. due in laess meaths ue te the day School, speciai Missionary pro- theme off the proposed prograni "What deforts ofrtecmniittee ta th grami. 7 p. m.-The pastor wili ia God Like? was Introduced by Rev. ___efforts__ofthe___________ in charge P . J. Maxwell, Oshawa, and Rev. John consisting of J. E. Cunninghamî, preacb. Speciai music. E. Griffith, Blackstock, In 15-minute i hairnian, Mrs. J. C. Cairns, Ms. I. St. John's Anglican Cbnrch, Re. papens, followed by a discussion led by Watkins, Miss Grace Ca'rerly and J. R. J. Shires, Recter. Advent Sun- : M"rxwel rogh t te ubec apol J. ron.day, Decenîber 2nd., 1928. i a. ni. 1tîv note, a pensonal assurance ta Adm"On 2se. eo.ana ian

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