Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1928, p. 6

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PAGE 811THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928 DL ~ARMISTICE DAY SERVICE OBITUARY PONTYPOOL ORONO RhuIflaiSnif nfo AT NEWCASTLE Hen-y Joblin, Nestleton (Intended for Iast week) I(From The Ne-ws of November 15th) £ato a u e1 The people of Newcastle and vie- Fatrs Rib ady eeig rE. . d en Gof Mis- Viola Gifilan, Toronto, was inity , stirred by the recolections of A faithful toiler in the M s e' o b a d S c e a y E . F r e f h m e e t y 18, ro e w d b atato h f 1 1- Vineyard in the person of Mr. Henry P terboro Presbytey Epworth Leag- Mis H l n Wa d l of o o to P l anr m p c d b y a d e s i r e t o p a y J o b l i n , N e s t l e t o n , p a s s e d a w a y o n l u s d r e s d l c l y o n e p e l h o ms p e T h n k s i v n g a t h o e t r ib u t e t o t h e m e m o r y o f t h o s e w h o O c t o b e r 1 5 t h a t t h e p a t r i a c a l a e s ,re f e r e c e d lr eo ga n i n g a L a g e M r.s a n r s W Fa n k e aof T e o r o n t o a She off ers her healing herbe laid down their lives in that terrifie of 84, w en hie closed bis ey refto ....... -orga ui r of e î e e s hoia s n T ro o re e ty to stop suf ering strUggle of mankind, anxious to the earthly and ur faith says, D>I00 Pbi Sho tfselt ma ndas rk hi prcito fte a-ee he oteHavny eIThanksgiving with her parents at Miss Lillian Cutteli of Toronto, wbre ngmer ws su( resIdi rfces of those yet living who served had been waiting a long time in the Manvers Station.... .Mr. and Mrs. visited bier cousin, Miss Aima Cut- wer usng erb suessuliy. From and fought in the war and purpos- vestibule ready to be admitted into Win. McCarty, Mrs. W. J. Hodso te. talhe r ene eal rsometsn ing in their hearts to live for that the Temple of the Lord. His eYe- and daughter Marjorie, Lindsay, Mi s prin Diekso ofTorot copddGallagher caned erba secretsa world peace for which rnany died, sigbt recently became very dim and Mrs. Thomas Brisbin, Yelverton, and University, sette hldy a compounmde GllaHs Hraous de- came out in large numbers to the ilbe so longed to bc in the land of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Asbby, Peterboro, home. hoRemht ele His fauffidey Armistice Day services in tbe cbur- clearer vision he would often appeal were recent guests w#h Mr. and' Mr. John Milison and sister, Miss frRdyh elpem an ufee ches on Sunday morning and to the to bis Heavenly Father to take bim Mra. Wm. Miller, New Park. . .. Mr. Eleanor, Toronto, were home re- This fine, tiiiie-proved remedy. drawn comrnunity service in the hall in the borne, and although the caîl seemed and Mirs. Jas. Malley were visitors i cently. from the heart of Nature, hieals and evening. to tarry it came at last. His Toronto en Friday .... Glee Club of i Mr. Horace Limbert, Toronto, vis- cleanses kidnys. Quirkl ' stops l'nek- In the United Church Rev. W. P. prayal- was heard and now he is in Carscadden School Section had aI ited his~ sister, Mirs. R. H. Brown, ache, (ljzzjfesand other nagging kidrîey Rogers conducted the congregation, that land that knowvs no feeble old fine partY on baîîowe'en ..Mr. and recentîy. and bladder ailments. Try itl For augmented by many visitors, through age, but eternal youtb. Mrs. John Roacb and daughters, Mr. Harry Mercer returned asat sale by 31 the order of service approved for use He came to this country in 1874 Orono, spent Sunday at Mr. Jas. by Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian from that beautiful garden of the Curtis' .. .. Mr. Richard Fowler was week witb a fine deer froni the nortb JURY & LOVELL, Bowmanville and United Churches. The choir!sea, The Isle of Wight. He was home from Toronto over last week- countryv. ______________________ sang at the opening of the service,iborn in the village of Boncburch not end. . . Mr. W. J. Clark, M anvers Miss Louise Cowan of Toronto,l 0 Canada, and after tbe sermon a far from the town cf Ventnor. He Tax Collector, and Mr. R. H. :Lc- %vas bomne at hier fatber's, Mr. Geo. .mixed quartet, Messrs. Harold and became a blacksmith and while bis Bride, Manager of Bank of Toront,, owan, recently. Howard Allin and Misses Beatrice bammers were ringing a merry tune Bethany, were at the Hotel Latonia Miss Greta '%artyn, nurse-mn-train- and Grace Bragg, contributed a spe- on the anvil, bis mmnd, no doubt, was, Friday wben many residents "ettled ing at Nichols Hospital, Peterboro, cial number. Iote thinking of a certain hand- their dues witb the township and was home recently. IflRev. W. P. Rogers, making use of; some young lady who was a scbooli Whthereb ae n a cn.....b te b corn bc, of old ori McCrae's well known poetic master-1 teacher in one of the scboois nearby. Miss Jean MeLean spent Sunday new growth, it nîust yiold to Hol- 76-cent tbottl.I1Pl.mant otake piece, In Flanders' Fields Vinade al We might say she stili looks bonny,wihercunMsVadBrle lo ysConRmvr aa IstntIncio t 2r hn masterly plea that we lay more1 having celebrated bier 79th brtbday at Orono. . Miss Ella Wright is borne M.adMs ak Lih nc ofOod. efee.Brnhi . Mr.stress on JheNove name waof ofCod Rlev robtiCru srsso teTorch than wehave inon Nvmber l3th. Her nin aftrvstns Caa...Ms Richmond Hill, visited at lher fat- "PIn"' and Pneummo is. ms tut- the past. It is right and fittinglJane Vincent Corben whom hie mar-I Thonpson, Toronto, la visiting be her's, Mr. George Mitchell. tatedt]2rosa. Bu1"Buokisy'". thaOw remember our dead heroes ried in 1870 and bef oie leaving thelfdaughter ,Mrs. Ber~t Richardson .......r rdLriaTrno n by &Bl druggitt and gumranta.d to honor and charish their memoy Isle there was born to tbem their Mrs. Weston Hutchinson and d augb-,M.Fe ormnTrntad W. IL Bnck[4, Lmt&t auheEi. hrl fe ters, Bethany, are vlsiting the forai- Miss Loreen Lorriman, Fleetwood, 142 Mutuel St.. Toronto 2 te lay fiowers ln remembrance, to daughter, Esie. Sbortlyhamte -~ I pot forget the "Poppies". But it' they came to this country er's mother, Mis. John Kellett. spn.hnkg.n a.oe IRUUCKLzy / is more important that we take Up and landed in Bowmanville where Rayrmond Bottrefl and Robt Gray bad Messrs. James Gilfillan and Alli- bd à IX1TuniE W the "Torch" and live for the causelthey remained for a short time. successful auction sales last week. . son Cowan, Toronto University, Ac" Ia a 0«)- for which they gave their lives, toj1 Then they went te Tyrone .. . Mr..W. Boles, Toronto, purchas- spent Thanksgiving et home. a gnde sép provu Il 317) keep faith with tbem, carry onweele worked at bis tirade ed a consigninent of the famous Misses Jean Moore and Annabtoîl from where they left off and te helpi for some years witb tbe late George Manvers potatoes on Tuesday from MacKay of Cloborne, were recenti 75c AND 40e la every way we can te promote Emerson. They moved bo Nestlet- Mr. Wmn. Webb .... Mi. Walter Me- guests at Mr. J. R. Cooper's. _____________________ lasting peace within the state and on 50 years ago. Lean attended the 48th Highlanderl Miss Mary Knox, Kiacardine, and -througbout the world. Mr oln-a edro e banquet la Toronto Friday evening.lMiss Kathleen Staples, Port Hope,l Rev. E. R.James andRev. W. P in aI whaga ta lader fr r nht-Ail grocers sali Cream of Barley. Ispant the holiday at their homes G ive it fair Play Rogers took an equal share in con- j eousness, as a Sunday School work- Every brancb of farm work, farrI here. ducting the evening service i on er few were bis equal. He knewl machinery, stock, etc., bas an expert Mr. Allan Thrasher, on the Hamil- Why flot decide NOW to give munity Hall, and associated with bis bible andl could repeat from mem- writeî in the Family Herald and ton teacbing staff, and Mis. Thrash- ZUTOO Tablets, the remedy 80 general- theni on the platform was Rev. A. ory many of its precious truths. Weekly Star ,the recognized firSt er, îecently visited Mr. George Mit- }y mcd for hecalt a fafr Und sqUarO G. Emmett, M.A., Rector cf St. While at Nestleton and afterward at writers ln Canada. chell. U*?John's Anglican Cburcb, Port Hope, Cosarea, he was ever la bis place ___________ _ _ Mir. Aady Somerville and fmiend, If there la any doubt la your mind who deîivered the message for the at cburch and sehosol. A Master in Toronto, spent Tbanksgiving week- ne to theworth of these tablets or cf theirocainIsalbsfle cabeadof r.adtbsfth'sMrT.WSe- harmlemno.a, try them and KNOW theoccso.Ire a alncnb ado r n tbsfte',M.T .SM bt The service proceeded accordingi Joblin. As he witb bis sturdy erville. Don't sacrifice your oemfat onte-tte the (printed sheets which were strokes would shape the horseshoe on - i Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Cobbledick ofe prejudice or skeptlcism2 Try the placed in the bands of those present the anvll se that it might belpi the 1 and daugbter, Miss June of Toronto, tablots and know. 25C ai~ deaiers or by and which contaiaed the byhs3 te beast tover the slippery places wblle . spent Thaaksgiving et Mms. D. F. puallropald. B. Ne Robinson & Co. 23rd Psalai for responsive ein at work, se ln preseating the Sun- Wash's. Lg&d.Ceatcook, Quebec. and other matter for the guidancei day Scbo ol lesson bis aim was ever MrWatrJConhofLsrd of the worsbippers. ite celinch tbe points tbat would give -Mr.idWpotofe, J.corners or e block Midwy i th sevic Re. E R.sure fo.oting te the young who were soeiguahrnssopnte Midwy l th sevic Re. E R.then passing over tbe slippei.y paths laoenguahrnssopite James read the naines of those New- of youth. We can remember an old Main St. :Zto castle men wbo gave their lives fori time revival held at Cosarea by Mr. W. C. Cowan bas moved into king and country in The Great War Miss Dinadale and how in those ser- sP(>ULTIW towa occupying bis residence, form- and_.wfhose naimes are recorded on a vices Mi. Joblin was one iof the fore- er______James Walsh ComrconSt. t memorial stone in the inside en- most workers. lUryrh 5 M~t-Ul~svmGLM hrh. eRcab fHmttn n tranç?e of Community Hall. I 5pwradteInpellient andsrit a-u oum soq o'...dur fittiag that once again they be re- ural way that he would appeal te the uc.*.. . Messis. Addison and Har~old and Mm-s peated here: A. B. Bloomn, E. A. Almighty that bis power migbt be Rickaby of Toronto, receatly visited HTE T O ,Cusn .C omrd, W. W W. g rb aet adp. Thergsosd complishedtheir sister, Mis. C. A. Chepmaa. sonG. . Hward W.W. oseW. rea hel. Te god acomlised Many mothers have reason te bless E.Lockhart, D. L. Law, G. H. Nod- in those services still i'ves and will Mother Graves' Worm Extarminatorl WMOMEN OIF en, 0. W. Parker, G. E.Simxnons. I through ail tiiae. l In religion he _ b;cause it bas relieved the iteou In memry oftheirvaloi and ac- ws a Mehodis, in olitis a R- lofsufferingan 4etmhaly! M O L ! rifice and ail it meant and still former of the scho.ol, thougb ne ma r n Mrs. William Underwood M D L C means, the congregation stoo.d for was more tolerant, sympathetic and - of Toronto, and ber sisters, Miss Al- two minutes la silence ,as others ahl charitable la bis relation te ethers ma Foster and Mrs. Stanley of Nip- Mni. Goodey TeJI« 1L, . ever the British Empire bad stood than ha. la ail those years be was I7 igon, spent Thanksgiving at Mrs. wit Piklim' '~ itb bowed heads at 11 o'cleck in unswrma n i oyalty te the Jas. ~ Huater's. mmwfi % h sCOmnfd the xnorning. Rev. A. G. Emmett great cause of Temperance reforni. ( __- Mr. Relph C. Ellis, principal of a teck as a hasis for bis theughtfuIl His voice, vote and prayet- was evai M Continuation School la Western On- Byemcer, Aberta.-The Change and beait probing sermon the ques- lifted for- prohibition. Ha ever___ tarie, and formerly of the Orono of Life was the trouble wMt me and I tiens cf Moses and Joshua respect-icontinued a reeder and student. À (~~I High School staff, spent the holiday wasrun-down, thin. ively, as addressed te the hosts Of1 The fuaeral teok place ýOn October a ~,\- t Mr. J. E. Lorriman's. and weak and could Israel, "Wbat mean ye hy this Ser- l7th, and if fioweis express the good-I Sens of England Quartet, comn- net aleep, had a vice"? "What nisan ye by these wi4o1rad,1i)uthv bl i rsngMsis yanRll m por pptie ud Stones"? and aptly and applePri- high place in their iands and hearts *ichl Coi ayo1ad Rg could 1 aet uc teyaple teioth reetfeor the casket was banked with them So far- Sutton, sang et tbe cburcb enniver-, wor. Iarntakng time and occasion. "Wbat meanl and a number of beautiful-wreaths iIsiye amsSnaadwr Lydia E. Pink- yeti mmra erie?"ha aya Cdu udaadwr hams egeabe y b ths emoia Sevie"?"Watwere preseated by groups of friands, and yj given a baarty reception. 4.....:,» Cern e ndaow mrean ye by these memorials cf flOw- The servie waa held in the cburcb .J nhan os coi Mt eelIl an stnesandbriks ndmort- i where Rev. J. E. Griffith, B.A., bis 80 <ie b hr un, rs.M.JGry S'; ll~ woma.I sa' et- If they aiean anything theyj pastor piecabed, îeferring la a kind- ALI.* pmebyaiunMsM.JGry advrtse l t e a gratitude tinged with aonrow; 'ywye i iiat h rte 1ma a onb og Toronto, Mis. Taylor, Mm-a. Froom it meani ist t hebote and Mrs. Oke of Paterboiro, spent papersansid tried it they mean loyalty, unity, love and la bis iliness. Ha was laid te rest Distance and let hbu know Taksiigwtthfo e'spr and Lydia E. ~. goodwill te ail men, hope for a lust- ntebatflcmtr tNsi- I get bere ail right. Theaen hn, i .a is .M.Bing wt h oie ar- ham's Sanative Wasb. 1 have recoin- ing ýpeaca and e detemmination te ton. neither of us will ha woiry- nsMrad r.S..Bilg. mended t to a lot ef women friends." foster and premote peaca. It w as He leaives te moura bis lcss, bis* ing. It's wondeîful te beie Orono Public Libîary will ha open Mera.W.GODEyeerAi ageasemnahudglavg- good wife, bis daugbter Elsie, whol able te visit you like thig, thirea days a week be&inaing pa No- beta us thougbt and impressively deiiv- is aow Mrs. Richard Williams, and andl yet kaep' as close toucb vember 15, Tuesday, Thuisday and et-ad. There wes ne choir but with wbom she new lives, thirea sons, wvith home as if 1 were there. Satum-day afternooa and evening.A ____________Mis. L. M. Fisher preaided at th e George of Valentia, Frank of Janet- Wbat must it hava heen like lag.u0a >bok ra teba piano for the congregationel singing villaeand Leonard, wh'o residas on la the old ciava, hefore Long and latest authors will art-via la e anmd played the accompaniments for the bemestead, aise bis brother John Dstanemde lt osble?" few days. the mixed quartet, Mesrs. W. F. and wife whe reside on Scugog laPM- ndMss.W R-bmtr Rickard and Hareld AllinandMaM.and 11 lcete al o yu0dt.BbayenW.ere phMr ol A re e ou ~~~W. D. Bragg and Miss Hattie Mas-ln.IIplcth alfryu etoBbygnweeM.Rkh on whe lent their voices te the de- Servant of God well done, while yeu are taking cff joined a shooting party for Bot- votional uplift of the assemblage in Tyglros afrespst orwraps.» tom's Lodge on oaa of the notthera the sacred songa, "Abide wt eThe hattle fougbt, the race la won, "htwflblfn.Jutek ed Mrig. cma nied the.nA i tep R ea ~~~~~~~and "Let Hlm In", and also for Mr. And tbou art ciowned et lest. TawilbfneJutsk ndMsRgsacopidthmo R. W. Walton whe tbrilled his list- for our rmumber, 124, se l1il Feimelon Falls for the weekend. anars witb bis beritone solo, "The--- get the cheaper Station-te- W. M. S. autumn Thankofferingi Loird is My Light and my Savation". Station rate. Ia a couple ei service of 'Park Street Cburcb, heid OBITUARY as in the Stomiach dys'icaipagihte on November 7, was e success. Mis. eening. se 1 can have e few Rev. C. B. Carscallen of the Ontario I Tr ly angeous words with the children, tee. Ladies' Collage, Wbitby, was pies- Mirs. John alegOahaw The Evening Rate after 8M3 ent and gave a very inspiiing ad- 7ýGas, Pain, Bioatmag and a feeling la really very low." dresa on China, baer subject being Mis. John Bale of 111 Elgin St. of fuliness after eating aire almost "te oe' he".Siitr E., Oshawa, aged eigbty-five yeaîs, certain evidence of excessive bydno- adaTakfeigraigby MlsZ' died Tbut-sday, Novemhem- 8tb. She 1 chlerie acid in the stomach. Davy; vocal sole by Miss Helen 1ow bad heen a resident of Oshawa for Too much acmd iritates the deli- et-;piano duet by Misses Edra Be1 efficieacy. The sure relief that joints E the congregation standing withbhow- cernes wiil convinca yeu minoe than Joint-Easa limbers ap the joint s- ed heada. Duriag tha service the anytbing that ca be writtea. When la dlean and stainless and quick re- [I' orchestra played, "'Ask the Savicur h elp is se sure why sufer? This sulth are assured-Sixty cents a tuba bi A to help you", and Miss Helen Pow- ,matebless remady la sold by dealers et Jury & Loveil's and druggists aers sang in sweet veice "The Death-i evarywbere. everywhere. Iiless Armny".J RED ]ROSIE TEAis good tea" geci Rose Orange Pekoe is the best tea you can buy Il In clean, bright Aluminum Cook1 WhII. Tou DoU QUKRaTS AVIATION GASOLINE Did You Know? The world's longest Air Mail Route was re- cently opened, using undoped Sheli Aviation Gas- oline and Sheil Golden Oil on this flight of 8600 miles. Give this high grade, easy starting gasoline a trial in your car. You will be pleased with its per- formance. Sold by Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville Proved safe by millions and prescribed Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache by physicians for Lumbago Rheumatisrn rDOES NOT AFFECT THE HEAR'T Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. S c~ e- Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets LIebttîsa cf 24 and lOO-Dm-uggista. Aupirln la the tradle mark (reristered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mouocetic- acldiater of Salicylcarld (Acetyl SalcylIe Acld, *A. S. A."). WhiIe t in Weill kown that Auilrin means Bayer manufacture, to auit the. publie agiait Imitation@. the Tablu or BayerCompaywil habc a wlth tboir gnnat tradaM nrkthe Bayer Cosa..." ?AGI six

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