Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1928, p. 8

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VÂGIE EIGHIUNTDC RH Mrs. John W. Brant and sonl of OBSERVATIONS AND OPINIONSI Trno aedon Mr.E . at otwithstandifg the story of In the United hurch on Sun<a onSunday while motoring to Otta- W ol onedt h aeu h Diogenes in sarcastic niood search- ed a fine pre.Christmas sermononf Torontoofcouled on MN.tE. G. Betty ing with his lanern for an honet practical brotherhood, ieau1n want tutional Or orniflg R ev. W . P.poR ogers preach-- dagr,1 .Bwl n rn-o n o man, jnsinuating that such a one was from the old testament text,IA. Pak t cveEd2 n .,1 2 difficuit to find, there hs al yl my brother's Keeper"? , dwelling fo X hLCavBTUAYsth vitue tilBellive. Foep atanwiththi, Wh ismy nigh mvdfromi their home at Ngwcast- mian (page 2). The telephone and benm- oet ntewrdadasao tr ftego La h u leae coe M s fu E CASTLE P BL C SCHOOL O I U R htesu tlls rie. o n rta n t textth ors ofte So en unshi aoefr h teoa d a S tacciteets thWASTEteapoe E en cha honeksthgorl and oraspcn try of nthoo a in leonthe-Lake temporarily and tak- tepbiarcley related and NWATEEECSSsacafw wesaolti oadtniaigwt e 1 COMMENCEMENT EECSS etmn ettewrso h e n up er a o e frte w tr a emtuIn.al intte e t el M oS m e J usof usleC uc lrad o ,f r n rs o o , In sn s e h v Drtymuch as a niaitter of course. Miss Bertha Cowan ententr e Ernie Aldread, and a pupil Of Misslit unto one of the least of th1ei m We eldm tinkof the 15,000 train- number of her fiends on Satunday One of the inotipratad Samiuel Jones, centenarian of Du.r- Elizabeth Hancock's rooni at schoolj brethren, ye have donc it unto4!e ed men and women of this coTnpany evening. widely attended anulafiai an ony h nOtober 5th found a dollar bil. Wyntke h dns iected the attentn and the wonk they do. These advts Mr. and Mns. H. C. Higginboth&in, Newcastle is the annual scho ol com-in- Cut woo taeyou ight behind the scenes, the Cobourg, were Sunday guests of Mr. mencement. Owing to length Of celebrated his iooth binthday, passed it? Who could identify a lest dol- I f the congegatiTn to the scia LI 1... J first ecplaining about puting a tele- and Mns. D. J. Galbraith. prograin, the public and high sehol aayThnsoffoembrichet ar Bt nChcae th oit1service nk s of the cchisg H o k ytn hn er dt will f ol o u elntheyf. Mrc f eb, rnto, was anek-this year. after the celebration his health be- might conie enquiriflg for it. How-Jand its membens can help. story of other branches and depant- end guest of Mn. E. C. Batty. On Fiday evening the usual large ga ofi n ecuh odevnn n aet ami n 0Ie h ng peo the cvnn h asrnspket m e n t s t e e t d p r e t , f i n d 1 h c e s l e n h i e t .i t w a s e v e n t u a l l y n e t u r n e d t o l i t t i h o n e p e f t e c u c , p r metswhehgotomaeupth wn- Anthr o Pctre Cmmriyand relatives fo thevae and 1 heyar 1820 Mr. Jones' Chuckie who perhaps is 6 or 7 'ar ticularly the teen age boys, shon it to in "JHallareshof o uroing conr ee freely ad- grandmiother emignated with hier five of age, with the suggestion that hie how TatRnea n ... Skating Boots derful phone netwonk and service Halaesoig"Ri Tin Tin" from villageaners ad .S which makes i possible operat Steel", Saturday, mtedioth auditorium of theifatherless sons, John, Robent, Wil- open a bank account with it. Ths work can help thenignow into 700,000 telephones. Tnuly the tele- vemben 24th at 8 P. ni. comitdinto hal. Tecar im amsadHmhrey and he did ,fon when the Penny Bank tnalrud men. In addition ' onesothae.Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Ohi, are occupied by Major H. W. Dudley,1 their families fnom the county of opened in the public sehool lst te ga,ro music by the choir, Ms Women5 SkaingfBots, lack.- vstiflg her uncle, Mr. Fennando Charinan of the School Board. 1 Fenmanagh, North Ireland, and land- week, Chuckie deposited the dollar Grace Bnagg sang a solo, "Buildin" caif n kaie suppotastrackFAM SL Perrin, and her cousins, Mrs. Wel- opening exercises were conductedied in Port Hope in Durham County. te his credit in the bank. Another which fitted in admirably withth Aaf nlespo t n t l AMSSLingtoný Farrow and Miss Jean Per- by Rev. W. P. Rogers. Humphrey, the father of Mr. Jones, case: A high school boy in the vil- sermon. At$3.50'N A pretty Maple Leaf dance by the with his wife and childrefl settledilage lestadlrbiletwkan _______ Wilfrid Sandenson, Enniskillen, Neýwcastle United Church Sunday smaîî pupils, gaÏbed in spotless in the t(wnship of Canke and after with mr faith than iost of us, Mises'SkaingBotswit anle aspurhas<I hePotten Fanm of School will hold its annual Chistmaslwhite. E. Hancock's prim- eihtyMr sojourn in Canada, on pinn e oiei h otofc Misspport es ,it nle hspucaedteof Miss eGelen ws atet e he nherti honthty ofsT supprtssize 1 t2.7 18aon , ontheCaneinaDa raling, DrecEnerme lt onPleiaereveary room wa &first number on an the 5th of Octeder, 1828, Samuel making known his loss. Hlis faith in Co., Toronto.ede. At intealdigte evening east end of the present homestead well fouddfri wsntln Bos okyBos nide can- L. S. Disney, Oshawa, duing the Mr. A. A. Clwill neturned on a h e pnizes were presented te sucess Around it the entire record of his before he had the pleasure of hav- Radio Season Boy' Hcke Botsinssumer ecane Wne oftheFrak udayfrortheNelOntariof mheeof u wa s by their generous donors. lif e circles. He was manried in 1855 ing his dollar nteunned te him. vas supports and straps, Gtbofn f20 acres, north of1 has been pesonally selling and an- A chan.mng 'Swedish Folk Dance" te Miss Maria Fitzpatrick of Co -_______Ra_________ gienbftegilso te10hougaofhs nonwa lesd -until Spring. If you areinnd A $.0 ayo, hihhe intends usîng for' nanging f appeîdlecrp. tem&liat noomsunderthe diectio Men's hocke y Teaoena sat ae ee .Gorges bucb Rv. . . . asn te re titthecidrn1Smuat home, igtegt asetthis faîl, iak a sommer home. bss S It rp ;mdat o,,Igt e il a. esina oke heaov ea sat alswMeG or's g ray er. 230 reMstrastion. pr fVacuer . ilamo oulachic oelaowinas te the At$.O put tbrough by Theol. M. ShenionJames NwovleMr.JnspSt , Rector. Sunday, Nvm The boys of Principal T.A.Rd eea cnobcmeprptyn ,uctineer and Real Estate Agent, ber 25tb: 8 a. .-Hel o mm no.gr :en ae iePysclC er husband on August the 23nd, U Y DY oua oes oig t Enniskillen. p.11 Sna aol . m.-~ Miss Rosa Cowan, Higb School, 1927. evdma. Men's Black Hockey, reinf arc- P.dehigbted er appreciatve.audience The funeral was held frein the I o .l.ttiko u edankles, very streng Uie hrb Rev. W. p. Rog- Evensong. eihe e prcav udneiec oSnayftno. A t $4.75 ers, B. A., Pasten. Sunday, No- Front fences will soon be a thinglwitb a harmonica solo"Taesfrei atereidece n undy ftenon.st oue-inonth n o buyin vebr25-Anniversary Sunday. ofte past in the village. Mn. Hoffinan", accompanied on the 1a. m.-~Mioning Wership. 2ý.30Rt. Cowan, Miss M. Mclntosb and piano by Miss Mason. ,.nox's Shoe Stor m.-Sunday Sehool. 7 P. im.- Mrs. Gee. P. Rickard removed theirs i An item of unusual interest and U TO SALE Rdofoisien K o ' h eSoe Evening service. Rev. Alfred i ast week and thus improved the ap- a new f eature this year was theAUTO Room Radio. Ganie, .D LLD. Pesdet o iaac o h jpoeris Nora Coleman Oratorical Contest. Fyiday, Novomber 3Oth-~Auction W pcaiei ai Poe10 Bwnnil Em atbetbchunc eTrvices. lladTning hol at Bowmanvith e an n Telsimicnantion pce n aeo ar tokadipeets epeaeralz oead have the finest equipnent et Phnp2rBw aVl eammauel ollegrh rie s oot. wlAmoTring ho atin th anil'a- iiaocontest held previeus- property of Chas. Stephenson, Lot more the absolute necessitY Of side of Toronto for testing st preach ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ly. The audience listened in amaze- 29, ocsin3 Dalington, 14 POE Y AEadeupe'.Poeu fyu Ail grocers sell Creani of Barley. are Alva Roblin, Stanley Rickard, ment and admiration te the dlean, Cmilesiort nf orc. Saea Elizabeth Hancock, Principal T. A. convifcing and able manner in whih mil o o k. L n h r i e or and ROea h d y bnin A ew at- sn e eds aent i Pon si IRodge. iRV. W. P. Roesl1n hs xneil otdu rtr those froin a distance. See large - -er n e o e o he s f h ia d o i ients as w el as ld to O u r' shop la open every e en attndlie a oe f te taf. av vicetethir des nd pi- ui. 0 aoa visit, look over our stock, ha Rememiber the High School Coni- ions, which cmae aoal Our RegisterOd OPtomotrit ig e invite you to makeu miencemieTitExercises in Cormnunity witb many a ipaliamentarian dis- W. aw, F. O. MasR.Montcel-,h'iférn stsad pe Halon Friday evening this week; course. The winners of the Nora Aucoertioneermpare rk. presentation of pnizes and awards iColemnan awards were: lst-Edwin fo oernaii cmrete and and geod prograni including a plyHncock, who spoke on, "~Our Flag";. EXAMINATION cuea r htdiffeent ets adir- Main Street bas taken on an evenliSafety Club". Extra prizes were WatAoJeou Eo? euHERMuOrNude e h mrprseusaspect than be-Itgiven te the remaining four parti-DoYuKw lgtnt byeas e fore, snertetnnfemais cipant, Ruth Honey, Margaret ByDon't guess-Dn't put off. you te f eel free te coine and o fofe i the m t hrdanfre taon ITems, Muriel Shaw and Harold De- By formerly nun by William Jamei:line. The udges wer Principl Agets fr gparet an son, into Mellow's attractive and H. Johnsten ,Miss Nellie Montgomi- PutyApe n ol CnutOrOtmtitTdy phico, Strinherg-Carlson ad lenterprising dru.g store. ery and Mr. C. C. Bruntoii of Bow- At Fair Prices Westinghouse, manvilie Public School.Pons Sa r t- eve wod rcev- hons:R. M. Mitchell & .0 Empire Sales Co Mn.dChas.Higbeeecevdwr Folowing is a ist of thosereiv Soap improves with age aturdy tàat bis son, Mr. Jack, n rfce.yp Itgehrwt owavle 3 Hibeo okvle a ogiteningepr fncY rsantother n- t omnvhe25Druggists and Optometrista Go.I.HlC.ERodo "Do you know what you have a Higbee of Coksviewa te g Ithnme o dos nthehe n oronto: Tinity 3949J Ont o es 25ll an. 265 te ofte C o vie Br k Co - Reta Powell, First Book-$5. 00 in Address: 274 Augusta Ave., BowmanvileOn.P o e 25 ad 26 man? Ha ho adopted propr to fteCosil rc on odb .O'akr s f g a d in h n ln of m l V n l a P r a t l o p pany*s new plant near that city. A rchie M artin . W riting, Jr. R o in T oronto. 47-4w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ safgiirdita andng ! mlk Violi Pue Cstie Sap See "Arnold Ges Inte Business", -Book by Miss G. E. Hancock. Our a~ usinss s beng on-the prizewinfing play ini the Dram- Ruth Honey, Second Bok-$5.OO Otantl* b i e.s Keing pcn-Cks 5 atic Contest recently, gîven by Eb- in gold by W. F. Rickard. ,tn]lEpovd einpalle9 keny5 enezer Dramnatîc Club, in the S S. 1 Evehyn Aluin, Int. te Sr. Roon- withprogess as nstaled anyHall, Unitedl Cburcb, on Wednes- 1 $5.00 in gold by J. H. Jose in ni- appialiCes te protect the public's b a 9 aNv 8hudraupcsO r flt tpe oe healh. ur mder macin-Mrs. A. Cowan's group of W. A. 1 Florence Spencer, Int. Room, ery and painataking methods in- Admission 35e and 15c. music prize for original melody te If u a e sure saf e mlk for yeur f amlly. Our' customers profit by oui' Annual meeting of the Childnen's Igiven words-Ukulele by Miss H. A. Thriere's ta difference i n e. purchasing in quantities. Aid Society of Northumiber'land and1 Mason. Ohrer s a te supple in t on. Durham will be beid on Friday, No-1 Jean Rickard, Third Book-$5.OO vember 23rd at 3 p. mi. in St. Pet-I by Principal Thos. A. Rodgen, for( a l (I E()HA VILL AIIT Jury & Love il erningthe work of the pst year C a natd a pL itd itou e~ K.INO S. wîllbespregsented, officers elected for Margaret Seules, Entrance Ex-L fe 1~o l chl e PHO NE 4 G We Deliven Phone '78 tbe ensigyear and such ether lam L NewA . tleF.nt&- .O by KIN S TDurb nani dge a . F. & A-$. 00. work done as may be necessa y amie Wright, Entrance Exams., ra penord n aionste n ed NeWcateSho- O yDrYou are entitled to a Service which only ated h mein.Lodge, A. F. & A. M. commenced when your policy was issueci ahi Acodialintaeteien is xtended e csl col$.0 uhmd M IKfor chihdren t tendtemeig Fred Cowan, Canadian Histony, Come and bringa friend. Ent. Exams -$.00 by CanadianI Do not feel that because you wish to avait __________________________ IClub, Bowmanvile. by URYGorge Buckey, Arithmetic-$5. yourself of our service it will be necessarYo byBJIT.W.RYil. to take on further life insurance. Our whole Mrs. Walter Couch, Newcastle 1 Jean Rickard, Good Cnut idea is to be of the greatest possible servie Thewhlecomuit ws emOw Audney 'Benathan, Vera Brown, to you, freely and without obligation. C or ina d Lrikenon hurda niht astonLloydYong and Chanlie Brereten, V alues T hat Co nn anaknikngon thursayengtledathonCommencement Posters-$.00 te Mrs. Water Ceuch in the Generail lat, 50c each te 2nd, 3rd and 4tb;D o Y u Kw A tte tio nItakn i hase th Suday reviusiy Hopita, T ront, whre$1.50 by 1.5Bby arardoffduEducati 1.0onoO$100o ta e inhase te Sudaypreiets EwinnHancock, Public Speaking hon the hope of saving hrlf.Se E (1) How the profits f rom your p)olicy mnay AtDliks fC us ad been iii for about ten days prier $.0fonNr oea eay te Dthis but no onerse ni tte h Jean Rickard, Publie Speakng- be arranged to secure the greatest benefit ? tnon em ore $3.ui00 hw aol eie 2)Hw yu peetpliismyb rea lzed ta t hen illness wàs bof $3,00 by Rev. E. R. James. aserious nature, and no n was1 Margaret Toms and Ruth Honey, ()Hw yu rsn oiisna Mens NavyBlu Al W ol erg Sits sigleor prepared foi the saddeing news f Public Speaking-Each a bok by madr to fit irito a program hich will cover double fbreastedmiodels, worth $24., ona. pneunigBoard f Educ iro.loeneevery finnc L.d need ? Dilc' rie$95 The funena1 on Sunday feno Spencer's age receiving a prize for (3) How you can provide a guaranteed DilcksPic 19i>om ber late nesidence, haîf a mile I compositig an original melody, witb thyicrefryu eeiir Men's Navy Blue Overcoats or Tweed, differenet of Newcastle, was one of the n te uscltanngta htMont nanefryu1bnfcay nagest seen in this community for given ber in school by Miss Mason colors and styles at very low prices, yeas. Bot deceased and her Bad- I ast year, and hearing another of(4 -o yuca arng anionefl $12.95, $18-50, $19-95, $22.50 oIeyetesv ail onc i ss an muiving lsRosayourself at age 60 or 65 ? whicb were nepresented in largelpretation f a musical gem froni the These and other vital questions will be Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, Shirts or Draw- numbers at the funeral, many beingi lassics on bier harmonica, ser'ved te nwrdupnrqet Clarke and many more froni Bow- are missing much and tbe commun- ers........................ 9c ron th vilag an tonshp o I nipasie te felig tat he upis asweed ponreqest 65c and nîeved onfeteo< Eilbeck wortby Papers are available. Be Wl- ~V Childrefl's Rubbe's .................................pn'e. Here tbrougb their joint, sre and see theni stmte» Men's Work Socks, Reg. 'Oc for 39c lbus their good management, and 1hefuly ven. )et w t gOCO> Ail Wool l their unceaaing industry tbey madecee'y< 'o - ~~~~~~ a~~. fine home for theniselvsadgow- ;?O-~ _______-" ~~.f* n. q~~~, w~~hot am y.And 00w the home i JHAsrnty. s<6 .. ILiut mothen! Decease-d was J H* 'nth* A. _ILI a zealous member of The Woman.'s Concson St., Bowinanville l"'o\,<C'&0 ___ Association of the United Churcb in .' an Dviio Sret, owanileNewcastle, a good neighber, a true Phone 431 KigadDvso9tres omnil belpmate and a deveted mother. She will ha greatly missed in many ways.'

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